#though the number of molecules you have would affect the number of collisions of course but--oh right this isn't a chem lesson
coffeebanana · 1 year
they call it editing, which sounds nice and calm and concise but what's actually happening on a cellular level is that my last remaining neuron is bouncing around my empty skull incessantly as i bang words together, and statistically at some point, after an avocado's number of collisions, it'll eventually spit out the write words and i can note them down, bang them through a few more iterations, and eventually come up with something that keeps me up all night because i'm so damn excited about it lets me sleep at night and holy shit i love that feeling
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dehvastation · 7 years
Collision Course (With @MismatchedFreak)
Dehv: ~ I’d managed to get a lot of my work done via skype, so when nightfall hit, I was able to grab up my gear to get to the training centre. Z had been pretty clear when we’d started that whether he was around or not, we needed to keep up with training. Whether that was in the gym where we could work out, or doing any number of other things in order to keep our reflexes sharp. It was more fun when others were there to work with, but I was just as capable of taking my music and slowly making my way around the various machines in the fully stocked gym. As it was, the most pressing question was whether I was going to walk, drive or demat to the training center. I couldn’t get my driver to take me, the mhis V had surrounding the place made it impossible for the human to get me there at all. I checked the time and saw that if I went now, I’d make it in time to enjoy some of the hussle of the Brothers going out on rotation and allow me to at least say hello to a few of them. It was good for them to see faces and remember the trainees, or at least that was my thinking. The better they knew us, the less likely it was that they’d accidentally hurt any of us when we were out and about. While I felt totally secure with them, I still didn’t want to be a stranger in the dark when it came to adrenaline rushing through the system. With a decision made I set the alarm and then sent my molecules through the city towards the training center. I became solid again at the gates and buzzed through. Knowing that the facial recognition and whatever else V had set up security wise was working overtime to ensure no one came and went who shouldn’t. Once I was inside I moved through to the locker room to change into my workout gear. Though my mind was elsewhere. I had a new project to focus on at work, and it sent a thrill through me at all the possibilities. My brain worked, inventing and scheming as I went through the motion of getting ready to train. I even stopped long enough to jot down some ideas on a pad, pocketing it at the last minute to take with me in case anything else came to me while I was mindlessly putting my body through its paces. ~
Qhuinn: {After a few drinks at Zero and feeling no better, I had gone back to the cabin and sent a message to Wrath directly to ask if I could hit the training center after sundown to try to work through some things. I’d not done anything formal since I left initially, usually training as I went, kicking demon or lesser ass and then moving on. But, if I were to get back on patrol or whatever at some point, I needed to do something. Plus, it would show that I had grown in the time I was gone. I was thinking ahead, making plans to improve and shit rather than just going with the flow and doing what I was told to do. When I woke that night, I had a message back telling me that I was free to come and go but to just check in with someone to make sure I’d not disturb a class or anything at the time, but that nothing was on the schedule for tonight so I should be good. I set my phone back down and then beelined to the bathroom for a hot ass shower to get my ready for what I was gonna do. Once I was cleaned, I pulled on some boxer briefs and track pants, followed by a tee and then a thick hoodie for the night chill. I tucked my keys and phone into my pocket and stepped out into the night, sending my molecules flying to the compound. I waited at the door until Fritz let me in with the usual smile of his in place. I waved off the offer of food or anything and explained Wrath said I could use the gym when I needed but I wanted to check in first. Fritz promised he’d let Wrath now and then turned me towards the array of hallways I knew so well. I pulled my headphones out of my pocket and popped each in place while setting up the phone to my playlist as I wound my way to the training center. I passed the room I stayed in last time and wondered if there would ever come a point I’d feel comfortable enough to stay for longer than a few hours…it wasn’t going to be any time soon, that was for damn sure. I could see the lights on in the gym as I walked and wondered if a Brother was there or what, not that it mattered, I had permission, dammit. I entered the locker room first and tucked my hoodie and keys into one of the lockers, my phone going into the arm band thing that Wraith hooked me up with for our runs. Hell, if it was a Brother out there, maybe I could do a little sparring. I plucked a water bottle from the fridge and headed into the gym, my pulse quickening when I saw him. Even with his back to me, I knew…fuck. My feet should have stopped, I should have turned back, but nope, I walked right the fuck over and tapped him on his shoulder, my voice holding a bit of question as I plucked my ear buds free} Dehv?
