#thx to connor for putting the idea in my head!!!
lokisis · 1 year
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"[Fisher Price] WHY IS THEREA SHARK ON [Your Logo Here]???"
"I like sharks"
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johnseedfanclub · 3 years
Ya’ll are crazy with the wip tags lmaoooo I enjoy writing for ya’ll tho~
Tagged by @mrspaigeomega thx bestieeee 💕
“What the fuuuuck”
It been only what? An hour? maybe two? I don’t know... four...? Maybe? Angel was completely out of it after whatever that.....Connor..dude gave him. He had no idea where he was going. He was definitely on some road of some sort. Where? God knows. At this point, he was wandering around like a lost sheep. No one around him, no ride, no place to rest or camp out, fucking nothing.
“Jesus fucking Christ....what the fuck was in that thing?”
Angel tried to gather his senses but with whatever he took it was a fighting battle between his senses and the psychedelic effects of that...what was that again?...fucking Cannabliss. He was swaying slightly and stumbling. Maybe this was a bad idea. It’s been years since Angel touched weed, let alone any drug.
“God fucking- FUUUUCK!”
Angel leaned to the side a bit too much and fell over the guardrail on the road. And with his luck there was a hillside and he tumbled downward until he hit a tree stomach first. Angel felt a rush of pain and nausea hit him like a fucking truck. He couldn’t even bring himself to get up. So he stayed for a few minutes recovering.
“Holy FUCK am I glad I’m not white boy wasted” Angel said to himself as he finally gotten up, still swaying slightly and trying to gain control of himself. He looked around and luckily found a hiking trail of some sort and stumbled his way onto it.
“I can’t fucking take this anymore” Angel sighed out as he took out his radio and held it up, radioing no one but who else?
“Connor...” Angel cut off the radio “of course of all people I trust”
“CONNOR” Angel tried radioing the other man again
“SHHHHHT” was heard on the other side
“Connor I’m fucking dyin’ the fuck did you give me”
“Angel stop it. First of all this is YOUR fault I told you it isn’t the same as fucking weed it’s much stronger ya fuckin’ lightweight.” Connor whispered into the radio “Second, you need to lay the FUCK low. They found out you left and if you don’t find a place to seek shelter you’re gonna be fuckin’ dyin’”
Angel heard the radio cut off and knew he wouldn’t be able to find a way to make this shit wear off
“Fucking FANTASTIC” Angel said loudly
Maybe a bit too loudly
“What was that?”
“Over there”
Though Angel was blissed out of his mind if didn’t take much to comprehend it wasn’t no regular civilian
“Fuck.fuck.fuck.fuck fuck” Angel panicked as he tried scrambling back to where that fucking stupid tree was and tried climbing back up to the road
“OH SHIIIIT.” Angel managed to finally jump over the guard rail, well...more like fall, and started sprinting as if his life depended on it.
I mean it did
But as he was running, he realized he didn’t feel....tired.. and to his surprise, he was running faster than a fucking marathon runner.
But he quickly took this thought out of his head when he heard gunshots behind him, followed by angry call outs and screaming
“These fuckers don’t let up do they?” Angel said through breaths
Angel found a dirt road making a sharp turn into the forest again. After his first experience he really didn’t want to go somewhere that would probably cause him to meet with these freaks again but
“I’ll take my fucking chances”
Angel sprinted down the dirt road for a bit before walking off of it to prevent himself from being too visible.
“God...haven’t ran like that in years...kinda felt good”
The effects of the cannabliss were really starting to kick in, Angel went from feeling disoriented to energized. He felt like he could run all through Holland Valley without any trouble. He could probably take down a thousand peggies in the middle of it too.
