#time isn't running out but it is but it isn't but it isssss
I have been thinking of A Glitch In The Matrix's Cybertron plotline. And mostly about my babygirl Minimus Ambus and what he is doing since th original Ultra Magnus, who is still alive.
Minimus in this is still the "less impressive" brother of House Ambus with his brother and brother-in-law deeply involving themselves in the new government and these exciting times while Minimus is pretty much ignored. He is working as a low level legal aide in Tyrest's office and keeps insisting he is satisfied but he is not.
Rewind, attempting to be a good brother-in-law takes Minimus with him on an errand, and conveniently leaves him next to the absolute disaster of Starscream's desk while Rewind is "dropping something off" for Soundwave. Minimus, thinking it is a public area, neatens it up because it physically pains him and Starscream comes ambling in and asks him what he thinks he is doing. Minimus is horribly embarrassed and polite and apologetic and carefully insists on calling Starscream by his official title, which includes Lord in it based off proper etiquette, which Starscream is thrilled by.
Rewind slids in and makes introductions while Minimus wants to crawl in a hole because he's just offended one of the heroes of the war and most powerful people on Cybertron. Something he tells Rewind when he leads him away, and Starscream eavesdrops on shamelessly and gets a bit strutty about. Starscream goes home and tells Megatron about it, who thinks it's silly and doesn't like titles but is indulgent about Starscream being Starscream.
Rewind, who knows Minimus hates his job, convinces him to apply for a position. Dominus helps back him up and Minimus after a particularly bad day when his co-workers are making beastformer jokes quits and is running on an addrenline thrill when he applies before collapsing on Dominus and Rewind's couch and freaking out.
Minimus goes to the interview running into Starscream who recognizes him instantly and smugly smirks at Soundwave, who is doing the interview when Minimus calls him his title. Starscream sits in and Minimus answers honestly, and Soundwave is going to hire him (at least partially as a favor to Rewind), but the Starscream says "Hired!" and snatches Minimus up to be his secretary.
Minimus is startled, thrilled and horrified, because this is actually a rather high ranking and competitive position, which Starscream isn't enitrely aware of and he takes it very seriously. While he remains respectful he puts his whole self into wrangling Starscream and devoting himself to his whims.
Minimus eventually breaks down from his forced polite exterior down on Starscream and they shout and he is horrified because Megatron walks in on it. Minimus is convinced he is fired until Starscream calls him annoyed the next day that he hasn't shown up.
They work out an arrangement, and Minimus actually starts to reluctantly like his boss. Megatron is "visiting" so much they get to know each other and Minimus is at their definitely not shared apartment often for work reasons and Starscream insists on inviting his secretary to functions so he is almost constantly with them to stop Starscream from causing an incident as once he joked he'd pull another Senate if left alone without Minimus as a buffer.
Megatron and Starscream start to like him. Minimus likes them as well and is genuinely thrilled and shy when Starscream drunkenly confesses to thinking of him as a friend. Like giddy. He begins to treat Starscream similarly and Megatron as well and go out with them. To poetry readings and plays and literature discussions (Megatron who has become part of an artistic Renaissance) and fancy parties (because Starscream like to gossip and cause problems on purpose) and dive bars.
Minimus is fiercely supportive and defensive of them both which is returned and quite good at helping navigate the remaining nobles and wealthy and manipulate laws legally in a way Starscream respects and Megatrojnis impressed by his knowledge of and ideas for the new legal system and ways to improve it.
Minimus quickly becomes the only person in their office who is not aware that Starscream and Megatron are trying to woo him or that he is semi-dating them.
Oh Mins.
Ohhhh Mins.
Screamer went from pissed to pleased so quickly like, like.
