#though who knows maybe other kingdoms have them and grimm brought one home for fpk lmao
bluegekk0 · 9 months
seeing you write with proper capitalization is WEIRD
Anygay. How would PK react if I gave him a whole pinball machine to crack open and dissect?
I know right? I'm not used to pressing the caps lock button ahahah though I suppose it is a good habit to re-learn
Oh he would be so excited, he LOVES tinkering with those kinds of things, studying how they work and using what he learned for his own creations. And a whole pinball machine? He'd be in heaven. His workshop would be practically inaccessible with all the machine parts scattered all over the floor (though they'd still be neatly organized in little piles so he knows which part is which). He wouldn't shut up about it either, the pinball machine would be the only thing he'd talk about for the entire time he gets to dissect and study it.
Some of the family members would be thrilled about it. Grimm always loves listening to FPK talk about those things, he often asks him to describe what he's working on step by step simply because he enjoys listening to his voice, though he ends up learning a lot of facts in the process. So by the time FPK's craze was over, Grimm would know so much about the intricacies of a pinball machine that he'd be able to tell exactly which part does what, even though he doesn't have much interest in engineering himself.
Holly would be just as interested, and they'd love assisting FPK with his work, particularly sorting each component into a neat pile with cute little notes that they made. Similarly to Grimm, they love hearing FPK explain what he's doing, so they would have no problem with him rambling about it all day.
Hornet, not so much. She'd get very annoyed about it, though part of her does like seeing her father happy and excited. But gods, he would not shut up about the damn machine, and at some point it would be too much to her. Asking him how much sugar he wants in his tea? He mumbles the answer and then immediately asks her if she wants to see the cool machine part he's been studying for the past hour. She'd just roll her eyes and go make the stupid tea haha
Lewk would be very excited to help his dad, but he gets too distracted by the cool shiny parts and often causes a bit of a mess, so Grimm has to remind him not to bother his other dad too much. Lewk would be a little disappointed, but he's such an energetic little thing that he'd have no issue finding something equally as interesting, so it's pretty easy to distract him.
Zote would just call the machine a stupid piece of junk and do the screw loose emoji thing at Hornet whenever FPK goes on yet another tangent about the mechanisms of a pinball machine during dinner. He probably ended tripping over one of those loose parts laying on the floor, and cursing at everyone around him. So you know, I can't really blame him for considering this whole thing stupid. Though man, what a killjoy he is.
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