#thread with: mia chanel
kingtylerreigns · 4 years
Welcome to Waikiki
INVOLVED: Mia Carter, Tyler Carter, Nova Taylor, and Aaron Moore TIME FRAME: Tuesday, March 31, 2020 LOCATION: Waikiki, Honolulu, Hawaii SUMMARY: The clan of friends touch down in Waikiki and get settled into their villa before playing a mean game of UNO for the night and ordering some grub.
Tyler walked through the doors of the large villa, lugging a few of the bags into the place with a deep hum of appreciation. Sitting the bags down off to the side, Tyler looked back at everyone and said, “well this is it, four bedrooms, six bathrooms, and hella space.” He chuckled as he ran his hand over his short hair.
Mia followed behind Tyler with a small trunk like bag, it was her makeup case and about all he’d allow her to carry from the car that he arranged to pick them up. She looked around the villa with bright eyes, taking it all in especially the view from the backyard space. “Baby,” she squealed, her eyes moving to him still just as bright and appreciative as they were when they boarded the plane. “It’s beautiful,” she told him happily. “I love it already” she told him, walking over to him and leaning up on her toes to peck his lips gently.
Nova held her LV carry-on bag strap as she walked with it on her shoulder and she took in the spot Tyler had booked for them. Damn. She couldn’t believe he’d invited let alone paid, but after seeing the Villa she knew somewhere down the line she had to pay him back, it had to cost an arm and a leg a night. She licked her lips and took it all in, in aw. Wondering if there would be moments like this where Aaron surprised her with expensive trips, throwing money in everyone else’s faces without a care. Looking back at Aaron she smiled softly as she lowered the bag from her shoulder sitting it off to the side. “It’s bomb Tyler” she told him thankfully.
Aaron moved into the villa holding Nova’s bags on his shoulders and in his hands. He licked his lips as he looked around, sitting the bags with a surprised hum. “Wow,” he said aloud as he gazed around. The place looked expensive as hell. He looked over at Mia and Tyler, then at Nova and he licked his lips. “This is insane,” he chuckled, looking back at the two male workers as they brought in the rest of their bags on a cart, rolling it into the spacious living area for them.
Tyler chuckled softly as he pulled Mia close as he walked up to him. He held her by her waist, his hand gripping the thickest part of her hip as she kissed him. He kissed her back lovingly, his forehead resting against hers briefly before he lifted it and looked over at their friends. “Glad you guys like it,” he said, slipping one hand into the pocket of his cargo shorts, the other hand still gripping Mia’s hip. He looked around a bit more before he looked at the two men as they wheeled the cart into the room and he thanked them, sliding his hand from his pocket to slide them both one hundred-dollar bills. He looked down at Mia and smirked, kissing her nose before he looked to their friends again. “Fridges should be fully stocked. There’s a pool out back, it’s heating, plus the hot tub,” he began explaining. “Like I said there are four bedrooms, two bedroom on each wing of this villa, so I guess Mia and I will take the right wing and you two can take the left wing and we all meet in the middle. There’s obviously two extra bedrooms, do with yours what you will,” he said, looking to Nova and Aaron before he looked down at Mia, squeezing her hip. “Babe, I’m going to set up some stuff in our extra bedroom in case you want to record and I think there's a vanity in there for you to do your makeup,” he said thoughtfully.  
Mia smiled at Tyler happily, sitting her makeup trunk down for the moment as he spoke. She looked back at Nova, pretty happy to be enjoying this trip with her best friend. Who might she add, didn’t look as pregnant as she was, which only made her wonder just how big she’d get and how quickly or slowly. As Tyler went on to explain the layout she smiled again, privacy but with the excitement of friends nearby she liked that idea. Looking up at him she smiled “you are so thoughtful baby, thank you so much” she said sweetly planting another kiss on his lips. “I see you trying to get some cookie later” she joked in a hushed tone as she pecked his lips twice over.
Nova looked at Tyler and she nodded her head at him “okay, great” she said softly before she looked at Aaron. “I know” she breathed back to him, wrapping her arms around his waist gently as she watched the men bring in their things and she hummed softly to herself. She wanted to get all clean and do something right now, there was no telling when the next time she and he would get to experience a real vacation or even some along time once their son was born.
Aaron wrapped his arms around Nova as she wrapped her arms around his waist and he pressed a kiss to her hair. His strong arms held her firmly as he nodded along to Tyler’s words and he said, “oh word?” as he looked to the left side of the villa, eyeing the hallway there. He nodded a bit more before he leaned down, whispering into Nova’s ear. “I’ma make you scream tonight,” before he lifted his head.
Tyler looked around a bit more, his hand slowly sliding from Mia’s hip to her ass at her words. “You’re welcome baby,” he whispered to her before he looked at their friends, “and you guys don’t have to thank me, it’s Spring Break and we only live once right?” he said chuckling before he grew quiet at Mia’s whisper. Looking down at her, he smirked, squeezing her ass firmly in his large hand. “Oh most definitely,” he said back to her in a soft tone before he looked at Nova and Aaron again, “uh, there’s plenty to do,” he said, licking his lips, “a couple of hikes and nature walks, shopping -- of course, the botanical gardens, the aquarium, the zoo, there’s this dope ass art museum, I heard there’s this 5-hour food tour, surfing lessons for Aaron and I, canoe rides,” he paused looking at Mia, “there’s a bunch of fireworks shows and shit, plus there’s always the beach,” he said with a smirk.
Mia looked up at Tyler again and she licked her lips slowly as he gripped her ass with his large hand. Her eyes flickered before he began to explain all the activities they could do and she nodded along with his list. “All of it sounds fun, I think we can squeeze most of it in” she said looking back at her friends happily. “Especially the museum babe” she said looking into his eyes “I know you want to see that” she said softly.
Nova looked at Aaron at his words and she chuckled “oh I can imagine” she said to him, pecking the side of her face. She looked at Tyler pulling away from Aaron now as she rested one hand on her lower back and the other over her stomach. “It does” she agreed with Mia “I think us getting out and exploring sounds like a great idea. We should make the most of the trip, the villa is beautiful. But despite Mia and I being pregnant, I am sure we can get a decent amount of activities in” she told them.
Aaron let Nova go as she pulled away from him and he leaned against a pillar as he folded his arms over his broad chest casually nodding his head. “All that sounds fun,” he admitted, nodding along to Nova’s words. “I’m down for whatever,” he said as he dropped his arms and moved to sit down on the sofa, pulling Nova down into his lap. “I am a bit jet lagged though,” he admitted. “Maybe we should just chill and unpack for the night and get started bright and early tomorrow,” he suggested.
Tyler rubbed Mia’s ass in his hand idly as he looked down at her, then at their friends. “Got to go to the museum,” he smirked. “One of my pieces is in there,” he admitted. He shifted on his feet slightly as he nodded to Nova and Aaron, “yeah I tried to make sure I looked at the list of activities that you and Mia could partake in,” he said, “I wanted to be inclusive,” he chuckled. Looking at Aaron, Tyler said, “yeah that’s a good idea.”
Mia looked to Tyler and she smirked “really?” Mia asked him both shocked and having just learned about this for the first time today. She would have to take photos and vlog that for their child. Mia’s hand rested on Tyler’s hip as she looked back at Aaron and Nova, she nodded. “Okay” she said to the three.
Nova smirked at Tyler “you had it all mapped out bro” she chuckled at him as Aaron pulled her down in his lap and she sat. Rubbing her belly gently as she did, calming their moving son.
Aaron rubbed Nova’s stomach with her as they sat and he nodded along, looking at Tyler. “Oh dope,” he said as he shifted slightly on the couch. Nodding, Aaron rested his head back against the couch.
After doing a little unpacking and taking a shower, Tyler sat at the table in the middle of the villa shuffling a deck of UNO cards as he looked around the table at everyone. “No cheating,” he said knowingly.
Mia sat among her husband and friends, she had on an airy sundress and her braids were half up half down. As Tyler shuffled the UNO deck, she smirked at him, chuckling a little from her seat before she lifted a glass of pineapple and mango juice up, taking a sip from it.
Nova shifted in her chair next to Aaron and she popped a strawberry into her mouth, chewing lightly on it. She looked at Tyler and smirked “who cheats playing UNO?” she pressed with a knowing smirk. She wasn’t a cheater, but UNO could make the best of friends, the worst of enemies. “Baby you want some?” Nova asked Aaron, offering fruit from her bowl to Aaron, as her other hand rubbed her stomach idly.
Aaron sat back, holding his beer on his knee as he looked around the table and he smirked. “No cheating over here man,” he said before he lifted the beer to his lips, taking a sip. Looking at Nova, he nodded as he took the fork, eating a few pieces of the fruit. “Thanks bae,” he said softly.
Tyler squinted at everyone and he said, “y’all know y’all some cheaters,” as he paused his shuffling to pick up the instructions, “we playing UNO rules, man, none of that hood shit ya mama taught you,” he chuckled as he began to hand out cards one by one.
Mia snorted at Tyler shaking her head “I remember one of two games spanning all the way to freshmen year” she said with a grin as she looked at Aaron and Nova. Somewhere down the line she figured they did it to get a rise out of Tyler, which now amused her knowing what she knew about him. Mia took another sip of her drink before she popped a cracker into her mouth. “Oh lord” she said in response to Tyler, looking at him from her seat to his left.
Nova pulled the strapless dress she had on up in the front a bit, tucking her large breast away as she did, and she crossed her ankles gently as Aaron ate. Nova chuckled at Tyler “sometimes you gotta leave the past in the past brother” she said playfully as she sipped from her glass of water idly.
Aaron snorted a bit and he looked at Mia, hands up in defensive, “it wasn’t me,” he admitted throwing Nova under the bus. “I was just an innocent bystander,” he chuckled, taking another sip of his beer, collecting his cards one by one. He had a pretty decent hand.
Tyler licked his lips as he finished passing out the cards and he chuckled as he said, “yeah, yeah,” before he dropped down his first card, a green zero. Picking up his beer, he took a sip before he sat his cards down on the table, moving his hand to Mia’s thigh, giving her a loving squeeze.
Mia looked between Aaron and Nova chuckling gently as she picked her cards and placed them in order to her liking before she looked at the green zero. Feeling Tyler’s hands on her thigh she put down a yellow zero puckering her lips out for him to kiss as she closed her hand around her cards protectively.
Nova looked to Aaron with raised brows and she said “wow” to him shaking her head and licking her lips. “You're wrong for that” she told him easily as she took a sip of her water, smirking. Watching Tyler and Mia she grabbed her cards and looked at them, having nothing. She pulled a card from the deck before she put that one down, sitting the yellow five down luckily.
Aaron smirked at Nova and he leaned over, kissing her jawline. “It’s all love baby,” he said sweetly, trying to sneak a look at her cards in the process. Leaning back over in his chair, he looked at the options that he had before he placed down a yellow draw two, looking at Tyler with a shrug, “sorry bro,” he chuckled.
Tyler smirked as Mia leaned in and he kissed her back sweetly, watching as she protected her cards in the process. Smart. “Love you babe,” he said before he looked at the pile then at Aaron with a scowl, “oh it was all Nova,” he said mockingly as he picked up two cards, a yellow one and a green five.
Mia looked to Aaron and then to Tyler, shaking her head at both men as she dropped a yellow reverse card and she looked at Aaron smugly. Hopefully her husband had a good card in his hand to play.
Nova looked at Aaron pursing her lips “uh, uh get back” she said to him knowingly. “Trying to see my hand” she mumbled as she popped a grape in her mouth. Nova looked at Tyler and Aaron’s exchange before she looked at Mia and she hid behind her hand. Hm.
Aaron looked at Nova and he smirked, chuckling a little. “I am not, just trying to get a little sugar,” he said, lying through his teeth before he took another sip of his beer. Looking over at Mia as she placed down a reserve, Aaron frowned. “Oh c’mon,” he said, shaking his head.
Tyler looked at Mia and he smirked as she placed down the reserve. He looked down at his hand before he picked out his wild draw four and placed it down on the pile, looking at Aaron with a smirk. “Payback is a bitch ain’t it. The color is red.”
Mia looked at Tyler as he dropped the draw four on Aaron, and she grabbed her glass taking a long sip of the juice before she sat it back down, having been hiding her cards against her chest. She was going to win this little did any of them know.
Nova looked at Aaron and cut her eyes at her boyfriend before she looked at Tyler gloating and she smacked her lips. “Lord” she said as she placed a red eight down on the stack. She popped two more grapes into her mouth.
Aaron grumbled softly to himself as he looked at Tyler and he picked up four cards with a huff. “It’s cool, I got you,” he said as he nodded his head, already plotting his revenge. Reaching over, the grabbed the fork, getting a piece of pineapple out of Nova’s bowl.
Tyler sat back, his cards in his hand under the table as he looked around at everyone, trying to gauge their expressions.
Mia looked to Aaron hiding her amusement as she looked at her hand, now per the rules whatever she was left with as a high card would count against her. And a draw was a high card, the likelihood of her losing is about 50/50 so she had to get rid of it. Dropping the red draw two card down Mia looked to her husband apologetically.
Nova looked at Tyler and Mia, then to Aaron as he stole some fruit and she licked her lips hiding her hand from him feeling he was cheating himself right now.
Aaron watched as Mia placed down the draw two and he smirked, his eyes growing a bit wide. Mia had just drawn first relationship blood. It was about to get wild now. He licked his lips as he placed down his green draw two, looking at Nova with a smirk.
Tyler slowly turned to look at Mia after she placed the card down. He blinked slowly, his expression sad and his eyes hurt. “Wow, it be your own wife man…” he said, shaking his head as he picked up two new cards, adding them to his hands. As Aaron dropped a draw two on Nova, he snorted softly.
Mia looked to Tyler with a pout “I’ll make it up to you later baby,” she cooed at him lovingly. Mia watched Aaron and then looked to Nova before she dropped a wild card and changed the color to yellow.
Nova looked at Aaron with a hard gaze “oh, we playing at this shit tonight I see” she said shifting with her chair moving it away from Aaron. “You dead wrong” she said, eyeing him up and down as she drew two cards from the deck, sorting her hand now.
Aaron looked across the table at Mia and Tyler before he looked at Nova and he said, “baby all’s fair in love and war,” with a chuckle.
Tyler looked over at Mia and he said, “you better,” before he looked at Aaron and Nova and laughed a bit. He placed down a yellow four, it was a safe bet.
Mia looked to Tyler, amusement written across her face at his words and she looked back at the table.
Nova looked to Aaron again and she squinted “keep it up” she threatened him lightly as she popped another grape into her mouth, sliding her bowl over where she was resting now.
Aaron looked at Nova with an expression of sorry as he dropped down a yellow skip and he puckered his lips some as he said, “I still love you though,” sweetly. “You’re my fucking cinnamon apple,” he chuckled.
Tyler snorted at Aaron and his recall of the old vine that they all used to laugh over. “You’re an idiot man,” he said shaking his head as he finished off his beer before he got up from the table, holding his cards close to his chest as he did. He walked around the table slowly, moving into the kitchen to toss the empty beer bottle into the trash before grabbing another, using the drawer handle, to pop it open.
Mia looked at Aaron and she shook her head with a smirk as she placed a yellow six down. She popped another cracker into her mouth.
Nova looked to Aaron as he skipped and she blinked slowly finding no amusement in his or Tyler’s antics. As Tyler got up to get another beer, she sat back slowly eyeing the table now. Shit just got serious around her.
Aaron sat back, looking at Nova with kissy faces as she ignored him. As Tyler got up, Aaron said, “aye grab me one too,” as he quickly guzzled down the last of his beer, sitting the bottle on the floor.
Tyler looked over at Aaron’s words and he said, “bet,” as he grabbed another bottle, opening it up against the drawer as well, before he walked back over to the table. Sitting down he handed Aaron his beer across the table before he took a sip of his own. “Oh, is it my turn?” he asked as he fanned out his cards once more, his hand back under the table as he eyed his options. Sitting the beer down, he grabbed a blue six and placed it on the top of the pile.
Mia watched Tyler go grab him and Aaron another beer from the kitchen; she rested her hand aside as she picked up the plate of cheese and crackers. She popped a piece of cheese into her mouth munching on it. He had managed to change the color but that was fine, she was still going to win this round of the game easy.
Nova continued to ignore Aaron as she finished the bowl of fruit alone, placing the last strawberry into her mouth and chewing on it as she watched Tyler return and play.
Aaron took the beer as Tyler handed it over and he said, “thanks,” as he took a sip before he dropped down a blue skip with a snort, looking at Nova out the corner of his eye. It wasn’t his fault the cards got reserved. Truly Mia was to blame. He was just trying to get the big cards out his hand.
Tyler snorted at Aaron, dropped down another skip for Nova and he sat back, shaking his head. Nova was going to be pissed, this Tyler knew to be fact.
Mia looked at Aaron as he skipped Nova again and her eyes grew, he was taunting her, and she had to hide her amusement because of it. Mia sat the plate aside as she picked her cards back up “UNO” she said as she dropped the wild card “the color is yellow” she told them all.
Nova looked at Aaron again and said “really?” to him her eyebrows to her hairline as she shifted in her chair. She leaned up against the table, there was no way Aaron was about to continue to play with her like this.
Aaron looked over at Nova and he said, “I’m just trying to lose my hand,” chuckling. “Mia reserved it, blame her, this should all be going to Tyler,” he countered.
Tyler shook his head, “uh-uh, don’t blame my baby, you got other cards in ya hand,” he said easily as he placed down his yellow one. If Mia won, he wouldn't be too mad, though he surely wanted to win for himself.
Mia looked at Aaron and snorted “you are so full of it, please, Nova he is enjoying doing that to you” she corrected easily. She smirked and looked at Tyler “that’s right baby” she said pecking his cheek.
Nova looked at Aaron with a raised brow before she looked at Mia and said “oh I know” easily shaking her head as she drank down some more of her drink.
Aaron looked over at Tyler and Mia and he smacked his lips. “Y’all make me sick,” he joked as he placed down a yellow eight before he looked at Nova.
Tyler smirked, looking at Mia as she leaned in to peck his cheek and he covered his cards. “I got your back baby,” he said with a small laugh at Aaron’s words.
Mia looked at Aaron and said “we love you too” slyly. She pushed her plate aside and drank down her drink, finishing it as she sat her empty glass aside as well.
Nova said nothing as she placed down what she had which was a blue eight, and she sat back with her cards still in her hand watching Tyler and Mia both.
Aaron squinted at Tyler and Mia and he said, “yeah, yeah,” as he watched Nova finally take a turn. “Gimme kiss,” he said as he leaned towards Nova.
Tyler chuckled, taking another sip of his beer. He looked at Mia as she finished off her drink, asking, “did you want more to drink?”
Mia didn’t have anything to place down so she drew a card and she licked her lips, someone just had to change the damn color she could have won by now. Looking at her husband she said “yes, water please” she told him sweetly.
Nova looked at Aaron as he puckered his lips up towards her, she scrunched her face and her mouth twisted before she said “uh, uh” to him easily “boy get out my face” she fanned as she shifted away from him once more. “Think you cute… butthole” she mumbled under her breath as she swung her feet, one leg crossed over the other.
Aaron looked at the pile out the corner of his eye as Mia drew a card before he looked back at Nova and he said, “c’mon baby, just one,” even as she leaned away from him again and he smirked.
Tyler nodded at Mia’s request and he placed down a blue five, before he got up with his cards in his hand. He grabbed her glass and moved into the kitchen. Quickly he rinsed the glass out before he opened the fridge and pulled out the pitcher, quickly filling Mia’s glass.
Mia watched as Tyler put down a card before getting up to get her some water and she shifted in her chair looking at the two across from her with a smirk.
Nova looked at Aaron, eyeing him up and down “oh no, snake” she said with a chuckle. “A snake is a guy that can’t get no love from me” she told him as she sipped her water gently.
Aaron leaned up, playing a blue two, before he said, “now how you going to ruin a hit song like that,” with a chuckle.
Walking back over with his cards in hand, Tyler handed Mia her glass over water as he sat down.
Mia snorted at Aaron and Nova before she said “she really just tried to remix Scrub” laughing all the while. She looked to Tyler and said “thank you baby” softly.
Nova looked to Mia and Aaron hiding her smirk as he dropped a blue draw two on Mia and she shook her head. “Easy” she said slyly to them both.
Aaron laughed softly, looking across at Tyler and Mia before he said, “ohhh,” as Nova dropped a draw two on Mia.
Tyler shook his head, “a disgrace,” he said looking at Aaron with a shake of his head, “left eye somewhere rolling over in her grave,” he said chuckling before he paused, looking at his wife.
Mia looked at Tyler with a snort before she looked at Nova with raised brows “wow” she said picking up her two cards from the deck. She put them in order, trying to hide her annoyance that she could had the game moves ago if it wasn’t for the color being changed.
Nova licked her lips and she tilted her head at Mia “what?” she asked her softly “I had to get rid of that card” she shrugged playing stupid like everyone else.
Aaron looked between Mia and Nova and he bit his lip. Oh boy. Things just got realer. “Simmer, simmer,” he said with a smirk.
