#thread with: siena bianca
theavaevans · 4 years
The Announcement
INVOLVED: Ava M. Evans, Samuel Evans, Blue Evans, Siena Evans, Phoenix Evans, and Luca Evans TIME FRAME: Wednesday, February 5, 2020 LOCATION: Evans’ Home; Seattle, Washington SUMMARY: Ava and Samuel finally reveal the big news to their children and are met with mixed emotions.
Blue plopped down on the couch with her phone in hand, texting with Ariel. She hated these family meetings. She truly didn’t understand why her parents called one, twice a month. They were always over the stupidest things, none of which ever really involved her.
Phoenix rested on the loveseat, her legs over the arm of one side of the chair, her back pressed against the other arm as she re-read Stop Telling Women to Smile by Tatyana Fazlalizadeh, really dissecting it this second time around.
Luca sat on the floor in front of the couch, he sat there unmoving as he blinked slowly. He didn’t know what this was about but he guessed they never did. Hopefully no family drama would come from this one unlike the last one.
Siena sat on the couch Indian style and she rested her head in her hands, elbow pressed into her leg as she waited. Pulling her hoodie down off her head she revealed her bald head once more. She knew everyone had mixed feelings about and she didn’t know what possessed her but she loved the confidence it gave her everyday she stepped out the door.
Samuel moved for the couch and sat down before his children, licking his lips he waited with them. For this, he’d let his wife take the lead and run with it, he was not sure what it would lead to. Sitting them in his gym attire, he’d planned to go however plans changed. So sitting back he slid his hands into his hoodie pocket looking to their middle daughter with a sigh. All her beautiful hair was gown, and at what cost?
Ava flushed the toilet and pulled herself up from the floor carefully as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. Quickly she moved for the sink, rinsing her mouth out with water before she brushed her teeth. She couldn’t go without doing so, even though she knew her family was waiting on her. Tapping her toothbrush on the side of the sink, she let all the water drop from it before placing it back in the holder and moved to exit the bathroom, rubbing her stomach gently. She moved down stairs and sat beside her husband, looking around at their children before she looked at him. Taking a breath, she began, “your father and I called this family meeting because we have something very important to share with you…”
As his wife finally surfaced Samuel looked her over, damn he hated not being there every single time she needed him to be. However, he rested his arm on the back of the chair looking at her as she spoke and he rubbed her shoulder gently. He was here to support, speak when needed, and make sure their children were informed.
Luca sat there, hands in his lap and as his mother sat down he looked at her blinking slowly. He was so not on her run right now, she’d hurt his feelings for the last time. No longer his mother’s baby boy, he was a young man he didn’t need her comfort anymore. He’d run to his daddy instead. As she spoke he continued to look at her with an unreadable expression.
Siena sat there and she shifted on the couch and looked to her mother as she finally sat down before them. As she began speaking she looked to Blue and Phoenix nevermind what everyone mood was right now, it sounded serious.
Phoenix slowly lowered her book as their mother finally appeared and began speaking to them. She looked over at Siena and Blue, then down at Luca as she nodded slowly. What could she possibly be about to tell them?
Blue looked up from her phone, gazing between her parents as Ava began to speak.
“This affects everyone,” Ava said softly, looking each one of them in their eyes. “It’s going to change things drastically in this house and everyone needs to be prepared,” she said thoughtfully before she grew quiet. She looked at her husband, leaning into him slightly. “In about 9 months, you all can expect to have two more siblings,” she said out-right. “I’m about 6 or 7 weeks pregnant with twins,” she explained to them all.
Luca continued to sit there and as his mother gave details he continued to look. He looked to his father for a moment before going back to her. Upon her announcement, he didn’t flinch or make a sound. He could have imagined this, his mother had gotten sick in front of him that much he remembered. And then their parents had shared a few words, that much he witnessed without them knowing. Luca stood up from his spot on the floor and said “good” before he walked off quietly, walking away from them all as he moved back up the stairs to his room, unaffected.
Siena listened as her heart actually started to race because she could have only hoped nothing too serious or even deadly at this point was happening. As her mother went on and dropped a huge bomb like this on them her eyebrows rose slowly. “Twins?” she asked as if she didn’t already hear her mother a second ago. “Mom?!” She said in shock, her mother was older than she was when she had Luca and Blue was going to leave for school. She was next and then Phoenix. What were they going to do? As Luca got up and walked away she looked to him shocked as well, the usually bubbly and happy kids were literally not himself anymore.
Blue sat there, slowly placing her phone in her lap as her mother began to speak. Clearly whatever it was, was extremely serious by her tone and she needed to pay attention. As Ava announced that she was pregnant with twins, her mouth dropped. “What?” she said out loud, baffled. Twins? That wasn’t one, but two babies. Her neck jerked back as she thought about it. “What?” she said again from pure shock as she tried to come to terms with it in her mind. As Luca got up and walked out, Blue watched the back of his head still really unable to speak.
Phoenix looked to her parents, then to her siblings, then back to her parents. As their mother told them all that she was pregnant, she accidentally dropped her book off her lap as she sat up straight in the chair. “Pregnant?!” she questioned. Her mind ran a mile a minute before she said, “but… you’re old…” Looking at Luca as he got up and walked away, her eyebrows rose to her hairline. Something was seriously wrong with that boy. Looking back to her parents, Phoenix continued. “I mean… is it safe for you and the babies?” she asked.
Ava grew quiet, giving all of their children time to process what she had just told them and she gazed, looking around at all of their faces as they went over it in their heads. As Luca spoke, then got up to leave, Ava frowned. “Luca, honey,” she said gently, but the boy was gone anyway. She sighed deeply before she looked to Blue, Siena, and Phoenix. “Twins,” she said looking to Siena as she confirmed. She looked at Blue, watching the girl’s face of shock before she looked to Phoenix and she frowned even deeper. She was not old. “Yes, I’m fine, the babies will be fine,” she said to clarify. “I am a bit older to be having children, especially twins, however, I’m healthy and I’ll be okay, we’ll be okay,” she said thoughtfully. “I’ll be on top of it all and monitor myself along the way,” she said as she looked around at her girls. “How do you all feel?” she asked them.
Samuel watched their children and he exhaled slowly as he rubbed his wife’s arm supportively. When Luca got up to leave Samuel watched the young boy, something was bothering his son and he’d have to figure that out a little later. As his daughters began to react to the news, much like he did really. All over the place and insultingly, he tucked his lips away for a moment before he said. “Your mother and I spoke on this ourselves. And with her doctor during our first appointment. Everyone is going to work extra hard to make sure everything is just fine with all three of them” he said touching his wife’s leg. “It was unexpected, but you mother and I are content” he said. “Everything will be fine.”
Luca moved to his bedroom and he closed the door and he climbed into his bed with a book to read. He had heard his mother call out for him, but he chose to ignore her. To ignore them as he moved back to what he enjoyed right now, books.
Siena looked to her mother and then to her father, she watched Blue and then she watched Phoenix. Unsure of what to say she sat there for a long moment, she didn’t know how to place her thoughts into actual words right now. She in her opinion was nervous about all of this, no matter what her parents had to say. “Nervous” she said to them both as she stuck her hand out as if that should be the obvious answer for everyone. “There is a lot of stuff happening out here in the world today, and medically they can’t stop it” she said seriously. “Women are like not having easy pregnancies and stuff” she told them “look at Beyonce!” she stressed “and she was like, younger than you are right now mom” she told her with wide eyes.
Blue looked to her father as he spoke up and she blinked slowly, still trying to digest it all. “Okay…” she said as her mind processed slowly. “Uh, what’s the plan?” she asked. “I mean… you know Ariel and I applied to Spelman and Howard,” she said. “That’s far away,” she said feeling like now she had to stay here. She was the oldest in the family. It was her responsibility to step up and do things when her parents couldn’t. She could still leave and let it all fall on Siena, but she wouldn’t. She loved her family too much to just leave them high and dry. Her parents were almost 50, they were going to need help. “W-what is going to happen?”
Looking between her parents, Phoenix nodded slowly, trying to take it all in. “But what if they turn out like Luca?” she asked softly, not wanting to be the one to bring up the elephant that just stomped out of the room but she had to. Statistically, the twins were at a higher risk to be born with some type of illness due to Ava’s age and weight, plus there’s already a family history of illness. “I mean… it’s a possibility,” she said before she went on, “and at your ages, it’s going to be harder to handle, especially with two,” she said thoughtfully.
