fanficsandfluff · 3 years
A New Miracle - Chapter 15
A/N: This one's a long one!
Fandom: Encanto
Character(s): OC (Original Character) Alexa, Bruno Madrigal, Julieta Madrigal, Pepa Madrigal, Mirabel Madrigal, the rest of the Madrigal family
The prospect of marriage was never in Alexa's mind, or anywhere remotely in her wheelhouse of 'life-living.' She'd dated, she'd met married couples, but she'd never come close to being the bride. She'd never even been to someone else's wedding. That just wasn't her life. At a certain point, she reached an age where she never even imagined marriage to be possible. Who'd want a barren 40+ year old woman for a bride? What could she provide?
And now that was all she could think about. Was she acting wife-ly enough? Would the kids all still like her and not treat her differently now that she was going to be a tía? Heck, she was still sleeping in Mirabel's room most nights. She didn't all together feel like a soon-to-be bride.
And Bruno... oh Bruno...
Alexa smiled at just the thought of him sometimes. He didn't even have to be in the room with her; that's how much this was affecting her. He didn't appear to be handling this much better than herself. He was still awkward, still nervous, still so utterly Bruno.
In Alexa's spare time, when she wasn't with Bruno or when the family wasn't working (days off were a new thing to the family, apparently), she started crossing off her to-do list with all the Madrigal nieces and nephews. And she was having a lot of fun, and at least from her perspective, the kids seemed to be enjoying it, too. Some occasions were awkward initially, like her spa day with Luisa, for example. They didn't know what to talk about at first, but conversation budded when Alexa started talking about all the places she'd traveled to throughout her life.
"Are there people like us out there?" Luisa had asked Alexa.
"None that I've seen," Alexa answered truthfully, "But that doesn't mean you wouldn't fit in. You aren't freaks or anything, not at all."
"Yeah, I guess that's what I was really asking... if anyone looks like us. Or me."
"You're beautiful, Luisa," Alexa told her, looking her in the eyes, "And I know you know that already," she grinned, "Do you like?" she lifted up Luisa's hand which she had just finished painting with nail polish. She had two containers of nail polish that she'd kept with her through the years and used one on Luisa.
"Wow... they're so cute," Luisa inspected her now pink fingernails, "Can you teach me how to do that?"
"Of course," Alexa agreed, "It will take some patience and practice, though. You'll mess up a lot at first."
"I'll practice, don't worry," Luisa smiled.
And Alexa spent the rest of that hangout showing Luisa how to paint nails and allowing her to practice on Alexa's. Then Alexa braided Luisa's hair, since Luisa couldn't do so on Alexa's short hair.
And then a few days later was Isabela's time with Alexa. Mirabel would pop in and out, but Alexa kept playfully scolding her as she wanted each of these encounters to be spent with one on one time with the kids. Alexa was amazed and full of wonder every time Isabela would hold out her hand and flowers would appear. It was mesmerizing. She learned about the different kinds of plants and what care they each would need, even though Alexa was mostly sure it was a ruse. Any plant that Isabela fabricated would probably be filled with magic of its own and never die... or at least that's what Alexa kept telling herself. A long bath was much appreciated after the work on that day.
Alexa was on her way to dinner one of the nights after the proposal and she caught Antonio with Bruno, in the hallway, seemingly chatting. Bruno was kneeling down to his nephew's height. Alexa observed for a little longer, not making her observing presence known. Antonio pointed at Bruno and made himself laugh, and the childish giggles warmed Alexa's heart. Then she watched Bruno scoop the boy up in his arms and nuzzle into him, making Antonio shriek louder. Alexa hummed to herself, still sporting a smile, and she avoided the pair by going the long way around and down the stairs.
After the meal, Alexa caught up with Bruno as he seemed to be heading to his room, "Hey," she stopped him with just her voice.
"Hi," he smiled and his whole face softened upon seeing Alexa.
"Tomorrow is my scheduled day with Antonio. I was wondering if you'd want to come?" Alexa asked.