Tyler looked at Nova then at his wife and he shook his head as he drew a card, not having had anything to play.
“On me huh?” Mia said, pursing her lips at the woman for a moment. “Mhm” she drugged out, nodding her head as she took a long sip from her water glass.
Nova chuckled at Mia “it’s okay big baby” she teased at her playfully as she looked at Aaron who was up next.
Aaron looked at Mia, then at Nova and he tucked his lips in as he played his blue seven, he was not touching that.
Tyler chuckled until Nova spoke her words and he said, “aye, won’t be none of that shit,” he said to Nova quickly, shaking his head. “I’ll shut all this shit down,” he told them all.
Mia said nothing in response to Nova, squinting at her lightly until she heard Tyler’s words and she looked at him. “Ty” she breathed easily to him; he was supposed to be working on that. “She’s joking, calm down” she said to him quietly, he hand squeezing his leg under the table.
“Well damn the jokester, can’t take a joke” Nova said putting down a blue nine as she gazed at Tyler. In many ways they were night and day others, they were just the same. She angered quickly and so did he.
Aaron looked at Tyler and he sat up a bit, “aye now,” he said as he sat his cards down on the table gesturing between all of them. “Shut it all down,” he said looking at all of them. “I get you defending your girl now Tyler, but this…” he said pointing to Nova, “don’t do it…”
Tyler looked at Mia at her words and he rolled his jaw slightly. “Shit ain’t funny,” he said to Nova before looking at Aaron and he smacked his lips. He looked at Mia before he sat back, licking his lips slowly. He’d be cool.
Mia looked at Tyler as he continued his banter with Nova, and she just looked at the side of his face. Mia turned back to her hand quietly, saying nothing more as she put down the draw four and said to everyone “the color is green” very quietly.
Nova looked at Tyler tilting her head slowly before she looked at Aaron as he barked back at the man. Nova smirked to herself as she sat back in her chair again, when Mia dropped her card, she looked at Tyler expectantly.
Aaron looked across the table at Tyler and he licked his lips slowly. If he needed, he would fuck Tyler up, the trip be dammed.
Tyler looked over at Mia as she placed down the wild draw four and he nodded slowly as he picked up four new cards, adding them to his hand.
Mia looked at her hand and she licked her lips slowly, she looked over at Nova speaking a full conversation with her eyes.
Nova looked at Mia, she shrugged her shoulders lightly as the women both spoke telepathically to each other across the table.
Aaron grew very quiet, drawing back some as he let out a sigh. Looking at his hand, he huffed a bit, he didn’t have anything green. Reaching out, he grabbed a card before he let out a triumphant noise. He placed down the wild card and said, “yellow.”
Tyler sat back, dragging his hand down his face as he looked at his hand full of cards, a little irritated now.
Mia pulled her eyes away from Nova and she looked at Aaron as he changed the color again. She licked her lips looking at the cards in her hand now.
Nova looked at Aaron as he changed the color to yellow and she dropped a yellow eight down behind him luckily.
Aaron rubbed his hands together a bit, his cards hiding under the table. Looking over at Nova, he hummed as she placed down her card.
Tyler shifted in his seat, picking up his beer and he took a long sip, chugging it down. He finished the bottle before he sat it aside.
Mia placed a yellow five down, it was all the yellow she had at the moment she looked at Tyler’s empty bottle as he sat it down, her eyes moved to his face afterwards. She caressed his leg loving again under the table before she placed another cracker in her mouth.
Nova looked over at Aaron and she finally leaned in pecking his lips, for his knight and shining armor act he’d get the pussy slung to him tonight no doubt.
Aaron looked over at Nova, smirking a bit as she kissed his lips. He smiled slightly, letting out a hum as he reached over, placing his hand on Nova’s thigh. “Love you babe,” he whispered.
Tyler glanced at Mia as she placed her hand down on his leg. He rubbed his lips together, placing his hand over Mia’s briefly before he placed down a yellow two.
Mia looked at Tyler, watching him place a card down and she pulled her hand away focusing on the game once more.
Nova smirked “I love you more” she told Aaron easily before she raised her glass to her mouth finishing her drink and sitting it back down against the table as Tyler dropped his card.
Aaron smirked back at Nova before he leaned back, placing down his yellow four. The silence around the table was honestly a bit unbearable. However, he wasn’t going to say anything.
Tyler let out a sigh, reaching across to place his hand on Mia’s thigh, giving her a squeeze there.
Mia pulled her lip into her mouth for a moment before she reached for her glass and drank down some more water. She sat the glass back down, eyeing the deck of cards.
Nova pulled a card from the deck and sighed at the color of it, now she was curious to see who would win the fucking game at this point. She moved to stand up and she said “bathroom break” she held her cards in her hands. “You niggas cheat I’m beatin’ all y’all asses” she said pointing around the table as she walked off towards the bathroom.
Aaron watched Nova draw her card and he looked at the expression on her face before she stood. At her words, he chuckled, and he smirked, watching her hips as she walked away. Looking over at Mia and Tyler he grew quiet once more.
Tyler licked his lips, pulling his hand away from Mia and he looked over at Nova, shaking his head at her words. Licking his lips once more, he sighed out, rubbing his hand down his face again before he stood, going into the kitchen to grab another beer.
Mia looked at Nova and she snorted lightly at her “if you come back with more cards than you left with, we know who the real cheater is” as the girl disappeared. Mia looked at Tyler as he got up to get another beer and she looked back at the table in the meantime she drew the card she needed to and held it for a moment in her hand knowingly.
Nova chuckled at Mia, she moved in the bathroom sitting the cards aside and she relieved herself for a moment before she finished and fixed her clothing. She washed her hands and dried them off before she picked her cards back up and moved back out to where everyone else were and she sat back down.
Aaron watched Tyler rise from the table and he looked at his own beer, he had a ways to go. He was good. He took a sip of the drink before he looked over at Mia, watching as she held the card in her hand.
Tyler came back to the table, drinking down some of the beer as he sat down. He looked over at Mia, then at Nova as she sat back down, and he looked at the cards in his hand. “Did you go?” he asked Mia.
“I was holding it in my hand for Nova to return,” Mia said to Tyler, not looking at him directly. She placed the yellow nine down in the stack and licked her lips as she waited for the next person to move.
Nova looked at Tyler as he returned and she rolled her eyes slightly, he was going to be uptight and mad this entire trip now which would piss me off, seeing as it already was and then she and Aaron would be monkeys in the middle. She looked back at Tyler, to apologize would be to confess she was calling Mia more than a big baby which she wasn’t.
Aaron looked at Nova as she came back and he glanced at Mia as she spoke. He nodded slowly, looking at the card Mia placed down before he looked at his own hand.
Tyler nodded at Mia’s words and he took another sip of his beer. Looking at the card she placed down, Tyler drew a card, holding the wild draw four in his hand. “Pass,” he said easily, looking around the table.
Mia watched Tyler pull a card from the deck and pass up his chance to go and licked her lips with a smirk, interesting. She grabbed her glass of water and finished it before she sat it aside completely.
Nova looked at Tyler and she raised a brow at him before she looked at Aaron knowing it was his turn to play.
Aaron looked at Tyler a bit shocked as he skipped his turn and he rose an eyebrow. He looked around the table slowly, taking in their expressions before he placed his card down, a yellow one.
Tyler looked at the cards in his hand, eyeing the draw four and he licked his lips slowly. Did he want to use it? Tilting his head to the side a bit, he took another sip of his beer.
Mia looked to her husband hiding her hand from him, he was about to do something fucked up she could tell by his demeanor and she squinted. “What are you over there thinking about?” she asked amused, as she chuckled lightly to herself.
Nova looked at Tyler as he sat there sipping his beer, at Mia’s words she chuckled as she dropped her green one, changing the color thankfully.
Aaron eyed Tyler and he picked up his beer, taking a sip. Looking at Nova, he watched as she placed down the green one, changing the color. He smirked a bit.
Tyler looked at his wife, rubbing his hand over his scruff a bit. “Nothing,” he smirked a bit, shaking his head. “Get out my hand,” he chuckled, holding his cards close.
Mia snorted at Tyler “we are married, what’s yours is mine baby. Your hand is my hand” she said to him as he tried to hide it protectively from her. No matter Mia said “UNO” cutely towards him and dropped her green nine against the table.
Nova looked at Tyler “who is the cheater now I wonder?” she said aloud as Mia called UNO again and she sighed heavily. The girl was going to win.
Aaron looked over at Mia and Tyler at their banter and he chuckled before Mia called UNO and dropped down a green card. He looked at Mia shocked, when had she placed down all of her cards. “Wait a minute,” he said, shaking his head, “I’m calling bullshit.”
Tyler looked at Mia as she spoke, and he shook his head. “Oh yeah, so what’s in your hand?” he asked her before she played, calling UNO and his neck jerked back. “What?” he said looking at her, “what the fuck?” he asked, confused. “How?” he questioned as he placed down his wild draw four for Aaron. “Red,” he said.
Mia looked at everyone at the table and she chuckled “oh so now I am the cheater? Mia out of all people? The quiet Christian woman” she joked lightly as Tyler dropped his card and she looked to Aaron. “Oop.”
Nova looked to Tyler and Aaron and she smirked before she looked at Mia. When Tyler dropped his card, she looked at Aaron and she pulled the card. Having nothing else in her deck and she pulled a red skip and she dropped it skipping Mia.
Aaron looked at Mia, “yes you, the quiet Christian woman, those are the ones you gotta watch,” he joked. As Tyler made him draw, he pursed his lips as he picked up four cards. “Fucker,” he muttered out as he added the cards to his hand before Nova skipped Mia and he smirked.
Tyler shook his head. “Ain’t so innocent to me,” he said knowingly, watching as Aaron picked up his cards and Nova skip Mia. He chuckled before he placed down a red reserve, turning the game around.
Mia looked at Tyler and she nudged him “hey” she said softly “you are my husband; you co-sign me boy” she playfully as Nova skipped her. She squinted before her husband reversed and she licked her lips slowly. Mia had to draw a card but when she did, she called out “UNO” again and placed the red three down on the table.
Nova shook her head, chuckling as the direction was reversed, she looked at Tyler, if Mia dropped a high card, she was going to beat him up. However, she did luckily, and Nova dropped a blue three changing the color on them all.
Aaron rubbed his full beard, looked around the table as Tyler reversed the game. He smirked, taking a sip of his beer with a chuckle as Mia drew a card only to play a card, calling UNO once more. “Damn.” As Nova changed the color, Aaron smirked and he played his blue four, humming softly.
Tyler looked over at Mia and he gave her a look, smiling. “Mia,” he said wiggling his eyebrows at her. As she called UNO once more, Tyler snorted, shaking his head. “Ain’t this ‘bout a bitch,” he grumbled softly. As Aaron played his blue four, Tyler smirked, Mia clearly didn’t have red, so he changed the color with a red four.
Mia looked at Tyler shaking her head before she noticed the color being changed and she sighed heavily. It was getting down to the wire or so she thought. She pulled a card from the deck and said “UNO” again, dropping a red five down on the stack. Looking to her husband she pecked his cheek sweetly.
Nova looked at Tyler and said “well I’ll be, working together now I see” she told him before she licked her lips. She pulled a card from the deck unable to move and she sat back.
Aaron looked at Tyler and Mia, shaking his head as he licked his lips. How in the hell did Mia keep getting lucky man. At Nova’s words, he snorted before he placed down a red reserve card, flipping it once again.
Tyler looked at Mia as she shook her head before she pulled and played once more. “Fuck man,” he grunted as she kissed his cheek and he grumbled softly. “Mhmm,” he hummed out before he smirked, placing his hand on her thigh. As Nova pulled and Aaron reserved the game, Tyler licked his lips.
Mia looked at Tyler and she smirked before she watched Aaron and Nova fast at work. The game had been reversed again and she waited.
Nova looked to Aaron and she pulled another card before she dropped the red four, she picked up onto the table.
Aaron looked over at Nova, then at Tyler and Mia as Nova played and he sipped his beer. “Game long as fuck,” he joked, shaking his head.
Tyler squeezed Mia’s thigh gently before he removed his hand, picking up his beer and sipping some down. At Aaron’s words he smirked, “‘cause y’all nigglet’s cheating.”
Mia looked at Tyler and she nodded her head “exactly!” she said aloud “I should have been out 10 times, damn cheaters” she chuckled. Mia reached in front of her and grabbed a card from the deck once more, rolling her eyes. Damn them.
Nova licked her lips and she chuckled “it’s about you not winning baby girl” she said mockingly, knowing Tyler often called her such. “Dog eats dog World”.
Aaron looked over at Mia and Tyler and he grunted, “yeah and that’s some bullshit, how you ain’t got no cards,” he huffed, looking at Mia’s hand. At Nova’s words, Aaron shook his head.
Tyler looked at Mia, licking his lips. “Uh-uh, you right where you need to be,” he said, “with them cards in ya hand,” he said as he played his red eight before he squinted at Nova.
“All I hear is a bunch of niggas hatin’” Mia said looking around the table. “Sore damn losers” she added to them all as she shook her head. Mia shifted in her seat, leaning further away from Tyler as she crossed one leg over the other.
Nova looked to Tyler and smirked widely at him, provoking the beast as usual. She looked to Aaron wondering what move he’d make next.  
Aaron snorted out, laughing at Mia’s words and he said, “I’m just saying, you the only one to have called UNO four times,” he laughed before he played his wild card, “yellow.”
Tyler looked at Mia as she leaned away from him and he chuckled. “Remember that,” he said to her with a smirk, watching as Aaron changed the color.
“J-e-a-l-o-u-s” Mia spelt out to Aaron with a smirk before she hoisted her swollen ankle up into Tyler’s lap and said “remember that” to him easily as she licked her lips. “This nigga wants to change the color to yellow” she mumbled to herself.
Nova looked at Aaron, she chuckled to herself silently before she looked at his pick and heard the color he chose. Rolling her eyes, she pulled from the deck and held the card in her hand unable to take a turn. She hated her hand right now.
Aaron smirked at Mia and he shook his head. “B-I-G M-A-D,” he spelled out to her before he laughed, watching as Nova pulled and didn’t play. He nodded slowly, so she didn’t have yellow.
Tyler chuckled, looking at Mia as she placed her feet into his lap and he adjusted his cards into one hand, holding them close to his chest as he began to massage her feet and ankles with his other hand.
Mia looked as Nova pulled a card and she sighed doing the same, she had nothing to use. She pulled from the deck and lucked up on a yellow reverse card and she dropped it down. She looked at Nova as she rolled her ankle in Tyler’s hand gently.
Nova looked at Mia as she reversed it back to her and she pursed her lips a bit, she didn’t have anything didn’t Mia know that. She chuckled, shaking her head as she pulled another card “this is a shame” she said aloud, she grabbed a yellow skip card and smacked it down looking at Aaron. She winked at him gently before she looked at Tyler.
Aaron looked at Mia as she picked up a card and placed it back down, reversing the game once more. He licked his lips, looking at Nova as she picked up a card before dropping a skip. “Damn babe,” he said, shaking his head. “Cold world.”
Tyler chuckled softly, watching the game play out as he looked at the cards in his hand. He didn’t have a yellow, so when it became his turn, he drew a card quickly, sitting back with a sigh as he continued to massage Mia’s feet and ankles.
Mia smirked at Nova as she smacked the card down skipping Aaron, it was Tyler's move and he had nothing. Amusing. She still didn’t have anything to use so she pulled a card from the deck and she rested in her hand before she shifted with a groan “I have to use the bathroom” she said as she removed her feet from Tyler’s lap. She moved to stand on her feet, and she sat her cards down on the table, at this point of time she didn’t care how it swayed the game was long as hell. She gathered her flowy sundress and moved for the bathroom.
Nova looked at Aaron and began mocking him “aww babe” she said puckering her lips. “All fun in love and war” she told him with a head shake and a smirk, licking her lips as she rested back against the chair. As Mia got up to use the bathroom, she rested her hand of cards against the table waiting for Mia to go, she had to draw anyway.
Aaron scrunched his nose at Nova and he laughed out, “don’t use my words against me,” he chuckled. As Mia announced that she had to use the restroom, he nodded, sitting back in his chair as he asked, “so we ordering out for dinner?”
Tyler licked his lips, sitting his cards face down on the table as Mia pulled her feet from his lap and stood up to go to the bathroom. He nodded slowly, standing up himself to stretch a bit. “Uh, we can doesn’t matter to me,” he said truthfully. “What you wanna to Nova?”
Mia moved into the restroom and she relieved herself for a moment looking down at her feet and ankles as she did. When she was done, she cleaned herself up and fixed her clothes before she washed her hands. When she was done with that, she dried her hand before she looked down at her feet again, taking both in and the swell of her ankles. After a moment Mia walked out of the bathroom, finally dropping her dress as it now hid her swollen feet once more. She moved into the room and she looked to Tyler quietly before she sat down at the table. She picked up her cards and said, “did anyone go?” avoiding their faces.
Nova looked at the two men and she said “I kind of want to try something native to them, though I am sure everything is some kind of seafood dish and Mia and I aren’t supposed to have much of that” she told them both. “Maybe there is like a pizza place, or somewhere with a nice burger” she breathed happily. She watched Mia walk back in and she looked her over, before she shook her head “no we were talking about dinner, trying to see what we are going to do” she said. “You good?” she asked her. She leaned forward and pulled a card from the deck still unable to play.
Aaron listened to Tyler and he nodded before he looked at Nova as she spoke. He said, “I’m sure they’ve got some good American food too,” easily. “Pizza or burgers sounds good,” he admitted, rubbing his stomach a bit. As Mia returned, he asked, “what you trying to eat?”
Tyler looked at Nova and he nodded slowly. “I don’t think all of their native dishes have fish,” he said with a shrug, honestly not sure. As Mia returned, he looked at her and he patted his lap for her to return her feet there, they needed to be elevated to reduce the swelling. “Yeah we’re trying to decide on dinner,” Tyler told Mia, licking his lips.
Mia placed her feet in Tyler’s lap once more and she looked to Nova at her question “yes” she said, though she was concerned about her feet it didn’t have to be everyone else’s concern. She looked to Aaron and then to Tyler, sighing softly she shrugged “whatever you guys choose is fine” she said her mind elsewhere. “I’m not picky right now.”
Nova looked at Mia and nodded her head at her gently, before the girl rested back in her sleep. “Pizza and burgers” she said easily then to everyone as she waited for the next person to go. She licked her lips before she moved to get up, grabbing herself some more water from the kitchen, she added a little lemon to it before returning to the group and sitting back down.
Aaron rubbed his beard a bit more, watching as Nova didn’t play and he said, “sounds good to me,” as he played his yellow three.
Tyler allowed Mia to place her feet back in his lap and he resumed his massages with a hum. “I’ll order in a few,” he said as he played a green three, changing the color with a smirk. With that one, he sat his cards down on the table and reached into his pocket for his phone, unlocking it and navigating it with his freehand as he continued to massage Mia’s feet with his other.
Mia watched their moves, the color changed again and she nodded her head. “Sounds good” she said offering them a smile as she looked to her husband as he prepared to order food for them. Mia dropped a green eight thankful the colored had changed, no maybe she could end this game.
Nova watched the play of cards against the table and after Mia went, she smirked. She used a green draw two on Aaron and looked at him quickly before she drank some water. “Sorry baby” she said to him.
Aaron watched Tyler and Mia as they interacted before he nodded as Tyler pulled out his phone. Looking at Nova as she placed a draw two, he grabbed his two cards shaking his head and he said, “it’s okay,” with a sigh as he leaned over, puckering his lips.
Tyler moved to his Postmates app, quickly finding a variety of options. “So, burgers or pizza or both?” he asked curiously, chuckling at Nova and Aaron as he placed his phone down for a moment to look at his cards and he played a green six, before he placed the cards back down and picked his phone back up.
Mia looked at Tyler and she said “I kind want pizza and fries” sweetly to him as he continued to massage her feet for her. Mia looked to her hand and said “UNO” once more as she placed the green seven down on the table.
Nova looked at Tyler and said “both” easily as she watched Mia and she cocked her head to the side. “You better win too” she told her after all of this. That was until she looked at her own hand and she shook her head, dropping the red seven and changing the color, it was all she had. She leaned over to Aaron and pecked his lips sweetly, staying there a little longer than anticipated before she pulled away.
Aaron looked over at Tyler and Mia and he nodded, “both,” he said easily. Licking his lips, he said, “try to see if you can order wings with the pizza,” he said easily before Nova kissed him and he smiled as he leaned back in his seat properly, playing a red two.
Tyler listened to their words and he said, “gotcha,” as he began ordering. First, he added the pizza and the wings into the order. “I’ma get two pizzas one meat lovers and one cheese and the 75 bone-in wings, 25 hot, 25 BBQ, and 25 lemon pepper” he explained. Before he said, “and I’m just going to get eight cheeseburgers and eight orders of fries,” he said as he put the order into the phone. “Anything else?” he asked as he moved to quickly play his red one.
