#throwback to when i worked at pizza hurt and had just recently called out a manager for sharing applicant's private info
gibbearish · 4 months
the one good thing abt chronic people pleasing and funnyman syndrome is that when you do finally crack and express Genuine Anger everyone around you is like. oh fuck
#throwback to when i worked at pizza hurt and had just recently called out a manager for sharing applicant's private info#in a snapchat group#after previously disclosing Everyones Sexualities to anyone who asked including people who werent present to be asked themselves#and another manager with chronic big brother syndrome got REALLY mad about it#so the next day when i mentioned a mistake with an order to him he Blew up at me for telling everyone what to do#and my then roommate told me afterwards 'yeah when he said that your everything just. immediately changed ive never seen you look like that#before‚ i was like oh he fucked up big time'#which is very cool to think about given that in the moment i became so flooded with adrenaline that i was entirely#focused on keeping my hand tremors down and voice steady because i know my body's adrenaline reaction pretty well by now#because for some fucking reason it's practically on a hair trigger and Will make me start frustrated crying at a moments notice if i#dont keep a handle on it#the amount of conversations ive had to have. starting with 'i know it looks like im mid breakdown right now but genuinely im fine‚#my body just is terrible and will continue doing this for a While but my brain is fine now'#i will say though there is a certain degree of fun to those convos though like#watching the doubt slowly go away as theyre like 'huh yeah when i focus on the words youre saying this is just. a normal conversation'#AHAHAHAHAA I JUST NOTICED PIZZA HURT#origibberish
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Walk of Shame - Drake x MC, The Perfect Cliché
A/N: So I’ve been playing around with the idea of Drake and Liz would have met if the whole TRR book never existed and I thought it would be fun to shove the into as many cliche situations as  possible. Given my terrible track record of keeping up with series, this is gonna be an unofficial one. Stand alone fics that make up The Perfect Cliche. 
Cliche count: 
New neighbours
Mutual pining - or the beginnings of it
Awkward interaction
Walk of shame
Word Count: 2540+
Warnings: None
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Drake rolled his eyes at the large moving truck situated in front of his apartment building destined to make him late for work that day. Tanner is going to have my guts. 
He shrugged on his jacket and dashed out the door, slamming it shut behind him. The lift wasn’t working — of course it wasn’t working — so he wrenched the door to the stairs open, glad he only lived on the fourth floor. Close to the bottom, he was in such a rush he barely registered a stack of boxes on legs headed towards him until the last second when he twisted his body, clipping the new tenant as he shoved past. 
‘Hey —‘ 
‘Sorry!’ He called over his shoulder, barely glancing back to glance at them before rushing off. 
- Elizabeth huffed setting the last of her boxes down onto the floor of her new apartment, arm still sore where that asshole on the staircase had clipped her while bulldozing through. She looked around. This was her new apartment. That sure felt weird to say. Back home the prospect of going it alone and making it big in the big city was a lot more romantic than the sad little space before that cost more than it was worth. But going back wasn’t an option, she told herself, picturing her fathers furious face when she stalked out of his house for the last time. Shaking her head, she reached for the box of cleaning supplies, determined not to fail like he taunted her she would. 
The day passed quickly and by the time the sun was setting, she’d accumulated a huge garbage bag of dust, bug carcasses and other unmentionables she’d found in the apartment. Now where was the bin? 
She paused realising the superintendent hadn’t showed her where to dispose of her rubbish and there was no way she was leaving the bag in her apartment for another second. Hefting it, she opened the door to find it. 
A few minutes later, Elizabeth realised that she was completely lost, and by some miracle had ended up at her own door. She was just about to give up when the sound of a door clicking caught her attention and she watched a tall broad shouldered man step out, carrying a garbage bag of his own. Perfect. 
She wanted to leap after him but cautioned herself. Jesus Elizabeth let’s try not to creep out the new neighbours just yet? 
He had headphones on so he wouldn’t have hear her approach but she followed behind him at a safe distance just to be safe. He lead her unaware the the fifth floor where the disposal awaited and she paused letting him throw away his bag first before stepping up for hers. As her neighbour turned, Elizabeth saw the tired lines on his unexpectedly handsome face. Noticing her staring, the stranger gave her a grim half smile before stepping aside to let her throw her giant bag away. 
- As soon as Drake got back into his apartment, his phone vibrated with a text. 
Kiara: Dinner on Friday? 
Sounds good. 
He clicked his phone off and sighed. 
Kiara was... high maintenance to say the least. She was beautiful and smart and way out of his league and sometimes he wondered what he was doing with a girl like her. Their physical attraction was undeniable but in all other aspects, he felt severely lacking. He’d never pictured himself dating a high class New York socialite like her. 
In his mind, he’d always pictured himself with a down to earth, jeans and t shirt kinda girl who wasn’t afraid to get her hands dirty for fear of ruining her manicure. Kinda like that girl he’d run into in the hallway. The new tenant he guessed, just finished cleaning judging by the giant garbage bag, messy hair and streak of dust on her cheek. His lips twisted up a little at the memory. 
Yeah someone more like her. 
‘So how are you liking New York?’
