#tink baby
jackshiccup · 8 months
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you’re 16 and nothing bad has happened
a lil scene based on my friend @droptoposmosis’ fic can’t smile like you mean it (aaaa childhood friends hijack makes my brain dissolve ;;)
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melaninisntcheap · 1 year
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kinda forgot tumblr was here but i miss it 🥺🫶🏾
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mozart-the-meerkitten · 2 months
Hmmm it's been a while since I posted one of my weird crossover ideas on tumblr. Let's fix that.
For the past few days I've been enjoying daydreaming about a Avatar the Last Airbender/Wingfeather Saga crossover. But it's. probably not what you would expect, haha. I'll probably never write it as more than ideas though, so I may was well post the concept here.
So this takes place in the Wingfeather world of Aerwiar, several years before the Fall of Anniera that jumpstarts the war/plot happening in the book series. One day, Artham Wingfeather is in one of Anniera's port towns and is called over by a concerned citizen, who leads him to a crowd watching a rowboat slowly drift to shore. The rowboat contains two small children, who Artham brings ashore and takes back to Castle Rysen.
The small children in question are Zuko (age 4) and Azula (age 2). In this version of events, the Fire Nation royal family is a bit darker than in canon and, after Ozai flies into a rage and burns Zuko (yes he still has his scar I know I'm mean, but there's a POINT I swear) Ursa decides she needs to get her kids the heck out of the Fire Nation. But Ozai is suspicious and possessive of her in general and has her under guard so she can't escape the palace, so she entrusts her kiddos to a few trusted servants, who pack them up in a rowboat with food and water and send them off, hoping they'll make it to a coastal village and be taken in by a kindly family.
Most of this is explained/implied in a note that Ursa sent along with the kids, that Artham reads and passes on to Esben (and Nia and Arundelle). They are properly horrified.
However, what no one realizes is that these kiddos have come through a portal between the two worlds. So Artham and Esben ASSUME that SOMEWHERE these kid's mom is being held captive by their cruel father and so they send out search parties/reconnaissance teams to try and rescue her, and because any father so cruel as to hurt his son the way Ozai hurt Zuko needs to be stopped. The brothers also wonder if, perhaps, this is somehow connected to the Tragic Accident that befell their parents and aunt Illiya a year before when their ship was lost and they were killed. And they start to wonder if, perhaps, that wasn't an accident, but that they stumbled upon whatever This was and tried to stop it and got in the way. (They don't suspect Bonifer... at first...)
Anyway, Artham finds himself caretaker for these two small children and develops a bond with them, especially Zuko (what, you thought I WASN'T going to use this as an excuse to make a connection between two of my favorite characters of all time?). Arundelle also becomes close with them, and- besides the cooks in the castle- she's the first person Artham tells about the kids. Because I thought it'd be fun to make Arundelle a healer (hey, why shouldn't she be good with healing plants and herbs? heh) and have her be the main person who treats Zuko's burn.
Azula recovers from the trauma of being separated from her mom and home pretty quickly since the new place she's in has kind, caring people, nice food, is still a palace, and she's two. She loves playing with Arundelle and listening to Artham's stories. She's very bright and friendly and talkative. She IS very attached to her brother tho, sleeping in the same bed as him the first few nights in this new place, even defending him/trying to explain his actions the way she's heard adults do. (when Artham finds the siblings they're clinging to each other in their little boat, terrified)
Zuko is more complicated. He's had the physical trauma of being burned paired with the emotional trauma of being hurt and abused by his father (the burning wasn't the first time, just the most severe). He understands a little more of what's going on than his sister. He love, love, loves being held, especially by Artham, because since Azula was born he's not been allowed to act like a "baby" and hasn't gotten much physical affection. He's very shy and has periods of mutism when meeting new people or encountering distressing/unfamiliar situations. Little guy has also had his senses severely rattled by losing both half his vision and half his hearing in one fell swoop. In short, he's a mess. The first time he's alone with Artham he has a panic attack because he thinks Artham will hurt him, but Artham being so kind and understanding and gentle with him helps him unlearn that. Zuko becomes very attached to Artham very quickly and... Artham becomes attached to him pretty fast too.