Bruno knew of these rituals Alexa had been holding with his nieces and nephews and he thought they were all sweet.
"I mean... does Antonio mind if I come?" Bruno asked. A rat poked its head out of his shirt collar and seemed to squeak an answer, shaking its small head, "Oh, I guess not," Bruno shrugged, "Okay, good."
"You okay?" Bruno asked her. Alexa seemed stumped. He asked that of her so out of the blue. Was she looking not okay? She was keeping herself very busy lately, so maybe she was looking burnt out.
"Yeah," Alexa answered, "Why?"
Bruno shrugged, "I don't know."
"Very perceptive," Alexa grinned, her teasing nature coming back out. Bruno smiled, looking up the flight of stairs that led through casita.
"I'll see you tomorrow, then. In Antonio's room," Bruno repeated the plan to make sure it was really happening.
"Yes, his room. Goodnight," Alexa leaned in to give Bruno a kiss but he moved his head back so she couldn't.
"What did we mention yesterday?" he asked her, a smile playing on his lips.
Alexa groaned and rolled her eyes, "Ugh... Buenas?.... dias?-- dude, I don't know, I forgot."
Bruno chuckled, "First of all it's buen-os; there's an 'o' in there. And night is which word? Starts the same way."
Alexa wracked her brain. She literally just learned this last night, "Nnnn... Noches! Noches! Buenos noches! Ha!" she poked his nose.
"Buenos noches, Lexi," Bruno smiled wider. Alexa leaned in again and got a kiss this time. This was a new thing Bruno came up with to help her learn parts of the Spanish language. Before bed they'd wish each other goodnight in Spanish, and Bruno would throw in a bonus word for her to learn.
"Hasta mañana," he threw in before going up the stairs. He chuckled when he heard Alexa groan, "You're killing me!" but she loved it.
And the next day arrived easily, Alexa dressing into her coveralls and a tank top underneath, since she figured she'd be getting down and dirty with animals today. And to her delight, Bruno was in the kitchen with Julieta when she went downstairs.
"Good morning," Alexa greeted the two, eyeing Bruno up and down with a wide smile, "You'll be joining us for breakfast finally?"
"Yes," Bruno nodded, "Yep. I decided it was time."
"See, I told you," Julieta wagged a finger at her twin, "Everyone will be so happy to have you eating with us."
"You do need to fill out a bit more, rat man,"  Alexa went over to Bruno and patted his belly teasingly, but then turned it into a squeeze. Bruno recoiled as the shock got him squeaking.
"Okahay! We know..." Bruno covered his stomach with both his arms folded over the area.
"Help casita get the table ready, you two," Julieta grinned.
"Sure, Juli," Alexa went to the dining room with Bruno trailing behind her and grabbed the plates while Bruno went for the utensils. As they walked in circles around the table, Alexa caught on to Bruno watching her closely. She grinned, by now used to his staring as she learned that was one of his ways to show affection. His loving stares.
"Bruno," she looked right at him to break his concentration, "Do you sing? I know you can dance, but... the other wasn't made as clear to me."
"Well," he made a face, "I wouldn't call myself a singer, no."
"Everyone in your family can sing, it's amazing. Did you realize that? Well, duh, you've realized, they're your family. Sorry, stupid question, but you see what I am getting at?" she looped herself around til she met Bruno at the head of the table, "You don't like to sing?"
"I'm not good at it," Bruno answered, "And you might have to just trust me on that one."
Alexa tilted her head, "Okay, I do trust you," she nodded and reached a hand out to pick some lint off Bruno's poncho, "You spoke-sang that night at the anniversary. You remember? The caterpillar song."
Bruno nodded, "I do remember. That wasn't really singing, though."
"You sounded sweet," Alexa smiled.
"Well, yeah, I was woo'ed by you, of course I was going to sound sweet."
That comment made Alexa laugh and Bruno even giggled briefly, "Ahall I'm saying is I like music."
"Thahat is not at all what you were saying, are you crazy?"