Ava looked to her husband as he spoke and she nodded slowly. “Yes, we’ve got it all under control. Plus you forget, I’m a doctor,” she said chuckling. “I think I’ll be okay,” she said honestly. Turning to Siena, Ava said, “baby girl, I’ll be fine,” she said once more. “Beyonce had preeclampsia and something else going on with her,” she explained. “Yes, I am at risk for it, but I’ll be okay,” she told her sweetly. “Like I said, we’re going to monitor me very closely along the way and take it all step by step.” Next, she looked to Blue. “This isn’t going to hinder you from going away to school,” she said honestly. “Go,” she said sweetly. “Get that HBCU education and experience, I want you to,” she said lovingly before she looked at Phoenix with a sigh. “Honey, I have no control over whether or not these babies will have some type of illness or not, just like I had no control over Luca and his condition,” she said with a sigh. “I just have to take it all in spades and deal with it as it unfolds,” she said to everyone. “And just like with Luca, nothing will ever take away the love that I will have for these babies, just as nothing will ever take away my love for you girls.”
Samuel looked to them as they all spoke their minds and he nodded his head. He looked at their faces before he landed on Phoenix and he was reminded why he liked for her to keep her mouth closed. He said nothing to any of them however, he was little bothered by that comment as he looked to them still allowing his wife to go on with her statements.
Siena looked to Blue as she mentioned school and she took her all in, rubbing her hands against her nearly bald head she looked to her young sister shocked by her words actually. It came off a bit rude, and insensitive to their mother and brother not to mention Luca had feelings to. “He has feelings Phoenix, you speak on his as if he’s mentally retarded. The boy could be in college right now if he could sustain myself” she said as she shifted on the couch. “That babies won’t be mentally retarded I am sure and even if they are, we can’t just like not love them” she added. “However” she pointed out “I don’t intend on living without my fucking mother” she said outright.
Blue looked to Phoenix, her eyes going wide. “Hey,” she said quickly. “Phoenix, please think before you speak,” she said. “Yes, everyone knows Luca has a condition but he’s fine, he can still function and is a normal kid and has the possibility of growing out of it,” she said honestly. Everyone knew Luca was her favorite, so she felt some type of away about the comments.
Phoenix looked to her sisters. “I wasn’t saying it to be mean, I was just stating the facts,” she said honestly. “It’s a fact, the twins could also have something and being that mom and dad are older, it won’t be as easy to deal with, if they do, as it was with Luca, especially with their being two of them...,” she said looking around at everyone. Of the bunch, she was the analytical one, she thought things through and looked at things from every angle. It was just truly a possibility. “I’m just trying to understand…” she said.
Ava’s neck jerked back fiercely. “Siena!” she said raising her voice, which was rare. “I know you better go wash your mouth out with soap, using that type of language in my house,” she said shaking her head. “You know better,” she said. “Me being pregnant doesn’t mean you can speak any ol’ type of way,” she said sternly before she looked to Phoenix. She knew that the girl wasn’t trying to be rude or mean about her little brother, she knew that Phoenix loved her little brother. “Sweetheart, there’s always going to be a possibility of something. Like I said, it’s out of my hands and if it turns out, then’ll we’ll do whatever is needed but let’s not think about it right now,” she said. “As of right now, they’re both healthy, I am healthy, and we’ve got zero worries,” she said. “We just wanted to let you all know so that you can get used to the idea and be prepared for two more babies in the household. “It’ll be an adjustment and take some getting used to,” she said, “now, yes, your father and I are getting older and we could use the help but we’re not going to force anything into you all. We would appreciate it, but at the end of the day it’s not your responsibility,” she said. “You just need to be mindful that there will be babies in the house, so watch noise levels and keep hazardous things away from them, off of the floors, and if possible always wash your hands before handling them.”
Samuel watched as the girls brickered back and forth and he looked to his wife before Siena flew out the mouth with some choice words. Samuel titled his head at her and said “don’t ever let me hear you say that again Siena” he said without much conviction because honestly raising his voice or even getting angry wasn’t his thing. He was already quiet so him falling silent wasn’t a shocker, however him having to speak should, be at any point of time. “Your mother is fine, the babies are fine, we are fine” he told them all. “We don’t have to fight or argue over this” he said seriously “it is a choice of which your mother and I get to make only” he added. “If we felt that this wasn’t something we would want to pursue we would have done what two adults needed to do” he said. “Babies are nothing short of miracles” he told them “that’s what we thought of each of you, no exception to Luca…”
Siena looked to her baby sister and then to her mother as she hung her for the statement she made. “I’m sorry” she said covering her face a bit with the sleeve of her hoodie. “It won’t happen again” she said truthfully, she didn’t know what came over her either, she just had so much going on right now. So much hurt in different places, she couldn’t possibly afford to lose anything else she’d already lost herself. As her father spoke up as well, she dropped her hand leaning back against the couch and she folded her arms as she listened. “Sorry” she said apologizing for not only herself but her siblings “you are right we shouldn’t be fighting over something like this” she told them.
Blue looked over at Siena as she hid behind her jacket and she reached over, rubbing her sister’s back gently. Looking over to Phoenix she nodded slowly, understanding what she meant and where she was coming from after she explained herself. As their parents spoke, she let out a sigh. She needed to step up, “I can… I can take a year off before I go to college, to help out around the house,” she said quietly, looking down at the floor, her wavy hair covering her face.
Phoenix, looking at her sisters, then at her parents as they spoke and she shifted on the seat, shocked by Blue’s statement. She really always thought that Blue hated them all but maybe she was just putting on a show that entire time. Licking her lips, she looked to her parents as they spoke and she nodded more. So, she had nothing to worry about. Everything would be fine. “Okay…” she said, trying to wrap her head around it all. “I love you guys too,” she said looking to her parents, then to her sister.
Ava gazed at Samuel, then at their children and she was shocked by Blue. “We couldn’t ask you to do that Blue,” she said honestly. “You’ve been trying to get out of this house forever,” she said, “now you want to stay?” she asked shocked. “You and Ariel have a plan, stick with that,” she said before she looked to Siena and she sighed out, their baby girl was just going through so much. Turning her eyes to Phoenix, she said, “I love you too baby girl, all of you,” she said looking at her children before she looked up at the ceiling towards Luca’s room.
Samuel looked to their three children before he looked to his wife nodding his head at her words, before she looked to them again.
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codenameblueee · 4 years
My Sister’s Keeper
INVOLVED: Blue Evans and Siena Evans TIME FRAME: Saturday, March 21, 2020 LOCATION: Evan’s Family Home; Seattle, Washington SUMMARY: Siena comes and talks to Blue, getting her opinion on the situation, after she told her parents that she didn’t want to go through with taking Jessie to court. 
Blue laid across her bed on her stomach, her feet in the air behind her as she pushed her toes together idly. She had her headphones on and she was laughing at her computer screen as she watched her girlfriend try to master the savage TikTok dance. She had gotten it a few days ago and recorded her video in the privacy of her own room but she would never post it, nor would she ever tell anyone about it. “Babe, you gotta really like pop your ass out,” she said as she watched Ariel.
Siena walked down the hallway towards Blue’s room and she knocked on it twice waiting for her to respond. She felt compelled to tell her older sister her inner thoughts, why right anything down when they all had their favorite human diary. She stuck her hands in her hoodie pocket deciding as she stood there at the bedroom door, that if her sister told her that she needed to go through with things that she would put her parents out of their misery.
Blue rolled her tongue over her lips as she watched Ariel on the screen before she looked at her door and she said, “hold on babe,” as she turned the screen a bit and stood up from her bed. She pulled her headphones off and walked over to the door. Opening it, she looked down at her sister and she said, “what’s up?” softly as she pushed the door open more for Siena to come in. She walked away from the door, moving back to her computer and she placed her headphones back on as turned the computer towards her, “hey baby, I’m going to call you back, okay?” she said before Ariel moved into the camera and she nodded, blowing Blue a kiss before they ended the call. Taking the headphones off once more, Blue set them aside as she looked at Siena.