Yessss let's let Starscream be Starscream for a minute here
Minimegastar kinda-sorta? Isssss that what's going on here
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ace-malarky · 2 years
I meant to sit around and answer tags tonight except I got distracted and anyway I also p much preordered Samantha Shannon’s new book again because I forgot I did that already and it’s weird that Waterstones doesn’t like. it doesn’t say. on your orders page. What they are. like I have to click on them to see the titles of the books bc none of them have covers yet and wouldn’t it be easier just to have the titles there?
 Anyway I caught that one and may have preordered something else instead and no I don’t have space on my shelves or in my flat or whatever, but that’s a future Ace problem
#talkin' malarky#I got all excited today bc I almost thought I had a viewing but no wow barely took ten minutes to fill in the form only to be told#that viewings were already full. like. buddy. the flat went up TODAY why are you only doing an hour of viewings#I hate everything it was a day I could've done GOD it would've been good#slowly giving up the chance of ever finding anywhere tbh#cities fucken suck and so does my paycheck#can't afford to live in the city probably can't afford the travel to live outside of the city#... have too much stuff to move into a flat with other people because they all come with furniture#like if I could get a room that had nothing in it actually I would cope#but can't get an unfurnished room nooooo no they all gotta come furnished#time isn't running out but it is but it isn't but it isssss#... this was not the rant I was going to go on but here we are#at least they had the decency to get back to me UNLIkE THE OTHER LETTING AGENCY#. i did also shoot myself in the foot over one a couple weeks ago bc they said hey phone us#and I said oh noooo I'm busy at work I can't do thattttt#y'know. like a fool.#probably would've been too small anyhow#also fuck oops I forgot to print off the thing that miight help me do things tomorrow. oops.#I. I think I'm just gonna go to bed. maybe be productive in the morning sort of.#I did spend a certain amount of time at work today writing fun dichotomy scenes tho#and realising that the rest of it may not be fun to write bc fucken detective work.#I mean I'll get there possibly probably maybe somehow#but anyhow. yeah. that's a whole thing. fuck the housing market#bojo give me one of your second homes challenges. I'll even do the decorating tastefully and cheaply
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guttersniper · 2 years
whenever i think about it i get so mad bc mutt is constantly threatened by, attempted to be taken advantage of by, mistreated by, and harassed by grown adults. i think about when when patrick ness said “the worst part of being young. so many of your decisions aren’t yours; they’re made by other people. sometimes they’re made badly by other people. sometimes they’re made by other people who have no idea what the consequences of those decisions might be.” this tiny boy is made of teeth and bone and sharp edges because of his experiences with myriad adults acting like a complete ass to him, whether they’re being intentionally malicious or not. the ones who don’t even realize it are the worst, and he almost prefers it when they know they’re acting like a prick. i think about all the times he’s probably been manhandled and treated horribly because that’s what so many people think they can do to kids like him (homeless, alone, young, undocumented, traumatized, etc etc etc).
the very real and present and unique dangers mutt faces as a homeless child – an undocumented homeless child – compound into layers of trauma, stress, and mistrust. he’s very aware of these, too, despite the fact he loathes to admit them out loud, and it is partly why he keeps running all the time. the worst things could happen to him and nobody would care, nobody would notice. wouldn’t even be a small-print blurb on page fourteen of the newspaper. such is the life of an undocumented homeless child. you don’t exist. one wrong step, and he’s dead. one wrong step, and he’s smuggled somewhere he doesn’t want to be. one wrong step, and he’s trafficked into god knows what.one wrong step, one wrong decision, one thing overlooked, just one mistake. -- quoting yourself is a power move
and he fucking faces them with all the grit they’ve honestly beat into him. he stands up and outsmarts them and that’s why i use the phrase of the mouse catching the cat, or the weed growing up through the cracks despite it all. he’s seen all this bullshit, he’s lived all this bullshit, he endures and he endures and he endures, and how nice would it be to have someone looking out for him, instead of the constant slew of individuals who try and take advantage of him, but kids like him have the rottenest fucking luck, and giving up would just prove these people right, and he’s not going to do that. not ever. by god, he is fighting for his agency in whatever way he knows how.
