#though that is of course entirely tertiary to actual killer mermaids
shivunin · 5 months
h, m, u from the writer asks! :)
Thanks for asking! c:
(Fic Writer Asks)
H: How would you describe your writing style?
Hmm...if I had to name parts of it, I'd say: close third person perspective, a focus on emotion/character work/character voice, and a certain flow or rhythm? The last bit feels ambiguous, but I can't find a better name for it.
M: What’s the weirdest AU scenario you’ve ever come up with?  Did it turn into a story?
Probably my mer!Cullen AU. I constructed a whole world where the Dalish are largely seafaring and Templars are these nightmarish mermaids (I started this shortly after reading Into the Drowning Deep, which is fantastic if anyone is into horror books about killer mermaids forced to the surface by environmental pressures/global warming) with Circle Towers under the sea.
The fic itself is about Cullen deciding to leave the Templars and washing ashore where Emmaera is conducting a study of some Elvhen ruins there. I've written part of it! Unfortunately, like most of my fics that require a lot of worldbuilding, I stopped having fun and haven't picked it up for a while.
U: Is there a pairing you would like to write, but haven’t tried yet?
Lots of platonic relationships! I have lots of little bits and pieces of fic about Bethany and Maria, Wen and Morrigan, Wen and Sera, and so on.
Romantically, I have been meaning to write out some of my Merrill/Isabela feelings. Also I have been thinking about Andraste and Shartan a lot, not necessarily in a romantic way. I just think they're Neat. But writing them coherently would require a level of lorediving that I'm not prepared for at the moment haha
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