#time to get the greaves ig
thegeminisage · 1 year
man theres so many CHESTS just laying around in the zora area
also it is AAALLWAYS raining girl let me CLIMB
these underwater/underground ruins are SO COOL i wish i'd seen these the first time i was here
shrine puzzle here where i gotta take the crystal and follow the beam. i am quite clearly supposed to build a raft, but there are materials for a bike. decided against this bc i love rafting in this game and also bc of the low ceiling, even though with the crystal as a counterweight the low ceiling ought to be no problem
actually, i should have done the bike. rafting is more fun when you're going with the current and not against it and also i'm dying to see how my new battery holds up <3
BIKE GOOD...i can't wait to get a chance to properly put it thru its paces
oh man i did a really long korok trip that with my old battery i wouldn't have been able to do!!!
there's a BED? up here at the reservoir. i slept in it expecting my bike to despawn but it was still there when i woke up
and a sidequest for helping this zora get stones for mipha's court...good i could use a break lol
NIIIICE zora fabric!!
god the music in mipha court still fucking kills me. it's crazy bc i didn't even LIKE mipha that much in the first game!! like ofc i cared about her, but she wasn't eating holes in my brain. but man...........
back in the ancoent zora waterworks for 1. zora greaves quest and 2. Frog. it's still really cool in here...
oh shit the water is gone!!! crazy..............
holy shit i just fused a weapon with 104 atk lol i can NEVER use this i have to save it for ganondorf. and a club with 72 atk wtf
well, i broke them immediately. i equipped one for a sneakstrike and i guess i forgot to unequip it so i must've broken them in this fight cuz they're both gone :(
uh...no...their attack got halved...? maybe i had some kind of effect going for me in the waterworks? water attack up or something? but i hadn't had any special food or armor...
OH i see! the zora swords i used for fusion have atk up when wet. it was raining and now it stopped lol. i almost panicked
:| i saved blood moon guy again and he said OH I KNEW YOU'D COME...like.........adn now he is like well i can do my research w/o fear. u always rescue me. buddy one day theyre gonna roast you over their little campfire before my ass gets here. then what. freak
oh damn he gave me a diamond??? ok fine ig
found another high/low tide cave. i like it better than the last one, probably bc this time i'm not trying to steer a shivery purse dog npc thru it on a raft
my rubber tights!!!!!!! FINALLY i can ride and farm farosh like she deserves. mwah
ANOTHER block puzzle i can't get...am i just stupid???
got my lightscale trident! unfortunately i am definitely gonna break it bc i do not have room for it in my house lol
lol sidon's wife says he talks about link constantly. "link is the best" "no task is insurmountable when i am with link" is he like. ok. like man are you happy are you like good? crackpot theory sidon like zelda canonically has a crush but it's up to us the decide if it's requited lol. i seriously tinfoil hat think he's gay. like is this all accidental writing sure but also. good lord
i am not against sidon getting hitched or whatever but this whole thing is so WEIRD...................
THE MAN HAS A STATUE OF THEM. LIKE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE whatever look it's fine. i'm normal. this is so normal. i think this is why i left in a hurry last time actually. weird vibes i get around here. i can't be doing this shit during pride month
happily this is all i have time for today. tomorrow i wanna try doing more story lol the right side of my map is so close to being clear but i need a break!!!
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steelosport · 7 years
Being born and raised in Paterson, NJ for 25 years, I’ve seen beautiful and harsh things. Sometimes you have to mix the good with the bad and bad with the good. Earlier this year I found myself in a very graphic setting. I met a drug abusing couple by the name of Liz and Eric they have been living in a tent in the back of a abandoned home. I photograph them while they were smoking crack cocaine and shooting heroin. This was one awkward setting for me but one I always wanted to document growing up in a drug infested city. A moment I'll never forget.
Ten minutes after the couple's first hit Liz’s friend “Shorty“ came to join the party. While documenting them smoking the three tells me their story’s on what made them start this deathly habit.
