#thx for the 10/10 designs tired-ash ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ
ccrisntok ยท 7 months
heheheh i finally had the time to doodle some of @tied-ash's Ace sibling designs >:) (cut bc. lots of images are annoying without cut imo)
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reaction to a random nice girl ur brother's friends with who you adopt as family vs ur actual brother (aka me forcing my sibling Aceden agenda wherever i can)
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glue yum. also i hc that Ace just eats random inedible shit all the time (totally not projecting) so i feel like Jules has poison control on speed dial for Elliot (bc he's a child and kids eat random shit all the time) and Ace on occasion.
alec and leo. <33333 if they asked for my money i would take out 17 loans on the spot without question.
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i am realizing that Alec, Amilia, and Anne's names also begins with A so calling Ace "A" could cause confusion. but. whatevs.
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rex is me
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poor Tanner. bullied, and he only has one kidney. smh.
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also uh....... tanner do you happen to be a defense attorney... /nsrs
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anywho go look at tied-ash's designs and like and comment and reblog and all that on their post and their other posts. thank u.
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