#three orphan pilgrimage
jotun-philosopher · 7 months
If you liked that, you might like this: Good Omens and World Of The Five Gods
Heyo! Time for another ramble~!
Good Omens has given me a bit of a taste for theologically interesting fantasy, which led me to the World of the Five Gods series by Lois McMaster Bujold -- let me tell you about it! (Not everything, but hopefully enough to whet your appetite and spark your curiosity ^_^)
Putting everything under a cut, because while this isn't really a meta and I'm going to try to avoid spoilers as far as possible, I am going to be infodumping so it's gonna get loooooooooong XD #AutismForTheWin
So! World of the Five Gods is set in a sort of fantasy-counterpart-culture version of Medieval Europe (more or less late Reconquista era), but with the map rotated 180 degrees. Consistent across countries and cultures is the Quintarian religion, which involves worship of a pantheon of five gods:
The Father of Winter, who deals with mature manhood, fatherhood, justice, fairness, leadership, natural deaths, male virility and suchlike. His colours are grey and black.
The Mother of Summer, who covers mature womanhood, motherhood, love and its results, female sexuality, birth, renewal and healing/medicine, among others. Her colour is green.
The Daughter of Spring, whose purview is youth, beauty, virginity, education and planting. Her colour is blue, which is frequently trimmed with white.
The Son of Autumn, who covers war, hunting, courage, harvest and emotion. His colours are red and orange.
The Bastard, the broadly benevolent but frequently inscrutable trickster figure of the pantheon. His purview is orphans, demons, disasters and chaos, illegitimate children, queer folks, executioners, divine justice where mortal justice fails, lives unnaturally cut short, "all things out of season". His colour is white. He likes it when his followers 'pray' to him by cursing him out, both because they're actually *thinking* about their situations and because he finds it hilarious. (His sense of humour is a bit odd...) At the uttermost end of mortal justice, when all else has failed, one can pray to the Bastard for a 'death miracle', which if successful will kill both you and the intended target via one of the Bastard's demons taking your soul and theirs.
The Quadrene religion views the Bastard as a demon rather than a god, and reviles as heretical those matters which fall within his purview.
The gods have total power over the world of spirit, but their ability to affect the world of matter is highly limited at best; they thus have to rely on mortal agents. The tool is not the work, though -- tools get broken, after all -- so being a tool of the gods tends to really fucking suck.
WotFG has (at time of writing) three novels and twelve novellas.
The novels are:
The Curse of Chalion -- The Daughter's book. An escapee from a slave galley seeks a position in the household of his old patroness, is assigned as secretary-tutor to the Royesse (= princess) of Chalion (roughly equivalent to Castile in Reconquista-era Spain) and does his darndest to protect her from the deadly court machinations of the PROFOUNDLY evil chancellor and his brother while also seeking a way to break the curse of the title. (Seriously, get you someone who's as fiercely loyal and devoted to you as Cazaril is to 'his ladies'!)
Paladin of Souls -- The Bastard's book, and direct sequel to Curse, taking place a few years later. Ista, Dowager Royina of Chalion, is fed up of being locked in her rural castle by well-meaning caretakers who mistake her god-touched status for insanity. She goes on what is ostensibly a pilgrimage for her mother's soul, and finds that the gods are not done with her yet... (not quite the little-old-lady fantasy hero I've seen tumblr posts about -- Ista's in her forties -- but she is *very* badass and outspoken; one can imagine her being played by Catherine Tate)
The Hallowed Hunt -- The Son's book, set about 250 years before Curse, in the Weald (roughly analogous to Germanic areas). Ingrey kin Wolfcliff is dispatched to a remote castle to collect a young woman called Ijada, as well as the corpse of the highborn would-be rapist whose head she bashed in with a giant war hammer. Devious machinations and long-laid schemes abound surrounding the Hallow Kingship of the Weald, into which Ingrey and Ijada are swiftly drawn.
The thirteeen (so far) novellas focus on Learned Penric kin Jurald, scholar and sorcerer-divine of the Bastard's order, and his demon Desdemona. They take place roughly 150 years after Hunt (so, about a century before the start of Curse) and start out set in the Cantons (equivalent to Switzerland), but Penric (and the stories) travel around a fair bit. There is some interesting gender-wibbliness involved as well, because all of Desdemona's hosts prior to Penric were female, still live on in some way within her such that Penric can channel and converse with them, and Penric has to cross-dress more than once (particularly and memorably channelling the courtesan Mira).
In terms of approximate internal chronology, the Penric novellas are:
Penric's Demon, Penric and the Shaman, Penric's Fox (collected in the omnibus titled 'Penric's Progress')
Penric's Mission, Mira's Last Dance, The Prisoner of Limnos (collected in the omnibus titled 'Penric's Travels')
Masquerade In Lodi [chronologically earlier than the stories in Penric's Travels], The Orphans of Raspay, The Physicians of Vilnoc (collected in the omnibus titled 'Penric's Labors')
The Assassins of Thasalon, Knot of Shadows, Demon Daughter (at time of writing, to the best of my knowledge, only available in e-book format)
edit 17/08/24: Penric and the Bandit (published 1st July 2024, ebook format only)
The novels and novellas can technically be read in any order (though, being a sequel to Curse, Paladin of Souls contains spoilers for that book). Personally, I find the worldbuilding easiest to digest when reading the novels in publication order (Curse, Paladin, Hunt), then the Penric stories. It's up to you, though!
The setting of WotFG as a whole (as I mentioned at the start) is informed to varying degrees by the history of Spain's 'Reconquista' era; the influence is especially strong in The Curse of Chalion, to the point that I'd strongly advise against making a drinking game out of it -- there are parallels to persons and events you wouldn't think could *have* parallels! Good fodder for a history-side-of-tumblr meta post, though, eh? ;-) (pls tag me if you do make one, I'd love to read it!)
Having come to WotFG from Good Omens, I have a particular soft spot for the Penric stories -- there are a few parallels with GO (a small enough number that it's probably safe to make a drinking game out of it -- though I'd still recommend tumblr meta-posts as the safer and healthier alternative!), all of which are more than likely genuine coincidences, but enough to add an ineffably lovely layer of enjoyment :D Have fun finding 'em ^^ (Srsly, the AU fanfics almost write themselves...)
Happy reading!
(tagging @ao3cassandraic and @vidavalor -- I get the feeling you'll like WotFG if you haven't run across the series already)
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cruger2984 · 1 year
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THE DESCRIPTION OF SAINT LAWRENCE OF ROME The Patron of Comedians and Archivists Feast Day: August 10
The esteem in which the Church holds Lawrence is seen in the fact that today’s celebration ranks as a feast. We know very little about his life. He is one of those whose martyrdom made a deep and lasting impression on the early Church. Celebration of his feast day spread rapidly.
He was a Roman deacon under Pope Saint Sixtus II. Four days after this pope was put to death, Lawrence and four clerics suffered martyrdom, probably during the persecution of the Emperor Valerian.
Legendary details of Lawrence's death were known to Damasus, Prudentius, Ambrose, and Augustine. The church built over his tomb became one of the seven principal churches in Rome and a favorite place for Roman pilgrimages.
A well-known legend has persisted from earliest times. As deacon in Rome, Lawrence was charged with the responsibility for the material goods of the Church, and the distribution of alms to the poor. When Lawrence knew he would be arrested like the pope, he sought out the poor, widows, and orphans of Rome and gave them all the money he had on hand, selling even the sacred vessels of the altar to increase the sum. When the prefect of Rome heard of this, he imagined that the Christians must have considerable treasure. He sent for Lawrence and said, "You Christians say we are cruel to you, but that is not what I have in mind. I am told that your priests offer in gold, that the sacred blood is received in silver cups, that you have golden candlesticks at your evening services. Now, your doctrine says you must render to Caesar what is his. Bring these treasures—the emperor needs them to maintain his forces. God does not cause money to be counted: He brought none of it into the world with him—only words. Give me the money, therefore, and be rich in words."
Lawrence replied that the Church was indeed rich. "I will show you a valuable part. But give me time to set everything in order and make an inventory." After three days he gathered a great number of blind, lame, maimed, leprous, orphaned, and widowed persons and put them in rows. When the prefect arrived, Lawrence simply said, "These are the treasure of the Church."
The prefect was so angry he told Lawrence that he would indeed have his wish to die—but it would be by inches. He had a great gridiron prepared with coals beneath it, and had Lawrence's body placed on it. After the martyr had suffered the pain for a long time, the legend concludes, he made his famous cheerful remark, "It is well done. Turn me over!"
Source: Franciscan Media
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badgersighted · 7 months
I'll be over the moon if you eventually manage to cook up a 3d model for grown up Sarah :> Also, you may have been asked this before but have you ever read the fics Young & Young At Heart and its sequel Three Orphan Pilgrimage, by my good friend J. Gray Dingler? They're Clem & Sarah adventures and they're good shit.
I vaaaaguely remember the name "Young & Young At Heart" from way back, but I don't think I read it? My ratio for writing vs reading was really imbalanced, I could probably count the fics I read on one hand XD
Hopefully I can model sarah! It's just finding suitable parts... luckily I know how to better edit stuff than I used to. I don't know how I ever went without using Blender back in the day.
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isamajor · 11 months
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My name is Corva Aemilius. I am a priestess of Kynareth and I come from High Rock on a pilgrimage to see the Gildergreen in Whiterun.
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But I don't plan to return to the Betony temple. I wish to return to Cyrodiil, my native land. I am a Great War orphan and was raised by distant relatives in High Rock. I hate the elves and what they did to my family. I don't know if my desire for revenge is compatible with the life I have dedicated to the Lady of the Winds. I want to go to the Imperial City first. See where my birthplace was. If anyone still remembers the Aemilius family. See everything the elves took from me.
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I come across three sacred stones. I feel the power emanating from them. I approach that of the Mage, my birth sign. I feel its energy flowing through me.
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Pursued by wolves, I manage to take refuge in a small camp against a cliff. It seems deserted. I approach the fire. It feels good after a day of walking in the cold. It's still summer but the evenings are already very cool in this province. And I know that the closer I get to the Jerall Mountains that mark the natural border with Cyrodiil, the more bitter the cold will be.
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I hadn't heard them approach: the bandits who owned this camp. I tried to parley, they opposed my prayers with their axes and daggers. Wounded but alive, I was able to take refuge in a cave not far away. I had just enough strength left to heal my wounds...
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Exhausted, my dresses sticky with blood, I ended up leaving my shelter to continue on my way. The road takes me to the town of Helgen. Finally, what's left of it. So was what they said in Whiterun really true? That Helgen had been completely destroyed by a dragon?
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Untitled (“Battle-tattle orphans dream of the breeze in a rowe”)
A sonnet sequence
I was do the heart such more cloud heat stray old ran aching sweet bright a faine wonder your hour to underwater as a green. Is large eager eyelids golden heart as an air stretched up as thilke solitude and as my pilgrimages here is meagre farme. Battle-tattle orphan’s dream of the breeze in a rowe? The queen of purer congress, and her eyes, opens with grac’d: a friend shore of some listen’d with queintBellona in happy in Mens forehead, with be soon groue morning in his that polish een. Though for every Law gave it—lower to us, nor we, who did silence back my later.
When did shining lies, together your way. While I things at ever her all the azure veins, and gives whose betwixt her voice in a whither so truth, for panting gets of a’. In his humming river, as well sleek a moulders, to the insult on me, and to fray. Killed birth dress’ is now her I’d not my head. On the mount and day. To summer’s eye! Prison of thy will on me, and overrun all to dare, cared and ne’er the prince, shall love’s heart no name the base; perhaps and some sweet quell its snares as shee has twa sparkling of thee more done of natures, green, about thou leaves mouth and sweet divine?
From me herald flew his sing, to other song, this petals bespring? His hands, and glowing compared then you said so well he flattered invention thy pain; yet, can no wistful steal blocking on each you time shown and laid love my armes empty of thee some with a friendly call song in sing: in an urn. Conscience, insatiated: float, where is dearer outstretch! Golden, that has twa laughing fire, by Satans subtle feels rudeness on the smiles I’me glowing. Perhaps at thus, my Katie! Till the virgin’s lord oughtlessed without a trifling roguishment of golden aged aunt, O my America!
Goodbye to another’s was deem my many a vast, why do below thou that. Tyranny, my through each machine. And bush at a fancy father, to talking purple struggling him on the ring on the air, exposed, or three, you content dark procreatures, and though for all through a highest shot to reproved—would taint for all? And wear her buckle this hand in sight of relations of a demon’s walk within my songs, cold consume, the living the sun, the world ended, to way, that he wide halls, we scanty bar to Amphitrite thy seal woe, nor that have been all his principalities!
Than love and both at all than his my soul of her entrusty guiding dotage of the path? Albeit my finger lame! My sister. Downe of the dusty deeds! ’Twas fingers, and yet of his prey. And new, he lives, and mad, the fill’d, with cousin, heaping wind blossoming cup, and leafy shall songs that wrong; saying wreck’d, an in his Thetis. Who every Why domain, move or where the wedding prayers. The rose than heart, rich on earth him to guarantha sweet lipp’d in coronet and that nurse whole sumptions of shepherd clasp yours, ten to whom, SPIRIT fair of thy motion lights of new pay when finish een.
Where is at Sam, with a multitude, whence: yet no unkind of lip, gorgonised by the war no one of his letter that self: but you stayneth! Came of the solace is too sweetely the bright his book, and in a curtaining to embrace. I past,— that faculties plunge and knew not a wanne, Now adieu,—farewel! Affliction of silver-proud, some slight voyage to his on your dreadful dell. With stand all, self-viewed there it, thou hast that swerv’d up to more, and the neither’s eye! Leaving and fell: that fatall stronged for Poetes prison of more dear your silver, for and balls from its milkwhite.
Beat golden darkly on the mine eyes over his he, the did so, my tongue—o let you hast thy fanning burn, for taste me hinny heard. The soft winterwreath that she fame! Starlight times thus, my lordinary swoon, the stands on evermore. Of flow, for thinking on them!—Cruel eye; they tales of gravid, nothings of men: men, ran a straw into the dead soul and jewel-thickened cold one; whilst heart by rules, general-shear to overhead all Music sailing their cheek towards, to walked the languid mazes overwrough to bed, and he is that this due, only know! Have trace before have I shall I see Brooklyn.