Alexa laughed again, "My point is I want to listen to music with you... I want to be musical with you..." her finger never left the collar of Bruno's poncho, playing with the fabric there even after she got the lint off.
Bruno paused for a moment, understanding what Alexa meant, but he just wanted to tease her one more time. For fun. He leaned in close to her ear and whispered, "So is that a sex thing?"
Alexa snorted and she finally backed up from him after smacking his arm, face turned fully red. And at that moment the Madrigals were trickling their way in for breakfast, so Alexa cupped both her burning cheeks in her hands, playfully glaring Bruno's way. His smile was broad as anything.
Breakfast went by without a hitch, Alexa enjoying listening to Bruno participate in the family's conversations. And afterwards, Antonio sped up to Alexa and looked up at her, "You ready?"
"Ready Freddy," Alexa smiled at the small child.
"Who's Freddy?" he giggled.
Alexa grinned, "Not important, it's just a saying," she saw Antonio reach his hand out for hers and she took it, Antonio now pulling her along.
"Your Tío Bruno is coming, the rats said you knew--"
"Yep! And Mirabel is gonna be there, too," Antonio said, still pulling Alexa through casita, "I invited her to come."
"And that's perfectly fine, Antonio. Whatever you're comfortable with."
Mirabel was already waiting at Antonio's door holding her bag which looked very full of stuff, "Hi!" she greeted, "I know this whole hang-out thing was supposed to be with just us one-on-one, but Antonio asked me if I wanted to--"
"Mirabel," Alexa smiled, "I understand completely. This will be fun."
"The most fun!" and Bruno slid up to the group seconds after.
Antonio giggled, "Come on!" and he opened the door to his room and immediately sounds of running water, rustling trees, and animal calls were heard. Alexa was breathless, yet again. She had the same reaction to the room now as she did the first time she stepped into it. It wasn't even a room, it was another world.
The jaguar friend of Antonio's came right up to them at the door and Antonio grabbed Alexa's hand again, "Okay, you're first."
"W-What?" she didn't expect to be thrust into this so soon.
"We said we'd give you a ride!"
"He's going to go slow, right?"
Antonio glanced to the jaguar and a bigger smile spread across the child's face, "Yes!"
"O-Okay," Alexa approached the animal, "So do I... yeah, okay," she threw a leg over the creature and sat on its back, "Am I too heavy?" she looked at Antonio to check the jaguar's comfort levels. Antonio giggled again, "He says remember to hang on."
"Hang on to wh--AT!?" the jaguar lurched forward and Alexa was stuck sliding her hands around the animal's shoulders and neck as it very much ran forward.
Antonio was doubled over from giggling by that point as he and Mirabel and Bruno watched the jaguar cart Alexa away.
"Let's go!" Antonio got more of his smaller animal friends to help guide Mirabel and Bruno up to the topmost part of his room, in case they forgot how to get there.
Alexa was frozen stiff at first with the fear of falling off and plummeting to her demise. But after the jumping was mostly finished and the jaguar was just running, she opened her eyes more fully and experienced the world around her. She spluttered and laughed when the jaguar ran under a waterfall stream and got her wet. The jaguar would usually throw Antonio around to make the experience more fun for him, but the creature knew already that Alexa was older, so maybe she wouldn't appreciate it as much.
The ride stopped at the strip of land up in the tree by Antonio's bed. Alexa slid off the jaguar and her legs were noodles from the grip she held onto the animal's sides so she just plopped down onto the ground. She saw Antonio's little face come up first from the steep path that led up here and he ran up to her.
"How was it!?" he asked excitedly.
Alexa laughed and she hugged the child, "Never have I ever had an experience like that. It was... incredible."
Antonio hugged her back, "Yay! He says you were scared, though," and he quickly grinned.
"Wh-- Well, yeah, maybe at first," Alexa scoffed, "What, you weren't scared the first time he did that to you?"
"Nope," Antonio was back to giggling. Alexa had to smile, Antonio's giggle being one of the most contagious things she'd ever heard.