Mia looked to her husband as he ordered some food and she licked her lips slowly at the thought of it. Biting her lips, she watched the men play their cards and she pulled one having no other option.
Nova shook her head at Tyler “I think that’s good” she said to him easily as she played a red six behind the men seeing as Mia couldn’t go.
Aaron nodded at Tyler as he listed off what he was ordering, and he nodded his head. That was a lot of food, but the night was still young, and they were probably going to get hungry again and the more leftovers meant less cooking later. Reaching out, he grabbed a card adding it to his hand.
Tyler placed the order and he sat the phone down before he played his red one, sitting his cards face down on the table as he used both hands to rub Mia’s feet, looking over at her with a slight worried expression.
As before Mia had nothing and she pulled a card still unable to move, she looked to her husband as he looked to her, she tucked her lips in and waited for Nova to move before she looked back at her hand.
Nova looked to see that Aaron was unable to play, and when Tyler dropped a card down, she looked over at Mia. she wasn’t able to play either and she sighed leaning forward to pull a card as well it was a red card and it was a draw two. She sighed and dropped it down “sorry again baby” she breathed quietly.
Aaron rubbed his hand down his face as Nova dropped another draw two on him and he sighed out as he grabbed the cards, adding them to his hand. He eyed his cards with a shake of his head. No way he was coming back from his.
Tyler eyed Mia with a bit of his lip before he looked at the pile on the table. He looked at his hand before he drew a card, adding it to his deck before he sat his cards back down and he returned his eyes to Mia, looking at her knowingly.
Mia watched as Tyler pulled a card and she looked back at him tilting her head a bit. Why was he gazing at her like that, she didn’t know why they were swelling either and she was trying not to think about it too much. She leaned forward with a stretch and grabbed a card before she looked back at him.
Nova bit her lip watching Aaron and then she watched everyone else before she pulled a card. Receiving something she could use she placed the red five down on the stack, watching the other deck lower with time.
Aaron looked around the table, watching Mia play, then Nova play before he used a green five, changing the color with a hum.
Tyler looked at Mia and he licked his lips as he watched her and Nova play. He looked down at her ankles in his lap, rubbing them tenderly. There was clearly something going on but neither of them knew specifically what. They’d have to see the doctor as soon as they got back to Texas. Lifting his cards, he looked at his options before he too played a green five.
Mia watched Tyler examine her ankles much like she’d done herself in the bathroom. And she looked at the table, the color had changed again finally. Mia dropped what she had available, skipping Nova.
Nova looked at Aaron and then Tyler as the both of them played, when Mia dropped her card skipping her, she shook her head at her.
Aaron looked around the table, trying to eye the amount of cards everyone had before he played his green two, sitting back slowly.
Tyler rubbed Mia’s ankles and he continued to bite his lip as he played his green nine; he only had a few cards left in his hand. Would he be able to finesse this win?
Mia placed a green three down as the game began to heat back up again a little for the crew and everyone became very serious again about the game.
Nova looked at Mia, making sure she didn’t have another trick up her sleeve before she dropped a blue three down, changing the color once more.
Aaron leaned forward, close to the table as everyone slapped their cards down and he looked at their hands with a huff shaking his head as he played his blue one.
“Uno!” Tyler called out quickly, also slapping a blue one down on the table. He was hype, he could find this if no one fucked him over.
Mia looked at Tyler “wow” she said to him “no way” she breathed as she looked to the table. “Uno” she said behind him, dropping a blue seven down on the table.
Nova looked at Tyler and then to Mia, damn, she hoped the girl didn’t have any cards that color. She dropped her card down saying “UNO” as she displayed the blue four.
Aaron looked at all of them as they called UNO and he sucked his teeth as he reached forward, grabbing yet another card and adding it to his hand before he sat back looking at Tyler expectantly.
Tyler looked around the table with a smirk, this was his game. “Uno out motherfuckers,” he said as he slapped his green four down on the table.
Mia watched Nova follow behind her to her surprise and then she looked at Tyler sighing heavily as he won the game. “Should have known” she said with a playful eye roll. She sat her cards down against the table before she removed her feet from his lap standing up now.
Nova looked to Tyler as he ended the game for them all and she smacked her lips loudly. “I knew you’d be the one to cheat, that's why you tried to call all of us out on doing the same thing” she said, dropping her cards down against the table.
Aaron watched as Tyler won the game and he dropped his cards down on the table shaking his head. “Distracted us with the idea of something to eat,” he said as he stood up from the table, grabbing his beer and chugging the rest down.
Tyler laughed out as everyone spoke about him winning and he rubbed Mia’s feet lovingly. “All I hear is a bunch of sore losers,” he said with a smirk.
Mia looked at her husband and said “you could have let me win” with a chuckle as she grabbed her and Nova’s cup in one hand, balancing his empty beer bottle in the other. She moved in the kitchen putting the things up, rinsing the glasses out before washing them quickly and resting them aside.
Nova looked at Tyler and said “yeah sure” as she pushed all the cards together, sorted them and stacked them back into the middle of the table. “Remind me not to do this with y’all anymore” she added.
Aaron moved into the kitchen, dropping the empty beer bottle into the recyclable trash bin before he leaned up against the counter. “How long for the food?” he asked Tyler.
As Mia removed her feet from his lap, Tyler stood up smirking. “Haters man, haters,” he said as he grabbed his phone, looking at the order and the time as he moved for the couch. “About 10 minutes,” he said easily as he sat down.
Mia moved out of the kitchen after she dried her hands off and she moved to rest near Tyler, sitting down on the couch with him.
Nova moved to stand up from the table stretching her back and she moved to use the restroom again. Emptying out all the water she had drunk.
Aaron moved to wash his hands before he moved into the living space as well, plopping down in a loveseat. He looked over at Tyler and Mia and said, “so Mia, your YouTube thing is pretty cool,” with a small shrug.
Tyler smiled as Mia came and sat near him and he pulled her close, rubbing her hip a bit as he whispered into her ear. “You okay?”
Mia looked at Tyler and said “yeah babe, I’m okay” softly to him, when Aaron joined them, she smirked. “Thanks A” she said with a grin.
Nova resurfaced and she moved to sit down when everyone in the living room, sitting on Aaron’s lap without a care as she wrapped her arms around his neck lovingly.
Aaron nodded at Mia and he chuckled as Nova returned and sat down in his lap. He wrapped his arms around her, patting her hip before he moved his hands to her belly. He kissed Nova’s lips sweetly.
Tyler rubbed Mia’s side lovingly. He nuzzled her neck a bit at her answer and he nodded. Looking at Nova and Aaron, Tyler said, “so what do we want to do tomorrow?”
Mia leaned into Tyler, resting her head on his shoulder gently as he spoke with their friends. She closed her eyes for a moment inhaling his scent deeply before she opened her eyes again.
Nova looked down at Aaron and she kissed his back gently as he rested his hand on her stomach. She smiled, feeling their son move against it before she said “I want to go to the museum, I want to see this piece you have in there” she said vocally.
Aaron rubbed Nova’s stomach lovingly, feeling their son move around and he smiled. “Hey bean,” he whispered. “Museum,” he said as well. “Then maybe come local cuisine?” he suggested.
Tyler ran his hand up and down Mia’s side lovingly before his hand settled on the side of her stomach. He smiled at Nova and he said, “well, museum it is,” before he nodded saying, “I’ll try to find some good local food that's not all seafood, “ he said thoughtfully. At the knock on the door, Tyler carefully stood up, unwrapping himself from Mia. He walked over to the door, opening it and collecting the food. “Thanks,” he said easily.
Mia nodded her head in agreement with everyone “I want to go to the museum too” she added with everyone. “Maybe look around and grab some food,” she said nodding her head. “Sounds like a great plan” she told them. When Tyler got up, she looked back “you need help babe?” she called out.
Nova nodded her head at Tyler before she looked at Aaron smiling “Bean is being busy” she said to him softly as she rested her hand on his.
Aaron nodded along, rubbing his hand over Nova’s stomach as their son kicked and moved. “Very,” he chuckled. As Tyler got up to get the food, he looked back. “Here, let me help him,” he mumbled softly to Nova as he lifted her carefully, standing to his feet. He rested her back in the chair before he jogged over, giving Tyler a hand.
Tyler collected everything, the two pizza boxes in his arms and the rest of the bags stacked on top. Turning, he closed the door with his foot before he said looked at Aaron and he nodded as the boy took the bags. Moving into the kitchen, he sat the boxes on the counter, spreading them out.
Mia didn’t get a response however she did move to stand up, smelling the food in the area hungrily. She licked her lips slowly and moved for the kitchen looking at the food “looks good” Mia said to them.
Nova nodded as Aaron moved to sit her down on the chair, she rested back in the seat and looked as they all flocked to the kitchen.
Aaron grabbed the bags, moving in the kitchen, turning to the other side, placing the bags down there, taking items out, spreading everything over the counter. He reached over, grabbing a few plates from the cabinet as he began to make Nova a plate. He placed a few of all the chicken wings on the plate before he added some fries. Turning to the other counter, Aaron flipped opened the boxes of pizza, adding one slice of each to the plate. He walked over holding the plate out to Nova. “Here you go baby.”
Tyler grabbed a plate as well after Aaron sported out the food from the bags, he moved behind Aaron, looking at Mia. “go sit down,” he told her. “I’m making your plate.” He placed some wings on her plate before he added some fries and a two slices of pizza. He looked back at the burgers and he grabbed a knife from the drawer, cutting a burger in half before he placed it on her plate.
Mia sat there with her hands on her hips fully prepared to make Tyler a plate when he commanded her to sit down. She nodded her head at him and said “okay babe” hiding her amusement as she moved to sit back down on the couch, fixing her dress as it flowed around her.
Nova looked at Aaron as he walked her over a plate, and she smiled saying “thank you babe” gently before she grabbed the plate. “Do you mind bringing me water as well?” she asked him as she fixed her position. Nova picked up a piece of chicken and bit into it hungrily before she licked her lips.  
Aaron leaned down, kissing Nova’s lips. “You’re welcome,” he said easily. “Of course,” he hummed out as he walked back into the kitchen, grabbing a glass and filling it with water for Nova. “Here you go,” he said as he walked back over, sitting the glass on the end table near Nova. Moving back into the kitchen, he began to make his own plate.
Tyler moved to pour Mia a glass of water, with lemon, before he walked into the living area, handing Mia her plate before he sat the glass down on the coffee table. He pressed a kiss to her forehead before he said, “here ya go babe,” before he added, “need anything else?” as he backed away slowly.
Nova kissed Aaron back gently, as he placed the glass of water down, she smiled at him thankfully. She loved how attentive he was to her needs; she knew it was for his son’s sake, but it still made her feel good. She continued to eat the chicken wings hungrily, cleaning the bone as she moved to sit Indian style against the seat, she fixed her dress a bit around her legs as she picked up another piece of chicken.
Mia looked at Tyler and she smiled happily at him “thank you baby” she said softly to him as she shifted tucking one of her legs beneath her. She smiled at the both of the men, catering to their every need while she carried their children. She licked her lips and popped a few fries into her mouth hungrily savoring the taste. Mia picked up a chicken wing and she bit it, humming at the taste as she licked her lips biting into it again, clearing the bone.
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thatmonroe · 4 years
[thread] @viabahari
Mia made her way to Mira’s haven, making sure to follow the instructions to the letter - getting lost in the middle of nowhere was definitely not in her plans. After a good long walk, and swearing she’s seen that tree already, Mia pauses and checks the map one more time. Does she even know how to read a map? Shit, this is tragic.
Well, no point doubting herself now - and she was definitely not giving up. She decided not to put the map back inside her postman-bag, as if holding on to it would somehow give her mind the powers of a compass. She sighed, walking, and walking, and walking. And taking the time to brush her hair and take any errant twigs and leaves out, and look at the cute berry bushes. Feral berries! Adorable. Was it especially silent here, or was it her imagin- Oh.
Facing a bunker that seemed to materialize suddenly right before her eyes, Mia sighed in deep relief. There's no way this is not the place, right? It has to be it. Alright.
She had followed Mira’s advice about the comfortable shoes - the woman lived here, she knew what she was talking about -, but she wasn't about to walk into her home cosplaying Indiana Jones with her leather combat boots and savannah-explorer themed outfit. Mia threw her postman bag open on the ground and grabbed the spare clothes the brought - nothing super fancy. Low heels in wine velvet and her trusted 98 Chanel black shift dress. A puff of her signature jasmine perfume and some lipstick, and she was ready.
She walked to stand right in front of the bunker and - uh. There's not a doorbell, obviously. Should she knock? What if it's warded and touching the gate zaps her? She chooses to just say, louder then normal but not enough to be a shout, and in an almost pleading tone. “Mira? Are you home?”
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luxuryt-shirt · 4 years
Speed Freeks Never Enough Dakka shirt
There has been no Speed Freeks Never Enough Dakka shirt . shortage of wildly glamorous fashion on the red carpet at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival this past week. There were crystals and chainmail, thanks to Tilda Swinton, as well as floral couture à la Elle Fanning, and fluffy tulle courtesy of Bella Hadid. But today, Julianne Moore managed to flip the typical Cannes fashion script when she turned up to promote her new short film The Staggering Girl wearing evening sequins—usually reserved for a walk up the steps at the Palais des Festivals—in the middle of the day, not to mention a mini hemline. Standing for the photo call, the star shimmered under the Riviera sun dressed in a short mint green ruffled Valentino dress, which she accessorized with simple nude heels and cluster earrings.Moore plays an Italian-American writer named Francesca in The Staggering Girl, which was initially conceptualized by Valentino’s creative director Pierpaolo Piccioli and directed by Luca Guadagnino. Speed Freeks Never Enough Dakka shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Unisex known for movies like Call Me By Your Name and Suspiria Speed Freeks Never Enough Dakka shirt . The short. which also stars Mia Goth, KiKi Layne, Marthe Keller, and Kyle MacLachlan, is rooted in fashion and couture, with the plot centering around specific dresses and the stories they tell through their owners. Details about the film have remained under wraps until today’s premiere, but Moore’s shining Valentino minidress certainly adds more hype around the fashion that will be portrayed on screen. The actress not only proved that sequins and a short silhouette aren’t only right for a night out, but that you don’t have to be strolling down a red carpet to wear this kind of thing either. That’s the story this Valentino dress told today—consider it a teaser of the fashion narratives yet to come.Before “Slide” took over the airwaves this year, French Montana released his single “No Stylist” and has just made good on that titular laid-back premise. Though he said in the first verse that he’s iced out in new Chanel, Saint Laurent, a Gucci bag, and other designer threads, spending 24 hours with the Moroccan-born rapper, as Vogue has discovered, is less a guide to brand-name posturing and more a lesson in the art of chilling out. You Can See More Product: https://luxuryt-shirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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tshirttrend · 4 years
Speed Freeks Never Enough Dakka shirt
There has been no Speed Freeks Never Enough Dakka shirt . shortage of wildly glamorous fashion on the red carpet at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival this past week. There were crystals and chainmail, thanks to Tilda Swinton, as well as floral couture à la Elle Fanning, and fluffy tulle courtesy of Bella Hadid. But today, Julianne Moore managed to flip the typical Cannes fashion script when she turned up to promote her new short film The Staggering Girl wearing evening sequins—usually reserved for a walk up the steps at the Palais des Festivals—in the middle of the day, not to mention a mini hemline. Standing for the photo call, the star shimmered under the Riviera sun dressed in a short mint green ruffled Valentino dress, which she accessorized with simple nude heels and cluster earrings.Moore plays an Italian-American writer named Francesca in The Staggering Girl, which was initially conceptualized by Valentino’s creative director Pierpaolo Piccioli and directed by Luca Guadagnino. Speed Freeks Never Enough Dakka shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Ladies
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Unisex known for movies like Call Me By Your Name and Suspiria Speed Freeks Never Enough Dakka shirt . The short. which also stars Mia Goth, KiKi Layne, Marthe Keller, and Kyle MacLachlan, is rooted in fashion and couture, with the plot centering around specific dresses and the stories they tell through their owners. Details about the film have remained under wraps until today’s premiere, but Moore’s shining Valentino minidress certainly adds more hype around the fashion that will be portrayed on screen. The actress not only proved that sequins and a short silhouette aren’t only right for a night out, but that you don’t have to be strolling down a red carpet to wear this kind of thing either. That’s the story this Valentino dress told today—consider it a teaser of the fashion narratives yet to come.Before “Slide” took over the airwaves this year, French Montana released his single “No Stylist” and has just made good on that titular laid-back premise. Though he said in the first verse that he’s iced out in new Chanel, Saint Laurent, a Gucci bag, and other designer threads, spending 24 hours with the Moroccan-born rapper, as Vogue has discovered, is less a guide to brand-name posturing and more a lesson in the art of chilling out. You Can See More Product: https://luxuryt-shirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
0 notes
Speed Freeks Never Enough Dakka shirt
There has been no Speed Freeks Never Enough Dakka shirt . shortage of wildly glamorous fashion on the red carpet at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival this past week. There were crystals and chainmail, thanks to Tilda Swinton, as well as floral couture à la Elle Fanning, and fluffy tulle courtesy of Bella Hadid. But today, Julianne Moore managed to flip the typical Cannes fashion script when she turned up to promote her new short film The Staggering Girl wearing evening sequins—usually reserved for a walk up the steps at the Palais des Festivals—in the middle of the day, not to mention a mini hemline. Standing for the photo call, the star shimmered under the Riviera sun dressed in a short mint green ruffled Valentino dress, which she accessorized with simple nude heels and cluster earrings.Moore plays an Italian-American writer named Francesca in The Staggering Girl, which was initially conceptualized by Valentino’s creative director Pierpaolo Piccioli and directed by Luca Guadagnino. Speed Freeks Never Enough Dakka shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Ladies
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Unisex known for movies like Call Me By Your Name and Suspiria Speed Freeks Never Enough Dakka shirt . The short. which also stars Mia Goth, KiKi Layne, Marthe Keller, and Kyle MacLachlan, is rooted in fashion and couture, with the plot centering around specific dresses and the stories they tell through their owners. Details about the film have remained under wraps until today’s premiere, but Moore’s shining Valentino minidress certainly adds more hype around the fashion that will be portrayed on screen. The actress not only proved that sequins and a short silhouette aren’t only right for a night out, but that you don’t have to be strolling down a red carpet to wear this kind of thing either. That’s the story this Valentino dress told today—consider it a teaser of the fashion narratives yet to come.Before “Slide” took over the airwaves this year, French Montana released his single “No Stylist” and has just made good on that titular laid-back premise. Though he said in the first verse that he’s iced out in new Chanel, Saint Laurent, a Gucci bag, and other designer threads, spending 24 hours with the Moroccan-born rapper, as Vogue has discovered, is less a guide to brand-name posturing and more a lesson in the art of chilling out. You Can See More Product: https://luxuryt-shirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
0 notes
kingtylerreigns · 4 years
A True Artist
INVOLVED: Mia Carter, Tyler Carter, Nova Taylor, and Aaron Moore TIME FRAME: Saturday, April 4, 2020 LOCATION: Museum; Waikiki, Honolulu, Hawaii SUMMARY: As promised, Tyler takes the gang to the museum of which his art is currently featured, shocking everyone as they come across a beautiful painting of Mia.
Tyler walked up to the entrance of the museum, smiling at the owner of the museum as they did. “Hey,” he said, clapping hands with the slightly older man. “Thank you for letting us view for free,” he said easily, looking at his wife and friends.
The older guy chuckled. “Your piece is amazing and your previous pieces have brought many viewers, you’re more than welcome to come for free anytime you’re on the island,” he said with a smirk as he clapped his hand on Tyler’s back.
Tyler chuckled and nodded at the man before he looked back at everyone saying, “lead the way,” with a knowing smirk.
Mia walked following behind her husband, she placed her bag onto her shoulder smirking as they greeted a man. As Tyler addressed the man and thanked him, she smiled softly. “Yes, thank you,” she added as she grabbed Tyler’s hand lacing their fingers gently. She was more than ready to see the museum but more so to see his actual work in the place.
Nova walked up towards the building clutching her Gucci bag in her hand as they approached a man. Tyler spoke with the guy and she waited gently, her hand moving to her stomach of which she rubbed gently. As they moved to enter, she smiled gently, honestly, she just wanted to see Tyler’s things but she would enjoy the experience in general.
Aaron waited patiently, his hand on Nova’s back rubbing her there a bit as Tyler spoke with the owner. As Tyler told them to lead the way, Aaron squinted at him. “Nigga you know we just want to see your piece,” he said.
Tyler chuckled at Aaron and said, “well you’re going to have to find it,” with a smirk. If he just took them straight to it, it would take the fun out of it.
Mia walked in ahead of everyone; she held her purse strap on her shoulder as she adjusted her skirts band across her stomach. She looked back and nodded her head in agreeance with Aaron before she heard Tyler and she smirked. “Of course,” she said as she continued to walk in her sandals, hair up in a ponytail that she toyed with before she led the way picking any direction to go in.
