#tiling Dublin
newstylebathrooms · 1 year
A Stunning Full Bathroom Refit Completed in Howth for CAROLINE & CONOR Today. We Fitted Alcala Marble Gris 300 x 600 Tiles on the Walls and Penta Mix Shade Matte Malla Anti Slip Mosaic on the Floor. A Fabulous Looking Tenby Grey Belfast Sink 600 x 850 floor stood unit, Cociani Lighted Glass Framed Wall Mounted Bathroom Mirror 700 x 500, Chrome Towel Rad, Mira Elite SE dual shower, Large Shower Recess, Square Shower enclosure with Corner entry double sliding door 800 x 800, Palo Rosa Suite Toilet, its a Fantastic Transformation to this Bathroom🤩🤩🤩
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vulpineninja · 1 year
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Hot Tub Pool in San Francisco Mid-sized modern backyard design idea with a custom-shaped hot tub and concrete pavers
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streetsofdublin · 2 years
These tiles are located within what might be described as a mini public space associated with an apartment complex on Wolfe Tone Street near the corner with Parnell Street, opposite the Virgin Cinema complex.
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I'll drive, I'll drive all night
Katie McCabe x y/n McCabe
(younger sister)
part two part 3
Trigger warnings: mentions of poor mental health not to much detail, suggestions of sexual assault.
AN: not sure if i like this but i wanna start writing more so its start ig😅 please comment tips or any advice🙏🙏
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your not to sure how you’ve ended up in london, when you got on the flight from dublin or how you ended up at your big sisters front door, you just remember the argument, you remember storming out of school and you remember your ma shouting and doors slamming and now you were in London on a chilly wednesday evening.
You hesitated to knock scared of what Katie’s reaction will be, you haven’t seen her much recently and you’ve been ignoring her frequent calls and messages asking how you were, if you were going to the game or if you were going to call tonight despite your pretty much radio silence towards your older sister she persisted in messaging you, each one being left unopened.
“y/n what the fuck are you doing here? ma has been worried sick”.
you hear a familiar irish accent shout, flinching slightly at the tone of her voice, she sounded furious, you’ve seen your big sister angry on multiple occasions but not like this, it scared you.
“i’m sorry”.
you say barely above a whisper looking down at the floor the tiling on the porch suddenly much more interesting then it was 30 seconds ago.
“Sorry isn’t gonna cut it y/n you’ve had the entire family out searching for you, i was on my way to get a flight over to come and help and you turn up here with zero explanations as to how you’ve ended up here, you ran away from school yet again and now your kicked out of yet another school, ma is in an absolute state she’s at her wits with you y/n”
you wish the ground could swallow you right there and then, you wish you wasn’t having this conversation with katie, you wanted to be tucked up in bed away from her, away from everything going on.
“i didn’t mean to scare ma”
you tell her sincerely making a point to look her in eyes.
“ i don’t know what happened honestly i don’t even know how i got here it’s like i don’t even know what’s going on with me anymore”
your words hang in the air for a few minutes as katie observes you she can see your shaky breathes, she notices your eyes darting around the floor looking anywhere but at her.
She wants to wrap you up and keep you safe from the world, she wants nothing more than to know what’s going with you.
“Hey it’s okay y/n i’m sorry i shouted at you i was just worried, i’ve been worried about you and i just want to help you, let’s get you inside and ill get cait to make you her famous hot chocolates and we can talk about things alright?”
she questions tilting her head slightly although it’s more of a demand then a question not wanting to anger her further you nod.
Sat on Katie’s sofa, hot chocolate in hand and snuggled with coopurr is not how you expected you’d spend the evening when you woke up, you had plans to go out with your friends to the nearest fields where all the teenagers in Kilnamanagh hung out, those plans seemed long gone now though.
you wondered for a spilt second if your friends would care that you hadn’t shown up , if they were worried as to where you’d disappeared to before remembering that they didn’t care, not really, no one truly cared.
you weren’t happy and you hadn’t been for a long time, you were struggling more then you cared to admit your smile no longer met your eyes, your football boots were discarded in a cupboard somewhere having not been worn in months, not touched a ball in months, you were getting into trouble more often then not, having been taken home by the police on more then one occasion for anti social behaviour, your attendance had slipped you no longer cared for getting perfect grades or for winning awards to take home to your family for your ma to put up proudly around the house to show off their perfect daughter.
you were a silhouette of the girl you used to be, the small carefree little girl who ran wild with a ball at her feet, the little girl who didn’t care about the opinions of strangers, the mischievous grin that you used to wear constantly had vanished replaced by a constant scowl, one which you were currently displaying.
Feeling your sisters gaze fall on you, you begrudgingly look up at her.
“What happened at school y/n”.
she questions searching your face for answers.
“the teachers pissed me off”
“language y/n your 15 quit with the swearing already” she says giving you a pointed look.
