#threads | declan
littlcfreaks · 1 month
closed starter for @missdcalls
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"do you hear yourself?" a hand raked through his hair, balling into a fist as it drops to his side, "you act like you hate me most of the time, you act like you want nothing to do with me, but then every night you text me or show up here - what do you want from me?"
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backmaskcd · 1 month
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closed starter for @ambercast (declan) location: the art festival
"Aye, Declan!" Icarus called across the handful of booths between them, easily crossing the space and slinging an arm around his shoulders even though their height difference made it sort of comical. "Please tell me you asked that stunning girlfriend of yours - that I am taking half credit for by the way - to this dance that's being held. Because I think that would be a fantastic first date, honestly, but maybe I'm just old fashioned like that."
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exmcrtis · 1 month
location: artemis's booth at the art festival
closed starter for: @ambercast (declan)
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artemis felt like her fingers were about to bleed with how hard they'd been working. for days leading up to the festival, she'd completed hundreds of flower crowns and a handful of embroidered pieces, and she was still working actively at her booth. however, as she looked up in a moment of defeat and in desperate need of a break, she couldn't help but grin at the sight of declan. their relationship still felt like a fever dream, a happy flutter in her chest nearly making her sigh dreamily. "hey sweet boy," she greeted, hands finally releasing whatever she'd been working on, "have you come to rescue me?"
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primitiveside · 4 months
Riddick wipes a streak through the foggy window view, throws the grimy mechanic rag he did it with onto the shop floor. A commuter train passes overhead, unseen but not unfelt by the odd pair inside. Riddick and @umbrellamedic. Their warped reflections tremble in the display of chrome hubcaps.
When the rattling stops, their blood still shakes. Courtesy of Umbrella and all their scientific advancements. The ambition of power seekers atremor in the veins. Unstable.
"All it took was a few greased palms for Umbrella to get me outta custody." Riddick continues to share, now that the train has come and gone. "But I'm not the only one. There's another lucky fuck like me. This one's a grin with legs. Doubt he'll go down easy if he finds me."
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painofhumanity · 1 month
@secondhandmckie liked the New Muse Starter Call
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"Okay, kids normally don't need to be cursing like sailors, I get that. But these kids are being poked and prodded all day, and I think they deserve to express their displeasure as strongly as they want, so I may or may not teach them a few ASL swears-- Who even told you what that sign means, anyway?"
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writermuses · 7 months
closed starter for @midnightsaboteur based on this
"Don't look so damn anxious, big guy. They'll eat you alive if you're fake or nervous." Autumn had snickered, taking Declan's hand and leading him into her parent's house. After she finished school, she was splitting her time between here and Los Angeles, where they had met on the a set. Declan was doing stunt work and Autumn was working on the special effects makeup. For the first few hours around the massive house, Declan had been quietly looking around and politely answering questions, spinning all attention back to his sweet but mischievous girlfriend, trying not to replay that statement in his head. Then Autumn was gripping his thigh under the table at the end of dinner, leaning into his neck and whispering, "Relax, you're doing great and I plan to reward you for it later."
Declan's eyes shot up to Daniel and he smiled politely, setting his silverware down. "Let me do the dishes, please. The dinner was wonderful and it's the least I can do." His tongue ran across his lips when Autumn's hand moved higher and he could have sworn he saw the man's eyes fall to them. Declan's gaze own moved from his girlfriend's father's bright eyes down to his lips, and lower to his neck. It was Taney that cleared her throat, vibrant green eyes studying him. "I promise not to break the dishes?" Autumn laughed, mussing his blonde hair before leaning in and he kissed her cheek before whispering, "Where are you off to, babydoll?"
His girlfriend had been unbothered to leave him alone with her parents, telling him she wanted to take a bath before bed and Taney excused herself too, pinching her husband's chin and pulling his mouth to hers. Declan's wide eyes watched them, stumbling a little as he pushed his chair back and adjusted his trousers. After a few heavy puffs of breath at the sink, Declan opened his eyes to find Daniel at his side with the plates he'd left behind. Quietly drinking in the details of the man, he could pick out the many very attractive features Autumn had from each parent before realizing he was staring. "Thank you, I hadn't meant to walk away without grabbing them." Placing his palm flat on Daniel's lower back, he smile softly as he stepped back so that he could set the plates down. "Your wife seemed like she wanted a private moment with you."
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greedaeye · 2 months
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@lupaeus asked: ‘ does that hurt? ‘ { declan }
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⸻ "my ego? yeah a little bit. i'm so much better at backyard football than this."
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draconikia · 4 months
declan didn’t know how to be a father when theirs died. he didn’t remember if his mother had been a good one when aurora came. niall lynch was the brothers world. and they spun out of orbit, centered only on sundays to services. bound by arguments and bickering, and the love of matthew lynch.
even this place feels suffocating to declan. this home of dreamers. declan never dreamed, not like niall or ronan did. he was the practical one. the boring one. the one with the head for business. he had never fostered some deep seeded hidden dream of what his life would be if left to his own devices. he told his brothers what he wanted, a nice boring life. a boring girlfriend. a boring car. a boring house.
because declan lynch was something worse than a dreamer. he was the dreamers secret keeper. he knew all the secrets of where they came from, he knew there was something immortal and inhuman in them, yet despite knowing this even as a young child. he had loved them. they were his.
first had come ronan. a difficult child even from inception. but declan had loved him, protected him, played with him, and when ronan dreamed up a new baby brother - the ever guileless matthew - the brothers lynch were complete - and declan was full to the brim of love. he had reached capacity, so it seemed the world decided to take from him then.
their father, brutally murdered. their mother, a dreamerless dream - the secrets he kept multiplied tenfold. and he became the enemy of the one he loved so dearly. ronan hated him. hated him for forcing him away from the barns, hated him for keeping him in school, hated him just — so he had someone to hate.
yet how did one tell all of this to a little brother whose operating under anger? when you’re so far past anger, when you can’t even say how exhausted you are because you don’t remember what being rested or taken care of even feels like. declan lynch doesn’t have those answers, he only has more secrets.
