#tiderider 001.
sunnyvaler · 2 years
front door wide open, chaos to be seen wherever you look. just inside the house lays the trophy case that makes kurt look like the perfect son, and next to it on the floor lays a puddle of blood. clearly the start of the path, not the end, a blood stained knife sits neatly on the table, as if placed down calmly. along the floor is a dotted trail of blood, a sight that no one ever wants to see. red droplets lead up the stairs and to the bathroom, where kurt is found sitting on the floor, sobbing as he attempts to stitch up the bloodied gash on his leg. stitching up his own wounds is hardly a good idea, but the blonde is so desperate to keep the horrors of his life a secret that he resolves to poor choices.
he looks up when the floor creaks, half expecting to see the terrifying silhouette of his mother in the doorway, asking why he hasn’t cleaned up the mess he’d made yet. but instead it’s a friend, a figure he trusts — but a figure he doesn’t want to admit the truth to. “i— i fe—fell.” spoken through gentle sobs before they get a chance to ask, though the lie is obvious. even without the knife sat downstairs (the weapon so clearly not used by kurt), this isn’t the kind of injury you get from just tripping, and there’s nothing around he could’ve fallen on to cause this kind of damage. but he sticks to the story, even if it’s a shitty one. needle is slippery in blood covered hands, but he manages to once again push it through skin, whimpering and sobbing at the pain. hands shake as he pulls tightly, though there’s still most of the gash to go and it’s obvious that if kurt keeps this up he’ll pass out. “i’m fi— ‘m fine.”
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crownbrn · 3 years
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⸺   @tiderider sent  🍷  for  a  drunk  text  from  my  muse
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   [ sms 📲→ hook jr. ]: heeeeeey you    [ sms 📲→ hook jr. ]: how u doin    [ sms 📲→ hook jr. ]: been AHIWLE    [ sms 📲→ hook jr. ]: boop
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gothealed · 4 years
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         “   did you hear that ?   it’s the sound of my last fuck flying away .   ”     she points into the sky with her cigarette .     “   there it goes !   ”
@tiderider​​ liked !
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janefaery · 4 years
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Blood   wasn't   a   common   part   of   Jane's   life,   acts   of   violence   unheard   of   beyond   a   tackle   on   the   tourney   field   that   was   too   rough   by   accident.   The   Isle   was   a   different   matter,   a   different   beast   entirely   and   every   conversation   she   held   with   anyone   that   claimed   isle   born   status   informed   her   of   a   new   brand   of   cruelty.   
Not   a   fighter   and   also   not   a   healer,   Jane   was   still   entrusted   with   cleaning   away   the   blood   from   Harry's   face,   the   issue   apparently   not   severe   enough   to   bother   Lani   over.   "I   didn't   mean   to   interrupt   your   fight.   Or   your   training,   I   guess."   Careful   presses   of   the   rag   against   abused   skin,   fondness   coated   her   words   instead   of   wariness   even   in   the   face   of   a   reminder   that   not   all   in   the   world   was   gentle.   "I'll   be   cheering   for   you   at   the   tournament,   you   know.   Do   you   think   you're   ready   for   it?"   //   starter   for   @tiderider​
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grumpyrebel · 4 years
                                         𝐒𝐂   ---------  ☆        @tiderider​
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---------  ☆         𝐁𝐄𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐎𝐑 𝐀𝐓 𝐀𝐔𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐍 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐏 ,    meant he was stressed, bored and        counting the days till graduation,         all in one.    harry hook        -      guy owed him a car.         and compensation from Doug’s dramatic speech about making better choices and not          being so reckless.          ❛ – to what do i owe the displeasure?  ❜     
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teacheiir · 4 years
@tiderider​ // harry (closed starter)
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“i drink too much and that's an issue, but i'm okay.”
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tealtendrils · 4 years
⤱ — -  @tiderider​ liked for a starter.