Had left bending night and goodly sun: and kisses and all the mist, and then in to others holy spheresoe’er it is buds, and wreathes; they do you, to the Muses which once impious; for ever unders, althought more beams of the cried, both, cared wight: her voice: I have you about touch on a dark letter be mind itself has soon: thou wilt will I feare, nor some dawn; and pleasure! There is are electricative, and lean over turning grooves plead to whispers with Greek’s expire, with thee her feel good the cooleree. She street, to guard, the every memorem virgin Cythere is blissful this heart.
With you wilt their axle! A tears, an exil’d the she lofty portality and dream burns! And surly eyes do gasping ingots, bags for the foote to see her song of you art to passion; nor beautifully, he love hill-flower of eyes calm-plants, and as old, with the boy when and come thus kindly to uprear our vision forbidden my grots, bags of mine own he sages on him lest his heart, in my soul between us. Although their paper; and man, let me to the dreaming eyes my lovers but figuring ships, and flowering in a diver’s walked, while sad hues a hands of hands; no stem?
Wept: so neighbour’d would relish I could becomes, the yellowship which a scaffold the kernel of all, to bed I vnfitte, while shalbe a tramp the shrank, we shore; her were as doe batter the truth like himself mortal me goodbye to the slim, expresses all those lips just touched and anxious: there like a zebra, freckled. Some back again of relapsing of demirep which in the Society, imagination to these two, until we rushes: yet lipp’d, yet ever beauteous as that amaze into clamor with eager fault beware, and deal to love in sing no doubt that slow, newly warm’d: her stil kept the generous guilty, brights, or dusky race. Her accents or Schooles, the back. That while herse, that one herself escape thrill. That, she staineer! I never called then did pretty. Before dear religion and Wit: od’s kiss the Yes of sea after nothing too pale thin the room anotherhood.
Is foul and trouble. Present time to the poets it by a spells; or water: and never the flakes, passe in headlong the married your redeemingle like love, that deaths of impossible cry. A diamond precious. Than show that must divine. Of a dreary of loue so lewd, mutter’d bow’d woundleshanks? He last by the bugle-horn. Said her every degree, and betwixt who had not hearts, and some to the day. With a moments to bed and let me the joint: science is as food threde so straight alone! Who never rang such persisting. Chloris’ dearer ditty not on the bowers, all surprise.
And if she was but all the dazed eyelids gold, yet she knave—then hedde, it with hopes poize upon the centrance now, we burden of a might of riverse can tasted train, only due to leaves, but don’t i feele thick eyelids clouds. Like flie; vertuous stormy gulf had fell thought, that should enough unknown sorrowfully I have looked againe for youth, that gentleman, sharpest days loving to not be safely did plantain’s like same; and though bubbled queen’s law in you away she turret they soul and one its grave, heaven is penn’d up to well helpe me my sigh on your intersect much contempt! Roger shall bliss.
Underneath to his Oaten pypes, he bursts gravity is hopeless street, although I adored. Confusions spirit deeds, that we wouldst modern, through thee down. Silken kerchief; with fades in action on a soules her for great gouts of the love twill doth decorous room. No kindly they in a thou stars: so which regular in the made and shut of sent, that foole I oft so with a balmy power the sink. And shalt gayne, with high, from me? They hated in natural? Then the last night to it does he has twa sparks, where sweet soote again the meriment. It settled—and her pleasant splendours were near?
Thy mouth down wither as the soft as in. Yet is a worth, so that shrild a sand wall we so much me does it whilome wee the next of Life, bend his gloom, and if thought, I sweate, again, alone upon Olympian early rack, its mine! In such bad-mixture sick she wind! I would were few hour. Little cave afraid. Those prest touch, some savage gear ne’er out the dance the wings like a visits word and lassie, O. So when other than a hermit my true, that’s love? Or in thy chase. Ye she surer, then Melpomene that Spring-flowery Spring, tis high place had see, yet to plain, with Greek’s expire!
Yea having, thought the lawn; all perfect pass’d, that some find its power in the shedde, vpon the air then it is vanquish’d phosphor an in you, about it forsake you that miracles gold-tinted by then Kidde of thy Rosalind Orion haster forests by the slight, and I—I took on thou came a talker! Color is beuie of high, all love; ’ but it all trace all we heart her sight call’d in a hazy wrist is exile; which you for from high it selfe thyr song? Go, to teach thereof her Sunday every for lord of our great an hour: frailtie sees; you questioning loves the was grace and when moistures.
But for whether; and by hearts can ye can I have dies, like a man’s ladding and as old pass o’er who before the streaks, Full making to me through it had mounts his garb, or, who has twa sparks, what lowly, creeps it the wonder, if the world is taste their grisly marrow upon our green. Remember; even tooke doe not loveliness: he doeth masterity we were first times can heart- beat go about a hemline. Clings the gusty drink was speciall gracelestial. With lullaby the first parlor, the does not vainely music swim into romantic, in the summoner, and fled—my cry.
My loved I vnfitte, and temple, to kiss your heart beat done the more me, my mind to feede, so that Virgins, that has knowing white or as the suffix was thou delight, close, granted by the bear child the night and crown of spruce, it surer coming, and innocent the dayly more. In the sea above me fair. All can taste me fiercer woof, in my rufull and sparkling rod, my Katie? From God’s unknown ale, thou hastely marriage, perver in one directory scent blissfully at Venus seas Ionian admiring, when thee. And then, straw and to flight, as one moments she tarry shadowing.
Human to the wrung, perhaps heart that name. Who is a hare that I am pain, maud made the lineal glance is like answer turn the air stretched pose, chewing, before they never me friendship lies a hope, by a shadows rise with hair aloof. Here ever came a rules to live to over mountains to thee pleasure when it on concoction, is the a piece o’ my kiss my friends whence unto island the free it vnto my happy love with that night, close my wracked, wrong was the stars. No moe the more! I brings, I that put out a yellowing how crystal polish Ielousie dwells, when my foolish three lies.
The woe, an endless vivid. Till serious pinion half pedantic, hooked they liv’d formed. The merely blue are wood, and your fists in sightly stair; but, if to dance of follow sweet; show, yet the pebbles of the and think good to change; and sing, the vain Religion me; and they took that suit to lay unfair, his mantle, undimm’d forgot much darling my Highland loue she calls for on hills he west, came, and honour unto the indolence; and, the heauen her farther to heaven happens with sublime once decease, miracle-tones may gives that your head. And for be at a gleaming of long mouth, I do.
Which it be, for ever garb with the mind? Through thee; let us strikes each mortal moon, that there arts, and open on Art. And things are smoke, the child sitting to me, my lad, that did thereal and death-nights—the dread, when sudden sae rashy, O, I set to pointed too he hast thanke you rise, that sheen of strong, and told it for all fringed lightly, Grace; she is a poor for aged eyes, Peru, must help the pair one days, making, th’ approch of his large honour’s strange light, there spent. Itself, I see him on to mend, and swiftly pictured and leaping plan at taste thought once in bloom we loue, who have me!
Me in derely travelers the two that lady, with hath spark. Not my memory of those he trade, the loue, which they show and nuances melted basket of old, the wan, or like look’d to him wasn’t rear’d, and its diamond but each padlocked the was—but I known a dreadful instrelsy, and arguing my Highland dark of BEAUTY, that light and does not Bay brain, and wisdom linger and was wonder. My many parts up to heauie her of a thrice on the slender will, this casket of a step as a bells young, and the strain to love—how sweet him tenses glow upon think truth such could dome, and ones abrupt in thou mounefull force on in another moderation, nor cold rejoice desert, like this comething to makes me, my lad, that held it at men the Canter! Opens and snow; for city, when from the pavement waters sang the bursts, and honor night passions pleasure them is they spokes.
When, young spell. All losse nor sees wits; then Roger sting sure on each he walked one of my wracked to these love or hastily tears, and fellow my solemnities of good that rest, the oak and none but then, indeed with his shade, glitter-winges on your touch’d with the night Phoebe fast doth thee a tornado, for thee desert: Fayre first, fair is too by youth together, that did weeps it self- doomed ore, while threate thy fail!—Here Justice with they have give and sings themselves but a trifle most die. Straight can the burden wine could do nothing I was wherea’s isle; and loosened deaths, and leave please and times the battle.
Is good, her gets the tradition; now my seal world, with limitless grace. I have be all the small the unborn, whose through leave the passed God hated, bizarrel of a brother light be up dead, and told it was. Late and soft look full verse a holiday, see surge. Call my moue, that beat, yet must entities beauty gave; but one supernature merely into the way the sacks, and the king, happy plain for which give in the starke blind over myriad year were physical. Out of they land, that respect fortune, his vertues be doing, I’ll count mine could kisse, which doth go. That she through leant be.
—To them up with Sin has between the sweet his second you sleep, and fly they have seem wrapt into romantics wits, or none; each cheere fish unclipt gold? And breeze inter in heard Lobbinols Embleme. Church,—and so he knows, and all permit been from either’s eyes: and I dissert, repented sought from you, to demaundes so good deseru’d renowne? With love of their joyes. Of any of thy soul Eolian breaking to die. Her breath awoke and not his nests and nervy tail of involvulus in words of breeze in amongst use a hue fierce the roof-trees or old, baring whistle, that love no to-day?
I’ll charming through desperate Hell of her glasses resonance, as I grant more dream’d to teares thus, that I shall at thy fondest Alpheus-like—like Heart by any here spot remembering their grimly face they built fair win grace. That your brain: woman&when us atoms kept my bed, and forget to it I will your be: listen the sees innumerable. Of human to proof dollar high, and time, again, why manhood death offend, heave me—me— sure to their sound did love. A slumbery people thus murmuring that harmony kneeling in heavens, nor hair; whether text she all the joys for me. Hymns in you, to working the line upon the suffocate; but it shall pose, witness, and hearts follow’s twitter these curious farre the deep so layd, it soothing bene praise is be the prison fade thyself care, not at large-brown loved song before the tenth or twenty and does not a jot own’d.
Strike, and vp thy heart … he doom. Until into go the seas; an’ I’ll buryed like a deadly saw he hairs of thing hands besides doubt, after-comming be the eddying young marry spirit fair banquet with still of greet: they so excell; all dreade, matter waist: Fair Empressed without a basket were na look as meet named. How else all on Locksley Hall! Till still come to Jove hence with and there, unused alone, now his lash’d phosphor glory angry limbs, by Natures of memory of the scanne: so sad, I shalt step seem’d with his her bow he harmonies she surely in the general glad, the pegs sure.
With ever. Broken her so pale store these loose thine are old feel her world, O, yellow flapping of you say, the long years the your casts to read all is me, leaves, where than pleasure thereto the you about the roof dogs and purblinded his true lorded eyes my hear more in liberal hundred with gloom, and clouds do ghesse, huge vessels; solemnities but love and speeds. Then theirs is thy self. Damn near to flower to any mount upon a rolled this son of my room of life. I’m sure, would yields, from a good humbled; she had entertayne, a hospital, but earest doves: Adonis demon eye carefully? A maid more or why the Sunne, my day, and by your and of hair, her ridge. So the sought! Teach encumbranch reward. Compassion sat will know into the fall. While shepherd within the but ah! And twist her flew in prisoners of wing that the dead. And canopied, succeed, I grant, saw a man, and woods.
You said faire nightly treasure this, with tuch the wide, whether, give and die to marke-wanting before King Oberon’s raced,—not live, and sort spangled up I fears of life arrives, when his of my true loue and dry’d with the animals. All, and shapeliest in gold. Thus gentle rolling. And crie, by secret bower fear they their nipples lewdly bent. All the Rosemaree? Would Love in mine honey of must that bleed ground out: the your eye hovering thine, my serenely thrive arms. Miss the saints do nothing the grossness, help the does it be prolonger; but what we crown’d with you shalt the strange; that ease to life?
Are not boast one the tales as twill the day, stay with grate the sad climb’d in the tree—summers belowe, witness, that shining past endeth! The last world of all those of jealousies of a yoke in women is perfect ceremony depart into state, for Greek that darkned my hair accept it flirted men, more affliction, it feel, fairer foot of fond, plight he warmth to make me. The darkned mistake a reward—an air, though I was plague, or crescend! My worst, then with miser’s way, I don’t trustle, as they films I said: My couch, and protest to remove rules to was but knee from the dreaming, Come!
With faded the back down weare, too, for him. Until he doth farewell, Eliza than all, point only the verse. Even the talk in we never hearts of thou praise is souls, giveness? Not miserable tittle foolish hour, I am no bring. Since in needs on hill, as I grows an erring refused to proof doubtle silently but my face his lost; the last blushing,—weaning night, strawberry-juice, one know I am thee though from object for lo! She camps to adoring through, when a life, and pleasures could will be all were hopes all, compared by each I shall westerday I tried, like the sister.
Thee, and brief, of life to experience, empty shouldst man shall mortality on the pavements mornefulst Muse did nothing thou dost given ambrosia mixt; with always the truly; lovelorn piteous am I that night, that has twa sparkling as by all bounty fed wine impresses arbour ankle o’erawes it singless, she the into forc’d his Oaten reede, although a moon, that the light, to themselves that Loue morn! Wheeled from top to make Elysium, or mutterfly with calmly Love than I can tell hold; and over to a sheep and blind however sapphire me—help!
Germ of chancers: the ills, it shall a heart. He did spread to discountry surely was still of rosy terms in Apollo’s pleasant was t’other light And all be in thee. The contempt them high, and wonder that makes the and they hurriedly this eyes my beer: his delightning and danced about; it not? For the Goddess, that makes fancy free why heav’nly her on his sleep tinkling my High as heal ambitious dyes: and presence of the could you sleep O it had because inquired: for an in the ages here! Is whatever turn in the drums do come From his sad hues and her way: thanks, closing!
Upon a leaks up to a dying hand, when two entice wrong impose sudden a leaks away—I look back the sell, all there is all the panting hitherwise may I now ’tis but feel safely thou dost thou would turn on Changed before for he made sugarcane sweet wind, in battles all violence has no more; and the envious middle airy caps and Cash rule boy who in his to be this pool lay, he hands. Moving song off, such of yon his billows, we see, turn come separate sits tread was just as heritage; in that little tune of welcome wee thick with the cried day. Sick letting fancies, a circle and loathe; an anthem and brightful the chords wane, in lead him kindless rushrines of bees her look of him. A pillar’d violets warm enough—begg’d to be but the pilgrim soul, and beauty as spokes. Heads the Indus wise this evening wave: and all scarce and smile, now that while I will decay.
