#tied for third are Shinoa and Shinya
Alright, I’m caught up with the manga! My thoughts on the characters so far (spoilers for whoever isn’t caught up I guess)
Main team:
Mika: only one with the braincells. #traumatized, someone please hug him
Yu: Pure of heart, dumb of ass
Shinoa: badass troll, I love her
Yoichi: SWEET BABI ANGEL! Who is also massively under appreciated by team??? I SWEAR HE’S BEEN THE MVP SO MANY TIMES NOW? You go you funky boy, I’m proud of you
Kimizuki: I think I’d like you more if your character focus wasn’t solely on your relationship with other people (Yu and Mirai)
Mitsuba: needs more
Makoto: Stop being mean to Mika he doesn’t deserve it. Also where are you
Higher ups
Guren: I don’t like you. Not even a little
Sayuri: I liked you when you were more active as a teacher, haven’t seen much of you since
Shigure: You look cool. Unfortunately I know exactly squat about you... still
Goshi: Jury’s still out
Mito: honestly, like most of Guren’s team, you feel like you’re just here to fill up a teammate slot and I wish that weren’t the case
Military higher ups
Tenri: you weren’t even here that long and I don’t like you
Kureto: you ever look at somebody and go “you need to die”?
Shinya: Get out of that den of wolves, you deserve better
Seishiro: you showed up like that one time? Honestly I forgot about you
Aoi: wow you’re such a simp omg
Urd: grudge-king
Saito: I literally don’t care
Krul: I don’t agree with your methods, but otherwise, absolute Queen, and idk Mika seems to not hate you, so points for that
Lest Kar: idk man you’re just a bit annoying
Ky Luc: -puts hands together like I’m about to deal with a customer- “SIR”
Ferid: Never liked you. Not for a second. At least you’re fun to watch
Crowley: I do like you tho. idk why
Lucal: lolll you ded
Horn and Chess: where are you?
Lacus: Honestly 100% of my enjoyment from you comes from you trying to befriend Mika and Mika stonewalling you every time
René: cool hair I guess. Do you take the time to do that in the mornings?
First: Go die in a hole and set yourself on fire
Asumaru: I trusted you, and then I didn’t, and then I trusted you and then I didn’t. 
Gekkoin: bruhhhh you’re hilarious. You really are. Mostly because you got paired with Yoichi who you were not prepared to deal with
Kiseki-o: I just find it hilarious that out of the 3 demons our protagonists have, he’s the only one that didn’t form some sort of friendship with his human, instead remining on enemies with benefits
Mahiro: I... mmm.. mmmayybeeee.... no I don’t like you no
Byakkomaru: Mostly liked the tiger aesthetic
Rameiki: At least I don’t hate you
Noya: I hate you
Mirai: I actually really like you and I wish you weren’t used for much more than for driving plot ;-;
OnS is actually making me experience EMOTIONS what a concept
Honestly my favorite thing with Mika by far is that every time someone tells the group that they HAVE to go somewhere or they HAVE to do something bEcAuSe tHe pLaN, Mika, without fail, every damn time “No, that sounds bad. We should leave” “This is dumb, we need to go” “they’re only using us and I don’t want to be used, we should leave” “WE ARE RUNNING AWAY IMMEDIATELY” and then as always, someone *cough* Yu *cough* tells him no and he pouts
anyways, looking forward to the next chapter
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novaraii · 4 years
Small personal (and probably unpopular…) OnS theory...
This one has way less compelling evidence compared to my Seraph Mika theory...
I still thought it would be interesting to share :)
So, you know how there are 7 trumpets/7 seraphs. Trumpets 2, 5, and 6 are confirmed in the Owari no Seraph timeline. That leaves 4 trumpets/seraphs left...
3 confirmed seraph gene carriers are Kimizuki, Yoichi, and Mika who have yet to awaken officially.... but... that leaves one more trumpet/seraph.... but who could that last seraph be..?
I personally think... it could be.... Shinya Hīragi.
This may sound really strange... but so far he’s the most likely candidate to be the final unconfirmed seraph.
It has been mentioned in the OnS storyline that seraphs are weapons of mass destruction and that part of the Seraph of the End project is to be able to control these seraphs in order to use them as weapons.
So what makes Shinya of all characters a likely candidate?
