#thread: syrus han
Her lips are stained red, her hands are wrapped around a stick, and her eyes are glued on a club owner. The moment Yasmin saw Syrus there, she knew she had to go over. It was part of her new job. It was what her godmother expected from her. It was why she came all the way out here in the first place.
So once she saw him, she went and got a popsicle. Promised herself she’d have more courage venture forth after she finished it. Once her fingers are coated with cherry syrup and she’s left licking a bare wooden stick. All of her excuses melted away with the frozen treat, eaten away by the sun. It was time for Yasmin to play her part.
Her nerves dissipated with every step she took, and her mind tried to figure out which opening line would make her seem the more unassuming, more gentile and innocent. Make her seem like anything other than the manipulative backstabber she’d recently become.
                                 Need some tanning lotion?
                                 I thought vampires couldn’t go out in the sun!
                                 Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
He was no only a few yards away, and she was still completely unsure of what she was doing. She did noticed that Syrus seemed completely oblivious to her, completely engrossed with something on his phone. Taking advantage of the opportunity, she slowly approached him from behind, then suddenly jumped beside him shouting “BOO!” It was a bit childish, but it played in her favor. And if she could actually manage to surprise the big bad Hades, then that’d just be a bonus.
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