#tip toe tipe toe <-- ahse
kidfoundonstreets · 2 years
i think when sudden powpowpow scary loud sound ahse gasp!!! flinchjng and small jumping in the aiir! and he face like this (;゚Д゚) 
i think ahsy quite suscdptible to jumpscare becusdd always on guard so jumpy! if hear little sound from behind hurryhurry turn aroubd scared!!!! exaggerated for front he screaming ouy lpud but normallly just gasp abd flinch and little jumpinh unless really really bad scare.
i think wheb ashe is very on guatd claire sneak brhind ahse playong a prank will grabbibg he shoulder from behind!!! ahshe flinch so hard aaaaahhh!!!!
yeahahh so true arhcher!!!!!!!!! i wa shtitnking about how ahse probbaly feels emotions then exgagerates it all to amke it seem more believable bc he super firendly guy. hes ponly scare a little.. but he has a sueprpower to puff lup liek acat!!! i thtink his scream so funny id gigigle. his face so silly!!!!!!!! woudld he ever notice claire?? if not thahtd be better i thinka hse should jump and scrmable and hold chjest like old man "you scare dme miss cl;aire" and claire bulylgign him
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