#thomas shelby moonboard
notyour-valentine · 2 years
Valentine's Writings ~ Tommy Shelby Masterlist
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All my writing is produced by an adult and created with an adult audience in mind (18/21+). You are responsible for your own media consumption. I do not consent to my work being translated, copied or posted elsewhere on this platform or any other.
I hope you enjoy and would be grateful for any form of feedback.
Multipart/ Series
Go tell the English (Tommy Shelby x Reader Angst) - completed
Tommy leaves the field hospital in France with nothing but a trinket and memories of the woman who had given it to him
The Boy in the Window (Tommy Shelby x Reader Series) - completed
(Y/N) thinks the boy her daughter sees in the window of the neighbouring house is nothing but a childish fantasy, after all, no one has lived there for years, but when she brings that boy to lunch, she realises that he is in fact very real, rather hungry and quite cold and above all- the son of none other than the infamous Tommy Shelby
Welcome to Downton, Mr Shelby (Tommy Shelby x Crawley!OC Series; Peaky Blinders/Downton Abbey crossover) - in progress
Their births, their families, their lives - their whole worlds could not have been more different, and perhaps that was why, when Thomas Shelby looked at Lady Charlotte Crawley, he saw more than her title, more than her looks- he saw an opportunity.
One Shots
Aboard (Tommy Shelby & Reader Angst)
During one of his house parties, Tommy stumbles upon someone who might know more of the world than he thinks, at least about the world he does not understand
An Understanding (Dad!Tommy Shelby fluff)
As an experienced businessman, Tommy knows that before long an understanding will be reached, even with the toughest of negotiators
Aristos Achaion (Tommy Shelby x Reader Angst/Fluff)
Tommy becomes intrigued with a scholar at the library Ada works at, even if he doesn’t know why, even if he sees no point in her work- that is, until he does
A better man (Tommy Shelby x Reader Angst/Fluff)
In anger, a young Tommy repeats the rhetoric he has heard at home too many times and immediately regrets it - or: the day Tommy decided to break the cycle.
A Christmas Journey (Tommy Shelby & Reader Fluff)
A Journey back from London in the Christmas Season with his secretary doesn't go as planned
A good man (Tommy Shelby & daughter!Reader Angst)
Tommy's daughter comes home drunk and upset from a night out. Tommy is more than happy to comfort her, not knowing what ruined her night.
A moment's peace (Tommy Shelby x Reader Fluff)
Tommy is desperate for a moment's peace
A New Year's Dance (Tommy Shelby x Reader Fluff)
It is considered lucky to dance in the New Year as the clock strikes twelve, but how about a dance a few hours later?
A secret, a fear and a hatbox (Dad! Tommy Shelby fluff)
With his wife away, Tommy feels more helpless than ever at the change of behaviour in his children
A thousand reasons and one (Tommy Shelby x Reader fluff)
After more than a decade since her parents had decided to leave Birmingham for a better life across the sea, she wasn’t sure just what she would return to
Because it's there (Tommy Shelby One Shot)
At one of Ada's parties, Tommy has an interesting conversation about the limitations of mankind
Blackberry Stains (Tommy Shelby x Reader Angst)
Some things lingered, like blackberry stains
Blighty One (Tommy Shelby x Reader Angst)
When Tommy gets hurt, time is running out and when his girl steps up, there's nothing he can do about it
Dance with me (Tommy Shelby x Reader Angst)
Three little words, a request with a great many implications
Delilah (Tommy Shelby x Reader Smutish/Angst)
During a party at his house, Tommy becomes enraptured by a beautiful little fool
Don't forget to smile :-) (modern!Tommy & Reader platonic fluff)
Tommy can't think of anything more ridiculous than the cheery messages the Barista keeps scribbling down on his to go coffee cups
False Idol (Tommy Shelby x Reader Angst)
Tommy and his wife have different priorities when it comes to their family, perhaps they've had different priorities for far too long
First Snow (Tommy Shelby x Reader Fluff)
Tommy is having regrets about Arrow House - who thought some snow might change his mind.