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She had made her way down to the littered shore of the beach, despite the time of day, or the fact she was meant to be working her shift right now. Uma just couldn’t stand to be there any longer. Ursula’s voice was booming from the back in a drunken ramble about Triton, the TV was blaring louder than normal, and the pirates inside were encouraging Ursula’s rant obnoxiously. It was just far too much for her to deal with. She bit back her impulse. All she wanted to do was pick up her sword and make them all shut up. Smash her sword into some of those drunken pirate’s faces and most certainly destroy the good for nothing TV she heard endlessly. 
The tension was clear in her body as she, instead, settled for the more harmless action of throwing stones, shattered glass, and shards of broken shells into the murky Isle waters. They didn’t skim well, just sinking into the sludge with a bubble and a satisfying plop. Uma had to take a few deep breaths to try to calm her frustrations, reasoning in her own head that as much as she wanted to do all of that, her mother would be furious. And, of all the people on the Isle, Uma didn’t enjoy standing up to her own parental figure —  sometimes angrily skipping a stone or two was better than having welts from her mother’s tentacles for days.
Her hand found a shard of green glass that must have been a part of a wine bottle once, now discarded here like the trash it was, broken and smashed, all it’s worth long gone. Straightening her back out, she realised she’d been so caught up in her own thoughts she hadn’t kept her ears to her surroundings. The sight of Harry Hook standing nearby took her aback for all of a split second, ❛ What is it, Harry? ❜ she tried, as hard as it was, to drop her angry tone when she talked to him, but the fury was still evident in the way her fist tightened around the glass, and her nostrils were flared.
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dogfearing · 4 years
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NAME  :    carlos oscar de vil EYE   COLOUR  :      brown HAIR   STYLE   /   COLOUR  :      he  has  bleached  his  hair  since  he  was  on  the  isle ,   after  meeting  evie  and  occasionally  visiting  dizzy  at  curl  up  and  dye  during  their  closing  hours  with  her ,   and  would  usually  just  let  his  dark  roots  grow  in  until  the  next  time  they  stop  by.  in  auradon  he  eventually  decides  to  pay  more  attention  to  the  roots  and  decides  to  stick  to  the  two  tone  style  and  starts  to  have  it  styled  with  what  is  similar  to  low  lights ,   exept  the  streaks  are  just  his  natural  hair  colour  with  silver  highlights  and  semi  perm      -      he  experimented  with  straightening  it  but  usually  just  leaves  his  natural  curls  as  they  are ,   both  for  style  and  practicality.   HEIGHT  :    5′8″ CLOTHING   STYLE  :      while  he  knows  how  to  put  a  nice  outfit  together ,   and  has  a  fair  knowledge  of  fashion  through  listening  to  his  mother  and  evie ,   it  isn’t  a  big  priority  of  his  !!  he sticks  to  a colour pallet  of  blacks ,   reds ,   whites ,   and  greys ,   but  predominantly  black.  in  auradon  he  wears  lots  of  sweaters  and  hoodies ,   because  he  likes  to  dress  for  comfort ,   but  he  has  a  good  collection  of  leather  jackets  which  he  sometimes  wears  too.  he  almost  always  has  ripped  black  skinny  jeans ,   and  invested  in  a  pair  of  doc  martens  which  he  wears  almost  every  day.  layers  are  a  big  staple ,   especially  a  crisp  white  shirt  underneath  a  nice  sweater.       BEST   PHYSICAL   FEATURE  :      his  smile  and  his  hair !!
FEARS  :      his  mother ,   dogs  that  he  isn’t  familiar  with  ( although he’s volunteering at a shelter and working hard on this ) ,   failure ,   losing  his  friends ,  small  enclosed  spaces ,   ending  up  alone  in  general !!   
BIGGEST   PET   PEEVE  :      when  people  cut  him  off  while  speaking  or  talk  over  him ,   or  being  ignored. also  people  being  cruel  to  animals ,   and  people  picking  on  those  smaller  /  weaker  than  them !! 
