asterocky · 6 years
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                                      ( 160223 ➝ 190223 ) | Astro’s 3rd birthday! Three years have passed since Astro’s debut. It feels like it passed in a blink of an eye. At the same time it feels like it has been longer than that. In this time, Astro went through a lot of growth personally and as a group. They have been through more hardships than a group their age should and yet they are still standing strong together with their Arohas. Dear Astro, you kept on telling us how hard it must be for us. Apologized for making us wait. Kept repeating that you were fine. You were holding up that smile for us, we know. From now on, let’s walk a flower path together and shine like the sun! Whenever it’s hard, remember what Arohas told you ‘It’s okay to cry.’ But also don’t forget that we will be there, ready to support and fight for you as long as you need us to. Just like Aroha is ‘Always you’ for Astro, Astro is ‘Always you’ for Aroha. Happy three years of blooming and here’s to many more to come!                                                                                                            — with love, your Aroha.
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m4rkshouse · 6 years
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[02. 23. 2016. -> 02. 23. 2019.]
happy 3rd birthday astro! thank you for always working as hard as you do for aroha, and thank you for always being the best astro you can be. the last year and a bit has been really hard, but astro and aroha have a stronger bond than ever because of it. astro and aroha have each other to lean on, so let’s be strong, as astro have been for us. i am so so proud of everything they’ve accomplished, and i cannot wait for the future, because i know there will be many more amazing things for both astro and aroha. astro, i love you so so much, thank you for just being you. i promise aroha will always be by your side. 💜
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eeunwoos · 6 years
happy astro day im crying
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Happy Birthday Astro!!💜
These six wonderful boys planted themselves in my heart. I first got to know them back in november. I was looking at some groups dance practice when I saw one from astro. So i decided that why not check them out. I think it was Again/Should've held on dance practice I watched. And I was shook. Like shook. I googled them right after, and before I knew it I was sooo deep into this.
I remember watching Always you and crying when I found out all the hardships they've been trough. I remember pre-ordering both versions of the All Light album. I remember voting like crazy for them to win, and when they did I cried. Because these boys deserve the world.
Another thing I love is Aroha. Like I'm also an Army, but there is always arguments always some shit happening there (I love Bts just Army is a little too much sometimes). But I feel like all Aroha are nice, in a way reflecting the behaviour of our beloved boys. Atleast those I've met. It's quite refreshing being a part of such a 'chill' fandom. I haven't been here from the start, but I'm definitively staying intil the very end.
Astro, Aroha
Please stay safe, please eat, please stay hydrated, please rest well, please stay healthy.
I love you all💜
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parkjinwoo · 6 years
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asterocky · 6 years
#ThreeYearsWithASTRO | It has been three years since Astro debuted. Right before debut, they had a reality show ‘Ok! Ready’. Here’s a part of the very last episode where the loving members say thank yous to each other. Our beloved Astro, let’s keep on running towards the sun for many more years!
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