#though I sometimes write fics set in V:LotD or that use its headcanons
vlotd · 5 years
pet peeve - noun, informal. something that a particular person finds especially annoying.
So, the time measurements in VLD bug the shit out of me. From a writer’s standpoint, “quintant” is just an awkward word to work with. Do I use “yesterquintant” for the day before? Ugh, I hate it. It’s such a bulky word.
But from a logic standpoint wtf up with this, VLD? These screens are from the first three episodes alone:
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Look, even the aliens used years and decades!!
It’s incon-freaking-sistent, and I noticed it on the second viewing of s1 (before s2 came out and gave us “deca-phoebs”). My original thought was that Coran used old Altean time measurements just because he was old-fashioned. But then it turned out that ticks/doboshes/vargas/quintants/movements/phoebs (I assume are months - the word month is never used but I’m extrapolating from the word for year)/deca-phoebs were pretty much Universal Standard.
Originally I tried to reconcile this as “well, you’d use things like ‘years’ when you’re on a planet to refer to the number of rotations of that planet around its sun; therefore Allura means she and Coran have been asleep for 10,000 Arusian years.” But that doesn’t explain the captured prisoners using it, or Coran using “Hump day!” right after quintant and movement. (I know, it’s for a joke, but still.) 
So in V:LotD, they’ll just use Earth measurements because I’ll already have established Universal Translator. “quintant” will be translated as “approximately one day,” etc. 
I know that they don’t directly translate: a quintant is actually 20 vargas and a varga isn’t 60 doboshes, etc. Thus the “approximately” part.
I could have them use the Galactic Standard consistently, but, as already established, I fucking hate it. xD Except tick and varga. Tick makes sense and varga is just nice to say.
Quintant can go die in a fire.
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