undeadredmusey · 7 months
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A silly thing I came up with, a ship of gay pirates being very sexy with each other, getting into very sexy mischief.
Of course the first thing I could conjure up was that line from the song about Drunken Sailors "shave his belly with a rusty razor" and how rusty razors are very dangerous and can lead to lots of lovely things like Necrotising Fasciitis... YUMMY!
Anyway, enjoy a jolly Roger getting some alternative belly attention.
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undeadredmusey · 11 months
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You know, you'd have thought the first time would have been enough, but apparently, Cassie decided to try and visit again. Maybe she forgot something, maybe she has an uncontrollable urge to visit? Though, to be honest, she doesn't look like she's having that bad a time.
Really glad I persevered with this one, there were moments where I wanted to delete this as it wasn't working properly and I just couldn't get it the way I wanted, then I had a wee eureka moment and things started working again.
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