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hearteyes-wheeler · 3 years
SO it looks like the episodes will be on youtube so far, so i'm gonna react to the chucky series episode 2 :)
- ahhhh it's startinggggg i'm excited 😁
- ok it says "halloween 1965" so i'm assuming we're gonna see something from chucky's childhood
- yeah this is about chucky!! he got a lot of candy, please share some with me ❤ and he got an apple too, we love that for him
- sometimes i forget chucky actually had a life before he was this big (ha) killer doll and stuff
- why is he so intrigued by this apple?
- oh shit the apple had like a razor in it? like those types of things your parents always warn you about and check your candy for
- his mouth is fucking bleeding...
- ok we're back in present day but i still have SO MANY FUCKING QUESTIONS
- ok so devan is talking about halloween on his podcasttttt
- kinda ironic he brought up killers and just crime happening on halloween in their city when one of the most famous killers is living there ❤
- jake and junior are being driven to school but the aunt and uncle and they're so rich 🤠 like. the car seats literally have this thing so they're warm. is this a rich people thing or am i just unaware of this being a thing?
- they seem to put a lot of pressure on junior. he's an asshole but i have a feeling i'm gonna end up feeling bad for him at the end of this episode
- so jake seems hesitant about going into school and its being implied that he hasn't been to school for a week because he's been having nightmares... his dad was a piece of shit but i feel so bad for him
- ok maybe the aunt and uncle aren't too bad
- everyone at his school can actually step on legos. which the fuck talks shit about someone who just lost their dad and then bring up that his dad is dead?? fucking morons
- i know chucky is the killer but these kids are the real monsters
- the dude that lexi cheated on junior with (i still don't know his name) is talking with jake and invited him to a halloween party he's throwing... i have a very bad feeling about this. i think they're gonna pull a shitty prank on him or something
- junior doesn't seem like as bad of a person as lexi is. he just seems to out up walls and a disguise to keep himself hidden from others, if that makes sense
- she's so fucking insensitive god fuck her
- devan is talking to jake ❗❗❗❗
- the dude throwing the party is named oliver. got it
- LMAO devan asked jake if he was gonna bring chucky to the party because they really "killed it" last night and jake was just like 😧 and then devan's like "... at the talent show" HFKSBXKSNXKS
- chucky's gonna kill the housekeeper lady isn't he
- PFFT either he's gonna kill her because she almost read jake's diary or he's gonna kill her because she fucking sprayed windex in his eyes 😭
- 🎶 somebody took all the knives from the kitchen and i have a feeling i know who it isssss 🎶
- never mind they're just all in the dishwasher. all facing with the stabby part up 🤠 this is gonna be gruesome, isn't it?
