#timeless liveblog
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like parent, like child 😭
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gutwrenchflowerbomb · 2 months
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silverxxs-world · 2 months
Oh Toni has lost it
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master-missysversion · 11 months
I love that the brendan story is like. Everything is perfectly normal. Until you look a little too closely. Or watch a little too long. But even if someone had watched the whole thing, if theyre not familiar with earth customs, they might just assume everyone who retires from the garda gets their memory wiped. But even so, if they're paying attention then theyll probably find it a bit odd that brendan had aged but his loving father and supportive superior officer (who are now both torturing him and wiping his memory) haven't aged at all somehow. It's such a good allegory for the story of tecteun and the other higher ups exploiting the timeless child for endless life (thus lack of ageing) then betraying them after initially posing as someone to be trusted
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thephoenixreaper · 8 months
Not them going shoe for shoe lol
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jupitersflytrap · 11 months
just finished watching flux. christ that was fucking boring.
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svviftlet · 1 year
the speech should’ve been “you know what’s NOT a picture to burn,,, one that’s TIMELESS”
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chiefnooniensingh · 2 years
"I don't give a damn about, Wyatt. That's not why I'm here"
"Why are you here"
Don't you know Lucy?
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airprime7 · 7 months
I've been watching Doctor Who episodes randomly, because I'm bad at deciding things, and I've decided to liveblog the next one because I'm insane.
I've already seen them all (NuWho), so I'm not going to be too surprised by anything, more interesting things or thoughts.
The first time I got randomly Partners in Crime (I'd already watched it recently), The Day of the Doctor (watched it literally the week beforehand, Love and Monsters (no) and A Town Called Mercy, which is what I went for (surprisingly good! It had a trans horse that swears!)
Then The Caretaker (eh), The Pilot (I had watched it 3 days ago), Ascension of the Cybermen (which would have come with The Timeless Children, but I wasn't really up those) so I settles on The Sound of Drums (and with it Utopia, and Last of the Time Lords. Better than I remembered, save the Doctor turning into Gollum).
This time my options are Boom Town; Once, Upon Time (probably would choose to watch all of Flux with it if I were to); The Doctor's Wife; or Wild Blue Yonder, which I'm interested to re-watch.
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ladyloveandjustice · 4 months
The Liveblogyssey! (Part 2)
It's been a little while but it's time for more liveblogging The Odyssey! See the liveblog from the beginning here.
So what’s happening with Penelope while Telemachus is off gallivanting around?
Well the suitors are plotting to kill Telemachus as soon as he gets back, which Penelope’s house boy informs her of, and to which she responds “wait a fucking second, he LEFT? Without telling me? And none of you said anything?”
And everyone says "well in our defense he didn’t want us to tell you because he thought you would stop him” and she’s like “YEAH!!! I WOULD HAVE!”
I love this one guy who’s just like “well he’ll either come back home or he’s met his fate”. Super comforting, thank you for your contribution.
Penelope goes to her room to cry and pray to Athena. So Athena decides to show up in Penelope’s dreams in disguise and use that opportuniy do a shameless self plug. I’m not kidding it's like
Athena (in disguise): Don't worry about your husband, girl,  he’s got Athena in his corner. She’s a helper many men have prayed to have! She has great power! She’s the COOLEST god, the BEST god perhaps--
Penelope: Uh. Are you actually Athena? Because I feel like you’re Athena. Athena please tell me where my husband is”
Athena: who knows. Bye.
Athena then goes up to Zeus and is like “okay so Telemachus is going to die if we don’t do something, do you feel like helping out. At all.” And Zeus is like “daughter, this was all your idea in the first place??? You wanted him to go on a heroic quest right??? Figure it out” But he does send Hermes to tell Calypso to stop imprisoning and raping Odysseus.
Calypso points out this is a fairly hypocritical thing for Zeus to scold her about (true), and why is it okay for Gods like Zeus to rape mortals and toy with them but when Goddesses do it SUDDENLY IT’S A BIG DEAL? HASHTAG DOUBLE STANDARDS.
Calypso is literally the shallow lean-in type feminist who wants women to be equal simply so we can be corrupt CEOS and oppress more people like men get to do and that’s so funny. Some things are timeless.
I mean yeah, she’s technically right that it’s unfair, but girl, is Zeus what we want to aspire to here? Can we not aim higher?
She also mentions that every time a Goddess takes a mortal lover people kill that man and cites Demeter and Iason (saying Zeus killed him because double standards) and Dawn (Eos) and Orion (saying Artemis killed Orion because double standards).
So of course I had to look them up! The thing with Zeus definitely does reek of double standards, Demeter slept with a dude (CONSENSUALLY TOO! Amazing!) and Zeus got jealous and immediately killed him with a lightning bolt. He and Hera really do have some things in common!
But while there are several myths about Orion and Artemis, I don’t see any ones where her killing him had anything to do with him being a lover of Eos. In fact her reasons for killing him are either extremely justified or she does it accidentally. She either killed him because he raped this girl (valid and correct), she can kill him because he tries to assault HER. A GODDESS. (Dumb bitch definitely deserved to die for that).
