#though twincest isn't usually part of it
miss-ingno · 2 years
Hi!!!!! Sorry if I'm spamming you, I know this is my 3rd ask in less than 24h.
I just saw that you have a WIP about Dixing Biology and I wanted to ask what were your plans for it
Nooo, please, don't worry and come back, I'm loving this influx of getting to talk about stuff I haven't finished writing yet, it's giving me a huge serotonine boost and I wrote so many words today <333
So, Dixing Biology 101...
ahhh I hope this isn't disappointing - it's the WIP title of a sequel I promised to Turn Up The Heat, to explain the sex/gender system I created for Dixing in that one. So it's a) a/b/o biology for Dixingren b) biologically mandated twincest
Still with me? ^^"
The premise of the fic is Shen Wei holding a open-to-all lecture on Dixingren biology post-canon, explaining the differences to Haixingren. Guo Changcheng is sitting in the front row taking diligent notes because he's maybe going on a date with Chu-ge soon? He should know this stuff anyway because he's a good coworker! But also asking Chu-ge about it would be so embarrassing...
I came up with a very convoluted system that ended up with... six? I think it was six different sexes for Dixingren, and for some of them you need three people to reproduce. This is the category Shen Wei (alpha) and Ye Zun (omega) fall into. If the separation/war/timeskip/dirtnap hadn't interfered, they would've gone to find a third (female) partner together. Twins *always* find a partner together, this an additional tragedy to their separation.
Now, with male twins it's common for the Alpha of the pair to be attracted to male-presenting partners only (since it's their "biological job" to fertilize the omega twin so he can impregnate their female partner). So obviously Shen Wei found himself a male partner (Zhao Yunlan/Kunlun) while he thought Ye Zun was dead/unredeemable.
This may be one of the reasons Ye Zun struggles with intimacy re: Zhao Yunlan in this post-canon series. Obviously there's other reasons, too, and I might explore that in a coitus interruptus/safewording smut down the line <.<
(The Ye Zun pregfic also belongs to this series, even though male omegas can't get pregnant in this set-up, but when has that ever stopped the OP twins from achieving their dreams? XD)
anyway, feel free to send me more asks! ^^ especially if this went in a different direction than you anticipated :'D
find the WIP list for the WIP game here
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shipcestuous · 2 years
Do you know any works that depict good twincest relationships, outside of GoT?
This will be a quick list of the very best. If you're super into twins and want to dig into it more, I recommend going to my Index Of Relationships and searching for "twins)+" (no quote marks) which will show you all of the canon twincest that has come up on the blog before.
I recommend Jack and Diane from the episode The Fucking Dead from the TV series Blood Drive. One of the best things ever, tbh.
Isabelle and Theo from The Holy Innocents (book) or The Dreamers (movie) are canon but not exactly together. There's lots that's good there, though.
Jeremias and Meme from the Argentinian film Geminis have always been one of my top canon recs.
Jackie O and Marty from The House Of Yes have a sometimes angsty relationship that ends badly in a dark comedy sort of way but they're still a favorite. If you've never seen the movie, you have to.
I have Iku and Yori down as twins even though what they're from is usually translated as "I Love My Little Sister". There's a manga, anime, and live action which are probably all worth your time.
Don't miss Incest The Musical. It's a short but Alex and Katie are fantastic. It's a love story with a happy ending that is not the be missed.
You're probably going to enjoy any version of Sieglinde and Siegmund from Norse Mythology/The Ring Cycle. There are a few novelizations and manga and whatnot.
Twincest is a relatively popular trope but to see it be a big enough part of something that it's worth watching/reading just for them, and to see them actually together (not just vibe-y) in a story that isn't going to torture and crush a shipper is pretty rare.
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