#thread: doting antidotes
elusivia · 1 year
Doting Antidotes [Kagetsu & Zelkov]
Toaboel thread starter for @foreshortsighted
Zelkov knew if Kagetsu was defeated, even in a mock battle, it would have to be a mighty blow. Even so, the rarity of someone being carried in rather than moping in on their own two feet made his eyebrows raise with concern. The arrow and slight discoloration of Kagetsu’s chest around it meant one thing. Zelkov’s jaw clenched, gathering up all he needed and trailing the volunteers who laid him down carefully.
Someone had already used a staff that Zelkov could tell, but some things required manual methods.
“You will be the *death* of me,” he muttered, more exasperated at the close call of whoever had taken such a shot at Kagetsu than anything else. He uncorked a flask and shoved the spout into Kagetsu’s mouth, aware the unpleasant taste was likely to be a rude awakening.
That, or the swift removal of the arrow shaft followed by damp pressure on the wound would do it. Zelkov kept his gaze on Kagetsu as he fixed his hands and absorbent bandages pressed on his chest, watching him as he came to.
“No *juice* yet I’m afraid. Vegetables, or rather, *antidotes* first.” He shook his head. “You two really *went* at it.” He was sure any fight with Kagetsu had been thrilling. Zelkov himself had barely held his own after Kagetsu had taken down a castle of guards. “You did well,” he encouraged quietly, not needing any recap of the fights to know it was true.
Another priest came by, Heal staff in hand. Zelkov nodded his approval, still holding Kagetsu in place, hands steady as Faith magic soothed him.
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lookismfanfics · 1 year
asking for samuel fluff cus lord 😔🤞 I LOVEEEEEE UR FICS BTW I CANT GET ENOUGH OF OF THEM OMFG
𝐀𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐞
Samuel Seo x GN Reader
Warnings: It’s not in my usual head cannon-thing format 😳 Fluff, unedited, probably brainrot, cursing, fem pronouns may have slipped in there…
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Samuel rests his head in his hands. He wonders what the hell he did to deserve this agony. He knows he’s been a bit of an arse lately, but for the world to curse him even further was a bit unnecessary. Even a little insulting.
He felt like life almost always dealt him a bad hand. For example… today… He’s sitting on an expensive hotel bed, waiting for Eugene to call him to the conference room. Kneading his forehead tenderly, using his rough finger-pads to massage his temples. Samuel has a massive headache. It feels like his hairline is splitting… there’s a sharp throb in the center of his forehead. It reminds him of all his worst hangovers; but amplified. And this time he didn’t have someone doting on him… soothing him and nursing him like a pathetic baby. Even if neither of you really expressed genuine concern or gratitude, you were both aware of the feelings were there.
He feels so, so stupid. Like a pathetic, helpless wimp. And he hates it. But simultaneously, his emotions contradict. As he rubs soothing circles into his temples, letting out heavy breaths of frustration.
“I’m so pathetic…” he says bitterly. And even if it sounds sour to say out loud… he can feel warmth in his chest. As much as he tells himself how infuriating it is to be doted-on and pampered, he can never stop the smile that curves on his lips. He’s never admitting it… but it’s not as bad as he makes it seem.
His fingers hover over your number. You’re only a couple rooms away. You’re so close to him. More than capable of helping alleviate the pain in his head. You answer the phone. “(Y/N)?” He almost hates the way your name rolls off his tongue so easily, like second nature. Almost. “Today sucks,” he sighs. “I got a headache.”
There’s a pause on the other side of the line. He can hear (Y/N) rummaging through some loose papers. Admittedly, he does feel a little irked at their apparent lack of concern. His blood spores release a heavy tint of color in his cheeks and neck. He’s so damnably uncomfortable- but he can’t help himself from craving your presence. “What do you want me to do about it, Sammy?” You finally. Even the sound of your voice relieves the pain in Samuel’s head. It’s like antidote he didn’t know he needed.
He feels like letting out a frustrated sigh, but holds back. His brows furrow into a tight knit. Fingers stroke loosely through his thick threads of hair, he rubs his palm against his forehead. “You have time to come over, don’t you?” It’s less of a question and more of a statement. Samuel “hates” when you act all difficult.
He hates the way your nonchalance sends more waves of heat up his body. This is so childish. The way he suddenly wants to close up, or smile and giggle like a schoolgirl- it’s absolutely childish.
You let out a small chuckle, “Yeah I guess I do.”
There’s a pause before you continue. Outwardly Samuel is slouching on his bed, still kneading his forehead and leaning into the phone. Inwardly he’s smirking broadly despite his obvious giddiness.
“What’s your room number?” You ask.
“All the way up there…?”
“F*ck you.”
“Shut up. I’ll be there soon.”
Samuel concludes that sick days aren’t so bad when (Y/N) is around. Hangovers aren’t as unbearable as he originally thought. Random headaches are tolerable. Just as long as (Y/N) is around to dote on him. Just as long as he can feel their fingers stroking through his hair as he drifts off to sleep. Listen to them make phone calls, telling his subordinates and fellow Executives that he’s unable to attend work. As long as he can feel their knuckles brush against his cheek, and watch wordlessly as they pamper him. If (Y/N) is available to baby him (as much as he hates the term) then he’ll be alright. In fact… he sort of likes it.