Nova licked her lips as she looked at Aaron chuckling a little. “I know right,” she said pulling her Gucci shirt down in the front a little. She shifted in the biker shorts and rested her hands on her hip as Mia led the way. “Okay then,” she said moving towards her friend and hooking their arms together.
Aaron shook his head at Tyler. This nigga was really going to make them walk around the entire museum. “You’s a bitch,” he said jokingly to his friend as he moved behind Nova and Mia, following them in whatever direction.
Tyler looked at all of them amused. “It’ll be fun,” he said with a smirk as he moved alongside Aaron, following behind the women.
Mia looked at Nova locking arms with her as they walked, she smirked to herself as she took the artwork in. She would slow down and pause for a moment to admire certain pieces that were in front of them before she walked again with Nova.
Nova looked around placing her purse on her shoulder now, she leaned against Mia’s plush body and took in some stuff idly. She was never one for museums. Honestly, she wasn’t interested in it, but it was a cute little outing.
Aaron moved behind Nova and Mia easily, looking around idly, his hands shoved into his pockets as he did. Admiring the pieces here and there, Aaron ventured off a bit, looking at items in the next area over. He was looking at a sculpture with a hum before he looked past it, his eyes bulging a bit. “Oh shit,” he snorted to himself.
Tyler moved behind Mia and Nova, following their every move as they stopped to admire pieces here and there. Looking over at Aaron as he walked off, Tyler smirked. His friend was warm, very warm. He said nothing through as he stood with Nova and Mia. “I really like this piece,” he said thoughtfully.
Mia stopped and looked at a massive painting thinking to herself about how long it must have taken the person. “Wow,” she breathed looking it over and every detail it had, “I bet this took forever,” she stressed as she looked at Nova.
Nova looked at Tyler before she looked at Mia and she licked her lips. “Yeah,” she said nodding her head slowly. “I can only imagine,” she added to the girl as she looked back, not seeing Aaron among them.
Tyler gazed at the painting. “Just a masterful work of art,” he said. “I actually know this artist,” he told them. “She’s from Belize,” he said. “Never seen this piece before though,” he said reading over the plaque on the wall.
Mia looked over at Tyler as he spoke and she smiled, “really?” she said admiring him for knowing the woman; she didn’t know why but it made her proud. He was in the crowd; he was an art sensation. “I think she’s very good at what she does,” she commented as she stepped over to the next piece.
Nova pulled away from Mia and she stood back hands on her hips as they bonded over the art. They were really made for each other; the woman spoke as if she was an artist herself. That amused her greatly as she sat down on the bench behind them.
Tyler smiled at Mia. “Yeah,” he said as he walked over, hugging her up in his arms as Nova went to sit down. Moving with Mia to the next piece he said, “here they use actual painted glass.” He looked at the mosaic type abstract piece and asked, “what do you see?”
Mia looked to Tyler as he moved with her hugging her up and she rested her hand on his arm. “Painted glass,” she repeated intrigued by his statement. “Does that mean that they have to break up these pieces to do this?” she asked him before she looked back at it. She took it in and said, “hm,” to herself and she tilted her head before she said, “someone resting on clouds?” to him. She continued before she said, “or maybe a mountain top,” she breathed, “but those are clouds I know,” she said pointing to a certain section.
“Yeah,” Tyler nodded answering Mia’s question. “It’s a task,” he said chuckling. “I don’t make mosaics for a reason, there tedious as fuck,” he said with a smirk as he kissed the side of her face. Looking back to the piece, he waited for her answer and at it he said, “both are right,” and he began to point it out. “The mountain top is touching the clouds and someone is lying on the mountain top among the clouds.”
Mia smiled at him. “I get that, it takes a while to finish something even now,” she acknowledged. As he went on to explain that she was right she smiled. Maybe she knew a little something, something. “I like this one,” she told him afterwards, more so happy that she was right.
Tyler chuckled. “I work with large canvases,” he said with a smirk. He gave Mia a squeeze, his arm wrapping around her once more. As she said that she liked it, he nuzzled her lovingly, he looked at the piece again before he ushered Mia over to another slightly, just dancing around the next room that held the piece he created.
Mia moved with Tyler to the next piece and she looked at it. “I love you, you know that,” she breathed happily. “All of this talent in this room and you are in the midst of it babe,” she said looking up at him. “Do you really know what that means?” she asked him looking up in his eyes with so much pride and adoration.
Looking down at Mia, Tyler said, “I love you too babe,” pressing a quick kiss to her lips before she went on. He listened to her and his chest puff out a bit with pride. He gazed into her eyes with a smile. “It means… I’m an artist babe,” he said lovingly, kissing her again before he decided to put her out of her agony. “Nova,” he called over to the girl, waving her over to them.
Mia kissed Tyler back still looking into his eyes and she nodded her head, “a true artist,” she corrected with a smile kissing him again. She looked at Nova once the man called her and she smirked knowingly.
Nova looked up from her phone, playing candy crush to herself for a long moment. “Huh?” she said to him as she moved to stand up on her feet, she pulled her top down again. It was getting a little tight now, she slightly waddled towards him, trying her very hard not to in fact as she said. “Yes?” to him giving him a knowing look.
Tyler smirked at Mia and he said, “thank you, a true artist.” As Nova approached them, he said, “ready to see my piece?” He got behind Mia, placing his hands over her eyes with a chuckle. “No peeking,” he said to her as he nodded to Nova for her to follow as he led the way. He moved Mia directly in front of the painting of her he made, looking over at Nova with a smirk before he looked at Aaron who still stood there awestruck. Slowly he removed his hands from Mia’s eyes.
Mia nodded her head. “Yes, I am,” she said before he covered her eyes and she furrowed her brows. “Babe?” she said softly before he told her not to peek and she nodded her head. Moving with him she carefully walked though she knew he would guide her safely. When they stopped and he pulled his hands away from her she looked at the painting of herself shocked. She didn’t say anything for a long time, she just stood with her mouth open. “That’s me,” she finally said as she placed her hand over her mouth as she got closer to it, seeing the very brush strokes it took to make it. She turned back to Tyler eyes wide and glossy, “when,” she said at a loss for words as she turned back around. “I can’t believe this,” she said wiping a stray tear.
Nova followed behind Tyler with a raised brow as she followed the man towards the area that he was dragging them to. When she saw the painting, she looked at it shocked. She was not expecting this at all. Damn. Tyler really did it all when it came to Mia.
Aaron stood there, his mouth still gaped a bit as Tyler walked over with Nova and Mia. He looked over at Nova, then at Mia, taking in their shocked expressions before he looked back at the painting himself. This was raw.
Tyler stepped off to the side of Mia, still standing behind the trio as they stood staring at the giant painting. He was quiet, just letting them take it in and when Mia finally turned to look at him he told her, “I started working on it maybe a week after we got back from Paris, it just got to this museum last week,” he said biting his lip. “Do you like it?” he asked her softly.
Mia looked at Tyler again at his words and it only made her cry softly, before she looked at the painting one last time. She walked up to him wrapping her arms around his middle and resting her chin on his shirt. “I love it,” she said sniffling. “I can’t believe you painted me,” she said softly. “And I am in a museum,” she added. Mia then covered her face a little embarrassed that she was crying in front of other people and in public, but she was emotional right now.
Nova looked at Aaron again before she rested her hands on her hips and swayed. Wow. The painting was damn good, damn good. “I love it,” she said before Mia expressed her feelings to him about it.
Aaron looked at Nova, then over at Mia and Tyler and he nodded his head. “It’s amazing, truly,” he told his friend quietly.
Tyler wrapped her up in his arms as she turned to him and he held her close, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “I’m glad you like it,” he breathed softly as he rubbed his hands up and down her back, soothing her. “Can I let you in on a little secret?” he mused softly with a smirk as he gazed down at her.
Mia sniffled hard at his words; she was still very shocked about it still. She had never known Tyler had painted her in any regard at all. At his words she sniffled again dropping her head as she pat her face dry a bit trying to keep what was left of her makeup on her face. “What?” she asked him curiously as she looked up in his eyes, grabbing a piece of tissue from her purse to pat her face with.
Tyler smiled softly. “This,” he whispered, looking at the piece, “is a high res copy,” he whispered. “The original is back home in my studio,” he told her lovingly.
Mia continued to pat her face dry hoping there were no streaks in her foundation from her tears, she’d look like an idiot if it were. At his words she looked back at, she didn’t know what a high res was but she knew what copy meant. She looked back at him, “really?” she asked shocked.
Tyler nodded at Mia with a hum and he said, “yeah.” He rubbed her back a bit more. “I’m going to put it up in the penthouse,” he told her lovingly. “Wherever you want it,” he breathed.
“Aw baby,” Mia said resting her hand over her heart. “Babe,” she said again as she began to cry again and she held the tissue up to her eyes catching her tears so that they didn’t run down her face again. “Thank you, baby,” she said. She sniffled and licked her lips “I love you so much,” she said looking up at him.
“I love you too baby girl,” Tyler said lovingly. He leaned in, pressing a kiss to Mia’s lips softly.
“I can’t believe this,” Mia said again as she turned back to the painting taking it in again. “Wow,” she breathed once more as she reached into her bag to grab her camera. “I want a photo with it babe,” she told him with a sheepish smile on her face.
Tyler chuckled at Mia and he nodded. Taking the camera from Mia, he stepped back. “Touch up your powder baby,” he said lovingly, wanting her to look perfect, though he didn’t know exactly what touching up powder meant, he knew she would catch his drift.
Mia looked at Tyler and nodded her head gently. “Okay,” she said sweetly with a smirk on her face. She pulled her press powder out of her bag and began to touch up her makeup smoothly, hoping no one noticed her in the process. “Does it look better baby?” she asked him in confidence.
Tyler looked at Mia as she asked him if the makeup looked better and he nodded, “perfect,” he said lovingly before she turned the camera on. He brought it up to his face, looking through the small lens. “Ready babe?” he asked her.
Mia nodded her head and tucked her powder back into her purse before she backed up towards the painting again. She stood before it a little and she posed with her hands in front of her, clutching her purse in her hand, “yes” she said as she smiled in her pose for him.
As Mia posed for him, Tyler smiled and he snapped a picture. “One more,” he said, waiting for her to move into another pose before he took another picture.
At his words, Mia combed through her braids a bit before she posed with one hand on her hip posing for him again as he snapped the photo, a smile on her lips. Once he did she looked at him and said “one with you babe” she added. “Nova, can you take a picture?” she said ushering Tyler over.
Nova looked at Mia and nodded her head, getting the camera from Tyler to take a picture of them together in front of the painting of her.
Tyler looked at Mia, nodding slowly. He looked over at Nova and he handed the camera to her before he moved over to Mia, wrapping his arms
 around her.
Mia smiled at Tyler as he wrapped her up with his arms and she rested her hand on his lower back gently. She smiled at the camera with a bright smile as Nova took the picture and she said “thank you” to her sweetly.
Nova waited for Tyler and Mia to pose before she snapped the picture of them together and smirked. “No problem” she winked at them both as she moved to hand Mia the camera back.
Tyler held into Mia lovingly, looking in Nova’s direction with a smile. As she took the picture, he let out a hum before he released Mia with a smile.  
Mia accepted the camera back from her friend and she attached the portable tripod to it wanting to get some footage of it for her Hawaii vlog she’d be posting. “I am just going to get some footage of it” she said softly to them as she switch the camera’s display over to the video and began recording backing up slowly to get the full painting in the lens and she smiled as she shifted on her feet slowly, getting it from a right angle and a left. She stopped recording the small snippet and made sure she took a photo of it alone. Mia stood back, removing the tripod and she held the camera up getting a photo of the painting against the wall, then she moved it and got a photo of the plaque beside it with another smile.
Tyler smiled at Mia and he said, “get all that you need baby,” before he walked over to Aaron and slapped hands with his friend. “I had to do it,” he said, smirking a bit.
Aaron looked at Tyler, slapping hands with him and he said, “I am shook,” he chuckled. “You’re damn talented man.”
Nova found her another seat close by and she lowered herself down on it, looking up at the painting again. She guessed she got it now, the connection between him and his art, and her. She continued to examine it, he was super talented and she couldn’t imagine how long it had taken him to get through with it.
Mia turned the camera off after she was done and she smirked as she put it in her purse once more along with the tripod. She looked to Tyler and Aaron before she joined her best friend on the bench nearby. “You okay?” she asked her softly wrapping her arm around her shoulder as the woman gazed at the painting.
Nova looked at Mia as she approached and she looked back at the painting of Mia. She nodded her head “yeah you know these shoes are just for good looks” with a smirk before she looked at her gently. “He loves you so much, you know that right?” she asked her softly, voice barely above a whisper.
Mia looked at Nova, her eyes lighting up a bit though no other part of her face moved. “Yeah, I do,” she said back to her, looking into her eyes as she hugged her closely.
Nova nodded her head as she looked back at the painting from their spot and sighed softly to herself.
Tyler smirked and he nodded at Aaron. “Thank you man,” he said. “You gotta do something off the wall for Nova man,” he told his friend.
Aaron sighed out, rubbing his hand down his face. “Honestly man I don’t know what I could do, if I put a camera in her face she's going to know that I am up to something.”
Tyler shrugged. “So,” he said. “It’s still an act to show her you mean more than just words,” he said to his friend.
Aaron nodded slowly. “Yeah…” he said with a small shrug.
Mia looked at Nova again before she looked at Tyler and Aaron. “Come on” she said to her easily as she grabbed her hand and moved to stand up and move towards the men.
Nova looked to the woman and she nodded, moving to stand up on her feet again. She walked over towards the men and she rested her hand on her stomach.
Tyler looked at Aaron and he nodded before he turned to Mia and Nova as they approached. When Mia was close enough, he scooped her into his arms and spun her around lovingly. “We can leave the museum now,” he chuckled.
Aaron pulled Nova close when she was within reach and hugged her to him. Pulling back, he placed his hands on both sides of her belly. He kissed the side of her face lovingly.
Mia looked at Tyler and she chuckled as he spun her gently, nodding her head at him. “Okay” she said softly with a smirk on her lips “I loved this” she told him honestly as she hugged him.
Nova looked at Tyler, grateful for his words she would never wear these shoes again. She licked her lips looking at Aaron as he hugged her to him, she rested her hand on his back. When he kissed the side of her face, she smiled sweetly at the action.
2 notes · View notes
shirtshoping · 4 years
There has been no Love rights juneteenth heart shirt . shortage of wildly glamorous fashion on the red carpet at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival this past week. There were crystals and chainmail, thanks to Tilda Swinton, as well as floral couture à la Elle Fanning, and fluffy tulle courtesy of Bella Hadid. But today, Julianne Moore managed to flip the typical Cannes fashion script when she turned up to promote her new short film The Staggering Girl wearing evening sequins—usually reserved for a walk up the steps at the Palais des Festivals—in the middle of the day, not to mention a mini hemline. Standing for the photo call, the star shimmered under the Riviera sun dressed in a short mint green ruffled Valentino dress, which she accessorized with simple nude heels and cluster earrings.Moore plays an Italian-American writer named Francesca in The Staggering Girl, which was initially conceptualized by Valentino’s creative director Pierpaolo Piccioli and directed by Luca Guadagnino. Love rights juneteenth heart shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt Classic Ladies Hoodie Sweatshirt Unisex known for movies like Call Me By Your Name and Suspiria Love rights juneteenth heart shirt . The short. which also stars Mia Goth, KiKi Layne, Marthe Keller, and Kyle MacLachlan, is rooted in fashion and couture, with the plot centering around specific dresses and the stories they tell through their owners. Details about the film have remained under wraps until today’s premiere, but Moore’s shining Valentino minidress certainly adds more hype around the fashion that will be portrayed on screen. The actress not only proved that sequins and a short silhouette aren’t only right for a night out, but that you don’t have to be strolling down a red carpet to wear this kind of thing either. That’s the story this Valentino dress told today—consider it a teaser of the fashion narratives yet to come.Before “Slide” took over the airwaves this year, French Montana released his single “No Stylist” and has just made good on that titular laid-back premise. Though he said in the first verse that he’s iced out in new Chanel, Saint Laurent, a Gucci bag, and other designer threads, spending 24 hours with the Moroccan-born rapper, as Vogue has discovered, is less a guide to brand-name posturing and mo
0 notes
lovediva1313 · 4 years
Never underestimate a girl with drums vintage shirt
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There has been no Never underestimate a girl with drums vintage shirt . shortage of wildly glamorous fashion on the red carpet at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival this past week. There were crystals and chainmail, thanks to Tilda Swinton, as well as floral couture à la Elle Fanning, and fluffy tulle courtesy of Bella Hadid. But today, Julianne Moore managed to flip the typical Cannes fashion script when she turned up to promote her new short film The Staggering Girl wearing evening sequins—usually reserved for a walk up the steps at the Palais des Festivals—in the middle of the day, not to mention a mini hemline. Standing for the photo call, the star shimmered under the Riviera sun dressed in a short mint green ruffled Valentino dress, which she accessorized with simple nude heels and cluster earrings.Moore plays an Italian-American writer named Francesca in The Staggering Girl, which was initially conceptualized by Valentino’s creative director Pierpaolo Piccioli and directed by Luca Guadagnino.Never underestimate a girl with drums vintage shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Ladies
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Long Sleeve
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Unisex known for movies like Call Me By Your Name and Suspiria Never underestimate a girl with drums vintage shirt . The short. which also stars Mia Goth, KiKi Layne, Marthe Keller, and Kyle MacLachlan, is rooted in fashion and couture, with the plot centering around specific dresses and the stories they tell through their owners. Details about the film have remained under wraps until today’s premiere, but Moore’s shining Valentino minidress certainly adds more hype around the fashion that will be portrayed on screen. The actress not only proved that sequins and a short silhouette aren’t only right for a night out, but that you don’t have to be strolling down a red carpet to wear this kind of thing either. That’s the story this Valentino dress told today—consider it a teaser of the fashion narratives yet to come.Before “Slide” took over the airwaves this year, French Montana released his single “No Stylist” and has just made good on that titular laid-back premise. Though he said in the first verse that he’s iced out in new Chanel, Saint Laurent, a Gucci bag, and other designer threads, spending 24 hours with the Moroccan-born rapper, as Vogue has discovered, is less a guide to brand-name posturing and more a lesson in the art of chilling out. You Can See More Product: https://hottrendtees.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
0 notes
beautshirt79 · 4 years
Never underestimate a girl with drums vintage shirt
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There has been no Never underestimate a girl with drums vintage shirt . shortage of wildly glamorous fashion on the red carpet at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival this past week. There were crystals and chainmail, thanks to Tilda Swinton, as well as floral couture à la Elle Fanning, and fluffy tulle courtesy of Bella Hadid. But today, Julianne Moore managed to flip the typical Cannes fashion script when she turned up to promote her new short film The Staggering Girl wearing evening sequins—usually reserved for a walk up the steps at the Palais des Festivals—in the middle of the day, not to mention a mini hemline. Standing for the photo call, the star shimmered under the Riviera sun dressed in a short mint green ruffled Valentino dress, which she accessorized with simple nude heels and cluster earrings.Moore plays an Italian-American writer named Francesca in The Staggering Girl, which was initially conceptualized by Valentino’s creative director Pierpaolo Piccioli and directed by Luca Guadagnino.Never underestimate a girl with drums vintage shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Ladies
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Long Sleeve
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Unisex known for movies like Call Me By Your Name and Suspiria Never underestimate a girl with drums vintage shirt . The short. which also stars Mia Goth, KiKi Layne, Marthe Keller, and Kyle MacLachlan, is rooted in fashion and couture, with the plot centering around specific dresses and the stories they tell through their owners. Details about the film have remained under wraps until today’s premiere, but Moore’s shining Valentino minidress certainly adds more hype around the fashion that will be portrayed on screen. The actress not only proved that sequins and a short silhouette aren’t only right for a night out, but that you don’t have to be strolling down a red carpet to wear this kind of thing either. That’s the story this Valentino dress told today—consider it a teaser of the fashion narratives yet to come.Before “Slide” took over the airwaves this year, French Montana released his single “No Stylist” and has just made good on that titular laid-back premise. Though he said in the first verse that he’s iced out in new Chanel, Saint Laurent, a Gucci bag, and other designer threads, spending 24 hours with the Moroccan-born rapper, as Vogue has discovered, is less a guide to brand-name posturing and more a lesson in the art of chilling out. You Can See More Product: https://hottrendtees.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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luxuryt-shirt · 4 years
Grandma Ill be there for you from 6ft away shirt