- moving on from that scary as scene... the intro is made of jack-o-lanterns this time instead of doll heads :D i'm assuming they're gonna change the intro every time then
- oh shit jake and junior are home oh shit of fuck did chucky hide the body or did he just leave it on display so people could appreciate his work? 🤪
- i watched a documentary a while back on the making of child's play and i know that they used to use human people 🤠 for when chucky had to go up stairs and stuff in the original movies because it was hard for them to make the animatronic actually do that. i wonder if they're still using people or if they've figured out a way to use the doll without it looking odd. interesting. might have to google that later
- OH SHIT. they're in the kitchen and the lady's body is like. right behind them. i wonder if they'll notice it or if someone else will find her later on
- also why the fuck is junior so fucking upset over jake offering him a popsicle??? he's just being nice jesus fucking christ
- oh shit jake saw her
- also sidenote but if there's an afterlife, i'd be so embarrassed about dying in the position she died in. it's probably stupid but that's so awkward. if i didn't die from getting stabbed in the throat by multiple knives, i'd die of embarrassment
- aw damn, devan's mom (the detective) is there again. she definitely knows something is up and probably thinks jake is the cause of two deaths that have happened (so far)
- oh wait apparently it's very common for people to fall into a bunch of knives facing up and dying 🤠 that's... kinda horrifying
- ok yeah she and this other dude with her suspect jake has something to do with it
- that's great they also suspect it could've been junior and that they're covering for each other. love how no one suspects the killer doll that's been involved in murders since the 80's
- not chucky swearing to god that he didn't kill her lmaoo he believes in damballa (however his name is spelled), not god. do your research, jake lol
- "come on, jake, you gotta believe me. i'm your friend to the end" chucky. my dude. you couldn't fool andy, a six year old kid with that one. i doubt you could fool jake, a fourteen year old dude
- he read jake's diary and said "gotta say, writing's not your forte. stick to sculpture" LMAO CHUCKY YOU ASSHOLE
- c: "you know, i have a queer kid" j: "you have a kid?" c: "[in a jersey accent] genderfluid" j: "and you're cool with it?" c: "i'm not a monster, jake" fksnxksnhe may be a killer doll but at least he's a supportive parent ❤🏳‍🌈
- i seriously wonder if chucky is actually trying to help jake or is he's just full of shit. i would assume the last one but he has kind a helped jake... in his own fucked up way... i wanna believe there's good in him 😭 watch him basically adopt jake LMAO that's cursed
- ok it's nice to see the uncle (logan, apparently) doesn't think jake killed annie (the housekeeper lady). the aunt keeps basically saying that maybe they shouldn't have taken jake in because they don't know how fucked duo the way his dad raised him is and logan seems to have his back. i'm glad jake has him
- also junior is listening into the conversation and i don't think that's gonna go well
- ok so junior is kinda being confirmed to just be living to please his dad. like all he does is to make him happy. i feel ya, junior. don't do that to yourself
- oh shit junior is looking around jake's room
- sidenote: jake has a pride flag in his room 🏳‍🌈
- junior opened jake's laptop and it looks like he's been stalking lexi? why though?? or is it chucky trying to find a way to kill her?
- jake walked in on him. it was definitely chucky looking because jake has no idea why that's there
- junior really said "stay away from her" bitch he's gay there's a literal pride flag right behind you
- oh shit oh fuck junior can hear jake yelling at chucky...
- oh we're at lexi's house now and her little sister is drawing chucky 🥰
- ooooo she's so good at drawing yessss girllllll ✨
- ok i love that this show is like showing what each character is going through and more details about their lives. i would've never thought i was gonna feel bad for lexi. at least not so soon. her parents seem to give more attention to the little sister and not care about what's going on with lexi
- also not her calling jake a bully as if she hasn't made fun of him since her first appearance
- "lexi, your sister has a gift. and she's better at this than you've been at anything in your entire life" chucky take this bitch out next please ❤ not ever teen in this show having issues with their parents
- why are they making lexi's little sister her responsibility? if they can't take care of their own kids, why have any?
- wait why is devan lying to his mom and saying he doesn't really talk to jake? my dude you talk to him every chance you get
- these 14 year olds have more freedom than me and i'm almost 18
- my point stands. as soon as his mom left, devan texted jake
- oooo yayyyyy!!!! halloween 🎃👻🍬❤
- jake and devan are giving me "you going soft on me, blight?" "in your dreams" vibes and i'm so here for it
- chucky did not just give jake a black fucking eye DHKSBDKS
- chucky escaped. again 🤠 i'm getting 20 bucks he went to lexi's
- chucky was doing a little kid voice and went up to a lady to ask where the party was at and then when she told him, he gave her an apple with a razor in it 🤠 i really wanna know what's up with these apples
- are... are lexi and junior... about to fuck 💀 i'm uncomfy
- jake's still looking for chucky. i wonder what he's up to
- jake stumbled into the party trying to look for chucky and making sure he hasn't killed lexi, he ran into devan and then oliver and the other stupid kids locked them in a closet 🤠 i'm gonna kick a bunch of 14 year olds in the face
- also hand over my 20 bucks, i was right. he went to lexi's house
- "mommy says real killing is bad" "mommy is full of shit" "mommy says it isn't nice to swear" "mommy's working her way up my list pretty fucking quick" BFSKNXKSNX
- is jake really gonna tell devan what's going on with chucky??