Dehv: ~ I didn’t bother checking who was around when I stepped into the gym. I just needed to be in my own head. I had designs to work on, lists to make up and this was one of the best parts of my job for me. I could see as real as if something was built right in front of me when I set my mind to it. I knew what the client wanted and I knew what my budget was. Other than that, sky was the limit. I tried my best to never make the design the same twice, so everyone had a unique experience, but that each one had a little something that showed it was my work. I liked that it was something people recognised who were in the know. But nothing so flashy and in your face that it would be an eyesore for anyone. I grinned to myself and set my music going, probably louder than necessary, but I wanted to tune out. I had it running on a mix of songs, old and new, but they all had a beat to them so I could keep my running steady. I clicked a few buttons on the machine, doing fuck knew what until I was happy with the little numbers and incline. I stepped on and got going. My hands free to design in the air if I needed to, while my feet pounded the rubber below my feet. The song I was listening to had just finished when suddenly I felt something at my shoulder, the surprise making my heart leap into my throat. Without thought I brought up my elbow and threw it backwards, hitting whoever was behind me in the face. I absently punched the emergency stop on the machine and jumped off, not recognising the male in front of me. I knew the Brothers and their partners, I also knew the other trainees. So this one wasn’t any of those. How the fuck he’d got in I had no idea. But I wasn’t taking any chances. I had no weapons on me, and after the run in with the Omega, I knew I wasn’t exactly thinking clearly. I just needed to be armed and know that I could do some damage if I needed to. I dematted behind the male and then turned to make my way to the weapons cabinet before I registered that he’d said my name. I spun back around again and wrapped my hand around his throat, using my momentum to push him back against the safety bar of the machine, “How the fuck do you know my name?” ~
Qhuinn: Motherfucker… [I knew I fucked up but damn. Clutching my nose I stumbled a step back as the blood flowed freely through my fingers. Eyes clenched tight as I attempted to get the tweety birds to stop circling my brain, I took a shaky breath and tried to focus. Fuck. I spun and went to move but it was too late. His fingers closed around my throat and I backpedalled right into the fucking machine. My eyes flew wide open now and as much as I didn’t want to hurt him, it wasn’t in my nature to sit back and allow my ass to be beaten. No matter who was throwing the punches. I wrapped both hands around his wrist and ripped his fingers from my throat, wrenching his arm behind him as I ducked around and pressed him face first into the machine. I was getting really tired of being attacked dammit. Though, to be fair…fuck. I gave him a shove and then stepped back, lifting my shirt to stem my bloody damn nose while I combed my other hand through my hair as I tried to figure out how to explain this to him. Lie. C’mon. Quick and easy, a Brother mentioned him down here, you saw his name on something, anything but….] We’ve met.
[With my head still down, I lifted my eyes towards his and waited all but a moment before I turned away to grab an ice pack from the first aid kit. I wasn’t sure I could handle the look on his face if he did realize who I was or if I could handle him not knowing. I wasn’t sure what the fuck I had expected or how I thought it would go. All I know is I saw him and had been powerless to stop my dumb ass from walking over to him. Talking over my shoulder rather than turning back.]  Nevermind, not important, just wanted to say hi, I’ll leave ya be, though I would suggest that you leave the headphones at home the next time you decide to walk through a park in the middle of the night.
