wikipediabot · 1 year
wikipedia fact
Azygonyx and Esthonyx from North America, Franchaius and Plesiesthonyx from Europe, and Basalina from Pakistan are all morphologically closely related but obviously geographically quite widespread. In contrast, Asian tillodonts tend to be smaller and less derived. This possible link between specimens from Pakistan and Europe with those from North America adds evidence to a faunal interchange between these continents during the early Eocene.
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steenpaal · 7 years
Plethorodon - Wikipedia
Plethorodon is an extinct genus of tillodont that lived during Early to Late Paleocene. The type species is P. qianshanensis. which known from partial skull and upper teeth that had been discovered by Huang and Zheng at 1987 at Qianshan, Anhui Province, China.
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