Siena looked up at Blue with a sad expression and she sighed softly as she moved into the room closing the door behind them. Siena licked her lips and she lowered herself to the ground, where she felt more comfortable these days. She looked at her sister’s computer and listened as he dismissed the girl for her, a grateful smile graced her lips for only a moment before her sister turned back to her. “I need to talk to you about something important,” the girl said in her oversized hoodie. The hoodie hid her body and for the most part her face which Siena loved.
Blue sat on the edge of her bed and she bit her lip softly as Siena sat on the floor. Slowly she slid down on the floor with her sister and she pulled her knees up to her chest as she leaned her back against the cushion of the bed. “Anything,” she said softly, knowing that her sister had been dealing with a lot internally and emotionally. So anytime Siena wanted a listening ear or an opinion, she would always be there.
“What do you know so far?” Siena asked her curiously, she didn’t know how much of the information she knew but she also knew that without much of it they couldn’t have this very serious discussion.
Blue gazed at her sister as her hand idly rubbed across the plush carpet she had near her bed, covering the hardwood. “I know that mom and dad are upset because you don’t want to take him to court,” she said truthfully. That is what she had heard. She was not one-hundred percent sure; she had only heard small snippets of conversation and was about to put it together, but no one had out-right told her.
Siena looked to her sister and she asked her, “what do you think about it?” quietly. “Was I wrong?” she asked her curiously. “You can tell me the truth.”
Blue sighed out at her sister's question and she took a moment, just staying quiet and thinking it over. After a minute, she said, “I don’t feel that you are,” she admitted. “You shouldn’t have to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable,” she said softly. “You shouldn’t have to relive that…”
“Well I feel bad,” Siena said, “they want him to fry so bad,” she stressed as she looked up at her sister. “They hate him… and I feel bad, because I don’t hate him enough,” she said to her. “Not enough to go through with it…” she breathed.
“You shouldn’t feel bad,” Blue said as she slid closer to her sister. She placed her hand on Siena’s saying, “booty he did a terrible thing to you, but… if you don’t harbor hate in your heart you don’t have to force yourself to try.” She sighed, biting her lip. “Mom and dad are trying to protect you now but… they can’t… the deed has been done…” she said sadly. “It’s your decision… and I understand why you don’t want to do it…” she said.
Siena looked up at her sister as she spoke and she nodded her head at her. “I just didn’t want mom stressed you know,” she told her honestly. “Not to mention, truthfully… his family is kind of nuts and I don’t want mom or dad in harm's way” she told her. “I think it will end bad if we… you know. Try to nail him,” she told her.
“Mom is going to be stressed if you do and stressed if you don’t,” Blue said knowingly. “That’s what mom does, she stresses. If you go to trial, she’s going to stress over the outcome and rather or not you make a solid case to crucify him. If don’t she's going to stress over not getting justice and how it’s not right for him to be out about to hurt other innocent girls.” Licking her lips, Blue nodded and she said, “oh I know… I received death threats after I kicked his ass.” Shaking her head, Blue sighed and finally told her sister. “You just need to do whatever you feel is right. The family will back whatever you decide is best for you.” She took Siena’s hand and squeezed it, looking into her sisters brown eyes. “Mom and dad will manage, no matter what you decide. Don’t let their feelings cloud your own.”
Siena looked dropped her head again, nodding at her sister’s words. She guessed the girl was right in a way. There was no chance of her pleasing all parties involved and being able to please herself as well. She was just fearful of Jessie and his family. She had noticed things about them that she always sat aside because she thought she was really in love with the boy. Well now she knew that she was very wrong and she was paying for that mistakes of ignoring all the bad only to be blinded by the little good he had in him. “All of this is my fault” she told her with a shake of her head, “I should have just stayed home... “
Blue looked at Siena and she shook her head fiercely. “No, stop blaming yourself!” she just about barked at her sister. “This is not your fault!” she said forcefully. “You did absolutely nothing wrong,” she told Siena. “He is the one…” she trailed off. “He’s the one that did something terrible,” she said biting her lip. “It is not your fault Siena.”
At her sister’s words Siena closed her eyes and she dropped her head, they kept telling her that. Yet here they were. All of these things had happened and it was only because of a choice she had made. Siena sighed heavily as she covered her face with her hands.
Blue slid even closer to her sister and wrapped her arm around the girl pulling her close. “Siena… it is not your fault,” she repeated sadly. “Your choices and your actions had nothing to do with it. You were innocent in the matter. He had a vicious plan and he was going to find a way to enact it one way or another,” she whispered. She hated thinking about it. If she could have killed him with her bare hands she would have. “Little sister, you’re more than this,” she said rubbing Siena’s arm.
As the girl hugged her, Siena sat there, and she listened to her before she said, “thanks,” quickly to her. Siena stood up on her feet pulling away from the girl and she said, “for talking to me,” as she moved out of her room and closed the door without a second glance and Siena easily rushed to her room. She closed her bedroom door and locked it shut.
Blue frowned as her sister jumped up and rushed out of the room. She sat there, sighing out. “You’re welcome,” she said in response to her, a deep sigh passing her lips.
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sampevans · 4 years
INVOLVED: Ava Evans, Samuel Evans, Blue Evans, Luca Evans, Siena Evans, Phoenix Evans LOCATION: Evans Home; Seattle, Washington  TIME FRAME: Thursday, January 2, 2019  NOTES: 
Ava bit her lip gently as she made a plate of food for her husband, despite the fact that he wanted nothing to do with her. Even though her feelings were hurt she was still a wife, she couldn’t turn it off. Adding more rice and beans to his plate, she looked around the kitchen as their children made their plates as well and she shifted around Blue to add a chicken breast to Samuel’s plate, along with a dinner roll and some peas and carrots. Moving for the dining room, she sat the plate before her husband, avoiding looking at him as she did so. With that she turned on her heels, moving away as she announced to their children. “You all enjoy, I’m not really hungry. I’m going to go lay down,” she told them softly.
Samuel sat at the dinner table anticipating his dinner, as the kids fixed their own plates he looked to his wife. She sat the plate down without saying a word to him and he guessed it was because he had asked her not to. He also asked her not to look at him which he assumed she took literal since she did not. Licking his lips slowly as she announced that she wasn’t eating with them as a family because she wasn’t hungry, he sighed. He would never ever voluntarily cause his wife to cry or hurt her on purpose. He said those things but, in his mind, he was just asking for space. And though she did give it to him, having slept in the guest bedroom he didn’t like the lonely feeling that brought him. Picking up his fork, he began to eat quietly, little by little.
Blue looked at her mother curiously as she left them to eat alone and she arched an eyebrow. They always ate as a family, no matter what. Looking to her father, she arched another eyebrow at him. “Is mom okay?” she asked curiously before she sat at the table.
Ava moved up the steps and into the guest bedroom, closing the door behind her softly because she didn’t want their children to know that they were sleeping in different rooms. Laying down on the bed, she curled up on her side, her back facing the door as she stared at the wall with tears in her eyes. She absolutely hated that her husband was mad at her, of course he had the right to be, she had hit him. However, she had done all that she could to apologize and truly show that she was sorry. She didn’t know what else could be done. Never mind the fact that she in her own right had the right to be upset, he had been lying to her for weeks and she was flustered. Sighing out, she closed her eyes, blinking away fresh tears.
Samuel forked rice into his mouth slowly at his daughter’s question he ignored her at first. “Eat your food Blue” he said to her as he continued to eat his own. It was none of their children’s business what was going on right now, they never let them in on anything of this caliber before and he didn’t plan on doing so today.
Siena looked between Blue and her dad as she moved to sit down at the table with him. She looked at his demeanor, he wasn’t ‘happy’ he hadn’t been for weeks and she didn’t know why. And now her mother was walking around with a questionable disposition. What was going on?  
Luca swung his feet back and forth, as he stuffed food into his mouth. Luca hadn’t taken an actual pill in three consecutive days; he was off his rockers at this point. And luckily for him his parents were too busy consuming themselves with other things until he had no clue what he had done. Licking his lips, he jumped up and ran into the kitchen with his plate looking to Phoenix as he said, “can you put more food on my plate?”  
Phoenix waited until everyone was finished with their plates, simply because she didn’t feel like moving around all the bodies in the kitchen. So, once everyone was out of the way, she made her plate of food starting with the chicken. She was just about done making her plate when Luca came rushing towards her and she sat her plate on the counter quickly, so that she didn’t drop it as he bounced. “Slow down kid,” she said to him as she took the plate asking, “what more do you want?” she asked him, wondering if he was really going to eat it all.
