mimisempai · 3 years
Home is where our story begins
Mobius and Loki will finally move in together, will the cohabitation be as natural as the rest of their story?
Still not having the real name of Hunter B-15 and the story taking place post canon, I found it odd to keep calling it that. But I didn't want to invent a name for hher, so I chose HB, if Marvel were to give him a name later, I would change it here of course.
2871 words - Rating G
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"So, soon the big day? I hope you're happy about it, even if it's new for you."
Mobius sipped his Josta, wondering what the best answer was. Yes seemed too restrictive, but it wasn't as if he wanted to go into details about his new living arrangements with Loki. Yes, he was happy to move in with Loki, of course, but...
"I'm... cautiously optimistic. You know me."
HB nodded. "For you, it's practically effusive." Chuckling, she took another pretzel. "I'm happy for you and Loki." Her smile faded briefly, "If our variant condition has taught me anything, it's to take happiness where it lies. I'm glad you decided to give your relationship with Loki a chance."
"There was nothing to decide because everything happens naturally between us," Mobius mumbled.
HB frowned. "Hm?"
Mobius cleared his throat. "It's nothing. I've talked too much."
"Talked too much?" HB laughed. "When it comes to explaining the logic of a mission strategy that sounds crazy, yes you could be accused of talking too much, but when it comes to your personal life... but I understand what you mean and to me who has been watching you a bit since the beginning of this relationship, it is clear that things are natural between you. Although I am curious about one thing."
"Which one?" Mobius prepared himself.
"How will you manage living together, as you both have your single habits, not to mention your lifestyles which were rather... different".
This question kept going round and round in Mobius' head. He was ready to compromise, but he wasn't going to change who he was either. With the personalities they both had, it might seem insurmountable from the outside, but Mobius had a deep conviction that it could work.
"I guess we'll see as we go along," he replied confidently.
"You know where to find me if you need to talk."
The friendship he had formed with HB, was one of the surprises that had come with Loki's arrival in his life.
Before they were just colleagues who worked well together and had the same dedication to the TVA and now having shared the same experience of losing everything, a real friendship was born.
"Thank you. But let's stop talking about me, how's it going with the new recruits and training?"
The TVA, purged of old influences, had returned to its primary function: to monitor realities across the multiverse and attempt to reduce temporal interference as much as possible. Mobius was the leader. Loki, Hunter B-15, now HB and other agents formed the core team.
They had completely restructured the organization, recruitment and training.
"Well, there are several young recruits who are promising, and I must say Mobius, that Loki is not only a very good teacher but also very well liked."Loki had volunteered on his own to handle the training of the newbies on the field.
Mobius, however, was not surprised at his success. As he had told LOki in the early days, he could be anyone he wanted.
Once HB left, the afternoon passed without surprise for Mobius, who was eager to get home. He found it hard to concentrate, looking forward to the changes that were coming.
Loki was waiting in Mobius' living room when Mobius returned home.
"Mobius!" he exclaimed happily as he stood up and walked over to Mobius to kiss him. Mobius thought he wouldn't mind this kind of action if it became part of their routine in the future.
As is often the case when they haven't seen each other in a while, things heated up quickly between them and they were both panting when they parted.
"How was your day? HB told me she told you about my work? Is everything okay?"
That, too, was something nice -even if he found it annoying at first, this talkie-talkie thing, this incessant stream of words from Loki. He had realized that Loki's questions were always sincere, his lover expected answers and never asked them out of politeness.
"A lot of paperwork as you can imagine, I miss working in the field, fortunately once this is over I will be able to accompany you again and see the excellent work you provide with my eyes, if I believe what HB told me", Mobius said quietly while pushing aside a strand of Loki's hair that was falling on his forehead. "What about you? How was your lunch with Casey?"
Another unexpected relationship, for who knew Loki. He had formed a bond with Casey, an ordinary administrative employee. Loki had told Mobius that it was nice to have a friend whose reactions he didn't have to weigh, because Casey was spontaneous and naturally trusting.
"Fun. He's excited for us, well for me because I'm going to live with the great Mobius." Loki chuckled before continuing, "I expected the opposite, but you're his idol, I'm just the god of mischief who taught him what a fish was."
Mobius raised an eyebrow. "Really?"
"Yes, I swear." Loki smiled. "He even offered to help us move our stuff in once the apartment was ready."
Mobius shook his head. "He's really supportive."
"Absolutely," Loki smiled, "He always surprises me with his candor."
Loki pulled Mobius to the couch and sat him down. Then he lay down in his favorite position, with his head on Mobius' lap. Mobius, as always, couldn't resist the impulse to put his hand on Loki's silky black hair and began to stroke it gently. In response, Loki made a sound that closely resembled a purr.
Turning his head to Mobius, Loki asked, "Are you really happy that we live together?"