Elizabeth took a sip of her latte as her best friend sat expectantly on the other side of the lunch table. ‘It’s... certainly an experience.’
‘Welcome to the real world baby girl. It sucks. You’re gonna love it.’ Her best friend Athena Park replied mischieviously, earning an eyeroll in response. ‘Have you gone out since you got here?’
Elizabeth shook her head. ‘I’ve spent most of the week cleaning and unpacking and prepping for the interview today.’ 
‘How’d it go?’
‘Good I think? The guy wasn’t too sure but the lady liked me. They said they’d get back to me at the end of the week.’ 
 ‘Yes!’ Athena crowed loudly, other patrons of the restaurant cringing at her. ‘That’s a perfect reason to celebrate. You free tomorrow night? Doesn’t matter. You’re free tomorrow night. We’re going out!’
 Elizabeth tipped the delivery boy in exchange for one supreme pizza that was definitely not recommended for just one person. After the interview today she was hoping for a nice quiet night in to relax. She shut the door waiting for a few moments for the delivery boy to leave before sticking her head out in hope of catching sight of that handsome stranger. She’d caught herself in the act of looking out for him in the hallway each time, hoping for a glimpse of her mysterious stranger, who despite his attractive looks, seemed to be permanently grumpy. 
Elizabeth had no idea what she was trying to achieve by this. It’s not like she was interested interested.  After her recent break up with Robbie, she definitely was okay with being single for a very very long time. Still a little bit of eye candy wouldn’t hurt. Seeing nothing, she shut the door and settled in for a long night with Emma Swan, Regina Mills and Killian Jones, main characters of her favourite TV show.
‘C’mon babe you know I didn’t mean it. It wasn’t personal.’ 
‘Felt pretty damn personal to me Drake. Kiara snapped back, tossing her perfectly flat ironed hair as she glared at herself in her compact in the dim light of the cab. 'He’s my cousin.' 
 'He’s a pretentious prick.' 
 ‘Drake!' She snapped her compact shut and fixed him with a furious look. 
‘Sorry,' he mumbled half heartedly, not meaning the single word because anyone that complained that his exotic caviar had been served two degrees warmer than it should have been, deserved prick status in his mind. Still he felt guilty for making Kiara upset after she had worked so hard to maintain a good relationship with her cousin and he had probably ruined it. 
 'Babe I’m sorry.' He leaned over kissing her cheek, nuzzling her neck. 
‘Mmhmm.' She hummed in annoyance, arms folded across her chest as she stared out the window. 
 Drake wasn’t giving up yet. Sliding close, he brushed her hair away from her neck, stubble grazing the exposed skin, a hand finding her thigh. 'Let me make it up to you.' 
 Kiara scoffed but he could tell her resolve was wavering. He began tracing little circles on her thigh, as he pressed his lips to her neck, searching for her sweet spot. 
 ‘Please.' He murmured, finding it and she let out a moan. ‘I’ll do anything you want me to.’ 
‘You’re lucky you’re so fucking cute. Kiara muttered before slamming her lips onto his. 
Elizabeth was completely enraptured by the final episode of season three of Once Upon A Time, pizza dangling between her mouth and hand. When the big reveal happened— 
  Shit! Both her hands clamped over her mouth, eyes bugged open as she sat in horror for a few moments after the end credits ended. It took a stick wet sensation on her stomach to pull her out of her stupor and she looked down to see the piece of pizza that she had slathered in child sauce lying face down on her shirt. Groaning out loud she glanced at the time and the big basket of dirty laundry that she had been putting off for the last three hours that she’d spent on the couch. 
  Surely no one would be doing laundry at 1:30am right? 
 Hefting it on her hip, she tugged the door open, shoving her foot between the crack distracted as she leaned over to grab her keys from the glass bowl when a strange sound reached her ears. 
  Is that moaning?
Poking her head out the door, her eyebrows shot towards her hairline. 
  Oh... he has a girlfriend. Of course he has a girlfriend. 
Her very mysterious, very attractive neighbour currently had his tongue down a girl’s throat as he pinned her to his front door right in full view of anyone walking by. Pressed so tightly together, Elizabeth had no idea where he ended and she began, she forced herself to shut the door, opting not to be the creepy neighbour with a voyeurism kink. She would just wait until they were gone and escape down to the communal laundry room. Her neighbour and his girl didn’t seem to be stopping any time soon, she observed after a good five minutes had passed. 
Their moans grew louder and louder until —
'Get a bloody room will ya? Some of us are tryna to fuckin sleep!' 
Thank you cranky Australian dude from 145.
With armed with her phone, earbuds and throwback playlist on, Elizabeth hoisted the basket on her hip, ready to take the monster that was her laundry basket. 
Drake sighed to himself again, the argument still replaying in his mind. 
'You don’t even try.' 
'All I’m doing is trying!' 
 'Well maybe you need to try harder!’ 
‘I don’t know what the fuck you expect from me!’ 
‘Clearly too much!’ 
Still shirtless, he ran a hand over his face wondering how they could go from making out to a yelling match in mere seconds. Too riled up to stay in this room as the scent of Kiara's Black Opium cologne still remained, he grabbed his phone and stalked out the door, remembering he had a pile of laundry to pick up from the laundry room downstairs. 