“Connor” Angel radioed him again
“You’re going to get me into trouble”
“I feel fucking great Connor you have more of that” Angel whispered into his radio
“Calm your fucking asscheeks little man, it’s your first time. I’m guessing the adrenaline kicked in huh”
“Oh fuck yeah” Angel chuckled “Some fucking country rats were chasing me and I ran as if I was Usain Bolt”
“Country r- ANGEL!!! GET YOUR ASS SOMEWHERE SAFE THOSE WERE EDEN’S HUNTERS” Connor yelled through the radio
“Huh??” Angel tilted his head slightly
“OH SHIT” Angel started panicking “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME THAT EARLIER”
Angel turned off his radio and looked around
“No fucking map, no people, no help, holy fucking-“
Just as Angel was trying to figure out how he was going to find a way to get to safety, a bullet grazed his shoulder, piercing skin but not luckily no entry
“FUC-“ Angel tried to hold in a howl as he gripped his arm and ducked out of sight. He quickly started crawling his way through the thick brush hoping no one would find him. But with this new psychedelic effect it might aid him in his escape
“Gotta get to Falls End...Gotta get to Falls End-“ Angel whispered to himself
“Look what we have here”
Angel quickly got himself up off the floor and looked around quickly, spotting Michael a few foot steps away.
“You know I knew this would be easy but not this easy”
Michael was almost right. Compared to him, Angel is a little boy 5’11 to 5’6 is quite the difference in height, let alone the fact that he was trained like a soldier by Jacob. It didn’t help Angel that he was high off his rockers at the same time, giving Michael a great advantage
“Mmm..the effects didn’t wear off either huh” Michael teased as he leaned down to look at Angel’s eyes, pupils completely blown wide. “First timer?”
Angel couldn’t get any words out. Instead he turned around and tried to run.
“AHT- AHT-“ Michael grabbed Angel by the arm and tugged him close “Don’t think your getting yourself out of this one”
Oh but he was. Though Angel was small, he had skill. As a former underboss and marksman he was trained to fight. Even if he wasn’t armed to the teeth like Eden’s Hunters and Chosen he could take down a man with ease
“Mmmh..yeah...I’d say that too.” Angel nodded in agreement before swinging around and socking Michael in the nose
“ACK-“ Michael didn’t let go but loosened his grip just enough
Angel clenched his fist and went for the throat, punching him hard enough to make the man let him free before lifting his foot, earning Michael a hard blow to the stomach
Michael became a coughing mess, in shock that the smaller man sized him up so quickly, despite being under the influence
Angel made no time to get away running as fast as this adrenaline could take him
Michael let out a huff and wiped the blood off of his nose, taking out his MP40 and aiming it at Angel’s back. He put his finger on the trigger, ready to end the man’s life but lowered his weapon. Touching his nose and looking at the blood on his fingers, chuckling to himself
“Hmm...maybe Connor was right about you...”
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c-hartsy-79 · 5 years
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Requested: no
This is my first imagine so if you have any tips anything helps thx.
You and Connor had been best friends since the beginning. You went to all of his games home and away. He brought you to all of his team parties and get-to- gethers. Wyatte always teased Connor about you one Connor was one year older than you but nobody seemed to care. You didn’t think that Connor liked you but when Wyatte teased him he would blush. You told him all of your secrets and he told you his but you were starting to believe that he wasn’t. But one day he texted you asking if you wanted to go to another team party. You replied with “ Of coarse.” He sent a smiley face and replied with “ I’ll be there to pick you up in twenty.” You said Ok and sent a smiley face back. You walked down The hallway to the bathroom to do your hair and mascara. And then decided to change your outfit to a yellow striped shirt with black ripped jeans and white vans. You waited excitedly by the door and soon enough he was there to get you. You opened the door with excitement and he said “ Woah there!” With a teasing smile. And you returned the smile. It was sunny and 43 degrees outside but you and Connor rolled the windows down and turned up the radio singing every song. Once you got to Dustin’s house Connor came to your side of the truck and opened the door for you “ Why did you do that?” You asked but he shrugged his shoulders and smiled. By now you were getting suspicious but you ignored it but the fact that he blushed and smiled confused you. But you saw it as him being nice. You knocked on the door to see Riley open it with a welcoming smile “ Hey y/n, Hey Connor.” You and Connor replied with “Hey Riley.” In perfect unison. You both looked at each other and smiled. While Riley stood there and laughed. Riley let you two inside the house and you greeted everyone. Soon after you realized that Connor left your side, so you sat down on the couch. 