Blue scrunched her nose up at her father and she ate her food, eyeing him still. “But you’re not going to go check on mom?” she asked him shocked. Usually her parents were annoyingly stuck at the hip when they were both in the house and now it seemed as if they wanted nothing to do with each other.
Luca nodded his head to his sister as he bounced on his tippy toes a bit, “chicken!” he said loudly to her even though she was very near. “More chicken I am hungry” he exclaimed.
Samuel continued to eat, and he finally looked up at Blue before he looked down. “Your mother doesn’t want to eat…” he told her “she isn’t dying Blue” he countered as he continued to eat. He dropped his gaze and ripped a piece of chicken on the bone popping it into his mouth.
Phoenix eyed Luca carefully. “Are you okay?” she asked him as he bounced, and she placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Calm down,” she said to him quietly before she began to add more chicken onto his plate. “Here you go,” she said as she handed it back to him before she resumed her own plate, finishing it off.
Blue looked at her dad and tilted her head to the side as she eyed him. “Right…” she said before she looked down at her plate. Something was definitely going on.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” Luca asked his older sister even as he zoomed around her grabbed a napkin and zoomed back towards her and his plate. “I am calm,” he said to her as he folded his arms over his chest and looked to her crazily. “Thanks” he said running back to the table clutching his plate and he climbed in his chair and began to eat again.
Samuel continued to eat his food silently to himself, ignoring his oldest daughters last statement. He didn’t know what his next plan of action was right now, but clearly if it were trickling down to their children, he needed to do something.
Phoenix watched Luca as he ran out of the kitchen and she shook her head. “How have mom and dad not done anything about him?” she muttered to herself as she made her way into the dining room, sitting down before she asked. “Where’s mom?”
Blue looked at Phoenix as she sat down. “Laying down apparently, she said that she wasn’t hungry,” she told Phoenix before she looked at Samuel pointedly.
Samuel watched Luca as he sat down and ate his food, something was off about the kid today, but he didn’t know what it was. He looked to Phoenix and then to Blue as she responded to the girl. Changing the subject, he asked “how was everybody’s day?”
Phoenix looked at Blue oddly before she looked at her father. “It was okay…” she said softly before she asked. “Is mom okay? She always eats with us,” she said thinking it over.
“I don’t know…” Blue said shrugging slightly. “Is she okay dad?” she asked looking at him even harder now.
“Yeah dad” Siena drugged out behind her sisters, “is she okay, is she sick maybe?” she said licking her lips.
Samuel eyes moved to Phoenix, moved to Blue, and then they moved to Sienna slowly. He just wanted to have dinner, but he guessed that would not be happening tonight, so instead he pushed his plate away. He sat back in the chair and looked to Luca before he said, “would you also like to know what’s wrong with your mother son?”
Luca looked to his sisters as he gnawed on his chicken bone, as his father spoke, he looked to him and he shook his head. “Isn’t it obvious that you two are not seeing eye to eye right now. It’s probably because father lost his job” the little boy said as he moved back to his chicken.
Phoenix looked between Samuel and Blue and she watched as Samuel pushed his plate away and she bit her lip, just wanting to know what was going on. At Luca’s response, Phoenix’s eyes grew wide and she said, “what?”
Blue continued to eat as she waited for their father to admit that something was indeed wrong with their mother.  When Luca finally spoke up, Blue began choking on a piece of chicken and she patted her chest, trying to help.
Siena looked between her father and siblings and when Luca spoke, she turned to his slowly. “We are broke?” she exclaimed as she whipped her head in her father’s direction. “Dad, how could you?” she asked.
Samuel squinted Luca, as his face grew red “who told you that? I didn’t lose my damn job I quit it” he told him. “And no, we aren’t broke. And no that has nothing to do with that woman upstairs as a matter of fact. Why don’t you all ask HER why she isn’t eating” he said angrily as he stood up from the table and walked off headed for his office.
Phoenix was taken back completely. When had their father lost his job? That meant all of the financial responsibility fell on their mother, who made decent money on her own, but it was really the combined income of both their parents that kept up the lifestyle. She was broken out of her train of thought when Samuel left the table angrily and she looked around at her siblings shocked.
Blue’s neck jerked back at Samuel’s words and as he stormed off, she looked to Sienna muttering to her, “that woman?” Clearly their parents were upset with each other or something, rather it had something to do with their fathering being jobless or not, but for their father to not even refer to their mother by her name, shook Blue to her core and she said, “... they’re going to get divorced…”
Siena looked to her father as he snapped on them all, looking to him as he continued to speak on her mother making statements that shocked her. She looked to Blue and frowned as she repeated her father’s words and at her last statement, she said “they wouldn’t do that to us would they?” shocked as she looked to her confused. “What will we do if they do?”
Luca looked to his angry dad and he placed his chicken on his plate, as the man stormed off and Blue told them they were getting a divorce his eyes grew the size of his face. “What?” he said to him as he instantly began to cry out in frustration and anger. He loved his parents and he loved them together. Luca screamed loudly before he stormed off for his bedroom slamming his door behind himself.
Phoenix frowned up her face at Blue’s words and she shook her head. “Don’t say that Blue,” she said as the thought truly occurred to her. “We’d all have to either split up or split our time between them…” she said before she watched Luca, flinching as he screamed before storming off.
“I mean have you ever seen them like this before. I know I haven’t,” Blue said looking to Sienna, then to Phoenix nodding slowly. When Luca began screaming, Blue’s face scrunched up. “Luca, shh, no it’s okay,” she said as she stood up quickly, moving for him but as he stormed off, she stopped in her tracks, looking at her two younger sisters sadly, actually showing emotion for a change.
Ava had cried herself to sleep, but it wasn’t restful as she tossed and turned in the bed. When Luca began screaming, she sat up in the bed quickly before she heard the door slam. She jumped out of the bed quickly, wiping her eyes as she did and she rushed out of the room, looking for her son. “Luca?!” she said slightly frantic as she opened his door quickly. “What’s wrong?” she asked looking at him in shock to see his tears. “Oh sweetheart,” she said as she walked over, scooping him up into her arms and holding him close as she sat on the bed. “What happened baby, why are you so upset?” she asked him.
Luca stormed over to his bed and he let out another angry scream as his mother walked into his room, he gazed at her with bright red eyes, a flood of tears having soaked his face by now. He couldn’t place his emotions without his medicine all he did was raged. As she moved to pick him up and take him into her arms as he sat on his bed, he screamed again behind closed lips he was so mad at her. “H-how could you” he stammered barely capable of getting words out sitting against her with his fist balled. “You are going to divorce daddy!” he screamed as he banged his fist against his head. “I won’t see my sisters” he cried out, “I won’t see my daddy” he said cried loudly.
Ava gazed at her son, shocked beyond belief as he screamed once more and she looked him over in her arms, trying to figure out what had gotten into him. “How could I what baby?” she asked him, trying to understand. “What?!” Ava said shocked, looking at Luca with wide eyes. “Sweetheart, what are you talking about?” she asked as she rubbed his back soothingly. “Your father and I are not getting a divorce,” she said him softly, trying to calm him down. “Why would you ever think that?” she asked, wondering if it was that obvious that she and Samuel we’re at odds right now.
“Blue said it” Luca replied back to her brokenly, even though she said they weren’t he knew his parents weren’t themselves. “Then why didn’t you eat dinner!” he yelled at her “why didn’t daddy check on you like Blue asked him to!”
Ava stared at Luca as he rambled off various things and she nodded slowly, gently stroking his cheeks before she took his face into her hands and forced him to look into her eyes. “Luca, honey, take a deep breath with me okay,” she said as she inhaled deeply, holding it for three seconds before she released. “Again,” she told him as she did so once more. “Now, calm yourself,” she told him as she released his face and continued to rub his back. “Blue doesn’t know what she’s talking about,” she said finally responding to what information he had given her. “Baby, I just wanted to lay down,” she informed him. “Mommy was tired,” she said gently, still rubbing his back in soothing circles. “Daddy just wanted to let me rest,” she told him trying to get him to calm his nerves. It was clear to her that he hadn’t taken his medicine again today.