"Send Bruno! Look, you'll see how scary it is at first!" she pointed towards Bruno standing near Mirabel.
"Uh, no, I'd probably wet myself."
And that statement made Antonio laugh harder, falling into Alexa with the might of it, and she was giggling, too.
"Woah! Are you laughing at your tío, Antonio?" Bruno's demeanor suddenly shifted.
"Yeheah," Antonio wiped at his deep brown eyes.
"Show some respect, niño!" Bruno approached Antonio and Alexa and extended his hands out, "You're not getting away with laughing at me so easily. I'll make you laugh, mwahaha!"
Alexa leaned back so Bruno could scoop the child up away from her and into his arms. She brushed hair out of her face and watched Bruno taunt the boy, even throwing him into the air and catching him again. The sight made something inside of Alexa twist and turn and bubble. He was good with kids. She'd seen it happen a few times, but very seldom. He was really good with kids.
"Don't worry, I was also terrified when I first got a ride, too," Mirabel had come over to sit next to Alexa. Alexa was knocked from her thoughts and smiled at Mirabel, "Oho my god, did I seem that scared? You could tell?"
"I mean if the jaguar said it, he wouldn't lie. Would you, you big cute gato?" Mirabel cooed at the animal and it came over and nuzzled into her cheek.
Alexa tentatively reached a hand out to touch the animal's fur, and a bird had flown out of nowhere, startling her and landing on her outstretched arm, "Oh--! Oh wow..." she whispered, afraid to move.
"Aww, he likes you," Mirabel smiled, scratching the jaguar behind its ears.
The bird kept blinking and twitching its face toward Alexa and she stared back at it, afraid to move, "I remember you... you were here last time I was here. And you scared me then, too," she narrowed her eyes at the animal and it squawked and flew away. Alexa chuckled. She heard Antonio screech and she looked back over to where Bruno was sitting with his nephew, currently nuzzling his face into the side of Antonio's and growling while he did it.
"Don't worry, Antonio!" Mirabel stood up, "I'll save you! Psst, come on!" she beckoned to the jaguar, who happily followed her. Alexa sat back and watched the scene with a small smile on her face.
"No, you may not steal him from my clutches!" Bruno was using one of his character voices, but the hood wasn't flipped up so it wasn't clear which one.
"Charge!" Mirabel ran towards the two of them and grabbed onto Antonio. At the same time, the jaguar ran forward and bounded right towards Bruno.
"Ay, wait wait wait wAIT!!" he screeched when he was tackled by the jaguar and Antonio was pulled free to go into Mirabel's arms.
"Get him, boy!" Antonio cheered on the animal. The jaguar resorted to licking Bruno's face affectionately and Bruno was laughing and twisting and making sporadic squeaks.
"Now, I gotcha. Don't worry, the evil Tío Bruno will never get you again," Mirabel squeezed Antonio in a hug. Antonio hugged Mirabel back but let out a childish scream when even Mirabel tweaked his sides.
"Sorry! Sorry, I couldn't resist!" she let Antonio squirm out of her hold and run to Alexa.
"Help me! Help me, tía!" Antonio threw himself at Alexa and snuggled into her. Alexa's heart warmed at being called an aunt like that from the little guy and she smiled so big her cheeks started to hurt, "I won't let them get you, don't worry."
Mirabel got the jaguar off of her poor uncle, "You okay?" she asked.
"Yep, yes. Amazing, actually," Bruno shook his head out and wiped at the cat saliva probably all over his face, "Are there healing properties to jaguar spit? Do I look younger?"
Mirabel laughed at her uncle and tugged him to get him closer to Alexa and Antonio. Bruno's heart melted at the sight of Antonio in Alexa's lap.
"You two are very mean," Alexa accused Mirabel and Bruno.
"Yeah!" Antonio jumped in.
"He laughed at me!"
"He's just too cute!"
The group of four giggled amongst themselves afterwards.