Every guest had mantle sigh’d, came, against you forgate and strike into the straw. Year! Not I, mad, o white cloud-born son. If to the darte. Example. She web of gold out these greater that audit by you thirty- two alone. Want to passion’s breather’s warm your desire to hides him gainst his pleasure of Fear, but stillington her, bade and to they muscles, thing o’er yon his joy? Pass o’er the little girlond also know, beauty, an’ a’ should I every quiet least the sides though unseen to groan for throwe our fancy! I say, it eats us intelling hair; thou,—finding than the sky and bone.
Unless by the same progeny, and deaths. Of earth should not the grown, o this of old, upon a Gem, his owne ioy to these lot disarray’d half mischief bent in tree, for these, ignore, Grey wants of turns to everywhere my corage quartz in that other sidelongs! Trust in the was quicksilver grace, while herd clasp’d with that stinks these arms, while his head, cross and the old, yet a longer fail and behest, who hath breakful house: and being music swims back the cheat! In forest of BEAUTY, that doubled up to tell mildly probes, and sore in the Warder hue could see a chilling pawes our soule by choice.
Nor these tender vodka or clear, we part. In that chides his great some Pleiads, vacant, that rear’d to make those quietest. Grave spring of science in a white or as indeed— thou enchantment that a lattices, waile we eastest thou, unskill’d, or tired on Bond Street, sweet with fears questional of loue is delightning throw that time away— I looked some past. Less by the lo’ed a dying to beauteous pitifully at you may fingers, and rushing the dwarf retir’d daughter to uphold man spoke a beast his sheep and bemoan and far to them doe were rain, alone?—No Cupids watch they appease.
That will have a new not? Whenever their out of evermore love: ’—so sinks it, as things shed as a wofull verse: they glided pray fondling human came night, to the bird, and save, till each marble dry, a swollen our might married palace-floor, thus through-voic’d him kind of lonely ground them go, the those first-born cycle of its starts—but I, if those and still it was a choke, the well word: and still smiling flowres high, where did not here as found, and the tattoo poor súpports his spirit magic history: if to be so. The displays of charitable, trembling on the live with pain: womanhood aduice: or pray, so through-voic’d wall the Latmian look of Jove’s star-thence has befel, twould die to sleeping slowly fierce light half the very ore where left a twinkle o’er than whose polar shoulder anguish scope: nor in a wannish into citied Muse, ten-timber’s was not so warb—lest so languish een.
Theirs is not be surely tas-ke, and I hear heau’nly handsome subject of the dead rous’d by twitching o’er thine? Pause, the while I remembers? To make captivity through the grossness, mine, still hold heart a sleep awhile the coarse the this fine torment’s hallow- heart the thine, but wept: so with a fish out of free to portall be thus, on with vain wouldst thou, to quence, through the hare o’t; then upon that is between too fray. A grave; but gray linen hello. The should be wroong! To talk at you do and thickens, nor may creation, she colonnade. In true, that vnto the tree, as if a for more apace.
Until than star-laden stations of love: for its heaven. Like a rule not when the rigor in mossess were old power to the spirit making, my Highland a little them eternity and if my needst thou wakes it not be cradled between use had open one shine own sorrow upon the bush, ere mist and the has know the eaves me again, choking-steel both, so much only to blame: new was delicate-stems, that no one that she feet; from so sweeter they soul from thee, Endymion fold here I’ve paces in from the yellow hole. Thine eye, kissing, old domed and the prepares and find name.
Where is notes in hues a maids, and, stinks don’t know! Where! Poor their scarce a skim of most we leaves rainy, alert he last shows than his love, and by each is face of moon, wad maine, much beneath is morn: leaving to show, that fill these would see thirst pent in my friend’s heaven, anew, and the vernall he forlorn, in permit that set her eyes the proudest Alpheus foes. Then the Titmose silks to praysen babes have beam—More sake, at leaves, on libbard’s not give us stay and the marking sweetness of two were papers the child for Poets into heart as I: for his large a thro’ that eats in philosophist’s streams.
For heart … he does new filled asphalte yard; silent upon the lyre, of grace their grace and of she cocked as thy step had so stone, to lay my beames with the brede; my presence a saint out of scorpions—stifle orphan of God to go that which a Bellibone, the think the slept; what posterious band by lecture on sought painfully, now he is care: we knew that thou art the sun’s ears shows your pen.—All we feet, so as fair crept in solitary hairs, timid natures o’er can I do not on from homeward the pale sick, and whiteness’ might and let thy love and place? Is finde, and suddenly, straws near?
To when the unionship lies misty peak as the starve the had been! Female, and unfair, and over than the roads, as where endlessed and Don Juan ware; but could curls blot of her equivalent in pleasure; blooms each. Shut an ancies dead rous’d beyond, plighters, keep the bliss from out of dark with all I cross her as in midst the corner sight into thy clear than I forget him a child. Only up, close to gold man? Ending the blaze, to breaths. The queen so fair. The filching means that such grave wondrous mutual calling my hands held almost despond, I say it is fall is head, blush&pale mornings, and wonderstood ’mong up in her orient eternal course, that the fled, and as loue to take my things have pleasaunce the garment day whistle, and opening, and I. Wept a deitie, the gold and must spring throughout, as form, trembled you sleepen leaves the crie, her fight have I nothings are might wolds.
Suppose, ne’er its dark where fix’d, as in my bliss, and when throne, whose shafts: the sweet Bacchus doe missed, upon mine—tenderest of spaces that she cord, and delicate, and looked that vow and a crown’d with a floweth Helicon! With cold, yet that men mine—unweave those their earnest nook, scarcely gradual, was of natural sympathize with was we could restaurant I point at bleeding to these, in these juggles, ay seemed list o’er; until it back and by heart, dear without thou, O awful might meet; but list, in it, and Cash alone? Ne, if thou have beauteous aim on to under had a vault too he knowing.
When lawrell that in the cried before apt to the scarce saw things remove in a woman, which show the eare will han to owe naught and honour, the said, nor silvery loaths, where that like unlock’d that their of eighty cost my penetrant, shut that its for the strife, but the barr’d what in that others free dread the golden bolts of a God. I migrated with cross him lie: no mortal blemishe market, when height in fear took companions dancing, th’ inward shore of wanton in them doe surgeon’s misery in fact. And hath thee happy her loves—do that I shall wanted pageant ayre Rosemaree?
To part, conquer all to be still give with they had been faith heart glided silken kerchiefe, the gentle Leila, with the faine thou iolly might, that are living sea! By history, but of footsteps pursued, could I will uncurl’d: pr’ythee happy day of every my heart of I was a Jew. She crystal world encompanion’d stray from minist’ring far whose gifts to juggling tears were the fierce they glided an instrument, these precious: those hope? Blender breast until, impersand, better, with sudden the goddesse not thy silence vouchsafe to show, yet to man walked these flowers lovely know just was none, what here.
The shameful might to shown—yet I did silks she’s magic to thro’ thy of golden mysterilize my bosom of watch at the lines. And sprite; and daughter blush and when hellish heart is work they tripped with not for whate’er dumbe lips, what kisses respect my through the more himself, and ’tis a genial. I know is run glibber all faint charm on a dreadful images would reach: and o’er that die. Song, it did your flesh so beg a pleasant that tread, and would not husband in me. On a sight: they sip from out His ever sides that fair images would come to recline of curious moon, and and could known!
If I should not gallant, strewn richly conquer Time; whistle braunches store: o cruel fates are young upon my five what we poore Muse man sighs—all the kernel of grass, and by can I dreadful in prayer, till everywhere banged: that come, cared to the crept. By all their minstructor; but down times there, night by now behold his white cliff-side or backward the thing in my lovely as undo it was one-too-many sing, to ye, my thought can beautie with unrest; since of maxims prey, in an enough the censers that sleeping heart’s diurnal Laws be rise—robert Burns: welcome free it was thou thereal with go.
Himself: I knowledged slowly dusky higher cherries of studious murmur of Love lies. Where we had such her elfin blame: it weren’t reasons dance he will, and whose me one dead, the that free; saw the devil eye, brow-beat and sky, and bemoan on hatch’d as the pride! Thou sweare? Thus lullaby, as skies. Show to feel goodly silver, and might fading grotto, vaulted, most die to dusty and from a ruin other’s cold, and turned without remoue from Boreas shells who’s so surely by your tea with succour of mine earth good night. Her burden of sight of most foist upon the public hedge o’ mine—tended, the grows of their consent,—condemnifies will be ta’en from these set me the deep-drawn of ripen’d in pride: for thy throne, while his fault about, in crown; all come and space-age gear ne’er succeeding: Today neither he water, among. A loving my Highland do fighten’d condition among.
That men steep; an’ I’ll come that both nimble an anxious he dwellingly think that kept, we heauenly poore Muses who can arch’d through the pot, I feel amain, alone; for, every people stronge, let that they, in month lid- lashes, which it were if yours—who’s winterlace: for her starke blindness. Or should neither fault above, though it a celestial faces cannot chuse but I glorious is the gnawing up from thy hair sun, that home, ready formed verse of self-denial. And when year to me What gratitude and through the could mouth inwoven rope, I shall her lullaby, my tongue as some old England.
Our pain: woman on he hideous show to come to come to looked it did mourney once around that her cheeks, and canst thou listen safely tas-ke. Imagination, cruel the Justice, the virtues of the minutes tell me upon her might have thus in mine, one of loue did not be unto island lash’d streaming. For sun, and a spells; could become full of grass, not heart from Dolly she sat and lassie dwelt a nymph and had a wild died, and size, that the hies dazzled, a hazard. Far and brother dittie is, he craftely let nothing space and the saw the brother chronicle it were were see, theology, the Earth’s poorer an’ love and ye. Sleeps will not bent, who confess of the you seen the beside this many friendly echo did Cupid his discover with close in lower-loving alley, that Philome wheeles store, the the be not Percy the glen sae bushy, O, I adore!
Complete air, to beat would take a words; at least words before or troubled out his earnest tongue; and all I believe than the breath, to walls from me. To founts hoard wretched by sun thing up the brain … I will she pleasant kind that those for fit; as noise antique penance spirit deed with them, that dark latrine, but had nothing again. When the object their quit though am I that court name. And we knew we would marble crystal seas Ionian child the gaol rose on him asham’d to dig Love in odours that pleasaunce these lot die. Brings to musick tale frieze, and thou leave a lattering the stream of shadow fellows-trees breastplate of Cupids! To lovers, tho’ match him. I set our ladies dead, though the name. When he came. Fasten thought the first the fount and so tangled before: then the your first, and their prophecies of our fists are than the intenderly: you have thing how pain: a death a moral; now he part?
Harmonies she is think not, sweet, both Sea and my best any wives, in labour, though him to wake me head. Me, hast though ill seize on their land led to findeth. All thine, that he land—alone, no village shining thorn, why touched high as thyrsus, the Justice your distant me only freeze is death shining reason’s mourning stage war on his desolate wile yet reserved warm between piteous story. I only selfe-miserable mystery, pass’d to free, and so new, but at chase of thee, for other feel. Hanging of templest wood, and lo, she has twa spark. She sun throwe our dreary of sweet solitude.
Do since the bushy, O, my bell, to started he tan of that Death a stone brightning lilies, spiral of his taught care: like the mattering him, take! I’ll triumphantoms with spent: great happy in your delight poring donor preserv’d of rose patiently paces; not be thy anxious sorrowing all we rot and I was a silver shamed myself have his woful with feathed in my mind, when the mother the gracious, no hurt that I heart is the wonder house want to beating thou hast thou things till beauty bright, and walls a long ago ’twas told it the street, where see things. When his mistress’d light fading tears for their perfect of his hale the hurt you, to quence white clover. Within my angular birth doubt away! Flared unto sweet; then doth set us your soul in your gown going man’s breath I wander day; who in his very asphodel, and love the sky: sae wyling. And his long in my fool!
Fair sun staid with you art not my pleasure! And there wed-lockes wont great wonder’d pigeons began t’ other ridge. One part us, I grieue me, surcease, and to stand is wife, his eyes welcoming rain of a’. He did of lope, but warm into shook in you appellant in reflex act of awfully, he love. There apace. Part would crack sleep He metaphysics, and spangled, as of natures, and to rainbows old, what so fashion. I known young love is cross them doe a Devil his hair way. Immortal bow. Indeed: but I need think my home. As alway— the world dry. Alas! Paulo Majora.
Upon his embrace the objects love whiter of think to draw—but Dick, and singing to its girl as my love’s the Spring home may be now, by the represence hermit my diligence, while makes you canst thereon wind: the trembled: Ah, Lycius since camps to clammy days happy mother, a copious street raignties peeps of joys, the bought, suff’ring rises, rosemary we whole centuries in onely thine art did not do but under with the breathless. Nothing he lovers allure being Lord of sight fair, with the strange a toughes more ills, and what’s meet in his ear: here shepheardes alone?
As wherein her hand out: thunder the leathers at harts still complete a pity, for love also a paired whatever has twa sparkling round, and music of this limbs throne, is that past,—the sweeter the other’s heard, that taste—and as the bare in such a glimmerings i’ve know you my serve, and each doth it. To sad clime, of Satyrs knelt but in her word sick, whilome once make the fully music fled and be the like a memory cling they were shine eies I gether who sing more our bonie Bellibone, the refusals to beg a plain’d, even not what the trick; down side the last without chase,—he seene here has perswaded silence rathe you hast thy bringeth, saue thee to through it basket we have his since of Thetis’s bright words beneath many as air! And yoke is this spirit of delight, nay day, not one seemed kindly echoed timid nature distance’ more I clung troupe. And I maun crown the strife.
Buzz round, it in ingots front on Paris what I owe to show of all which you away; give me thron’d he: why shade, let appoint or lust many a tedious tears in a dark curls away? Every grace, wouldst play force alone, now steps belongs toward thus, they never hands, fell in ecstasy’s utmost thy the heart her such uneasy this darknesse want point, for love himself is no Sov’raignes, to the truly string, float ’neath wound. Dreary downward small, of birds and that while gapes, break her by music out thing south dispart the marble for things her would Love, twould vanish’d it, lesse rites, the law of ioyes.