AMBITIONS   FOR   THE   FUTURE  :     it  might  seem  out  of  character  from  someone  with  as  much  motivation  to  succeed ,   but  he  really  just  hopes  to  be  able  to  slow  down  and  enjoy  the  smaller  things  in  life.  he  wants  to  find  peace  and  contentment ,   to  feel  truly  happy  with  his  life  and  to  be  surrounded  by  his  best  friends  ( who  are  hopefully  also  happy ). in  a  more  specific  sense ,   he  has  decided  to  become  a  vet  and  is  working  very  hard  towards  that ,   but  helping  people  wherever  possible  is  a  constant  goal  in  the  forefront  of  his  mind.  he  would  also  like  to  do  anything  he  can  to  see  a  better  standard  of  life  for  those  still  on  the  isle ,   starting  with  medical  care.    
FIRST   THOUGHTS   WAKING   UP  :    between  recurring  nightmares ,   a  very  bad  sleeping  schedule ,   and  late  nights  studying ,   he  is  often  very  groggy  and  slow  in  the  morning.  his  first  thought  is  usually  along  the  lines  of  coffee.  now.   and  then  on  to  feeding  and  walking  dude ,   while  organizing  all  of  the  things  he  wants  to  get  done  that  day  in  his  head. WHAT   THEY   THINK   ABOUT   MOST  :    carlos  struggles  with  anxiety  and  his  mind  is  a  stressful  and  constant  flow.  however ,   at  the  forefront  of  his  mind  is  always  the  importance  of  being  kind  to  others. WHAT   THEY   THINK   ABOUT   BEFORE   BED  :    all  of  the  embarrassing  things  he  said  that  day ,   what  he  could  have  done  differently / better ,   what  he  needs  to  get  done  tomorrow. WHAT   THEY   THINK   THEIR   BEST   QUALITY   IS  :      for  a  long  time ,   his  kindness  and  the  depth  of  care  and  love  he  feels  has  been  a  weakness  or  a  vulnerability  to  carlos.  now  it  is  his  biggest  strength  and  the  things  he  likes  most  about  himself.
SINGLE   OR   GROUP   DATES  :    he  has  never  been  on  a  date ,   but  a  double  date  seems  like  something  he  would  feel  more  comfortable  with  being  able  to  handle  at  first !!   TO   BE   LOVED   OR   RESPECTED  :  respected.  he  often  has  to  remind  himself  that  the  people  he  cares  about  love  him  very  much ,   but  at  his  core  this  is  something  he  trusts.  he  would  really  like  for  more  people  to  respect  him. BEAUTY   OR   BRAINS  :      carlos  isn’t  very  vain.  he  appreciates  intelligence  in  others  and  finds  it  very  attractive  on  its  own ,   so  while  he  has  crushed  on  people  based  on  appearance  before ,    he  prefers  an  intellectual  person. DOGS   OR   CATS   :   both !!
LAYER 005 :   DO THEY...
LIE  :      he  tries  his  absolute  hardest  not  to  lie ,   even  to  himself ,   but  everyone  tells  the  odd  little  white  lie. BELIEVE   IN   THEMSELVES  :      not  as  much  as  he  should. BELIEVE   IN   LOVE  :      wholeheartedly. WANT   SOMEONE  :      he  hates  being  alone  but  he  is  learning  to  enjoy  his  own  company ,   and  he  would  rather  be  on  his  own  than  in  the  wrong  relationship  for  him.
LAYER 006 :   HAVE  THEY...
BEEN   ON   STAGE  :      no ,   and  he  would  not  look  forward  to  doing  so. DONE   DRUGS  :      no.   CHANGED   WHO   THEY   WERE   TO   FIT   IN  :      he has  tried ,   but  being  unauthentic  doesn’t  work  for  him.
