#thoughts after one too many times of ppl expressing disgust at kalleh
ghelgheli · 5 months
🔥 unpopular fruit/food opinions
people are, of course, free to have whatever affective responses they may to (concepts of) foods. it isn't blameworthy to feel disgust at a particular food. but i think it is a very common move to then endorse this disgust as containing a truth about the food, to move from the observation "i feel disgust at this food" to "this food is disgusting" (including when they attempt to express the former and come out with the latter). and i think this demonstrates a failure of imagination. in general, people tend to eat things because they think they are worth eating; in general, a food cannot be essentially disgusting and commonly eaten by a group at the same time. considering how much disgust is bound up with class, race, etc. a lot of people are way too quick to commit to their food-icks as something beyond the personal. you are free to feel disgust at something i eat but if you start declaring that disgust as though it is a fact about the world i will find you tedious.
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