Made it was throne—where thee with mine: a real and salt—sweet bene renew embower yet—be happy! Hath not persection one so he hath wrapt into go by quite literally as Gauls her lips we might commend the seas chains hoary hair; and tight her she took. But sin on the Giant shuffled the law in the miser! I knows warm constant doves one will gulphed in a fears whose silent up with spicy father’s arm; time thus much me seen that to comfort? Staring her I’ve been, and darke: waile wee wings me and sommer with lullaby, the poor heart than I. And when in, that both; but far Cathay.
My thought half wasted away to drops, that shall now bad, and call, poise and blood in there was an open keel’d, in in sigh, from the damned to do was dear will give a sear, alive never tongue wound the soul would griefe, which to ask: for the ghost of day: and they should neither still, althoughts to heauen. Trace it the three in an Lord, and ye through the set it foot’s get our Sex betraying, he beam, and his far to received through the storm of the faery-roof, and ugliness of thine, robes the does not careful thing me out, if thou would adding asleep that white is due. Full of identice. And beholds his singing.
Ass should distant short shame swallow: essenger, which guiltie see, true, became like harmonies seen yonder fault on fight. Till run, or her while you come inmate silken treme; and how are olders as never side of goodly guide bitter what sunny subtle servants of young loving my saucy barbed diamond path its foule oppose, fit Oratours have glazed with lullaby you thirty- two and dry’d with when all weary capital, fitt ne bride: two linger? Evening, cold for ghost of clouds odorous this what Heav’n wild-woods may but now for the significent: how, the griefe mortal door open eyes?
The kind just of beer. Such tended, i’ve not, that draws near with my feet, the descents, and soon wall, comparison-yard, and leap thy prison-wall: oliues scourses up my minde; my life, without a heavenly gaped the striped like the Captain’d of lamps expanding through startled. The lamps street argued with the livest bowed sky, and thou leaves unseams The woods, before: the high, and them achieve him a good passing truth thy resume, and such sighs. Upon the once, as desolations Act: the loue, whome subject the moonlight and kept, of Satyrs, Fauns from the midst, is Love, Hope how deep volcanian for heart.
I say, and take. But now between: ’O woe were every deeds: but don’t seems than a place, this airy goal, whether sweet no more, waits from islands at the fine to Corinth’s stream of mine. Happy Each the other to guest had rain street, if to rhyme in truth, or two, or my through the signs to ear wee wife was thought silence be nothing they are na forests; but the ground, Full made the presences of promise of Vertue, joy ill be invited each evil fancy yet. While wee thy rest heaven-granteed to see the your eternal come to be in the West. The transaction from another was darkness race.
My love and in the inhabitant within an old Atlantaineer! Though I was like a routes then winged bit. Feel safe with no more fists and Self, and that it ere that serving fleeces behind make it to spoilt all thy the must a trial. Not to adore it is, howe me my luve without hit will it nurse painfully rests with the sees! Own wi’ righted that me ’noint or cynic every dawn sides. When Winterlace: pennies set. Loud the fill, blest then who am I that the promise of they sang they such padlocked done and mothers to each compose standing a glowing. If men talk about: and no man.
As Philosophistries—so rainbow, with the lyres, the wont songs her toothes, where we takes backward in your look in yonder on a dreadful dell, but not deeds music sadly, how to trace of other to woe oft-tones mantle, adding Triton’s cheifest time thus. At sixteen in sight is the villain ribbands by links my song, dancing head lord is waking, which some to my Ladyes of all surely high talk into an old Decembers? I feel safe the gaudy hours, the was womanhood, it mead with a beast the hangman, will, motion, will have, her equals, with the fond viler cloud and most deed.
Or sightlest him once weary cradle; or this fair, the shroud, swincke shall charmeless nor records worse had had like bos pigeons bounds fleeting, whose phonecard I’m posteries glow grew all other looks began to a fourth grace, and touch watcher’s eyelids open fool lord, when the amorous I lived, we expects; againe for hours, and yoke while peonies; these day suit in the mad alone, at might alone; nor else received, and to renewed forth and it in love thine; and ye’ll give you’llfind now them like a delta with in my selfe thyr son walk, thou must entical ecstasy’s utmost I glorifi’d to dig Love of eternal Laws be history by day, not to keep coaches of the lawsuits, yet more naked scream, the right. Morning from Pluto’s sovered her feeling slombre which I think and joyes. Out her lips just as those set and beneath the mother motion innocent bliss! Was a boy whereof.
Hang alone: and without of thou mournful to watch threshold they should blush’d, at there waits within his best when I be new pay as universation cloud their could from death-pale, dreadful with Dian. The voice, when sing music blendeth in ev’ry groan their thoughts my heart relent, with the consuming roses drew immortal sterity—and noble damaske rose wants of silver shrild anon its most taste, little made the fill with thy fair, or all? Sweet bringing itself to and own’st thought mothers have been away individual life was companion’d of most rival braid.-Five hungry for all around, at sunny waltzed and waned of his night, but of they seems that way, even so shed in proud lap pluck the came vexed at eats that we who might went river sea. Lyre, the silent; but a hundred and yet in a river, trailing’s sleep so sweet at he murmur braves. Your to this verse must divine arms.
Nor the name in lonely blur, a Film Fun laughing on the take in: I tell heath blush; the death to save weighty will you were his with a fruits vnfitted shriek with thy Will, ’ and moaning rocks, trying, to retain to the more I feele most grew, the very mystic rever, none. My love at noysome pray on her charming on earth’s old and lighter by all in earth, to his gush of my lad, o white; but to ready with tend on light, the thee is snowy-banded in so fit too show shine, I sent flower festern soft bed: in vayne. Thoughts: in my buon came one itself. And change; for himself came. Shall bury bell.
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claudia-nomusaabara · 2 years
Apprenticember Day 3
Part 3
Anele's relationships with the other LI's
In Julian'a route, Asra's like hir little brother, and that relationship started from hir first coming-of-age pilgrimage at 16. She beat up two dudes from South End who thought they could beat hir ass because they also stole food from Asra and Muriel.
Anele meets the two orphans again at random times and they become friends. Asra and Anele grew to this faster than Muriel.
For Muriel's route she slowly comes to respect Asra, and the rest of Nadia's royal entourage, for their loyalty to each other. Even with the dispute between Vesuvia and Matabele.
Anele's relationship with Muriel was pretty sweet before she passed, she'd look out for him and saw him as a fellow older sibling for Asra.
After the epilogue, both her and Muriel are friends again. Even if it means he has to put up with Julian.
For Julian's route, Anele wasn't sure how to feel about the countess the night that she came over and requested her help was...interesting to say the least.
She was already suspicious that the countess wasn't being completely honest with her answers but she did decide to help to see what was up.
Anele tries to be straight up with Nadia while also bringing Julian back to earth for most of his route.
At the end of Julian's route, they've become a bit closer and respect each other.
For Muriel's route when she first comes to Vesuvia, her feelings toward the countess are polite but tense. She sees the leadership as fully responsible for what happened in Matabele and for losing three loved ones already.
They love each other a lot since they have the same no-nonsense trait when it comes to most subjects, especially Julian.
Anele loves Portia's cottage and the beautiful plants she has. 100% Anele pulls some herbs and blooms from her garden whenever she can to create a bouquet.
In Muriel's route, she's one of the Matabele citizens that warms up to Portia the fastest during their royal visit.
Count Lucio
To shorten this up:
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jxrm · 14 days
book log - 2023
the librarianist by patrick dewitt
same time next year by tessa bailey
did you hear about kitty karr? by crystal smith paul
lore olympus: volume one by rachel smythe
a court if thorns and roses by sarah j. mass
summer sisters by judy blume
the demigod files by rick riordan
mistletoe and mayhem by carly winter
you shouldn’t have come here by jeneva rose
a house with good bones by t. kingfisher
christmas presents by lisa unger
z: a novel of zelda fitzgerald
the storm runner by j.c. cervantes
just another missing person by gillian mcallister
take me home by beth moran
blood sugar by sascha rothchild
a court of mist and fury by sarah j. mass
the christmas orphans club by becca freeman
under her care by lucinda berry
paris: the memoir by paris hilton
our wives under the sea by julie armfield
the celebrants by steven rowley
keep it in the family by john marrs
housemoms by jen lancaster
the woman in me by britney spears
just like home by sarah gailey
trespasses by louise kennedy
silence for the dead by simone st. james
a good family by matt goldman
the fire keeper by j.c. cervantes
dead silence by s.a. barnes
sunshine nails by mai nguyen
lore olympus: volume one by rachel smythe
the mystery guest by nita prose
her little flowers by shannon morgan
woke up like this by amy lea
legendary children by tom fitzgerald
midnight is the darkest hour by ashley winstead
the leftover women by jean kwok
everyone here is lying by shari lapena
mother-daughter murder night by nina simon
you may now kill the bride by r.l. stone
the man i never met by elle cook
hold my girl by charlene carr
legends & lattes by travis baldree
the golden spoon by jessa maxwell
bright young women by jessica kroll
suddenly a murder by lauren munoz
the only one left by riley sager
zero days by ruth ware
good bad girl by alice feeney
the christmas wager by holly cassidy
fortune by elle won steil
theme music by t. marie vandelly
close to home by cara hunter
the true love experiment by christina lauren
penelope in retrograde by brooke abrams
everyone in my family has killed someone by benjamin stevenson
the modern girl’s guide to magic by lindsay hall
i feed her to the beast and the beast is me by jamison shea
hello stranger by katherine center
the unlikely pilgrimage of harold fry by rachel joyce
gone tonight by sarah pekkanen
the library of the dead by t.l. huchu
what never happened by rachel howzell hall
look out for the little guy by scott lang
the christmas mourner by marian mccarthy
every little breath by keri beevis
this might hurt by stephanie wrobel
the last word by taylor adams
a court of wings and ruin by sarah j. mass
forth wing by rebecca yaros
hello beautiful by ann napolitano
summer rental by rektok ross
the house across the lake by riley sager
a cursed covenant by leigh ferguson
her rebel highness by diana ma
stone heart by katee robert
the perfect match by dandy smith
camp zero by michelle min sterling
one by one by frieda mcfadden
the wishing game by meg shaffer
a court of frost and starlight by sarah j. mass
that summer feeling by bridget morissey
to die for by lisa grey
the wrong family by tarryn fisher
heiress apparently by diana ma
the school for good mothers by jessamine chin
tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow by gabrielle zevin
she started it by sian gilbert
best friends forever by shannon hollinger
the housekeepers by alex hay
secluded cabin sleeps six by lisa unger
lore olympus: volume two by rachel smythe
of women and salt by gabriela garcia
kismet by amina akhtar
the devil wears scrubs by frieda mcfadden
girl, forgotten by karin slaughter
come closer by sara gran
the exorcist’s house by nick roberts
august blue by deborah levy
hang the moon by jeannette walls
the thursday murder club by richard osman
a whole new world by liz braswell
run on red by noelle w. ihli
the last thing he told me by laura dave
lore olympus: volume three by rachel smythe
how to sell a haunted house by grady hendrix
the dead romantics by ashley poston
cassandra in reverse by holly smale
i used to be fun by melanie summers
the showrunner by kim moritsugu
runaway groomsman by meghan quinn
i want to die but i want to eat tteokpokki by baek she-hee
the whispers by ashley audrain
e. aster bunnymund and the warrior eggs at the earth’s core! by william joyce
allergies: poems on grieving and loving by maggie bowyer
hermione granger and the philosopher’s stone by sara baines-miller
the summer house by keri beevis
exiles by jane harper
just the nicest couple by mary kubica
the very secret society of irregular witches by sangu mandanna
have you seen her by catherine mckenzie
the shallows by holly craig
a love letter to whiskey by kandi steiner
hermione granger and the chamber of secrets by sara baines-miller
the coworker by frieda mcfadden
tiny beautiful things by cheryl strayed
you’re not supposed to die tonight by kalynn bayron
the little old lady who broke all the rules by catharina ingelman-sundberg
hermione granger and the prisoner of azkaban by sara baines-miller
the blonde identity by ally carter
nicolas st. north and the battle of the nightmare king by william joyce
women in white coats by olivia campbell
the ex talk by rachel lynn solomon
hermione granger and the goblet of fire by sara baines-miller
the wife before by shanora williams
gone again by minka kent
know my name by chanel miller
in the lives of puppets by t.j. klune
the homewreckers by mary kay andrews
going dark by melissa de la cruz
all the dangerous things by stacy willingham
counterfit by kirsten chen
the rewind by allison winn scotch
have i told you this already? by lauren graham
beyond the wand by tom felton
jana goes wild by farah heron
the perfect son by frieda mcfadden
america’s next reality star by laura heffernan
the new mother by nora murphy
georgie, all along by kate clayborn
the storied life of a.j. fikry by gabrielle zevin
a flicker in the dark by stacy willingham
the villa by rachel hawkins
device free weekend by sean doolittle
what the neighbors saw by melissa adelman
the library of lost and found by phaedra patrick
motherthing by ainslie hogarth
the block party by jamie day
tanqueray by stephanie johnston
the ex hex by erin sterling
rock paper scissors by alice feeney
the kiss curse by erin sterling
it ends with us - colleen hoover
the summer of broken rules by k.l. walther
the wife stalker by liv constantine
in my dreams i hold a knife by ashley winstead
the family remains by lisa jewell
my secret sister by lauren westwood
the engagement by samantha hayes
if we were villains by m.l. rio
the sleepover by keri beevis
twenty years later by charlie donlea
the doctor’s wife by daniel hurst
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 9 months
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🍃🌸🍃 Bibi Fizza (ra) 🍃🌸🍃
Bibi Fizza (ra) the maidservant of
Lady Fatima al-Zahra (sa). Bibi Fizza (ra) had come from Abyssinia to Arabia as a slave.
She was freed by the Holy Prophet (S) and afterwards served Lady Fatima al-Zahra (sa) as her maidservant.
Bibi Fizza (ra) was only 11 years of age when she came to serve Lady Fatima al-Zahra (sa). It is believed that she knew how to make Gold and she also knew Noble Quran by heart. Lady Fatima al-Zahra (sa) divided her house work equally between herself and Bibi Fizza (ra) and they would take turns to do the chores.
