hrodvitnon · 5 years
Welp, locking horns with someone who insists that Monarch had the means to kill all those sleeping Titans, and there's some Innate Narrative Interest(C) in said option being on the table for humanity. As a fan who'd just as soon we balding wank-apes ate some humble pie, I'm not so sold. Thoughts (besides 'why bug me with this')?
Ooh, time for me to go on a tangent that’s been festering at the back of my head for a while now!
On a related note, an issue I have with KOTM; Mark acknowledges that picking a fight with Godzilla is a stupid idea, but at the same time takes any and every chance to talk about how much he hates Godzilla and the Titans. At the Castle Bravo briefing early on he gets on his “M’family! Use big brains! Kill big monsters!” high horse, like he assumes Monarch has the means to do so. And yet nobody counters him. Nobody confirms or denies they have the technology or firepower necessary to kill a Titan. Not even Chen stands up and says “We don’t have Titankillers you fuckwit”. The closest thing we get is a shot to Graham’s face while Mark’s in full anti-Titan flow and she just sighs like she’s thinking “for fuck’s sake Russell”
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Castle Bravo has maser cannons but they’re not used. In fact, every time we see G-Team engaging in any combat they’re using conventional human weapons - assault rifles, missiles, turrets. Maybe those maser cannons we saw are the first of their kind in the Monsterverse and they’re not readily available like anything that spits out 5.56 ammo.
That being said, Kong was visibly harmed by conventional human weapons during the events of Skull Island. He’s shown nursing cuts from helicopter blades and was damaged by napalm. However, not only does he lack natural armor like Godzilla, Kong was the Titan equivalent of a teenager at that time. He’s easily as big as Godzilla in that GvK footage we saw, so maybe age has toughened him up.
But what about kill switches? Emma “That Bitch” Russell was obviously concerned when Mancini made to activate the kill switch when containment crewmen started opening fire on baby Mothra. Was she worried it would actually hurt or even possibly kill baby Mothra? The first time we saw a kill switch used on a Titan was back in 2014 on Hokmuto, but that didn’t hurt him at all. Was that due to his age, having taken the time to soak up radiation, or his own natural armor? We should also consider the fact that Emma was in on Jonah’s party crashing, so maybe her concern was just a ploy. Additionally, those weapons the containment crew were using look to be projectile versions of cattle prods, so not enough to do any real damage. 
So, unless one of us hits up Dougherty on whether Monarch has, to use a Halo joke, God’s Own Anti-Sonofabitch Machine capable of very definitely certainly killing a Titan, my vote is in the “probably not lethal means” camp.
But we know who does have or knows someone with plans/blueprints to God’s Own Anti-Sonofabitch Machine, don’t we?
Fucking Stenz. We saw that aside glance during the senate hearing. That look of “no, these yahoos want to worship the giant monsters like cavemen, they’re not going to kill them”. He says “we” had been working on a prototype oxygen destroyer, but never specifies who. Honestly, it could be any scientist working with the US military to make one, unless Serizawa’s boy Ren was involved and that becomes a plot-point in GvK (another call-back to Daisuke Serizawa!). But that’s just conjecture.
As for the Narrative Interest in humanity having God’s Own Anti-Sonofabitch machine... let’s consider the balance Serizawa was so invested in. In all three Monsterverse films thus far released, good Titans like Godzilla and Kong triumph because in some form or other humans helped out. Ford blowing up the Muto nest and incurring the wrath of Momma Muto, Conrad and company in Skull Island, Serizawa’s heroic sacrifice and the Russell family fixing the ORCA. What’s more, the KOTM credits show just how invaluable the Titans are to the planet; they’re fixing our environmental fuckups, restoring endangered species and giving us a new source of renewable energy, etc.
However, just as people in real life will bemoan climate change as a hoax, there is bound to be people in the Monsterverse who are afraid of change and what they perceive as monsters taking over the world. In that case, we can count on Monarch to deal with the stupid Titanicidal humans and give our heroic Titans a helping hand. I will admit that I would love to see Titanicidal wank-apes complaining about the Titans and Monarch doing the Spongebob thing showing all the good they’ve been doing.
And if humanity does deem it necessary to have a Titankiller, they best learn from the oxygen destroyer’s side effects. Because we’re already looking at the possibility of a Monsterverse Destoroyah. Then again... that just might be the humble pie such humans need, for in their desperation to kill two monsters, they only indirectly created something even worse.
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etchedpain · 11 years
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Battle intro: "It can’t be helped…"Victory: "L-Let me take on your pain, alright?" Defeat: "You’re so strong. I’m proud!"Assist: "Don’t touch him!"