There has been no Grandma Ill be there for you from 6ft away shirt . shortage of wildly glamorous fashion on the red carpet at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival this past week. There were crystals and chainmail, thanks to Tilda Swinton, as well as floral couture à la Elle Fanning, and fluffy tulle courtesy of Bella Hadid. But today, Julianne Moore managed to flip the typical Cannes fashion script when she turned up to promote her new short film The Staggering Girl wearing evening sequins—usually reserved for a walk up the steps at the Palais des Festivals—in the middle of the day, not to mention a mini hemline. Standing for the photo call, the star shimmered under the Riviera sun dressed in a short mint green ruffled Valentino dress, which she accessorized with simple nude heels and cluster earrings.Moore plays an Italian-American writer named Francesca in The Staggering Girl, which was initially conceptualized by Valentino’s creative director Pierpaolo Piccioli and directed by Luca Guadagnino. Grandma Ill be there for you from 6ft away shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Ladies
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Unisex known for movies like Call Me By Your Name and Suspiria Grandma Ill be there for you from 6ft away shirt . The short. which also stars Mia Goth, KiKi Layne, Marthe Keller, and Kyle MacLachlan, is rooted in fashion and couture, with the plot centering around specific dresses and the stories they tell through their owners. Details about the film have remained under wraps until today’s premiere, but Moore’s shining Valentino minidress certainly adds more hype around the fashion that will be portrayed on screen. The actress not only proved that sequins and a short silhouette aren’t only right for a night out, but that you don’t have to be strolling down a red carpet to wear this kind of thing either. That’s the story this Valentino dress told today—consider it a teaser of the fashion narratives yet to come.Before “Slide” took over the airwaves this year, French Montana released his single “No Stylist” and has just made good on that titular laid-back premise. Though he said in the first verse that he’s iced out in new Chanel, Saint Laurent, a Gucci bag, and other designer threads, spending 24 hours with the Moroccan-born rapper, as Vogue has discovered, is less a guide to brand-name posturing and more a lesson in the art of chilling out. You Can See More Product: https://luxuryt-shirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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tshirttrend · 4 years
Grandma Ill be there for you from 6ft away shirt
There has been no Grandma Ill be there for you from 6ft away shirt . shortage of wildly glamorous fashion on the red carpet at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival this past week. There were crystals and chainmail, thanks to Tilda Swinton, as well as floral couture à la Elle Fanning, and fluffy tulle courtesy of Bella Hadid. But today, Julianne Moore managed to flip the typical Cannes fashion script when she turned up to promote her new short film The Staggering Girl wearing evening sequins—usually reserved for a walk up the steps at the Palais des Festivals—in the middle of the day, not to mention a mini hemline. Standing for the photo call, the star shimmered under the Riviera sun dressed in a short mint green ruffled Valentino dress, which she accessorized with simple nude heels and cluster earrings.Moore plays an Italian-American writer named Francesca in The Staggering Girl, which was initially conceptualized by Valentino’s creative director Pierpaolo Piccioli and directed by Luca Guadagnino. Grandma Ill be there for you from 6ft away shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Ladies
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Unisex known for movies like Call Me By Your Name and Suspiria Grandma Ill be there for you from 6ft away shirt . The short. which also stars Mia Goth, KiKi Layne, Marthe Keller, and Kyle MacLachlan, is rooted in fashion and couture, with the plot centering around specific dresses and the stories they tell through their owners. Details about the film have remained under wraps until today’s premiere, but Moore’s shining Valentino minidress certainly adds more hype around the fashion that will be portrayed on screen. The actress not only proved that sequins and a short silhouette aren’t only right for a night out, but that you don’t have to be strolling down a red carpet to wear this kind of thing either. That’s the story this Valentino dress told today—consider it a teaser of the fashion narratives yet to come.Before “Slide” took over the airwaves this year, French Montana released his single “No Stylist” and has just made good on that titular laid-back premise. Though he said in the first verse that he’s iced out in new Chanel, Saint Laurent, a Gucci bag, and other designer threads, spending 24 hours with the Moroccan-born rapper, as Vogue has discovered, is less a guide to brand-name posturing and more a lesson in the art of chilling out. You Can See More Product: https://luxuryt-shirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
0 notes
Grandma Ill be there for you from 6ft away shirt
There has been no Grandma Ill be there for you from 6ft away shirt . shortage of wildly glamorous fashion on the red carpet at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival this past week. There were crystals and chainmail, thanks to Tilda Swinton, as well as floral couture à la Elle Fanning, and fluffy tulle courtesy of Bella Hadid. But today, Julianne Moore managed to flip the typical Cannes fashion script when she turned up to promote her new short film The Staggering Girl wearing evening sequins—usually reserved for a walk up the steps at the Palais des Festivals—in the middle of the day, not to mention a mini hemline. Standing for the photo call, the star shimmered under the Riviera sun dressed in a short mint green ruffled Valentino dress, which she accessorized with simple nude heels and cluster earrings.Moore plays an Italian-American writer named Francesca in The Staggering Girl, which was initially conceptualized by Valentino’s creative director Pierpaolo Piccioli and directed by Luca Guadagnino. Grandma Ill be there for you from 6ft away shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Ladies
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Unisex known for movies like Call Me By Your Name and Suspiria Grandma Ill be there for you from 6ft away shirt . The short. which also stars Mia Goth, KiKi Layne, Marthe Keller, and Kyle MacLachlan, is rooted in fashion and couture, with the plot centering around specific dresses and the stories they tell through their owners. Details about the film have remained under wraps until today’s premiere, but Moore’s shining Valentino minidress certainly adds more hype around the fashion that will be portrayed on screen. The actress not only proved that sequins and a short silhouette aren’t only right for a night out, but that you don’t have to be strolling down a red carpet to wear this kind of thing either. That’s the story this Valentino dress told today—consider it a teaser of the fashion narratives yet to come.Before “Slide” took over the airwaves this year, French Montana released his single “No Stylist” and has just made good on that titular laid-back premise. Though he said in the first verse that he’s iced out in new Chanel, Saint Laurent, a Gucci bag, and other designer threads, spending 24 hours with the Moroccan-born rapper, as Vogue has discovered, is less a guide to brand-name posturing and more a lesson in the art of chilling out. You Can See More Product: https://luxuryt-shirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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kingtylerreigns · 4 years
INVOLVED: Tyler Carter, Mia Carter, Farrah Parker, James Parker, James Parker, Jr, Nadia Montgomery, Greyson Montgomery, Rachelle Patterson, Daniel Patterson, Charlie Patterson, Harper Patterson, Patricia Parker, Gloria Greene, Brittnay Stevens, Vivian Parker, Kathy Hicks-Patrick, Carmen Carter, Anthony Carter, Aria Carter, Fátima N. Rivers-Luna, Ezra Rivers, Ángel I. Rivers-Luna, Natalia Dawson, Russell Dawson, Michael Dawson, Mila Rivers-Luna, Jason Artists, Gabriel Rivers-Luna, Joelle Cook, Axel Carter, Vivian Carter, Dominic Carter, Roxanna Emmerson, Alex Carter, Lexi Carter, Naomi Carter, and Madison Carter TIME FRAME: Saturday, May 2, 2020 LOCATION: Masraffs; Houston, Texas SUMMARY: Tyler and Mia get their families together to celebrate and party for the gender of their baby. It’s a fun and festive event that ends in a firework show revealing that Tyler and Mia are having a baby girl.
Tyler held Mia’s hand in his own as he escorted her into the venue with a small smile, nodding at the manager as he moved past. He let go of Mia’s hand and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close as he pressed a kiss to her temple. Reaching out his freehand, he pushed the doors to their private room open and entered with Mia, smiling at all of their friends and family.
Mia walked with Tyler; she held the purple dress up a bit so that it didn’t drag on the ground as they walked. She looked at him and smiled, she was so curious to see what his mother had put together for them. She was sure no matter what it would be cute and heart felt. As they reached the doors to the private room, she smirked as he kissed her, walking along behind her and he pushed the doors open and she walked in her heart racing. The room was filled with their friends and family; she smiled releasing a chuckle as she took the venue in. “Aw,” she said happily as tip toed further into the room with all the commotion.
Fátima sat at one of the tables in the center of the room, looking around at all of her family members on one side of the room and who she assumed to be this Mia girl’s family on the other side. She swung her foot back and forth, her legs crossed with her hand over her knee as she looked towards her daughter, prepared to say something before Mia and Tyler entered. She turned her body in the chair, looking at her grandson and his wife as they entered. “Whoo,” she said aloud verbally, shocked to see how large the girl was.
Carmen sat at the table with her husband, mother, and father with a hum as she sipped some of her lemonade. She looked at her watch on her wrist before she stood up and made her way over to Mia’s family, wanting to introduce herself to a few people. However, as Tyler and Mia entered, she smiled brightly, looking over at them. Seeing Mia, she gushed. “Oh, you look so beautiful,” she said loudly in Spanish as she sat her cup down on a table and rushed over to them in her heels.
Tyler smiled as he looked around the room, trying to hide his shock and disappointment. He had honestly expected a bit more from his mother. She had begged and begged to be able to plan this party and this is what she had come up with. He let out a small sigh, shaking it off as he looked at his mother as she came rushing over. “Hey mom,” he smiled at her before he looked around the room, taking in their various family members.
Rachelle sat next to her sister and she smiled excitedly, her little niece was married and pregnant. Though it happened so fast, she’d been watching them on YouTube, and she couldn’t deny their chemistry was beautiful. “I know she looks beautiful, she probably bet her face to perfection,” she said gushing over the thought as she turned to Farrah. “Look, look at mama’s face,” she pointed out, “why is she eyeing those people like that?” she asked her older sister. When Mia walked through the door, she lit up again. “Aw, look at her,” she said as she stood up at the table smiling. “My little me-me,” she said.
Farrah watched around the room at everyone, there was a decent amount of people in there for the majority not to know the other. She looked at James and then at her sister nodding her head. “Yeah, I am sure,” she said quietly. She looked over at Nadia and raised her brow. “That is your mother,” she told the woman with a headshake. “You know how she is about people she doesn't know...” she said sighing. However, when Mia and Tyler walked into the room she smiled watching as a taller fair skinned woman ran over to them. “I think that’s his mother,” she said to her sister. “She put this together, I guess,” she shrugged, “I could've done better though,” she said slyly.
Mia continued to smile, her shoulders to her ears, as she beamed happily. When Carmen moved towards them, she smirked. “Hey ma,” she said reaching her arms out for a hug from the woman. “It’s beautiful ma, I love it,” she told her happily. “It’s beautiful,” she exclaimed.
Fátima watched her daughter run across the room and she pursed her lips as she rose slowly, smoothing out her dress with her hands. She gathered herself for a moment before she found herself walking over towards her daughter, grandson, and her supposed granddaughter-in-law. She placed her hand on Carmen’s shoulder as she approached, pulling her back and out of her way as she gazed at the couple. Her dark eyes took them in, scrutinizing every little thing about them before she finally said, “hello,” to Mia. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” she said, looking at Tyler with a raised eyebrow.
Carmen beamed from ear to ear as she hugged Mia close, rubbing the young girl’s back lovingly. “I am so happy that you like it,” she said with a chuckle as she pulled away. “I was so nervous,” she admitted, smiling. Feeling her mother’s hand on her shoulder, she stepped aside, watching closely as the older woman looked the couple over. “Mamá,” she hissed out to the woman softly before she greeted Mia. Pursing her lips, she shook her head slightly, looking around at all of the other guests nervously. She had told her mother not to do this and yet, here she was, doing it anyway, and in front of everyone at that.
Tyler watched as Mia and his mother hugged before he looked up at his grandmother, lips tucked into his mouth knowingly. If he thought his mother was upset when he told her that he had gotten married, it was mistaken. When he called his grandmother and told her that he was not only married, but his wife was expecting a child, and that she was invited to the baby shower Fátima tore him a new asshole in her native tongue. So, he knew for a fact, that the woman was not happy after she had called him all types of stupid asses and idiots over the phone.
Ezra sat at the table, shaking his head a bit. His back was to them, but he knew exactly what was happening. He took a sip from his glass, looking across the table at his son-in-law, Anthony.
Rachelle looked at her sister and said, “well do we go up there or…” she asked curiously, “wait our turn?” she breathed softly as she moved to sit back down.
Farrah watched as Mia hugged Tyler’s apparent mother and then she watched as the older version of the same woman rose up and walked over to her daughter. “Uh, uh,” she said to her sister. “I am going to go up there because I have not liked miss thangs face the entire time,” she said. “Have you seen the faces she’s been making?” she asked her as she rose to her feet, in her fitted dress moving on her heels only for her husband to grab her by her hip and hold her still.
James looked at Farrah and said, “no, you are going to sit and unlike some people carry ourselves with some dignity and class,” he told his wife.
“I agree,” Daniel said to his brother-in-law, “they haven’t even gotten into the venue good and people are bomb rushing them”, taking a sip from his glass he looked at his wife Rachelle and then their two daughters Harper and Charlie.
Nadia watched on as the older woman walked up towards the front behind the woman with the long legs in the short dress. She got up and moved towards the table with her kids and she tilted her head with her arms over her chest. “Now just when in the hell is Mia going to come greet us?” she asked them in Creole. “She wants me to yank her little ass from up there aye?” she said in her native tongue. “Flashing gum with these people who didn’t even have the decency to really come greet us after they put together this blue and pink circus of an event,” she rambled on.
Anthony looked across at his father-in-law and he shook his head back at the man. “I don’t even know why you’re surprised,” he said before he pulled a flask out his inner jacket pocket. He turned the cap, popping it open, pouring a little Cîroc into his lemonade before he slid it over to Ezra. “Drink up and just sit back,” he said with a chuckle as he brought his glass to his mouth, taking a sip.
Fátima cut her eyes at her daughter. “Hush child,” she said in Spanish, giving her a look of you not to grown for me to beat your butt before she looked back at the young couple. “Mia is it?” she asked as she took the girl’s hand into her own. She turned Mia slowly, forcing the young woman to do a full spin before her. She looked Mia over carefully, taking in the woman’s round stomach, full cheeks, and dark brown skin with a hum. “mmm.” She let Mia’s hand go before she said, “Mhm…” she knew exactly what the girl was having. The girl was carrying high and her stomach was very round. Now she wasn’t completely sure if that was due to the baby or if the girl was really just naturally round as such, but she had to assume it was a combination of both from looking at her.
Carmen clamped her lips shut now, looking at Mia with apologetic eyes before she looked at her son. She forced a smile into her face as she turned to everyone, saying, “let’s properly welcome the expecting couple,” loudly, to get her mother to sit the hell down. Clapping her hands, Carmen looked to her family for help.
Ángel looked at his sister, a smirk on his face. He was amused to no end as he sat at the table with their sister, Natalia, and her husband and their son. He chuckled softly, shaking his head. He had told her to sedate good old Fátima, but she hadn’t listened to him. At her insistence and clapping, he pushed his chair back and stood up, clapping along with her as he began to hoot, hoot, hoot, hoot, pumping his hand in the air a little for the couple.
Farrah pursed her lips at her mother and husband, sitting down in a chair. She looked at JJ who sat quietly before them before she said, “everyone let’s just calm down and be merry,” raising the sweet tea before she sipped it.
“Be merry?” Nadia asked her daughter with a scrunched face. “I still don’t know how you let this happen Farrah...” she countered.
Rachelle looked around the table and sighed. “Yes, be merry, there is a baby involved,” she reminded their mother easily. “And look at her, she’s beaming with joy. She’s glowing, how could you not be happy right now?” she asked them all. “Little Mia, aka me-me is having a baby,” she said, bright teeth flashing.
Mia looked at Tyler’s grandmother and she blushed a bit as the woman took her in. “It’s nice to finally meet you, I’ve been wanting to-” she said stopped short as the woman spun her around. Mia furrowed her brows once her back was to the woman, she looked at Tyler unsure what she should take from the act. She looked back at the woman. “Yes, Mia,” she said nodding her head, “and you?” she asked her, the woman hadn’t given her a name yet. “Your ma’s, ma?” she said gesturing Carmen next to them. “Oh, you have to give me a hug,” she exclaimed happily as she leaned in for one. At Carmen’s words she smirked and watched the crowd greet them again and she chuckled finally meeting eyes with her family off in the corner, and she groaned inwardly.
Ezra took the flask from Anthony with a wicked smile and he said, “you always come prepared,” as he poured a bit of the liquor into his own glass. He recapped the flask before returning it to his son-in-law and he took a sip, letting the liquor slide down his throat easily before he turned back, looking at his newest family member with a hum. This is not what he expected but he was pleasantly surprised.
“Ma’s, ma?” Fátima repeated softly before she looked at Carmen with a raised eyebrow. She absolutely hated that Tyler called Carmen that and here Mia was calling Carmen that. She ground her teeth together momentarily before she finally said shocked, “oh you don’t even know my name,” she was taken back as Mia spread her arms and out of respect Fátima hugged the girl back, looking at Tyler with a squint. “My name is Fátima, dear,” she told Mia as she rubbed the girl’s back. Pulling away, she looked at Tyler once more, wanting to drag him by his ear, but they were in front of everyone so she would do it later. Following Mia’s gaze over to her family, Fátima eyed them all, her eyes settling on the two white men and she let out an amused chuckle as she moved to go sit back down.
Tyler stood there, hands in his pockets now as he watched Mia and Fátima interact. Oh, there was a lot happening there, all wordlessly of course. He tucked his lips further into his mouth, clearing his throat a bit before he said, “we can get further into introductions and things soon, can we please just get out of the doorway.” He watched his grandmother to go sit down, knowing that he wouldn’t hear the end of it later before he gave his mother a look, “we will make our rounds, go sit down,” he told her sternly.
Mia looked at the older woman, her brow raising as she repeated her; the woman actually hugged her and she embraced her lovingly. “Fátima,” she repeated softly to her. “I love that name, beautiful,” she said easily, and she meant it. Smiling she let the woman go, allowing her to pull away from her as well. As the woman walked off chuckling, she eyed her a bit and tried not to be offended by the woman’s actions. She pushed a few braids over her shoulder as Tyler spoke with Carmen and tucked her lips in. “Where do we even start?” she asked him over the lightly played music and chatter.
Tyler smiled softly at Mia, trying to make the best of what just happened. Looking between his side of the family and then her own, he said, “let’s start with your family since mine is clearly out of control,” chuckling a bit. He placed his hand on the small of Mia’s back, as he pressed another kiss to her temple before ushering her towards her family. He also knew that they had to make this quick because Mia was wearing heels at the moment and he knew that soon enough, her feet would be killing her, if they weren’t already.
Mia looked at her husband and she nodded her head resting a hand on her stomach gently. She felt his kiss and she smiled gently at him as he ushered her towards her family, and she smiled. “Hey guys,” she waved gently as she moved for each one, shifting between the chairs. “Pop-Pop,” she squealed as she moved towards her grandfather and hugged the man tightly. “Grandma,” she said as she moved for Nadia and held her arms out. “I’ve missed you guys so much,” she told them. “Grandma, grandpa, this is Tyler, my husband. Tyler” she said shifting back for him, “this is my grandfather Greyson and my grandmother Nadia,” she said to him happily. “These are my mother’s parents,” she clarified.
Greyson watched Mia move over for him and he smiled as the tall man stood up and embraced her in a hug. “My special girl,” he sang out happily as he hugged her tightly in his arms before releasing her. He pecked her forehead gently before he pulled back. “Nice to finally meet you Tyler,” the cream-colored man said as he reached his hand out for him to shake. He looked at his wife knowingly and hoped she didn’t make a scene. After all there was a videographer in the building and a photographer as well.
Nadia looked at Mia and then her children as her husband stood and embraced the girl and her husband with no problem. She licked her lips and she smirked a bit hugging her back. “Oh, you look like a princess,” she said in creole. “Perfection,” she said to her sweetly as she pecked the girl’s cheek easily. She looked at Tyler and said, “yeah nice to meet you Tyler…” rubbing Mia’s back and smiling at her. Her other hand moving to her stomach as she rubbed it gently. “Aw,” she said she was still in disbelief about all of this.
Tyler moved with Mia over to the members of her family, his new extended family. As they approached and Mia began to introduce the man and woman to him, he smiled a bit, trying his best to hide his shock as he stared at the white man before him. Grandpa? Maybe the man had married her grandmother later on, after she had kids in a previous marriage or relationship or something. Licking his lips, he held his hand out to Greyson. “Nice to meet you as well,” he shook the man’s hand firmly with a smile, his dimples creasing. Releasing Greyson’s hand, Tyler looked at Nadia, Mia’s grandmother. As the woman spoke to him short and sweet, he tucked his dimples away, glancing at Mia quickly as he said, “... yup…” in response to the woman. “Nice to meet you too... “
Farrah stood up and moved for Tyler and Mia now. “Tyler don’t mind my mother, she’s just an old school Haitian woman,” she said, eyeing her mother with large eyes. “She believes in the traditional,” she spoke up. “Now that you have met my father and mother,” she said pulling her son-in-law with her, “you know James and JJ,” she waved off moving him further. “This is my baby sister Rachelle,” she said with her arm around Tyler’s waist. “Her husband Daniel,” she pointed, “their two kids Harper and Charlie,” she pointed to the mixed children nearby. “And this is Patricia, James' mother,” she said gesturing to the woman.
Mia watched her grandmother and she looked at her oddly, she looked at her grandfather before her mother walked over and spoke up. What in the hell was that? She watched her mother take Tyler off and introduce him to the people at her table, her extended family, and she followed behind them. Only stopping to speak to a few people at the table alongside theirs. She followed up behind her mother and she hugged JJ, who wasted no time to greet her finally.
