hesgomorrah · 1 month
Trapper John, M.D. Masterpost
TL;DR, Trapper John, M.D. is a criminally underrated M*A*S*H spin-off that I'd love to see given a shot at redemption. Links to watch it are under the cut.
Since I've been talking about this show a lot recently, I thought it would probably be a good idea to make it easier to find, since it's fairly obscure nowadays.
If you've never heard of it, I don't blame you. TJMD is a M*A*S*H spin-off that ran from 1979 to 1986, with a contemporary setting and generally more dramatic tone but the same irreverent sense of humor and at times surprisingly progressive writing as its predecessor. It follows Trapper John McIntyre thirty-ish years after the Korean War, contending with medical mysteries and changing times as Chief Surgeon of a major hospital in San Francisco.
The series has few direct references to the events of M*A*S*H (in any of its previous forms), but it features a compelling ensemble cast of original characters that take many tropes M*A*S*H fans will be familiar with in new directions. Especially if you enjoyed the first three seasons of M*A*S*H, I highly recommend giving at least a handful of episodes a shot. The quality of said episodes varies wildly, but there are some true gems in there. (IMDb and Wikipedia links for more information!)
The only catch is, to date, the series has never been officially released to home media or any streaming platform, and I haven't found any evidence that it's still in syndication, so it's not the easiest show to track down. Luckily, all 151 episodes were recorded by dedicated fans, so the series is watchable in (very nearly) its entirety if you know where to look. I did the looking so you don't have to!
This Google Drive contains every episode of the series (with the exceptions listed below) in standard definition, plus my work-in-progress episode guide, highlighting episodes that are relevant to longer story arcs and offering a non-exhaustive list of content warnings for especially heavy episodes. (I'm looking for another place to host them but Google is the platform I'm most familiar with.)
Episodes 1x01 through 3x02 can be found in better quality here, remastered by a fan by combining footage from separate English- and German-language recordings of the series. It occasionally lapses into German audio with English subtitles as the German dub contains some scenes for which the corresponding English audio has been lost. Here is an alternate YouTube link with lower video quality but exclusively English audio, containing roughly 2/3 of the episodes.
If you speak German, you can find that dub here with slightly cleaner visuals.
If you prefer to torrent, you can find those here:
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4 (the second half of 4x20 is corrupted, repeating the same ~2 minutes of footage for the rest of the duration)
Season 5 (5x11 is missing roughly the last 10 minutes of the episode)
Season 6 (the video is frozen for most of 6x23 but the audio is fully intact)
Season 7
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pigeonse · 2 months
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remyfire · 3 months
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The fervency Trapper jumps up with!! The concern and alarm in his voice! YES these men only appear on screen together in meaningful ways maybe five times over the course of three seasons, YES I think they're in love, in this essay I will—
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serpercival · 24 days
OOH tell me about Consultancy, 1971, if you'd like :D
Absolutely shockingly by the titling scheme this fits into my Trapper John MD extended universe! That series revolves around fitting a beejtraphawk relationship into the background of the show but tragically this one does not involve BJ at all.
TJMD has a guy named Stanley Riverside II. He's a total dork, some of the best autism representation I've ever seen in media despite him not being purposefully autistic, and also his dad is head of the board of directors at the hospital where Trapper works. I have Hawk teaching at Stanford in this 'verse and also occasionally consulting on rough cases with Trapper and BJ - Trapper's been chief of surgery for about a year and a half as of this fic, so he's got the sway to let Hawkeye show up, tell people exactly how wrong they're doing things, and then fuck back off.
Stanley is. Oh boy. Stanley is alarmingly entitled and also two weeks into his residency here. Trapper has a pager so he can call Hawk if he needs something urgently. Stanley steals it and calls Hawkeye in so he can do something deeply stupid and unnecessary that I haven't actually figured out yet. Hawk's pissed and this sets up a lot of his anger at Stan that gets referenced in Poker Night, 1979. I don't like any of what I have written down so far but I do like the concept and I'm definitely coming back to it!
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12housescorpio · 5 years
Intuitive: TJMD - how should I shed whatever's been holding me back from knowing and sharing real truth, so I can inspire healing thoughts and actions in others again?