3 minutes later Connor comes back with two sodas one cherry coke and Pepsi. Your favorite was Cherry Coke and his was Pepsi. You smiled and said thank you and he nodded. You rested your head on his shoulder and he looked down at you and smiled. But if coarse Wyatte walks over to you and Connor “ Heyyy lovebirds.” “ Hey Wylie.” And you rolled your eyes and he just smiled and walked off. You looked at Connor who was looking at you and smiling you smiled back. You stood up and told him that you were getting some more snacks and he asked if you could bring him some more soda, you nodded. You got a Pepsi, Oreos and crackers and sat down next to him. You felt your phone buzz in your pocket and it was your best friend asking how the party was and you replied It’s great;). Then you checked the time and it read 9:30 so you went back to resting on Connors shoulder. You were getting tired and he knew it too. So he stood up and you said your goodbyes and got in the truck. He put his arm around you and you looked at him with a questioning look but he just smiled. Ten minutes later he pulled into your driveway and he turned the truck off. You got out and unlocked the door. You took your shoes off and he did the same and walked over to sit on your couch. You gave him a confused look but you sat next to him. He found the tv remote and a blanket, he spread the blanket over the top of the both of you. He then put his arm around your waist and you tensed at his touch. You asked him what he was doing but he didn’t say anything. You knew he wasn’t drunk because he was too young to drink so he knew what he was doing. He put his hand on your face and he kissed you. Your heart was racing but all of the pieces seemed to fit together now so you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him back. His lips were soft and gentle. You were breathless so you pulled back out of the kiss with a smile. Connor said “ You have no idea how long I have wanted to do that.” You giggled “ Me too.” “ You are so beautiful.” “ Thanks Connor.” He put his arms around you and you fell asleep. He whispered into your hair “ love you.”
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ethxndolan · 7 years
Grayson Dolan Must Die (G.D) Part 6
Summary: Grayson Dolan is known as the schools womanizer. His ability to make a girl fall in love with him, and drop her within a week is legendary. When a series of events peaks Grayson’s interest in Y/N, she is recruited by three of his exes to break his heart in a very public way and exact revenge for all the pain he has caused. However, nothing goes according to plan… and Y/N may be in way over her head navigating the whit and charm that is Grayson Dolan.
A/N: Some comments have come up about the originality of my story so I wanted to make it perfectly 100% clear that this is based off the movie John Tucker Must Die (highly recommend), the set up for the story as far as the three girls recruiting an average looking girl to help take down the most popular guy in school is from that movie. Because my story is based off of a movie there are many others out there that are just like it and if that makes you uncomfortable or you aren’t ok with it then you don’t have to read it and thats chill, and I respect ur decision. I wrote this just because I thought it would be fun to play around with the plot of the movie, particularly I had the idea of mixing things up and changing the way the ending plays out (if you’ve seen the movie you’ll know what I mean at the end of this part its my own idea, i mean as far as i know… i’m sure something similar has probably been done before it’s not a ground breaking idea). So thx for reading that novel i just accidentally wrote explaining this, i just wanted to be absolutely clear. There’s plenty more imagines and stories coming from me in the future, so if this isn’t ur jam maybe something later will be. 
Word Count: 1,020
I knocked on Gray’s front door nervous as hell. I kept trying to convince him to meet me at the library or something, but he insisted that we do it at his house. I told the GDMD girls about it and everyone was cool with it except for Rachel. For some reason she had a real complex about me being alone with Grayson, and I suspected she wasn’t actually completely on board with the plan.
Gray opened the door and smiled at me. He was wearing a football t-shirt and shorts, his hair was its usual messy, floppy self that I could just imagine running my fingers through. He looked way more relaxed than he usually did at school. “Come in,” he said as he opened the door wider.
I followed him up the stairs and into his room, watching as he shut the door behind us. He looked at me as I stood there nervously, not really sure what to do. “Relax, tutor. I don’t bite… unless you’re into that kind of thing.” He laughed at his own joke.
I groaned, but couldn’t help suppress the smile that spread across my face. I felt far more relaxed now that we were falling into our usual roles bantering with each other. “Please, biting is so vanilla.” He choked on his laugh. 
“You got me there, tutor. Luckily, I’m up for anything.” He winked at me.
