somelazyassartist · 1 year
Trying to combat my headache by drawing silly little guys <3 anyways brothers will be brothers
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(for some context they have a petty sibling rivalry because they both do time magic, but Luric does time magic strictly for easing the natural passage of fate, while Thordir does time magic to rewrite events he didn't like the outcome of, so they constantly fuck around with each other's magic lmao)
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sashiria16lover · 7 years
Part 2
A moan filled the healing halls, and two little eyes slowly blinked open, revealing soft bright green eyes with gold flakes. She seemed confused as her eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight flooding the room. She looked around the room and noticed that she was not in the forest she passed out in, but in a soft warm bed, there were many beds in this room, but they were all empty. The next thing she noticed was her right arm. It was in a sling, carefully bandaged and secured against her chest. The pain that she had felt before was almost non-existent, though her head was still fog filled. She tried to sit up, but a wave of dizziness overcame her and she laid back against the soft pillows.
"You are finally awake child," a deep voice cut through the silence. She slowly turned her head toward the voice, blinking slowly to try and clear her head. She saw a tall slender male elf, wearing deep blue robes with silver designs, much like the night sky. She noted his deep silver grey eyes and silver hair. Her eyes fell upon the crown of leaves and flowers that adorned his head, "You gave us quite a scare," his words brought her attention to his handsome strong face, which a soft smile appeared when their eyes met.
She finally found the strength to speak, "Forgive me sir, but I know not where I am nor how I came here," her voice held the same youth her appearance gave but in the tone was a wisdom and intelligence that betrayed she was not as she appeared to be.
Oropher gracefully sat in the elaborate chair next to her bed.
"My dear, you are in the woodland realm, also known as Greenwood, and I am it's king, Oropher," he watched her closely to see how this information affected her. Her eyes widened only slightly with remembrance, so he pressed on, leaning forward ever so slightly, resting his arms on the arms of the chair, "tell me, what are you called?"
"Luriel," she answered, though her tone was that of respect, her eyes looked at him as almost an equal. Oropher could not tell if it was because she was a child or something else, but he did not voice his concerns, not yet at least.
"Luriel, a beautiful name," Oropher commented, leaning back into his chair, he tilted his head slightly, "tell me Luriel, do you remember anything on how you came to my forest?"
She looked down, "I got lost," was all she said.
He could tell she was still stressed from the trauma that she had experience, so he sighed quietly and slowly stood, "I will not press you for answers until you are well enough to talk, rest, you are safe here." he then turned, his robed fanning out as he did, and left the room. She relaxed a little and stared up at the ceiling, a million thoughts running through her mind. Quiet footsteps echoed in the quiet. Luriel slowly turned her head towards the door and saw a young female elf peek her head in. She too had long wavy golden hair and had silver eyes, but her eyes were much kinder and softer than Oropher's authoritative gaze. When her eyes found Luriel she smiled and walked in. She wore a grass green dress, with designs of leaves sown along the hem. Her hair was pulled back into a half ponytail which was braided, flowers woven in the braid.
"You have awaken, excellent, we feared you would not," she said, her voice soft like a summer breeze.
Luriel mumbled, "so I've heard."
"My name is Arieal, what is yours?," Arieal asked as if she did not heard Luriel.
"Luriel," she answered
"Luriel, I like it," Arieal said, looking behind her towards the door, "Thranduil, come she has awoken at last!" she called.
Luriel sighed, pulling the blanket in her lap higher, she was uncomfortable being the center of attention.
At her call, another silver haired elf came through the door. He looked like a younger version of the king to Luriel, but he wore a lighter blue robe with no designs. A silver diamond circlet lay on his head.
"How are you feeling little one?" he inquired in a rich voice.
"A lot better then I had, though how long have I been asleep, you are all acting as if you thought me dead?" Luriel inquired.
Arieal and Thranduil looked at each other before turning back to her.
"You were asleep for more than a week, you were so ill when we found you we feared you would not last more than a day or two."
Luriel's eyes widened in shock, "A week!" she looked away, "My mother will be so worried!" she cried in despair.
The elves looked at each other, each mirroring the others concern.
Arieal turned back to Luriel, "do not fear Luriel, once you are well, we will help you find your mother."
Luriel calmed at those words, but jumped a little at a pounding bang as the door was swung open suddenly and an even younger male elf ran in. He looked to be about the same age as Luriel, but like her looks were deceiving.
Thranduil appeared angered by the young elf's behavior, while Arieal look amused.
"Thordir!" Thranduil barked in elvish causing the little elf to skid to a halt just a few feet from Luriel's bed, "you do not barge into a room like that, I told you to wait outside!"
Luriel tilted her head in confusion, not understanding what they were saying.
Thordir sheepishly bowed his head and replied, "I wanted to make sure the girl was alright, she looked really sick when the healers carried her in here," he looked up at Luriel and froze when their eyes met. A small smile appeared on his face, Luriel couldn't help but smile too, knowing the little Elfling was being scalded for his behavior, and that amused her.
"Hello, my name is Luriel, I am guessing your name is Throdir?"
He giggled a little and nodded. Thranduil sighed in defeat as Throdir walked up to Luriel, and she continued to smile as they talked about the little things, like the birds outside singing or the flowers that
Bloomed around them.
Arieal smiled and grabbed Thranduil's harm and began pulling him out of the room, she whispered in elvish, "come let us leave your brother, he seems to make her happy,"
Thranduil looked back at the two little ones, and smiled as they slowly closed the door.