‘ ronan — i am asking you, what do you remember? your first memory? ‘
declan knows only one method, and this discussion must be had while matthew is at school, and his phone on mute. because ronan needs to find the secrets before declan can give the answers. because he knows, his brother will never simply believe him. that’s the damage of a mere mortal in the family of dreams and dreamers. they never know the truth because they can change it, and declan never knows the power of dreams because all he has is the truth covered in secrecy locked in grief.
‘ say it again in english ‘ // declan && ronan // @raytm
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ofhopess · 14 days
closed starter for declan | @shvdwscng
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whilst it would be impossible for her to know every member of each court, when it came to the lords and ladies, they were always worth noting. each high lord and lady kept their inner circles tight and their secrets tighter but the emissary had long since learnt the value in friendships that lay just at the edge, where people watched more than they let on and knew more than most people would consider. as soon as the day lord was unoccupied, rhani made her move through the crowds of fae, a glass in one hand for herself and one to offer to declan with a small smile as she did. "you had no drink and that seemed a shame, we are meant to be enjoying ourselves are we not?"
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littlcfreaks · 10 days
closed starter for @euphoriclusts
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he probably should have run in the opposite direction of the shouts. it was late and he was tired, but he never would have forgiven himself had something happened. two guys were standing over someone else who had by now collapsed against the side of the building, "back off!" declan grabbed one guy by the back of the shirt, throwing him backwards, the other one getting a punch on declan's jaw before he could straighten up and land his own blow in the second man's stomach. soon enough, they were running off and declan gave up his pursuit to drop to his knees next to them, "holy shit, you okay?"
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backmaskcd · 4 months
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closed event starter for @ambercast (declan)
One thing about Icarus was that if you talked to him once, he probably considers you a friend. He'd had a handful of conversations with Declan since arriving in town, so when he spotted him at the lake, he barely even though about it before heading over.
"Hey, man; how's it going?" He was dying to ask him about the gossip column, but he didn't actually know if it was socially acceptable to just ask about that thing. "You come here with a date, or you just feel like hanging out with everyone?"
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exmcrtis · 3 months
location: pop & lock
closed starter for: @ambercast (declan)
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"hello handsome." fern's voice nearly came out in a purr as she slipped into the booth across from declan, her chin landing in her hands as she grinned at him. there were so few people she was this comfortable with, but he was definitely one of them. probably came with the territory of having known him for a long time. "i keep reading about you in the gossip column. don't hold it against me if i say i'm a little jealous, alright?" clearly she was teasing, but only with the hopes of making declan smile.
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rebellionevoked · 11 months
at the local grocery store late afternoon/early evening on friday two former schoolmates have an awkward run-in — w/ @alwaysxangel​
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     Thankfully it was the weekend and the shift that had felt like it’d gone on forever was in the books. Bailey could finally kick back at home, maybe even for the whole weekend, once she picked up a little something for her and Marcus. The last thing she’d actually wanted to do was cook but it was cheaper than takeout, even with debating the time and effort a meal would require to prepare. What hadn’t been expected was to turn down an aisle and find not only a former classmate from high school but also someone who was now her baby brother’s teacher perusing the shelves. Since the accident that had taken her parent’s lives Bailey had avoided most everyone she’d ever met in town, especially her former peers because she couldn’t handle the looks of pity or all the questions and intrusiveness. When she should have been living it up in university she’d suddenly been thrust into the world of parenting, she had a life to be responsible for. It was difficult running into the past and hearing all that others had accomplished, seeing how much they’d grown, when all Bailey had managed was a gig with a local law firm working as an assistant. She’d been trying to get her degree and training as a paralegal but time an money had always been a defector. Especially since it was a struggle to keep afloat.
     The hope had been that Bailey could slip by without him paying attention, he seemed invested in what he was doing so perhaps she’d go unnoticed. As fate would have it, as soon as the thought had crossed her mind Declan looked over his shoulder and they’d made eye contact. “Hey, Dec,” she mustered, words weak as she’d been unsure what to say. “I’d go with the other brand if I were you,” she decided, pointing to the box of pasta next to the one he’d nabbed. 
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thearcherbrothersx · 6 months
Declan: Night Terrors
Continued from this @missperfectlyfinewrites
Crouching down next to the bed, Declan brought his face level with Ivy's, a slight frown touching his forehead as sleep seemed to hold onto her just a little longer. "Come back to me, sweetheart," he implored, hand cradling her jaw as his thumb caressed her cheek. "It's just bad dream. I need you to wake up for me." His tone was calming, level, as he tried to break through her nightmare. He had to assume something new was going on - something worse somehow, given the change in her sleeping pattern, and he was not the type to let things rest. Especially not with her. Which meant there was no way he'd just leave her to deal with this on her own - even if he did have an early meeting that morning and should probably set himself up in one of the guest rooms to get some much needed sleep.
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seavoice · 2 years
actually i’m SO upset about declan and matthew’s relationship arc just tapering off but i’m being so brave about it. because as much as i was psyched for every lynch dynamic when the series started, theirs was the only one i was genuinely invested in after a point, because only that really got delved into with any consideration imo and, like, interacted. and then this book sighhhh
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pckdrop · 7 months
a closed starter for @strongxsurvivors.
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“i should just tell you to leave… ‘cause i know exactly where it leads.”
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