In the light novel series Catastrophe at Sixteen, Shinya’s backstory is explained more. He was a child who was put up against other children to fight for a bride (mahiru). Shinya as a result came up on top, but killed many others in the process and even mentioned to be almost desensitized to killing. (Which is super sad..) This would make him a good candidate as he is a strong fighter and is already desensitized to killing, therefore as a seraph, he won’t feel as much pain, regret, or guilt after he snaps out of his seraph form. It would also make sense for why that organization pitted a bunch of supposedly random kids up against each other to weed out the strongest. Maybe all the kids also had a seraph gene potentially....
Circumstances around Shinya have always been noted as... odd... one big example was when Shinya and the others in Guren’s squad died in the light novels. Guren used the seraph of the end project to revive them from the dead, however, Shinya’s revival is the only one who has gotten comments from other characters as “odd.” Sure, Guren using the seraph of the end project to revive his good friends makes sense, but since he was a big contributor to the project, what if he knew about Shinya’s potentially secret seraph gene and maybe even used his seraph gene to heal his body...? That would make all the comments about how Shinya’s revival was odd make a bit more sense.
In one chapter of the manga (the specific chapter number is slipping my mind....) I believe it was after the Shinoa squad strayed from the moon demon company, but I remember it being odd at first that Guren took Shinya captive (maybe that’s not the best word...) and locked him in a cell. I remember thinking this was a strange occurrence especially since Guren and Shinya are supposedly good friends, but now that I think about this potential theory, it would make sense that Guren would isolate Shinya and not his other friends. I believe this scene occurred after Yuu went full seraph and defeated the 5th trumpet and Abaddon. After that specific event, why would Guren lock Shinya up? Maybe because he knows about Shinya and how he may be a secret seraph gene carrier...
My last point is based on the description and actions of the 7 trumpets in the Book of Revelations I mentioned in my Seraph Mika theory. One specific trumpet, the fourth trumpet has this description: “Following the sounding of the fourth trumpet, a third of the light that shines from the Sun, moon, and stars becomes dark from the celestial bodies being "struck." This catastrophe causes complete darkness for a third of the day, even through night hours. This is the final trumpet that sounds before the three woes, also known as the fifth, sixth, and seventh trumpets.” This would make sense because this specific trumpet is a trumpet that sounds before the three woes/the final three trumpets, which in a way is signaling the beginning of the end. So it would be understandable to keep this specific seraph a secret. More evidence to support this is how Mahiru, Guren, and Shinya have been tied to the Sun, Moon, and Stars. The Sun, Moon, and Stars are also specifically mentioned in the description of the fourth trumpet. It’s also good to note that Shinya’s crest on his uniform (the thing that hangs right below the uniform’s collar) is in the shape of a moon, while guren’s could be the sun, which could be a subtle hint about Shinya’s secret seraph gene as well as Guren’s involvement in the project. Sure the crest could easily be a sign of rank as kureto also has a moon crest... however, the rest of Guren’s squad does not have that crest/rank.... so why specifically Shinya? Could it be because he’s a Hīragi (maybe he was specifically adopted into the Hīragi family because of his secret)? Or could it be something else secret.... ?
This theory does not have as much evidence as the Seraph Mika one, but I still thought it was an interesting theory to share.
Though ngl... Seraph Shinya would be pretty cool... (here’s another seraph doodle :3 )
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fandomsarepainful · 6 years
Responding to Comments
Allow Me To Explain
P.s: Contrary to what the post shows, there is no link linked. So ignore the underline.
So, regarding the “Shinoa’s life was fun” post and some comments on it, I think I should probably be more clear on some things. 
But first, a warning, a plea and an apology. 
Warning: The following will mention: my life- spoiler alert: I’m a fucking mess. A lot of fucked up stuff. I can’t. Ugh. I really wish that I won’t have to post stuff like this but I feel like I need to get a certain point across. 
Plea: Please do not use my words as to be “true”. This is just how I view things. And if you take it upon yourself to look at the comments at the previous post as well as this one, I urge you to not respond in a way that negatively affects the person. Basically, don’t be a dick. 
Let me apologize for using the word “fun” in such a way that makes it seem like what Shinoa went through is trivial and childsplay. I apologize if the use of that made you feel upset. I’m truly sorry.
Onwards to the post
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First, let me say this: Shinoa, at that time, felt that what she went through was normal.
I’m saying this from experience. 