Haunted (Tommy Shelby x Reader Angst)
In the middle of the night, Tommy's wife seeks him out searching for his warmth and the comfort of his arms
His World (Tommy Shelby x Reader Fluff)
When Tommy wants her to join him in his world, she agrees, even if the thought made her skin crawl
Honesty (Tommy Shelby x Reader Angst)
He is the last person she wants to see at her engagement party, and his confessions are the last thing she wants to hear
I can't trust myself (Tommy Shelby x Reader Angst/Smut)
What Tommy wants and what he allows himself are two very different things, especially when it comes to her.
I'd do anything to make you stay (Dark!Tommy Shelby x Reader Angst)
At first little Charlie's caretaker has to leave, then she feels obligated to leave, then she needs to leave only to realise he'll force her to stay
Irene's Delights (Tommy Shelby x Reader Fluff)
After Tommy disappears from a party, she goes out to find him
Life is a Cabaret (Tommy Shelby x Reader angst)
Tommy feels trapped by an iron-clad arrangement with a performer that was of his own making
Lockdown Masterpiece (modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader family fluff)
When Tommy takes charge of homeschooling, it goes better than anyone could have ever imagined
No! (Tommy Shelby Angst)
The many times Tommy Shelby should have said no and the one time he wished Charlie wouldn't have.
On the Brink of Winter (Tommy Shelby Angst)
Tommy can't bring himself to join the fair and instead thinks of the summer he missed
Philopator (Tommy Shelby & Daughter!Reader Angst)
When Michael presents his offer to Tommy for a restructuring of the company, he mentions his daughter - after all, she is already involved, even if Tommy doesn’t know it yet
Pretty (Tommy Shelby x Reader Fluff)
They had written endless books, poems and songs to instruct men in the art of giving compliments, but somehow, in all of history, they had forgotten to teach them how to accept them.
Red Lies (Tommy Shelby / Reader Angst/Fluff)
When her brother's friend Tommy hides out in her home, him bleeding on the floorboards becomes the least of her worries as the police comes knocking.
Riot (modern!Tommy Shelby x Ex!Reader Angst)
Tommy's definitions of no strings apparently includes telling his ex which clubs she can and can't go to - so she goes to his to start a riot
The Head of the Snake (Tommy Shelby x wife!reader Angst)
Tommy returns exhausted from a BUF event in the middle of the night, and all he wants is peace. But he finds anything but.
The Prettiest Girls (modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader Fluff)
Who could know that a discussion about sexism and gender roles could bring such truths to the surface?
The Spirits that I summoned (young!Tommy)
Where Arthur sees danger, Tommy sees a quick way to make some money and use people's prejudices against them.
The Thing about Smiles (Tommy Shelby x Reader Fluff)
Smiles never came easy to her, and that was harder for some to accept than for others. 
They are all looking (Tommy Shelby x Reader Fluff)
During one of Tommy's event, his crowd shy wife gets overwhelmed.
Together (Tommy Shelby x Reader Fluff/Smut)
Tommy's wife gets bored during a weekend retreat with one of his many business partners.
To Measure Pain (Tommy Shelby Angst)
Tommy visits a home for injured veterans with a lot of money and a great deal expectations.
Solicitation (modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader)
Mr Thomas Shelby was the most aggrevating client she had ever seen, testing the limits of her professionalism.
Steady (Tommy Shelby x male!Reader Fluff)
 When (Y/N) can't figure out a mistake in the accounts, his stress and fatigue get the better of him. He didn't expect any help, least of all from Tommy Shelby.