[It was a low-blow, but it would either clue him in to who I was or just piss him off more. I bit back the laugh. Yeah, I was fully leaning towards pissing him off. That was what I did best after all. I popped open the locked up first aid kit and grabbed one of the packs, snapping it to activate the cold gel, then placed it against the bridge of my nose, turning to see how my words had affected him]
Dehv: ~ I grunted when the male twisted me around and pulled my arm up behind me. It was a move I could get out of, or rather, should be able to get out of. But I was shoved face first into the machine I’d just had him up against. I growled softly as I tried to keep my balance without bashing my face on anything, though I guessed I’d just busted the dude’s nose, I was lucky he’d not aimed. He wasn’t having any of my struggling, and I was just about with it despite the pain radiating through my shoulder when he shoved me forward. I hadn’t expected it and flat out stumbled over the machine, landing the other side like a fucking idiot. When I turned the first thing I saw was the male with his shirt pulled up to his face. I didn’t manage to get further than the expanse of skin that was exposed before he turned with those words. Words I almost missed. I rolled my eyes at myself and groaned. Subtle Dehv, get a fucking grip. I pushed to my feet as my brain tried to get two brain cells to become friends and help me work out when I’d met the male. I was sure I’d remember him, hell, I was positive. No way would I forget someone who could do that. He was trained. Perhaps I’d met him in passing with one of the Brothers or something. I was just about to open my mouth when he dropped the bombshell that he knew about the attack in the park. What the actual fuck. I growled again and blinked unseeing as I stared at the floor where the male had been standing. He knew, but…….I checked in my head, worked through the whole night to the best of my memory. We’d left no one alive. Had there been witnesses and the two of us had been so caught up in what we were doing that we didn’t notice it? I moved without thought, my brain still working through that night. The male who was going to talk and never got the chance, then what happened? I stepped up to the male and used a flat palm on his chest to shove him back against the wall where the little first aid kit had come out of. I was focused somewhere over his shoulder, my brain running a hundred miles a minute. My mind filled with pictures of the night, going back to mine. Talking with the female about who she was, and how she managed to turn up just when I needed her. Surely what she’s said wasn’t actually true. I’d sent a text saying I was sorry that I freaked out on her, but I had still been unsure of what she’d said. And yet. Surely it couldn’t be him. That would be too much for my brain. How was I meant to process what had happened. That someone managed to just click their fingers and be a female. Height changes, facial change………..eyes. I snapped my chin up as I met the male’s gaze, realising too late that I’d leaned in to impose on his personal space. My fingers curled into the shirt under my palm and I felt my frown deepen even more. The confusion was probably apparent on my face, I knew my eyes were wide and I was probably gaping like a fish out of water. I growled low again, letting him know I wasn’t fucking around before narrowing my eyes and keeping my voice low, “Qhuinn?” ~
:Qhuinn: [The range of emotions the floated across his face told me that my knowledge of the park had hit the intended memory bank and I forced my feet to remain planted as Dehv walked towards me, the icepack pressed firmly against my nose even as my head bounced off the wall with a low grunt. Dammit. I was going to have to start wearing a damn helmet everywhere I fucking went at this rate. He was far too close though. My breath faltered as I tried to remain calm, my mismatched eyes locked on his face. That frown on his face caused a serious confliction in my soupy brain with the way his fingers curled against the fabric of my shirt. I was certain my heart ramped up to a million beats a minute as I tried to focus, tried to think, which was damn impossible with how close he was. The growl of his sent his warm breath fanning across my face and I used my free hand to untangle his fingers from my shirt. I needed him to move. To give me space. Otherwise he’d know just how he was affecting me and wouldn’t that just go fan-fucking-tastically. I shoved him back, maybe a little harder than I intended at the disgust I thought I saw on his face and nodded] Guessed it in one, give the male a prize.
[I knew that was assy but fucking hell. I had enough of people looking at me like I was the shit on the bottom of their shoe. I didn’t ask for this shit. All I wanted….I stepped away from the wall and gave him a wide berth as I walked to the clearing in the center of the room. If he was going to attack again, I wanted room dammit. I shook my head and combed my fingers through my hair and turned back to him, willing his eyes to remain on my face and not a damn bit lower for at least a few more moments until I could get myself under control. He affected me when I was female, but that was easier to hide than the fucking wood I was sporting now. Just being near him had my brain short circuiting from what I wanted to do and what I needed to say. The distance helped. I could focus on anything but how how our bodies lined up much better in this form, or how that bottom lip of his was begging to be tugged between my teeth, or how he might ….coughing to clear my throat I averted my gaze to the awesome little tangle of dots on the wall that was suddenly super interesting to me.] Remember what I told you ‘bout the curse and all that? Yeah…so got that taken care of and was given another shot at being me. Wrath said I could come back if I wanted….and well since I was still gonna look into your deal and all that, I was hoping….
[I shook my head and dropped the ice pack to the floor. My brain turning a different path on me as it often did. I knew how my brain worked, how I had to work through things, might as well give him that chance too. Turning my palm up and crooking my fingers at him as I moved into a fighting stance] Look, I know it’s confusing as fuck, trust me on that, so if you wanna throw some punches, come at me. Get it out of your system, then maybe you’ll be ready to listen.