"Of course Loki," Mobius murmured as he ran his hands through Loki's hair, enjoying sliding the strands between his fingers. "I am, but you know it won't necessarily be easy right?"
"Hmm." Loki nodded and smiled sheepishly. "I know I'm not easy to deal with."
"Hey Sweetheart! That's not it at all." Mobius protested. "I just think we're from two different worlds and it's going to take a little adjustment and patience."
Loki nodded.
"Besides, we're going to be together a lot. Between work and home," Mobius said.
"Yeah." Loki looked up and smiled at Mobius. "This is going to be great!"
"We'll see," Mobius said, finally realizing that it wasn't he who was afraid of being disappointed, but that he was afraid of disappointing Loki.
After a few moments of silence, he decided to put his fears aside and enjoy the moment.
"Now, have you thought about what you want for dinner?"
"No." Loki pressed himself against Mobius, "But I know what I want for dessert."
"What a coincidence," Mobius muttered as he slipped his hand under Loki's shirt, "I think we both have the same idea.
These kinds of little moments between them, these little habits, made Mobius think that maybe he didn't need to be anxious about their future shared life.
A few days later, Mobius was up to his neck in paperwork and couldn't take it anymore. He threw his pen away and leaned back on his chair.
"I'm here."
When Loki entered and saw the state Mobius was in, he locked the door behind him. He walked up behind Mobius, put his arms around his neck and kissed the top of his head. Mobius leaned back even more and closed his eyes.
"It's going to be hard to keep working if you make a habit of doing this," he whispered.
Loki's hands slid over Mobius' shoulders and he began a firm massage. "How about this?"
Mobius sighed, "It's not good for concentration either... " as Loki's skilled fingers had encountered a particularly knotted muscle.
"Oh, is that so?" Loki rhythmically pressed his thumbs into the back of Mobius' neck and it felt so good that Mobius moaned, "It doesn't seem to bother you that much."
"You and your distracting hands mustn't be around too often," Mobius said, "or I'll never be able to work properly, a massage like this, on the other hand, is... effective. I didn't know you knew how to give massages." Mobius was always happy to learn new things about Loki.
At Loki's silence, Mobius turned his head and was surprised by the sad expression on his face.
"Um... this is something my mom used to do for me and my brother..."
"Oh Loki... I'm sorry." Mobius reached for the hand that had remained on his shoulder and squeezed it.
"I miss her..."
"I know, sweetheart, believe me, I know." replied Mobius gently.
After a moment of silence, Loki kissed Mobius' head again, "Sorry, I didn't mean to distract you. It's just so nice and strange to have you just a few steps away from me all the time."
"Why strange?" Mobius turned in his chair to look at him.
Loki shrugged, "I usually store all the things I want to tell you later in my memory, but now that we're in our new home, and we both work together a lot, I feel like I have access to you all the time and it's..."
"Yeah. And tempting. And distracting." Loki licked his lips. "I want to see you all the time, not just talk to you, if you know what I mean..."
"Yes, I know exactly what you mean" Mobius cleared his throat, fighting the mental images that Loki's words evoked. "However, I think we're going to have to set some rules, no matter how nice it is, we're both still at work."
Loki nodded, "Yes, we really should, if only for my sanity." He bit his lower lip, and when Mobius saw him do it, he thought that it wasn't just for Loki's sanity that some rules had to be set.
"Maybe later, if you want Mobius? Or tomorrow?"
"Why tomorrow?" Mobius raised an eyebrow. "Why not now?"
Loki smiled "Because I'm excited now, and you're tired of paperwork and I think you need a good distraction."
Mobius rolled his eyes "You're insatiable."
Loki pretended to walk away, saying, "I can leave, I wouldn't want to distract you from your duty..."
Mobius grabbed him and pulled him against him. "You think you can light a flame and not blow it out?!"
"And what about rules and work?" asked Loki, raising an eyebrow.
"That can wait until tomorrow." replied Mobius, pulling Loki's head to his and silencing him in the most effective way he knew how.
For some time, Mobius had been catching scrutinizing glances from the recruits, some even giggling after running into him.
"I feel like they're staring at me," Mobius said one night as he sat on the couch with Loki in their usual position.
"You can't blame them for being curious. After all, the God of mischief and the famous Agent Mobius, we're legends. And also... um... I may have been showing off a bit for a moment or two about your... prowess. Nothing graphic, just little details," he hastened to add when Mobius' mouth opened.
"Little details," Mobius repeated.
"Oh, but nothing, just that I'm satisfied, that's all."
Hiding his face in his hands, Mobius groaned, "Loki, tell me you didn't discuss our sex life in front of your students!".
"Uh... you want me to lie?"
"Mobius, people think I'm not mature enough for you. That you're too serious and I'm not enough, that you have more integrity and I don't. Personally, I don't care what other people think. But I want people to know that you are as good to me as I am to you."
"And that requires you to tell them the intimate details of our sex lives..." Mobius mumbled.
