greenyvertekins · 5 years
Are you watching the Windii translated version of the cutscenes?
Yup. But only ‘cos it’s the highest quality upload I’ve so far discovered.
I would’ve focused on Tigura’s translation but the video quality is lacking and the translation not so precise.
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tigurayt · 6 years
Hey Tigura! Been watching since... I don't know how long but I wanna say 2012. Anyway, I've been rewatching the series and I just wanna compliment you on having such a great understanding of your own world. Rules are set and explained well, and even in the earliest of episodes future events seem to be hinted at. How much of the plot did you have figured out when you started?
Thank you kindly~
I’m not certain whether you remember or not, but back around that time, I dropped that the storyboard I had as I truly began the series came to 16 episodes. So, in that regard, up to episode 17 currently covered all I had planned back in 2008 for the most part, with plenty of alterations and additions due to Smash King growing to have more of an ensemble cast rather than just Bowser, Peach, and Mario be the ones that do everything that’s relevant.
I make it a point to always rewatch my finished episodes. I usually never forget key moments or particular dialogue in them, but I find it helps alot to help plan ahead or I find a throwaway line or idea that I feel like I build on more in future installments. I also type out plenty of dialogue or ideas that are either something I attempted to use for an episode but decided to scrap or something to keep in mind so I can possibly repurpose them. That goes as far as the original rough draft of Smash King back when its setting was Melee.
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^ Remember this scene from episode 15? This is actually an abridged version of Smash King’s rough draft. Just as Wario described it, Bowser wins the tournament, only for his newfound power and improved battle skills to intoxicate him and awaken the villain within him. He betrays his teammates, Donkey Kong and Pichu, and takes over the World of Smash just as it transfers from Melee to Brawl. In place of Peach and Liz in this sequence, it would be Samus since she was originally the female companion for Bowser. And Pichu (who would have evolved into Brawl Pikachu) and DK would have to train a new hero to take part in the next tournament with them and overthrow the Koopa King. I actually didn’t come up with a new lead character at that time cuz I couldn’t decide from the roster; but then, I decided to scrap the whole thing to have it set in Brawl from the beginning instead.
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rottytops · 7 years
oh my fuckin god ppl are still making smash machinimas????? im losing my mind this shit was my entire life in middle school
i thought only tigura was still making them but there are quite a few!
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purpleavenuecupcake · 6 years
Io sono Mia 
(di Francesca Proietti Cosimi) Da Minuetto ad Almeno tu nell’universo 6 brani del indimenticabile Mia Martini li rivivremo attraverso la voce è l’interpretazione della grandiosa Serena Rossi. Sanremo 1989. Un’esile tigura femminile percorre i corridoi che portano al palco del teatro Ariston. E Mia Martini al suo rientro sulle scene dopo anni di abbandono. Nelle ore che precedono la sua performance, Mia conosce Sandra, una giornalista che in realtà al Festival di quell’anno vorrebbe incontrare Ray Charles e che considera la Martini solo un ripiego. Ed è con lei che, in una serrata intervista, Mia ripercorre la sua vita: gli inizi difficili da bohémienne; il rapporto complesso col padre che, pur amandola, la ostacola fino a farle male; una storia d’amore contrastata che la travolge segnando il suo destino sentimentale; il marchio infamante di iettatrice. Interpretata da Serena Rossi, recita e canta in maniera grandiosa, forse come pochi in Italia. Read the full article
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blazethebrawler · 6 years
Let him have it! (Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Comic Dub) @kira-vera I hope you enjoy this new comic dub! @theblossominglily Thank you for voicing Kirby! @tigurayt Thank you for voicing Bowser!
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zekibowser · 9 years
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Some of Miiverse Bowser Posts
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