Luca looked to his mother only because of the mere fact that she had made him, he looked in her eyes as did as instruct. Breathing in and out in time with her before he nodded his head at the older woman. Resting against her plush body tiredly, he held her to himself as she spoke to explain that his sister was educated, or at least that’s what he determined. “Okay” he said to her quietly, it was simple as that he was calm though he still shed some tears he was calmer with his mother’s touch and tricks.
Ava nodded slowly and began to rock from left to right with Luca, holding him close as he laid against here. Rubbing his back, she let out a small sigh of relief as he began to calm himself down. She pressed a kiss to his forehead and continued to rock him, rubbing his back for a while longer. Finally, after about 5 minutes she asked, “are you okay?”
Luca hugged his mother, arms wrapping around her waist as she rocked him soothingly. He closed his eyes as she kissed his forehead and when she spoke again, he nodded his head at her. Though he were sad, he would be okay, and he knew that.
Ava continued to hold Luca close even as he nodded his head and she nodded along with him, brushing her fingers over his hair lovingly. “I love you baby,” she said to him sweetly.
“I love you too mommy,” Luca sniffled as he looked to her with big brown dough eyes.
Samuel moved up the stairs slowly, he knew that it had to been Luca screaming at the top of his lungs acting like some wild animal that was not actually birthed from his wife’s womb. He turned the corner as he moved towards the boy’s bedroom when he reached the landing he peered in “have you lost your mind boy? What is wrong with you?” he asked never mind his wife who was sitting on the bed holding him as if he were an infant.
Ava looked up at Samuel as he came into the room and she tucked her lips inward as she stood from the bed, adjusting Luca in her arms, her hands now under his bum as he walked past Samuel, mumbling. “It’s okay, he’s fine.” Walking to the guest bedroom once more, she entered it, closing the door with her foot before she laid Luca on the bed. “It’s okay sweetheart,” she said before she told him. “I’ll be right back.” Walking back out, she looked to Samuel with wide eyes. “You told Blue we were getting divorced?” She asked him in a hushed tone, the hurt on her face apparent.
As his wife walked past him, he eyes her before he looked away moving to turn on his heels. Of course, it was her m.o. to baby him and not discipline him as she should. Samuel left his hands in his pockets as his wife left and returned, he looked back at her. “What?” he asked her confused. “No, I didn’t. So, I hope she didn’t lie and tell you that” he said angrily.
Ava dropped her eyes, still not really looking at him. “No, she told Luca that hence his screaming and crying,” she informed her husband. “He hasn’t been taking his medication, so his emotions are all over the place,” she told her husband, already knowing what was wrong with their son. Looking at the carpet, covering the space of hardwood they were standing on, Ava shifted her weight slightly, gently crossing her arms over her body, her hands holding her elbows. “Why would she think that?” she asked her husband, still looking down.
At her words Samuel furrowed his brows, why did his family hate him so? Why didn’t they ever let him have a break? Licking his lips, he shook his head “because you didn’t eat dinner” he informed his wife as he grabbed her by her elbow and pulled her close to him. “Which isn’t your fault” he told her “it was because of me and the hurtful things I said to you,” he told her resting his chin on her head. “When the kids asked me to check on you, I should have” he said as well. “I’m sorry, you have to know that I didn't mean those things. And that I love you very much. And that I would never ever divorce you, unless it is you that would want to get rid of me” he told her as he ran his hand up and down her back lovingly.
Ava bit her lip gently, nodding along. Of course, her not eating with the family is what did it. They always ate as a family, or at least sat as a family, even if she wasn’t hungry. As Samuel gently touched her, she looked at him through her eyelashes, her head still hanging slightly. Leaning against him gently, Ava closed her eyes as he spoke, and she sighed out. “I love you too,” she whispered sadly, “and I accept your apology,” she said gently. “I’m sorry too baby…”
Samuel leaned up and he leaned his wife’s head up by her chin kissing her lips gently. “I know you didn’t mean to do it, I guess I just felt so… you made me feel like a weak little bitch” he finally told her. “I guess that’s why I was so upset…” he sighed. “But I should have never treated you that way and no matter how many lies I told in that instance. You don’t know how much I just want to run off and vacay with you baby…” he smirked.
As Samuel leaned her head up, Ava kissed his lips back tenderly. At his words, she bit her lip, nodding slowly. “I still shouldn’t have hit you regardless, I was just so…” she trailed off. “I wasn’t thinking clearly,” she admitted. “We can still go,” she said thoughtfully. “I’m still off until she 15th.”
Samuel nodded his head, “I have to be truthful with you, I should have been truthful with you about that. I am about anything else” he said. “I guess I would not have ever thought you’d find me a man to ever mess around Ava. I love with all my heart; do you know that?” he asked her.
Ava bit her lip gently, looking up at her husband. “I know you would never cheat on me,” she said, shaking her head. “I just… I got jealous and then to find out that you’d been lying…” she looked down ashamed of herself. “I have to be more rational,” she said knowingly. “I do, I do know that,” she said gently. “And I love you with all my heart too,” she whispered.
“Good, because I would never ever do that” Samuel stressed to his wife seriously “never ever” he added. “And I do think we should really take that trip” he repeated as he kissed her lips again.
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theavaevans · 4 years
INVOLVED: Samuel Evans, Ava M. Evans, Blue Evans, Siena Evans, Phoenix Evans, Luca Evans TIME FRAME: Tuesday, December 17, 2019 LOCATION: Evans Family Home; Seattle, Washington SUMMARY: Samuel calls a family meeting, which goes wrong as per usual.
Samuel sat on the couch among everyone as he looked at his watch as they all waited for Blue to join them downstairs. The girl only truly had one more second to surface, respectfully he asked for a moment of their time. The thought of her moving when she got ready was pissing him off greatly and he was trying to mask it behind the rubbing of his lips and the sideways glances he gave his wife who sat comfortably next to his broad body. He couldn’t be upset he knew that; he couldn’t get upset, that he knew even more. His anger had gotten the best of him with his wife months back and he vowed that that would never happen again with anyone. But right now? He was reaching his peak.
Ava sat on the couch beside her husband, humming softly to herself as she scrolled Facebook on her phone, reading various stories and watching many videos as they waited for their eldest child to join the family meeting. In all honesty, Ava was curious to figure out what was going on herself, however she wasn’t going to question it. Her husband was just up to something and like their children, she was going to have to wait to see what it was.
With a huff of annoyance, Blue finally came trotting down the stairs to join the family. Beats over her ears and music blasting through them as she text Ariel, already thinking whatever was going on with the family was stupid. It had to be if her father was calling an unscheduled meeting. At the thought she rolled her eyes as she moved into the living room, socks sliding across the hardwood as she plopped down on the couch beside Siena, turning the music down in her headphones but not taking them off.
Siena looked to Blue as she finally joined them, glad that she did. She was actually anxious to hear what her father wanted to talk to everyone about and by the looks of things her mother had no clue either. But she did know her father wasn’t as vocal as her mother, he stayed quiet and she always wondered why that was, however he was getting ready to speak before them now, so she assumed she’d better listen. “What is this all about dad?” she asked quietly.
Luca looked to his parents fidgeting slightly, his parents had made the mistake of not giving him his medicine that morning and no one caught on. He was on edge, a hyper ball of energy that was bursting at the seams. He bounced from one seat to the next before he ended up on the couch with his mother and father. Luca laid his head on his mother’s lap, feet curled up as he toyed with the hem of her dress humming to himself playfully. His head popped up when Blue surfaced and he slid across his mother’s lap, as a baby would to its mother as he looked to his father expectantly. “Father has a secret to tell” he babbled as he tugged at his mother’s dress.
Sitting on the couch, Phoenix curled up in the corner with a blanket and her phone as she scrolled Instagram, smirking and giggling to herself at certain posts. When Blue finally arrived, she sat her phone off to the side and snuggled up under her blanket even more as she looked to her father expectantly.
As Blue surfaced, Samuel gazed at her long and hard. He would have sneered if he was sure his wife nor his other children would have heard him do so. Pulling his eyes away from the girl he said “we all know the rules here. No electronics” he said in a gruff voice “headphones included” he added looking back to Blue. “Great that you asked Siena. I called this meeting to talk about Christmas this year. It’s vastly approaching, and I need you all to know that, it won’t be spent here” he told them.
Looking down at Luca, Ava gently stroked his hair with her freehand as he shifted and fidgeted and wiggled while he played with her dress. She eyed him carefully, wondering why he simply couldn’t be still. Especially when he climbed over her lap. “Luca, what are you doing?” she asked him softly, sitting her phone down as she cradled the 11-year old in her arms.