"No, no, you don't understand," Loki said, clearly struggling to express himself. "I tell them little things that humanize us. That you like my cooking, that you like jet skiing, that I think you're sexy in the morning when you wake up, nothing too intimate..."
"Only in the morning when you wake up?!"
Count on Mobius to have kept only this part of Loki's answer.
"Even sexier than usual."
"Aaaah, that's the reason for these morning quickies," Mobius replied.
"You don't like it?"
"That's not the point, Loki."
"I know what the point is. The point is, I just want people to know the real you. Let them see you the way I see you."
"And for that, you have to tell them we screw every morning?"
"It was just one time, and it was Casey's fault. He said he didn't picture you as a sex beast."
"It gets better and better."
"Mobiuuuuus. I didn't say anything more than what I just told you, I promised! Now they know why we're perfect together."
"Because I give you satisfying orgasms when I'm barely awake."
"Because you're brilliant, and caring, and yes, incredibly sexy."
Lifting Mobius' hand to his lips, Loki kissed his fingertips and whispered, "And because I love you."
Just like that, Mobius' irritation disappeared. He took Loki's face in his hands and ran his thumb over his lower lip. "And I feel the same way. But Loki, I also wish you wouldn't talk too much about our intimacy, even with your closest friends."
Loki replied with his most mischievous smile, "You think I want to tell them how perfectly your lips fit my mmph."
Mobius had just closed Loki's mouth with a kiss and after that, Loki wasn't articulate enough to list Mobius' bedroom qualities and Mobius unapologetically left his book aside.
After all, it was important that he lived up to his reputation.
"You're looking fine, Mobius. I guess everything is okay with you and Loki? I feel like the cohabitation is going great," HB said as she walked into his office.
Nodding his head, Mobius couldn't help but smirk, "Everything is going very smoothly, yes."
"Clearly." HB smiled. "You look... satisfied."
Mobius' eyes narrowed.
"However, given the bags under your eyes, may I recommend that you rest tonight?"
Mobius widened his smile. "I'm sure I'll rest... someday, even if it's not tonight. As I told you before, Loki can be... enthusiastic, and we're enjoying a bit of a second honeymoon right now."
Chuckling, HB shook his head. "And like I said, enjoy the moment. Even the enthusiasm of youth is wearing off."
"Indeed, it is." He paused before continuing, "Do you need anything?"
"Do I need a reason to visit a friend?" asks HB.
"No, of course not. I even enjoy our little early week dates. You know I like talking with you. After all, you and I have pretty much the same background. We've done well."
HB nodded, "Yes. You're right, but I admit I also stopped by because I need you to validate the latest new recruit evaluations."
Mobius chuckled, "I'll look at those afterwards, and send them to you when I'm done."
"Take your time, you can return them to me next week.
They chatted about various things, then HB got up to leave.
"I'm going to start reading these evaluations, unless my insatiable partner decides to show up...I'd hate to disappoint him you know...."
HB shook his head. "Lovely. And since I'll see you Monday to pick them up, You can give me all the details then. Don't let him tire you out too much!"
"That' s not up to me..." Mobius said, and smiling he pulled the first evaluation toward him. He raised his head and looked at the door, aware of a presence in the room.
Loki, standing in the doorway, was grinning from ear to ear.
"Aha! So it's not just me. You do it too!"
Mobius raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"
Reaching up to him, Loki touched Mobius' chest with his index finger.
"You also tell your friends intimate details about our relationship!"
"I certainly don't."
"Oh, I think you do. I just heard HB teasing you about my 'youthful enthusiasm' and telling you to rest because you look tired." Loki's eyes danced with joy.
"I-" Mobius sighed, "Okay, I guess I told her a couple of things about our life together - Hmph!"
Loki threw his arms around Mobius and kissed him deeply. Mobius, surprised at first, put his hand on his cheek, answered the kiss with the same passion, carding his fingers in Loki's hair. Once things calmed down, they parted, breathless.
"What was that for?" asked Mobius, tucking a strand of hair behind Loki's ear in a gesture so familiar now.
"You're talking about me to people, bragging about me." Loki's eyes glowed. "That means you're proud to be with me."
Mobius blinked. "Of course I am. How can you doubt it?"
Loki pressed another kiss to Mobius' mouth. "You can be quite a hard man to read sometimes."
"Not at all," Mobius whispered, as he gently patted Loki's butt. "I'm an open book."
"You are..." laughing, Loki rolled his eyes. "You're not at all." His expression softened as he looked Mobius in the eye. "But I think I can read you."
"You're the only one who can do it," Mobius acknowledged softly.
He wondered how long it would take Loki to see in his eyes the infinite love he had for him, and if he would be able to surprise him with the ring he had in his pocket.
Whole series of one shot here : Together, for all time, always
As always, bear with me as it is not beta'd I hope you enjoyed it 🥰
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