She remained faithful to the household of Ahlulbayt (pbbut) and even accompanied them to Karbala and the prison of Sham. She also had the honour of taking part in the "Three Days Fast". Once, when Imam Hasan (as) and Imam Hussain (as) fell sick, Holy Prophet (S) suggested that Imam Ali (as) make a vow (Nazr) to fast for three days when the children recovered. When they were better, Imam Ali (as), Lady Fatima al-Zahra (sa), Imam Hasan (as), Imam Hussain (as) and Bibi Fizza (ra) all fasted to fulfill the vow.
However, on each of the three days, when they sat to break their fast, a hungry person called at their door. The first said he was poor, the second said he was an orphan and the third said he was a freed captive. Each time, the big-hearted members of the house, including Bibi Fizza (ra), gave away their food and broke their fast with water. In praise of this selfless action Allah (SWT) revealed the 76th Chapter Ad Dahr (Surah al-Insan) of the Noble Quran.
Abdullah Mubarak has related a very interesting dialogue between himself and Bibi Fizza (ra). He states,
“I saw a woman passing through the desert who had fallen behind the caravan and asked her, "Who are you and where are you from?"
Bibi Fizza (ra) replied:
“And say, "Salam" for they shall soon know!”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (43:89) 🍃
I learned that she expected me to greet her and say "Assalaamu Alaykum" first, before any question. I did as she reminded, and then enquired why she was in the desert.
Bibi Fizza (ra) answered:
"And whomsoever Allah guides, there can be none to lead astray"
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (39:37) 🍃
On hearing her reply, I asked her,
“Are you from mankind or from the Jinn?"
Bibi Fizza (ra) replied:
“O Children of Adam! Look to your adornment at every place of worship”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (7:31) 🍃
I understood that she was human and then asked her,
“Where are you coming from?"
Bibi Fizza (ra) replied:
“Those who are called to from a place far off”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (41:44)🍃
I asked her,
"Where are you intending to go?"
Bibi Fizza (ra) said:
“And (purely) for Allah, is incumbent upon mankind, the Pilgrimage of the House”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (3:97) 🍃
I asked her how many days she had been traveling.
Bibi Fizza (ra) told me:
“We created the heavens and the earth and all between them in Six Days”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (50:38) 🍃
I asked her,
“Do you feel hungry?"
Bibi Fizza (ra) replied:
“We (Allah) did not make them such bodies that ate no food”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (21:8) 🍃
I gave her food and asked her to hurry up to catch the caravan but she replied:
Bibi Fizza (ra) the maidservant of Lady Fatima al-Zahra (sa)
“Allah does not task any soul beyond its ability”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (2:286) 🍃
I suggested that she sit on the camel behind me, but she said:
“Had there been gods therein besides Allah, there would have been disorder in both (the heavens and the earth”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (21:22) 🍃
I realized that, because we were not husband and wife, it was Haram (forbidden) for both of us to ride the camel. So I got off and mounted her on it. As she sat on the camel, she said:
“Glory to Him Who has subjected these to our (use).”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (43:13) 🍃
When we reached the caravan, I asked her,
“Do you know anyone among them?"
Bibi Fizza (ra) called out in reply:
“O Dawood, Verily, We have appointed you a vicegerent in the earth.”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (38:26) 🍃
“And Muhammad is not but a Messenger.”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (3:144) 🍃
“O Yahya! Hold the book with firmness!”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (19:12) 🍃
“O Musa! Verily I am Allah, the All-Mighty.”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (27:9) 🍃
I began to call out these four names at which four youths came out of the caravan and ran towards Bibi Fizza (ra). I asked her who they were and she replied:
“Wealth and children are the adornment of the world.”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (18:46) 🍃
I realized that they were her sons. The woman turned to the youth and said:
“O my Father, employ him, verily the best of those who you can employ is the strong man and the trusted one.”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (28:26) 🍃
Bibi Fizza (ra) thus made them understand that I had helped her. Then she told them:
“And verily God increases manifold to whosoever He wills.”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (2:261) 🍃
The sons understood their mother's hint and paid me well. I asked them who this noble lady was, and they replied,
“She is our mother, Fizza, the maidservant of Lady Fatima al-Zahra (sa). She has conversed in nothing but Holy Quran for the last 20 years."
After the martyrdom of Lady Fatima al-Zahra (sa), Bibi Fizza (ra) served Imam 'Ali (as). She lived for 20 years after that. She was known as a pious and righteous woman. Imam 'Ali (as) married her to Abu Tha'laba al-Habashi from whom she had a son. After Abu Tha'laba's death, she married Abu Malik al-Ghatfani. Her son died after this marriage. Bibi Fizza (ra) had children from Abu Malik. A girl called Shuhra bt. Muska bt. Bibi Fizza (ra) who allegedly exhibited some supernatural acts was Bibi Fizza's (ra) granddaughter. According to some sources, her second husband complained against her to 'Umar b. Khattab, but 'Umar judged in favor of Bibi Fizza (ra).
🍃🌸🍃 𝓈𝒽ℴ𝓇𝓉 𝓈𝓉ℴ𝓇𝒾ℯ𝓈 🍃🌸🍃
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🍃🌸🍃 Bibi Fizza (ra) 🍃🌸🍃
Bibi Fizza (ra) the maidservant of
Lady Fatima al-Zahra (sa). Bibi Fizza (ra) had come from Abyssinia to Arabia as a slave.
She was freed by the Holy Prophet (S) and afterwards served Lady Fatima al-Zahra (sa) as her maidservant.
Bibi Fizza (ra) was only 11 years of age when she came to serve Lady Fatima al-Zahra (sa). It is believed that she knew how to make Gold and she also knew Noble Quran by heart. Lady Fatima al-Zahra (sa) divided her house work equally between herself and Bibi Fizza (ra) and they would take turns to do the chores.
She remained faithful to the household of Ahlulbayt (pbbut) and even accompanied them to Karbala and the prison of Sham. She also had the honour of taking part in the "Three Days Fast". Once, when Imam Hasan (as) and Imam Hussain (as) fell sick, Holy Prophet (S) suggested that Imam Ali (as) make a vow (Nazr) to fast for three days when the children recovered. When they were better, Imam Ali (as), Lady Fatima al-Zahra (sa), Imam Hasan (as), Imam Hussain (as) and Bibi Fizza (ra) all fasted to fulfill the vow.
However, on each of the three days, when they sat to break their fast, a hungry person called at their door. The first said he was poor, the second said he was an orphan and the third said he was a freed captive. Each time, the big-hearted members of the house, including Bibi Fizza (ra), gave away their food and broke their fast with water. In praise of this selfless action Allah (SWT) revealed the 76th Chapter Ad Dahr (Surah al-Insan) of the Noble Quran.
Abdullah Mubarak has related a very interesting dialogue between himself and Bibi Fizza (ra). He states,
“I saw a woman passing through the desert who had fallen behind the caravan and asked her, "Who are you and where are you from?"
Bibi Fizza (ra) replied:
“And say, "Salam" for they shall soon know!”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (43:89) 🍃
I learned that she expected me to greet her and say "Assalaamu Alaykum" first, before any question. I did as she reminded, and then enquired why she was in the desert.
Bibi Fizza (ra) answered:
"And whomsoever Allah guides, there can be none to lead astray"
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (39:37) 🍃
On hearing her reply, I asked her,
“Are you from mankind or from the Jinn?"
Bibi Fizza (ra) replied:
“O Children of Adam! Look to your adornment at every place of worship”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (7:31) 🍃
I understood that she was human and then asked her,
“Where are you coming from?"
Bibi Fizza (ra) replied:
“Those who are called to from a place far off”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (41:44)🍃
I asked her,
"Where are you intending to go?"
Bibi Fizza (ra) said:
“And (purely) for Allah, is incumbent upon mankind, the Pilgrimage of the House”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (3:97) 🍃
I asked her how many days she had been traveling.
Bibi Fizza (ra) told me:
“We created the heavens and the earth and all between them in Six Days”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (50:38) 🍃
I asked her,
“Do you feel hungry?"
Bibi Fizza (ra) replied:
“We (Allah) did not make them such bodies that ate no food”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (21:8) 🍃
I gave her food and asked her to hurry up to catch the caravan but she replied:
Bibi Fizza (ra) the maidservant of Lady Fatima al-Zahra (sa)
“Allah does not task any soul beyond its ability”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (2:286) 🍃
I suggested that she sit on the camel behind me, but she said:
“Had there been gods therein besides Allah, there would have been disorder in both (the heavens and the earth”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (21:22) 🍃
I realized that, because we were not husband and wife, it was Haram (forbidden) for both of us to ride the camel. So I got off and mounted her on it. As she sat on the camel, she said:
“Glory to Him Who has subjected these to our (use).”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (43:13) 🍃
When we reached the caravan, I asked her,
“Do you know anyone among them?"
Bibi Fizza (ra) called out in reply:
“O Dawood, Verily, We have appointed you a vicegerent in the earth.”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (38:26) 🍃
“And Muhammad is not but a Messenger.”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (3:144) 🍃
“O Yahya! Hold the book with firmness!”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (19:12) 🍃
“O Musa! Verily I am Allah, the All-Mighty.”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (27:9) 🍃
I began to call out these four names at which four youths came out of the caravan and ran towards Bibi Fizza (ra). I asked her who they were and she replied:
“Wealth and children are the adornment of the world.”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (18:46) 🍃
I realized that they were her sons. The woman turned to the youth and said:
“O my Father, employ him, verily the best of those who you can employ is the strong man and the trusted one.”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (28:26) 🍃
Bibi Fizza (ra) thus made them understand that I had helped her. Then she told them:
“And verily God increases manifold to whosoever He wills.”
🍃 Holy Quran 🍃
🍃 (2:261) 🍃
The sons understood their mother's hint and paid me well. I asked them who this noble lady was, and they replied,
“She is our mother, Fizza, the maidservant of Lady Fatima al-Zahra (sa). She has conversed in nothing but Holy Quran for the last 20 years."
After the martyrdom of Lady Fatima al-Zahra (sa), Bibi Fizza (ra) served Imam 'Ali (as). She lived for 20 years after that. She was known as a pious and righteous woman. Imam 'Ali (as) married her to Abu Tha'laba al-Habashi from whom she had a son. After Abu Tha'laba's death, she married Abu Malik al-Ghatfani. Her son died after this marriage. Bibi Fizza (ra) had children from Abu Malik. A girl called Shuhra bt. Muska bt. Bibi Fizza (ra) who allegedly exhibited some supernatural acts was Bibi Fizza's (ra) granddaughter. According to some sources, her second husband complained against her to 'Umar b. Khattab, but 'Umar judged in favor of Bibi Fizza (ra).
🍃🌸🍃 𝓈𝒽ℴ𝓇𝓉 𝓈𝓉ℴ𝓇𝒾ℯ𝓈 🍃🌸🍃
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SAINT OF THE DAY (February 7)
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St. Richard was orphaned at a young age. His brother inherited his parents' estate after he was of age.
However, the death tax was so great that they were sent into poverty, and Richard had to work on his brother's farm.
He was set to be next in line to inherit the estate, but Richard preferred a life of study and the church.
Richard was the father of Saints Willibald, Winnebald, and Walburga.
He was on a pilgrimage to Rome from his native Wessex, England, with his two sons when he was stricken and died at Lucca, Italy.
Miracles were reported at his tomb. He became greatly venerated by the citizens of Lucca, who embellished accounts of his life by calling him "King of the English."
A man who abandoned worldly power to pursue sanctity and who raised three saints was no slouch.
His devotion left an indelible impression on his offspring, and they brought many souls to Christ as a result.
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mentalnahas · 2 years
Hijos de jose alfredo jimenez
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He was struck-down by hepatitis at age 47 and is regarded, along with Agustín Lara and Juan Gabriel, as one of the best songwriters that Mexico has ever produced. He was certainly one of the most prolific composers in the history of popular music, worldwide. Shortly before his death, he wrote and recorded his last song, “Gracias”, thanking the public for all of the affection they had shown him. His tomb has become a place of pilgrimage for serious music fans from around the Spanish-speaking world. Spanish singer and composer Joaquin Sabina pays homage to José Alfredo Jiménez and Mexican singer (of Costa Rican ancestry) Chavela Vargas in his song “Por el bulevar de los sueños rotos”. Jiménez was married to Julia Gálvez (whom he called “Paloma”) in 1952 and had two children he later married the daughter of comedian Manuel Medel and fathered three much later, he married singer Alicia Juárez, who was 27 years younger than he was (he wrote a song about her entitled-in translation– “I Should Have Fallen in Love with Your Mother”). Jiménez also appeared in numerous Mexican films of the 1950s. Many other movies took their titles from his compositions: Amanecí en tus brazos, Qué bonito amor, La mano de Dios, La vida no vale nada, Me cansé de rogarle, ad infinitum. Iménez’s life was the subject of a 1988 film biography, Pero sigo siendo el rey, starring Leonardo Daniel (the film was based on a story by Paloma Jiménez, which may explain why the Alicia Juárez character–not referred to by that name–is not very favorably portrayed).This has to be M.A.P.'s worst movie. Though Pons started out as a very hot rumbera in the early forties, she was "tamed" by the late fifties, early sixties. In this movie, she is a daughter of a single dad (Fernando Fernández) who follows fairs (carnivals), gambling and drinking. He takes in an orphan boy and the children are raised as siblings. When the children reach their adulthood, they become singers and lovers. However, Tin- Tán's skit and the battle of the composers (Cuco Sánchez and José Alfredo Jiménez) out shadow Pons' and Roberto Rivera's performances, the main protagonists! They could have easily given Pons more and better singing/dancing skits. Difficulties arise when one of the Maldonado brothers is killed after a card game.
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A really beautiful piece by @albaharu of Clementine, Sarah and Omid Jr as they MIGHT appear when they get older in Three Orphan Pilgrimage. A close friend commissioned this for my birthday and I love it so much I just had to share it. =)
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cruger2984 · 8 months
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THE DESCRIPTION OF SAINT JEROME EMILIANI The Patron of the Abandoned Children Feast Day: February 8
"Therefore, having done what you could, the Lord will be satisfied with you because for Him, who is the most benign, goodwill compensates for the lack of success."