 A movement at the corner of his eyes, he realised he wasn’t alone. Glancing behind the second row of washing machines, his eyebrows shot towards his hairline. 
 His new neighbour, the girl who had followed him to the bin the other night, the one that he couldn’t help sneak looks at locked in her own little world, completely unaware of his presence. Earphones on, dancing like no one was watching because as far as she knew no one was. Interestingly enough she was also shirtless, save for a pair of pyjama shorts and a sports bra. As she attempted and failed to do what he guessed was meant to be a Spice Girls dance move. 
The sight brought a smile to his face despite his earlier fight with Kiara. Not wanting to embarrass his new neighbour, he crept away, resolving to introduce himself properly sometime.
'What?’ Elizabeth yelled over the loud music of the club, having clearly drunk more than she should have. 
 Athena repeated herself, trying to be heard over the pounding bass beat with even less success than the first two times she’d tried. 
Her best friend rolled her eyes, making a circle with one hand and stabbing her pointer finger through it repeatedly, needing no further clarification. 
 Elizabeth turned to the blonde guy whom she was currently dancing with knowing at once that a similar though was on his mind. She sized him up, weighing the pros and the cons of this while Athena was already heading off with another girl. Her partner raised an eyebrow at her playfully and Elizabeth felt a grin begin to grow. 
Why the hell not?
Now that he thought over it, Drake truly felt like an asshole for the night before. Kiara wasn’t wrong, he hadn’t been trying his hardest at all. He’d know what life he’d been in for when he started dating her, the demands and requirements of her socialite status and he’d promised her he was worth it. 
He liked to think of himself as a trustworthy guy and in the interest of not throwing a two year relationship out the window, he grabbed his jacket, phone and keys before he could talk himself out of it.
Adjusting the large hastily purchased sunglasses on her face, Elizabeth glanced around self-consciously as she made her way across the street to her apartment building, hoping no one would see her messy hair and hastily donned nightclub dress and put two and two together. Waiting for the elevator induced a spiral of anxiety as she prayed that none of the building’s fellow residents would show up. Glancing behind her, she caught the eye of the rotund building’s superintendent, regarding her with a thoroughly unimpressed gaze. When the doors finally dinged open, she rushed inside, hastily jabbing the close button. Adequately satisfied that no one had seen her do the most embarrassing walk of shame ever, Elizabeth slumped against the side, so ready for a hot shower and a six hour nap. 
 'Hold it!' A hand slipped past the closing doors, preventing them from closing. 
She could barely stop herself from gasping as her grumpy-but-attactive-and-also-kinda-mysterious neighbour joined her in the small space, looking just as dishevelled as she was.
They stood there in silence, both not wanting to state the obvious cheesy elevator music trickled through the crackling speakers as Elizabeth struggled to think of something to say. 
 ‘Rough night?' 
The guy picked up his dark head, giving her a half hearted nod. 'Yeah you could say that. You?' 
'You have no idea,’ she sighed, wracking her brains for something to say. 'I’ve seen you around sometimes. Your girlfriend is really pretty.’
Elizabeth’s eyes widened as her neighbour’s narrowed in confusion. 
'I just mean.. uh... I’m not stalking you or anything uh.. I’ve seen you together.' 
'Uhh thanks... I think?’ He ran a hand through his ruffled brown hair. 'Would probably mean more if she was still my girlfriend.' 
 Guilt immediately bloomed in her. Good one Richmond. 'Oh. I didn't mean to...I’m sorry to hear that.' 
 'Don’t be.’ He shrugged it off. 'It was bound to happen sooner or later. But hey at least the sex was good right?’ 
‘Yeah,’ she answered weakly. ‘It was… it was good.’ 
 Mercifully the elevator dinged, getting to their floor and to her dismay, they were headed the same way, forced to walk together. 
 ‘You’re not from around here are you?’ 
‘Was it that obvious?’ Elizabeth replied, surprised that he interested in making conversation after not one but two verbal blunders from her. 
 He shrugged again, making her clock that as one of his trademark gestures. 'You liking it here?’ 
‘Its definitely taking some getting used to but its not too bad.’ 
‘Huh, yeah. There’s no place like it.’ His tone was strange but she couldn’t decipher what he could mean by it as they were already at her door. 
 ‘Well this is me.’ 
‘So it seems,’ he replied, already turning to go. 
‘I’m Elizabeth.’ He paused, regarding her for a moment, lips twisting into a half smile. 
‘See you around I guess.’ 
‘Yeah, you too.’ 