I shook my head laughing. “Anyway, how about we focus on the chemistry home work. You know, the actual reason I’m here.”
We sat down on his bed and went over the chemistry homework. He was actually picking up the information way quicker than I thought, it seemed like he just needed stuff explained with examples which wasn’t something out teacher usually did. Throughout the hour it was like my body was hyper aware of every little movement and breath he took. I could barely think every time he “accidentally” brushed my hand or when he looked deeply into my eyes as he asked a question. His eyes killed me. 
I actually kind of liked being around him like this. Without all of his dumb football friends and the pressure of school, he didn’t seem like such a bad guy.  We interacted with each other super easily, continuing to joke around while we talked about chemical compounds. 
It was easy to forget why I was actually here so I had to keep reminding myself that he was probably playing me. It didn’t feel like he way playing me though. He leaned in close allowing for only inches to separate our faces and said, “Go out with me.” It wasn’t a question, but rather a soft demand.
“What?” I practically choked out, “I thought you were kidding about that. I really don’t care about making Connor jealous, I’m not that kind of person. I mean except for when I kissed you… but that was an in the moment thing. I kind of moved on from the whole thing, actually,” I said as my eyes fell to his soft plump lips.
He shook his head. “No, I mean I actually want you to go out with me. Fuck Connor, this has nothing to do with him.”
My breath caught. “Really?” He nodded. My heart was racing at this point and I knew what my answer was supposed to be yes to go along with the plan. But, saying yes meant furthering the plan and getting that much closer to hurting Grayson. Remembering the video, I ignored my fear and just said, “Okay.”
His eyebrows shot up in response. “Gotta be honest, I was really expecting you to put up a fight. I was willing to resort to bribery or blackmail.” He smirked. 
“What could you possibly blackmail me with?” I knew we were joking around and having fun, but being blackmailed rang a little to close to home.
“I would tell everyone you’re secretly bad at chem and you’re not the nerd you pretend to be. It would be super believable following the explosion you caused a few days ago.”
I laughed and pushed him lightly. “You’re so annoying! It was your fault too!”
— Grayson’s POV
I hung up my phone in shock. Ethan had just called to tell me that there was a rumor going around that I was the one who caused the fire which resulted in our school spirit shed to burn down. That thing was sacred, constantly being painted over and over again over the last 50 years of the school promoting various clubs and sports games. I had done some fucked up shit… but not that.
I couldn’t believe people were suspecting me of arson?
I was lost deep in my thoughts when there was a knock at the door. I smiled as I opened it, expecting to see Y/N because she had only left a few minutes ago. I was hoping she had forgotten something.  My smile fell when I saw Rachel standing there. “What the fuck do you want?” I asked.
She pushed passed me and into my house. “I know something interesting you might want to know about.” I thought she was talking about the school spirit shed, but when I didn’t respond right away she said, “about a certain lab parter you seem so fond of.”
I glared at her not saying anything. She wiggled nervously, unable to meet my eyes. People had a hard time keeping eye contact with me, I knew it was because I came off as intimidating, but that was the point. Y/N never had a problem with it though.
“Apparently she’s gotten wrapped up in some plot that involves humiliating you in front of the whole school.” I said nothing so she continued on. “She wants to make you fall for her, and then she’s going to dump you in front of the whole school. She’s trash, Gray. She’s just trying to bring you down. You need to stay away from her.” She stepped closer to me and put her clammy hand on my arm. I shrugged it off.
“Why should I believe you?”
“Because Y/N, Sabrina and Megan asked me to help them. They told me all about their plan. Why do you think Y/N’s been dressing different? Paying more attention to you than normal? Why would a girl like that be interested in you? She’s beneath you. They’re all jealous and vengeful bitch’s and they want to hurt you.”  
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hockeyfun · 8 years
Connor McDavid #1
Requested by Anon: can you do a connor mcdavid imagine where its his girlfriends bday? thx so much!
Word count: 1830
Warnings: I think there may be like one cuss word
Author’s Notes: I’m so sorry it took me a while to write this! Also i’m so sorry it’s long. This prompt had my mind going crazy with ideas which is a great thing so thank you for your request! Hope you enjoy it! And hope it’s interesting! Much love!!