“right yeah sorry anyways they annoyed me so i left i hate school it’s so shit i can’t stand that place i don’t get the work cause im stupid and it’s just horrible katie”
you know that’s not the whole truth and whilst yes your head of year had annoyed you but it wasn’t why you got on a flight and it wasn’t why you ran out of school.
Katie’s eyebrows raised in question.
“so you ran away got on a flight, came to my door to lie straight to my face when all i want to do is to help you”
biting your lip you hesitate slightly, the tension in the room coming to all time high.
“im not lying”
she scoffs at you shaking her head slightly.
“Me and you both know that theirs more to the story then what your letting on y/n your lies aren’t gonna cut it this time, they may
work on ma but i know when your lying”.
your sisters voice sounds more firm and more confident then your own.
Trembling slightly you continue to act oblivious, biting your lip as you do so, this time drawing a small amount of blood.
“There’s nothing more to the story just drop it katie”
You can’t look at her in the eyes, you can’t tell her the full extent of what happened in fear that she’ll judge you or blame you for what happened.
scoffing she closes her eyes before taking a deep breathe as comes and sits opposite you placing her own hands in yours and looking up at you searching for clues as to what was going on.
“I know your lying to me right now i’m not stupid, we can sit here all night and keep going round in circles until you tell me the full truth, no more running from it and no more lies”.
You didn’t know what to make of that statement, you’d never heard her be so firm with you before, You knew deep down you wanted to tell her what happened that night and what happened at school you wanted her comfort in fact you needed her comfort, one of her hugs.
“Do you promise you won’t be disappointed you can be angry but please don’t be disappointed in me i’m really sorry katie”
Katie’s face softens slightly and she shakes her head.
“ I’ll never be disappointed in you y/n angry yes but never disappointed im so proud of you bug i always will be no matter what”.
“erm like maybe 3 or 4 months ago um well i went to a party and um this boy he he”
you couldn’t finish your sentence, the memories from that night came rushing back to you, the way he smelled and the way he spoke to you, what he did to you, it repulsed you to think about, to think of his touch.
“ i- i can’t-t breathe”
whatever anger Katie had previously held towards you completely disappeared as she wrapped her arms around your shaking body.
“i’ve got you sweetheart let it all out it’s okay, i’ve got you”
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This gorgeous 1907 home in Dublin, Georgia has so many original features that they unfortunately completely painted white, but it’s a bargain at $495K.
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The home has been updated, and while they did leave the architectural features, I feel that they painted too many white, as they usually do to make it look more modern and bright.
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The living room has a beautiful fireplace with tiles, but nothing seems to have escaped that white paint. I would’ve liked colors other than the popular light gray that they use in more modern homes. 
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Sometimes white looks good, but I wish they would’ve left the ceiling beams natural. This is a nice bright dining room that opens to a sunroom.
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Beautiful built-in cabinets and lovely transoms. Notice that the floors are original- they sanded and sealed them w/the patina.
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The sunroom would make a great conservatory. 
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I like that they saved the benches around the room and the cubby.
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Twin cabinets. Wish they would’ve at least left the stick backing a natural wood tone.
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The kitchen’s petty nice b/c it actually looks like they painted the original cabinets white, even if they didn’t. They missed the mark by installing open glass shelving instead of an exhaust hood and tile backsplash, however.
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That’s a nice feature- a small butcher block.
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A small pantry features a wine fridge.
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The breezeway is beautiful and leads to the garden. They painted the brick walls white, and why they keep doing this, I don’t know, when experts say that it’s bad for the brick and doesn’t last, b/c the brick can’t breathe.
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They even painted the beautifully turned spindles of the railing. 
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One of 4 bds.
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I do like a retro bath. So cute. This is an en suite, also.
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This bd. has an original closet and shelving.
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Absolutely love this vintage bath with the original tiles.
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Well, what do you know? A natural fireplace. Isn’t it cute?
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The yard is nice. Does the trampoline convey?
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Very pretty.
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Plus, there’s a 2nd home on the property, as well. For under $500K, it really is worth it.
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hannahssimblr · 11 months
Chapter Six (Part 3)
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The day rolls on, and by afternoon my head is spinning. It feels like I’ve been everywhere in Dublin and I’ve seen everything too, we’ve had ice cream from the best ice cream shop in the city, we’ve been through the science gallery and played around with the optical illusions, we’ve gone into all the fancy little shops that we don’t have out in the country, and by the time we finally stop in the park to watch the ducks my feet are throbbing from all the walking and my tummy is sore from laughing. 
They reminisce about something that happened to them on their school tour one year as we lounge on the mown grass, and I think, after spending hours with them now, that they might be two of the most entertaining people I’ve ever met. They never seem to second guess what they’re saying or think too hard about it, and they’ve got a really good way of bringing a joke back around again and again, making it somehow funnier each time. They genuinely want to know about me too, and I tell them all about school and the things I like to do for fun. I don’t think that I’ve ever felt as important or as comfortable as I do when I talk to them. I feel as though I could say anything at all and they wouldn’t even bat an eyelid. 
