#time to do something i've never done before so i can cause myself max stress lmao
sannie-hannie · 1 year
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a very late gift for @yoonzinoswife
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yandere-fics · 5 months
Okay, I've never done a match-up, and I wanted to give you plenty to work with, so this may get a little rambly I apologize in advance. Also, before I start, I wanted to say I love your blog and ocs. I can't even begin to choose a favorite as they all have something I love and connect with.
Okay, so I am an aquarius, so I really love music, just any music. My tastes vary widely, and I use it as a way to de-stress after a long day. I am a pretty anxious person, so I prefer to knock things out then and there instead of staying awake and stressing. For example, any projects or papers got knocked off almost as soon as I got them when I was younger, and then naturally, I would spend days stressing and going back over it to ensure it is perfect. I struggle with depression so sometimes I don't always take care of myself. Like days where I don't want to do anything, so no cleaning and take out to the max. Sometimes, just getting out of bed feels like too much of an ask. I generally bounce back after some time. I am not super social. I have a few friends, but they are primarily at work. I find it hard to keep a connection, I guess, unless I am forced to see you every day. That sounds really weird, but I drifted away from most of my childhood friends after school ended, and I don't talk to anyone from my last job. Like, I will text and call for a bit, but then life gets in the way, and then two months later, I realize I haven't texted or said anything to the person for a while. The one exception is two close friends from school, mostly cause they force it out of me. Which I probably need if they weren't like we haven't hung out in a week I will be by your apartment hang tight. No, I won't listen to your complaints. Come have fun with me. I always do, lol. We probably would have drifted apart, not gonna lie. Also I try to answer all texts and calls as soon as I see them but sometimes things have a couple business days wait cause I just can't find my social battery for anything more than a K over text. I love animals, reading, video games, and dnd. That's pretty much what I do outside of work unless I am being told to socialize by my two friends. Well expect for the animal part as volunteering would force me to interact with people I have given some thought to it as the trade off would be well taking care of animals and who doesn't want that but I haven't taken the plunge yet. Ohh, also I always usually have a thing for female villains. Supergirl when Lena Luthor had her villain arc chiefs kiss. Disney villains sign me up. Regina, from once upon time, can get it she doesn't even have to become good. Resident evil, the murder fly babies. The Fandom calls them our murder gremlins. You get it, lol. I also have similar tastes with the apps I download if they have romance. What do you mean their is a secret RO is it the villain cause sign me up. Please take my money give me your choices llc or hosted games book. Anyway, I have probably made this long enough. I hope that is enough to work with.
Abigail, she's not my most evil but she's still pretty sinister at times and you get to watch a hot woman with a sword threaten people. You'll have plenty to do but not an extreme amount, being duchess would be ideal for you,, you have some duties but not an overwhelming amount of them and plenty of help with them and as duchess you can laze around and listen to music whenever you want.
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Half on a baby: Leo & Alicia -Part 2
This is from Cordonians gone wild, a TRR AU. A collaborative effort by @ao719 @cocomaxley @speedyoperarascalparty @riseandshinelittleblossom and myself. Find our other crazy adventures HERE
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It had been four months since Leo and Alicia had started trying for a baby. They knew it would take some time after removing the IUD as the doctor had said. It took two months for her cycle to return back to normal, she was happy just to let it happen when it happened,  Leo on the other hand was starting to stress.
Sex used to be fun, but it started to feel more like a chore.
Alicia sat at the restaurant with the other girls, Genevieve and Rashad's wedding was fast approaching and the girls were going over a few of the final details for the bridal shower they were planning wiating for Genevieve showed up.
She absentmindedly played with her wedding ring, lost in thought. “Alicia! Earth to Alicia?!” Pam waved her hand in front of her face “hmm what?” she slowly turned her head. “Mimosas or Manhattans for the shower signature drink?” “oh umm Manhattans.” she answered, slightly embarrassed.  “you were a million miles away, what's up?” Stef asked, the others stared at her waiting for a response. She took a deep breath “So you know how we have been trying for a baby?” they all nodded “well, Leo has become like, obsessed. To the point sex isn't fun anymore, it's like… a chore. I don't even want to have sex with him.”  
The girls gasped “Oh my God, you don't want to have sex with Leo? The two of you couldn't keep your hands off each other for 2 minutes and you don't even want to at all?” Anitah shrieked.  Alicia shook her head “It's horrible I know. I'm still super attracted to him, but I just hate the pressure.”
Just then Leo approached the table. “Hello Ladies, sorry to interrupt but Alicia and I have an appointment.” Alicia rolled her eyes “I'm kind of in the middle of something Leo, can we postpone the appointment?”