Liz is originally from Wayne, NJ (a wealthy township about 10-15 minutes away from Paterson) 32 years of age and grew up in a drug influenced home. She started taking pills such as Xanax , Percocets and OxyContin early in high school and eventually needed a drug that’ll make her higher. Liz’s father died from alcohol and brother from opiates. Her mom is still alive and gives her money to support her habit.
Eric (Liz’s boyfriend) grew up in Montville, NJ (another wealthy township about 20-25 minutes from Paterson) grew up clean cut but got into a bit a trouble in the law and ended up doing time for crimes he committed in his past. When he was released in 2010 he moved to Paterson thinking it was a great idea to be a bit close to his parole office which he was enrolled in. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a good idea because after finishing parole he met up with the wrong crowd and started using and abusing drugs and eventually caught his self stuck in Paterson ever since.
Shorty was born and raised in Wanaque, NJ (another wealthy area 25 min from paterson) been stuck in Paterson for 5 years and been using crack cocaine and heroine for about 20. After they were finished I started asking them questions.
Me: Shorty, how old are you?
Shorty: Ummmm I’ll say 37 or 38, idk I was born in 1978 so I’ll just go with 38
Me: How do you guys make money on a daily basis to support this expensive habit?
Liz: We would wake and and go to 7/11 ask for a few change for a few hours. Then I’ll ask my mom for money for food or something and she will easily believe me and I'll spend it on dope.
Me: Eric, how would you feel in the a.m?
Eric: 10x worst than the flu plus 10x worst than a hangover.
Me: Liz, will you ever stop using?
Liz: I’m actually going to detox. I want to clean myself up plus I’m starting probation (she laughs after).
Me: Shorty, how about you?
Shorty: Honestly, I take it day by day. I’m not rushing. I get pulled over and police officer ask “how long have you been using? “ I’ll say 20 years and their response would be “there’s no hope for you, carry on”
I’ve been wanting to document this for a while now and I thank these people for telling me they’re story and allowing me to share with the world. It’s ridiculous to me that this isn’t a story that comes to the light as often. I personally feel as though main stream society can care less about this situation and unfortunately the drug culture will never stop growing.
Written and photographs by Devante Greaves
Ig: @steelosport
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nerddface · 7 years
Flower(y) Language
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Characters: Thor Odinson, Reader, Loki, Space Mom
Warnings: Brief blood mention
Word count: 1898
Notes: Pre-films setting :)
Ficmas Day 15 | What is Ficmas?
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Thor wasn’t a timid person, by any stretch of the imagination. He was a warrior, the Prince of the Nine Realms, a god, for its worth! He had vanquished entire armies in a single day, and enemies three times larger than he with a single hand!
So, why, by the Norns, could he not speak to this woman?!
He couldn’t even truly say they were friends. She worked under her father in the palace grounds’ smithy, and saw him often, but every time she smiled at him over a repaired blade or piece of armor, he would lose any semblance of speech he might have had in his head. It was silly. There was no reason he should be so doeish with her. If he wanted her to be closer, all he needed to do was tell her so! There were dozens of ladies in the court who swooned at even a side glance from him. There was no way she would refuse him. She couldn’t. He would simply order her, as her Prince, if she did.
That was all that was on his mind as he sat down for supper with his parents and his brother. They were not attended by the Warriors Three or any of Odin’s advisors this evening as they usually would have been - Frigga had established one supper hour a month reserved only for the four of them, in an effort to keep them familiar. It provided a good opportunity, as well, to bring up personal subjects that might be too tender for outside ears. Perhaps he could ask his mother for some advice.
“What troubles you, Thor?” Frigga’s gentle voice brought Thor out of his head.
“Y/N,” he answered honestly. “I cannot seem to speak to her, for my quality. I cannot understand how it can be so difficult.”
“I know you believe yourself to be a grown warrior, my son,” his mother began with a knowing smile, “But you are still young, and have much to learn.”