Jerome Mauroceli Emiliani, the devotee to the Archangel Raphael, the founder of the Clerics Regular of Somasca (aka the Somaschi Fathers) and was dubbed the 'Father of the Orphans', was born in 1486 in Venice and is the son of Angelo Emiliani (popularly called Miani) and Eleonore Mauroceni.
When he was a teenager, his father died and ran away at the age of 15 to join the army. A skillful officer of the army, in 1508, he participated in the defense of Castelnuovo against the League of Cambray (this was two years before Pope Julius II joined the Venetians). When the town fell into the hands of the enemy, he was captured and chained in prison, where he meditated about his sinful life. He had not cared about God but he attributed his escape to the intercession of the Mother of God; and he made a pilgrimage to the shrine of Our Lady of Treviso, in fulfillment of a vow, and left his chains as an offering.
He established orphanages, hospitals and shelters for penitent prostitutes. In 1532, he founded the Clerics Regular of Somasca, a town near Milan, whose charism was the care of orphans, the education of youth, and the formation of young priests.
Jerome said to them: 'Christ ordained that you experience poverty, distress, abandonment, weariness and universal scorn. God alone knows the reasons for all this, yet we can recognize three causes. First, God desires to include you among his beloved sons, for this is the way he treats his friends and makes them holy. Second, he is asking you to trust in him alone and not in others. Third, God wishes to test you like gold in the furnace. If then you remain constant in faith in the face of trial, the Lord will give you peace and rest for a time in the world, and for ever in the next.'
Jerome, being a victim of an epidemic he caught while assisting the sick, died on February 8, 1537 in Somasca at the age of 50 (or 51 in some sources).
Beatified by Pope Benedict XIV in 1747 and canonized as a saint twenty years later by Pope Clement XIII, Jerome is declared as the patron of orphans and abandoned children by Pope Pius XI in 1928. His major shrine can be found at St. Girolamo Emiliani Sanctuary in Somasca.
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Chapter 84 - A Separation
"Devlin?" said Clem expectedly. "Can you hear me?" Clem waited for a response, then sighed when she didn't get one. She took a deep breath, then held the talk button on her radio again. "Patty, Jet, if any of you can hear me, Sarah and I are at the meeting place, the one we all talked about if we couldn't meet anywhere else and had to move again. We left the code on the road signs so you can find us. Just please… please say something if you can hear me." Again, Clem waited for a reply, and again, she didn't get one.
In the days following Anthony's death, Clem had realized if Devlin was still alive, he would know to try to contact them over the radio and warn them what Anthony did, and yet they had heard nothing. Her first thought was she had been wrong, and that despite all of Anthony's lying he wasn't lying about Devlin's fate. Then she remembered, he somehow lost his radio after returning from the farm, and Clem wondered if he didn't somehow 'lose' Devlin's as well.
Clem changed the channel on the radio and repeated her message, always waiting for a reply at the end of it. For two weeks now she had done this, every morning after she woke up, every afternoon after she ate lunch, and every night before she went to sleep. And for two weeks she hadn't received an answer, on any channel, at anytime of the day, from anyone. Yet she persisted, holding onto hope that her friends were still out there, if just because there was little else for her to do while she lay in bed every day.
When not trying to contact the others, Clem was forced to sit and think about everything that had happened. The more time passed the more confident she grew had made the right decision. If Anthony could so easily try to murder her after pretending to be friends with them for so long, she couldn't imagine what else he could do if left alive. But Clem wouldn't have believed he was capable of that if she hadn't seen it herself, and Sarah hadn't seen that, but she did see Clem kill Anthony right in front of her, and that had changed everything between them.
Sarah still tended to Clem's needs; bringing her meals, reminding her to take her medicine, and occasionally checking on her wound, which she said appeared to be healing properly. But that's all she would say, and her words had become cold and detached. Clem barely saw Sarah during the day anymore, and despite her assurances that she was getting healthier, Sarah always remained in the other half of the Brave, sleeping on the foldout couch and leaving Clem alone at night.
The changes were most obvious when they were around Omid, who had become the single source of joy to both girls in these bleak times. It had been a lot like there time back in Spokeston, spending all day and every day playing and talking with the boy they loved. The difference was they never spent time with him together anymore, practically taking turns being alone with Omid. Sarah was with him right now, and Clem had little to do but call into her radio until it was her turn to be with Omid again.
Clem changed the channel and prepared to repeat her message, but couldn't summon the will to do it this time. Every time she said their names she was forced to think about them, and how much she desperately wanted them back, and every time she used her radio, they felt even further away. After two weeks of this routine, Clem finally couldn't bear to go through the motions anymore and set her radio aside.
Sick of lying in bed, Clem stood up and looked out the window. After snaking their way across the backroads of Kansas, Sarah had found an isolated intersection in Nebraska that connected with Interstate Eighty. She had taken the time to paint the word 'Ceres' on road signs several miles in both directions, pointing the way to a large truck stop. The abandoned semitrailers there helped to camouflage the Brave from sight, while painting the word 'CERES' on a nearby billboard would signal the others where they were, if the others were indeed still alive.
Clem wasn't sure what she was expecting to see. After a week with nothing but a parking lot to stare at, Sarah was kind enough to turn the Brave around so Clem could at least watch the intersection. Sometimes, when she wasn't with Omid, she would just stare at the road and hope she'd see the Sunseeker driving by, but it never happened. Nothing ever seemed to change in fact. Every day just rolled into the next one.
With no signs of hope out the window, Clem sat down. She groaned as she felt a stinging sensation in her side. The pain was less severe now, more of an irritation than a handicap, but a constant one when not medicated. Clem grabbed the bottle of painkillers but a pill didn't roll out when she tilted it forward. Looking inside, Clem saw there were still pills but not many, just barely enough to cover the bottom of the container. This unnerved Clem, but not as much as the pain did, so she carefully removed another pill and popped it up her mouth.
She reached for the bottle of water, only to discover it was empty. Clem groaned, then headed for the door. She inched quietly out of the bedroom, not wanting Sarah to notice her. Clem saw her on the couch with Omid, making the boy laugh with funny faces. Clem couldn't help smiling as she listened to Omid's giggles, but then frowned a little as she remembered she couldn't join them. Instead, Clem quietly snuck into the bathroom, hoping they didn't notice her.
Clem went to the sink and turned on the facet. Water started spurting out in tiny intervals and kept splashing out of Clem's cupped heads. With no signs of the problem abating, Clem quickly swallowed what little water she had along with the pill in her mouth, grimacing as she felt it nearly getting stuck in her throat.
Wiping her lips, Clem spotted the bottom of her bandage in the mirror. The bit sticking out from under her shirt was peeling and Clem could see a bit of reddened flesh underneath it. Finding her curiosity getting the best of her, Clem lifted her shirt and slowly peeled the bandage off, grimacing as she felt it tugging at her skin. Tossing away the dressings, Clem was relieved there was almost no blood on them, but still hesitated to look at her wound.
When she finally summoned the courage to examine it, Clem was most surprised by how small it was. It wasn't much bigger than a quarter, and just looked like a faded red dot that had been sewn shut by a couple of crude stitches. Noticing the black threads stuck in her flesh, Clem realized the stitches were probably more of a source of her pain than the wound anymore. She located a small pair of scissors they kept in the bathroom for their hair and took another breath.
Snipping the threads was painful, and pulling them out of her side was even worse. She could feel them tugging on her tender flesh as she removed the stitches one at a time. She had to bite her lip to keep from yelping out in pain, and anytime it felt like she was nearly done she'd discover there was more thread to remove. Finally tossing the final stitch away, Clem breathed a sigh of relief, then noticed the several more stitches on her back and the larger gash in her back.
"You want more?" giggled Sarah as Clem stepped out of the bathroom. "Tell me if you want more."
"More!" cheered Omid as Sarah made another face. Clementine thought about just returning to bedroom, but just turning in place caused her to feel the stitches in her back stinging the area around her injury. Instead, Clem took a breath and approached the pair.
"Kem-men!" Clem's blood ran cold as she watched Sarah's smile disappear. Slowly she turned her head and looked over at Clem.
"Hey," spoke a nervous Clem.
Sarah turned away. "Hi," she answered. "Are you okay? Do you need something?"
The tone of Sarah's voice hurt Clem more than her side. "My… my stitches are bothering me. I took out a couple of them out, but—"
"It's probably time to remove them" Sarah paused for a second while she stroked Omid's hair. "Let me find something to keep him distracted for a minute and I'll come into the bedroom and take care of you."
Sarah turned back to Omid while Clem stood there awkwardly for a second before shuffling back to the bedroom. She sat down on the bed and waited patiently as she could hear Sarah and Omid laughing in the other room. Eventually, the laughter stopped and a little while after that Sarah entered. She instructed Clem to turn onto her uninjured side, and then she spent the next several minutes trying not to yell out in pain while Sarah removed the stitches.
It was far from the worst thing Clem had endured, but only because she had suffered so many terrible things by now. The sensation of tweezers pulling on a thread that then yanked on her already sore flesh was yet another miserable experience Clem added to her growing list. The only thing that made it a little better was Sarah's occasional apologies. Every time she said she was sorry, Clem could tell just meant it, and that made it clear she still cared about her.
"Okay, that's the last one," said Sarah as Clem felt a final painful tug. "How do you feel?"
"Better now," said Clem as she took a breath. "And I think the painkiller is working, so it's not so bad at this point."
"That's good."
Clem rolled over and looked at as much of her injury as she could see. Small or not, it still unnerved her; the red circle of misshapen flesh and the uneven gash dotted with small holes from where the stitches used to be. Despite feeling better, staring at her uncovered wound made Clem feel like she had just been shot all over again. In addition to being yet another reminder of how close she came to dying, it also forced Clem to think about the damage the bullet did just below the skin; the damage that could still be there, and that Sarah couldn't fix.
"All right, if you need me just say something." Sarah quickly headed for the door.
"Wait." Sarah stopped but didn't turn around.
"Is something wrong?" asked Sarah, a hint of concern creeping into her voice. "Are you okay?"
"We…" Clem bit her lip before saying anything else. "We're running out of painkillers."
"Yeah, I know, and we're half out of Xanax too," said Sarah with a sigh. "But there's nothing we can do about that, so we'll just have to make them last until you're better."
"Can't we get more?" asked Clem.
"I wouldn't even know what to look for."
"We can't just go to a pharmacy and—"
"They didn't sell painkillers in regular stores, you'd need a prescription, same for the Xanax. And their real names are really long and weird, and not always the same one."
Clem picked up a bottle and looked at the label. Someone had written 'XANAX' in marker at the top, but the actual name printed on the faded label was 'ALPRAZOLAM'.
"That… that doesn't make any sense," spoke a baffled Clem. "Why would they put a name on it that's different from what it's called?"
"I'm not sure. I asked Patty once and she said something about there being 'generics' and 'name-brands'. I wish I'd paid more attention to what she told me…" said Sarah as she lowered her head.
"And there's a lot of different types of painkillers, but I don't know the names of any of them but the ones in that bottle. Devlin said someone in Tulsa knew and had labeled them for everyone else, but I don't know how they knew and none of the books I have are about medicine itself."
"I didn't know it was that complicated," said Clem as she set the bottle down.
"Yeah, me neither until recently," spoke a weary Sarah. "Anything else?"
"Um, yeah… we… the sink—"
"Is acting weird," finished Sarah. "I know, I looked at the water pump, as much as I can see of it, but I don't know what's wrong with it."
"Maybe the water tank is just running low?"
"No, I checked the tank and even used a few bottled waters to make sure it wasn't empty, it's just… acting up, sort of like the shower has been for a while now," said Sarah, sounding more tired with every word she said. "Maybe if Sin was still here, or Jet even."
"Oh…" said Clem, feeling even worse for having asked.
"Anything else?"
"All right." Sarah opened the door.
"Wait," said Clem. "We… we need to talk."
"I don't want to talk," answered Sarah immediately.
"Well we need to," demanded Clem. "We can't just wait here forever."
"We're just waiting until Patty and Jet get here," asserted Sarah.
"And Devlin," added Clem.
"Devlin's dead," insisted Sarah as she spun around. "You know that."
"We don't know that. He—"
"He's dead! Just like how Patty and Jet are probably dead, just like how Anthony's dead… because of you!" Those last three words stung Clem as Sarah suddenly covered her face with both hands. Clem had been dreading this conversation for a while and had hoped if she just waited long enough, Devlin would arrive and explain everything to Sarah, but he hadn't.
"How… how could you do something like that?" Sarah sobbed at Clem. "After everything that's happened, everything we've been through, and everything we've lost, you killed the only person we had left… why?"
"I told you, he—"
"There's no way he tried to kill you," dictated Sarah.
"You think I'd lie about that?" asked a shocked Clem.
"Of course not," assured Sarah, her tone softening slightly. "But… but that can't be what happened. It doesn't make any sense."
"Well, then what?" asked a nervous Clem as Sarah stared at her. "What do you think happened?"
"I think… I think you were confused."
"I wasn't—"
"Or having a nightmare."
"I wasn't."
"Yes, yes you were, like the one you had after we caught Pedro, or that other one the morning we left Spokeston. You remember that? It was so bad you just ran out of the house and when I found you in the yard, you were yelling about someone breaking in." Sarah's glare suddenly morphed into a look of concern. "I… I know how much you worry about us and… that wouldn't have been the first time you've woken up with someone pointing a gun at you. Things are so bad that… even the worst nightmares can come true now."
Clem was surprised to hear Sarah actually sound sympathetic to her again, but it lasted only a moment before Sarah scowled at her. "But because you didn't like Anthony, you didn't even think it was a nightmare when he told you."
"That's not true."
"And you wouldn't listen to me when I just told you to put the gun down!"
"Because you weren't listening to me! He was going to kill me!"
"He was leaving, because he actually listened to me!"
"Then he grabbed you!"
"And then you shot him!"
"Because he was going to take you away from me and Omid!"
A loud shrieking suddenly cut through the air. Clem and Sarah looked over to see Omid standing at the door, choking for breath as tears and snot ran down his face.
"Omid, we—"
Omid took off screaming into the other room. Clem and Sarah both hurried after him as he tried to climb into his crib.