“we already postponed one appointment today, I do not want to miss another.” he gave her a stern look, finally she tossed her napkin on the table and stood. “Sorry ladies but my Husband seems to demand I attend this Appointment.” Leo held his hand out, she walked straight past him giving him a pointed look, passing Genevieve on the way. “Hey Ali…” she started to say but quickly stopped noticing Alicia's annoyed look, Leo hot on her heels.
The ride back to the palace was a quiet one, they got to their quarters, Leo started to unbutton his shirt. “we should probably do it twice to make up for missed time this morning.” he said pulling off his pants. “what are you doing? Take off your clothes.” Leo huffed annoyed she wasn't moving he walked over to her and started to unzip her dress “Leo Stop!” she turned pushing his hand away. He abruptly stopped, staring at her wide eyed, never in the entire time they had been together had she ever told him to stop. “you are so crazy over making a baby you don't even see or care that I am pissed. What you did back there, that was embarrassing and ridiculous.”
Leo blinked several times at his wife's words. “Sex used to be exciting, and amazing. When was the last time you went down on me? When was the last time I had an orgasm? It's become a chore and I'm not ok with it.” she yelled. “you don't want to have sex with me?” his voice almost a whisper. “No Leo,I think we need to have a sex break for a little bit.”
“So are you saying you want to stop trying?” his voice started to break, blinking back tears.  
“I'm not saying that,  I just want our old sex life back. The fun, spontaneous, passionate, whenever, wherever sex we used to have. Not this, scheduled boring ass shit that's happening now.” leo sat on the couch. “I'm, I'm sorry, I just got so crazy over getting you pregnant. How long is this break going to be?”
“I don't know, we will just see how it goes.”
A couple weeks later the group flew into Tahiti for Leo's 35th birthday. Alicia was able to reserve 3 on water bungalows in the same cluster. Drake and pam would be sharing with Genevieve and Rahad, Anitah and Liam would share with Stef and Max, and since nobody liked to bunk with the loud couple,  and it being his birthday weekend, Leo and Alicia had their own bungalow. Each bungalow had two bedrooms, a full kitchen, living room, deck and private water entrance. Except Leo and Alicia's had one bedroom, and an island inspired canopy bed.
They spent the afternoon in the sparkling bluewater. .The guys did a little fishing while the girls floated around in rafts sipping on tropical drinks. It had been 2 full weeks since Leo and Alicia were intimate, Alicia seemingly ok, Leo starting to crack under the lack of sex, but not wanting to push his wife.  He watched as she got off her raft and into the clear water, swimming to the stairs of the bungalow. She made her way up the stairs, beads of water rolling down her body, her long brown hair cascading down her back. She adjusted her bikini bottoms, Leo adjusted his pants at the sight of her. She smirked as she walked into the bungalow Leo getting up to follow her.
Alicia walked into the kitchen grabbing a glass of water,  she felt his strong arms wrap around her waist. “you're killing me in this bikini love.” his husky voice in her ear sent shivers down her spine. “is that so? And what exactly do you want to do about this?” she teased. Leo let out a low growl hands placed firmly on her hips, his lips gently nipping the back of her neck. “Leo, hey, you got a bite on your line.” Drake's voice came from behind them. “You can't get it?” He growled, back still facing Drake. “Na I think you should come get it, it looks like a big one.” Drake tried to stifle his laughter.  Alicia turned facing her husband “Better go get that fish.” she whispered as she walked out the door. Leo turned glaring at Drake seeing him laughing “Fuck you walker.”
The first night Alicia passed out before Leo came to bed, the second night the girls all crashed in Alicia and Leo's bungalow, Leo being forced to bunk with Liam for the night. He woke up being snuggled by his younger brother. It was then that he vowed, one way or another this hold out was going to end.
They spent the day at the beach, and doing a little sightseeing. The resort that the bungalows were near was having a party, and the crew wanted to check it out. The spent the evening eating and laughing. After way to many drinks pam and Drake were the first to leave, followed by Genevieve and Rashad. Maxwell, stephanie and Anitah were on the dance floor. Liam slouched in his seat wearing a goofy grin and a coconut bra.
Leo looked over at Alicia he dipped his mouth close to her ear “Dance with me?” she agreed and they made their way to the dance floor. Leo pulled her flesh to himself using the close proximity to his advantage. Between the beat of the music, the way his hands felt on her body and the alcohol, Alicia couldn't resist him anymore. She wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him into a searing kiss, his tongue slipped between her soft lips their tongues swirled together, fighting for dominance. They pulled apart finally “I need you Leo, now!” she breathed out.