Blue rolled her eyes as she pulled the headphones around her neck. “I can hear you,” she said with a huff as she folded her arms over her chest and at the announcement, Blue moved to stand up. “Whoopity doo,” looking between her parents. “I don’t care where we spend it, can I go now?”
Siena looked to her brother oddly, what was up with him she didn’t know it was like he had reverted back to an infant like state of mind. As her father spoke her eyes grew “yes, where are we going dad?” she asked him happily. As she looked to her sister, she sighed heavily. Blue always had to put a damper on a family moment.
Luca licked his dry lips and he looked to his mother letting her dress go, “nothing” he said to her with a smirk. As he shifted, despite his long limbs he rested in her arms gently cuddling up to her bosom as his dad spoke. He wasn’t interested in grown folks talk; he was just here because he had to be. He didn’t care where Christmas was spent as long as he got gifts.
Phoenix looked at her father as he began to explain what was happening. “We’re going on a Christmas trip?” she asked curiously. “Jazlyn and I were going to go see the light show this year, her dad agreed to take us.”
Samuel allowed everyone to speak and he looked to Blue “please sit down, I don’t have it in me to deal with you irrational and misplaced attitude” he said in a deep voice. “No” he replied to his daughters easily. “You all are going to your grandparents’ home this Christmas and your mother and I will be going on vacation. That is part of her gift from me. We are going to the Bahamas for two weeks” he said “I, sadly enough, do not care about any plans. Sorry Phoenix. You aren’t vacationing anywhere, you guys can’t even comprehend the need for a vacation, sorry Siena” he said exhaustedly. “I just wanted to make you all aware, of what’s happening” he told them.
Stroking Luca’s cheek, Ava watched him carefully before she slowly shook her head at the rest of their children. Blue’s attitude was out of control and they really needed to do something about it. At Samuel’s announcement that he was taking her to the Bahamas, she looked at him shocked. “Baby, I have to work… you know the holidays are the busiest time of the year.”
Blue let out an exasperated sigh as she plopped back down. “GRANDPARENTS?! Nah, I’m good. I am old enough to stay here by myself,” she voiced out-right. “Send them,” she said fanning to her brother and sisters, “not me.”
Siena looked to her dad and then to her mom “what?” she said disappointedly as she sat back pouting. He owed them all a trip he’d promised it a while back and fell through. Looking at her siblings, she sighed and quietly watched on.
Luca looked back to his dad, his head tilted upwards, he held his mother’s plush body and looked to the rest of the crew. “I love grandma and grandpa’s though” he said quietly.  
Phoenix pouted, poking her lip out. “That’s not fair,” she mumbled dejectedly as she pulled her blanket even tighter around her, now sad that she wasn’t able to see the light show with her friend.
Samuel looked to his wife, he expected her to be excited for this trip. It would be two weeks without any kids to worry about and it was a vacation for work after all. Something they both needed considering how much they worked. Looking to Blue, who he’d never get any respect from. Then looking to Siena who clearly hated the idea of not being able to go on a family vacation. Then there was Phoenix who was upset that she couldn’t be with her friend this Christmas. Looking to their son, he silently got up from the couch and walked off from the group. That was the tip, the very peak, and the crack in the dam that he did not want them to see as he removed himself from the meeting he actually called for.
Ava frowned softly at their children and their responses. Of course, they had holiday plans of some sort, they were teenagers. What was Samuel thinking? As her husband got up, she looked at him, shocked. “Baby,” she said gently as she stood up, Luca on her hip now and she let out a grunt at that. He sure was getting heavy. Never mind the fact that he was 11 and far too old to still be riding on her hip. She sat him on the couch before she said to the children. “Meeting over, you’re all dismissed.” With that, she went after her husband. “Sam…” she said as she moved in the same direction he had.
“Yes?” Samuel said simply to his wife as he moved to find his briefcase, there housed all the information for the vacation he booked. It wasn’t too late for him to cancel the plans and at least get a portion of the money he’d spent back. Once he located his briefcase, he moved towards his in-home office.
Ava sighed softly at her husband’s curt response. “Baby, I’m sorry,” she said honestly. “I had no idea you were planning this,” she said as she moved behind him swiftly, placing a hand on his back. “If I had known, I could have made arrangements,” she breathed out gently. “I can still try if you really wanna go,” she said already thinking about who she could call to cover her.
“Nope, it’s fine” Samuel replied easily as he searched for his cellular phone on his desk. “It was my mistake for trying to surprise you, my mistake for not putting all of my kids wishes and desires before my own” he said agitatedly. “I’ll cancel the plans, maybe I’ll get some money back from it. I’ll call my mother-in-law and tell her we aren’t going, and that will be that” he said never looking to her as he opened his briefcase and pulled out the itinerary information along with the resort, he booked information.
Ava sighed out listening to her husband and she was slightly taken back by his tone. Did he honestly have an attitude with her? Watching him as he moved around the room, looking for something, she nodded slowly. She wasn’t about to do this with him. “Okay honey…” she said as she turned to walk out of the room.
“Ava!” Samuel said with authority laced in every syllable, he shifted in his seat. Leaning up her told her “we can talk about this, I’ll calm down, and you don’t need to walk away from me” he voiced.
Turning on her heels slowly, Ava looked at her husband, one eyebrow raised as she stepped back into the room and closed the door behind her. “Okay,” she said softly as she moved to perch herself on the side of the desk.
“I’m angry because I wanted to surprise you with a trip, just you and I. No kids, no responsibilities, no problems” he said. “Why did you automatically dismiss it? Do you not want to go?” he asked her. “You don’t think we need a break?” Samuel asked her.
Ava leaned on the desk slightly, looking at her husband as he spoke, and she sighed. “Of course, I want to go,” she said thoughtfully, “and I didn’t mean to just dismiss it but…” she sighed once more. “I do have things to think about when I get surprises like this,” she said softly. “I’m already set to scrub in on surgeries and the holidays are the worst when it comes to emergencies and walk-ins…” she explained. “I need to make provisions... “
“I’ll just change the date” Samuel said defeatedly, when did their jobs control their every move to the point where they couldn’t even make the executive decision to live there on lives he didn’t know. But the thought annoyed him greatly.
At his solution, Ava shook her head and stood up, walking over to him. She placed a gentle hand on his chest. “No, don’t, I’ll figure it out,” she said gently. “I can get someone to fill in for me,” she told him gently.
“It’s not going to work; they always call upon you for everything at that hospital” Samuel said sadly. He just wanted a little peace, he needed it right now. Especially considering he made a very irrational decision lately and he knew his wife would kill him for it when she found out. “I quit…” he told her “last Friday” he breathed “and I just wanted to get away.”
“They can live without me for a week or two,” Ava said thoughtfully. She did need a vacation. They had both been working like crazy in the last few months and she was tired. Rubbing her husbands’ chest softly, she gazed up at him, her face changing from one of admiration to one of shock and confusion as her fist balled up his shirt. “What?” she asked shocked.
Samuel sighed heavily, “I couldn’t do it anymore Ava” he breathed out to her. “They didn’t appreciate me there anyway….”
Gazing up at him, Ava was blown again. She couldn’t believe it. Her hand tightened around his shirt and she pulled him down to her slightly. “Where in the hell have you been getting up and going every morning?!” she asked him as she released his shirt and pushed him away slightly. “Every damn morning!” she asked as she turned her back to him shaking her head.
As she tugged at him, he stumbled and he looked to her, his fidgeted with his hands much like a child when they were being chastised by a parent. Samuel looked to her before he dropped his head and he shrugged lightly “to uh… Maya’s house to clear my head and think…” he said.
Turning slowly, Ava looked at her husband, her eyes wide and her nostrils flaring slightly. “MAYA!” she screamed at the top of her lungs. “YOU’VE BEEN GOING TO THAT WOMAN’S HOUSE EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR A WEEK AND A HALF FOR NINE HOURS A DAY?!” She was livid. One because her husband had clearly been lying to her and two because he was spending his days with another woman. She could actually kill him right now. “WHAT THE HELL DO YOU DO OVER THERE SAM?! COMING HOME ALL TIRED AND WORN OUT?!” She questioned him. “I OUGHTA…” she trailed off shaking her head as she took a deep breath through her nose trying to calm down.
