#thsc android!charles calvin
kingkenzieofmold · 2 years
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Felt like doing character doodles! Enjoy <3 ’Accordion’ and ‘Violin’ Belongs to @bluetorchsky.
Amelia Copperbottom and Android!Charles Calvin Belongs to @androidcharles
Blue Fanlady Belong to @blue-fanlady
Ezhno Nies Belongs to @dark-twist-fairytales
Mimi Floris Belongs to @mimkid
Jay Benson Belongs to @jaytoons7
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mai-mai-lim · 1 year
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Double the Charles, double the fun! (and chaos 100%)
plus a tiny marshmallow amelia
a gift for @androidcharles for their belated birthday and also having 100 followers on their blog, anyway congrats!
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mica949 · 1 year
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I’ve been mean to Charles recently, so he can have a little robot kid
Rupert wanted to name her Barbie (short for barbecue) but was outvoted
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androidcharles · 1 year
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A little thing inspired by this ask I answered yesterday. Charles' Charles Charm might not work on Accordion and Violin, but that doesn't mean he won't try to be their friends. No matter how cold they are to him 🤣
Accodion and Violin belong to @bluetorchsky
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lionsong448 · 1 year
The android!Charles AU? And Amelia of course XD ~androidcharles
Went and Yonked Amelia’s ref cuz I had to refresh my memory! https://www.tumblr.com/androidcharles/708813778363547648/general-info
Going to rate her first!
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Design 9/10
This a quality stick here! Love the headphones and her hair! The design has just a few key details that make her, her! This helps her be unique but also not overly complex.
Lore 9.5/10
Love to see a CopperRight child that fits smoothly into the narrative! Adoption is great but how about adopting a stinky little android child? Lovely execution!
Fit into THSC 8.5/10
While her stick design is adorable and I love how you got her core elements into the stick. She’s a little too unique for a background character. People would see the headphones and the theories would fly! She’d have to be more than a background character and that’s ok.
Now for the AU as a whole. Going to rate this slightly differently than an OC.
Character design 10/10
Everyone is unique and recognizable at a glance. Your marshmallow sticks are also a wonderful way to keep things manageable!
Main character 20/10
Spin-off game potential 6/10
While I would love to play this as a spin off, a lot of the story would be lost and that would be a shame of the highest order. It’s best as the lovely ask blog you have crafted!
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mica949 · 1 year
Android!Charles but the programmers claim every update to his code that they’ve gotten rid of the issue where Charles would choose to crash his helicopter, and every update he proves that no they haven’t fixed it
After 12 back to back updates they give up
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mica949 · 1 year
Some more Lore for my Android Charles
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He’s gonna process that trauma sometime. But now is not that time.
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mica949 · 1 year
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I colored in my boy
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mica949 · 1 year
Another Android!Charles fic, that got so long I had to post it on Ao3. Sorry. This definitely wasn’t gonna fit in one post. Please boost this one like it’s something normal, I spent like 20 hours on this thing.
Where was he? Was his body still intact? Was his hard drive dislodged and rocketing towards its destination in a sea of stars? Charles wished he could see it all one last time. He always liked the stars.
Stranded in space, a certain android meets some new friends.
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mica949 · 1 year
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They gave the robot autism
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kingkenzieofmold · 2 years
@androidcharles here, or at least her main! Only if you want to, I would love to see you draw android!Charles! If you don't want to do that, just drawing regular Charlie is fine w/ me!
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AI is on the rise… Love the design had fun with the jacket! :D
Design and request by @androidcharles go show them love! <3
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mica949 · 1 year
Toppat Android!Charles lore Slight warning for robot violence!
Burt pretended he didn’t like Charles’s presence, but he caught him smiling every now and then. 
He was jumping back and forth between jobs, trying to find something in the clan that he would like to do for the foreseeable future. For now, he was working in intel and communications. Along with Burt, it was his job to send messages to the different divisions: the  ones who stayed on earth and ones who went up to the space station. 
It was actually pretty fun. He was learning code, leading how to encrypt messages so the government wouldn’t be able to read them. In fact, he was getting curious…
“Hey Burt.” He ignored the way the other sighed as he spoke up again. “How good are you at decoding stuff?”