Tags:  @chantelle-x0x , @choicessa, @drakewalkerwhipped , @thewolvesss ,  @mfackenthal , @srawesleyghuewrites , @topsyturvy-dream , @enmchoices , @gardeningourmet @debramcg1106 , @alesana45 , @meladoridarcy, @blackcatkita , @tmarie82 , @annekebbphotography , @lizk77 , @jayjay879 , @tornbetween2loves , @akrenich , @theroyalweisme , @likethetailofacomet , @sleepwalkingelite  , @ooo-barff-ooo , @drakewalker04 , @mkatschoicesblog ,  @speedyoperarascalparty , @carabeth , @fairydustandsarcasm , @drakewalkerisreal  @mrsnazariowritesagain
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sundaykindaluv · 7 years
Morning epiphany.. I've wasted entirely too much time obsessing about my single status. I've been on a dozen dating sites and found nobody even close to for real. Been hooked up on blind dates with men I later blocked. Had my mom try to set me up with the pizza delivery boy (he was cute though). I even took a risk and decided to "shoot my shot" with a crush only to realize I can't hoop and he was not amused (damn). Lowered my standards and settled for a man who wanted to give me a piece (a very small piece) of his love. Entertained a fuck boy or three (N.A.S.) Even doubled back to a throwback ex who I know damn well still ain't shit - in the same place I left him with his mama. Dated a young buck with no ambition (changed my age requirements after that). Dated a sugar daddy that bored me (was not motivated to give up no sugar). Even decided to give a white boy a chance (about that). I've hit rock bottom.. I think. But the gag is - I'm a beautiful black woman. 37 years old. Great career. Educated. Decent credit. I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T do you know what that means?? She got her own house, her own car, work hard - two jobs.. You know the song. I'm a supermom to amazing young adults. I love the Lord. And I have a great heart. Ya girl is a catch! ❤️ Damn that reads like my recent dating profile. Flip side of the coin: I'm divorced. My extended family is cray cray. I'm a workaholic. I snore. I need to snatch this waist. I need to be in the gym more often. I'm not the greatest cook. I can be a bit jealous. I love hard. I am hella sensitive. I like public displays of affection. My freckle face is not blemish free. My hair has begun to grey. I'm in a weird loc stage. My teeth are not pearly whites. I probably should deal with that. I can't have more babies and did I mention I snore? But wait.. I know. I'm a prize! I've affirmed every meme and Iyanla Vazant quotable - I know my worth. I deserve (in the key of Mama Dee). Any man would be proud to have me.. Jesus is my Valentine.. My king is on the way.. I got it! Lbvs. After being dumped for someone else in that pseudo-unofficial-untitled relationship almost everyone encounters, I was heartbroken for a long time. Not because the love was real, but because I had let infatuation get the best of me and I got comfortable. Who wants to start over? The months I spent crying following the breakup were painful, but they released a lot of my anger. Most of it was directed at myself. Mad at myself for being hurt about a break up from a man who lied, cheated, played me, embarrassed me and had no remorse for his actions. Girl... What? I shoulda been thanking God for saving me from that hot ass mess. But nope, I let anger turn into depression. It was bad for a minute. For there, I sought out new guys to band-aid the deep wound of insecurity that the breakup caused. It rarely ever went further than obsessing over that crush and then finding a new one when it didn’t work out. But after enough attempts, I caught onto the pattern and learned that the theory of getting over a man by getting under a new one fails. At this point, I’ve been officially single for almost two years. Okay, I’ve had flings here and there, but the longest one lasted a month and a half. There are countless nights where I used to come home after a night of going out, crying my eyes out because I didn’t find the love of my life. Not to mention all my friends are in love and engaged and married and having babies. That just adds salt to the wound. When I pray and talk to God it's almost comical now.. Clearly there is a joke to all of this. God is messing with me, right? What I gotta do Jesus to earn this blessing of a bae? After being single for awhile you learn to see things for how they really are. That sometimes it’s just circumstance preventing something from happening. That it’s not your fault. That sometimes what you have with someone may be fun, but not necessarily enough to fully commit to. I get that. Sometimes the sign in my heart that says "reserved" is like a flashing red light to potential lovers (I actually had a guy tell me that I wasn't over my ex and because of that he wouldn't date me). I have to ask myself, have I honestly made space for someone or am I self sabotaging my love life. I'm known to do that. What I can say is that my single girl blues has given me some free time to reflect on the highs and lows of relationships over the years (from high school to college to newly divorced to out here wilding to desperate to "him" to present day). When you’re single for a long time, you get to focus on yourself. You have the time to figure out what kind of life you want, with or without someone special in it. You seek out your passions and interests; you focus on your friendships. Most of all, you learn to cut out the things that don’t make you happy. Whether that's an unfulfilling career, a bad living situation, or someone who's affecting you in a negative way. I'll always regret the time I gave up an opportunity to go to my senior prom because my ex-boyfriend decided we didn't need to go. Or the time I stayed too long after he hit me the first time. The regrets are endless. What's more, is that when some people are on a constant hunt for a hookup at the end of a night out, you realize that's not what you want. Because to you, that's not the only thing that constitutes a good time out. The success or failure of your night does not depend on the amount of people that hit on you or want to take you home. I'm too old for one night stands or to be a