#tjitske oosterholt
grad604ashasilk · 2 years
Research Collection
Notes from https://trendland.com/tjitske-oosterholt-digital-art/
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lvl3 · 6 years
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LVL3 Spotlight interview this week featuring Tjitske Oosterholt
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Tjitske Oosterholt
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bananaseninternet · 4 years
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Tjitske Oosterholt
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ladeavila · 3 years
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Tjitske Oosterholt
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noosphe-re · 7 years
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Tjitske Oosterholt
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gongzone · 6 years
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Op donderdag 24 mei aanstaande om 19:00 opent onze eerste echte kunstexpositie met werk van Tjitske Oosterholt​! De expositie zal tot en met 14 juni te zien zijn, maar we zien jullie natuurlijk allemaal graag op de opening om een drankje met ons te doen 🙂  Check in de tussentijd Tjitske's website: www.tjitskeoosterholt.com en het Facebook-evenement waar je je kunt aanmelden: https://www.facebook.com/events/1167463806729219/ 
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remembranza1 · 6 years
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tjitske oosterholt
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grad604ashasilk · 2 years
Formative- Audio Feedback Summary
From David post formative
- The work of Tjitske Oosterholt reminds me of photographers called the Douglas Brothers in the 1980s maybe 1990s- Did a lot of work in music packaging where you're trying to capture something that's a moment and it’s all analogue, out of focus, darkroom developing printing of photography to reveal glitches or mistakes, all the dust and the scratches. If you think about Photoshop, you can add dust and noise, it's kind of bringing the analogue into digital which is really interesting, as well as a host of other filters.
- I love this quote. “My work is in interaction between me and the material and is very intuitive process.” Which is quite nice because it’s what comes naturally, what feels right and that can be down to the tools in the materiality.
- Then, the other one, “why combine analogue with digital? It's a tribute to nature and the question about our role in altering it. It's important we become more aware of our position towards the natural world as being part of it, rather than living alongside it.” It's interesting, you could say that the digital, other than the cost of the power of the electricity to run the digital tools, you could say, well actually digital doesn't impact on the environment as much as analogue, you know, if you wanted to carve into wood, if you're a wood Carver, you’ve cut a tree down. I'm kind of being a little bit of a devil's advocate here, but I'm interested about that.
- I like your realisation that sometimes it's about knowing when the analogue comes in. I think, with your reflection on personal Project 2022, saying, I would do the plastic wrap with real plastic, that is almost like you've nailed that reflection is you saying ‘aha’, it's about when do I use analogue? When do I use digital? And I think that is kind of what the project can be about at this stage because that's going to be a quest in the future.
- I love what you’ve said, “the abandonment of conventional and traditional structure.” You should have a look at 8021 (AD21?). Stella, whose family name escapes me, did the book called Irregular and in fact we've got a copy of it, it's in the display case by the lifts. It's all about natural forms, analogue, digital, bringing it together in a book form. That could be something to look at. Expressive design.
- I think ‘what the value of an analogue process that digital does not provide’, I feel like, most communication designers have had an analogue process at some stage a lot will probably live in, like, a sense of loss that their working practise now and the tools they use don't allow them that. I feel that this could be one way you interview a series of people that are analogue makers and what is it about their process and their approach in materiality? The abandonment of the conventional traditional, you know, modernised European biased focus, which causes us to make most of our work in a particular way with particular tools run by particular software companies.
- Think about some of the other topics around the room today, it's about sometimes unhooking yourself from not just an approach in the process, but even the tools. Maybe it's the novelty of new tools and new ways of working.
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bananaseninternet · 4 years
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ladeavila · 6 years
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Tjitske Oosterholt
If I never see you again, I will always carry you inside, outside, on my fingertips, and at brain edges, and in centers. Centers of what I am of what remains. 
Charles Bukowski 
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