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staybendy · 6 years
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Ramirez, Shawn, Thordir and Hurit Singapore https://ift.tt/2RX2xuU
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ooo3dnru · 8 years
Bradley, Potros, Innostian and Thordir Bouvet island
Cardinal trillion masses in the Joined States see from Neurotic Ambitious Status (OCD). About multitude experience that naiant likewise helps turn their stance. That is other HUGE difficulty https://www.ocra-dg.org/programs/directory4/specialist8/ - ... Читать дальше »
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somelazyassartist · 1 year
Was scrolling through my binder of Hallows' family tree to figure out who I should add to my Artfight this year and I forgot about this dumb fuckin sibling rivalry lmao
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sashiria16lover · 7 years
Part 9- Eve of War
It had been a thousand years since the ambush. And Luriel had kept her promise and had visited Greenwood again once she had recovered fully. She spent most of her time home, leading her people, her mother was growing very old and could do less and less when it came to ruling. Her mother lived much longer then most skin changers, almost three times at long. She loved her mother dearly, and wanted to help in anyway she could. Her mountain home was beautiful this time of year. The mountain birds sang in the morning as the sun rose. Luriel was already awake and sitting atop her castle, though it was more of a manor than a castle. She was watching the sun rise. She wore a purple dress with silver flower designs. She sighed in content, Thordir sat next to her, having come to visit her this time. They had become engaged many months past, their wedding fast approaching.
“You were right, the sun rises are much more beautiful here in the mountains.” He sighed.
She smiled and scooted closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder, he wrapped his arm around her.
“Luriel, I have been meaning to tell you something….” He started, sounding slightly nervous. She leaned forward slightly to be able to look at him.
“Yes Thordir?” she asked.
“I-" he started but a loud screech interrupted him. They both looked to the sky and saw a white hawk flying towards them. It dove at Luriel, hovering before her. She stood suddenly and extended her arm, which it landed on.
“Ardenan! What news do you bring from Eregion?” she exclaimed.
Ardenan chirped softly and extended his leg, which a note was tied upon his leg.
Using her free hand she untied it. She read quickly, her face paling. She turned to Thordir, “Eregion is under attack! That Annatar betrayed Celebrimbor, I knew he could not be trusted, the Rivendell elves are there, but they need help!” Ardenan cawed in agreement,  fluffing out his feathers, before hopping off her arm and landing on the roof.
Thordir stood as well, “What are you going to do?”
“I must tell my mother, and we must go and aid them! Come!” she jumped off the roof, transforming mid air into a blue bird, landing at the door, changing back and ran in, leaving Thordir to catch up.
“Mama!” she called running up to her mother's room. Her mother was sitting in the robes, reading a book. She looked a lot like Luriel, just older, her hair grey and her face wrinkled with age. She closed the book and looked up at her daughter.
“What is it child?” she asked, her aged voice full of wisdom and knowledge.
Luriel handed her the note, which she read quickly.
“We must aid them!” Luriel said pacing restlessly.
Her mother lowered the note, “Luriel, we cannot risk our warriors to fix the elves mistake, they were a fool to trust that false elf, you even told me so. We cannot risk the lives of our people, the elves are on their own.”
Luriel froze in place and stared at her mother in disbelief.
“So we are to do nothing, leave our allies to their fate?! Would we wish them to do the same for us, I think not! We would want their aid! We wo-"
Her mother stood suddenly, “Enough! I forbid you from going and that is that!”
Luriel growled in frustrations then spun toward the door, nearly crashing into Thordir as she stormed out and towards her room. Thordir looked from Queen Thalia to Luriel, before following the latter. Thalia sighed and collapsed into her chair, burying her face in her hands, hoping her strong willed daughter did not do anything rash.
Luriel was storming around her room, rambling on in anger.
Thordir cautiously opened the door and entered her room, “Luriel?”
“I cannot believe her! Well I am not sitting here whilst our allies fight to the death.” She then grabbed a bag from the corner of her room and began packing some essentials.
“Luriel,” Thordir repeated walking up towards her.
“I will fly there myself if I have to, but I will not leave them to their fate!” she continued on over him.
He suddenly grabbed her wrists forcing her to stop and look at him, “Calm yourself Luriel, you are not thinking rationally.” He said.
She sighed, hanging her head.
“You are right my friend,” she slowly raised her head and met his eyes, “but I will not leave then to die without aid,” she said with determination.
“I know, that is why I am going with you,” he stated, surprising her.
“You do not have to Throdir,” she said.
He slid his hands from her wrists to her hands, holding them tightly. She looked down at their hands and back to his face. There was a soft smile on his lips, “I wish to accompany you.”
She smiled slowly, and suddenly embraced him, “Thank you Thordir, thank you,” she whispered.
He welcomed the embrace and brushed his fingers through her hair. She placed a kiss upon his cheek before moving away to finish packing, she moved to the window, opening it up, she smiled at him, “Coming?” and with that she slipped out the window, and headed to the armory.
They both were armored up and ready to go in record time.
“I will transform into something large enough so we can both fly there as quickly as we can,” she said as they left through the back. Thordir nodded as he followed. She crouched and concentrated. And transformed into a giant eagle. She turned with her wings spread slightly. Facing a stunned Thordir. She crouched, ready for him to hop on. Once he was on she took off in a couple flaps of her great wings. Thordir wrapped his arms around her great neck, exclaiming in shock at the sudden accent. She cawed in amusement before focusing on flight.
“So this is what is is to fly!?” he called over the wind.
She screeched in confirmation.
“You know if we were not flying into war, I would be enjoying this right now!” he said sitting up slightly.
She glanced over her shoulder at him, her worry and fear reflecting in her eye. They both knew the horror that awaited them, but they were ready for it.
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staybendy · 6 years
via Fitness News Digest – Female Fitness Models
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staybendy · 6 years
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Thordir, Mirzo, Roy and Bogir Sierra leone https://ift.tt/2u1H357
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ooo3dnru · 8 years
Varek, Ben, Jensgar and Thordir New caledonia
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