#tiwson our god
porschethemermaid · 1 year
1. Say it with me everyone, Tiwson, our lord and saviour, thank you. No cuz literally these dumbasses couldn't do shit without this god named Tiwson.
2. I love the Mom's of this series. Best people ever. Periodt.
3. Kajorn, you little jerk, I'm so proud of you. You will go well.
4. Not Sound and Win being so damn proud and gay about themselves.
5. Tinn and Gun are fricking awkward and its adorable, argue with the wall.
9. In all I loved the fluff and wouldn’t have it any other way.
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Since I decided the best way to make it through Our Skyy 2 with minimal damage is to drink my way through it, welcome to the fifth round of
CockTails in the Skyy!
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GMMTV is taking the music club into the multiverse of cuteness, so this week's drink is For Goodness' Sake:
sake for Chinzhilla's hot pot adventure
more white wine for all the whining and pining the boys did
lemons, limes, oranges, grapes, and apple slices for the sweetness overload (I was going to comment about the variation of fruits, but I don't know the crowd's feelings on the word, so . . . *takes a big sip directly from the bottle*)
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There will be a lot of singing. I fear sake was not the right choice. I did not think this through. I need something stronger like everclear, but it's too late now. *pushes the play button*
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Bottoms up!
Glad to know that the gay sheets exist in every universe
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And so does Scrabble-telling-the-plot
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The colors being gray and brown so far better be a statement about how love brings color into our lives because these two were color-coded in the original, so if we can get The Gay Sheets™ and Scrabble in every universe, I want the colors in this one too!
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That lion doll is the cutest merchandise, and I need it.
Oh, so Gun just gets the president position. Nepotism at its finest.
I know some people do not like the Our Skyy 2 theme song, but I LIVE FOR IT! It's Pitch Perfect but gayer.
Tinn's roar is adorable. Like a toddler, just looking cute and making cute sounds.
It's the first song, and it's barely the first part of the first episode. This is not looking good for me.
Damn! Tinn's mom did them like that?! Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas in more.
Does Tinn already like Gun?! He gave him the cape thingy in the gym and now the shaved ice.
ANOTHER SONG! Is there going to be a song each part of this. *doing mental calculation* Are there going to be eight songs?!
I like Tinn's wiggle when he is singing about squishing the bullfrog.
This is how I like my animation.
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Another blowing-in-someone's-ear GIF for my collection.
"We'll get to date at the water park" - - Based on a true story via Pond and Phuwin's Little BIG World.
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What am I supposed to do with these colors?! Does Tinn already like Gun?! TELL ME! He does, right?!
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A song while dancing makes sense, but I'm upset. In my DJ Khaled voice "another one."
Mark looks delicious in this tux with his hair like that. De. Lish.
If SoundWin hadn't ruined my Star in My Mind SeanMaithee agenda, I would be thrilled about them now in this episode. But I'm petty, so I'm going to stay mad.
But I am happy for the TiwsonPor crew.
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Another For Goodness' Sake because this is a lot of singing.
Why is this man coming with the logic of throwing out the sake instead of drinking it? WE DON'T WASTE LIQUOR IN THIS CLUB!
Kajorn likes Pat's accent?! Babe, that's so gay of you.
Damn it! I should've named the drink For Love's Sake.
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Mark jogging in these sunglasses with those shorts and jacket = Delicious. I'm so excited to see him be a slut and film a sex tape in Only Friends. I pray he blackmails Neo's character with it. I deserve that treat.
I have never experienced such a tensive piggyback ride as the one being depicted on my screen right now. God, just make out already!
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Por saying "get out" in English is feeding my soul because it sounds like me telling people to leave my office: "Get out. Okay. Bye!"
Tinn's shirt reads "Happier Times Are Coming" yet I don't believe it because there will be more singing.
This SoundWin umbrella scene is trying to win me over. It's almost working.
I think I forgot pivotal moments of the original series because I don't remember Gun asking Tinn directly during the questions if Tinn liked him, yet here, Tinn directly asks Gun. I like this!
Tiwson and Por talking as boyfriends is giving me everything I didn't think I needed.
How dare this installment make me think Tinn's mom was a sick when she was just asleep!
Giving SoundWin and TiwsonPor some of Tinn and Gun's moments is genius, like Sound not wanting this kiss to be in act with the red and blues, and Por disclosing he is already dating Tiw.
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Tinn and Gun running around looking for each other is top-tier romance.
The moms stay doing the heavy lifting in this show. Which is why the dad, who never had a name, is MIA in this installment.
The boyfriend question!!!!! WITH THE FRIEND ZONE BARRIER!
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MSP got that Lay's money too! We are rich, fam!
Why did I not think there would singing during the Aof tribute?! It's a music video, so of course there would be singing.
I feel this is GMMTV's way of thanking Aof for keeping the lights on and the fridge stacked these past years because this man is giving this company its life!
I don't need these dolls, but gosh darn it do I want them!
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My School President should get a sequel called My Doctor Boyfriend, and they should meet Tan and Bun of Manner of Death (WHERE IS TRANSPLANT?!).
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I have no idea what was happening with the colors, which bothers me (and there was singing in a show about singing), but the salute to some of Aof's greatest hits with Tinn and Gun being Med and Thun were an excellent choice. Because of that, I'm going to give this installment the score Vice Versa's could've had before it decided to LIE!
9/10 CockTails for being a solid offering that delivered the same story but with a few twists.
Because A Boss & A Babe just ended last week, getting an Our Skyy feature immediately after feels like it didn't end, and we are simply getting another episode, so I'll be watching (and judging) this in its normal Friday slot before I watch Be My Favorite, that way I'll be too tipsy to care how either of them turn out.
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Will we finally get to know the backstory about Jack's previous relationship?
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