Samuel kept his head low, as she raised her voice at him because he deserved it. It sounded crazy leaving his lips though he hadn’t in his mind before. “Yes” he confessed to her softly, “I was just clearing my mind getting clarity from her. You know she’s a very insightful woman. Wise beyond her measure she was trying to help me figure out a way to tell you. Because I know for sure you would have been upset” he said. “I wasn’t really worn out” he said quietly under his breath. Though that is the lie he told her more than once.
A headache was forming in Ava’s temples because she was that upset. How could he be this idiotic? “A very insightful woman?!” Ava questioned him as she rubbed her head slightly. “Have you lost your mind?” she asked him harshly as she now began to pace the floor. “I’m not even upset that you quit, I’m upset that you lied, then continued to lie!” she yelled. “And on top of that with Maya?!” She fussed. “You know I don’t like that woman!” she huffed as she turned to look at him once more, it taking everything out of her not to slap him for simply being stupid. “I can’t even stand to look at you right now!” she said with a roll of her eyes. “So, what great plan did you think up with Maya?” she asked curiously. “The woman that you apparently don’t share a bed with, clearly don’t have kids with, haven’t made a whole life with, what plans did you create with her?”
“No, I haven’t” Samuel said confused “you know Maya is my best friend Ava” he reasoned. “You don’t like her?” he asked taken back. “Well, we uh. Went fishing a lot, played a lot of drinking games, worked out at the gym….” he breathed. “We didn’t come up with much… outside of the vacation…” he told her stupidly.
Ava licked her lips slowly and cocked her head to the side. “Best friend? She’s your co-worker, damn near your assistant,” she clarified for him as she sat down in a chair because she must sit for this. You went fishing… played games… got drunk… and went to the gym…” she said as she rested with her body against the arm rest, her hand holding her face up. “And the best you could muster up was a vacation, to cover up the lies you’d been telling?” she questioned him as she stood and nodded slowly. “You make me sick,” Ava said as she walked right over to him and slapped him across the face. “Do you hear me?! Make me so damn sick!” she fussed angrily. “I am your wife!” she said holding up her hand to show him the ring. “You come to me! Not some young, stupid ass whore that clearly wants you in her bed!” she screamed.
“We haven’t worked in close proximity in over a year Ava” Samuel corrected her. “Maya had other ideas that I should have taken more seriously but I did not and yes the vacation was a mirage and maybe even a delicate way to smooth it over and tell you at the same time,” he told her. “Huh?” he said, confused by her words. How was that so, he was a good husband he hardly did wrong but every now and again he makes a minor mistake. As she slapped him, his expression changed and he looked down at the floor, she’d never hit him before, and he didn’t know how to take the aggressive way she’d done so. It was hurtful, did he deserve it? “What?” he said at her lasting statement as he looked up at her “Maya is a lesbian, Ava” he said.
“A lesbian?” Ava responded out of shock, her neck jerking back a little. “Really?” she asked him, softening a little, feeling extremely bad for hitting him. “She’s always lingering around and remember that one party we had, she couldn’t keep her eyes off you, I was watching her!” she said trying to make sense of it all.
Samuel looked to his wife “she’s only dated women as long as I’ve known her. She’s the manliest woman I know” he said his eyes to the floor. “I am sure that wasn’t the case…”
Ava sat back down confused now. “If she wasn’t looking at you, then…” she trailed off as it hit her. “She was looking at me, I was on your arm the whole evening…” she said thinking it over. “Wow…”
Samuel furrowed his brows “huh?” he said to his wife, he didn’t know if that was true. Maya was his friend she wouldn’t secretly lust after her this whole time right before his eyes.
Ava began to laugh softly because all of this was just so ridiculous. Shaking her head, she moved to stand up, walking over to his husband she looked up at him with soft eyes. “This whole thing is stupid,” she said speaking of their argument. “I’m so sorry for hitting you baby,” she said honestly. “I just… I was so frustrated…” she admitted as she gently reached up and caressed his cheek.
As she laughed, he stood there, Samuel didn’t find the humor in any of it but often he didn’t. At her comment he stood there silently, she said she was sorry but that didn’t make him feel less like a little bitch.
Gazing up at her husband, Ava leaned up on her toes, kissing his cheek gently. “Baby, I’m so sorry,” she breathed once more, honestly feeling bad about hitting him. “Did you give Luca his medicine this morning?” she asked him, that still on her mind.
“I took it out for him yes” Samuel said ignoring her second apology as he stood there.
“Hmm,” Ava said softly, “I don’t think he took it,” she said gently. “He’s bouncing off the walls,” she told her husband as she stroked his beard lovingly.
“Okay” Samuel said back to her “it’s too late for him to take it now…”
“Well yeah…” Ava said knowingly with a sigh as she continued to stroke her husband’s beard. “Just gotta make sure he takes it tomorrow.”
“Will do” Samuel breathed to her as he pulled her hands away from his beard, moving to retreat from the office all together.
As Samuel pulled away from her, Ava frowned. “Sam…” she sighed out gently as she followed behind him. “Baby, I’m sorry,” she pleaded.
“I know, I know” Samuel said in response to her, he got it she was sorry. “Doesn’t make me feel any better though” he told “I’ve never put my hands on you,” he said.
Frowning, Ava looked down as the floor. “I know,” she whispered. She was honestly ashamed of herself. She let jealousy and a little bit of upset pull her out of her character. “I can’t apologize enough,” she said knowingly. “I don’t know what came over me…”
“I think I am just going to go to sleep now, if it’s okay with you?” Samuel said to his wife.
Ava’s frown deepened even more but she nodded slowly. “Of course, baby…” she said in the tiniest voice ever. “I’ll be up in a bit,” she whispered even softer.
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sampevans · 4 years
Uphill Battle
INVOLVED: Samuel Evans, Siena Evans, and Ava Evans TIME FRAME: Wednesday, March 18th, 2020 LOCATION: Evans’ Home; Seattle, Washington SUMMARY: Siena comes to her parents telling them that she was afraid to pursue legal actions against Jessie and that she no longer wanted to.
Siena moved down the hallway, her hands fidgeting with nothing in particular as she knocked on her parents’ bedroom door gently. She had her head down because she knew she was about to do something that was going to disappoint them greatly, but in her mind, she had to tell them exactly how she felt and why.
Ava laid in bed, rolled over onto her side as she stared at the TV, chuckling a little towards the screen. She was twelve weeks, the last week of her first trimester, and she was elated. She was finally starting to feel a bit better; her morning sickness was subsiding; she had more energy. Things were looking up, at least for the time being, she knew from previous pregnancies that the second trimester was the sweet spot before, the third hit and things went downhill again. However, for now, she would enjoy the grace that the second trimester brought her. She shifted slightly, stretching out her legs as she placed a hand on her small baby bump that was slowly but surely beginning to protrude a bit. She was a big woman, so it didn’t look like much, but she knew it was there. Her twins were healthy and growing.
Samuel sat in a chair in the room, Maya had actually managed to land him a government job and he had dove into it headfirst wanting to make up for the last several months he hadn’t done so. No one asked him to, he could have started off at a small pace, but he had to prove he was as good as Maya made him out to be. He owed her that much. Ignoring the tv and his wife’s chuckles he looked up hearing a knock at their door for a moment before his eyes moved back to the MacBook. “Come in” he breathed easily, his voice carrying as he continued to type again on the keyboard.
Siena waited patiently for someone to say something and when her father finally did, she opened the door and let herself in. She looked at them both timidly and she sighed “can I talk to you guys?” she asked her mother and father quietly her head still bent downwards as she didn’t budge to look at them directly.
Ava looked over at her husband as he spoke and she looked to the door confused, not having heard anyone knock. However, as Siena entered slowly, Ava sat up a bit, propping herself up on her elbows as she muted the TV. “Of course, sweetheart,” she said as she patted a spot by her on the bed.
Samuel watched Siena walk into the room with them and he watched the door close behind her. Looking over to his wife he nodded his head “yeah” he agreed as he moved to save his document and he sat his computer aside as he looked to them both from where he sat.
Siena finally looked up moving to her mother, she sat down on the bed before she looked back at Samuel. “I wanted to talk to you about… him” she breathed her eyes gazing down at the ground.