Burt looked him up and down, then spoke in his usual monotone. “Pretty good. Only been doing this for about 20 years.”
Wow, 20 years? That was intense. But hey, boosted his chances. “Do you think you could decode my coding? And like, change stuff?”
Charles couldn’t read the expression on Burt’s face. “Would you… want that?”
“Oh yeah. There’s like, a lot of memories that are blocked off, and I know they put in an anti-Toppat coding cus my head keeps screaming at me. Stuff like that, y’know?” He shrugged his shoulders. 
“I probably could. I’ve done this kind of thing before.” Now it was Charles’s turn to raise an eyebrow. Burt ignored him though, reaching under a table and pulling out a series of cables. “What kind do you use? I got USB, USBC, parallel, all that stuff.” 
“Oh. Uh, USBC, I think.” He took his headphones off, feeling the small port behind his left ear. “Yeah, USBC.” 
After looking through the cables, Burt pulled out a long red cord and abruptly stuck it in the port. Charles was about to complain, but suddenly felt completely overwhelmed at how much information there was. The port allowed for a two sided link, and from his place in his chair Charles could feel the dormant mechanisms in the station, just waiting for orders. 
“Wow. That’s… intense.” It felt as though a crowd had its eyes on him, waiting for him to lead. He had to squeeze his eyes shut and send through the port go away, I’m not in charge here, just getting some adjustments, I’ll be out of your nonexistent hair soon.
Burt was silent, but Charles could hear clicking on the computer and feel his folders being opened and looked through. It was honestly kind of violating, but he was used to it. Just forced himself to take deeper breaths.
“They used the same encrypting for you that they use for their ‘top secret’ messages. What idiots.” Charles poked an eye open, seeing Burt look exhausted as he looked through his mind. “Who wrote this? Objective C is so outdated.”
“Well, I was made a long time ago. It’s probably just easier to keep it that way.”
“Still. You’d be able to run a lot faster on C++.”
“Maybe that’s why I’m so dumb.” He said with a chuckle.”
“…You’re not dumb.” Burt muttered. Honestly, Charles’s heart felt a bit warmed. “Oh, you’re right. They do have anti-toppat coding. Seriously, who programmed you? There’s so many if/elses in here. I could replace them with a switch and…”
Charles chuckled. He’d never seen Burt so passionate about anything. “Well. Just delete it. Or don’t, if that would break me.”
“Give me just a second.”
Oh man, the feeling of his coding being rewritten was always disorienting. He closed his eyes again, busying his hands with fiddling with a fancy studded band on his pointer finger. His first steal, and honestly it was good for destressing.
Huh. Oh wow. All that anxiety about Burt and Henry and Ellie just… disappeared. That was weird. “I’m assuming you did it, so, thanks.” 
Burt was silent. Charles could hear more clicking and scrolling, followed by some typing. Then a scoff. “The archiving system is so basic. You have no idea how much I want to rewrite all of this.”
Charles didn’t quite understand. It sounded complicated. “Can you just… get rid of it? Delete some stuff?” 
“I think if I just deleted this line, then…”
Oh. He remembered now. The others. The explosion. Back when he was pilot-delta-9.
Intel-alpha-2, who almost got decommissioned for stepping on the foot of a soldier who bullied Charles. Sol-beta-1, who acted tough but couldn’t fall asleep without a plushie as big as they were. Hell, around a hundred little robots who all looked forward to being on the front line once they passed training. 
Then one night, a siren sounded seconds before their building was filled with fire. 
He heard gunshots, people screaming either for help or to kill others who were still standing. Charles was trapped under rubble, holding the lifeless hand of his friend whose head was pierced through by a support beam. Water was beginning to fill the area, and he wasn’t quite waterproof yet. He held his head up as much as he could, trying to prevent it from getting in his hard drive. Despite not having a mouth, he remembered covering the area and hoping desperately that the person who found him would be a good guy. 
It was 2 days later, when the smoke had finally settled, that someone lifted the chunk of ceiling to find the two robots under it. 
That was when he was given his cozy jacket, to try and cheer him up as he passed the mangled hard drives of his friends. He knew that they’d locked those memories off to keep him from causing a fuss, but how did he just forget that? 
