#thoughts of a palestinian desendant outside of Gaza
cutiesaur · 11 months
You know what I'm fucking DONE. I'm going to be that asshole.
These are my thoughts about the genocide of Palestine people from the perspective of a Palestinian descendant outside of Gaza.
My grandparents had to flee their country, Palestine in the 50's because of the Ottoman War.
They rebuilt their lives as many other Palestinians did in our country. They had to leave their old identities, their traditions, their culture, their language for a chance to live. For a chance to experience peace. For their kids and their grandkids and all of the generations beyond them.
I was born and raised inside this recreated culture. In the future they worked their nails to the bone for. Mantaining some of our culture's staples like food and some traditions that weren't lost in the assimilation of a new culture.
As a child I never understood the "fuck Israel" statement that all of all older Palestinian people expressed. Why are my elders so angry and mean to them? They have not done something wrong to us! Right?
In the past fifteen years I've come to understand the "fuck Israel" quote.
Our families for generations had to fight for their homes, fot their peace and for their freedom from Israel. They had to rebuild their lives in a foreign country and the families that are in my country now were lucky to be able to flee and thrive.
That's the story of ALL the palestinian people in my country! Families deciding to flee their homeland for the sake of their descendants.
We all know about our rich history, our culture.
My grandparents and parents, my granduncles grandaunts, aunts and uncles had to face discrimination, racism, violence and hate because they weren't from "this country" and they thrived.
Even I, a second born generation outside Palestine had to face bullying and discrimination over me trying to reconnect and explore my culture from incult and hateful people that still have all of those prejudices against my upbringing, and some just because they saw that and emulated it.
As I got deeper into my self investigation I understood. It was like the rage of many generations of my ancestors boiling my blood up. All of the injustices and crimes my ancestors had to endure, all in the name of entitlemnet and a supposed Holy Land.
We have spoken many times on how dangerous it was to portray Israel as the "poor little guys that are going throught so much!" When the conflict over what they believe is their "holy land" has gone for centuries and they have gotten crueler and more entitled over what they believe it's theirs not being in their power, just like a spoiled brat that wants something and is making a huge tanturm over it.
We have been called anti-semitic by many for pointing out the wrong-doings of Israel and what would happend if the extremist people of Israel had powerful countries backing them up, founding their "cause" and how it would end up on a crisis like the one that we are witnessing right now.
Their cause being an ethnic cleansing, a complete genocide of million of innocents because of hatred, using their God as their crutch to do this genocide and it is simply sickening.
To witness the genocide of the magnitude that Israel is doing in the 21st century, the supposed era of human rights and peace and to see so many governments without a backbone to not get involved on the ceasefire makes this one of the most disgusting events of current history.
And what we as normal everyday people without the power to intervein can do? Pray, donate, speak up. But it feels as if it's not enough because it is not enough.
Israel is killing MILLIONS while portraying themselves as the victims and people are happy about it?
I have never in my life expirienced the level of RAGE and defeat I feel right now. Witnessing millions of innocent babies, children, women, men, elderly people be massacred and a lot of brain dead people APPLAUDING it is sickening and for what? For the Israel government to claim they are getting rid of a couple of terrorists? The assasination of MILLION OF INNOCENT CIVILIANS IS OK BECAUSE OF A COUPLE OF SUPPOSED TERRORISTS!? IS THAT MORALLY CORRECT!?
Say what you want to say about Palestine as a country but the complete annihalation of MILLIONS of human lives is NOT correct. It has NEVER been correct.
The fact that the most powerful countries on this world that supposedly are for human rights are just sitting there not getting involved because "poor Israel they are defending themselves" defending themselves from what?
For centuries, the Palestine-Israel conflict has been seen as a "over there" problem, a simple misunderstanding and a silly goofy fight over whatever! Well let me tell you that what has been boiled over this indifference is what is happening right now.
The blood of millions of innocents has been spilled and it is a stain that will NEVER be forgotten.
The death of all of the innocents that have been slaughtered in a way that makes a slaughter house seem ethical in comparison is sickening and I hope justice is served to in their names.
I may come off as insensible, as cruel, as an overall piece of shit but my heart knows that this is not right and that with all my heart and all my soul I repeat the words that my elders, my non blood related brothers and sisters, my ancestors, my granduncles, my grandaunts, my aunts, my uncles, my cousins, my grandparents, my parents have said before me:
Wholeheartedly FUCK. ISRAEL.
And to that extent, fuck whomever stands with Israel.
May whatever God look up to and you pray to find mercy on your pathetic souls.
I pray for all of my surviving Palestinian brothers and sisters that feel as if all is lost, I know for a fact we are strong of soul and body. We are tenacious and resilient. We are full of love and hope but also full of strength.
Justice will be served.
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