“For decades, the Einherjar bested you in the arena,” Loki put in over the rim of his goblet. “I recall one particular–” Their mother levelled him with a look that not even the Allfather himself could attest halfway through his next sentence, and he swallowed his words with another swig of wine.
“Some of the boy you once were still resides within you. It isn’t something to be ashamed of.”
“Perhaps if he spoke with people on occasion, instead of at them,” Loki mumbled, apparently not spurned enough to restrain himself.
“At least I have people to talk to, Loki,” Thor shot back. Unfortunately the close, private quarters also allowed mouths a looseness they might not have had in other company. Bickering was not unusual.
“The only reason they are friends with you is because you are–”
“Boys.” Frigga’s warning went unheard.
“–the son of the Allfather! Do you truly think they value you over what opportunities you provide for them?”
“Show me some friends of yours, brother, and perhaps then we can–”
“Enough!” Odin’s booming command silenced them both. “If you are to do nothing but argue, both of you may return to your quarters.”
Loki pushed his chair back with a sharp scrape. “Gladly.”
Thor rose as well, nearly breaking the back legs of his chair in the process. “Excuse me,” he muttered, barely saying it at all, and stode out of the dining chambers in the opposite direction of his brother.
Loki was right. Thor kicked a fist-sized stone in his mother’s garden as he resented his brother’s aptitude. The stone skidded across the winding pavement, frightening off a flock of nearby sparrows. There was no way that Y/N would know how he felt about her if Thor never did anything further for her than normal. Even then, asking for a mend to his pauldrons was hardly romantic.
He kicked the rock and followed where it led him until it disappeared into tangle of thorns. He glared at the offending plant, as it had stolen his new plaything, until it dawned on him.
Roses. All the ladies of the palace would spend hours here, admiring his mother’s broad, colorful flora. Every love story he’d been forced to sit through in his studies involved the giving of flowers, mostly roses. Surely they must have some romantic currency with women. This seemed a safe way to begin expressing himself before she was turned off to his awkward stumbling forever.
All he had to do was snap them off. He’d seen his mother do it before, but when he tried to break off a stem, it proved slippery, and the sharp point of a prickle sliced open the pad of his finger. He cursed under his breath and worked it with his other hand, managing this time to snap it off lopsidedly, near the base of the flower. He picked a handful more, and each time, he cut open a new patch of his hands. He gave up after half a dozen, trying relentlessly, and breaking them all unevenly. There was no way he would be able to get the tiny, delicate prickles off, at this point.
Fed up with the flowers, with his lack of dexterity, and with the whole damned situation, he tossed them aside, onto a nearby bench, and turned sharply, seeking something to staunch the blood welling from a dozen or so cuts on his hands, but bumped head first into someone.
His mother’s gaze soothed a little of the angry fire in his chest, and waved her hands after seeing his, producing a handkerchief, which she handed to him.
“What happened here?”
Thor sat with a huff beside his flowers, and gestured to them with a jerk. “I am now bested by plants.”
Frigga took a seat across from him, the flowers between them. “Who are these for?”
“Y/N,” he answered, shortly, through clenched teeth.
His mother took up a stem and broke off a prickle skillfully. “Are you going to see her?”
“I don’t know,” Thor lamented as he pressed the handkerchief to another cut.
“Well, you’ve gone to this much trouble.” Frigga handed him a smooth-stemmed rose and took up another one as she spoke. “What is the harm?”
Thor ground his teeth. “I am nowhere near as skillful with words as Loki is. He could make a statue fall in love with him. I cannot even speak to a woman I admire.”
Frigga hummed. “As I recall, you were quite fond of the Lady Sif not a decade past.”
“That’s different, mother. Sif is a warrior. Y/N is – she’s–”
He searched for a term, but found he had nothing further, and closed his mouth with a growl. He knitted his brow closer together and frowned at the scarlet welling from his hand as he clenched it in anger.