Tyler looked at Farrah, smiling softly at the woman as he dismissed her words slightly. “It’s fine,” he said casually, willing to let it go because it was indeed Mia’s grandmother and they didn’t really know each other yet. Plus, he had been working on his anger. Following Farrah willingly, Tyler looked at Rachelle and he said, “hi,” greeting the woman easily before he looked at Daniel, smirking a bit. Well, after finding out who Mia’s grandfather was, this was just amusing. “Nice to meet you both,” he said to Rachelle and Daniel before he looked at the children giving them a wave. Looking to Patricia, Tyler nodded slightly, smiling. “Hello, I’m Tyler,” he said politely.
Mia stopped to hug Charlie and Harper, then she moved to her uncle Daniel, shifting to her aunt Rachelle and she hugged her tightly for a long while rocking back and forth gently. “I am so happy you guys came,” she said gently to her as she embraced her. “He’s a dream, we all have to go out for dinner or something. In a closed setting,” she said gesturing with her hands. “Daddy,” Mia sang out as she moved to hug the man tightly to her side, chuckling a bit at him as he rubbed her stomach with his large hand. Meeting Farrah in the middle she hugged her grandmother from behind pecking her cheek sweetly. “Granny,” she said, greeting her in their embrace.
Rachelle smiled at Tyler with a head nod, “hello,” she greeted happily taking him in, he was handsome. When Mia moved for her, she smiled and stood up embracing the girl’s hug, hugging her so tightly. “You looked beautiful me-me,” she gushed again. “We would not have missed this are you kidding?” she asked her seriously as they pulled away from each other finally. She nodded her head at the girl and tossed hair over her shoulder as she moved to sit down watching them make their rounds.
Daniel looked at Tyler and raised his glass to the man. “Welcome to the family,” he said with a grin. He smiled at Mia as she rounded to them saying her hello’s.
James watched Mia and he smirked to himself, so this was really happening, huh? His daughter was having a baby and he was sitting in a room full of people waiting to hear just what she’d be having. Life is crazy. As she hugged him before he got up from his seated position, he hugged her back, his head resting against her side as he placed his hand over her stomach protectively.
Patricia watched the young man approach her and unlike her daughter-in-law’s mother she was raised to treat everyone equally and with respect. No matter how peculiar it was that the girl jumped up and got married and was expecting a baby. “Hello,” she told the boy gently with a smile. “Nice meeting you Tyler,” she said, crossing her ankles. She felt Mia from behind and she smiled as she kissed her cheek. “Hey, my baby doll,” she told her as she looked over her shoulder at her.
Farrah watched the couple before she pulled Tyler further. “This is James’ sister, Vivian,” she told him, pointing her out. “This is James’ aunt Gloria and her daughter Brittany,” she said as she moved around the next table. “And James’ aunt on his father’s side Kathy,” she told the boy. “Back there are a few more cousins', honey,” she said gesturing the table in the back before she turned him back around. “James' father passed away 2 years ago,” she noted to him quietly before she said. “You look good, I like this,” as she brushed some lint off his sweater. “You guys go ahead and make your rounds,” she said as she swayed back towards her table.
Tyler smiled at Patricia, nodding at her slightly. “No, ma’am the pleasure is all mine,” he said charmingly, with his dimples creasing as he gazed at her. He took Patricia’s hand on his own, giving her a gentle squeeze before he released her, looking at Farrah as she drug him over to more family members. “Vivian,” he said with a smile, “that’s one of my grandmother’s names,” he said thoughtfully as he greeted the woman with a smile and a wave before Farrah was introducing him to more people. “Hi, nice to meet you,” he verbalized with a hum to both of the ladies, following Farrah once more. Looking at Kathy, he smiled and waved once more, his eyes looking to the cousins Farrah pointed out and he smiled over at them before he nodded at Farrah. “I’m sorry to hear that…” he said a small frown on his face as Farah spoke to him, brushing off his sweater. “Thank you,” he said before he finally leaned in giving the woman a hug, since he hadn’t been able to do it previously. Pulling back, he nodded, looking to Mia with a smile. He pulled her close, one arm wrapped around her waist, his other hand resting on her belly as he pressed a kiss to her lips. “Ready for my side?” he asked her lovingly.
Mia let go of her grandmother and moved to slide past the back of her chair, squeezing past as she moved to follow them. “Hey aunt Viv,” she cheered, she didn’t get to see the woman much with the work she did in D.C. but it was always nice to see her. She hugged the chocolate woman before she moved to the next person “TT Goria and Britt,” she said hugging her aunt and her cousin, she let her aunt kiss her cheek gently and she squeezed her cousin. “In October,” she told her cousin with a head nod, “yeah,” she chuckled. “In Paris,” she said looking at her aunt Gloria now and she nodded her head before she moved to the next body. “Aunt Kathy,” she said as she hugged the woman from behind, bending over slightly “I missed you too,” she told her sweetly kissing her cheek. “I know,” she said nodding her head at the mention of her departed grandfather and she rubbed the woman’s back gently as she told her. “I didn’t have a preference really; I was excited no matter the way it swayed,” she joked lightly. Mia moved to Tyler’s side as she rested her hand on top of his kissing his lips back gently. “Yeah,” she said lovingly, a smirk on her face.
Vivian watched Farrah and she smiled, flashing her dark gums and white teeth. It was often she got to hang around with family but when she did, she happened to enjoy every minute. And this occasion was worth the time off from work. “Nice to meet you Tyler,” the woman nodded, having overheard his name a few times. She looked at Mia and kissed her cheek. “You look beautiful mama,” she told her as she took the opportunity to rub the belly her niece was sporting.
Gloria and Brittany both waved gently to Tyler as Farrah walked them through their family line. “Hey TT baby,” Gloria said to the girl as she kissed her cheek and she smiled. She hugged the girl back patting her hand. “So, where did you two get married,” she fired off as she and her daughter asked questions. She nodded her head at the responses and said, “you look good girl,” as she moved to walk away.
Brittany smirked and said, “I love your makeup girl,” knowing Mia most likely did it herself, she hugged her back and asked. “When are you due?” curiously, unsure. “Oh, that will breeze past before you know it,” she told her cousin. At her mother’s question she smirked looking up at Mia and then over to Tyler and she nodded her head at the girl’s response. “He got money mama,” she told Gloria as Mia walked away. “I mean look at this party, this is a lot of stuff for just a gender reveal,” she mused.
Kathy waved at the boy and said, “nice to meet you too son,” to him easily before Mia walked up behind her and hugged her from behind. “Hey baby girl,” she breathed. “I think the last time I saw you was at my brother's funeral,” she told the girl. “It’s been a while,” she told her before she asked. “So which did you want, boy or girl?” just curious to know before she casted her vote. But Mia gave her nothing, so she smirked and chuckled as the girl moved to excuse herself.
Tyler smiled down at Mia, kissing her lips one more time before he let out a hum as he lifted his head. He looked over at his family members and chuckled gently. “This is going to be fun,” he said as he turned with Mia to face his family. “Brace yourself,” he whispered into her ear he guided her over slowly, moving at her pace. As they reached the first table, Tyler smiled softly as he said, “Mia of course you already know ma and pops,” as he looked at them. “You’ve just met my lovely abuela,” he said with a smirk, placing his hand on his grandmother’s shoulder. “But this is my grandfather, Ezra Rivers,” he said with a hum.
As Tyler finally approached the family, Ezra took another sip from his spiked glass and he turned to the young couple, gazing at Mia with a smile. “Hello dear,” he said with a hum, “it’s nice to finally meet you, we’ve heard a lot about you,” he said offering Mia another smile.
Fátima gazed at Tyler and Mia as they finally approached their side of the family and she sat there, her lips tugged into a wide side smirk as she sat up straight, hands on her knee as she nodded curtly.
Anthony stood up slowly as Tyler and Mia approached and he moved around the table pulling Mia into a warm hug. “Hey, it’s great to see you,” he said with a chuckle, rubbing her arm warmly before he pulled away.
Mia kissed Tyler back again, and she moved with him hearing his words after his grandmother, what more did his family have to dish? She looked at Carmen and Anthony chuckling at them and she hugged her father-in-law gently, “good seeing you too, it’s been a while,” she acknowledged. Looking at his grandfather she said, “nice to finally meet you too Mr. Ezra,” she said before she looked to his grandmother and she smiled faintly at her.
Tyler stood there, allowing Mia time to speak with and greet the few members of his family that he had introduced. He watched his dad, smirking a little, the man had clearly been drinking a bit. So had his grandfather. He licked his lips and smiled. Looking down at his grandmother, he gave her a look before he said, “and over here…” he guided Mia over to the other table, “we have my uncle Ángel and my aunt Natalia,” he said as he smiled at the two of them. “Also, this is Russell, my uncle, Natalia’s husband,” he informed Mia before he looked around a bit before he pointed, “over there is Michael, my cousin,” he told her.
Ángel watched as Tyler brought his wife over and he looked at the two of them before he stood up and pulled Tyler into a hug, patting his hat a little. “You did good boy, damn good,” he chuckled before he pulled away looking at Mia. “‘Sup, I’m Ángel… the second oldest,” he informed her as he pulled her into a hug as well, “whoa there,” he chuckled as he pulled back, looking down at her stomach. “Precious cargo,” he joked as he placed his hand there gently before he pulled away moving to sit down.
Natalia sat there, leaning against her husband's shoulder with a hum as her nephew and niece-in-law approached. Sitting up some, she watched her older brother speak with Mia and Tyler before she rose slowly, walking over to them. “Hi sweetheart,” she said as she pressed a kiss to Tyler’s cheek before she looked at Mia smiling. “You look so beautiful,” she told Mia easily as she opened her arms, giving Mia the option to hug her or not. “It’s so wonderful to meet you,” she said sweetly, her voice soft.
Russell sat there with his wife and he looked over at Ángel before he looked at Mia and Tyler. The man didn’t smile much but the corners of his lips did twitch a bit as he nodded towards them both, sending a small wave their way.
Mia moved with Tyler and her hands rested on the back of a chair as she shifted on her feet. “Nice to meet you,” she told Ángel as he greeted them and she chuckled at his words amused, she hugged the man back moving her way closer to him and she chuckled at his words. “Mhm,” she said quietly as he touched her stomach. “Hi,” Mia said, greeting the boy's aunt easily and she moved into the woman’s hug. “It is nice to meet you as well” she said to her, “and thank you,” she added for the woman’s compliment. Looking at Russell, she smirked at him and then looked over at little Michael with a grin.
Natalia smiled at Mia as the young woman moved into her arms for a hug and she hugged her close, rubbing up and down Mia’s back warmly before she pulled back. “You’re so very welcome.” She let out a small hum of appreciation as she caressed Mia’s cheek before she moved to sit down once more.
Tyler hugged Ángel back, chuckling at the man. As he pulled back, he readjusted his hat on his head saying, “you know, I try, I try,” with a chuckle as he dusted his shoulders off a bit. As Mia and Natalia interacted, he smiled. Natalia was such a quiet but sweet spirit. Humming out, he whispered into Mia’s ear. “Just a few more people and then we can sit down,” he told her knowingly as he guided her over to the next table. “Here we have my other aunt Mila, her boyfriend Jason, my uncle Gabriel and his girlfriend Joelle,” he told Mia easily.
As Tyler and Mia approached, Mila sat her glass down, smiling and squealing. “Oh Tyler,” she said as she gazed at Mia’s belly. “I can’t believe my little sobrino is about to have a kid,” she gushed sweetly before she moved to stand up to properly greet Mia. “It’s so nice to have you as a part of our already large family,” she chuckled out as she hugged Mia close, rocking with the girl from left to right before she pulled back, gesturing to her boyfriend, “this is Jason,” she smiled as she leaned into him, pressing a kiss to his scruffy cheek.
Jason smiled, adjusting in his chair a bit and he waved at Mia. “Hi,” he said easily, picking up his glass and taking a sip of his drink as Mila kissed his cheek. “It’s a pleasure,” he voiced with a smile.
Gabriel waited his turn before he stood up and moved for Tyler and Mia. He playfully knocked the hat off Tyler’s head, catching it in his hand and placing it on his own head before he leaned in to press a kiss to Mia’s cheek. “Nice to meet you, I’ve heard great things,” he told her easily. “Blessed that you’re bringing more family into the world,” he said with a smile before he looked over at Joelle. “This is Joelle,” he introduced, “my heartbeat,” he told Mia.
Joelle stood with Gabrielle, holding her hands in front of her until Gabriel introduced her. “Hi sweetheart,” she said easily, leaning in to press a kiss to both of Mia’s cheeks before embracing the girl in a hug.
Mia walked with Tyler a little further though her feet were screaming for her to take her shoes off. “Hi,” she said waving at the boy's aunt and her boyfriend, “thank you,” she said, his family was far more inviting than hers had been. Well her grandmother had been. Mia hugged the woman back gently, rocking with her as she did. She shifted her weight on her feet and she licked her lips gently. “Hello,” she said to Jason before she looked at Gabriel and she smirked at the man’s interaction with Tyler. “Nice meeting you too,” she told the man. “Aw, thanks,” she said moving her hand to her stomach. “Hi,” she told Joelle as the woman kissed both of her cheeks and then hugged her. Mia hugged the woman back tenderly and said, “nice to meet you,” she told her.
Tyler snatched his hat back from Gabriel, placing it back onto his head before he moved along swiftly after Mia had spoken to and hugged with people from this table before he moved to the last one. Finally moving to his father’s side of the family. Walking over with Mia, Tyler said, “Mia I would like you to meet Axel and Vivian Carter,” smiled, “my father’s parents,” he informed. “Grandma, grandpa this beautiful woman beside me is my wife, Mia.” He beamed proudly from ear to ear before he looked to Dominic and his at the moment, girlfriend, Roxanna, “and this is my dad’s brother, Dominic, and his… Roxanna,” he told Mia, giving her a knowing look before he turned to look at Naomi, “and last but certainly not least, my aunt Naomi, my dad’s sister,” he told Mia.
Axel stood up, along with his wife Vivian, as Tyler approached. He smiled, his old hand shaking a bit as he held it out towards Mia. “Hello, my darling,” he said easily, shaking her hand before he moved to sit back down slowly.
Vivian placed her hand on her husband’s shoulder giving it a squeeze as he spoke to Mia before she smiled gently, her eyes taking the woman in sweetly. “Nice to meet you,” she said softly as she took Mia’s hand into her own, giving it a squeeze. “My first great grand,” she smiled, looking down at Mia’s belly before she asked, “may I?” her hand hovering over it.
Dominic sat there, waiting for his parents to finish so that he could properly speak to and introduce himself to Mia, a chuckle escaping him at Tyler’s not knowing what to call Roxanna as he looked over at her.
Roxanna sat back, swinging her leg a little from her knees crossed as she waited quietly for Mia to be free and able to truly speak with them, knowing not to interrupt Miss Vivian.
Following behind Tyler as he swiftly walked towards the last table, she smiled at them, resting one hand on her lower back. “Hello,” she breathed, dropping her hand to shake his grandfathers. “It is so very nice to meet you both,” she said dearly. “My aunt’s named Vivian,” she said slyly, looking at Tyler amused as she gave the woman all her attention. At the woman’s announcement she smirked widely at her. “First for everyone,” she said so very proud of that fact. “Yes of course,” Mia said, noticing that she actually asked before she truly touched her stomach. “Nice to meet you,” she said to Dominic and Roxanna, whomever Roxanna was to the man. She looked at Naomi and smiled at her, “hello,” she said sweetly.    
Vivian smiled at Mia, “oh well you can call me Sadie if you’d like,” she told Mia easily. As Mia told her this would be the first great grandchild on her side of the family as well, the woman’s lips pulled into a smile. “That’s wonderful,” she said before she placed her hand on Mia’s stomach, giving her a loving rub. “Oh, I know what you’re having,” she chuckled before she leaned in and gave Mia another hug before she moved to sit down.
As his mother sat down, Dominic stood up and he moved to Mia and Tyler. He hugged Mia, then Tyler with a smile. “Congrats,” he said with a chuckle.
Roxanna stayed seated even as Dominic stood up and she leaned over the table a bit. “Nice to meet you,” she said with a smile, eyeing Mia’s belly with a hum. “You’re glowing,” she said sweetly.
Naomi stood up behind her older brother, moving in, to hug Mia, a bright smile on her face. “I never thought I’d see the day,” she chuckled, “that Tyler settled on down,” she said before she discreetly pointed her thumb over at Dominic and Roxanna, “because you know…” she giggled.
Tyler stood there chuckling at everyone as they spoke to Mia and he looked at Naomi with a smirk. “Aye, aye, don’t start now,” he smiled laughing a bit as he pulled her in for a hug himself. “Okay, now we’re going to take a seat and let mama here rest for a bit,” he told them as he guided Mia over to the throne-like chairs over in the corner of the room where they could easily see everyone. He helped Mia lower herself down in the chair before he leaned over her, pressing another kiss to her lips. “Do you want me to take off your shoes?” he asked her knowingly.
“No, I am will call you granny Viv,” Mia said to her sweetly as the woman rubbed her stomach and she looked at her amused. “You do?” she asked her with a smirk. “We will see granny,” she told the woman with a chuckle before hugging the woman back a second time. “Thank you,” she told Dominic sweetly before she looked at Roxanna and said, “you too,” and tossed out a thank you to her as she shifted on her heels again. As Naomi greeted them, she smiled looking at Tyler at his aunt's comment, a smile still on her face, amused. “I hear it takes a real woman to slow and lock down certain men,” she joked gently with his family. As he said that they were going to go sit down Mia followed along with the taller man she sat down with his help. Sighing heavily, as she held his hand as she sat down and shifted sitting back in the chair as she looked at him. “Please, dear lord,” she told him seriously as she hiked her dress up a bit to reveal her feet to him. “My feet are killing me,” she told him.
Roxanna jerked her neck back at Mia’s comment before she pursed her lips, rolling her eyes gently as she folded her arms over her chest. She looked over at Dominic who found it to be oh so funny and she shoved his shoulder with a huff. “Shut your stupid ha-ha-ha ass up,” she grumbled to him.
Tyler smiled at Mia, kneeling down before her as she lifted her dress a bit. Tyler swiftly unbuckled Mia’s heels, taking them off carefully and sitting them aside. He began to rub her feet a bit, knowing that they had to be hurting as he gazed up at her. “So, thoughts?” he smirked as he caressed her feet.
Mia watched as Tyler shifted to take her shoes off of her feet, sitting them aside. She smiled, “thank you,” she said to him gratefully as he rubbed her feet gently. “Everyone is so kind and clearly so excited about the baby. Which I am happy about,” she told him nodding her head “the baby's acceptance is all I need” she told him stroking her stomach gently.
Tyler nodded at Mia gently. “You’re welcome baby,” he told her lovingly as he kept at it, rubbing her feet a bit more. At her words, he smiled a bit before he gently lowered her feet back to the ground and he moved to sit down beside her. “Yeah,” he chuckled. “First great-grand is a pretty big deal,” he said knowingly as he leaned over, placing his hand on her stomach as well. “I love you babe,” he told her with a smile.
Carmen sat at the table, speaking back and forth in Spanish with her mother, laughing a bit as she did. However, upon looking over and seeing Mia and Tyler resting in the corner, she smiled and moved to stand up. She walked towards the center of the room, against the dance floor in her tall heels. She picked up the microphone and turned it on before she smiled widely, looking around the room. “Well, well,” she began, “now that all of the wonderful introductions are out of the way,” she smirked, “I want to invite anyone up to the microphone if they’d like to say anything to Tyler and Mia,” she smiled looking around, “please let’s keep it to about a minute or so,” she chuckled before offering the microphone out to let anyone come up and speak.
Mia smiled at him and she nodded her head. “It is,” she told her sweetly. She pecked his lips tenderly before she said, “I love you more baby,” softly to him. When Carmen got up to begin speaking in the center stage, she smiled easily as she rested back in her chair.
Rachelle heard the woman speak on the microphone and she smiled as she got up happily. Of course, she’d be first, she was just that type of person really. She moved for the tall woman and smiled. “I have something I would like to say,” she told her as she grabbed the microphone. “Hi, my name is Rachelle,” she said to everyone, “I am Mia’s aunt,” she told them as well placing her hand over her chest. “I’m going to talk long, because I can be very long winded, my husband tells me,” she said looking at him. “However, Mia is my one and only niece and I would just like to say I am so very proud of how far she’s come,” she said looking over at the girl. “I’ve been keeping up with you and Tyler on YouTube and I would just like to say that you two are perfect together… perfect for each other and truly I cannot wait to meet my great niece or nephew,” she smiled proudly. “Congrats you two, on the baby and on the marriage, I pray for nothing but happiness and prosperity,” she said easily as she handed Carmen the microphone back and moved to sit down.
Carmen looked at the woman as she approached and she handed the mic over easily, stepping aside to give the woman center stage, listening and nodding along as she spoke.
Fátima leaned over to Anthony and asked him, “YouTube? What is YouTube?” she questioned him in a whisper.
Anthony looked at Fátima before he waved her off chuckling softly. “It’s nothing,” he told Fátima easily.