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We’re all laughing after I tell them an embarrassing story about a time I was in the changing room of a clothes shop and accidentally tried on someone else’s top that they already owned, and I have to pause for a second to take it in. “I’ve honestly never told anyone that before” I confess.
“What?” Jen shrieks “Why not? That is hilarious.”
“Because it’s too embarrassing! People would think I was weird for doing that.”
“Nah, people would think that you’re really funny, and that’s an awkward but normal human thing to do.” Jude says. 
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“Babe, I hate that you have to think like that about yourself. You’re really great.” Jen smiles at me, and I wonder what Kelly meant when she said that she was awful. I like her a lot. “Honestly, we wouldn’t be hanging out if you weren’t. We’re very picky.” She winks at Jude and he grins. Something inside me does a little flip and suddenly it’s hard to look at him, it’s like I’m looking into the sun. I’m not really sure what this feeling I keep getting around him is or if I like the way that it feels, but I know that I’ve never felt anything like it before. 
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Before we go home that evening, Jen announces that she has to go to the bathroom, and I catch a mischievous glint in Jude’s eye, one that I’ve come to recognise during the day and I wonder what big idea he has. 
“You should have a posh wee.” He says conspiratorially. “We should all go.”
“What’s a posh wee?” I giggle, and he points to a hotel across the road from us, and I know it’s the Shelbourne, the most expensive luxury hotel in town. 
Jen takes my hand and I am swept across the road to it. It’s felt like this all day, like I’m just getting swept along without ever knowing what’s about to happen. I end up just surrendering to it and seeing what happens next. “Have you ever seen their toilets?” She asks me. “They’re the fanciest toilets you’ll ever lay eyes on.”
“Do you two do this all the time or something?!”
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We run up the steps and through the doors of the hotel and I am in awe of it. The tile floors gleam, reflecting the light of the grand chandeliers that are suspended from the ceiling, and there are marble pillars lining the hall and huge round bouquets of white flowers arranged beautifully on ornate wooden tables. I would have never dared to come in here unless I was a paying guest, but Jude breezes right past the doorman without hesitation and we follow him. I heard before that if you have enough confidence you will get away with anything, and now I’ve seen that it’s true. 
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And the toilets are fancy. The floors and the mirrors gleam like they’ve just been polished, and the hand towels are those thick, soft paper ones that you feel bad about throwing into the bin after you’re done with them. There are even little bottles of hand cream and perfume by the sink. I spray some on my wrist and sniff it, imagining that I’m a grown up woman with a lot of money who could afford to stay in a hotel like this one. When I catch sight of myself in the mirror I think to myself that I look different than before, it’s something in my eyes that I can’t pin down, it’s like they look bigger and more alive. My cheeks are pink and bits of my hair are flying around out of place, but I can almost see something sparkle within me, and for the first time ever I allow a tiny little thought to come to the front of my mind: Do I look… pretty?
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“I found something.” Jude says when Jen and I come out of the bathroom. 
“Oh God.” She complains, but we follow him across the hall and up a huge curved staircase anyway. Now I really feel like a fugitive, and I keep looking over my shoulder to check if somebody is going to kick us out, but the place is totally empty, and nobody seems to be coming. 
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The sound of music floats down the stairs and I have a feeling that it has something to do with where we’re headed. We dash across the soft carpeted landing and Jude stops us outside a pair of huge double doors where the music is emanating from. He leans into one of them and slowly pushes it open, letting yellow light spill out onto the carpet. 
“Wha-” I begin, but he stops me. “Don’t ask, just come in.” And we do. 
“Jude…” Jen says when we shut the door behind us and we realise what we’re looking at. “This is someone’s wedding party.”
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“Don’t worry about it.” He walks straight over to a table of champagne and takes a glass in each hand. “I can’t drink and drive today, so these are for you two.”
“You have some audacity.” Jen hisses, but I can tell that she thinks this is kind of funny too. “We’re sticking out like sore thumbs, everyone will know we’re not part of this bloody wedding!” 
“Let’s see how long it takes them to notice then.” 
Jen rolls her eyes and clinks her champagne flute against mine. “I guess we’re in it now.” She shrugs as if to say what can you do? We both take a drink, and I think that this champagne might be the nicest alcoholic drink I’ve ever tasted, and probably ever will taste for the rest of my life. I bet it’s hundreds of euros for a bottle of this stuff. 
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The band starts to play an Elvis song, and the next thing I know I am being pulled onto the dancefloor and the three of us are laughing and dancing together, looking so out of place in our runners and shorts in the middle of a formal crowd, but surprisingly I don’t care how it looks. I am having so much fun today that I think I might burst from happiness. 
