#though frankly I'd like to play with as many monsters as possible in this bloodstained sandbox
see-arcane · 5 months
Your 'Ghouls are Deaths hunting dogs' idea reminds me of the one guy who, when accused of being a werewolf, said that werewolves were the hounds of God who battled witches and demons. Anne Rice (yes, she of vampire fame) wrote at least two books with a similar premise (wolven shapeshifters that can smell evil and hunt only the wicked. The books are called 'The Wolf Gift' and 'The Wolves of Midwinter' BTW.)
Vampires VS Werewolves has always been a tasty concept. I could especially see a grudge happening in the Dracula canon, considering how happy the Count is to make slavering puppets of ordinary wolves and muscle them into danger and violence against their will. I've seen it done well in tons of monster mashing media, but it's kind of lost its flavor to me as a 'gimme' of supernatural horror.
But it'd be very fun to abuse the werewolf foe assumption based on 1) A lupine profile in the head and 2) Being seen munching on a corpse...
Only for the observer to realize that's a canine (even jackal or hyena-ish) head on those misshapen shoulders and that corpse it's ripping apart isn't a fresh kill. It's full of maggots. Or worse.
Dead, but not done being sentient.
Rest in pieces, Count de Ville. 🍽
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