(Additionally, Zuko is terrified of Bonifer. The only explanation he can give for that is, "He looks at me like father did." which does plant a little seed of suspicion in Artham's mind specifically)
So, long term, this severely messes up Gnag/Bonifer's plans, since suddenly the Annierans are combing the Hollows/The Killridge Mts/even the Doonlands trying to find Zuko and Azula's family. This either forces the baddies to speed up their plans... or derails them altogether. I haven't decided yet, haha. The Annierans do find out something of what Gnag is doing (they don't connect Bonifer to it right away tho) and end up with some preparation for the attack that eventually comes. I think the attack on Anniera is still somewhat successful, but a lot less so than in canon. Like, I don't think the entire populace is captured/scattered and I haven't decided if I want Artham and Esben to still get captured or not. (if they do I have this great mental image of 7-year-old Zuko and 5-year-old Azula trying to rescue them from Throg. Just. just imagine the CHAOS even a pair of BABY firebenders could do in Aerwiar. Imagine.)
Oh yeah, to give you a better idea of WHEN this happens, Nia is pregnant with Janner when Artham finds Zuko and Azula. I just thought it'd be fun for Zuko to have the same age gap with Janner he has with Aang and it makes it close enough for things to come together plot wise.
So yeah, that's my thoughts on how Zuko and Azula could potentially have prevented the Fall of Anniera. xD
Other random things they cause:
Artham adopting them
Artham and Arundelle getting married a few years before Anniera falls after the closeness and bonding that comes from caring for a pair of traumatized children.
Absolute chaos with their firebending (the Annierans chalk this up to the old stories of Annieran/Anyaran kids having special powers to defend their home with and decide not to question it further)
So yeah, there's my late night thoughts on a WFS/ATLA AU. where Artham adopts Zuko and Azula. because why not. I hope it was a fun read. :D
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the-smallest-star · 3 months
@alteregozowie continued
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Tinker has promptly turned invisible once he skittered away. The overlord seemed much more awake now... though he did... notice the bacon and toast. He hadn't had a chance to eat given how worried he'd been for Vinn....
Hesitating, the toast and bacon would seemingly float and vanish with a very quiet munching, and an even softer 'thank you'.
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rejamart · 1 year
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tink and a follower's child
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thundergrace · 2 years
Babyface dropped something epic today
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@trashyeggroll you see who's on this? Did you know about this?!
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gloopdimension · 11 months
and ues ... i do think gorma would have custom gloves made for them..Their ittybiddy hands
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jongotti3 · 2 years
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She Fine Fine 😍🖤😍🖤😍
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beea-idiot56 · 1 year
An Aphmau and Levin Onshot
I constantly think of levin and Aphmau being each other's safe haven and I constantly think about the fact that Levin was one of the only things that kept her going(for season 1 at least, I'm in the process of season 2 so I'm less sure about that during that time period)
so i decided to write a little one-shot of the two of them :) feel free to read and honestly if anyone wanted to let me know if they enjoyed it and would be interested in me writing a garroth x reader (based on if you like how I write) that would be great!
the one shot is below the cut teehee
The nights and days had always blended together, as the sun rised so would the ever-growing checklist of people to see, problems to solve, and places to go. Sometimes it was exhausting, sometimes it was exciting. However, as of late, it became unbearable. With Zane and the threat of O’khasis around the corner, the fear of not knowing when or if Garroth would be taken from her, and the pain of simply losing sleep every night Aphmau had found herself becoming weaker and more frail. Her body was screaming at her. Her limbs ached, her neck had a nick, she had enormous eye bags under her eyes, and she found it hard to smile most times. Dealing with the villagers had become nothing more than a chore. The old greetings that had put her in high spirits had now made her exhausted. Coming home, even going up the stairs had become a task. Most days she found herself walking alongside Garroth who had refused to leave her side when he saw the disheveled look of his lord. With insistent pleads he would walk her up the stairs, saying he was worried she might pass out on the way and get hurt. Then, as they would reach the top, he would pat her shoulder and wish her a good night.