- you know what maybe i do hope chucky gets you
- jake looks like he's about to beat the shit out of her and honestly i don't blame him. junior looks so shocked too
- "i'm gonna show her what it's like to get hurt" uhhhh jake honest don't do anything stupid
- jake you should've let chucky stab lexi
- kidding... kinda
- chucky apologized to jake about giving him a black eye and promised to not do that again and jake said "i've heard that before" and i'm just... jake deserves so much better
- oh crap chucky's trying to convince jake to kill
- i'm suddenly scared of jake. he looks like he's lost it
ok so that's the end of episode two and... holy shit 🤠 i'm both excited and scared about what things are gonna be like now that jake is kinda getting influenced to kill. like, is he gonna just become a serial killer, is he gonna only kill people who have wronged him? and also devan's mom seems to be catching on. if jake were to tell her what's going on, would she believe him or just think he's going insane (even though it seems he has)? maybe now that he's had a change of mind, people will blame him for the deaths. if you read all of this i love you ❤
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bongaboi · 4 years
Stop enabling/rewarding/ putting up with lazy and inconsiderate playing. Toxicity isn't just salt in the party chat.
From  u/GrayIntent on reddit
I feel like I'm going to get downvoted to hell but whatever I choose to die on this hill.
If I am in an alliance raid, and we notice there is one player (a healer btw) "afk" for ALL the fights not contributing, and rolling on loot so they don't get kicked, please don't tell me to put up with it and just finish the raid so we could get out the instance. You're damn right I'm going to be petty and wait out the loot-timer to vote kick, they do not deserve the completion rewards.
If you cue in to a lv.77 dungeon(ilvl 380) as a tank or healer and all your equipment is lv.70(ilvl 310-330) gear, and you are wondering why you can't survive the wall-to-wall pull, and I patiently and kindly explain to you why it isn't working, AND you have the NERVE to argue, telling me I'm not doing 'xyz' good enough. You're damn right I'm vote kicking you.
If you are a healer in a level 80 dungeon, and you keep silent, you don't request the tank to pull small, but complain about the tank running out of your range AND YOU NEVER ONCE pressed the sprint button. Instead you call them a bad tank? You're damn right I'm vote kicking you. (Like a chef claiming he can't cut the food even though he has a perfectly sharp knife)
How could you be a lv.74 Tank and NEVER use defensive cool downs (not even a little Rampart) when there's 10 mobs attacking you? and instead you say, "Healer needs to heal me more". (It's a like a soccer goalkeeper not attempting to use his hands to save a shot). You're damn right I'm going to vote kick. (LIKE HOW DID HE EVEN GET THIS FAR IN THE GAME????).
Too many people in game are shouting "deal with it and just finish the instance." NO. Stop tolerating it, because then it becomes the norm. The game is easier than ever now. Stop being so effing passive when someone is being TOXIC. TOXIC isn't just salt in party chat.
UPDATE: holy sh*t this blew up. Allow me to clarify something I noticed from some comments in respectful disagreement. I ALWAYS defend a sprout and flower. I'm always patient to new players. THE POINT I AM MAKINGGGGGGG, ISSSSS.. What I am asking for is COMPETENCE, Im not asking you to min-max, or be a pro at the game. If I tell you "hey use rampart it will help :)" and you reply with "No its not me, the healer needs to heal me better" <-- that is toxic and it should not be tolerated. You are level 70- 80, you have 20 something spells and actions and you never read the tooltips for them??? You don't need to be a professional MMO player to simple press a button that will make it better for you AND your party.