Jude takes my hands and twirls me around, singing the lyrics to the song in a silly Elvis voice. He keeps crashing and bumping me into people near us and they are turning around to stare at us angrily which somehow makes this all so much funnier. 
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Your kisses lift me higher, like a sweet song of a choir, you light my morning sky… He holds me in the ballroom dancing style with one hand on my waist, and then I have another one of those electric moments. When we’re close like this for the first time I can really look into his eyes, and watch the way their warm golden brown colour, flecked with amber catches all the lights in the room. His skin, which was beautiful from afar, is just as perfect up close, and he has a little sprinkling of freckles on his nose that make me want to reach out and touch him. I imagine he really means the lyrics that he’s singing along to, and catch myself wondering what it might be like if I were to let him kiss me. 
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And just like that he’s gone. He’s let go of me and now he’s dancing with Jen, not even realising the disturbance he’s caused within me, and I have to stand there and find my bearings again, feeling a strange absence and longing in the parts of my waist and my wrists and all of the other places where his hands had touched me moments ago. Oh Shit. I think.
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stlispenard · 2 months
i have james' home in modern planned out like i am about to do a tv series. ideally his dublin flat is in an old georgian building but has an odd mix of furniture styles (probably mostly 50s/60s/70s) stuff. books on the floor. now, a house is a little different because he'd probably look for a place with lots and lots of wood panelling. mid-century, but reminiscent of ships. bookcases for days and pretty neat with designer chairs and a large colourful sofa. earthy-toned tiles and steel accents, weird pops of colour.
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newstylebathrooms · 1 year
Small job recently done for Monica in Dublin 15☑️
For us there’s no too small or too big job
Don’t hesitate to contact us today to get a free quote with no obligation ☎️0870699873 (whatsapp, viber)
Tiling services and Bathroom renovation top to bottom
Quality and Competitive Prices are guaranteed
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ktsipp · 6 months
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Beautiful tile, Dublin
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breitzbachbea · 1 year
tell me what have you seen in ireland? uwu
Oh my god. Oh myyy god. I'LL GLADLY TELL.
So, I did just stay in Dublin bc I like to really get to know one place on my own terms instead of hopping from place to place and only see a bit. I did spend one day in Derry, though.
In Dublin, I went to:
- Dublinia, a museum about medieval and viking Dublin. One of the students working there talked his whole shift away with me and became a friend.
- Christchurch Cathedral, where Strongbow is buried
- St. Patrick's Cathedral (even found two of the mismatched tiles, bc 'only God is perfect'!)
- Dublin Castle (Saw the River Puddle! Or is it Poddle? I'm so bad with Irish river names)
- Strolled through St. Stephen's once, but didn't explore much.
- Went to the see the Book of Kells and the Long Hall in Trinity College (their Cicero bust is so funny)
- Went to the Cobblestones pub with a tumblr mutual and it was a lovely evening
- Visited Henrietta Street 14, one of the old Georgian townhouses that tells the stories from the British High Life to Irish squalor in Dublin
- Just walked around in Grangegorman and Phibsboro, bc that is where Harry, Soph and Paddy live (DESPAIR. still have no clue where I want Charlie to reside.)
- Went to the 'Dead Zoo', the national natural science museum.
- Went to the national archaeological museum and saw a cool sword. And got more extra viking info, bc it was with my Dublinia friend.
- Went to the museum of Modern Irish Literature, which was 80% James Joyce. (One room encourages you to write down the beginning of a book and I just left the beginning of a Harry and Charlie One-Shot at the wall).
- Went to the National Gallery and saw some John Keats and Renaissance Era stuff
- Went to the General Post Office Museum with their great contextualization of the Easter Rising with what came before and after. (Love the poster walls that really embed you in the Zeitgeist).
- Went to EPIC The Museum of Irish Emigration. That one was fun, I think.
- What's it called, Merrion Square? Wherever the Oscar Wilde statue is. I went there.
- In Derry, I went to the Guildhall to see their exhibition on the Ulster Plantation. That was cool!
- I also went to the Free Derry Museum, which does such a good job of contextualizing the beginning of the Troubles.
- And I walked the entirety of Derry's walls once!!! And bc the busride didn't go through Belfast, I saw a lot of the countryside in Derry, Tyrone and Armagh.
- Went to St. Michan's to see the Crypt YEHAAAAW. (The bodies are mummified bc of the temperature staying the same, the limestone walls and the methane gas that comes up through the ground).
I honestly may have forgotten something, I'm not sure. It was all in all a great trip and I already ache to return, the same way I ache to return to Sicily. I know it's Scottish and there is no Ocean in sight but ... my bonnie lies over the ocean ...
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slayonetta7 · 11 months
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I went to the Pink Restaurant in the Dublin city center a few days ago and what can I say, the name obviously speaks for itself.