booty call (I gotta work in the morning). When you’re in love, you see the world through rose-colored glasses. And some relationships lead you to see the world only through that person’s eyes. But when you’re single, you get to see the world through your own eyes, which is a far more important lesson to learn, especially as a woman. The time you spend being single gives you perspective. You become wise enough to know that you’ll find someone someday, but that you’re not in a rush to get there. The stories you’ve told, the crazy types you’ve encountered, all happened because you were out there having adventures on your own. And you’ll continue to enjoy them until Cupid strikes you again. Eventually. Could it be that I'm settled with being single? I might be. What I can say is that I am not worried about being a cat lady and dying alone. I mean I could get a puppy. :) I don't think something is wrong with me. Y'all seen my dating profile... I'm a dope chic! And if Halle Berry can't find a man, then hell.. I can be single too. Jokes! The point of this single girl rant is simple - finding the right one means appreciating and valuing the right one (you). And while I know there is somebody for everybody, I'm also convinced that there is a somebody that will show up for me when I least expect him. The way I see it - I have 2 choices: (1) I could wallow in a sea of sadness and sorrow acting like sleeping alone is the worst thing in the world or (2) I could embrace the time that I have with all the pillows to myself, full control of the remote and the ability to snore judgment free. Love is what you make it. I'm making it do what it do. Share this with a single woman who needs a good laugh. -Peace, love & all that good stuff {Queen B - The Writer}
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okwilliamson · 7 years
should be doing homework but im sexting my boy and answering survey questions
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? - ummm i really dont know, syd, seany, evie, luke or bae at home lol 
2. Are you outgoing or shy? - mostly shy but when something i want is in the sights i might as well be outgoing to get what i want 
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? - BAE 
4. Are you easy to get along with? - I think i am easy to get along with, i look mean at first i think and i have trouble controlling my facial expressions lmfao 
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? - yeah i think so 
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? -  fucked up sad boys who will crush my heart / boys in general im straight af to clarify/ but boys with big lips and nice eyes / someone whos funny / someone who will watch shitty movies w me/ BUT if this is just about people in general im attracted to shit lords like myself 
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? - um actually maybe? 
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? - my bab 
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? - no i love talking about sex 
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? - umm i have deep convos with everyone lol so probs today with syd and clayton 
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? - ‘omw’ 
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? - oh sheesh idk ive been listening to throwback shit from middle school and also hamilton 
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?- honestly the thing i like most in the world 
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? - luck yes, miracles not really bc i feel like that has a religious connotation 
15. What good thing happened this summer? -  i slept with someone new 
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? - would i? yes...should i? not at all lol 
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? - there has to be right 
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? - bro what how would that even be possible 
19. Do you like bubble baths?- yeaaaa but never have the chance i dont have bathtubs in my dorm room 
20. Do you like your neighbors? - i dont even know my neighbors at all i know the girl next to me is named jackie and shes nice 
21. What are you bad habits? -  im a mess all the time like i dont clean up after myself, i dont even care if im living in trash ill just keep adding more trash to the pile. i dont shower enough lol, and im obsessive 
22. Where would you like to travel? -  anywhere!! i wanna go west 
23. Do you have trust issues? - yes kinda, i have a hard time being vulnerable with people bc i build up this wall to keep myself hard and safe away from potential sadness x d 
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? - umm makeup probably :) 
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? - probs my double chin lmfao but i can take selfies and look good anyways 
26. What do you do when you wake up? - i like have to pee as soon as i wake up 
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? -  im good with my skin tone tbh but it would be nice to be able to tan vs burn 
28. Who are you most comfortable around? - syd, evie, luke, mik, bella, my sister 4 sure, 
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? -  no lol 
30. Do you ever want to get married? - ummm idk im not really like super hype to the idea but it could be cool 
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? -  ya girl has a buzz cut lol 
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? - wowwie idk 
33. Spell your name with your chin. - miss me w that 
34. Do you play sports? What sports? - literally no sports are like the least interesting thing in my opinion 
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? - shit idk thats so hard bc i use tv as like back ground noise a lot of the time but music helps me with everything else i cant choose 
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? - ummmm yes 
37. What do you say during awkward silences? - depends on why its awkward 
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? -  xd i dont need this 
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? - lovesick, xxi?? thats about it oh and thrift stores!!!!! 