Dehv: ~ I let him pull my hand free, but the shove backwards I hadn’t been expecting. I wasn’t exactly graceful on the best of days, so I was just happy I stayed on my feet. I blinked in confusion at the reaction and tried to figure out what was happening. I’d been surprised, reacted and then figured out who he was. So why was I now getting shoved away just as we might be able to talk about it all. The words he uttered had my teeth grinding as I could feel the confusion turning into uncertainty and then just plain pissed off, “What is your fucking problem? You took me by surprise, no the other way around, asshole.” I watched as the male moved restlessly into the centre of the room, uncertain all over again at what he was doing. I couldn’t seem to keep my eyes off him, and while that was good when attacking, I didn’t want to fight him. The pissed off feeling was certainly the overriding emotion, but under that, something was telling me to press buttons. I wanted to see his reactions, wanted to see how far he’d keep up the jackass moves. I’d obviously hit a nerve without meaning to, and he wanted me out of his personal space. Which was fine by me, and yet something was driving me to get up close and personal with him again. I’d been fucking confused about the way I’d reacted to her...him when I’d fed. Holy shit, was this why? I frowned hard again as I tried to figure out what was happening. I knew my reactions when I’d fed, and it had nothing to do with the nutrition. I shook my head and grunted at myself. I wanted to get all up in his personal space because he pissed me off. Cocky little shit with the attitude. I opened my mouth to reply when what he’d said registered, followed quickly by the way he dropped into a fighting stance. If he didn’t annoy me so much, I’d have been asking for his number and seeing if we could go for dinner. Technically I guessed I already had his number, but no dinner was going to happen. We’d probably end up stabbing each other with forks or something. I locked my gaze on his, my breath catching at those unique mismatched eyes. I’d been intrigued when he was female…...when he was female, who even said that sentence in this kind of scenario? Honestly! I’d been intrigued, now I couldn’t seem to look away. I moved closer, far closer than I really needed to if I were going to fight the guy. I’d seen him in action, even with my training I was no match for him. I’d be ripped to shreds in seconds if I actually went toe to toe with the male, and yet, I found myself grinning at the possibility of going a round or two. I nodded and mirrored his pose, my hands coming up in fists as I continued to hold his gaze, “What makes you think if you just talked to me like normal I’d not listen? In case you missed it, I’m the one who’s missing answers, you’re the one with the information. You planning on ensuring I’m in too much pain to process whatever you say, cos I’ve seen you fight. And there’s certain bits of my anatomy that I’d really like to be able to use at some point in the not so distant future.” I threw in a wink at the male just to see if it pissed him off further. I wasn’t throwing the first punch, but I figured with his temper to date, he just might. ~
Qhuinn:  [I knew I wasn’t thinking clearly. How could I? The male caused my brain to short circuit when I first met him in the female form, but now…yeah, my brain still fried out. Everything was wearing on my brain. All the shit from here, from UGH, the demons and all that. I needed to expend some energy and the poor bastard in front of me was my untimely target. I kept up pacing in the center of the room, even though I was poised for the fight. The energy was eating me up inside and I needed this. Even if I was manifesting the anger in my own head. He hadn’t done shit wrong and yet I wanted this. Then again, was it an excuse my brain came up with to get close to him again? To feel him against my body under any guise necessary? Either way, it was too late to back down now. At the question, my brow shot up] Breaking my noise was from surprising you, pinning me to the wall was something else. Last time I tried to explain this shit, you looked at me like I had three heads and shut down. This way when I wear you out, you’ll have no damn choice but to listen to me. If you want answers, about this, about the attacks on you and how to get the information, this is gonna happen.
[I nodded and grinned as he approached with his fists up and that look of determination on his face, even that cocky grin was something only a true warrior would get away with. I was curious to see how well he did anyway, how the training had changed since I’ve been gone. I couldn’t stop the snort though when he mentioned how I managed to take down some of the assholes at our last little meet up] I don’t do cheap shots often, but one thing they should be training you on here is being willing to do what you have to  in order to win the fight. So yeah, if I find myself undersized and facing getting my ass kicked or going for a balls shot, I’m going for the fucking balls.