He didn’t realize he’d stopped breathing until a hand tapped his shoulder. He couldn’t help but flinch. 
“Are… you alright?”
Charles forced himself to start breathing again. Despite the thoughts that were running through his head, that Burt could surely read, he put on a forced smile. “I’ve been better? It was kinda intense. Don’t lock it up again though! I don’t want to forget…”
Burt nodded. “Go get a drink or something.” The cord was pulled out of his head, and Charles sighed in relief as he was just himself again. It felt like a chore to put his headphones back on and stand. 
He had a lot to think about. 
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mica949 · 1 year
Valiant Hero: Disappearance
An Android!Charles work. Warning for graphic depiction of death for a robot.
There weren’t any other exits. The escape pods had all launched, and the rest were blocked off by rubble. As small explosions sounded out around him, Charles couldn’t help but stay positive. Maybe it was just his coding, maybe it was a desire to calm down that rapid breathing he heard through his headphones.
“We got them, though.” He flinched as explosions sounded out around him. It wouldn’t be too long now before the main core went off, he figured. “Pretty good plan. You could say it was the greatest pla—“
Then came a noise so loud it overwhelmed his sensors, a blinding light, and a searing pain.
But only for a moment.
Critical damage to central system. Visual sensors offline. Audio sensors offline. Power generator offline. Time until shutdown: 2 minutes.
Ah. This was what death was like. There wasn’t any pain, he supposed his artificial nerves were offline as well.
He’d been in near death situations before. Crashes, torture, all the like, which rendered more than one of his systems offline. This was the first time he was acutely aware that he’d never be put back together.
Where was he? Was his body still intact? Was his hard drive dislodged and rocketing towards its destination in an abyss, a sea of stars?
He wished he could see them one last time. He always liked the stars.
Time until shutdown: 1 minute.
For the first time in a while, he felt afraid. When he was younger, when he still felt afraid more often, he’d curl up in the general’s arms as he whispered reassuring words into his ear.
How long had it been since he’d had that? If he asked, would the general let him? It wasn’t as though he’d ever know, but it was nice to imagine. Despite his nerves being offline, he allowed himself to imagine a warm hug. He would miss them.
Warning: shutdown imminent. Please connect to an energy source immediately.
He’d miss everyone. It was true that he’d had a pretty good life, but it came to him then that he hadn’t appreciated it enough. He spent so much time caught up with missions, and never enjoyed the little things.
He wondered, his communication systems weren’t offline. If he sent a message, would it reach someone back—
System shutdown. Closing open programs… shutdown complete. Goodnight, Charles.
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mica949 · 1 year
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Local AI tries his very best to draw a hand
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mica949 · 1 year
Beginnings of Toppat Android!Charles
Henry didn’t know when their ‘arch nemesis’ relationship had turned into something like a game. 
It happened all on its own. It had become practically routine at this point: Henry would capture Charles, who would eventually find some way to escape, and then Charles would capture Henry, who had the power of retries and Toppat engineered gadgets at his disposal. In the meantime came many encounters which, at some point, started being fun. Ellie agreed with him on that regard, and also agreed that Reginald would find him crazy if he ever shared that fact. It all sort of melted over the last time Henry was captured, and pointed a shrink ray at Charles, who had only laughed.
“Honestly, Henry, I don’t expect to ever catch you for good. But, this is kind of fun, huh?”
It was. He had fired the gun at Charles’s headphones, which made him let out a noise of offense as Henry made his escape. 
Now was just another part of their game. He had Charles in some fancy magnetic cuffs, and the man was trying to exercise by seeing how far he could pull them apart. Henry had already given a little speech on how he was going to take down the US government, and it had been about 30 minutes without a sincere escape attempt. Honestly, it was kind of concerning. 
Henry snapped his fingers a couple times to get Charles’s attention, then signed, [Aren’t you going to do something?] 
Charles shrugged. “Sorry man, normally I’d do some witty banter and all that while waiting for my backup, but I’m kinda out of it today. Haven’t gotten any sleep in a couple days, some mission trying to stop you guys or something… I fell asleep during the debriefing.”
Was that normal for the military? Probably. There was a reason he’d double crossed them. He didn’t have enough fingers to count the horrible things he’d heard from members who ended up in Galeforce’s custody. 