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Birthdays are meant to be special. They're supposed to be a celebration of a person. And that was exactly why you hated your birthday. Every one of your birthdays had never been special. Although this year your boyfriend, Connor McDavid, (yes that Connor McDavid) promised it would be different. But that was before he found out that he had practice in the morning, media stuff the rest of the day, and to add a cherry on top he was flying out to Winnipeg that night so he wouldn’t be able to see you at all. He took you out for dinner the night before to make up for not being able to be there on your birthday but it just wasn’t the same. He promised that when he gets a free day he’ll try his best to make up for it. Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock on your bedroom door. Before you could even answer it three of your closest friends came dancing into the room. One was holding a bunch of balloons, another one was holding a present, and your roommate was filming it all. “Happy birthday” they yelled in unison. The three of them jumped onto your bed and sang happy birthday. After that they all flopped onto your bed in exhaustion. Final after they caught their breath one of them began to speak, “Your special day has all been planned out so there is nothing to worry about. All we need you to do is get ready to enjoy yourself,” The friend who brought in the balloons, Eliza, said. “You guys didn’t have to do anything for my birthday,” you responded. Sabrina, the one who brought in the present, let out laugh, “Are you kidding me? You deserve some birthday love!” “Yeah, you deserve a special day. And we had some help” your roommate, Jenna, agreed while still filming on her phone. You gave her a confused look, “Why are you filming? And what help?” you skeptically asked. “Well, let’s just say someone’s boyfriend cares an awful lot to make sure his girlfriend gets the perfect day on her birthday” she responded. You perked up right away, “wait, Connor helped plan this?” This whole day was beginning to look better and better. They all nodded their heads in unison. “He was pretty bummed that he wouldn’t be able to be here so he made sure to plan a perfect day!” Sabrina, responded, “actually, this present is from him but you aren’t allowed to open it till later.” You looked down at it and smiled. Of course Connor would have helped put all of this together. That’s just how much he loved you. He wanted to give you everything you deserved, and you deserved a good birthday. “Okay,” you looked up to your friends, “let’s do this.” They all cheered and pulled you in for a hug. Eliza was the first to let go, “I’m making your favorite breakfast in the kitchen. So when you’re done getting ready come on out.” Eliza was a chef so it made sense that she would cook breakfast. Eventually the two other girls left to help Eliza which left you alone to get ready. You couldn’t help but be super happy. If nothing else happened today you’d be fine with it because this was already enough.
 “Eliza, the breakfast was awesome, thank you so much,” you praised her as you finished your meal. She smiled while taking your plates and putting them in the dishwasher. The whole breakfast you could tell your friends were anxious to get the festivities of the day started. “okay, what’s planned first for the day?” You questioned them. “Well we have a few destinations but basically we are just going to go to your favorite places downtown,” Jenna replied.  So that’s basically how your day went. The first place you all went to was 4th Street Promenade. It was actually one of your favorite places because it was where the Rogers Place was and that is where Connor was currently practicing. And knowing that Connor was only a few walls away from you helped ease the discomfort of missing him, but you didn’t go there for Rogers Place. You spent most of a morning visiting shops, having lunch, seeing the Neon Sign Museum, and buying some sweet artisanal chocolates from Jacek Chocolate Couture. For Lunch, you were taken to 124th street. Then after that you spent most of your time looking at art galleries there. You couldn’t remember having a better day in Edmonton. It was fantastic. The only thing that could make it better was Connor. You tried not to dwell too hard on it but every now and then you would think about it.