40. What do you want to do after high school? - bitc im doin it im in art school 
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?- yes for sure i give everyone a lot of chances 
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? - im sick/sad/angry lol
43. Do you smile at strangers? - i try to 
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? - outer space 
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? - classes bb 
46. What are you paranoid about?- money all the time 
47. Have you ever been high? - yes lol 
48. Have you ever been drunk? - also yes 
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? - ummmmmm yikes idk no not really 
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? - green 
51. Ever wished you were someone else? - i used to but not recently 
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? - work ethic 
53. Favourite makeup brand? - sheesh i think jeffree star cosmetics & lime crime 
54. Favourite store? - not sure 
55. Favourite blog? - probs claudias 
56. Favourite colour?- pink 
57. Favourite food? - pizza i think 
58. Last thing you ate? - pizza lol
59. First thing you ate this morning?- i didnt eat this morning 
60. Ever won a competition? For what? - no i dony think so 
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?- nah 
62. Been arrested? For what?- nope 
63. Ever been in love? - i believe so! i fall in love with people all the time lol 
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?- i was in 8th grade and his name was garrett and he was my first bf ever and we kissed on my front porch it was very cliche 
65. Are you hungry right now? - for the first time in a while actually yes 
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? - literally no i dont really have tumblr friends 
67. Facebook or Twitter? - twitter 68. Twitter or Tumblr? - this is tough bc i frequent both but probs tumblr 
69. Are you watching tv right now? - nope
70. Names of your bestfriends? - claudia, syd, evie, luke, mik, bella 
71. Craving something? What? - HUMMUS 
72. What colour are your towels? - one is like peachy and the other one is purple but i never use that one bc i cleaned up fruit juice off the floor w it and never cleaned it lol 
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? - a lot like 3 pillows and i use blankets as like body pillows for that snuggly vibe 
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? - just one hello kitty lol 
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? - total i have quite a few but i dont bring them to school with me 
75. Favourite animal? - ummm i really dont know tbh 
76. What colour is your underwear? - black 
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? vanilla for ice cream / chocolate for like cupcakes or cake 
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? - tbh mint choco chip or phish food by ben and jerrys 
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? - currently just chilling in my bra fam 
80. What colour pants? - black leggings lol 
81. Favourite tv show? - right now the office for sure / but also my 600 lb life 
82. Favourite movie? -  i have so many , django unchained, perks of being a wallflower, across the universe, i lowkey love the twilight series?? idk im not well versed in classic film just shitty films that have a special place in my heart 
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? - this is an ugly quest but the original mean girls 4 sure 
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? - mean girls lmao 
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? -janice lol 
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? - bro idk finding nemo is not something i think about a lot lolol but probs the badass fish jawn w his ripped up fin 
87. First person you talked to today?- my sister 
88. Last person you talked to today?- just now syd 
89. Name a person you hate? - donald trump 
90. Name a person you love? - claudia <3 
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? - um not currently except maybe if my illness was personified then i would punch that bitch 
92. In a fight with someone? - i dont fight w people lol 
93. How many sweatpants do you have? - literally 1 pair i think 
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? - SO many lol 
95. Last movie you watched? - twilight last night lol 
96. Favourite actress? - hmmm, i love charlize theron, kristen stewart but not bc of twilight her other movies are fire 
  97. Favourite actor? i love tom hardy, eddie redmayne, john boyega 
98. Do you tan a lot?- not at all 
99. Have any pets?  - one cat named Bo 
100. How are you feeling? - kinda shit but ok 
101. Do you type fast? - pretty fast, working in call centers get ur typing skills on fleek lol 
102. Do you regret anything from your past? - a few things of course but at the same time whats the point in regretting things you know, it just gives you more baggage to carry around and that shit sucks 
103. Can you spell well? - for the most part i think but sometimes shits questionable lol 
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? - ummm no not really 
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? - yes i have it was a strange experience 
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? - no way bruh people break my heart all the time tho it seems lol 
107. Have you ever been on a horse? - yes but i was like 8 i think i was sooo young 
108. What should you be doing? - im chillin 
109. Is something irritating you right now? - BEING SICK  
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? - yessssss 
111. Do you have trust issues? - not so much trust issues but i have a hard time putting my walls down for people 
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? - ummm syd and luke hahah 
113. What was your childhood nickname? - liv, livy, liver, livy loo ( my mom calls me this when shes salty at me) my dad has always called me scooter crunch i have no idea what thats from, or any variation sometimes its just scooter and recently he called me scooter mc crunchy and that was even a lot for me lol , oh and olive!! 
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? - yes ive been out of ohio but not to anywhere very exciting 
115. Do you play the Wii? - i did once upon a time 
116. Are you listening to music right now? - yes frank ocean’s blond album 
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?- i mean its fine 
118. Do you like Chinese food? - i love it but only from like select places bc mediocre chinese is always kinda a let down 
119. Favourite book? - harry potter series, perks, sula, 
120. Are you afraid of the dark?- sadly yes 
121. Are you mean? - i am sometimes lol i cant even lie 
122. Is cheating ever okay? - i dont think so 
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? - dude no 
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? - this is always a question in these 
125. Do you believe in true love? - ofc 
126. Are you currently bored? - nah im cool 
127. What makes you happy? - makeup, photography, my friends, my sister 
128. Would you change your name? - no ive never thought of something that suits me more than olivia, which is why im cool with my nicknames 
129. What your zodiac sign? - scorpio 
130. Do you like subway? - as in sandwhiches yes lol 
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? - i would be shocked lmfao 
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? - ummm idk ive been kind of mia recently from being sick but probs syd 
133. Favourite lyrics right now? - the whole wiped out album by the neighbourhood 
134. Can you count to one million? - ive never tried and i probably never will but on principal yes i can count 
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? umm idk that im ok? i try not to lie about trivial things but if im sad or something and someone im not comfy w asks me about it ill just be like yeh im good 
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? - closed i live in a dorm room lol 
137. How tall are you? -5′6 
138. Curly or Straight hair?- i have a buzz cut so neither 
139. Brunette or Blonde? - is this an opinion question bc i have blue hair so like 
140. Summer or Winter? - man im more of a fall/spring type 
141. Night or Day? - day i think 
142. Favourite month? - november but im really tired of my friends trying to kill themselves in my birthday month tbh LOL 
143. Are you a vegetarian? - no but maybe i should be so i wouldnt be so fucking sick all the time 
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? milk 
145. Tea or Coffee? - i really like both 
146. Was today a good day? - my day hasnt even really started 
147. Mars or Snickers? - snickers i guess  148. What’s your favourite quote? - i dont really have one tbh 
149. Do you believe in ghosts? - yuh 
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? -  the only book i have with me is my science book and thats not interesting at all so lol imma skip this one 
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How College “Psychedelic Clubs” are Changing the Conversation on Drugs
“The first meeting we had, we were just nine people sitting in a circle under a tree,” James Casey told me. Casey, the current director of the Psychedelic Club at the University of Colorado, was sitting in a noisy Boulder coffeehouse recalling the club’s origins. Next to him sat Nick Morris, the club’s founder. “Nick suggested we go around and everyone say their name, and this other person says, ‘…and your spirit animal!’”