This photograph shows the bathroom of the restaurant bathed in different shades of pink. The mirrors have been placed opposite of the bathroom doors which creates a contrast between both sides of the hallway. While the shades of pink are all very similar the only thing that stands out are the white mirror frames and the words above them, they are the eye-catchers. Even though this little hallway is overloaded with different things such as the rose patterns on the doors, the flower wallpaper and the hexagonal floor tiles, it all works well together in the context of this restaurants theme.
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Tile & Grout Cleaning
Tile floors are a popular choice for kitchens, bathrooms, and other areas prone to moisture and heavy foot traffic due to their durability, versatility, and ease of maintenance. However, while tile is generally easy to clean, grout—the porous material between the tiles—can absorb dirt, grime, and stains over time, making it more challenging to keep looking fresh. Regular cleaning of both tile and grout is essential to maintain the overall appearance and longevity of your floors. This guide will walk you through the best methods for cleaning tile and grout, covering daily care, deep cleaning, and stain removal.
Daily Maintenance for Tile Floors
Regular cleaning of tile floors is key to preventing dirt from settling into the grout and keeping the surface looking clean and polished. Here’s how to maintain your tile floors on a daily basis:
Sweeping or Vacuuming Dust, dirt, and debris can quickly accumulate on tile floors, especially in high-traffic areas. Regular sweeping with a soft-bristle broom or vacuuming using a hard floor attachment will help prevent dirt from scratching the tiles and accumulating in the grout lines. It’s important to clean corners and edges where dirt tends to gather.
Dry Mopping After sweeping, use a dry microfiber mop to remove any fine dust or dirt particles left behind. Dry mopping is an effective way to maintain the tile’s sheen and prevent dust from settling into the grout.
Spot Cleaning Spills Tile floors, particularly in kitchens and bathrooms, are prone to spills. If spills aren’t cleaned up immediately, they can stain both the tile and grout. Use a damp cloth or paper towel to clean up spills as soon as they occur, and follow up with a quick mop to prevent stains.
Weekly Cleaning for Tile & Grout
While daily sweeping and mopping are crucial, your tile and grout need a deeper cleaning at least once a week to keep them looking their best. Here’s how to do it:
Mop with a Tile Cleaner For weekly cleaning, mop your tile floors with a pH-neutral cleaner that is safe for tile surfaces. Avoid using harsh or abrasive cleaners, as they can damage the tile finish and cause grout discoloration. You can also make a simple cleaning solution by mixing warm water with a few drops of mild dish soap. Mop the floor, ensuring not to oversaturate it, and rinse with clean water to avoid leaving any residue behind.
Scrub the Grout Lines Grout is more porous than tile, meaning it can trap dirt, moisture, and bacteria. Use a soft-bristle brush to scrub the grout lines with a mixture of water and mild detergent or a specialized grout cleaner. Be sure to avoid using too much water, as excessive moisture can weaken grout over time. After scrubbing, rinse the area thoroughly and dry it with a clean towel.
Deep Cleaning for Tile & Grout
Over time, grout can become discolored and tiles can lose their shine, especially in areas that see heavy use. Deep cleaning is essential to restoring the appearance of both tile and grout.
Use a Grout Cleaner or Homemade Solution For deep cleaning, you can use a commercial grout cleaner or make your own using baking soda and water. Apply the paste to the grout lines, allowing it to sit for about 10–15 minutes to break down any embedded dirt or stains. Scrub the grout lines with a soft-bristle brush, working in small sections. Avoid using metal brushes, as they can scratch the tile and damage the grout.
Tackle Tough Stains with Vinegar For tougher stains, you can use a solution of equal parts vinegar and water. Vinegar is a natural cleaning agent that works well for breaking down grime, but it should be used sparingly on certain types of tiles like natural stone, as it can be too acidic. For ceramic or porcelain tiles, vinegar can be a safe and effective option. After applying the vinegar solution, scrub the grout lines and tiles with a soft brush, rinse thoroughly, and dry the area.
Steam Cleaning Steam cleaning is a highly effective method for deep cleaning both tile and grout. The high-temperature steam penetrates grout lines, loosening dirt and debris without the need for harsh chemicals. You can rent or buy a steam cleaner, and many come with attachments specifically designed for grout. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid damaging your tiles or grout.
Stain Removal for Tile & Grout
Grout is highly susceptible to staining from dirt, grease, and spills. Here are some tips for removing common stains:
Grease or Oil Stains In kitchens, grease or oil stains can seep into grout and tiles. To remove these, use a mixture of baking soda and water to create a paste. Apply it to the stained area, let it sit for 5–10 minutes, then scrub gently with a brush. Rinse with water and dry.
Mildew or Mold In bathrooms, mold and mildew can accumulate on tile and grout due to excess moisture. A solution of equal parts water and hydrogen peroxide can effectively remove mildew. Apply it to the affected area, scrub with a brush, and rinse thoroughly.
