#tije to sleep AND HELL YEA JACKS ON MY BED its cat o clock
I miss. Riptide ep 98n99. I miss fuckin ma. Mae. May. M. Malena. Jays mother. I miss her bro i miss the one healthy and present parental figure of the albatrio. Possibly even all the riptide pirates actually wait. Wait no ollie exists hes got a good mum. But. i miss the tree lore i miss featherbrook i miss the quiet cosy feeling of the eagles den i miss the albatrio finally bein able to rest somewhere they knoe theyll be looked after. Im fuckin jealous of jay man i need her mother. Not like that. I need her mother to stay a mother. But bro i fuckin hope she kills jayson like she deserves the world and he is fuckin awful. Bro i fuckin hate he said jay left her mother by her "poor defenseless self" in ep53 LIKE BRO U DID THE SAME FUCKING THINGGGG UR WIFES DYINGGG AND UR TOO BUSY FUCKIN GETTIN NAVY MILK U COCKKKKK anwyayz.
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