#though i did decide when i get back im going to finish gideon the ninth
hawkeyefrommash · 9 months
depends if the murder mystery is independently interesting, what was it?
it's murder in the family by cara hunter. i was interested because i love that 'found footage' style -- i talk about janice hallet all the time, and all three of her books are in that style -- but i just immediately figured out the ending. my friend suggested i read 50 pages and see if it gets more interested, and so by that point i'd realized there's at least other mysteries in this family that i didn't immediately figure out (though i have immediate guesses, and considering the 'main' mystery is so obvious.. idk).
honestly i think i've decided i will at least give it more of a go unless it becomes unbearable, but i won't bring it on vacation with me when i leave tomorrow.
i've already read 5 books this year somehow so hopefully it wont be a slog when i do get to it.
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