Wine or Juice Stains For wine or juice stains, apply a mixture of baking soda and vinegar to the grout. Let it fizz for a few minutes, then scrub with a soft brush and rinse.
Tile and grout cleaning is essential for maintaining the beauty and longevity of your floors. Regular sweeping, mopping, and grout scrubbing will prevent dirt buildup and keep your tile surfaces looking pristine. By incorporating a deep cleaning routine every few months and using gentle, effective cleaning solutions, you can ensure that your tile floors remain in excellent condition for years to come. Proper grout care is especially important, as it helps prevent stains and keeps your floors looking fresh and well-maintained.
Tile & Grout Cleaning
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Touring St. George’s gorgeous Gothic Revival home in Dublin, Ireland. It’s actually a smaller castle home with 5 bds. and 3 baths. Someone bought it  for €8.500.000 (APPROX $10,000,000 USD). So, let’s see what they got:
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The timber staircase forms the dramatic rise to the first floor from the entrance hallway. It has a solid Oak handrail and Pitch Pine detailing St Brigid’s cross shapes.
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Two drawing rooms can be separated by pocket doors.
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I’m guessing that those are stairs in the turret.
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The main drawing room opens to a conservatory added in the early 20th century.
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The fireplace is made of Portland Stone with decorative frieze detail, pink polished marble columns and delicate brass inset.
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Doorknob detail.
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There is a Pitch Pine fireplace in the inner hall with Portland Stone inset and Arts and Crafts tiled detail. The hall, in keeping with Victorian tradition, is essentially symmetrical, with two doorways positioned on either side, leading into the principal rooms; the drawing room and the dining room respectively.
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The dining room faces the front of the house with views out towards the Bay through a canted bay window.
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This is a traditional European Oak kitchen with black granite worktops, Belfast sink and a pale cream Aga.
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A breakfast nook in the main bd.
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The main bedroom is described as luxuriously appointed, so it seems that the furnishings came with it, or at least the draperies.
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St George’s is an impressive towered and gabled red-brick Gothic-Revival house built in the late 1870’s designed by George Coppinger Ashlin, one of the leading Irish architects of the 19th century.
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It’s one of the finest examples of both the neo-Gothic and Arts and Crafts movements.
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All of the homes are on very private tree-surrounded properties near the water.
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hannahssimblr · 6 months
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It’s due to snow. My God, I think, does it have to be today? Can’t it at least hold off for twelve hours? The weather app predicts ten solid days of it. Snow, sleet, ice, snow, snow snow. Since when does it ever snow so much in December?
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“Have you seen my black heels?” I ask my flatmate as I rummage through the ungodly pile of clothing at the bottom of my wardrobe. 
Molly leans against the doorframe, “Yeah, you gave me a loan of them a few weeks ago. They’re here.”
“Oh thank God,” I snatch them out of her hand and wedge them into my already overpacked suitcase and then sit on it to try and force it shut.
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She hovers on the threshold, “and those are the shoes you’re going to wear?” She says after some hesitation, “black sandals?”
“In the snow. In Ireland?” 
I sigh, “Yes, Molls, I have no other choice, really. I need to look in some way elegant and put together, I can’t exactly show up to a wedding in my wellies, can I?”
She peers out the window above my bed at dark clouds that roll in front the west. We both know that as soon as they break, the snow will fall, and as soon as the snow falls everything will slowly shut down. The roads, the trains, the planes. “Right. Flying from Luton again?”
“Oh, convenient.”
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“I’m still cutting it fine,” I glance at my phone and feel a jolt of panic, “in fact I have to go right this very second.” I heave my suitcase up onto its wheels and volley it out into the little hallway. Molly backs out of the way as I follow, “have fun,” She says, and I wrestle with the chain on the door. It always bloody sticks at the worst moments. I let out a sigh of relief as I release it.
“Yeah, I’ll see you in a couple of days.”
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I haul my bags down two flights of narrow carpeted stairs and dodge the tangle of bicycles by the front door, then I’m out onto the streets practically sprinting with my bag while daggers of freezing air hit my face. It’s usually five minutes to Finsbury Park station but I make it in three, panting and wheezing as the tube squeals to a halt in front of me. 
It’s busy, just like always in the early evening, but especially in these weeks leading up to Christmas. It seems like the whole borough of Islington is trying to pile onto this train as one great heaving mass of winter jackets and shoulder bags. I wedge myself and my suitcase in a little gap among them, flushed with the sudden heat of all of the bodies, clutch to a pole and turn my body away from them all so that I can stare blankly at the tile wall through the foggy glass as we pull away from the platform.