 It was around 4 o’clock that you and your friends returned back to your apartment. You were pooped from your long day. You were sitting on your couch when Eliza, Sabrina, and Jenna came in with Connor’s Present from this morning. You instantly perked up, “Oh my gosh I almost forgot!” You exclaimed. “We were hoping that would happen,” Jenna smiled, while filming once again. “You’ve been filming all day. Can you at least tell me why?” You questioned as you reached for the gift. “Not yet,” she smiled at you. You let out a groan and just rolled your eyes. “Okay, now open the gift,” Sabrina commanded. So that’s what you did. “Holy shit,” you let out. The gift was a beautiful Peter Copping black dress. It was a simple silhouette that would show off the best of you. All your friends shared the same expression. “That dress is about the price of our apartment,” Jenna exaggerated, even though she probably wasn’t far off. “There is no way I can accept this gift,” you said. Sabrina who was very into fashion was your voice of reason, “You cannot give that back. This is a once in a lifetime gift.” “But It’s too expensive. It’s too much,” you responded. “Wait, Connor wrote you a note. I think you should read it first,” Eliza encouraged. So you grabbed the folded up note and read it
“I know what you are thinking. ‘this is too expensive. I can’t accept it’. Well I got this for you because you deserve it. You are special and worth way more than this. Also it is custom made so it isn’t returnable ;). I love you more than you know and I wish I could be there with you right now. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there. I hope your day so far has been amazing, but my favorite part that we planned has yet to come. So put on the dress and Eliza, Jenna, and Sabrina will tell you the rest. I love you. I can’t wait to see you soon. -Connor <3” You were laughing and crying. You wish he was here. He put in so much effort to make this day amazing and it wasn’t fair that he wasn’t here to enjoy it with you. “Girl you better get rid of those tears real fast because you need to start getting ready,” Eliza said. You nodded your head and wiped away your tears.
 Sabrina did your hair and make-up while Eliza and Jenna were there for support. By the end of the hour it took you to get ready your hair was in a beautiful loose up do and your makeup was flawless with a smoky eye. You learned that you were going to dinner at Corso 32. So your friends quickly got dressed and you all were off.
 You walked into the Corso 32 and the moment you did the hostess looked at your friends and nodded his head. “This way, ma’am,” She motioned for you to follow. You looked back at your friends. Jenna had her camera out again filming, while Sabrina and Eliza were huddled together smiling at you and telling you to go. So you followed the hostess. You rounded the corner and saw Connor sitting at a table for two, wearing the biggest smile. “You have got to be kidding me,” You said. You didn’t run to him like you wanted to, due to the fancy restaurant and the dress, but when you reached him you threw yourself at him. “Happy birthday, babe. You look incredible in that dress,” he whispered in your ear. There were tears in your eyes. “I love you,” You told him while kissing him. Your friends were right behind you cheering. You turned towards them, “You did this! How could you not tell me!” you exclaimed. They laughed. “that’s why I have been filming all day because Connor wanted to see you enjoying yourself,” Jenna told you. You just rolled your eyes and snuggled into Connor and mumbled “you are too good to me.” Instead of responding he just kissed the top of your head. You untangled yourself from Connor and hugged your friends, “Thank you so much, I’ve had a great birthday,” you thanked them. At dinner you and Connor talked about your days. You learned that he lied about having to fly to Winnipeg and they actually were flying out tomorrow.
 Connor ended up driving you back to his apartment. The two of you were just sitting in the car enjoying each other. You turned towards Connor, “Can I just say this was the best birthday ever.” He smiled while taking your hands in his. “It’s not over yet,” he responded while kissing your hands. You smiled at his response, “I really don’t deserve you,” you told him for what must have been the hundredth time that night. “You wrong,” he argued, “I don’t deserve you. You didn’t ask for this hard position of being in a relationship with an athlete and yet you accepted it with open arms. I wish I could give you a normal relationship where every night ended with you in my arms but I can’t and you don’t even complain. You are amazing. And Every time I’m with you, you make the moment magical. You deserve all the happiness in the world and if I can somehow give you it, then I will,” he finished. You didn’t respond because you were speechless, instead you kissed him. Letting the passion and emotions flow through the kiss. Once the kiss broke apart, he gave you smile like he knew a secret you didn’t, “Your birthday’s not over yet. I have one more surprise left,” You gave him a questioning look.
He walked you to the front door of his apartment. When you walked into his house you heard a big “Surprise!” being screamed! You looked around and saw your mom and dad, and siblings from back home. Your friends and some of the Oilers players and their girlfriends were there. It was everyone important to you in your life was surrounding you on your birthday. And the most important person was next to you holding your hand.
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