Morris and Casey traded glances and laughed. “I just cringed,” Casey recalled.
After the first meeting, Casey approached Nick. “This thing has a lot of potential,” Casey told the club’s founder. “We can really make something beautiful.”
That was two years ago, and the tone has changed quite a bit since. Today, they see about 40 heads per meeting.
“We have a wide range of people,” said Morris. “We have people who know psychedelics down to their chemical structure. And we have some who only know what a psychedelic is—and that’s all they know. We get people who are really deep into psychedelic culture, and we get people who are 4.0 neuroscience majors.”
A few months ago I read about CU’s Psychedelic Club in a local student newspaper. The club’s name, a kind of throwback to the Timothy Leary era, intrigued me. I couldn’t shake the question: What would a Psychedelic Club meeting look like?
Morris invited me to come out and see for myself. I half expected to meet two guys with enough edge that said, “Hello, we made a drug club.” Instead, Morris and Casey perfectly blended into Boulder’s casual college scene. Both wore flannel shirts. The only concession to psychedelia was Casey’s Pink Panther baseball cap.
Once we found the bottom of our teas, Morris, Casey and I stepped outside into the watery slush left by the recent storm and made our way to the Environmental Design building where the club meets.
University of Colorado, Boulder campus. (Ryan Dearth for Leafly)
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The spirit of the room was relaxed and light. Students twisted in their seats, ate pizza, and chatted with their friends. Casey announced that they’d be having a low-key meeting today: writing or sharing poems, then electing a new slate of club leaders.
Students excitedly grabbed paper and let poetic meter spill onto it. For fifteen minutes, the only sounds in the room were pen scratching paper and computer keys clicking. One student volunteered to share his work. He stood, wearing a shirt that said “Legalize It.” He read a poem he had saved from a while back, written after a profound psychoactive experience.
His poem captured the anxiety felt as the clock counts down our years of life with a steady tick-tock – a sound that becomes ever more ominous when burned away at a 9-to-5 job.
The end of his poem was met with a single “Oh my god” from one impressed student, and a chorus of applause. Other students shared their work with an unusual openness. No one seemed to be intimidated by the performance that preceded their own. It was simply one person followed by another, each sharing their own perspective.
In the meeting’s waning minutes, three students shared their visions for the club’s coming year. The student who’d read the first poem unveiled plans to meet with faculty and legislators to design safer approaches and drug education for students who are curious, uninformed, or struggling.
And that’s where the Psychedelic Club’s real work begins.
CU Psychedelic Club founders James Casey and Nick Morris standing at a campus balcony before a club meeting. (Ryan Dearth for Leafly)
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College cannabis clubs are nothing new; many have been around since the 70s. NORML counts at least 20 student chapters on college campuses around the country. Students for Sensible Drug Policy have over 4,000 cannabis activists at work today.
But psychedelic clubs are a little different. Though all support legal reform, these groups mainly focus on education, peer-to-peer information exchange, and harm reduction. Since the founding of CU’s club two years ago, fifteen clubs have sprouted across the country, from California to North Dakota to North Carolina. Each club grows organically, according to the desires of the members and the environment on campus.
Psychedelic Club is spreading across the US, with 15 chapters coast-to-coast. That number is constantly growing.
“At first we wanted it to be mainly awareness-based, just educating the public,” said Morris, the CU club founder.
That quickly changed. Club members identified a need for harm reduction programs and evidence-based information about the psychedelics circulating around Boulder. “We eventually started doing substance testing for students as well as trip sitting,” Casey added.
The club’s testing work revealed some shocking results. Over 80 percent of the MDMA that club members analyzed turned out to be cut with methamphetamine.
“We can’t do that anymore, though,” said Casey. Despite the critically important information revealed by the tests, university officials couldn’t allow such direct interaction with drugs. If the club wanted to remain a CU-affiliated organization, the testing would have to stop. “So now we host psychedelic harm reduction workshops,” Casey said. “The Zendo Project, for example, will come out and do workshops for students and the community.” The Zendo Project is a psychedelic harm reduction organization based in Santa Cruz, California.
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The University of Colorado and its hometown of Boulder have a long history with cannabis and alternative culture. But college psychedelic clubs aren’t limited to expected outposts like Boulder and Berkeley.
The University of North Dakota, a campus of 15,000 students located in the conservative farm town of Grand Forks, is the unlikely birthplace of another psychedelic club. I asked Will Beaton, a senior at the University of North Dakota and president of the Grand Forks Psychedelic Club, how his club got started.