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There’s already a thin layer of snow on the ground when we land in Dublin. I gaze out the window of the plane as it trundles to a halt at the snowflakes lit up, confetti under the floodlights of terminal one, and by the time I’ve bundled myself into my hired car it’s heavier. During the hour it takes me to reach my destination I fret more and more as drifts of snow slowly build along the edges of the motorway, and when those edges turn to hedgerows of the the narrow winding country the drifts get bigger, and cushions of perfect white perch upon the dense tangle of twigs and branches of the bushes, the last of the autumn leaves still clinging forlornly to them the same way they do to the trees overhead. 
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It is a manor house at the end of a long, wooded lane in that part of Wicklow that is posh enough that you’d feel the need to explain the reason for your presence in it to somebody, and the house itself is like something from a film. Christmas trees glitter by the front door and warm light from the sash windows spills out onto a white carpet of snow. It’s late now, I’d be surprised if anyone was still up, but as I shoulder my way through to the lobby I’m greeted by the sounds of tickling piano keys, so I suppose at least somebody is still awake. 
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I leave my bags by the stairs and go through a large set of wooden doors into the dining room where a shadowed figure is fussing over the tablecloths and the placement of the candles. She turns around, startled as the door swings shut behind me. 
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“Oh! Evie, you’ve arrived!”
“Yes,” I say, and Caroline Healy drops what she’s doing and crosses the room to hug me, “C’mere to me,” she says, and kisses my cheek, “You look beautiful,”
“Thank you,” After five hours of travelling I really don’t feel it. I glance around the room in the dim light, and each table is immaculately dressed with white cloth, ribbons, pillar candles and bouquets of winter blooms. “Have you done all this?”
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“Just the flowers,” she says, “It’s some job getting it all together you know.”
“Well it looks amazing, I’m just surprised to see you up so late.”
She waves her hand, “I won’t sleep with the nerves, you know me, “ and I laugh, because she’s not really the one that should be nervous. 
“Is anybody else up and about?” I ask. 
“My two were running around there a while ago trying to wrangle the little one into bed,” She throws her eyes skyward, “God help us, I love my granddaughter but she’s as spoiled as anything, no bedtime routine whatsoever. I’d say if you go out into the lounge you might see them, or maybe one of the other young people is out there still, I don’t know. The musicians were tinkering away there the last I was about.”
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Anxiety blooms in my stomach at the thought of who I might find hanging out in the lounge. “By any chance are the Turners here?”
Caroline is back to the tablecloths, “Yep, arrived earlier this evening, they might be in with Shane and Kelly if you pop in, just across the hall there, sure go and say hello.”
“Right, okay.” I go back into the lobby feeling oddly like a teenager again as I hover around the lounge door afraid. Afraid to go and see people I used to know as though I should even still care, as though any of us should still care about the happenings of our late teens and early twenties. I swallow my apprehension, wipe my sweaty hands on my skirt and push through the door. 
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To my relief I find Shane alone. He gets up from the sofa as he sees me. 
“God, Evie, you’ve arrived,” He gives me a grin that splits across his entire face. It’s so quiet here with just the sounds of the crackling fire, while outside through gaps in the velvet curtains the snow has picked up and builds to piles on the sills. 
“I’m so late in, I really didn’t think it was going to take so long but you know, with the weather and everything…”
“Yeah you’ve to be careful on those roads, they’re pure lethal. Come sit down.”
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I do, right across from him and notice that he’s fiddling with his watch, unclasping it and clasping it again in a rhythmic motion. I bet that he was doing exactly that before I came in. 
“How are you feeling?” 
He laughs, “Nervous, so nervous. Actually a bit sick, you know? That kind of nervous, and I don’t know why, it’s not like I think she won’t show up, it’s just like – I suppose it’s knowing that it’s finally the big day and everyone will be looking on and all that…”
I get it, because even though Shane is used to attention by now, having spent six years in the spotlight, in newspapers, magazines, on radio, TV and in stadiums in front of thousands, he still hates to be perceived. Even at his own wedding he can’t stand the idea. 
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“Well are you planning on staying down here all night or do you have some idea that you might go to bed?”
His leg is jittering too, “I dunno, I was hoping that maybe at some point I might start to feel tired enough to go up and fall asleep.”
“You’re the same as your mother.”
“Don’t I know it. C’mere,” he leans forward, “How are you doing? What’s new?”
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I’ve only started to tell him when the lounge door opens and a tall blonde woman comes inside, “Sorry to interrupt you,” She says, “We’ve just set the mics and piano up and all, but we thought we’d run the order of things by you one more time before tomorrow just to be extra sure. I hope it’s not a bother or anything but we just thought since you’re up…”
“Oh yeah, I’ll be out now in a minute,”
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And then I’m looking at the woman as she’s looking back at me. Does she remember me? It’s been such a long time since we’ve seen each other and even then I don’t know-
“Evie, you know Ivy, right?”