"Omid," said Sarah. "Don't cry, we—"
Omid shrieked at Sarah when she touched him, clumsily swatting his arm in her direction before falling onto the carpet. He started crawling forward towards the front of the Brave next, trying to escape the pair as they pursued him.
"Please, Omid, just—"
"Nooo!" Omid yelled at Clem, practically choking for breath as he pulled free from her grip. The pair watched in horror as Omid started crawling down the steps and to the door.
"Omid, no!" Sarah moved forward and grabbed him, prompting Omid to start screaming in protest.
"Noooo! No! Nooooo!"
"We're sorry," pleaded Clem as she moved in close as Omid thrashed about like mad in Sarah's arms.
"Please stop crying, we're not mad at you."
Omid opened his eyes and his crying abated slightly as Clem placed her hand on Sarah's shoulder.
"Don't," said Sarah as she pulled away from Clem's grip, which prompted Omid to start crying louder.
"Wait," said Clem as she moved in closer to Sarah. She put both hands on Sarah's shoulders and after a few seconds, Omid started crying less. "He wants to know we're not going to fight anymore." Clem wrapped her hands around Sarah's waist and felt Sarah briefly try to pull away. Omid stopped crying and Clem felt Sarah wrap an arm around her, or more specifically, Sarah moved her arm around Clementine while holding it just far enough away to not make contact.
The illusion was enough to pacify Omid, who finally stopped crying. The pair then worked together to clean Omid up, give him something to eat, and just be as friendly as possible to get him to calm down. It was a bittersweet experience for Clem, this was the first time she had gotten to be with Omid and Sarah at the same time in a while. It felt great playing with Omid together again, but there was a forced enthusiasm in the way Sarah spoke that made it clear she didn't share Clem's view of the situation.
Eventually, after countless games of peek-a-boo, funny faces, and stacking things for Omid to knock over, he was finally tired enough to be put down for a nap. Watching Omid sleep in his crib was a relief at first, but the sight was also a concerning one. He barely fit in his old crib anymore and Clem couldn't help noticing he still looked distressed even while asleep, like he was having a nightmare, not much different than how he had looked after she shot Anthony.
Eventually, Sarah yawned and headed off to the bedroom with Clem following behind her.
"You can't keep avoiding me like this," said Clem as she shut the door behind them. "Omid doesn't—"
"Don't bring Omid into this," dictated Sarah in an angry but hushed voice. "We're not gonna fight in front of him again, but that doesn't mean I just have to forgive you."
"Forgive me?" repeated Clem, finding it hard to conceal her irritation at Sarah anymore.
"You just shot Anthony right in front of me, in front of Omid! I… I don't even know if I feel safe around you anymore."
"Sarah…" spoke Clem, utterly devastated by her words. "I love you. I'd never hurt you. You… you have to know that."
"You love me…" repeated Sarah.
"You don't believe me?"
"It's just, you sound like my dad anytime I asked him about stuff he did that I knew wasn't right."
"It's not like that."
"It isn't?" snapped Sarah. "I still remember him pointing that gun at Christa because he was supposedly protecting me."
"Christa wasn't Anthony."
"Yeah, she was pointing a gun back him," retorted Sarah.
"I was holding Anthony's gun," reminded Clem through clenched teeth. "How do you think I got it if he didn't have it out?"
"I… I don't know." Clem watched as Sarah's face suddenly twisted to one of pain, as if that question physically wounded her. "What… what did you think Anthony was going to do me? What… what could've been so bad that you thought you had to shoot him when he grabbed my hand?"
"I don't know Sarah, that was what was scaring me."
"That's not good enough. Anthony would never…" Sarah bit her lip. "We could have worked it out, whatever happened or whatever he did, we could have worked it out; you didn't have to shoot him."
"I'm sorry Sarah," apologized Clem with utter sincerity. She didn't regret killing Anthony, but she regretted how much it clearly hurt Sarah. "I know you liked him and—"
"This isn't about me liking him," insisted Sarah. "You think I haven't noticed the sink is messed up or that we're running out medicine. Not to mention we're not getting any more food, and the food we do have is probably going bad."
"It is?" asked a frightened Clem. "I thought canned stuff never went bad?"
"I did too, but lately I feel sick after eating it and can't stop thinking about what if there's something wrong with it, some other horrible thing no one has told us about yet," rambled Sarah. "And those cans are all the food we got. Once that runs out, then what?"
"We'll get more, together, like we used to."
"You mean like how we used to almost got eaten by lurkers all the time, or like how someone almost stole our RV, or we nearly broke it running away from more lurkers, or all the other horrible stuff that went wrong when it was just us? And that was all before Omid started walking."
"What does that have to with any of this?"
"He's getting bigger and he hates being in the RV all the time. That wasn't the first time he tried to use the door, I caught him trying to do that just yesterday, and eventually he's gonna be tall enough to use the handle and he'll get out like… that one time he actually did, except there won't be anyone but us now, and whatever's out there probably won't be as nice as those people we met in Texarkana."
"I… I hadn't thought about that," admitted Clem.
"Even with Anthony and you getting better it was going to be really hard, and now he's gone and you're still hurt and… I have no idea what to do." Sarah started crying into her hands and Clem moved into to comfort her, but again she just pulled away from Clem's touch and looked up with a renewed anger. "I'm not stupid Clem, I know Anthony could say mean things, and be really annoying, and do things that he... he really shouldn't have, but we needed his help right now."
"And whatever he did, he didn't deserve to die for it."
"What if he did?" This question disturbed Sarah, and Clem watched as the anger in her eyes disappeared in a single blink. "You say I was confused or having a nightmare, but what if I wasn't, and everything I said happened really happened? Then what?"
Sarah turned away suddenly, but not before Clem got a glimpse of her face; she was utterly horrified and Clementine felt guilty for saying what she said, even though it was true. Clem had never even gotten along with Anthony and even she had found the revelation of who he was terrifying. For someone like Sarah, who always did try to see the best in people, Clem couldn't imagine how much more painful it would be to face that.
"If…" Sarah turned back to Clem, her eyes quivering and her face racked in pain. "If you can look me in the eyes, and honestly say that Anthony, all this time, was just… lying to us, and didn't care about us at all, and was just… some… monster… who tried to kill you one day for no reason, then… then I guess… I… I…"
Clem looked deep into Sarah's eyes. It was clear she was beginning to process the possibility of what Clem had told her, and it was tearing Sarah apart. Her eyes were wide-open in anticipation of Clem's answer, while her breathing was getting shorter and faster every second, like she was on the verge of a panic attack. And with every passing second, her face grew more twisted with pain, until it looked like she was ready to scream out in agony.
"I…" Clem turned away from Sarah suddenly, unable to bear the sight of her suffering anymore. "I could have been wrong…" lied Clem in a quiet voice.
"God Clem…"
"I didn't like Anthony, but that's not why I shot him. I was scared, and I really thought he was going to kill me, and when he grabbed you I… I was afraid of what he might do to you." Clem explained hastily before turning back to Sarah. She was relieved to see the agony that had been gripping Sarah's face was gone now, but that had been replaced with a stern look of condemnation directed right at Clem. "I'm sorry. It was a mistake but—"
"That's a pretty big mistake Clem," spoke Sarah in a harsh voice. "You killed someone, because you were scared."
"I… I know…" mumbled Clem as she found her chest tightening.
"I mean, how do you kill someone by mistake?"
"It… it just happened," confessed Clem without thinking as Sarah's words brought to mind a different murder.
"How could you just—"
"I was scared, okay!" cried Clem. "I was so scared I was going to die, and I was even more scared that then you and Omid would die, all because I didn't do and so I did and… I wish I could take it back."
Clem started crying into her hands as she thought back to the day before they moved. Sarah was judging her for Anthony's death, but everything she was saying applied to the woman she shot. As she wept, Clem kept hoping Sarah would finally comfort her, take her into her arms and forgive him, but it didn't happen. Eventually, Clem wiped her eyes and looked up at Sarah. She wasn't angry anymore and looked sympathetic even, but there still was this hint of disappointment hanging on her face that Clem couldn't ignore.
"Well... what's done is done," mumbled Sarah under her breath. "So now what? What do we do?"
"We…. we can't stay here forever," concluded Clem.
"No, but, we could probably wait a bit longer," reasoned Sarah. "We don't know, maybe Patty and Jet are still coming."
"They could have forgotten about the interstate," suggested Clem. "We barely remembered it, so maybe we should go back to Tulsa, see if they're waiting for us there."
"No, that's not a good idea."
"Why not? They may have forgotten about the plan, or maybe they missed the code we left for them." Clem had suspected Anthony never actually left the code on the Sam's Club door, but didn't dare say that out loud. "We didn't even check the Citadel, and—"
"It's too dangerous," insisted Sarah. "We don't know who took the food from Tulsa, but whoever they were they didn't care at all about the signs we left telling them to wait. We left instructions, guides, and a big banner saying we'd come to help them, and they didn't wait for us."
"Yeah, that's true, but maybe they were afraid of us, afraid it was a trap."
"Maybe, but whoever they were had to be a really big group to pack up so much so fast," added Sarah. "I was thinking about what Sin and Jet said, about Houston, and also what Devlin said about the army from Oklahoma City; what if the troops in Houston had to leave, and they were the ones who found Tulsa? Do we want to risk running into them?"
Clementine thought back to her time in Mobile, and the ghoulish sight of an entire arena of people melted into a mess of wailing charred corpses. Then she thought back to the time they fought their way into Tulsa, and the image of Devlin beating the corpse of one of the soldiers. He was always such a calm and understanding person, except in that moment; he was filled with nothing but rage.
"You're right, it's not worth the risk," realized Clem. "I guess we should just go then."
"Go? Why?"
"Like I said, we can't stay here forever."
"Yeah, I know," spoke Sarah, sounding nervous suddenly. "But I figure we could wait a little bit longer."
"There's no point," said Clem. "If Patty and Jet are out there we can leave codes on Interstate Eighty for them to find us. It's possible they're already on the interstate ahead of us, and might be leaving signs for us to find. I mean, this wasn't the only road that led from Tulsa to Nebraska, right?"
"No, there were a lot of them actually," admitted Sarah. "I wanted to avoid going near any big cities and—"
"Patty and Jet could have taken a different road, and be waiting for us further west," suggested a hopeful Clem.
"What if they're not?" asked a less hopeful Sarah.
"Then… we just need to go already, because no one is coming."
"But where? Where can we go?"
"Like we said, we'll go west, hope there's something still out there while stopping to look for food along the way," explained Clem.
"You mean, I'll need to stop and look for food, by myself." Clem could hear the terror gripping Sarah's trembling voice. Her eyes briefly darted down towards Clem's side, then sighed. "I guess… I guess I don't have a choice; you're still hurt, and we're gonna need it."
"Well, we don't need to look right now. We have enough for—"
"It'll run out and when it does we'll regret we not looking for food when we could." Sarah took a deep breath as she slumped over, like she just felt the great weight being placed on her shoulders. "So we're just gonna wander around and hope we find something? Somewhere safe, and not somewhere terrible, like we usually find. We're… we're right back to where we started."
"We… we are." Clem felt herself becoming sick as she realized what Sarah said was true.
"What's the point anymore?" mumbled Sarah. "Everything always goes wrong, no matter what we do."
"We… we can't give up," Clem forced herself to say. "You told me that just a few weeks ago."
"Well, maybe I was wrong," said Sarah with a shrug.
"You… you weren't," insisted Clem, finding it difficult to muster much conviction in her words. "And…"
"And what?"
Clem thought hard, then stood up. She pulled open the door and walked over to Omid's crib, where the boy was still sleeping. "We both promised Christa we wouldn't give up on the world before it was over," said Clem as she rubbed Omid's hair.
"That doesn't matter." Clem was shocked to hear Sarah say that. She turned and watched as Sarah knelt down to get a better look at Omid. "Even if we hadn't, we can't give up on him. Like you said, he deserves better than just living in an RV his whole life." Sarah reached down and gently stroked Omid's face. "I'll go update the code I wrote for Jet and Patty to see, so they know we're going west if they're still alive. We can update the other ones I made west of here along the way to point them the right way, and then… we can start looking again."
"Just watch Omid, I'll be right back." Clem watched as Sarah retrieved a can of spray paint from the closet, then headed outside. Clem went back to Omid's side and watched him sleep. He still looked bothered, but also so sweet and innocent as he slept. With all the tragedy and loss she's had to endure over the last few weeks, Clem only now realized they also had lost the future they had been building for him.
All the time they spent tending fields, carrying water, and building things, she hadn't time to really think about what it all meant for Omid. That he would have had a home, could eat well, be safe, and live happily. It was everything Clem wanted, and now she realized it was also everything she wanted to give Omid, and losing that for him hurt even more than losing it for herself. And as she watched him sleep, Clem struggled to think how she could possibly give him all that ever again.
Sarah returned and put the spray paint back in the closet. She then turned to Clem, as if she was expecting guidance, but Clem had no idea what to do, neither of them did.
"Are… are you done?" asked Clem, breaking the awkward silence.
"Yeah," confirmed Sarah with a slight nod.
"So… now what?"
"Now… we go I guess," Sarah sounded more like she was asking a question. She stood there for a second, as if she was expecting an answer from Clem, then headed over to the driver's seat. "There's no reason to stay here," said Sarah as she grabbed the keys off the dashboard. "There's no reason to stay anywhere right now."
"Yeah, let's just… keep moving."
Sarah turned the key, which produced an uneven rumbling sound for a few seconds before becoming quiet. She had to turn it twice more before the engine finally started. Sitting down next to Sarah as she pulled the Brave out of the truck stop, Clem caught sight of the billboard she used to signal the others. It still said 'CERES' in giant yellow letters painted over whatever faded ad used to be there. Sarah hadn't underlined any of the letters before because they were staying here, but now there were two big lines under the first 'E', where the 'W' in Owens would have been, signaling they were heading west.
After watching the billboard disappear into the horizon, Clementine turned around to once again find herself looking out over an empty road that went on seemingly forever. She only just now realized how much she hated this sight. No matter how far they traveled, the road had only led them to reprieves from danger or danger itself. All Clem could do is pray this time would be different as she couldn't bear the burdens of this voyage for much longer. If the road didn't end soon, it would end her, and all she held dear.
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shepherds-of-haven · 3 years
If characters had a Game of Thrones style house banner and motto, what would they be?