(If you want to skip the mess that is my life, please skip this until you reach the coffee mug ☕)
My earliest childhood memories are:
1: Me and my little sister carrying my baby sister to go to my grandparents house in the snow. We wrapped our baby sister in the jackets we had so that she could stay warm.  We were hungry, our mother was passed out drunk in her bedroom. We tried waking her up but she slapped me and told me to leave her alone and stayed in bed. So we decided to go to our grandparents. They lived right across from us. Note: I don’t live in a neighborhood like setting, I live in a rural area where the closest “neighbor” is about 6 - 9 miles away. 
2: Me and my sister trying to sleep when we hear the sounds of a bed squeaking and moaning. I remember getting up and locking the door to our room. We slept with our doors closed and locked because my mother had a habit of sleeping around with anyone that so much as calls her “beautiful.”
3: My mother forcing me and my sister to sleep outside in the cold when she thought we were lying to her when we told her we didn’t sold something she liked. After two hours of trying to stay warm to sleep, she let us back in the house when she found what she claimed we sold.
4: My mother and father fighting over who deserved to have my little brother with them. TBH, I don’t remember much of what happened this certain night but I do remember feeling scared for my little brother who they treated like a ragdoll. I remember hearing crying and screaming. I remember being terrified that they might tear my brother in half with how they were both pulling at him. 
The above are my earliest memories. Were they good? Hell no. 
Were they fun? Nope. 
Did I know that at that time? No.
I thought this was normal. 
I thought it was normal for people to have a mom and dad that fights, for kids to have their doors locked inside their own homes, for their mom to bring home different men and have sex with them (yes, at childhood, I knew what sex was). I thought it was normal. 
It wasn’t until I was in third grade that I knew that my idea of normal was wrong. Normal isn’t being afraid that the men your mom brings home might put their hands on you, normal wasn’t your mother bringing different men home. A home was supposed to be somewhere you felt safe, not just a place where you lived. 
Shinoa felt that what she went through was normal. Because she didn’t know that what she is going through is not normal compared to other lifestyles. Shinoa didn’t focus on her situation. She didn’t ponder whether this was wrong or right, she just lived day to day. Putting on a mask to hide what you are feeling is just second nature to Shinoa, I don’t think Shinoa has truly discovered who she is yet.
It’s sad, it’s pitiful, it’s terrible. You can’t help but feel sorry. I say “you” because I don’t.
I don’t feel sorry for Shinoa. From this post, it gives off the impression that I relate to her, which is true I won’t deny it but I don’t feel pity for Shinoa because pity doesn’t equal understanding. 
Anyone can feel sorry for someone and offer words of encouragement but those are meaningless as those words can be copy-pasted and used on someone else. Understanding someone is not pitying them. At the current moment, I can’t tell you what I think understanding is, but I can tell you that feeling sorry for them because of what they are going through is perceived as wrong by you is not it. 
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 Don’t kill me but I don’t consider Shinya as a Hiiragi because his family sold him to them. I’m not saying his life wasn’t completely bad but I’m going to exclude him from this. 
But, don’t you see? They did have to fight one another to survive. In that type of family where they are “at the top”, they have to be a certain way. They are all fighting for the title of head of Hiiragi and I imagine that that title comes with power. I’m not saying it’s okay for out here in real life cause that’s fucked up but in that canonverse, it was what was to be expected of them. 
Something I think we should remember is that canon verse is different from real life. The rules are different. 
Just because I think something makes sense doesn’t mean I think it’s acceptable. 
I agree about that Shinoa part. A part of what made her have such a low self-confidence is her family but I don’t think her being neglected by her family is what did it in. I believe Shinoa rejected her family. Not the other way around. 
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It is. Not gonna lie. 
But believing that she is just a tool paired with her family name, Shinoa is under a lot of pressure. But that pressure gets alleviated off her by Mahiru. And of course, Shinoa being carefree and not letting her discover herself more lets her become an impassionate observer at life. 
Shinoa’s life is not the greatest, compared to how we see it. But it had it’s good moments. At least she didn’t fuck everyone over for dick.
I see that I didn’t quite address a good majority of what was commented. Forgive me, my thoughts are a little all over the place. I’m trying my best to address the subject in a coherent way as possible.
I also want to address that I said I pity Shinoa in the tag not in regards to her family situation but the fact that the story did her dirty by not allowing her to truly discover the person she could be. This ties in to why I don’t like Shinoa but I’m trying to stray away from that topic as that is not my intention for this post.
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