I nod, “Yeah of course! Though it’s been years and years now. I remember you, but you were only thirteen, it’s alright if you don’t-”
“No, I remember you,” She says, and as she smiles one side of her mouth lifts a little higher than the other, making her seem cheeky, brazen, even. It’s a trademark Turner smile that I know far too well, and it makes my stomach flip.
“Is your brother around?”
“He went to bed a few hours ago. Jet lag.”
“I suppose I’ll say hi to him tomorrow.”
“Suppose you will.” She calls out, already disappeared around the doorframe.
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I get the keys to my room from the desk and get ready for bed. This is an old house full of old noises. The radiators tick and the walls and the ceilings creak and I wonder if what I’m hearing is the sounds of other people awake and walking around or the roof settling under the weight of the snow. The furnishings are soft and old, worn and nostalgic like things from other decades tend to be, and the bed is so comfortable beneath me when I sit on it to take my shoes off that I want to topple over sideways and sleep right then and there. But I can’t. I have airports and planes and the Piccadilly line tube to wash off my skin. When I go into the bathroom to take a shower I’m surprised to find the absence of one, and only a clawfoot bath in its place, but that’s okay, I think, as long as I don’t let myself fall asleep in it. 
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I sit in it for a long time, until the water loses its heat and I lose all sense of the hour, but I don’t feel like moving. This must be the first time in months that I’ve sat in the quiet and done nothing, and I’m surprised by the stillness of the countryside. Outside the window the sky glows blue with the reflection of the white landscape, and there is not a sound for miles. No voices, traffic, dogs barking, city sounds, just the still, dark night. I imagine that perhaps I’m like the furniture in this hotel room, a woman from a different time.  
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I’ve left my bathrobe heating on the radiator so that I can wrap myself up and hold my body heat until I can nestle under the covers. It’s one of my favourite tricks from years of living in badly insulated, freezing cold London flats. From Peckham to Hackney to Dalston, they’ve all been the same. I’ve spent almost a decade of winters taping up the gaps in the windows, doubling duvets and wearing two pairs of socks to bed to ward off the assailing cold, but this room is warm enough to go without these things. I bask in the luxury of it, even in its faded beauty, the joy of slipping under the thick cotton sheets in just my silk pyjamas. I am so tired. I’m tired all the time and yet somehow I’ve never been quite this tired. I shut my eyes and listen to the faint tapping of snowfall on the glass. 
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infrogmation · 3 months
Tiles Tuesday: A tour of European capitals on New Orleans sidewalks.
Sidewalk corner tiles for New Orleans streets named after foreign capitals.
1) Berlin, Germany. (During World War I, the New Orleans street was renamed “General Pershing”, but when they were putting in new name tiles in 1918 they seem to have missed one.)
2)Bruxelles, aka Brussels, Belgium.
3)Constantinople, Ottoman Empire
4)Dublin, Ireland.
Photographed by Infrogmation of New Orleans.
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formeryelpers · 3 months
Cuppa Yo, 3970 Summit Rd, Dublin, CA 94568
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Fro-yo girl here. Cuppa Yo is now open in Dublin, California’s Tivoli Plaza. Tivoli Plaza is a new development that opened last year. It has an Indian supermarket called Turmeric, restaurants, shops, a Montessori pre-school, etc.
Cuppa Yo was founded in 2009 in Bend, Oregon. They’ve been signing franchisees and opening many new stores recently. The concept is self-serve and can now be found in multiple states. The Dublin location is their first in California.
Cuppa Yo Dublin features ten self-serve froyo flavors a day, toppings (fruit, popping boba, mochi, candy, chocolate chips, cereal, cheesecake, sprinkles, cookies, nuts, and sauces) for $0.82/oz. I didn’t see the price per ounce listed anywhere. They also have the option of flat rate cups (but you can’t go over the rim), $6 for 12 oz cups, $8 for 16 oz cups, and $12 quarts. The flat rate pricing does not include any toppings. Other options include pre-packed quarts with toppings, freeze-dried candy, and froyo for dogs. Cones are available.
Froyo flavors:
Country vanilla
Dole pineapple
Original tart
Mountain blackberry
Salted caramel pretzel
NSA raspberry
Mango sunrise sorbet
Cake batter
Cable car chocolate
The shop was clean and cheerful with black tiles and orange and white walls. Veterans and seniors enjoy 10% off. There was a big sign about sample scamming, and when I asked for samples, I received one cup (stingy).
They serve YoCream yogurt and use Taylor soft serve machines. I was pleased with the texture and flavor of Country Vanilla froyo (thick, creamy, sweet like frozen custard), but the toppings bar feels limited and has little fresh fruit. The brownie brittle topping tasted odd. Also, I think the price is high for the area, though it's not that much more than Yogurtland Dublin's $0.78/oz. Froyo flavors and toppings were standard.
You do get a color-changing spoon with your cup of froyo.
You know you love me. X0 X0, fro-yo girl.
3.5 out of 5 stars
By Lolia S.
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