Without a word he grabbed her hand rushing back to the bungalow. Once they reached the docks he scooped her up, carrying her bridal style until they got into the bedroom. He let her down pulling her into a kiss as his fingers diligently removed her long floral dress. He growled in Appreciation discovering she had nothing underneath. He turned her around pulling her flesh to him, his hands roamed her naked body, he caressed her breast, pinching and rolling her pink buds until the formed firm peaks. She let out a soft moan, it had been to long. His fingers slipped lower, parting her folds, he rubbed her sensitive bundle sending jolts of pleasure throughout her. “f- fuck Leo.” she moaned. Leo pulled off his shirt and slipped out of his shorts. He lead her to the bed giving her a soft nudge watching her fall back. He dropped to his knees, pulling her legs over his strong shoulders.  “Fuck baby, I've been waiting for this moment for 2 weeks.” he growled as his lips found her clit sucking and swirling her clit with perfect skill. She arched her back at the sensation, it didn't take long, with one hand gripping the sheets the other tangled in his blonde locks she came screaming his name.
He stood with a smirk. “You taste as good as you feel baby, and right now, I need to feel you.”  He lined his thick long length up with her aching center and plunged into her causing Alicia to gasp. “Fuck love your tight.” Leo groaned, as he gripped her hips pulling her up slightly off the bed. He set a steady pace, wanting to take as much time as he could. Their moans filled the room, her fingers raked his back as she felt the coil tighten. She felt her coil start to tighten, she needed more. She bucked her hips into him, he gave her that sly grin. “mmmm that's my girl, I know what you want.” Leo picked up his pace, thrusting into her with force. “Fuck, yes Leo just like that.” she wrapped her legs around him, pulling him deeper into her. “mmmm fuck, yes.” she moaned “come for me baby, I wanna  hear how good it feels.” he growled. Leo thrust harder, he felt her walls flutter around him “ Yes,Leo…. Leo!” she screamed his name as her sweet nectar crashed against his length sending him over the edge. “Alicia!” He pumped into her as he spilled himself into her with a loud groan collapsing to the side of her. They laid tangled together in the bed. “I am so sorry I almost ruined our sex life.” Leo sighed. Alicia laid on his chest “you didn't, but let's never schedule sex again ok?” he grinned as he kissed the top of her head. “Happy birthday Leo.”
A month later…..
Alicia walked into their quarters, she had spent the day with the girls getting their nails done they were heading to the rehearsal and dinner, afterwards everyone would be traveling to Domvailler for the wedding the next day. “Leo I'm back, you about ready?” she hollered out, kicking her heels off. She say down in the oversized chair in their living room, she leaned her head back closing her eyes. the next thing she knew Leo was shaking her “Wake up love, we need to get going.” “hmmm what? Did I fall asleep?” Leo grinned “Yeah you did. Now come on the car is waiting for us downstairs.”
The rehearsal went well, finally it was dinner time. Alicia sat at the table waiting on her food. She hadn't touched the glass of wine that sat in front of her. The staff sat their food down she glanced over at Genevieve's surf and turf steak and lobster, her stomach doing flops. She picked at her chicken, not being able to bring herself to eat it. It wasn't until she glanced over at Leo, who cut into his medium rare steak,  the blood pooling out did it. Her hand flew up to her mouth she stood abruptly knocking over the chair, rushing out and into the bathroom. The entire table staring at the empty spot.
“Is she ok?” Rashad sympathetically asked. “I really hope she isn't getting a stomach bug the day before the wedding.” Genevieve sighed. “I'll go check on her.” Leo stood walking to the bathroom.
“you ok love?” he hollered in. “I don't know, I looked at your bloody steak and puked.” she splashed water on her face. “I think I'm gonna go lay down, can you tell Gen sorry and I'll be fine for tomorrow.” she walked out of the bathroom pulling off her dress. “You want me to stay, I can take care of you.” Leo put his hands on her shoulders “You're sweet, but no. Go back down and finish eating. I'll be fine.” leo ran back down to the dining hall, filling everyone in on Alicia's condition,  he finished eating and went back to the room. Alicia was sleeping, he covered her up and climbed into bed next to her.