[I tried not to focus on the implication of him using those parts anytime soon because if I had my way….yeah, there wouldn’t be another touching him. That wink of his, cocky and so damn self-assured, had another low growl spilling from my lips. Ok, I was the one with issues, I knew that, I was the one who saw more with him, that’s on me, but I was going to make sure the asshole remembered me when we left this room. And not just as some batshit female turned male again and gave him one hell of a story to wrap his brain around. He’d remember me. I was determined to make that happen. I pulled my phone from my pockets and wrapped the headphones around it before I tossed it towards one of the mats, not wanting anything to get in my way, even if it was important not to let it phase you out on the field. This was training. This was no rules. This was gonna be fun. I faked a left and then threw a right hook as I stepped close.] If you can take me down, I might even buy you dinner before answering your questions
Dehv: ~ I flat out gaped at the male, my brain trying to catch up with what he was saying. Seriously! Last time. What a dick! “You’re a dick! Like anyone would take that kind of information without questions or confusion. Oh yeah, sure. Magic turned me into a female, I’m hoping it’ll flip back soon enough. Oh and while I’m here, demons are real and I hop into the underworld now and again for a fucking party!” I flat out rolled my eyes and shook my head. Watching as the male paced and obviously thought about whatever was going on in that head of his. I watched, processed. All the things I’d been taught about. Trying to see if I could pick up any weaknesses or anything else. It didn’t really work, since I kept seeing that mark on the female’s chest and then trying to see if I could see it peeking out of the top of the male’s shirt. Did he still have it. Or was that something that was gone right along with the body I’d met him in. I was confused and I felt off balance with him in the room. I often felt off balance, physically, but to feel it all the way down to the pit of my stomach. That was new. And I wasn’t sure what to make of it. I knew he wasn’t lying, or at least, not unless she had a twin somewhere around with exactly the same eyes, and apparently the exact same name. I frowned hard and snapped my head back up, “Are you part of whatever mind fuck these people are doing to me? Some elaborate plan where there’s two of you with the same coloured eyes, male and female.” Even to my own ears it sounded far beyond anything that had happened so far. Sure, they’d drugged and kidnapped me and sent a bunch of dudes to kick my ass. But they’d not gone to this level of anything. Why put in that kind of effort. Things like the males mismatched eyes, in our world, that was a bad thing. I exhaled and then blinked when the phone and earphones went across the room. Shit, he was serious about this whole fight thing! “Ok, that was stupid. I don’t think you’d do that, even if I am fucking confused right now.” I was about to speak again when his right hook caught me and sent my head snapping to the right. I growled and lifted a hand to my face, my eyes flaring with anger when I turned back. “If I take you down, is dinner all you’re wanting from me?” I let my eyes flicker down his body less than subtly before sending my own fist flying towards his face. I didn’t waste time arguing, instead falling back after my punch hit him exactly where my face was currently throbbing. I grinned and bounced a little on the balls of my feet, waiting on the advance that I assumed was coming. ~
Qhuinn: I shrugged a shoulder at the statement about being a dick, it was true and it wouldn’t do me a damn bit of good to try to deny it. I knew what he was saying made sense. I lived through the shit and even I struggled at times with believing all of it. I was fairly certain the stress of it all was what caused my brain to twirl down the waterspout of rationality tonight. There’d been too much and my peabrain obviously couldn’t handle it. The last time I fought had been as a female by his side, now I attacking him simply because…His question had me reeling though. I suppose with the shit he had gone through, thinking this was some plot against him likely wouldn’t be all that far fetched. I raised a brow at him, even as he backpedaled the accusation and shook my head again] If I were trying to fuck with your head, I’d not go about it this way, besides, how would I get here…to one of the most secure places in the Brotherhoods possession?  Plus, I did kinda help take out a bunch of the assholes who attacked you.
[For a moment, I wasn’t sure what reaction that punch would have earned but I wasn’t disappointed. That growl and the flash of anger was what I’d been hoping for. One thing I was damn good at, something I proved time and again, was pushing people's buttons until they couldn’t help but want to take a swing at me. I could have simply asked someone to spar, but where was the fun in that? Besides, I wasn’t even sure any of the Brothers would be up to dealing with me just yet. Not until things were ironed out with the rest of them. The returned punch snapped my head to the side and I gave him a wicked grin as I eyed him, trying to figure out my next move] That’s a big if, trainee. Dinner will do for now, I’d offer more for when I take you down, but I’m not sure you’ll be able to handle more when I’m done kicking your ass
[His not so subtle glance down my body sent a huge spark through me and I let out my own growl. If only he knew what he did to me, what I knew…hell, it was a damn miracle he’d not gone running already. Even if it was all just something in my head, I knew how he made me feel and not even seeing that anger in his eyes directed towards me cooled the flame within. I circled him and stepped close, throwing a jab at his ribs before ducking and sweeping a leg out behind his knees] Or you could forfeit and we can move straight on to dinner….