As Rachelle finished, Carmen stepped back up and she took the microphone. “That was beautiful,” she beamed, “anyone else?” she asked, holding the microphone out once more.
Mila stood up as her older sister offered the mic to everyone again and she walked over, giving Carmen a side hug before she hooked her fingers around the belt loops of her fitted jeans and took the microphone. “Hello everyone,” she said sweetly. “I am Mila,” she beamed, “Tyler’s tía, or aunt, whatever…” she told everyone, looking around the room, “and I would just like to say,” she turned to look at Tyler and Mia, “I am so happy for you two,” she giggled. “I have watched Tyler grow up into such an amazing young man and I am so happy that he has finally settled down with such a wonderful young woman,” she said as she blew them a kiss. “I truly hope that you two continue to thrive and be merry,” she smiled. “I pray that Mary continues to bless you,” she said with a bright smile before she handed the microphone back to Carmen.
Hugging, Mila back, Carmen handed over the microphone and stepped aside. She stood there, smiling softly as her youngest sister spoke. She nodded along, smiling from ear to ear, before she took the microphone back. “Mila, so sweet,” she said before she looked around more. “Anymore takers?” she asked, pointing the microphone at a few people.
Patricia listened and waited for the woman to finish and she nodded her head a soft smile on her face as the woman concluded. She moved to stand up and walked up to Carmen, accepting the mic from her and she smiled. “Hello,” she said to everyone, “I am Mia’s grandmother, her father’s mother to be exact,” she explained. “And I would just like to say that Mia has always been an amazing young woman. I’ve had the privilege to watch her grow up and blossom with each day” she told the crowd. “I am very proud of her and everything that she is accomplishing right now in life. IBM, marriage, a baby, a very elite scholar,” she listed. “You have made me very proud baby,” she said turning to her with a smile, “you grandfather would be so proud of you Mia, I wish he could be here to see the woman that you are,” she said offering the woman a bright and sad smile.
Mia watched as people walked up to speak and when her grandmother did, she smiled happily at her. Nodding her head as the woman went on to explain her thoughts about her right now. As she went on to explain how happy and proud of her, she was, she smiled at her, and then moved to stand up as the woman mentioned her late grandfather. Mia walked towards her grandmother bare foot and she hugged her tightly. “I love you, thank you,” she said sweetly to her, as a tear rolled down her cheek gently as she closed her eyes, arms wrapped around the woman’s neck.
Tyler sat back, watching everyone as they got up and spoke sweet and encouraging words to them. As Mia’s grandmother stood up, Tyler watched Mia rise and he rose with her but stayed put as she walked over to her grandmother.
Carmen handed the microphone over, stepping back once more and as the two women embraced, she dipped her head, trying to make herself small, not wanting to intrude on their moment.
Mia pulled away from Patricia and she smiled at her kissing her cheek gently and she told the woman. “I love you,” again sweetly, as she wiped her grandmother’s tears with her fingers gently.
Patricia released Mia finally and she nodded her head telling her, “I love you too gently,” as the girl wiped her tears. She sniffled slightly before she pulled away from her completely moving to go sit down.
Mia wiped her grandmother's cheeks dry with her thumbs before she released the woman, she tapped her face with a single finger. She needed a napkin really and when she sat down with Tyler, she picked up her napkin and she dabbed her face gently to dry the tear, sniffling slightly at the thought of her grandfather not being here and another tear rolled.
Tyler watched and waited for Mia and when she sat down, he slid his chair closer to hers, taking her hand and giving it a loving squeeze. “You okay?” he asked her gently.
Carmen bit her painted lip softly, watching as the two embraced and cried and when they pulled away and cleared the area and stayed quiet for a moment, letting the room recover from the moment before she said, “and with that, I do believe it’s time for us to move on to the next activity.” She paused for a moment, blinking hard to push back her own emotional tears, feeling for the women, before she put on a smile. “On your tables you’ll all find blue and pink paddles,” she explained, “and it’s now time to lift one up and cast your votes,” she smiled at them, “first up, is a boy,” she said, “lift up a blue paddle if you think Tyler and Mia are having a boy,” she said sweetly.
Mia looked to her husband and she nodded her head at him sadly, using the napkin to pat her face and to dry the corner of her eyes. “I’m okay,” she told him easily before, she sat the napkin down. “May I have something to drink?” she asked him as Carmen began to speak once more she looked at the group of people watching as people lifted their paddle and she smirked.
Tyler nodded at Mia and at her request he said, “of course,” as he rose from his chair and moved to the table that housed the finger foods and drinks. He grabbed a cup and poured some pink lemonade for Mia, looking back at his mother as she spoke as he did. Returning to Mia, he handed over the cup, looking around the room as he sat back down, watching everyone raise their paddles for the boy vote.
Farrah watched Carmen, wondering to herself why the woman didn’t ask her to help with this planning and event. As she spoke Farrah looked around before she raised a blue paddle.
Ezra listened to his daughter and he picked up his blue paddle, raising it high for everyone to see.
James raised a blue paddle when instructed to do so from the woman looking around to see who else had up blue.
Ángel licked his lips, raising his blue paddle as he looked around the room slowly.
Nadia watched on and she offered Patricia a kiss of which she blew to her as she moved back to her seat. She looked at the tall woman over the event and she moved to raise her blue paddle up high.
Lifting her blue paddle, Natalia smirked as she looked over at her brother before her eyes scanned the room.
Greyson watched the woman and he looked at his wife before he raised a blue paddle up, looking over at James with a smirk.
Mila lifted her blue paddle, glancing around at Mia’s side of the family with a smirk. She was seeing a lot of blue rising. They had to be right.
Daniel looked at Farrah and James before he raised a blue paddle up.
Gabriel listened to his sister, nodding slowly before he looked between the two-colored paddles. He had no idea. On a whim, he grabbed blue, holding it up.
Patricia moved back to her seat listening to the woman, she made sure her face was dry before she grabbed her paddle and raised the blue one up.
Joelle followed her boyfriend’s lead and grabbed a blue paddle, raising it into the air.
Gloria figured they needed a boy in the family and hoped that Mia and Tyler were having one, so she proudly raised her blue paddle to cast her vote along with her sister.
Axel looked at his wife as he picked up the blue paddle and held it up. “I don’t know about this whole high, low round stomach thing,” he said chuckling, his hand shaking as he held the paddle up.
Kathy watched Patricia sit back down and she rubbed the woman’s shoulder loving before she raised her blue paddle up behind the woman. “Come on, we need a boy,” she said happily.
Dominic snatched the blue paddle immediately, holding it high for Carmen to see.
Looking around the room, Roxanna counted all of the blue paddles in the air and knew they would take the majority, so she went with it as she rose her blue one into the air as well.
Carmen looked around the room, watching the blue paddles rise. She nodded slowly as she said, “please keep your paddles up while I take a tally,” she said before she began counting everyone that had a blue paddle in the air. “And it looks like Blue’s have… 17,” she said with a bright smile. “Okay you may go ahead and lower your paddles blues,” she said before she went on, “pinks please go ahead and raise your paddles now,” she hummed out as she moved to pick up a pink paddle herself, lifting it with her freehand.
Anthony lifted his pink paddle behind his wife as she stood in the center of the room.
Hearing the woman ask for pink paddles Rachelle wasted no time to lift her paddle in the air proudly.
Aria sat at the table with her younger cousins and though they weren’t voting, she was. She lifted her pink paddle into the air with a smile, really hoping for a girl.
JJ looked at Mia and Tyler, though his parents thought it was a boy he didn’t mind a little niece. So, he raised a pink paddle up in the air for them to see.
Fátima grabbed her pink paddle and lifted it into the air as she looked at her husband. “I can look at her and see it,” she said easily with a smug expression on her face.
Following behind their cousin Charlie raised a pink paddle.
Russell grabbed his pink paddle and lifted it with a hum.
Harper raised a pink paddle behind her sister, choosing what Charlie chose easy.
Jason had no shame as he lifted his pink paddle into the air.
Brittany waited for the pink turn and she raised her paddle, thinking Mia would be cute with a mini her.
With a sure smile, Vivian lifted her pink paddle into the air, winking over at Mia.
Nova sat in the back next to Aaron, she raised a pink paddle thinking the idea of Mia having a girl while she brought forth the boy would be cute.
Aaron wrapped his arm around Nova as he lifted his pink paddle into the air, looking at her with a chuckle.
Riley sat at a table with a bunch of random school friends noticing Aaron and Nova did not sit beside her and she raised a pink paddle, looking at them and then up at the front of the building.
Naomi lifted her pink paddle, smiling sweetly as she gazed around the room.
Quickly Carmen began to count as the pink paddles were raised, being sure to count herself. “Well,” she smirked, “it looks like the Pinks have 16, so the blue’s win for now,” she said chuckling. “We will find out the true gender of the baby a little later,” she informed everyone sweetly as she turned to the small chalk board and wrote down, “17 under blue and 16 under pink.” Turning back to everyone she said, “now at this time I would like to offer Tyler and Mia a chance to speak,” she said smiling as she turned to the couple.
Mia watched on as people voted, taking a sip of her lemonade from the cup Tyler made her and she licked her lips, smirking. Some paddles had been raised so fast you’d think there was money or a prize on the line. As Carmen wrote down the predictions down on the chalkboard she clapped playfully. When Carmen mentioned them speaking, she smiled and nodded her head. Standing up on her feet she moved towards the woman resting her hands on her lower back with a smirk as she waited for Tyler.
Tyler chuckled as he watched people vote. Oh boy, this was going to be interesting when the truth was revealed. As his mother spoke, inviting them up, Tyler rose with a smile and he walked over with Mia. Gently he took the microphone from his mother as he stood there beside Mia. Turning to look at their family members Tyler began, “firstly I would just like to thank all of you guys, all of our family members and all of our friends in the building,” he said looking over at Aaron and Nova, “I know some of you traveled pretty far to be here today,” he said knowingly. “And all I got to say is let’s have a good time, we're going to turn up a little bit, live ya’ life, you know what… what you want to say babe,” he said, extending the microphone to Mia before he pulled it back saying, “yeah I’m a daddy, you know what I’m saying,” with a smirk on his face. “And the last thing I got to day is, life is good, you know what I’m saying,” he paused for a moment, letting his family members speak back to him before he said, “I need an all the time, I’ma say it again, life is good...” he held the microphone out to everyone, his family saying back all of the time happily and he said, “that’s what’s up,” before he wrapped his arm around Mia’s shoulders with a smile as he handed her the microphone.
Mia stood there licking her lips slowly and she watched as Tyler as he grabbed the microphone. Now just what was he going to say? As he began to speak, she nodded her head gently. She had one hand on her lower back and the other now on her stomach. As he began to talk about turning up, she smiled at him a bit, listening and keeping her eyes focused on him as he did. She rubbed her stomach lovingly as he went on. She chuckled gently at the man as he went speaking about everything and nothing at this point of time. As he extended the mic, she was going to reach for it, but he kept up and she couldn’t help but drop her head and laugh at him along with everything else’s laughter and cheer. When he said life was good, she looked at him again watching him, he asked for an all the time from everyone and her mouth parted slightly. When their family and friends actually repeated him, she looked at the crowd like they were nuts before she chuckled lightly grabbing the microphone. “Okay,” she started another chuckle leaving her she said, “so we all know that Tyler isn’t good with words so…” she snorted lightly as she shifted on her bare feet. “Forgive me, I have taken my shoes off, growing a life is a full-time job,” she told the crowd. “Uh, I just want to thank everyone for coming out and supporting us. The last 4 months have been a very fast paced and magical rollercoaster for him and I both,” she stressed. “And we haven’t been able to take you all on that journey with us so far but for this we would greatly appreciate everyone in the building maintaining this tight knit village for our little pumpkin,” she said touching her stomach. “Rather boy or girl, Tyler and I are ecstatic about the journey we are embarking on right now and we just want to thank our family and friends for being understanding and supportive right now,” she said happily.
Tyler stood beside Mia, hugging her close with a chuckle as she spoke now and he nodded along to her words. Licking his lips, he looked around at their families, all sitting on separate sides and he hummed out softly as Mia finished. “We really do appreciate each and every one of you,” he said loud enough to be heard without the microphone. “Let’s dance, let’s party, let’s mingle,” he smiled. “I have a task for everyone, by the end of this I want everyone to know at least one new person,” he said looking around the room, trying to get their families to bond, “and one fact about them,” he smirked.
Mia looked to Tyler as he had more things to say and she nodded her head at him holding the microphone up for him to speak. She smirked at his suggestion nodding her head, she liked the idea. They needed to be one, they needed to be a unit. “Thank you,” she said graciously again considering some people had taken the time to bring a few gifts and she handed the microphone back over to Carmen. Mia shifted on her bare feet and she fixed her earring subtly, shifting some braids over her shoulder. “What did you have planned?” she asked the woman discreetly, fully ready to eat.
Tyler smiled at Mia nodding along as Mia said thank you to everyone before he looked to his mother as Mia handed the microphone back to her.
Carmen stepped forward, taking the microphone from Mia and she held it down at the girl’s question before she smiled. Lifting the microphone, she looked around at everyone, “and now we eat, we mingle, and we have a good time,” she said smiling brightly. “If you all look right over here,” she gestured over, “the food has been brought out and is ready for everyone to grab a plate,” she said smiling, “music will commence shortly,” she told them before she added, “let’s allow Tyler and Mia to get their plates first, then all of the grandparents, and then everyone else,” she said knowingly with a smile, “with that, enjoy everyone,” she said sweetly before she clicked the microphone off and turned to look at Tyler and Mia with a smile. “I basically ordered a buffet style set up of everything on the menu and they’ll come and replenish as needed for the next three hours before we head outside,” she told them.
Mia licked her lips and she nodded her head at her. “Okay,” she told her sweetly. She looked at Tyler and tried to decide whether she trusted him with making her a plate for her or if she should. Hm. “Sounds good,” she told the woman as she looked at her husband “I’m hungry,” she said to him with a smile.
Tyler nodded at his mother as she spoke to everyone and when she turned to them, he smirked. “Okay,” he said easily before he looked at Mia. “You rest your feet, I’ll make your plate,” he told her lovingly, pressing a kiss to her forehead as he moved to go do so. Walking over to the buffet table, Tyler picked up two plates, balancing one in the palm of his hand and one on his arm as he began to place food on them. When he was done, he moved to Mia at their little thrones as a table was now pushed close for them to eat. He sat Mia’s plate before her, before he sat down beside her.
After Tyler walked away from the table Vivian stood up, “don’t worry baby, I’ll make your plate for you,” she told her husband easily before she walked over slowly, picking up a plate.
Rising from her seat, Fátima made her way over. She grabbed a plate and began to select her food looking over the options carefully before she looked over at Vivian, her lips pulled into a tight line. “I see you rose from your coffin to make it, how wonderful,” she said to the woman easily.
Moving to make his plate, Ezra hissed at his wife. “Fátima,” he said quickly. “Stop it,” he told her sternly.
Mia looked at Tyler and she nodded her head at him as he moved to prepare them plates. Mia moved back to their table sitting down, and she smiled as a few of her cousins came over wanting to touch her stomach and talk a bit. She shifted the chair angling them for them and she laughed and talked before Tyler returned. She smiled hugging her cousin close to her in her seated position as another cousin took a photo gently. The girls left to go back to their table and she turned back to their food. “Thank you, baby,” she told him gently as she moved to test the food, forking some into her mouth gently and moaning out softly in appreciation.
Nadia moved to stand up with her husband Greyson, they walked to the buffet grabbing plates and waiting their turn as she waited to fix the plate. Seeing the other two grandmothers of this clan standing there and she said, “hello,” to them both, “I am Nadia, Mia’s grandmother,” she said, “and my husband Greyson, her grandfather,” she said happily. “Nice to meet you both,” she said politely as she picked up some tongues and placed a dinner roll on her husband’s plate and hers.
Patricia stood up and looked at her sister. “Hopefully the food is good,” she said to her with a chuckle. No one could cook better than her in her opinion. She moved to grab a plate following in line with Nadia and her husband, she licked her lips as she listened, and she nodded her head. “And I am Patricia, her other grandmother,” she told the two women with a smile. “Nice meet y’all,” she said in a southern accent.
Vivian looked at Fátima, squinting slightly at the woman. “Don’t start with me you old cow,” she began before she looked over at Nadia and Patricia. “Hello,” she said politely, brushing Fátima off. “I am Vivian, Tyler’s father’s mother,” she explained, “and my husband Axel is seated over there,” she told them before she placed a bit more food down on Axel’s plate. “It’s very nice to meet you as well,” she hummed out.
Placing some chicken on her plate, Fátima looked at Vivian. “Shut your mouth,” she hissed back in a thick Spanish accent before she looked at her husband as she moved down the line, gazing over at Nadia and Patricia, she took them in. “Fátima,” she said her name easily. “Carmen’s mother,” she added before she pointed her thumb, “and my husband Ezra,” she explained. “Yes, it’s nice,” she nodded her head. “I just don’t understand these kids these days, rushing to do everything,” she said, shaking her head.
Nadia scooped some food up with a spoon placing it on her plate and Grayson's listening to the Fátima woman as she ranted a little. “Yeah, their generation scares me,” she said, “her little friend is back there pregnant too,” she said to the woman. “Jumping quick is their claim in life these days,” she sighed. “I can say though… I can’t wait to see this little baby,” she breathed happily.
Patricia looked at the women smiling and nodding as she added a little of everything on her plate to try. She heard them and she nodded her head gently. “You know I wondered if they planned it myself, her and that Nova girl has been friends since the 9th grade,” she said to them all. “Her little boyfriend is back there with her; this is just everyday life for those kids,” she spoke.
Vivian snorted at Fátima as she rambled off in Spanish and she shook her head. Looking over at Nadia, she nodded slightly, looking over at the other pregnant young woman in the room. “I saw that,” she said, humming out before she looked at Patricia, “I wondered the same thing,” she added. “I think it’s popular,” she stated. “All the kids are getting pregnant these days,” she said, licking her lips as she covered Axel’s plate with a napkin before she moved to make her own. “It’s trendy,” she said, “babies having babies.”
Fátima nodded at Nadia and Patricia and she squinted over at Vivian as she added more food to her plate. She looked over at Nova and her boyfriend, Aaron, asking, “is her friend married as well?” questioning with an arched eyebrow as she stood there with her finished plate.
Nadia looked at the meat selections and chose steak for her husband easily allowing him to walk away. The man didn’t eat much so his plate was done and she nodded her head. “Mhm,” she said to them easily “I guess in a sense our children are to blame,” she acknowledged. “What they were doing, I don’t know...” she said to them.
Patricia shook her head at Fátima and said, “nope they are not, and that poor probably won’t marry that girl. That’s another trend,” she pointed out with pursed lips. She looked at Nadia and said, “I can agree with that, though,” she said paused, “Farrah was much older in life when she had Mia and James Jr.” she reminded the woman. “Mia was a quiet and withdrawn girl; I am shocked she even came out of that shell of hers enough to get pregnant or get married,” she told them.
Vivian listened to the other women, ignoring the looks from Fátima, Vivian said, “I don’t know,” she said, “I raised Anthony right,” she hummed out. “But that Carmen… now she’s a piece of work…” she said, looking at Fátima once more before she looked at Patricia. “Now that’s just sad,” she shook her head in shock. “Well you know, Tyler is very charming,” she said with a hum before she finished her own plate and she walked away with that, picking up Axel’s plate as she did.
Fátima scrunched her nose at Vivian. “Watch it,” she said quickly to Vivian, giving the woman a look. She was trying to be nice because of the occasion but the woman was pushing it. “I raised five wonderful children,” she told Vivian harshly before she looked at Patricia and Nadia. “Quiet and withdrawn?” she asked with a hum. “Interesting,” she said before she moved to walk off, sitting down beside her husband who had long since sat down and began to eat.
Nadia looked at the two women and she raised her brows looking over at Patricia with a knowing look. “Honey they are buck wild and lose,” she said in Creole to herself with a shake of her head. She continued to fix her plate moving down. “How are you holding up Pat?” she asked the woman looking at her. She held her plate in her hand, done fixing it now.
Patricia grabbed a napkin and looked at the two women before she looked at Nadia. All these years and much like her son she did not know a lick of creole. She smiled at her and said, “I am holding up honey, thanks for asking,” she said softly. “One day at a time, I know my Kenneth is in a better place,” she said to her nodding her head before she walked off from the woman offering her another smile.
Nadia nodded her head at the woman offering her a smile and a pat on her shoulder before she walked off and moved to her table.
Nova moved to stand up and she pulled the card out of her bag, “I’ll meet you at the buffet,” she told Aaron as she moved towards Mia in her Gucci get up. She walked on her heels towards Mia and Tyler. “Hey guys,” she said happily sitting the card down at the table. “You two look good,” she said as she kissed Mia’s cheek hugging her gently before she moved for Tyler offering him a hug as well.