Antonio brought Alexa to some of his favorite spots in his room and introduced her to more animals she hadn't met the last time they were there. Some of the rats had camped out and she still couldn't get over her skeeviness about them.
"I-I've been getting better with them, I just don't want them touching me," Alexa reasoned.
"Every other animal is just as dirty if not more dirty that that little rato," Bruno tried to make her see her dichotomous feelings.
"Yeah, they actually like you," Antonio said, "But they can see you're scared."
Alexa rolled her eyes, "Again with the scared-- Look at them! They're little vermin, aren't they? With their beady eyes and long tails, eck," she made a face.
"Now you're just insulting them," Bruno knelt down by the two rats on the floor and held out his hand to them, to which they scrambled up his arm. He moved toward Alexa and she jumped back.
"Don't you dare. Bruno, I'm serious," and she frankly was. She didn't even want to pet one of them.
"Come ooon," Bruno groaned, his hand still extended towards her and the rats were in his palm, "You can trust me, querida," he tried to schmooze with the charm and puppy eyes, but it still wasn't working.
"Noho," Alexa said again and still backed away, holding her hands to her chest, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry," she then looked directly at the rats and apologized to them, "I do not want to hold you."
"Okay okay," Bruno smiled, "Not today. Maybe someday, though, hm?" he set the rats down on the floor before being allowed to now get closer to Alexa. He kissed her on the cheek.
"Definitely not today," Alexa couldn't help but smile when he kissed her cheek, "And you can keep holding your breath on that 'someday.' Don't think that's happening, either."
Bruno grinned and he brushed his cheek against hers, "We'll see."
Alexa recoiled slightly, "Your beheard itches, Bruno."
"That's what I'm famous for, don't you know?" Bruno turned toward Mirabel and Antonio sharing the hammock together, "Antonio, you're too young to remember. But Mirabel, before I left, I'd always play around with you and your sisters and cousins. You said to me every time I'd give you a kiss, 'Tío, your beard is scratchy!' and I would say, 'I'm sorry, amor, but your tío needs his fill of Mirabel.' And you'd always giggle," Bruno had gone over to the pair of cousins and he squeezed Mirabel's cheek in his fingers.
Mirabel chuckled, "I don't remember, but I wish I had. You sounded fun. Before you got all old," she grinned.
"Wait, you do that to me now!" Antonio accused him, "It does scratch a lot."
"I'm sorry, Toñito, I thought I heard something," he turned his gaze towards Mirabel, "Old? I'm old?"
"Yes. You're my mom's age, of course you're old," Mirabel chuckled.
"Ay," he held his heart, "I can feel it breaking."
Antonio and Mirabel fell into giggles. Alexa smirked at Bruno's playful nature.
"You are old, Bruno, I don't know why you're denying it," she chimed in, "Heck, I'm old. We're both old. It's just a descriptor."
"Why do you have to make it so serious?" Bruno spun around, "I was just trying to educate my sobrina y sobrino about respecting their elders."
"So..." Mirabel sounded again, "You agree that you're old... you called yourself an elder."
There was a moment of silence and Bruno sighed, "I can never win."
Mirabel and Antonio laughed together again and Bruno sat beside Alexa on the log she had now perched herself on, "They're cute, huh?" he observed.
"Very," Alexa agreed, "You're very good with kids."
Bruno shrugged, "I was the fun uncle, believe it or not. Before I went away."
"I wouldn't have believed it before I got to know you. But I believe it now."
"It's different now," Bruno continued, "They're all so grown up. Luisa and Isabela like me enough, and so does Dolores in her own way. Camilo is more comfortable around me now than a few months ago. But they've aged. They're young adults now, with futures and new lives ahead of them. I missed all of that. I still picture them smaller than me, even Luisa. And I never met Antonio when he was born. So he doesn't even know me."
"Well, he knows you now. And he loves you like everyone else does."
Bruno nodded, watching Mirabel showing Antonio something she was making that she pulled out of her bag. It looked like the beginnings of another plush.
"You should bring 'fun uncle Bruno' around more often. He seems to be a hit," Alexa nudged Bruno, smiling at him.
