#though it does remain cool that i can bamboozle away spam calls
woolandcoffee · 9 months
A bonus of having a name that people commonly mispronounce* is that if I accidentally manage to pick up a spam call or some kind of promotional call, there's a 50% chance they'll say "hello, am I speaking with Wally?" to which I can respond "sorry, actually you're speaking to Woolly" which almost always triggers the "so sorry, we called the wrong number" response and I am released from any further conversation.
*I don't even actually want to say mispronounce because what actually happens is that they see my name and assume its a completely different word than what my name actually is. I sort of get it - the word that my name gets mistaken for is spelled similarly to my name (only one letter difference), but when you get the point where literal government agencies are making the mistake, it begins to feel like some of y'all just aren't reading.
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