The next day was the wedding, Alicia was fine most of the morning. The girls sipped champagne Alicia declined, the thought of it made her stomach turn instead she snacked on crackers and ginger ale. She got through the ceremony even the dinner with no isssue.  Genevieve and Rashad left for their honeymoon Leo, Alicia and Stephanie sat at the table, Leo and Stephanie had a nice buzz going, Alicia sipped sparkling cider. Maxwell plopped down next to Alicia at the table, tossing a plate of fish, rice and greens down. “Max, where’d ya get that?” stef eyed her husband  “Oh I raided the kitchen, want some?” he forked a large chunk of fish waving it in Alicia's face. Her hand flew over her mouth and she darted off to the bathroom. “I guess she does have a stomach bug.” Leo sighed. “Or she's pregnant.” Stephanie eyed Leo, who couldn't stop the grin forming on his face. “I better go check on her. Talk to you guys later.”
Alicia walked out of the bathroom coming face to face with Leo “Damn Maxwell and that damn fish. I'm gonna go up, you can hang out if you want, I won't be much fun.” “I have something I want to do, but I'll be up shortly.” he kissed her forehead and took off.
A short while later Leo came in the room. “Hey baby. How are you feeling?” he asked.
“Better. What ya got there?” she took note of the bag he was holding. “This?” she shook her head, Leo handed her the bag. She reached in pulling out a box “a pregnancy test? No, it's to soon, the doctor said it could take a year.” she argued. “Just take it love, please.” he took her hands. “fine.” she sighed ripping open the box and going into the bathroom.  She came out a few minutes later placing the test on the nightstand, setting a timer on her phone.
Leo placed the floor, when the timer went off. Alicia's head snapped over to the test and back to Leo, she shook her head, she couldn't look. Leo crossed the room in two strides snatching the test off the nightstand, he stared at the test. “its.. its negative isn't it?” Leo looked up at his wife tears in his eyes “Im… its… Alicia, you're.” he stammered “Leo, what's going on, you're confusing me.”
“you're pregnant love.” Alicia stood up “im.. what? You're serious?” He wrapped his strong arms around her, pulling her into a sweet kiss. “Were having a baby love.I love you, so much.”
Alicia looked into his bright blue eyes “I love you too Leo. I can't believe it, were going to have a baby!”
A few months later ….
Alicia laid on the table of the imagining office, Leo sat next to her gripping her hand. They had had a few office visits, got a few blurry pictures of what Leo called their little “sprout”. Today was the day of their big ultrasound, with any luck they would know the sex of their baby. When they found out they were expecting, Alicia was 6 weeks along. When they told their friends the news Leo announced it as his delayed birthday present, as she got pregnant during the birthday trip to Tahiti.
The technician came in “Hello your grace, your highness, I am tessa and I'll be doing your scan today.” Leo and Alicia shared a look, fighting back the urge to laugh hysterically at the penis shaped eyebrows on tessa’s face. After a few measurements and tessa telling them what every part was she finally asked the question “So do you want to know the sex of the baby?” “YES!” they answered unanimously. Tessa laughed “well ok, let's see if we can get some cooperation here.” tessa wiggled the wand on Alicia's stomach snapping a few pictures, she furrowed her brow and stood up “umm if you will excuse me for a minute. “ she got up and walked out of the room. “What's wrong Leo?” “I don't know love, I'm sure fine.” He have her a reassuring squeeze.
Tessa returned with another woman “Hello, I'm doctor Swift. Tessa asked me to take a look really quick, if that's ok.” Alicia nodded as the doctor scanned her stomach. “ok so, this little one right here is baby A” she pointed to the screen. “and this one… is baby B” Leo whipped his head to the doctor “come again?”
Alicia sat up on her elbows “What do you mean?”
The doctor giggled “well, it appears you are having twins. This little one was hiding behind it's sibling.” tw.. twins?” Alicia muttered, Leo grinned “guess my swimmers were having a buy one get one free special that day.” Alicia groaned. “Now, let's find out the sex of these two.”
Taglist: @speedyoperarascalparty @greyeyedsmile14 @mind-reader1  @hopefulmoonobject @alicars @bella-ca @blznbaby @blackwidow2721 @liamxs-world @simsvetements @furiousherringoperatortoad @choicesfannatalie @crookedslimecreatorpasta @coldcollectornight08 @museofbooks @syltti78 @ao719 @blubutterflyy @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @riseandshinelittleblossom @gardeningourmet @annekebbphotography @carabeth @moneyfordiamonds @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @3pawandme @indiacater @ooo-barff-ooo @ownworldresident @tornbetween2loves @perfectprofessorherokid @stopforamoment @editboutique @wannabemc2 @zaffrenotes @enmchoices @lauradowning29 @lodberg @smalltalk88 @laniquelovesworld @gibbles82 @heatherfilliez @noey718-blog @nikkis1983 @sweetest-marbear @classylady1234 @daniv2278
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