UPDATE2: I'm blocking my DMs because while there are hundreds of messages in agreement with me there also plenty just flat out cursing me lol. If you have something to say about this thread, SAY IT WITH YOUR CHEST AND POST IN THE REPLIES. Don't try to metaphorically "jump" me, 1000 ppl are in agreement with me. piss off lol
UPDATE3: for god's sake I can't believe I have to keep coming back to this. All the examples (which I really experienced btw) were all in the high levels. NOT ONCE have I brought new players into this. Every time I see a new player in a dungeon I kindly explain mechanics and slow down to accommodate them. In this posts I am CLEARLY making 2 points; pt1.) If you are lv 70+ you should have an understanding of your toolkit. Use it. No excuse at that level to not use rampart or other def CDs. pt2.) If someone suggests an a definite better way to play your role/job don't get defensive and screech "I play however I wanna play".
/rant I'm done if you are mad at this, stay mad
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mio-nika · 6 years
Another rant about emh past, future and present
I wrote *bad HABIT impression* A LOT, but today i even had a decency to re-read it and fix horrible errors.
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1. The Eden, The Candleverse, The Habitland
It can be just obvious knowledge, but I only got it today, soo... This morning I was rewatching "the property" and one line caught my attention: This is my Eden. My little heaven in this hell. This hell that you call life, Vinny. Beautiful isn't it? I can't even tell you how I created it... This place, this is like an inner sanctum to the monsters' sanctuary. - James Corenthal. Corenthal's Eden is in the Candleverse. Why? Actually we have a lot of different clues. Jeff and Evan clothes in the recent video. HABIT's occupation ("IT IS I WHO INHABITS THIS SANCTUARY"). Also, remember Bridge to Nowhere, Jeff has the same set of clothes, HABIT calls this dimension his home (“yeah, let's run from him in his own house”) and when Adam was talking about the bridge, he called this dimension “habitland”. So yeah, we can draw one conclusion. Corenthal's Eden in this place you call candleverse, the dimension of monsters. But James made safe space inside it, where his family can live. And HABIT can't get inside. Yet.
2. The House
(So yeah, anyone except me noticed that HABIT is reading House of Leaves in new video? But he clearly isssss). And now you need to buckle up and wrap your head with tinfoil, because unlike my first point, second and third is just my wild imagination. So, i hope you ready. That if House are not sick? That if HABIT just changing its layout to make House impossible to get in and out without his help? We know that HABIT knows about Corenthal and Co (we go outside, you gonna ignore the voices, you gonna ignore the ghosts) and he doesn’t want Vince to have with them any deals. We also know that HABIT has a power to warp the space around him, we saw him making fast way to his house for Noah. What if he just warped space of the House to the point of the infinite labirinth?
3. Non-linear space and time.
I think that House is their dimension itself. They are living inside of space what doesn’t have a linear dynamic. It’s constantly warping. Like candleverse. (I think its actually can be the same dimension, just different pokets?) So do you remember Le premier cours? It’s one of my favorite videos. And this one line was always bugging me: “It's all one house…It's gotta be... It's all one house, it doesn't make more sense than teleporting, or being thrown from one place or another” - Vince. You remember crawlspace in bedroom wall. Aren't you. And endless hospital. And this line from the last video “this place in the state of flux. I figured you’ll be used to that by now” - HABIT. “you’ll be used to that by now”. How long it actually is. What if from the start they was living in the place of constant fluctuations. And its just get more fucked. Like. You can see that they timeline isn’t the same anymore. It's slower. And who exactly is uploading the videos?
///Why i think that knife isn’t only for killing Administrator? Why I think Candleverse and they’re current dimension are linked to each other. Campfire scene, last video “this universe doesn’t want you to make it. Nothing alive wants this to happen and they all can feel it” - HABIT. but Corenthal knows.///
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