Strawberry Red (Tommy Shelby x Reader Angst)
After two years, Tommy reunites with Grace, but the same things that once intrigued him, do the opposite now (possible continuation to Blackberry Stains)
Well Spoken (Tommy Shelby x Reader Fluff)
Tommy needs a little help with finetuing his speech for the House of Commons
x Milf
First Period - Shelby!Sister
modern! Tommy Shelby
As M'lady Commands
La Serenissima
Livin' for the Fame
The Last Dandelion
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imaginationlover101 · 3 years
Being in love with Thomas Shelby and being apart of the Peaky Blinders moonbard:💕
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notyour-valentine · 2 years
The Last Dandelion
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Simple and fresh and fair from winter's close emerging,
As if no artifice of fashion, business, politics, had ever been,
Forth from its sunny nook of shelter'd grass—innocent, golden,
calm as the dawn,
The spring's first dandelion shows its trustful face.
~ Walt Whitman
It is beyond cruelty that now, in the middle of this war within his family, this vendetta and everything else, Tommy's dreams are to be haunted with memories of that day years, whole lifetimes ago - of the day he set eyes on the last dandelion before he set off to a war from which he had never truly returned.
Created for @dandelionprints and her 100 Follower Celebration
Dear Aimee,
Congratulations in your milestone. I wish you endless fun with your celebration and I hope you enjoyed my contribution. I couldn't resist incorporating your wonderful username into it.
All my best, Val xx
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notyour-valentine · 2 years
Livin' for the fame...
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Singin' in the old bars, Swingin' with the old stars
Everyone knows which London clubs to go to in the hope of rubbing shoulders with the people that illuminate the silver screen and light up the stages on both sides of the Atlantic - not everyone knows who owns them and what risks and benefits a possible entanglement could bring...
Written for @shelbydelrey and her 400 Follower celebration. I am awfully ashamed of how little of your incredible writing I've been familiar with so far, but that way I have a whole catalogue of amazing writing for me still to go through and I honestly can't wait. So I hope I'm not overstepping with this contribution to your celebration, but the theme was just irresistable. I hope you enjoy this little scene I've set xx Val
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notyour-valentine · 2 years
Valentine's Gallery ~ Moonboard Masterlist
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[Masterlist] [Taglist]
Peaky Blinders
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Tommy Shelby
As M'lady Commands ~ prewar!Tommy Shelby x aristocratic!Reader
La Serenissima ~ Tommy Shelby trip to Venice
Livin' for the Fame ~ Tommy Shelby x Reader
The Last Dandelion ~ Tommy Shelby x Reader
The Birthday Girl ~ Tommy Shelby x Wife (Reader or OC)
Alfie Solomons
Provocation? ~ modern!Alfie Solomons x Reader
Ada Thorne
Turn to Page... ~ Professor! Ada Thorne & Reader
House of the Dragon
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You don't stop loving someone just because you hate them ~ Aemond Targaryen x Rhaenyra's!daughter reader
Delicate ~ modern!Aemond Targaryen x Ballerina
modern!Aegon Targaryen
modern!Aemond Targaryen
modern!Helaena Targaryen
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notyour-valentine · 2 years
Welcome to Downton, Mr Shelby (Tommy Shelby x Crawley!OC)
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[Overall Masterlist] [Taglists]
Summary: He was born on a boat, with neither of his parents sure of the date after the fact, unregistered and unlisted until he went to fight for his country.
Her birth had been celebrated with the ringing of church bells, champagne toasts and announcements in newspapers on both sides of the Atlantic. Their worlds could not have been more different, and perhaps that was why, when Thomas Shelby looked at Lady Charlotte Crawley, he saw more than her title, more than her looks- he saw an opportunity.
Expect Spoilers for Peaky Blinders as well as Downton Abbey S1 and 2.
Charlotte Masterlist for headcanons, questions and more (see here for more info)
Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~ Part 5 ~ Part 6 ~ Part 7 ~ Part 8 ~ Part 9 ~ Part 10 ~ Part 11 ~ Part 12 ~ Part 13 ~ Part 14 ~
If you are enjoying this series, why not check out this incredible moonboard by @runnning-outof-time that I am absolutely in love with. I was also honoured by @jaimesrighthand with a breathtakingly stunning moonboard including some wonderful quotes about this story!
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