Error! S̵̶͍̳̪̬̥̺̘͙͉̜a̸̛̦̼̻̦̥̲͈̰͉̕͟ͅv̢̻̩̦̟͚̜̳̣̱͔̹͉̺̩̱̹͟͠e̴͙͈̗̞̝͍̫̰̜̦̫̺̦͟͞ ͓̠͚͇̥̘̭̼̘͙̼̠͔̗̹́̀̕͝f̳͚̦̭̀̕͠į̱̬̭̩̲̣̜͉̣̥͞l̵̢͙͈͈̗̙̕͜͠e͡҉̵̰̗̫͖̬͕͇̼̪̯̳̗̟͕̟̤́̕ ̵̷̢̹̦̻̭̰͔̣̹̘ẖ̨̧͖̳͚̪̼̹̰̟̻̘͢a͟҉̢̠̘̭̻̀s̴̢͇̼͚̬̦̭̯̠͔̮̜̪̥̙͡ ̸̡̢̭̥̬͕̩̝̪͕ͅb̡̼̪̥̦̱̖̣̘̮̲ͅe͏̴̵̛͍̜͍͙̮͙̩͟ę̨̕͠͏̣̪͔̗͔̠̩̣̜ṉ̣͈͔̘̫̩̳̙̪͉̲̯͈͉͕̺͢͠ ̥̯̫̰̫͈͙̀́c̴̤͚͖̹͉̱̕o̵̡̧͖̹̥͍͖̤̰̺̗͍̣ͅͅr̡̖̥͕͍͝͠r̷̳̮̬̗͖̘̤͘͟ͅͅu̱̲̦̙̖͔̰͇͘͞p̨̨̢͠͏̞̞̗̫͓̻̘͍͚̥͉͖t̠̗̻̬̲̯̜̦̩͇̕͜͞͡e̷̷̹̥͙̠̹̝̟̳̮̦̣͖̺̘̼̻͍͙ͅd̸͇͖̜̘̲̺̱̟͉͕͕
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Battle intro: “Don’t you want to sleep, too…?”Victory: "Worthless. You’re not fit to be my son."Defeat: "Please…let me sleep…"Assist: "Only I may kill you."
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reflectionroulette · 11 years
Battle Intro: "I'll admit that you're probably gonna kick my ass, but regardless... Don't go easy on me."Victory: "Maybe this proves something for me in the future."Defeat: "Dammit... You're sure as hell grounded."Assist: "You can do better than this, can't you? Keep going."
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forschung · 11 years
coffee date - levi
God, it's still too early.  The cafeteria had only opened just a few minutes ago, and here was Miss America herself, dragging herself to its entrance, as if she had just rolled out of bed and shrugged some clothes on.
Actually, that was exactly what she did.
By now, she had spotted the figure she came here to meet.  God damn, even with her efforts, he was still there before her.  Such was life, she guessed.
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"Now you've got me regretting this time, it's too early."  She yawned, before adjusting her glasses and glancing at their destination.  "Shall we?"
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godscheckmate · 11 years
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titanicide replied to your post: Well, look at that. Your God has returned to bless...
Forgot every bit of German he’s been taught. Oops.
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desbearing · 11 years
Can room 159 have a door now?
"I gave you a door! Then you broke it. It's happened twice now, and I don't want to waste money if its going to happen again!! So no!"
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aodsees-blog · 11 years
From: Minato Arisato Fwd from Erika Furudo
Forwarded to: Madotsuki, Levi, Hange, Maya Amano, Armin Arlert, Naoto Shirogane, Alphendi Layton, Nanaki.
[From Erika Furudo
To: Minato Arisato
[Make sure to message this to the rest of your current members. All of you are a ‘team’, correct?
Let’s settle some ground rules first.
When text is typed like this, it is an absolute fact or ‘red truth’.
When text is typed like this, it is a theory or a ‘blue truth’.
This will be a simple game to make your blue truths a red truth.
You are the assistant to Detective Erika Furudo. The two of you are invited to a party at a friend’s mansion. You two have a wonderful party that night. However, the presence of death always follows Erika Furudo!
Six bodies are found that night. The two of you rush the rest of the party members into the guest house. Afterwards, you two seal the doors with duct tape. Finally, the investigation begins.
Erika decides to head upstairs as you investigate for clues downstairs. As you are investigating, you notice that Erika hasn’t returned in some time. Thus, you head upstairs.
You look through the rooms for her. Opening one of the doors, you can see that it is locked. However, this isn’t a simple key lock. First red truth: It is a chain lock that cannot possibly locked from outside the door. The door also cannot be lockpicked into. The only way to set the chain locked is from within the room.
Once you break the chain (let’s say that you found some super scissors or some sort), you find a seventh body: The Detective Erika Furudo! Had her carelessness led to this? Such a thing doesn’t matter. It is clear that she is dead. Let’s say that it is an absolute death so you may not second guess it. Second red truth: Her head has been completely severed from the body. There is no way that Erika Furudo is alive in this scenario!
You decide to investigate the room: Third red truth:The windows are completely locked shut. As with the door, there is no way to enter them from the outside or escape them from the inside. There are also security bars preventing escape. As you search, you find a few more things: A bed, a wardrobe closet, the door to a restroom, and another small closet-like room.
Fourth red truth: The only door within the restroom is the door that leads to the room where Erika Furudo has been killed. The only way out through the restroom is if you cut yourself to pieces and forced yourself through the small drain.
Fifth red truth: The only thing leading outside in the closet is a window, but like the previous ones, this is absolutely locked and covered in security bars.
Thus, this is an absolute closed room.
Oh, and before any of you ask… Sixth Red Truth: Erika Furudo was definitely killed in this room. She didn’t escape here and lock herself in to commit suicide.
However, such a puzzle is solvable. 
I ask these questions:
Who killed Erika Furudo?
How did the culprit escape the closed room? Please use logic.
Oh, wait. I had entirely forgotten about this last one. Lucky number seven, correct?
Seventh red truth: The culprit is not in the room.
This is a simple and easy mystery for all of you to solve. But I still wish you all good luck.]
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aodsees-blog · 11 years
"I'll join."
Levi has been accepted.
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