Then there's the second-funniest version of Orion’s death. Basically Apollo notices Artemis has been hanging out with him too much when she should be spending time with HIM, so while Orion’s swimming, Apollo points to the dark shape in the distance, is like “bet you can’t hit that with your arrow! bet you can’t!” and Artemis is like “Yes the fuck I can!” and then kills Orion. Siblings are always pulling those silly little pranks!!!
(The absolute FUNNIEST way Orion can die is when he’s hanging out with Artemis, brags he’s going to hunt and kill every animal on earth,Gaia’s like “bitch no you won’t” and kills him with a giant scorpion)
Anyway, where was I. Yeah so Calypso’s assessment of why Artemis killed Orion appears to possibly be inaccurate.
Calypso goes down to Odysseus who’s just been sitting there on the beach sobbing about how much he misses home. Apparently he's been doing this every single day but Calypso just now decided to notice. He also talks of “not wanting her even though she still wanted him” Definitely rape!
There is an possible implication it might have been consensual at one point with the specific phrasing in this translation “she no longer pleased him”. Doesn’t matter if it was since you can take back your consent at any time, so it IS rape now regardless, but boy the people who are like “he never cheated on Penelope how dare you imply!!!" are going to hate me acknowledging this ambiguous phrasing, huh.
So when Calypso tells him he can get on a raft and go home, he’s like “yeah. So. I don’t believe you. You’re 100% going to murder me on that raft, lady.” and can you blame him?
Calypso gives him clothes but before he leaves she makes sure to be like “I don’t get why you’re so into your wife. I’m definitely hotter than her. Look at me. Look at my sexy body. Also I’m taller than her too.” (It comes up a couple time that women being tall is apparently desirable in Ancient Greece, which is an interesting reminder that beauty standards are fake and change constantly throughout time and cultures).
So Odysseus goes sailing off but Poseidon sees him while hanging out with his horses and says “nuh uh” and makes the sea all deadly. Odysseus is just ready to give up, going “I seriously wish the Trojans has killed me at this point, it’s better than having gods torturing me endlessly at least I would have gotten a funeral.” Poor guy.
Fortunately a passing goddess Ino takes pity and helps him. And! She says! “Why does enraged Poseidon create an odyssey of pain for you?” That’s right! Even Ancient Literature know the art of the title drop! And that’s a good place to pause for now.
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greenconverses · 11 months
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Recently read: Once again stuck in an airport, so clearly it's time to do a reading recap and waste some time before boarding.
My poor Libby app is probably like, "Can this woman check out audiobooks about something other than dead bodies, please?" And to that, I say NO! Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers by Mary Roach was a bit dated, but still had some interesting stories and information. I don't know how much of the information I actually retained since I listened to it before going to bed, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. (★★★)
I was intending to do some liveblogging about Chalice of the Gods but I had to, like, renovate my kitchen and shit so reading got put on the back burner for a bit. Anyway, I liked Chalice better than The Sun and The Star, probably because the Percy narration feels so familiar and RR has got the tone on lock. But there was just something about this book that was... unsettling? Lacking? compared to the original series. There was charm, but it didn't feel right.
Beyond all of the issues I've complained about before (lack of continuity, keeping everyone stagnant, compressing the timeline), I think my main issue with how RR writes now is that he's so fucking self-aware and referential of everything. Instead of writing something timeless, he's focusing on references and language that date his books within a year of release. The original books had their references, yes, but it was significantly limited compared to his most recent output and leaning so heavily on them just... flattens everything out, I think. Also, go figure he's gonna milk this plot for another two books. God. (★★★.5)
The Courtesan Duchess by Joanna Shupe featured some messy bitches being dramatic and stupid everywhere, and I loved it. If you're not a fan of your historical romance heroes being an absolute slut and kinda shitty, this book is not for you. But I had fun with it! (★★★.75)
The second book in the series, The Harlot Countess, also prominently featured Mess as a main plot device (with a series called Wicked Depictions, how could it not?) but the hero was less of a jerk in this one. Shupe's books are hot and fun. I'm looking forward to exploring more of the back catalogue. (★★★)
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gutwrenchflowerbomb · 5 months
Toni Storm Box kick.
She could call that the “watch for the shoe”
“Crotch for the shoe”
You’re welcome
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silverxxs-world · 29 days
New Toni just dropped?
No she’s still Timeless
And Mariah looks gorgeous
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ashe-fics · 3 months
Liveblogging the doccy whom finale
So is this all being broadcast live?
A small child with machine guns, that seems reckless
How many times does "shoot the problem" actually help in UNIT anyway? Never? Don't they have any other ideas?
Noooo not the Vlinx!
Wow did we just watch that child turn to dust? That's dark.
So Kate is dead now too... I will be surprised if this isn't undone by the end.
Yeah definitely now that everyone is dying
Hello Mrs Flood. Whatcha doing. Okay. I don't think she's a good guy. Meddling Monk maybe since she mentioned prayer? 🤔 Well she's dust now but when this is undone she'll be back to harass Cherry again
Thanos be like...
And we have memory TARDIS
Sup Sutekh... How's things?
Sarah Jane jumpscare
He's been on the TARDIS for HOW long?
