#those other shows that baited queer fans did irreparable damage to society i know that too i’ve been there. but we have to let it go lol
theblondehexgirl · 2 years
i’m tired of y’all accusing wwdits of queerbaiting!!! a show cannot queerbait if characters on the show are explicitly stated to be queer!! also if y’all don’t think these writers will follow through on nandermo at this point idk what to say cause as a writer myself it’s been very obvious for a while now. basically since season 2. and season 4 has completely and entirely confirmed that. we’re basically in a golden age of queer media rn where books, movies, and tv are going where they couldn’t explicitly go even a few years ago. so no, i don’t think these writers will just drop a narrative thread and a budding relationship that has been developing for four seasons. also, have we forgotten that the will-they-won’t-they romance is a sitcom staple. like, let’s put the thinkpieces down. it’s not queerbaiting. for the last time, nandor’s wives were literally all genders. laszlo and nandor had sex at the end of witches. i don’t need to provide any more examples lmao y’all get it and not to sound mean i am just super duper tired of hearing this when it is simply not true!!!!!!!!
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