#thr soundtrack needs to be played in the club
kitkatdoodlez · 4 months
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Tennis is a relationship
Thank you challengers for literally changing my life
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isakohno · 5 years
1. don’t talk about fight club
2. always post the rules
3. answer the questions given to you by the one/s who tagged you
4. give 11 questions
5. tag 11 people
- i was tagged by @engelbeek and @lucassdemaury thanks guys
[ this is super long so i’m cutting it here ]
kailey’s questions:
1. favorite eva season?
listen i’m a purist so og. but favorite remake eva season? skam nl all the way. isa is just soooo great and opinionated and angry and i love it.
2. favorite friend-duo?
sana and isak hands down. they are so similar and they don’t even realize it.
3. most unrealistic thing about skam?
your first time being any good. see: s3 ep 8
4. if you could be cast in as an actor in any remake, which would you choose and why?
skam california. it doesn’t exist but if it did i would want to be in it and i’d be a bi eva that sees cali!isak’s crush on cali!jonas from a mile away.
5. favorite girlsquad member from each remake?
nl: all of them. i love all of them so much. idk. isa or engel??? or all of them
druck: amira
españa: amira
france: daphne or imane
austin: uh jo ?
italia: eva
(haven’t seen wtfock)
6. what’s your overall favorite skam scene/clip?
ekikdkdkdjd oh my god. um. i literally have no idea. maybe s3 ep2 when isak goes over to even’s house?
7. which character has the best fashion sense?
noora or esra (nl)
8. favorite evak remake?
davenzi, hands down. no one else even comes close. maybe crisana.
9. who’s the funniest character?
chris berg, pchris, and isak are all very funny to me in their own way.
10. would you prefer a wlw vilde season or a wlw noora season?
THIS IS SUCH A GREAT QUESTION. wlw vilde, hands down.
11. rank the remakes in order from your favorite to least favorite
nl, druck, españa, (BIG GAP), france, italia, austin. i haven’t seen wtfock.
ludvig’s questions:
1. what’s more important to you; actors thr same age as their characters, actors with the same “struggles” as their characters, or actors with acting experience?
age. or at least LOOK LIKE they could be the age. as much as i love when lgbt actors play lgbt characters, i’m never mad when it’s not the case. overall, probably the least important thing here to me is acting experience. og proved that teenagers with no acting experience can still make a phenomenal show.
2. what character do you see yourself in the most, in the whole skam universe?
matteo. his depression and self medicating hit so close to home for me. i’ve already made posts about that. but it’s not just that. he loves like how i love. he’s touchy, wants constant affection, reassurance. i’m like that in a relationship too. he’s just. me.
3. if you could choose one character in all skam universe to get their own season (and therefore eliminating the chance of all other characters to get their own season), who would it be?
4. favorite chris berg character? (og included)
well listen. og chris. but my two runner ups are cris soto (obviously) and janna.
5. 10 eps per season with 30-40 minute episodes, or 12 eps per season with 20-30 minute episodes?
i guess 10 eps cause that means more clips in a week but really i don’t care
6. how did you find the skam universe?
uh i think s3 of skam had just ended and i saw a gifset of evak’s first kiss and i was like i have to know what that show is right now
7. is skam your main interest?
yeah and i don’t love pointing that out!
8. if you’re lgbtq+; did you find comfort from skam?
of course. especially with the inclusion of wlw from the remakes.
9. what is one topic you think is important that skam (og or remake) hasn’t brought up?
clinical depression. druck had the perfect opportunity but *clenches fist* i guess not. also THERAPY. i want to see a character in therapy.
10. one thing you think og could have handled better?
just the stuff everyone already talks about. sexual assault. isak and sana’s talk. lesbiphobia. but that’s not fun to talk about and it doesn’t make me feel good so i try and avoid it. anger is exhausting.
11. did you follow s4 live?
i’m tagging @ieskeijser @lucassdemaury @daphylecomte @losientojoana @slvtherxn @jonasaugustn (and anyone else who wants to) if you’ve already been tagged you do not have to do mine too. like i always say with these things: do it or don’t.
my questions:
1. og season you could watch as many times as possible and never get tired of?
2. do you avoid the cast (of og/remakes)? why?
3. favorite remake?
4. least favorite character that people love? (og+remakes)
5. which character could you see yourself being best friends with? (og+remakes)
6. which character has the best social media account? (og+remakes)
7. favorite crack ship? (og+remakes)
8. rank the vilde’s from gayest to straightest (og included).
9. if you could be in a (new) remake, which og character would you be the remake of? how would your character be different from the og?
10. do you listen to skam soundtracks in your freetime? (og+remakes)
11. characters that need a season? (og+remakes)
thanks for playing :]
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