So is that what turned his eyes from green to red or...
The Finetime Susan doesn't have much work to do to kill everyone...
"Why is the god of death not killing me" is it because he's the god of life? Is that the culmination of the timeless child stuff? Hmm
Well that's lucky. They got a third free TARDIS.
Melanie B... That's a Spice Girl innit
Oh yeah you maybe should tell Ruby that everybody she knows is dead
Perception filter field of 73 yards.....??? Whattt
Oop the dust hit the east coast of Australia. I guess that makes me dead now.
"Nothing I can do" well there must be something bro because we won't have a show
He mentioned 1066, Monk reference?? Mrs Flood Monk confirmed 😝
He used a switch to close the doors, haven't seen that in a while
So Sutekh has been creating Susans everywhere the Doctor goes, ever since Pyramids of Mars? Sheesh. That's a lot of Susan Twists
Literally screaming into the void
Okay so Ruby has something to do with the Doctor's survival?
Who's this lady? I thought everybody died?
Oh don't tell me this random baby is Ruby
Okay the baby is dead. nm
13's TARDIS interior is like a little campfire aww
Ruby's mother is so mysterious that even Sutekh needs the answer? lmao
Oh heya mad jack
Chekhov's whistle? Okie dokie. We'll be hearing you later I guess
Poor Mel
Aww. Ruby's taking Sutekh for walkies
Whistle TARDIS controls? Okay sure why not
Come on boy, time to go to the v-e-t
Undo button. Ummm okay I don't get it but this was bound to happen somehow
Dead baby is alive again. Good good
Can god create a rope even he can't break? Apparently yes
Who'd have thought a god could be defeated by a leash
Yeah he's the god of life. Basically.
Okay but what's to stop him from grabbing the TARDIS again some time? 🤔
Susan Triad is still there lol!
So after all that, Sutekh kept them alive to find out Ruby's mother was some random nurse LOL
Doctor just let her meet her mother jeez. Wouldn't you want to meet yours
Okay but none of this explains the 4th wall breaking
Well that was fun. But having something happen at the beginning that you know is going to get undone does kind of take the wind out of its sails. Still, I liked it.
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master-missysversion · 11 months
Ascension of the cybermen time!!
I'm dedicated to getting series 12 finished tonight, I want to start flux so bad
My liveblogs under the cut
The story of brendan is so much cuter than the actual timeless child story man. Maybe there's an alternate universe where the timeless child was found by someone as loving as that Irish couple
I looove scenes where companions find out the doctor knows about horrifying events in humanity's future. I wonder what the fam would think of the toclafane
Mmhm even though the doctor doesn't like weapons, she's still used to having plenty on hand when it comes to the cybermen. Even that abandoned theme park had a doomsday bomb on hand
I looove the cyberdrones, theyre so funky. Best thing since the cybermats 😄
Wooahh stunts.
God I love the doctor in this. I think she's so scarred from Bill, she desperately wants them to just leave and go far away from the cybermen. In that last mission with Bill, she thought everything would be fine, then she thought she could save Bill, then thought she could fix her. She knows better now. But I think she need to believe in herself more, because we all know what happens when the doctor assumes she'll lose...
Oohh it's Ashad
This is such a serious scene but the doctor runs so silly I love her
"I used to do this a lot and people got mad" story of your life i think 😆
Now what do you have ginger humbugs for girl 🤭
Sorry Ashad I can say with certainty that you will not be bringing about the end of humanity fhdjkddls
"Have to bill you for therapy at this rate" 😭😭
The brendan story as an allegory for the timeless child is so fascinating to me purely because there's parts of it that just....aren't quite right. Like the loving parents and the cliff fall being more malicious instead of accidental. Iirc the story was created by Tecteun so some of the changes make sense (the loving parents- tecteun sees herself as a saviour) but why the other changes? Just to make it make more sense? To seem more unremarkable?
A fully functional abandoned ship.....if its sounds too good to be true, it probably is
Graham is lowkey so doctory. "Are you gonna keep going on about that" "every hour, on the hour", "level 139, always been my favourite level." Over explaining his weird little phrases. And that reaction to being flirted with lol. It's all very doctor.
I feel bad that this Ko Sharmus guy ends up dying for nothing basically
Aw Yaz is very Doctory too. She has the doctors optimism.
I love that the brendan story is like. Everything is perfectly normal. Until you look a little too closely. Or watch a little too long. But even if someone had watched the whole thing, if theyre not familiar with earth customs, they might just assume everyone who retires from the garda gets their memory wiped. But even so, if they're paying attention then theyll probably find it a bit odd that brendan had aged but his loving father and supportive superior officer (who are now both torturing him and wiping his memory) haven't aged at all somehow. It's such a good allegory for the story of tecteun and the other higher ups exploiting the timeless child for endless life (thus lack of ageing) then betraying them after initially posing as someone to be trusted
Kicking my legs and clapping rn LOOK WHOS HERE
OH. I forgot it just ends right after he appears aahhh dbjsksmd what a cliffhanger
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thephoenixreaper · 1 year
Toni just doing whatever the fuck during the picture in picture commercial is so fucking good.
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