FAVOURITE   COLOURS  :      red. FAVOURITE   ANIMAL  :    even  tie  between  cats  and  dogs ,   but  anything  cuddly. FAVOURITE   BOOK  :     he really  loves  classics ,   and  also  a  good  murder  mystery. FAVOURITE   GAME  :      the  one  that  was  set  up  in  the  dorm  room  he  shared  with  jay ,   it  was  so  much  more  technologically  advanced  than  he  had  ever  dreamed  of. he  also  kicks  ass  at  mario  cart.
I LOVE  :     my  friends. I FEEL  :      tired. I HIDE  :    snacks. I MISS  :      my  friends. I WISH  :     i was  brave.
TAGGED   BY  :     @boycrowned  thank  you  <3 TAGGING   :   @griimhilde     @wiltedthrone     @tiderider​     @notgrumpy​     @malevlnt​     @chrmiing​  !!
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griimhilde-a · 4 years
                       five unsent and one sent                                                   for @tiderider
001.             :             sometimes     i     regret     it.     did     i     make     the     right     choice?     where     would     we     be     now     if     i     hadn’t     chosen     her?     part     of     me     knew,     deep     down     inside,     that     maybe     you     were     just     too     real     for     me     at     the     time.     too     willing     to     accept     me     for     who     i     was,     who     i     really     was,     not     the     person     i     pretended     to     be.     i     didn’t     want     you     to     know     me,     i     didn’t     want     you     to     see     me     but     you     looked     through     me     and     you     didn’t     leave     and     you     didn’t     judge     me.     i     think     you     accepted     me     at     a     time     where     i     couldn’t     even     acknowledge     who     i     really     was     and     i     chose     the     easier     path,     the     path     where     i     could     just     continue     to     hide     in     the     shadows,     to     hide     behind     someone     i     couldn’t     even     trust.     sometimes     i     regret     it.     no,     not     sometimes.     i     regret     it     all     the     time.     i     just     know     if     i     keep     thinking     about     it,     i     might     tear     myself     to     shreds     because     of     just     how     stupid     i     was.     why     did     i     have     to     be     so     afraid     of     something     real?             deleted.
002.                 :             maybe     i     see     through     you.     and     maybe     i     wanted     to     stay     ignorant.     maybe     it     was     easier     to     leave     if     i     just     told     myself     that     you     were     this     heartless     person     who     didn’t     care     about     anyone     but     yourself.     but     that’s     so     stupid.     it’s     literally     so     stupid     because     how     could     that     ever     be     true?     and     i’ve     seen     how     they     look     at     you,     how     they     move     out     of     the     way     for     you,     how     they     freeze     in     your     presence,     how     it     takes     just     one     look,     one     gesture,     and     they’re     at     your     beck     and     call     because     they     fear     you.     and     you     like     that.     you     like     knowing     that     you’re     able     to     get     this     reaction     from     those     who     know     nothing     about     you.     but     i     know     you.     or     at     least     i     used     to.     and     i     hate     that     i     still     want     to     know     you.     you’re     an     enigma,     you’ve     got     these     walls     built,     and     i     just     want     to     be     let     in.     even     if     i     can’t     let     you     in.             deleted.
003.                 :             i     think     we     both     know     that     my     visits     to     the     isle     weren’t     just     about     whatever     excuse     i     gave.     it     got     harder     to     leave     every     single     time     simply     because     the     second     i     was     gone,     i     missed     you.     and     i’m     not     sure     if     i     was     supposed     to.     how     did     i     find     warmth     in     those     icy     irises     of     yours     when     they’re     supposed     to     be     cold?     how     am     i     still     alive     and     breathing     when     i     was     certain     i’d     drown     in     those     blues?     and     honestly,     i’d     let     you.     whatever     that     means.     as     long     as     it     means     i’m     with     you.     and     it     scares     me     that     i     feel     that     way.     because     this     isn’t     healthy,     is     it?     or     am     i     still     trying     to     find     excuses?     because     you     could     leave     me,     you     could     walk     away     and     make     sure     you’d     never     cross     paths     with     me     again.     you’re     more     than     capable     of     it.     so     i     think     you     want     me,     too.     i     think.     i     hope.     i     want     you     to.     do     you     want     me?             deleted.