[I won’t kill you if you want to rest.] He signed after a couple seconds of thinking about it. Not that he’d kill him anyways, he was pretty sure that the both of them were aware that getting blood on their hands wouldn’t do any good. However, the slight smile that bloomed Charles’s face made his stomach twist in a weird way.
“Thanks, I guess.” Charles moved his magnetic cuffs to a more comfortable position, then laid down. “You know… You guys aren’t actually all that bad. I mean, you steal stuff, and kill people who get in your way, but you’re mostly just… silly.”
Despite the truth to that statement, he couldn’t help but take a bit of offense. Henry made a particularly grumpy expression at Charles, who laughed and closed his eyes. 
“Don’t deny it. You wear a black trench coat and prepare evil monologues for me. Your girlfriend Ellie couldn’t stop making the interrogators laugh” Henry’s cheeks reddened, despite the fact that they were indeed dating. 
Apparently Ellie had a routine planned for when she was captured for information. Her stories of derailing her torture with puns made Henry feel a bit better as the doctors were patching her up. 
He snapped his fingers again so Charles would open his eyes before signing, [Would you believe me if I told you she practiced the jokes?]
“Honestly, I would. It seems like something you guys would do.” The soft smile Charles had fell, which made Henry’s stomach do another uncomfortable backflip. “I honestly felt kinda bad that they did that to her. She’s pretty cool, you know? You guys don’t deserve half the hell we give you.”
Henry tilted his head. What was this leading to? He’d never heard something like appreciation from the other, besides sarcastically in their ‘witty banter’. 
Charles seemed to take the hint, and sighed. “I don’t know. Just ranting, I guess. I’m tired. It’s been 27 years, and I'm finally realizing that we kinda suck. Or maybe I’m just grumpy cus I haven’t slept.”
[They should let you sleep, too.]
“Ehh, I’m used to it. When there’s a big mission going on, it’s pretty normal to pull all-nighters and skip meals.”
[We don’t do that.]
“You don’t?” Charles looked away from Henry, furrowing his eyebrows. “…Huh. Guess that’s another point you guys have on us.”
It wasn’t about points. Henry didn’t know why he suddenly cared. Charles was his enemy after all, even if they mostly just messed around instead of genuinely trying to hurt each other. Though, if he thought about it, maybe he could kill two birds with one stone. Get Charles out of his hair, and get him in a better place as well. It didn’t mean anything. 
[Why don’t you leave?] 
Charles chuckled, but there was no happiness in it. “Well… I’ve told you already, I’m a government android.” He knew that. An initiative that created robots to fight wars, or something. It sounded like the beginnings of a dystopian story. But Charles didn’t seem like the type to overthrow humanity. Charles seemed to realize it wasn’t clicking, and continued. “I don’t have an ID, birth certificate, or even a social security number. Even if I didn’t have a tracker built into my head, where am I supposed to go?”
Henry had an idea. A stupid, stupid idea. He knew it was stupid, but he couldn’t stop himself from thinking, what if everything could be perfect. In this timeline he had everything. Almost everything. Everything except…
[You could come with us.]
“Oh man, can you imagine? Me, a Toppat? The general would be so mad. Where would my hat even go, on top of my headphones?”
He wasn’t taking it seriously. Henry probably should have seen that coming. [You could. I would vouch for you.]
“As if you’d ever accept me. I’m better off hoping they’ll let me retire when I hit my 50s.” 
Henry rarely ever spoke. His voice failed him at the worst of times in the past, so he stuck to sign language unless absolutely necessary. He couldn’t remember if he had ever spoken to Charles with his real voice. Maybe he hadn’t, if that bewildered expression said anything. 
“You’re uh… really serious, huh?” Charles smiled, but there was something Henry couldn’t read in his eyes. “I… don’t know. It sounds nice, doing whatever I want whenever I want with nobody to tell me no. But I’m not a criminal. I can’t just… I dunno…”  he was silent for a moment. “…It really does sound nice.”
Henry shrugged. The brief courage to talk had left him all at once. He switched back to signing to say, [Think about it.]
Charles didn’t have a response to that.
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mica949 · 1 year
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More of my Toppat Android!Charles. He has to relearn that he’s not a tool
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