“There are few young people here [at UND] who don’t know someone whose life has been impacted – or ended – by drug use,” Beaton said.“When I went to our first [club] meeting, I was expecting a bunch of stoners or something. But almost everyone there just knew someone who had overdosed and died. We were all there because we didn’t want to get another email saying a friend died.”
Beaton touched on an extraordinary fact of life for many high school students these days. He made it through high school without losing a friend or loved one to overdose – and that isn’t the norm. Beaton considered himself unusually lucky to be untouched by loss.
His luck did not last.
One month after his high school graduation, the body of Beaton’s friend was discovered in the grass outside his parents’ home.
Later that same week another friend, just 17 years old, died of overdose. The 17-year-old thought he and his brother were taking psilocybin chocolates. The overdose of another Beaton’s close friend would come soon after.
Autopsies would show that many of those deaths were caused by NBOMe – a research chemical that can only be differentiated from LSD through testing – and powdered fentanyl, a potent opioid that can have lethal effects even in small amounts.
“These substances are cheaper to produce than hallucinogens like LSD, but since their effects are somewhat similar, dealers often sell these extremely potent drugs as something safer and more marketable than what they really are,” Beaton said. “Often dealers themselves don’t know what they’re pushing.”
The same problem exists in Boulder, where NBOMe was detected in 40 percent of LSD samples tested by the CU Psychedelic Club.
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University of North Dakota’s Merrifield Hall (Creative Commons)
The problem of overdose fatalities is so troubling that faculty members at some colleges are getting involved. Frank White, a sociology professor at the University of North Dakota, teaches a class called “Drugs and Society” that seeks to keep pace with the changing landscape of drug use, education, and policy in the United States.
“We grew up in a time where what you didn’t know couldn’t hurt you,” White said, harking back to his own upbringing. “Now what you don’t know can kill you.”
You won’t hear the words “Just Say No” in White’s class. The course is presented in a spirit of helping students and others prevent abuse and overdose. Discussions are leavened with analysis, psychology, and statistical logic – all fueled by the collective emotional undercurrent of students nationwide affected by drug and alcohol abuse.
White was more than aware of the Grand Forks Psychedelic Club. Club members have taken White’s class, and there seemed a natural bond between the professor and the student club leader. “Will should really be commended as a student who is making a difference,” White said. “He’s not advocating use, he’s advocating education.”
Still, with a name like “Psychedelic Club,” skeptics might wonder how the group would breed a smarter, safer generation. White said he wasn’t thrilled about the name, given the “emotional luggage of the ’60s.” But he warmed up to it over time.
“If you look at the word ‘psychedelic,’ it means mind-expanding or mind-examining,” White said, “And Will is doing that.”
The Boulder chapter, too, had initial reservations about using the word “psychedelic.” The founders ultimately concluded that “Drug Safety Club” just didn’t have the same boldness or attraction. After all, the club’s effectiveness is powered by the student community. It doesn’t work if students don’t show up.
“We’re missing an important segment that involves students and their perspectives and experiences,” White said, criticizing the teacher-to-pupil one-way dynamic in conventional drug education models. “Students listen to students. That’s one facet of the Psychedelic Club I’m really happy with.”
“To beat this drug problem, you need the teachers, the parents, the coaches, the ministry to make an effort, too,” White continued. “It’s got to be a collective effort, and I don’t see that happening yet.”
Will Beaton was invited to Washington, DC’s Newseum to discuss the Psychedelic Club and its objectives relating to freedom of speech. (Photo courtesy of Will Beaton)
That’s part of Will Beaton’s plan – to expand outward, not just inward. At the end of 2016, Beaton flew out to Washington, DC to visit North Dakota Sen. Heidi Heitkamp’s office, local state legislators, and university and law enforcement officials, in an effort to reform the state’s confidential informant program. The infamous Andrew Sadek case still resonates deeply with the student community in the northern Plains states.
Beaton also organizes open mic events to get the Psychedelic Club’s message out between the sets and songs of musicians. Recently, comedian Shane Mauss invited Beaton up on stage during one of his performances to talk about the club’s efforts. Beaton was also interviewed by DC’s Newseum to discuss the club as it relates to freedom of speech. Sandbagger News, a student-formed media outlet whose video work has won the team travel opportunities and participation in political conferences, helps give their cause ever wider attention. 
As I listened to Beaton’s enthusiasm about the club’s future, it reminded me of the power a single individual has against what can sometimes seem like an impenetrable system.
“Don’t be afraid and think that you aren’t good enough to stand up for the rights of other people,” Beaton said. “Lots of people think they haven’t experienced enough tragedy or don’t know enough to raise their hand and join those who are standing up. You can’t be afraid to do that. You have to believe your voice matters.”
I reminded him that North Dakota, of all places, just legalized medical cannabis. He laughed and said, “Yes! If change can happen in North Dakota, it can happen to you.”
Bailey Rahn
Bailey is an editor at Leafly, specializing in strains and health.
The post How College “Psychedelic Clubs” are Changing the Conversation on Drugs appeared first on Leafly.
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