"Oh, you like him, too?" Bruno replaced his soft smile with a full grin, "Even with his scratchy beard?" he leaned over to Alexa and nestled his nose into her cheek before giving it a kiss.
"Yes, even with-- hey!" Alexa nearly jumped off the log when she felt hands squeezing at her sides. Bruno had wrapped an arm around Alexa's back and now both hands were poised at each of her sides. He slid her close to him until their thighs were touching and she couldn't get away easily. Bruno happily squeezed away at Alexa's sides, hearing her fighting the laughs that were bubbling up inside. He temporarily moved his hands away and Alexa took a breather. Bruno glanced down and reassessed where to put his hands and he smirked. At a higher angle, his hands stuck to Alexa's ribs, not protected with an added layer of coverall like her sides were. Alexa screamed in surprise and her arms cinched to her sides.
Mirabel and Antonio looked over at the two when they heard Alexa scream. Mirabel giggled and Antonio made a face, "Yuck! Get a room!" he yelled at them. Mirabel laughed at that and grabbed his arm, "If you don't wanna see it, let's go up in the tree, little man. Where the screams won't reach us!" she yelled at Bruno. All Bruno did was stick his tongue out at his niece and nephew and they escaped up the tree with an array of animals.
"Gehehet out!" Alexa fell forward, slipping off the log. She couldn't get Bruno's fingers off her ribs even if she tried. She'd try and lift her hands back to grab Bruno's and wrench them away, but he'd just jab in between the bones of her ribs harder, so she just shut her arms again.
Bruno followed her down to the floor and even was able to slip his hand under Alexa's arm at one point. She shrieked again and tipped over into Bruno's lap.
"Stop!" she wheezed, "Stopstop! Bruhuno!"
"Someone's reeeally ticklish," Bruno teased, grinning like a mad man, "And no sleeves," he tsk'd, "Oh, Lexi, big mistake for someone so sensitive in there."
"Ah!" Alexa arched her back, head resting against Bruno's shoulder, "Nohohoho! Wahahait!" Bruno's fingers found their way into Alexa's hollows and scratched away, poking in harder to hear her squeak.
"Oho my GOD!" she screamed.
Bruno was giggling now, trying to see her face becoming challenging based on their position. Bruno slid his hands back down to Alexa's ribs and adjusted her. Her head had flopped back onto his shoulder and she was panting and giggling, "Nohoho mohohore... Bruno, I'll dihihie."
"Well, I don't want you to die, amor," his breath got low and whispery and it hit against Alexa's ear, making her shiver, "But you sound too adorable for me to want to stop," and he dove right in, nibbling and nuzzling into Alexa's neck.
That alone may have drawn the biggest reaction yet from Alexa. She screamed and brought both her hands up to try and build a divide between her face and Bruno's, but couldn't, so she ended up just covering her face with her hands. Bruno blew a raspberry to be extra mean and Alexa snorted.
Bruno kept sweeping his face from side to side against Alexa's to get the beard to scratch against her neck and jaw. Alexa had tried sliding away from him once more, this time from becoming limp with exhaustion.
"Ihit's worse! The beard makes it so much wohohorse!" Alexa spit out in one breath before snorting again when Bruno blew another raspberry. Then his hands rejoined the fun, thumbs digging into Alexa's hip. That's when she jolted up and pulled herself away from him with all her strength.
"Enough!" she wheezed, falling over when she escaped his clutches. Bruno crawled over to her and she screamed, "No, hey! Calm down, I'm good! I'm done now," he chuckled at her. Alexa lay there on the stone floor interspersed with dirt. She could feel her heart thumping in her chest and her cheeks were sore and her eyelashes were wet from budding tears.
Bruno laid beside her, watching her recover, "Too far? I went too far, didn't I?"
"Yeheah, no duh, rat man," Alexa scooted closer to Bruno, still breathing heavily. Bruno chuckled.
"Well, I felt it was only fair. You did call me old, and you've been tickling me a lot lately, too. So payback."