“What makes it different?”
“I don’t know!”
SIlence fell between them as his mother disarmed each rose and scattered the prickles across the dirt behind them. She fluttered her fingers again and this time conjured a thick ribbon of deep red, tying the stems together neatly.
“I imagine she is a reasonable girl. I imparted my knowledge of speech to both of my sons, Thor. I am confident you can conduct yourself. Or, perhaps you could consult your brother.”
Go to Loki? With this? Good gods, no. He’d never hear the end of it.
His mother noticed the look of disgust on his face, and chuckled, handing him the bundle of flowers. “Perhaps not. You will never get an answer from her, Thor, unless you ask.”
Frigga pressed a kiss to her son’s hairline, and glided away. Thor stared at the roses for a moment before standing. Loki might have been right, but so was his mother.
For a moment, standing there, in the doorway of the smithy, with the weight of a half-dozen roses nearly crushing his chest, he considered abandoning the endeavor, at least for the time being. Y/N hadn’t noticed him, yet, lost in scribbling away in a logbook. He could turn, silently, and leave before she was any the wiser. Maybe he would talk to his brother. Maybe –
Too late.
“Oh, my– my lord!” Y/N exclaimed as she recognized him, turning from her books and dropping into a curtsy. “If you are here for your greaves, I’m afraid they’re not yet finished. I’ll be sure to pick up the pace–”
“No, lady,” he said, stopping her with a wave of a hand. “I’m sure you’re doing – they’re doing fine. I came for–” he cleared his throat. “I came for another matter.”
Y/N blinked, her gaze shifting between his hands and his face. “I’m no healer, my lord, I’m sorry–”
“No!” he barked, perhaps a little too insistently, and he felt guilty at the snap of her jaw and the widening of her eyes.
“I’m sorry. I came with something for you.”
Heart pounding, he reached inside his coat and produced the small bundle of roses. He felt silly, with bloody hands and half a dozen snapped stalks. She took them when he offered, with shy hands, looking confused.
“I’ve little skill for words,” he admitted, unable to keep his eyes in one place. “Battle does not require much speech.”
“My lord, I –”
“Thor.” he pressed, finally holding her gaze. “Please.”
“Thor, I don’t know what to say, either. This is so… sudden. I had no idea you thought of –”
“If my advance is unwelcome, I can take my leave,” he began, ready to flee.
“No,” Y/N insisted. “No, not unwelcome. Only… unexpected.”
The pause that rose between them was tense, like a bubble waiting to burst. “I should like to… see you more often.”
Y/N’s eyes nearly swallowed him whole when she looked up at him. “I am here, most days. If you would like to watch the progress of your pieces…” She trailed off, examining the flowers in her hands.
“If you… liked the roses, my mother’s garden has plenty more. Perhaps… you could choose your own? Surely they would be less mangled than these.”
She laughed, bright and slightly nervous. “Truly? I don’t have a delicate touch, either.”
The tension was eased slightly with her light jest, enough to prompt Thor to speak further. “I am sure you could avoid injury much better than I. What do you say?”
She held the roses closer to her chest and granted him a beautiful smile. “I would love to.”
Relief flooded over Thor’s shoulders. Not only did she not refuse his poor attempt at a gift, she wasn’t horrified by his stumbling. “Next time, I will call for both my greaves and the artist responsible, yes?”
“Yes,” Y/N breathed, then cleared her throat. “Yes.”
They smiled at each other for a moment, before she shifted under his gaze, breaking their eye contact. “Right. I should… finish the books for the day.”
“Of course!” Thor snapped himself out of his light stupor. “Yes. I will see you soon, good lady.”
“Goodbye, Thor.”
He reveled in her smile for another lingering moment before turning back in the direction of his solar. Maybe there was hope for him yet. By this time next week, he would be fitted with new armor, and hopefully a new lady. He’d like to see Loki insult him after that.
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