Ava sat up fully as Siena sat down beside her and she slid over to Siena in the bed, wrapping her arms around her child at her words, knowing whatever she was about to sat had to be hard. She was still so livid at the thought of that boy. She always would be. He had violated her child. As a mother, she felt very conflicted in her feelings. She wanted to kill the boy with her bare hands, but she knew that she couldn’t. She wouldn’t put another mother through that pain, but God, did the idea make her feel good.
At Siena words Samuel stayed seated where he was, with work and that he was swamped and tired. But he could be the man they needed him to be, all of them. No matter what Mercedes friends thought and said. He licked his lips slowly and waited for the blow that would hit them due to whatever she had to say.
Siena looked at her mother as she moved beside her, and she said “I don't want to do the whole case thing” easily. She just blurted it out “can't we just stop it?” she asked them next still playing with her fingers.
Siena’s words hit Ava hard and she let out a harsh breath as she looked over at her husband, her hands rubbing up and down Siena’s arms instinctively. She did not want to hear this. She wanted that boy behind bars, rotting until the end of eternity for what he had done, but she also had to respect her daughters wishes. “A-are you sure?” she asked Siena, still in a bit of shock.
Samuel listened to Siena as she spoke before them and he sighed heavily, this is not what he wanted to hear. “No” he said to his wife because the better question was “why Siena?” he asked now. “He can do this to another girl” he said to her as he stood up moving in their direction.
Ava looked back at her husband at his protest and she sighed deeply, her eyes closing for a moment. “Baby girl, your father is right,” she said, still rubbing Siena’s arms. “The only way to stop him from thinking what he has been doing is okay is to place him behind bars,” she said softly. “Not fighting this, lets him run off and take advantage of countless more girls,” she tried to reason with Siena. “If the last girl had of spoken up and fought, this wouldn’t of happened to you,” she said softly.
Siena looked at her mother ignoring her father for the time being and she looked back down. “I don’t think I can do it” she told them easily. Losing all her words and thoughts now here in the moment with them.
Samuel looked to Ava and then to the girl, he folded his arms over his chest as he listened. “So, one has to fight against him and sorry, I wish it didn’t have to be you. But you have to use your voice for a greater good Siena. You are stronger than you think, you can do what those other girls could not do” she breathed out. “Think about it, why would you want to see anyone else suffer….”
Siena looked at her father on the brink of tears and said “because I am scared dad” forcefully.
Ava frowned at Siena even more and she sighed out deeply as she hugged her daughter close to her chest. “Baby girl,” she said softly as she looked over at her husband. Siena’s outburst startled her, and she looked down at Siena shocked. “It’s okay to be scared sweetheart,” she said as she held Siena tighter. “You’re telling your story,” she said softly. “It’s going to be hard,” she said, “but you’ll come out the other side even stronger,” she whispered to her as she began to rock Siena in her arms.
Samuel looked at her and he looked down at her outburst, moving to pace in the other direction he sighed heavily as he leaned his back against a wall behind them. He tilted his head up and looked at the ceiling.
Siena looked to her mother and said as kindly as she could “please, don’t make me do this” he eyes glossing over. “If you loved me at all you would drop this please,” she said. His parents were going to make their lives hell and she knew it. “His parents are going to kill us” she said “they are going to make our lives hell” she stressed. “None of us can afford that right now” she told them both “especially not you mom” she reasoned easily.
Ava’s eyes watered at Siena’s words and her heart shattered in her chest as she began to sniffle, trying to hold it in. “Siena,” she said softly, her voice wavering a bit and she cleared her throat as she listened to her daughter, excusing her cursing in that moment. “You don’t have to,” she said softly, knowing her husband would not agree but they had to respect Siena’s wishes. “If you truly do not want to, you do not have to,” she said her voice trembling as she held back her tears.
Samuel looked to the back of their heads, fuck, just like that this kid got the opportunity to do as he pleased with innocent people and why? From fear. He licked his lips slowly and said nothing to either of them as he moved to sit back in his seat again.
Siena looked to her mother and she closed her eyes, falling into her mother and she squeezed her as tightly as she could. “I can’t let anything hurt or harm you three, mama” she said her head resting on her mother’s chest. “I am sorry if let you both down” she said sadly, defeat laced in her words.
Ava was trying her hardest to hold back her tears, but she was failing miserably. “Sweetheart,” she breathed out, “I’m fine,” she said, “the babies and I will continue to be fine,” she informed Siena lovingly as tears rolled down her cheeks. “You’re not letting us down,” she said gently, rubbing Siena tight. She knew her husband would feel differently but they had to support their child in this moment.
Samuel sat his arms resting on the armrest of the chair he was in; his hands were clasped before his lips. He wanted the motherfucker in prison so bad, he was literally biting down on the inside of his cheek, drawing blood now. He understood the girl’s nervousness, without much mention he could tell in their kid’s actions that they were trying desperately to make their mother’s life as stress free as possible. But this was bigger than then and two babies, there were girls hurting like her and he couldn’t imagine how much worse it could have been for them, or less. He needed to be punished.
Siena continued to cling to her mother, hearing her words and she sighed softly to herself. After the realization of why Blue was choosing to stay local and wait a year to go to school, she told herself she had to sacrifice something as well. Her mother meant the world to her, she couldn’t imagine life without her, and she knew this would end badly if she let them pursue this. She had heard stories by now, she knew what they were up against.
Ava rubbed Siena’s back, rocking her daughter in her arms as she clung to her. Ava pressed a soft kiss to Siena’s temple, and she said, “we love you no matter what and if you change your mind, we will always be here for you and handle it however you see fit,” sadly. It was breaking her heart to know that this boy would get to run free, sexually abusing other girls and getting away with it. “Do you want to continue therapy?” she asked quietly, sniffling a bit.
Siena nodded her head “yes ma’am” she said to her softly “it actually helps mama. I feel a little better each time I go” she confessed to them easily.
Nodding slowly, Ava pressed another kiss to Siena’s temple, letting her lips linger there. “Okay,” she said softly, her body rocking instinctively now as she cradled her child in her arms. “Whatever you want to do,” she repeated lovingly before she lifted her head, looking back at her husband with tear-filled eyes. They had to handle the situation one way or another.
Siena nodded, finding comfort in her mother’s arms for what it was worth all of them were their safest there. “Thank you, mom,” she said easily “and dad” she said though very quiet in those regards. Her father was a bit hard on them, they knew it was for good reason but sometimes even if they all didn’t say it, they knew they let him down in one way or another with their decisions in life. Licking her lips, she pulled away and looked to her mother “I’m going to go” she said softly looking back at her dad for a moment before she all but tiptoed out the room closing their door behind them.
Samuel avoided looking in his wife’s direction and he exhaled slowly as Siena excused herself from the room. He rested his head back on the chair and he shook it, wow, just like that, hard work on his and his wife part was down the drain.
Ava held Siena until she pulled away and she nodded a bit. “You’re welcome sweetheart,” she said in a soft tone. She watched Siena exit the room, waiting until the door closed before Ava got out of the bed and moved for their bathroom, connected to their room, and she shut the door behind her, crying.
Samuel watched as his wife got up and went into the bathroom and he let her bed, allowing her some space right now.
Ava pressed her back into the door, sobbing a bit as she did. She couldn’t believe this. How could Siena honestly expect them to do nothing. To accept a payout and move on. Turning, Ava opened the door and she stepped out, looking at her husband as she shook her head. “Sam…” she croaked.
Samuel looked to Ava as she finally moved for him and he reached out for her, ushering her to his lap and he hugged her tightly to his broad chest. “It’s okay Ava” he said to her strongly. “There’s no need to cry or worry. We all have choices in life, this is hers” he said reasonably. He pecked her forehead lovingly; he knew he’d take matters and justice into his own hands. That was the only way now.
Ava nodded slowly as Samuel pulled her into his lap and she curled into him, holding him tightly. “We still have to do something,” she said as she sniffled hard, a hiccup escaping her. “Baby we can’t just… let him be free,” she said as she shook with her tears.
“What did I say?” he asked her tilting her head up by her chin and he looked into her wet eyes. “There is no need for you to cry or worry” Samuel repeated himself.
Ava let out a deep sigh, sniffling. “Y-You’ll take care of it,” she said in a soft tone as she hiccuped again.
Samuel nodded his head at her and said “yes” to her as he caressed her sides lovingly. “I will handle it” he told her confidently.
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