Hey question TJMD where did I say that readings were open
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bog-horse · 4 years
i now understand why bernadette banner gets so excited over primary sources because i am laying in bed at 1 in the goddamn morning getting excited over a primary source form 1857 that lists a variety of candies from the time
i’m supposed to be writing fic. i am instead doing research for that fic that has nothing to do with the current chapter i am writing.
this is my life
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bleutectic · 6 years
my mood is still shit so work should be fun today
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blazingdarkness · 5 years
I like the flyers coming in to the Pharisees' room during TJMD; very symbolic of the threat they perceive him as, having all these representations of him invading their sanctum. Holy shit, the tempo on the second part of this is............so.......slow Still hella groovy tho
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renatorino1 · 6 years
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Você Gra ta fazendo uma falta danada em minha vida, tenho saudades das nossas conversas pela manhã e noite pelo Whats, uma amizade que se torno com o tempo de TiaGra, e sim uma pessoa em que contava meus segredos e meus motivos de vida, lembro do dia em que liguei pra ti e você dizia; Renatinho, me ajuda com as redes sócias, como se meche neste app, ai com todo o amor ensinava, também lembraremos juntos os vídeos de antigamente do TJMD, onde lá trazia alegria, e na Quarta antes da fatalidade que veio retirar sua vida, liguei e VC me disse Renatinho vou montar um projeto de minha vida em video, como você sempre me pedia, ai Deus decidiu leva minha TiaGra, para junto dele . saiba TiaGra, VC sempre estará em minha vida e meu coração. Te amo te amo . #SaudadesGracaAraujo #GracaAraujo #graçaaraújo https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn9xgmuAlUO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1twdwjc62m1a8
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tellyupdate · 7 years
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Tumhe Jo Maine dekha…. Tumhe Jo Maine Jana… (Rikara ff) part 22 TJMD… TJMJ… part 22 Hey friends… How r u all??? Thanks for commenting friends & sorry for not to reply u all..
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Stress. (And maybe some stream of consciousness)
It started with my jaw. The TMJ is acting up. The main tells are: I don’t sleep as soundly, am wound tight all day and there’s a little more tightness in my shoulders, neck and chest. Now, my patience is wearing thin with E and Husband and I’m standing in the shadow of the Tower of “To-dos” and “Should dos”. I am extremely overwhelmed.
Stress. So common. I need to give it it’s due. Stress is a motherfucker. And when left unattended, it will wreak crazy havoc all over me. So In-laws are keeping E from tomorrow early am to Thursday late afternoon. I’m going to use the free time to think and process, get my nails done, organize all the crazy christmas crap, do a little decoration shopping, and maybe some yoga. Also, I have an appointment with Dr. K, my therapist.
I want to think that Dr. K can really help me with game plans and solutions to move past what I’m experiencing - feeling left out, alone, not good enough to have close long term friendships, a poor housekeeper, a mean momma. I hope I can aptly communicate with him in our sesh tomorrow.
I believe dropping the expectations I have for myself and focusing on what matters - loving my family - primarily, will lead me to happier days. I’m afraid to let go that much because if my best is this poor, I'm afraid of what letting go will look like.
I can let go of the housework burden. It's a way I push away from Ellie. "I have responsibilities. I have to get this chore list done!" I can’t ever have a clean house. I can never reach that. Husband lovingly blames the lack of square footage. I believe if I were capable enough, I’d have it all in its sensible space. If I let the burden of just that go, how messy will it get? And then will that lead to more overwhelm? Maybe. Will i die from feeling overwhelmed? I guess the answer to that is “no”. It won’t kill me.
But stress will.
I gotta let some more stuff go and make space for more love.
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hesgomorrah · 3 months
imagine getting banned from social media for saying what gonzo did to trapper john
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hesgomorrah · 3 months
something so special about watching old tv shows do shit that would be called queerbait if they came out today but they predate queerbaiting as a phenomenon so you know it's genuine home-grown all-natural free-range homoeroticism
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hesgomorrah · 22 days
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pernell roberts' fangs appreciation post because i'm normal
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hesgomorrah · 2 months
btw i think it's important that you all know trapper john md has a character that starts out as a frank clone and then actually gets a character arc. and it rules i love him
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hesgomorrah · 3 months
gonzo gates, in the true spirit of mash, is so bi-coded i almost can't believe it wasn't intentional
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