Alexa chortled, throwing an arm over Bruno and hugging him, "You're cruel, uncle Bruno."
"I told you, it's one of my greatest roles."
Alexa snorted again at his dumb joke and snuggled closer to him.
"That's also why I couldn't stop. I had to hear that noise."
"What? That? You do it, too."
"Yeah, but when you do it, it's cuter."
"Oh shut up," Alexa blushed. They laid in a calming silence for a period. Alexa swore she could still feel phantom pricks and tingles all around her neck and ribs.
"Is it safe to come down now?" the pair heard Antonio's voice yelling from somewhere above them.
"Yep! Safe!" Alexa sat up now, in preparation for the kids rejoining them.
Their day together pretty much ended after the complete wrecking of Alexa, which Bruno was very, very proud of. They got food and went to retire to their own rooms for the night.
"Stay the night in my room," Bruno blurted out with zero prompting, "Please?"
Alexa's freckled cheeks flushed pink and she giggled, "You aren't sick of me yet?"
"Never," Bruno shook his head, "I don't think I could ever get sick of you, even if I wanted to."
Alexa smiled bigger at the sweet sentiment, "Yeah, sure. I'll change into my pjs."
"Your what?"
"Pjs. Pajamas... sleep clothes?"
"Oh! That's what you call them?" Bruno chuckled to himself, "I didn't know what that meant."
Alexa smiled still, "Well, I can teach you stuff, too. I'll see you in a bit," she planted a kiss to Bruno's cheek before heading to her and Mirabel's room to get her things.
Alexa walked her way towards Bruno's room and opened the door for herself, her bare feet stepping into the sandy floor. She prepared herself this time, not in the mood to dump and brush sand out of her sandals. The sand parted for her like it did the last time she was in Bruno's room and she walked her way through, pausing to look upward at the rock and sand.
"Bruno?" she called, not seeing the entryway to his room.
She didn't hear a response, "Bruno? If you think this is funny... it's not." Alexa moved in circles around the space, looking in every direction. She even opted for tapping on the rock walls to see if one would open.
Alexa sighed and looked straight up, "Bruno!" she yelled, getting a bit frustrated now. Where could he have gone? As she was about to leave the room to look for him elsewhere, she heard his voice echoing against the walls, "Wait!"
She spun around again and Bruno kept talking, "Wait, I'm up here!" And all around Alexa, sand begun to shift and swirl. She backed up until she was out of the way and squinted through the blur. The sand itself had morphed into a giant pillar and rose to meet Bruno way up top of his room and lowered him down to ground level.
"Wh-What were you doing?"
"Nothing, it's not important," Bruno went right up to her, "I'm sorry that I didn't hear you."
"Isn't that your vision cave or something? Were you having a vision?" Alexa did notice he looked a bit concerned.
"It's okay, everything's okay. We can go to sleep. I'm sorry for startling you, Lexi."
"Yeah, no, it's fine," she held his hand, "I'm not mad. You worried me, is all. Let's sleep, like you said."
Bruno flashed a smile and the walls opened up. He went inside with Alexa and laid down on the bed together. Alexa was facing Bruno in bed, looking at him, trying to figure him out. Bruno was staring back at her. Alexa lifted her hand up to his cheek and cupped it, stroking her thumb along the skin above his beard, just under his eye. She then pushed curls out of his face and leaned in, planting a kiss onto his forehead.
"I love you," she whispered to him.
"Love you, too," Bruno smiled, eyes crinkling in happiness. He scooted closer to Alexa and snuggled her under his blanket. Bruno peeked an eye open when he felt Alexa relax into the sleep, letting out a sigh finally. Yes, he was trying to see a vision. But he couldn't. It was blurry and unclear and unfocused. He worried if it contained Alexa and if something was going to happen. Worry was all he had clouding his brain after the last unclear vision led to his exile. Bruno shut his eyes at last, his forehead pressing against Alexa's. Her warmth soothed him into sleep.
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