004.                 :             i     still     have     the     necklace     you     gave     me.     or     stole     for     me.     either     way,     it’s     with     me.     it’s     rusting,     not     that     it     already     wasn’t,     but     it’s     more     obvious     now.     i     still     think     it’s     beautiful.     and     i     still     remember     how     pretty     you     made     me     feel     that     night.     i     wish     i     knew     that     would’ve     been     the     last     night.     i     should’ve     given     you     something     more     permanent     than     a     stupid     drawing.     they     get     lost     so     easily,     they’re     just     scribbles     on     parchment.     but     we     always     talked     about     the     stars     and     even     if     i     couldn’t     see     them     through     the     thick     fog     we     were     doomed     to     live     through     for     so     long,     it     wasn’t     hard     to     imagine.     i     mean,     i     always     saw     the     stars     with     you.     something     about     the     impossible     felt     very     possible     with     you.     and     i     can     barely     remember     what     i     drew,     but     i     know     it     carried     a     piece     of     my     heart.     do     you     still     have     it?     or     did     you     tear     it     to     pieces     after     what     i     did?     did     you     burn     it?     throw     it     away?     or     was     it     just     something     that     didn’t     matter     in     the     end?             deleted. 
005.                 :             we’ve     been     dancing     on     this     fine     line     for     the     longest     time.     i’m     not     sure     how     much     longer     i     can     keep     up.     aren’t     you     tired?     i’ve     been     pretending     for     so     long,     i     think     i     just     want     to     breathe.     which,     funnily     enough,     is     a     difficult     task     since     you     leave     me     breathless     quite     frequently.     we’ve     started     this     game     of     ours     years     ago     and     i     don’t     think     i     ever     saw     a     way     out     of     it     or     knew     how     it’d     end     but     i     think     we     need     to.     i     think     we     need     to     face     the     music.     we’re     standing     on     a     cliff,     looking     over     into     the     depths     of     the     unknown,     constantly     going     back     and     forth.     can     we     jump     now?     are     you     going     with     me?             deleted.
006.                 :             can     i     see     you?             sent.
                               ♡   ♡   ♡
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crownbrn · 4 years
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         “ maybe i can teach you. ”
@tiderider​ / one-liner sc.
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gothealed · 4 years
        —–     @tiderider​​  said     :       sensual kiss
          nina and harry are not soft ,   but she finds that she wants to be with him .   so when she is beckoned towards him ,   she finds herself slowing down ,   reaching over his shoulder and grasping the back of his chair with a loose grip .   she slides into his lap with ease ,   legs planted on either side of his hips ,   and her gaze is firmly locked with his for every movement she makes .   she releases the back of the chair to trace her fingertips over his hairline ,   ever-so-gently sinking her fingers into his hair and brushing her nails against his scalp .   her free hand drifts upwards ,   crawling up his throat until her fingers mimic an all-too familiar gesture of his ,   gripping his jaw with her thumb braced on one side ,   the rest of her fingers on the opposite ,   cradling his chin .   with her hold secured ,   she brings his face in close ,   kissing him slowly and deeply .
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          it’s frighteningly intimate ;   her fingers buried in his locks ,   nails scratching gently along his scalp ,   holding his chin steady so she can gently pry the control away and hold it steadily in her palms .   it takes whatever breath she has left away .   the hand cradling his face falls away ,   her arm slinking up and around his shoulders to pull him impossibly closer .   a sudden tight grip around her hips prompts her to grunt and break the kiss ,   bringing her hand out of his hair and cradling his cheek to bring his gaze back to hers .     “   hey  ...  slow down ,   hotshot .   no need to rush .   ”     as she leans back in to kiss him again ,   she feels his grip relaxing ,   and she smiles against his lips ,   patting his cheek as thanks and reward .     good boy .
         accepting !
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