Tyler sat there eating his food hungrily and he didn’t have to ask Mia if she thought the food was good because she was giving her approval with every bite, causing him to smile as he thought about their first date. As Nova approached them, Tyler smiled, looking up at her. “Hey,” he said, “sorry we never made it over to you guys,” he said knowingly. “A lot going on here,” he smirked a bit as he hugged his friend back.
Mia smiled at Nova and sat her fork down for a moment covering her mouth with her hand. “Hey bestie,” she said happily. “I don’t know how you and Aaron ended up all the way back there,” she told her. She rested her hand on Nova’s stomach giving it a rub. “You are rounding out now,” she commented to her with a smirk before Nova moved towards Tyler. “You should have text me and told me Riley was here,” she said leaning against the table a bit as she shifted in the chair drinking down some juice.
Nova smiled at Mia and chuckled at Tyler. “It’s fine, I know the feeling,” she told them before she moved in front of the table they were sitting at. She rested her hands against the table gently leaning in to hear Mia and she gave her a knowing look. “Who knew she was invited?” she asked her confused herself. She moved her hand to her stomach rubbing it gently and she said, “Aaron and I sat on the other side,” she said gesturing with her head. “Because you know how I am,” she told them easily.
Tyler chuckled at Nova and he nodded a bit before he ate a bit more of his food. “Ma made the seating chart,” he told Mia easily. “Organized the whole thing,” he emphasized before he looked at Riley as she sat at a random table and he shook his head. “I don’t even know how my mom would have gotten in contact with her,” he said with a deep sigh.
Aaron walked over to his friends and he sat Nova’s plate before her easily before he stood beside her, forking some food into his mouth. “Congrats y’all,” he said easily as he just walked in on the conversation.
“Well you know damn well I didn’t want the bitch that fucked my husband here,” Mia told Nova with a knowing expression. “Anyway, she’s here and it’s nothing we can do about it,” she told Nova knowingly. “Let it lie,” she said looking over at the girl. “Although I still don't know how the bitch sleeps at night knowing she’s slept with Tyler,” she said as she tilted her head over at him. “But is supposed to be my close friend,” she added. “Hey A,” she said, pulling her eyes from Tyler as she looked at the man with gentler eyes. “Thank you, brother-man,” she smirked.
Nova looked at Aaron and she smirked. “Thank you, baby,” she told him as she continued to lean against Mia and Tyler’s table. “Don’t get me started,” she chuckled with a headshake, she leaned upright and grabbed her plate. “You right though,” she told the woman before she looked at Tyler. “I’ll see y’all on the dance floor,” she said pulling her dress down a bit as she moved in the thigh high boots back towards her table, looking over at Riley again as she did.
Tyler dropped his head, eating his food hungrily now. He heard every word Mia said but he didn’t dare lift his head or look over at her as she went on. He only looked up when Aaron approached and he nodded at his still, still not daring to speak a word.
Aaron smirked at Tyler before he cued in on the conversation and he tucked his lips in until Nova rose up. Grabbing her plate, he moved with her back to their table.
Tyler stood on the dance floor with Mia as bodies surrounded them. With his hips pressed to her ass, he lifted her hands into the air as he moved against her easily to the music with a wide smile on his face.
Mia swayed to the music, surrounded by all their family members and friends as they danced to the music. She planted her bare feet and she wind her hips to the song playing, “Joanna,” she repeated to the lyrics of the song.
Tyler laced their fingers as he moved in sync with her. He smiled, looking over at everyone else as they dance as well. He dipped his hips a bit, really getting up under Mia’s ass as he danced against her, knees bent.
Mia continued to dance against Tyler as he laced their fingers together, she smirked watching her cousins dance outrageously on the dance floor around her. She bent over a bit as she wind her hips to the beat.
Thrusting his hips, a bit, Tyler chuckled as he looked over at his parents as they danced against each other grinding, thrusting, and touching all over. As Mia bent over, Tyler let go of one of her hand, moving it to her hip as she wound against him. Leaning over her some, he whispered into her ear. “Mmmm, that ass.”
Mia continued to dance giggling a little to herself as she did, as Tyler leaned over her whispering in her ear she smirked widely, another chuckle leaving her before she began to tick-tock her hips to the beat, tapping into her native style of dances.
Tyler smirked softly, his hips moving along with Mia’s effortlessly as she ticked against him. “Alright now,” he chuckled as he gripped her hip gently in his hand. “Don’t start nothing you can’t finish,” he told her softly, his hand moving down from her hip to her thigh.
Carmen pressed her ass back into her husband, leaning over a bit as she moved against him, knees bent as she tossed her long hair over her shoulder, looking back at him with a wicked smile as she rolled her hips to the music.
Anthony stood behind his wife, hands on her hips as he rode the wave, moving against her with a lick of his lips, even smacking the side of her ass a few times without a care.
Mia smirked at Tyler not saying much as the song changed and all of her cousins screamed as the beat dropped. Mia leaned up right pulling from Tyler and she turned to face him as she continued to dance pressed into him, her hands on his hips as she did.
Farrah sat next to James cutely and she smiled as the music filled the room watching everyone enjoy themselves as she rocked gently into the chair. “Come on,” she to her husband poking him as she moved for the dance floor tugging him up with her.
James looked to Farrah licking his lips slowly and when she pulled him up, he moved with her onto the dance floor chuckling a bit. They were elbow to elbow dancing with everyone.
Tyler licked his lips as Mia turned around to face him and he smirked, looking around as her cousins squealed out. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close as his body rolled against hers. He pressed a kiss to her nose, his own scrunching playfully as he slid his hands to her ass holding her there as they moved as one.
As the song changed, Carmen leaned up turning around and wrapping her arms around her husband's neck as they danced close. She bit her lip softly, a bit of sweat rolling down her back from the dancing and all the hot bodies around them.
Anthony held Carmen by her ass as she turned around and he gripped her close, looking into her eyes as they danced. He licked his lips slowly, smirking at her before he looked over at Farrah and James as they joined the dance floor.
Mia smirked, closing her eyes for a moment humming to the chorus of the song as Tyler kissed her nose, she opened her eyes moving along with him. As the man held her by her ass, she began to wind her hips grinding her ass into his hand. She moved her hands around his neck pulling him down for a kiss before she looked over at her mother. “Uh oh,” she said with a grin.
Farrah rocked her hips as she moved on her tall heels towards the dance floor with James. Once there the woman brushed a few bangs out of her hair as she snapped her fingers the woman wind her hips a bit lowering herself down towards the floor before she picked herself back up. “Ye,” she mouthed along with the lyrics.
James moved onto the dance floor and he watched his wife with a sly chuckle as he bobbed his head to the music and his shoes slid against the flooring as he moved along with the music.
Looking over at his mother and father, Tyler shook his head with a smirk before he looked back at Mia. Her ass grinding into his hands only made him pull her closer, grinding his hips into hers. Glancing at Farrah as she dropped it low, Tyler’s eyes went wide and he said, “well now I know where you get it from,” he smirked.
Carmen looked over at Farrah and James as they joined the party and she watched the woman drop it low before she giggled out, “whoo!” she hollered to Farrah. “You better drop it low!” she screamed out over the blaring music. Pulling away from her husband a bit, she took Farrah’s lead dropping it low in her own little dress, making sure to hold it down as she did. She popped her ass back up slowly to the music.
Anthony chuckled at Farrah and James and when his wife pulled away from him, dropping it low, he smirked at her. “That’s what I’m talking about!” he clapped his hands as he watched her closely, circling around her getting a full view.
Mia looked back at her mother and squealed chuckling at Tyler’s comment. She covered her face partially as she laughed looking back at the woman before she looked at Carmen. “They are showing out,” she told him with a chuckle. She continued to move against her husband, her hands resting against the back of his head.
Farrah moved closer to James pulling the man to her by his hips as she moved along with him, she rolled her body against him with a smirk, ignoring the catcalls on purpose. She licked her full lips as she danced to the familiar song.
James chuckled a little at Farrah as she pulled him close by his hips and he moved, wrapping her up as they swayed together. He leaned in pressing, his lips to her ear as she rolled her body against his. He smirked wickedly, pulling back and watching the slightly bounce of his wife’s full breast as she moved to the beat.
Nova held Aaron’s hands, lacing their fingers. She danced with the boy gently in her heels on the dance floor watching the parents of the parents-to-be dancing and smiling widely. Her own parents were here but they would not have dared, she looked over at them in the corner sitting and talking.
Aaron moved with Nova to the music humming to himself. He was looking over at the parents, smirking a bit. This was wild. His parents would absolutely never, especially his mother. Looking back at Nova, he held squeezed her hands.
As the song changed once more, Tyler paused as he listened to the music before he smiled widely and he took Mia’s hand spinning her around before he began a salsa with her, his feet moving effortlessly.
“Aye! Aye! Aye!” Carmen called out as the song changed and she grabbed her husband quickly as they began to salsa across the floor, moving as one as they did, spinning and stepping together.
Anthony grabbed his wife’s hand immediately as the song changed and he knowingly fell right into a salsa, moving with her in perfect sync.
Mia smirked as the song changed and she spun around with Tyler’s help with a grin, the song change did not eliminate the bodies on the dance floor. She moved with Tyler. She didn’t know how to salsa dance, but she would let him guide her with a bright smile. “Babe, I didn’t know you could salsa dance,” she giggled at him. She looked at Carmen and Anthony and she smirked watching them as she held Tyler’s hand in hers.
Nova smirked at everyone before the song changed again and she smirked widely as Tyler’s family lit up the dance floor, her hands still laced with Aaron’s.
Tyler snorted softly at Mia as he danced her around the limited space, twirling her body and pulling her close, his footwork immaculate as he guided her easily. “What?!” he said shocked before he laughed, “I would be a disgrace if I couldn’t salsa,” he told her with another chuckle.
Aaron looked at Nova, moving with her easily. He looked around at everyone, smiling as they got really into it, dancing across the floor. He licked his lips before he looked back at Nova letting her hands go to hug her close.
Tyler gathered outside, his arms wrapped around Mia holding her close as they stood out in the sand, waiting for the firework show to commence.
Mia had been most excited about this part of course; she stood with Tyler and she wrapped her arms around him as well, resting her head on his chest as they waited for the firework show to start. She shifted her feet in the sandals her mother gave her from the trunk of her car. “I am so excited,” she said giddily.
Tyler pressed a kiss to Mia’s cheek as he chuckled. “Me too, I can’t wait to see everyone’s reactions,” he smiled a bit, hugging her to him. It was a bit chilly considering they were on the beach in the night air, so he wanted to make sure she stayed warm.
Carmen walked across the sand barefoot, holding the microphone in her hand as she turned to address everyone. “And now we’ve finally come to the part of the evening that everyone has been waiting on,” she beamed. “We have a special treat for you all,” she smirked. “Now I’m sure you’re all wondering why we’ve moved to the beach but that is because you’re about to experience a firework spectacular,” she giggled. “Remember what you voted for because you’re about to find out now!” she said happily, a bit excited to find out herself. “So, everyone please without further ado, turn your attention to the water,” she said, gesturing it to it as she walked off, cutting off the microphone before she found herself snuggled in her husband's arms, waiting for it all to begin.
James stood on the beach with Farrah in front of him, holding her from behind arms wrapped around her as Carmen spoke. Nodding his head, he watched on anticipation killing him.
Farrah caressed James' hands lovingly before she moved hers to JJ’s shoulders as he stood before her. She hugged the boy close to her as they waited for the fireworks. She was nervous as hell.
Mia smiled as Tyler pecked her cheek, she held him close to her as Carmen spoke and she chuckled as different voices yelled out cheers as they all waited. When the fireworks started, she gripped onto Tyler a little harder now.
Tyler looked over at his mother and father and then at Mia’s parents before he turned his head, looking at his grandparents as they watched with anticipation as well. Smirking, he gave Mia a gentle squeeze before he returned his gaze back out over the water as the duds began to fly out and fizzle with nothing more.
Rachelle stood with her two girls hugged up against her watching as a few shot up not showing them much of anything. Tricksters. She continued to watch on as a few more were dispensed. “Oh goodness,” she said nervously.
Nadia watched over the water with a smirk. “This is a neat little idea,” she told her husband with a smile as she waited for the reveal.
Patricia stood off to the side and she waited like everyone else, her fingers crossed secretly as she waited to see what they were having, as two shot up in the air she watched as they burst in a bright pink color. Her vote lost but she couldn’t deny how happy she was as she watched on in shock.
Ángel stood there with his hands in his pockets as he stared up at the sky, waiting with bated breaths. As pink filled the air, he let out a happy chuckle. He had lost but he didn’t mind one bit.
Fátima sat in a beach chair beside her husband as they watched the pink fireworks fill the night sky. She smirked smugly, looking over her husband. “I knew it,” she said with a satisfied hum as she sat back.
Carmen stood there in Anthony arms, watching with tears in her eyes as pink filled the dark skies. “Oh my!” she squealed out happily, bouncing a bit. “A girl,” she said sweetly in Spanish.
Mia watched as the action stopped for only just a moment before pink fireworks burst in the air and she gasped, shocked. “What?” she said in disbelief and she looked up at Tyler quickly. “A girl?” she asked him, her mouth parted as she gazed at him. She heard the cheers in the background and the loud screams from friends and family, but she was in shock.
Tyler watched the sky closely and as soon as the first pink burst erupted, he looked down at Mia, nodding his head with tears in his eyes. “A girl,” he confirmed, placing his hands on her stomach. “We’re having a baby girl,” he told her sweetly, blinking hard, a tear of emotion sliding down his cheek as he gazed at her, all of the commotion from their family and friends drowning out around him as he focused on her.
Mia watched his lips as he confirmed it and she covered her face with her hand as she began to cry because of the news. She couldn’t believe it still; they were having a little girl. She leaned her forehead into his chest, letting out a soft cry before she dropped her hand looking up at him again. She looked at him as a tear lid down his cheek she covered her face again, sniffling hard.
Tyler watched as Mia covered her face and he smiled softly, sniffling a little. As she leaned against him, he held her close, rubbing his hands up and down her back tenderly. “A little girl,” he said again, having already known. He found out right after their appointment to be able to set up the firework show. Pulling her hand from her face, Tyler leaned down and he captured her lips in a tender, loving kiss.
Mia reluctantly allowed him to remove her hands as she continued to cry as she kissed him back gently. She cupped his face, closing her eyes and kissed him deeply. The night still lit with pink orbs before the grand finale and more colorful fireworks burst in the sky. She pulled away from him chuckling a little. “A girl,” she finally said sweetly back to him. “I’m so happy baby, I am so happy,” she told him. “I love you so much,” she breathed as she pecked his lips gently.
Tyler ignored everything else but her. He was solely focused on her as she cupped his face and he kissed her once more. Looking into her eyes, he nodded at her with a smile, another tear of joy rolling down his face. “I am happy too,” he told her truthfully with a small nod before he breathed. “I love you too baby, you’re my world.”
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lovediva013 · 4 years
Never underestimate a girl with drums vintage shirt
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There has been no Never underestimate a girl with drums vintage shirt . shortage of wildly glamorous fashion on the red carpet at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival this past week. There were crystals and chainmail, thanks to Tilda Swinton, as well as floral couture à la Elle Fanning, and fluffy tulle courtesy of Bella Hadid. But today, Julianne Moore managed to flip the typical Cannes fashion script when she turned up to promote her new short film The Staggering Girl wearing evening sequins—usually reserved for a walk up the steps at the Palais des Festivals—in the middle of the day, not to mention a mini hemline. Standing for the photo call, the star shimmered under the Riviera sun dressed in a short mint green ruffled Valentino dress, which she accessorized with simple nude heels and cluster earrings.Moore plays an Italian-American writer named Francesca in The Staggering Girl, which was initially conceptualized by Valentino’s creative director Pierpaolo Piccioli and directed by Luca Guadagnino.Never underestimate a girl with drums vintage shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Ladies
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Long Sleeve
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Unisex known for movies like Call Me By Your Name and Suspiria Never underestimate a girl with drums vintage shirt . The short. which also stars Mia Goth, KiKi Layne, Marthe Keller, and Kyle MacLachlan, is rooted in fashion and couture, with the plot centering around specific dresses and the stories they tell through their owners. Details about the film have remained under wraps until today’s premiere, but Moore’s shining Valentino minidress certainly adds more hype around the fashion that will be portrayed on screen. The actress not only proved that sequins and a short silhouette aren’t only right for a night out, but that you don’t have to be strolling down a red carpet to wear this kind of thing either. That’s the story this Valentino dress told today—consider it a teaser of the fashion narratives yet to come.Before “Slide” took over the airwaves this year, French Montana released his single “No Stylist” and has just made good on that titular laid-back premise. Though he said in the first verse that he’s iced out in new Chanel, Saint Laurent, a Gucci bag, and other designer threads, spending 24 hours with the Moroccan-born rapper, as Vogue has discovered, is less a guide to brand-name posturing and more a lesson in the art of chilling out. You Can See More Product: https://hottrendtees.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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lovediva0303 · 4 years
Never underestimate a girl with drums vintage shirt
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There has been no Never underestimate a girl with drums vintage shirt . shortage of wildly glamorous fashion on the red carpet at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival this past week. There were crystals and chainmail, thanks to Tilda Swinton, as well as floral couture à la Elle Fanning, and fluffy tulle courtesy of Bella Hadid. But today, Julianne Moore managed to flip the typical Cannes fashion script when she turned up to promote her new short film The Staggering Girl wearing evening sequins—usually reserved for a walk up the steps at the Palais des Festivals—in the middle of the day, not to mention a mini hemline. Standing for the photo call, the star shimmered under the Riviera sun dressed in a short mint green ruffled Valentino dress, which she accessorized with simple nude heels and cluster earrings.Moore plays an Italian-American writer named Francesca in The Staggering Girl, which was initially conceptualized by Valentino’s creative director Pierpaolo Piccioli and directed by Luca Guadagnino.Never underestimate a girl with drums vintage shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Ladies
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Long Sleeve
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Unisex known for movies like Call Me By Your Name and Suspiria Never underestimate a girl with drums vintage shirt . The short. which also stars Mia Goth, KiKi Layne, Marthe Keller, and Kyle MacLachlan, is rooted in fashion and couture, with the plot centering around specific dresses and the stories they tell through their owners. Details about the film have remained under wraps until today’s premiere, but Moore’s shining Valentino minidress certainly adds more hype around the fashion that will be portrayed on screen. The actress not only proved that sequins and a short silhouette aren’t only right for a night out, but that you don’t have to be strolling down a red carpet to wear this kind of thing either. That’s the story this Valentino dress told today—consider it a teaser of the fashion narratives yet to come.Before “Slide” took over the airwaves this year, French Montana released his single “No Stylist” and has just made good on that titular laid-back premise. Though he said in the first verse that he’s iced out in new Chanel, Saint Laurent, a Gucci bag, and other designer threads, spending 24 hours with the Moroccan-born rapper, as Vogue has discovered, is less a guide to brand-name posturing and more a lesson in the art of chilling out. You Can See More Product: https://hottrendtees.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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kingteeshops · 5 years
Baby Yoda Busch Light May The Busch Be With You shirt
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There has been no Baby Yoda Busch Light May The Busch Be With You shirt . shortage of wildly glamorous fashion on the red carpet at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival this past week. There were crystals and chainmail, thanks to Tilda Swinton, as well as floral couture à la Elle Fanning, and fluffy tulle courtesy of Bella Hadid. But today, Julianne Moore managed to flip the typical Cannes fashion script when she turned up to promote her new short film The Staggering Girl wearing evening sequins—usually reserved for a walk up the steps at the Palais des Festivals—in the middle of the day, not to mention a mini hemline. Standing for the photo call, the star shimmered under the Riviera sun dressed in a short mint green ruffled Valentino dress, which she accessorized with simple nude heels and cluster earrings.Moore plays an Italian-American writer named Francesca in The Staggering Girl, which was initially conceptualized by Valentino’s creative director Pierpaolo Piccioli and directed by Luca Guadagnino. Baby Yoda Busch Light May The Busch Be With You shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Ladies
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Unisex known for movies like Call Me By Your Name and Suspiria Baby Yoda Busch Light May The Busch Be With You shirt . The short. which also stars Mia Goth, KiKi Layne, Marthe Keller, and Kyle MacLachlan, is rooted in fashion and couture, with the plot centering around specific dresses and the stories they tell through their owners. Details about the film have remained under wraps until today’s premiere, but Moore’s shining Valentino minidress certainly adds more hype around the fashion that will be portrayed on screen. The actress not only proved that sequins and a short silhouette aren’t only right for a night out, but that you don’t have to be strolling down a red carpet to wear this kind of thing either. That’s the story this Valentino dress told today—consider it a teaser of the fashion narratives yet to come.Before “Slide” took over the airwaves this year, French Montana released his single “No Stylist” and has just made good on that titular laid-back premise. Though he said in the first verse that he’s iced out in new Chanel, Saint Laurent, a Gucci bag, and other designer threads, spending 24 hours with the Moroccan-born rapper, as Vogue has discovered, is less a guide to brand-name posturing and more a lesson in the art of chilling out. You Can See More Product: https://kingteeshops.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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