At the end of the day, he might just return your affection. Your lips press warmly against his temple. “G’night Samuel.”
His lips brush hesitantly against your neck. “Night.”
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A/N: Anon you’re so sweet! :,) Sorry everyone for being so inactive! And sorry to my male! Reader anons who requested things forever ago! I will finish them asap 😭
Also this is sorta dedicated to @wannaeatramyeon for their Vin Jin spams that inspired me to post again 🥲
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lilygildrose · 6 years
Honest Q&A (Copy and Answer) Lily
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What is your full name? “My name is Lily Agate Gildrose Rivers, or simply Lily Rivers, as its my husband`s name.” What do your friends call you? “Oh, they call me many things. Lilypod, lilybud, sweetie, honey, sis, nerd, dork, sunshine, darling, cutie... mostly endaring things. I dont mind them.” What is your favorite animal? “Carbuncles, of course. I do adore moogles as well, I wish I could see them... but I`ll just have to trust my husband when he says their plushies are of likeness.” Where were you born? “I was born on my uncle`s estate in Limsa, in a bathtub. My mom wished she could have birthed me back home in Ala Mhigo, but alas...” Do you have children? “N-no... but I`d like some, soon.. someday...” Is there a person/people you love? “I love everyone I surround myself with. My husband is a given, as well as my dear friends, collegues, and relatives, despite their struggle to understand my desire to be independant or my choice of partner...” What is your favorite color? “Sky blue will always be my favorite, as well as green, red and purple.” What is your full occupation? “I am studying magic in all its forms, to become an archmage.” Are you good at physical fighting? “Hmmm.. Im not terrible, I think. Lorentz is instructing me very well in swordwielding, and I`ve adapted it by studying the art of red magic. A rapier is lighter and easier to wield for me, and doesnt require much physical strength. As fist fighting and other sorts, I have only what my mother taught me as a child, as she was a excellent puglist. Though I suspect my dear father overplayed my achievements a bit...” Which form are you best at? “Anything defensive, I dont like to hurt anyone... I rather protect than having to attack.” What about magic? “Magic is my forte, and what the Gildrose family is known for. I prefer white magic, but I lean towards arcanist in battle. My carbuncles havent failed my orders yet. And I`d love to get my hands on some soul shards so I could unlock the hidden potentials... It is my dream.” Which type are you best at? "Arcanist, I got much help from my father`s notes, managing to tap into it at the age of twelve. In my loneliness, summoning a carbuncle was what saved me from losing all hope, and myself. Craftsmanship? "I love alchemy, even though Im not very good at it. I`ve had a few... mishaps, transforming myself, but I`ve always managed to make an antidote. Our wedding was hanging by a thread as I was stuck as a miqote for a fortnight. My other joy is weaving. When my eyes are weary from reading, some light needlework or repeating tasks by the loom helps me digest the information better. If asked, I make things for others as well. I love to make presents for everyone.” Any other skills? “Herbology is another hobby of mine. I love to make my own teas, potions, lotions and remedies with what I have gathered myself.” Are you an only child? "Yes, sadly. According to mother`s journal, they struggled to concieve, so it was pure luck I came to. And both studied very hard, there was hardly any time for a second child...” Where do you see yourself in five years? “Well, um... I hope to be in a small house of our own, by the coast of Limsa, with a healthy family of my own.” Have you ever almost died? “A few times as a child, though again I suspect my doting father overdid the stories, as well as a few brushes in adulthood..” Do you have a secret, not just a secret, but like a really big secret hardly anyone knows? “No not really, Im terrible at withholding anything from Lorentz... unless I must. But I might have a vice or two I dont want anyone but him to know of.” Salty or sweet? “Sweet, thank you!” Do you like yourself? “Sometimes... I doubt myself all the time, feeling inferior and foolish, inexperienced and naive. But in Lorentz eyes, I feel wonderful, and thats all that matters.” Do you believe in the Twelve? “Quite so. Menphina blessed me with a life of love, and Nymeia spun my thread with Lorentz. Oschon guards my step as I pilgrimage, and Thaliak fills me with wisdom and knowledge.” Are you religious? “I pray whenever I can, and leave offerings at their shrines to keep their blessing on me and those I love.” Do you carry prejudice with you? "I try not to. Everyone deserves a chance to show their true colors.” What do you consider entertainment? “A good book. Or going on a screenplay. I love those open scenes they have as well. People are so creative...” Favorite drink? “Lemon tea, and spring water. And mulled wine.” Do you have any family traditions? “No not really, I`ve lost touch as I havent celebrated anything for many years, and I dont have contact with my uncle anymore.” Are you a good person? “I would like to say I am. I wish people to be well and healthy, be eorzean or garlean. Its all circumstances, where we are and how we end up. Everyone can change.” Thank you for answering my questions. Tagged by; @andarion Tagging; @tinkercat @ekwehstrian @khutani @zahkis-ffxiv @lynto-amariyo @dakwhilcousins
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