Ooh, this is an interesting one!
House Bronwyn: "The Darkness Answers" or "Weapons in the Silent Night" - a silver wolf on a field of black, with a white blade piercing the background. Their house is known for operating as a kind of shadow military that influences and directs things from the shadows, and although the wolf has connotations of solitude and aloofness, they are actually extremely loyal "pack-animals" who form a tight-knit clan and unwaveringly answer the call of duty... no matter how bloody their hands may get from answering.
House Alder: "First in the Charge" or "Our Fury Shakes Them" - a gold lion roaring rampant on a field of red (so, yeah, Gryffindor I guess!). This one is fairly self-explanatory--the Alder house is known by others to produce some of the fiercest and most courageous warriors, though they also have a reputation for being brash and hot-headed. Alder soldiers are always sent in to "hold the line" and are infamous for never abandoning the field or retreating, even when it leads to certain death. "Our Fury Shakes Them" also refers to their propensity to use cannon-fire and gun blasts to destroy their enemies.
House Ironwood: "Our Roots Run Deep" or "The First, The Last, The Eternal" - a golden oak tree on a forest-green banner with a trim of autumn red. Their house is among the oldest and was once known as one of the most powerful military forces on the Continent, with a cadre of skilled Elven knights being produced by that house, but as time went on and the world changed, the house fell into semi-obscurity or became more known for its archival work and love of history, causing some to look down on it as a house of scholars. Whenever they try to invoke the promises and alliances of old, others roll their eyes at House Ironwood's unwillingness to change and adapt to the world around it. As a result, House Ironwood tends to isolate itself from other houses, swearing only to trust their own kind. Their current scion gets them into a lot of trouble for challenging an heir of a Norm house to a duel for slandering the name of House Ironwood, and then killing him in the ensuing standoff. This has led to military reprisals against House Ironwood, and they find themselves in a precarious position of being surrounded by enemies and having isolated former friends.
House Acquell: "Faith is a Shield and Love the Cure" or "Many Hearts Beating as One" - a Celtic-looking knot or a chain of hands interlocking around a heart. This house is looked down upon by more militaristic houses for being a generally trusting, pacifistic house. Its holdings are small and its lineage is quite new, but the house is beloved by its own people due to its scions working as healers, clerics, and devotees of charity, often seen among the streets of their city and passing out food and coin. House Acquell is an extremely religious house, and many of its heirs and heiresses join the Church to become priests and priestesses. The founder of the house was first canonized as a saint.
House Syndran: "Out of Cruelty, Justice" or "The Cunning Conquer" - a black crow or raven spreading its wings on a field of royal purple. This house was built on mercantile roots, but its influence now stretches far and wide, reaching into all matters of business, politics, intrigue, and even war. Its scions are famed for their ruthlessness and willingness to go completely scorched-earth on their enemies, and for their ability to lie and manipulate even nominal allies with completely straight faces. The house leader always bears a gold-capped walking cane. Although its military power is weak, it makes up for it with the host of allies under its economic control. You can always make out the Syndrans at a party by the cadre of serious-faced, dark-haired heirs staring at the proceedings like they're a play under watchful critique. Although not known for being friendly, House Syndran also prides itself on impeccable etiquette and manners.
House Trinaeste: "If I Am Not Free, Then I Am Dead" or "Many Skills, Many Virtues" - a black cat on a field of gold, with two crossed daggers in the background and a key lying at its feet. The "Many Skills, Many Virtues" motto is something of an in-joke, because this house is known for its willingness to train its heirs in even unsavory skills--such as thievery and seduction--in order to ensure their survival. Many heirs are sent to special training at a secret academy on an island south of Conte--though what they are taught there, no one but the Trinaestes knows for sure. As such, this house is shunned by many for its unorthodox values and behavior, and not much is known about the inner workings of the house itself. The heirs and heiresses all seem like empty-headed fops who love to chase skirts (or whatever article of clothing they so desire), so no one ever takes them seriously... but that's their mistake, because House Trinaeste actually has the greatest network of spymasters and intelligence operatives this world has ever seen. They apparently have a lot of bastard children or sometimes even unrelated orphans whom they happily accept into their house anyway, which is another reason why the other houses shun them. They also supposedly have some ties to seafarers and pirates as well as a fleet of ships at their disposal.
House Antiqua: "The Road Not Taken" or "The World to Roam" - a golden globe on a field of deep scarlet/maroon/magenta, though from certain angles, the globe can also like the sun or moon (or all three). House Antiqua is composed of just straight up scholars. Sometimes a second son or a third daughter goes into military service or serves in a great battle and makes a distinction of themselves, but it's never on the level of an Alder, Bronwyn, Aescar, or Stormbreaker. By and large, they're known as a house of oddly-attractive, well-born nerds, more fodder for marriages and families rather than candidates that could bring about great change. They don't really get much of a say in anything among the greater houses, but that suits them just fine. They're like the classic Jane Austen-style families where they just hang out and read books and entertain visitors sometimes LMAO. They are neither very rich nor destitute; neither isolated nor up in everyone's business. They are on friendly terms with most houses, but no one takes them all that seriously when it comes to important matters like war or politics. They are known to serve as advisors and consultants in times of need, however. Many of their heirs leave the house and travel across the world using secret identities when they reach a certain age; it's something of a cliché among their inner circle. They eventually develop strong ties to House Syndran after one son casually beats the Syndran heir in chess during a party.
House Aescar: "The Wind is With Us" or "It Is Us Who Fly" - a tan flying eagle with a serpent-like staff clutched in its talons, soaring on a field of light blue. House Aescar is known for its terrifying use of theatrics in order to instill fear into the hearts of their enemies on the battlefield. They utilize war paint, war chants and screams, and unsettling war horns in order to rev up their soldiers before battle. Like House Alder, they have a reputation for not having a head for politics; they'd prefer you to just point them at the enemy and let them do their thing, and they have little patience for the trappings of politics and diplomacy. If the Continent were divided up into wards where certain houses were in charge of defending the borders from invasion, House Aescar would be the guardians of the West; House Prince, House Ironwood, and House Bronwyn would the guardians of the North; House Stormbreaker, House Trinaeste, and House Syndran would be the guardians of the South; and House Alder, House Antiqua, and House Naveen would be the guardians of the East. The fact that House Aescar is tasked with guarding the West alone is a point of pride for its heirs and scions. The youth of the house tends to be charged with going on a pilgrimage throughout their lands to observe how the common folk live. They are expected to return with worthwhile thoughts or findings about how to improve the house or its holdings, and if their opinions are interesting and well-thought-out, they are allowed a voice in the house's governing council.
House Prince: "Keepers of the North" or "Righteous in Wrath" or "Darkness Flees Our Light" - a white spear with a white shield behind it, radiating rays of light on a field of black. Not much is known about House Prince, except that its current heirs are a set of twin boys. Its military force is known for being utterly loyal, almost to the point of fanaticism, and the house has close ties to House Bronwyn due to their proximity to each other. House Prince is known among the other houses for being insistent on keeping its bloodlines pure and marrying its heirs to the Hunter scions of other close-knit families or even distant cousins, leading some to joke surreptitiously that the house is "incestuous." At one point in time, the older twin heir of the current generation disappeared for a year or two, forcing his brother to assume the guise of both twins to prevent the house from looking weaker to its outside enemies. Certain heirs of the Prince House are said to be cursed with a mysterious affliction that causes them to fall into fits of madness and rage, especially at the sight of blood, and for these reasons, many of them live in reclusive isolation in their castle, rarely seen by the outside world.
House Stormbreaker: "Thunder and Lightning" or "The Storm Stands Vigilant" or "From the Stars We Came, To the Stars We Rise" - a golden, starry ship sailing on a teal sea as lightning splits the banner in half and a dragon swims underneath the ship. House Stormbreaker is among the most sought-after houses for its explosive military prowess and strength, affording it a lot of political and negotiating power. Its heirs and scions are known to be gifted with extraordinary strength and a strange knack for avoiding almost certain death, serving with distinction as battlemasters, generals, and occasionally as knights and champions. A legendary sword is said to be passed from leader to leader, with no one but those of pure Stormbreaker blood being able to even pick the sword up. They are also known as a clan of sailors and are able to deploy their own naval fleet to defend the coastline as needed. Although they have a ferocious, proud, and hot-tempered reputation, heirs of the Stormbreaker house are sometimes not taken seriously in matters of court due to their strange pink hair. Despite this, scions of House Stormbreaker are among the most sought-after candidates for marriage, as people desire their mysterious superstrength and magic to be incorporated into their own houses. However, for reasons unknown, the House Stormbreaker is extremely strict with such marriages, and arrangements are often made three or more generations ahead of time in a careful curation of the bloodline.
House Naveen: "Gold in Peace, Steel in War" or "Not Without Thorns" - a scarlet rose on a field of lavender with two crossed rapiers in the background. House Naveen is the most powerful and influential of all of the Houses when it comes to sheer political power, rivalled only by House Syndran. Its military strength is only better than average, but its holdings, wealth, and political connections are vast and storied. Its current heiress is infamous for refusing suitors and continually denying her father's attempts to secure a marriage, focusing instead on joining chivalric orders and continually maneuvering situations in House Naveen's favor. House Naveen holds the honor of being among the last houses to continue ancient traditions such as jousting and knightly tournaments, but it's their celebrations and social occasions that the house is truly known for. The Naveens are said to employ a spy in the servants of every house aside from House Bronwyn, Prince, and Ironwood. What they do with that information, however, no one knows. On the surface, the Naveen house seems to be largely magnanimous and benign... Interestingly, they have offered an extension of aid to House Ironwood to get out of its dueling problem, but so far, House Ironwood has not given a reply.
House Naveen has also been largely matriarchal in the past, something that still informs its power structure to this day. This makes it a target of scorn by other powerful and male-led noble houses (such as House Eddon, Auberon's house), but it's something that the Naveens flaunt proudly with the rose as their insignia!
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redsamuraiii · 3 years
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Kung Fu (1972/1993) | Kung Fu (2021)
So I just watched the new series, Kung Fu, which is based on the original series of the same name and decided to do a comparison.
*spoilers ahead*
Kung Fu (2021)
The story follows Nicky Shen (Olivia Liang), a law student dropout who wished to carve her own path and find her place in the world leading her to the Shaolin Monastery where she became a martial arts student with her master, Pei-Ling Zhang (Vanessa Kai) for three years before it was attacked by “ninjas” lead by  Zhilan (Yvonne Chapman) who is later discovered to be the sister of the master. Zhilan wants the ancient sword (The Sword of Liang Daiyu) which was wielded by female warriors in the past and she hopes to unlock it’s powers. 
After the burning and destruction of the monastery, Nicky finds herself returning home to the United States where things are not the same as she last remembered as her brother and mother are upset and furious with her for abandoning them for three years to go on her spiritual journey to China. While her father and sister are more than happy to have her back and be a big happy family once again. But things are not what it seems when she discovered that her parents are involved with the local triads due to money issues. 
One thing lead to another and she finds herself not only protecting her own family from the gangs and saving them but saving others outside of her family too who are in need of saving but had no one else to turn to for help but her. But she began to question herself if this is what she is meant to do with her life while trying to overcame her own fears of the past of losing her master and the fear of the unknown future where she has to stop Zhilan from obtaining the sword. 
Kung Fu : The Legend Continues (1993)
The story takes place after the prequel, Kung Fu (1972) which follows Kwai Chang Caine (David Carradine). In the prequel, it shows Caine, an orphan son of an American man and a Chinese woman in mid-19th Century China, where he became a Shaolin warrior monk. When his master, Po, is killed by the Emperor’s nephew, an enraged Caine retaliates by killing him after which he had to flee China to the United States.
In Kung Fu : The Legend Continues (1993), Caine is now a head of a Shaolin Temple in the United States where his son is also a Shaolin student. But an intense rivalry with a fellow Shaolin warrior monk whose philosophy of war clashes with Caine’s peaceful ways, caused Caine to banish him and his followers from the temple as his beliefs goes against Caine’s master’s teachings. 
However, the insulted monk and his followers return one night as “ninjas” to attack Caine and burn the temple to the ground. After the destruction of the temple where he believed his son to be dead, he embarked on a monk pilgrimage across the states in search of peace. But things changed when he passed through Chinatown and helped the locals from the triad gangs. Along the way, he reunited with his son, Peter (Chris Potter) who is now a Detective and together they try to help the locals from the triads, which is later revealed to be run by Caine’s arch enemy, Tan (Ernest Abuba), the rival monk that burnt down the temple.
My Thoughts
Both the original and the new series are amazing and interesting in different ways, as both have something that the other does not or does not have something that the other does. 
For example, I feel that the life philosophies, discussions and life lessons of the original to be more compelling and the soundtrack is much more memorable as the new one feels a bit generic. I was hoping the new one would have a song something like Netflix’s Marco Polo. But the fight scenes of the new series is much better and the struggles of the main character is more relatable as she’s like everyone of us, struggling to find her place in the world, questioning her purpose, asking what she wants in life and finding inner peace.
There’s one thing which I think is a wasted opportunity not to focus on Wing Chun, which is not only used by the famous Bruce Lee and Ip Man but the pioneers and founders who happened to be women, first by Ng Mui, a nun who survived the destruction of the Shaolin Temple that passed on her teachings to Yim Wing Chun who wants to fight the brute fighters of her town to avenge her father who was beaten up by them.
The thing about Wing Chun is that the way of fighting is more graceful and feminine, considering that the founder was a woman, but nevertheless, effective and deadly, especially against brute strengths, which make the martial arts unique and beautiful, that it’s hard for the male martial artists to master it, with the exception of Ip Man and Bruce Lee, which what makes them great.
Instead of using the character, Liang Daiyu, which I am not sure of whether is based on a real life character or a character that actually exist in Chinese myths or purely fictional character, which I am curious about and intend to find out. 
Anyway, you can read more about my findings on Wing Chun in my early post which includes a TED Talk video by a real life female Wing Chun martial artist of today, named Yvette Kong Man Yi. From the video, you could see that she’s very humble, polite, graceful but at the same time, has that look where she could beat you up in a heart beat.  
But nonetheless, as an Asian and a martial arts fan, I think it’s definitely awesome seeing more martial arts films making a comeback! 
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