“Sleep well, m’lady” he spoke, his voice gruff and muffled from behind his helm.  “You as well, Garroth” Aphmau mumbled, entering the house as she did so, a smile planted on her face but immediately dropping as she entered. Leaning back on the door she let a thick sigh come from her throat, her feet aching as she lowered herself to the floor. There was no sound coming from the home, only the cackling fire of the torches placed throughout. 
“Mommy?” a small voice rang out and Aphmau opened her eyes to see Levin standing across the way from her. He had been peering down from the corner where his door led from, holding the stuffed bunny that was gifted to him so long ago. 
“Oh! Levin, what are you doing awake? Zoey should've put you to sleep by now.” Aphmau spoke, standing quickly and heading up the stairs to go help her son with whatever had kept him up for so long.  “Oh! Zoey did! But, Levin want see Mommy! Before sleep!” he spoke, his sentences still broken with young age. Aphmau let out a little chuckle, feeling her shoulders drop a little, 
“Oh Levin, Mommy stays out too late for you to do that. You should be getting your sleep!” she spoke, her voice shaking a little. Such a small gesture, one that to most kids would be as simple as an act of rebellion and giddy mischief rather than the heart-touching feelings that Aphmau felt at this moment.  “Yes! But! Levin miss mommy. Levin see mommy sad. Smile!” his voice was loud with a child-like innocence that if bottled up it could be sold for millions of dollars to those who only knew the world's struggles. Aphmau smiled, small tears running down her cheeks as she let out a little laugh, “I miss you too Levin. Come on, do you want to sleep in mommy's bed tonight?” she spoke softly before Levin jumped about yelling ‘yay! Mommy bed!’ over and over, she only laughed and picked up the small boy and set him on her hip before unlocking the door to her room and entering. 
Aphmau lit a candle, setting Levin down on the bed before going behind the blinds to take off her heavy armor and switch into something that was slightly more comfortable. Aphamau sighed before walking over to the bed and sitting down on it, Levin looked up at her with tired eyes
“Why Mommy no smile?” he asked, his sleepy voice becoming softer and softer by the moment. It left Aphmau speechless and for a moment she didn't respond.  “Sometimes, big people have jobs they need to do, and sometimes those jobs are very hard. When the jobs are hard it can cause big people to feel…” Aphmau searched for the word, not knowing how to explain the overwhelming feeling of hopelessness and tiredness that had been constantly weighing on her shoulders for the past few months, “heavy.” she finally decided on a word. Not thinking Levin would understand, but it would be enough to satisfy his curious spirit. She looked over to see him nodding, he then smiled  “Then mommy have stuffie!” Levin held out his stuffed animal, before cuddling up to the pillow next to her and against the wall, “when Levin feel tired and heavy, Levin hugs stuffy feels better! Levin knows mommy will too!” Levin spoke, before finally drifting to sleep, a small smile on his face,  completely unaware of the fact that the simple gesture had left Ahmau in tears as she held onto the bunny that Levin had “given” her. 
Aphmau looked over to Levin, before leaning down and kissing the top of his head and tucking him into the covers. Finally, she blew out the candle and lay down on her side, letting an arm rest over the small child, and the other held onto the bunny with such tightness that the fluffy cloth had pillowed over her hand. Tears streamed down her cheeks. 
This boy had been dropped at her doorstep so long ago, his mother had given him up for his safety in turn for her life of freedom. Would Aphmau be able to do the same? If it came to war, would Aphmau be able to say goodbye to the children so she could keep them safe? The answer felt so second nature it was almost painful, absolutely.
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melaninisntcheap · 1 year
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birthday visuals 🎈🫶🏾
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livvyofthelake · 1 year
you bitches are all Support Weird Girls until a weird girl wants to read a shitty little ya book series and then you’re haters….. goddamn… i see how it is….
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congregaticn · 2 years
I have not introduced you guys to the newest addition to the family!!!! Meet Morticia
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relationship dynamics tag drop
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I love the fact that Zius immediately got that Tamin surrendering is another fake betrayal thing because Nagyunn already did it. he's got to deal with these 3 insane bastards AND a kid who's insane in a different way. Christ alive.
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mossywizard · 1 year
I’m glad my “not a wizard” pop is pushing me to write an actual academic paper to submit to journals. Or else all this cool historic research I did... for myself but put in my final essay, would be going to waste
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