#though i also may be missing things that ive just subsumed into my default picture of her over time that werent actually there in game
styxnbones · 1 year
Cass Briar 2023 Patch Notes:
The Diablerie Update
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Its been a long 8 years since the abrupt end of development but we're back with a significant rework and a timeskip that assumes the successful diablerie of Prince Marcel of New Orleans (that's what you get for having such lax security around your torpored brother). We sincerely hope that you'll all particularly appreciate the addition of more explicit confirmation of Cass's queer identity now that we are no longer writing in partnership with a bunch of 40-something y/o cishet dudes. Anyways, here it is:
-Aromantic and Lesbian modifiers no longer hidden
-Pronouns updated: She/They (Lesbian Variety)
-Relationship to Sire (Astrid Hallman) tweaked to be more explicitly sexual (and romantic on Astrid's part), and updated levels of both resentment (as the blood bond has faded with time) and insecurity (both being now of equal generation)
-Huge buffs to Confidence and Self-Superiority
-Huge nerfs to General Deference Capacity and Respect For Autonomy
-Remainder XP spent on Dominate 4
-Slight redistribution of Ability dots
-New Paint-job for Stolen Motorcycle (now fits red/white/black color scheme)
-Coterie Nicknames Updated (Kristos: "Dirt Nap" -> "Captain America", Marcus: "9-to-5" -> "Marie O' Net", Clair: "Covergirl" and Jean: "Socks-in-Crocs" remain unchanged)
-Tendency to mask Malkavian heritage reinforced (Hecata is now most implicated, being much more ambiguous than Giovanni alone and less suspicious than Lasombra, though lingering Ventruesque vibes from the diablerie may send mixed signals)
-Death Faked with aid from Leopoldite contacts (to end New Orleans-specific obligations just in case she ever does return to active play)
-Paranoia Increased
-Downward Spiral of Humanity now veers towards the Path of Power and The Inner Voice (just a little more palling around w the sabbat would probably tip her over into committing to it)
-Playlist now includes 100% less Panic! At The Disco
That's all for now, but community feedback is much appreciated and may spawn more future updates
aka plz ask me abt my oc so i can fill out all the shit ive inevitably forgotten to think about
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