Dehv: ~ I kept my gaze focused on each and every expression that passed over the male’s face. It was easier said than done though. I’d felt weird around him in female form, that was now off the charts and I wasn’t sure I liked it.I could see that I’d hit a nerve though. And while I was happy about that, considering the throbbing to my jaw, I also felt the insane need to try and help make it easier. Yeah, that wasn’t happening. He’s decided that fighting me was easier than talking to me. Whatever insane fucking idea that was. I knew he was able to kick my ass, but I hoped I could at least hold my own long enough to knock his brain cells together. If they were any up there. Right now I really wasn’t convinced. Though I guessed he probably thought the same about me! I shook my head and shrugged, “You could have been swayed somehow. Apparently everyone has a price. I’ve got to wonder what yours might be. Either way, I’m not debating that you’re welcome in here. And I said that I rushed to a thought without really following the thread to the end. You did help me. But you’ve got to admit, if the point was to fuck with my head, this isn’t a bad way to go about it?” I kept my body moving, trying to keep myself from stiffening up in any way. It would be pretty much me all around if I managed to pull a muscle and stop myself before he’d really laid a finger on me. That would give him a laugh, and nope, a laugh wasn’t something I wanted to see on his face. Lighting his eyes and allowing that uncertainty and anger to ease from those amazingly mismatched eyes. In no way was that something I wanted to see. I growled and rubbed at my chest. His offer of dinner and then the suggestion I’d be down for the count had me laughing. Until his fist hit my ribs and I felt my feet whip out from under me. I grunted and threw out my elbow, connecting with his face or nose or shoulder, who the fuck knew. I just knew I hit before landing on my back. The air knocking out of me, but didn’t keep me down. “Fucking hell!” I spun to my feet, staying crouched to take his knees out so I would watch with satisfaction as he landed. The minute he was down I straddled the male’s waist and managed to get in another shot to the jaw, “I had no idea you were so excited to get me to dinner. All you had to do was ask me, all this foreplay wasn’t necessary. But now you’ve started it, you better finish it, or give me some kind of explanation that doesn’t involve your piss poor expectation of me. Cos right now I’m on top, and that means no dinner for you.” I winked again, my grin widening. I knew I’d likely be put in my place, but for now, I was going to enjoy the fact I had the upper hand, and try to ignore the fact I was enjoying being this close to the male. ~
Qhuinn: [I couldn’t stop the growl at his words, I don’t know why it bothered me so damn much for him to have that impression of me. His opinion shouldn’t matter, but it did. Even if he had no logical way to know that with the shit I went through…that I’d never do that to another. I was so lost in my damn head that I missed the elbow that came flying at my fucking head when he was going down. I swore my nose exploded once more as I fell to my back, colors I never knew existed burst behind my eyelids which, sorry, but that was still fucking awesome. I could feel the smile growing even when he landed his weight on me and damned if that didn’t give me a whole other set of things to focus on. The next punch sent my head bouncing off the floor…again and that just pissed me off. My eyes opened slowly and I raked my gaze over the confident looking male sitting on top of me and my grin widened. The words came out before I could stop them, but it was the truth] You look good on top of me, Dehv.
[I flashed a wink, then hooked a leg around his as my arms wrapped around him so I could flip him to his back. I threw an elbow across his face before my forearm came down over his throat, pressing firmly, and my face hovered mere inches above his own. I held my other hand like a dagger pointed at his throat] And now your….fuck…
[His words sunk in and I knew he was right. I was being a complete dick but I already admitted I was, didn’t I? It went beyond needing to clear my head with a little fight, I wanted this right here…and my body was all kinds of on board with feeling his hard lines beneath my own. In a flash, I let go and jumped to my feet, hoping his eyes stayed on my face and not any lower as I stepped back, shaking my head. I needed him to listen and shit and I had an idea of how now, but first,  I was going to have to do something I was getting damn good at lately. I held out a hand to the prone male while I used my other hand to bring my shirt up to stem the blood flow from my nose again] Sorry. It’s been a shittastic few days and really, I just needed to let out some anger. You were the lucky target since you struck first. Been a while since I’ve sparred with anyone. Let me take you to dinner, to apologize if nothing else. I promise to not try to kick your ass again tonight if you agree to listen with an open mind.
Dehv: ~ I shouldn’t have poked at the bear. I knew that, I’d known that from the moment I’d hit him in the face the first time. But when his leg came around me and I was suddenly on my back, I was even more aware of why I shouldn’t have. My entire body reacted to how close the male was. And while I hadn’t ignored it up until now, him being as close as he was, that was hard to keep my brain on task. The blow to my face sorted that problem for me fast though. I hadn’t seen it coming, and that had cost me. My face exploded again before that elbow came down over my throat. Though the male didn’t press hard enough to entire cut off my airway, he did press down hard enough to make it difficult. Those mismatched eyes close enough that I could see each and every colour that made up the distinct colours. I could feel my heart rate shoot up, and this time it wasn’t because of the want to close that gap between us. It was pure fear as my brain clicked back to that gym. I needed to get the fuck past this, and yet, I couldn’t seem to shake it when I was in certain positions. I breathed hard, my eyes widening as I watched. Actively trying to set my brain onto another path. To get it to listen to my body and it’s wants and desires even if I didn’t agree with them. Whatever it took to try and move away from the fucking Omega, whoever his lady friend had been, and that damn gym. I inhaled harshly and took stock of the feel of the male’s weight against me. And it felt pretty good. I could feel emotions and wants surfacing that I’d not felt in years. Hadn’t allowed in years. I actually growled with frustration as I battled between fear and want. Cos I wanted this male, even if my brain kept trying to find reasons why I didn’t. That didn’t exactly bode well for me, since we’d been in the same room less than an hour. I wasn’t really paying attention by the time Qhuinn stood, my body lax under him. I tipped my chin and looked up at the male, my brow raised as my brain slowly clicked back online. I frowned and took a minute to try and work out what I could deal with. Would dinner really be that much of an issue? It would be nice to actually figure out what the fuck was going on. Cos I was still confused, and couldn’t work out how the dots connected. Demons and magic and all kinds of shit I didn’t understand. I nodded and reached up to wrap my fingers around his, allowing him to pull me to my feet, “Ok, you can choose the place we eat, but I pay my own way. And I will listen with an open mind. The best I can, since this is all kind of new to me. And ten tons of fucked up.” ~
Qhuinn: [I didn’t miss that look of fear on his face before I got up and damned if that didn’t add the cement block of guilt settling nicely into the pit of my stomach. I remembered each of the attacks he told me about the last time we met. The random ones, the Omega and the female that found him in a supposedly safe place, then the one found him in….and then I go an attack him like a fucking asshole. Great way to get him to trust you numb nuts. I shook my head and my own lips curved into a frown as I helped Dehv to his feet. My fingers lingering around his probably for a few moments longer than necessary but it was hard for me to let go. Just like how I liked how he felt on top of me, beneath me, pressed against me, even this simple touch was enough to spark that inner flame all over again. There was just something about him, something I couldn’t explain. I never felt this flustered and I knew it went beyond our initial meeting or the fucking vision I had. It was deep, visceral. That frown had me wanting to do anything I could to make it disappear. I remembered his smile. I wanted to see that again.] I know it sounds insane, trust me. But I think, I hope, that after you hear me out…maybe we…we can umm…be friends or whatever, or you’ll at least let me help you
[I shook my head and reluctantly dropped my hand from his and then stepped back, pulling off my tee to wipe off my face] I know the perfect place for good food and quiet enough to talk without people overhearing us.  I’ll just need to wash up quick, seems being covered in blood is a regular occurrence around you. Meet me at that park from the other night in 10, we can walk from there.
Dehv: [I hoped the tease in my voice was evident as I tossed my shirt to rest on my shoulder, not waiting for a response, and then went to pick up my discarded phone before I went into the locker room to wash my face off in the sink. I glanced in the mirror and made sure all the blood was gone, then had a nice little conversation with myself in my head. I needed to hold it together. I didn’t want to scare him off. For once, I wanted someone to stick around, to trust…I sighed and used my tee to dry my face before I went back to the locker where I had stashed my hoodie. I tossed the bloody tee into the trash before tugging the hoodie on and ran my fingers through my hair quick to make it look halfway presentable. Even though I wasn’t sure after what I had planned if eating would even happen. Only time would tell. I walked out of the compound and sent my molecules to the park. I knew this would be the first step to getting him to believe. I hoped anyways…now to wait for him to show.]
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