#tko character analysis
theromanticscrooge · 4 months
Professor Venomous, the Hot Mess in a Lab Coat
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Note: If you haven't seen the entirety of O.K. K.O., please save this until after you've seen all the episodes. Even if the PV twists are obvious, he's a HUGE part of the ending and an important part of K.O.'s character arc.
POINT's origin in show starts when Silver Spark, El Bow, and Rippy Roo officially join the main team as junior members. Laserblast and Silver Spark immediately take a liking to each other and Laserblast comes up with convenient excuses for alone time with Silver. From what little there is of them on-screen, Silver is absolutely infatuated with Laser, partly because of his flashy attitude, his years of experience, the air of mystery around him, and definitely the confidence. These two were in the early, honeymoon phase of their relationship. El Bow's graphic daydream involving the weird sucker French kiss sequence tells the whole story: If these two weren't working, they were doing other things. Very often and very enthusiastically.
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Besides tonsil hockey with Silver, Laserblast has a series of questionable projects he's been working on in a secret sandwich shop lair. Dr. Greyman, the brains behind POINT, discovered two of Laser's mysterious orbs and the consensus was "these were made by villains." When Laser suggests using them to stop bad guys, Greyman immediately shoots him down, citing that they're too dangerous for anyone to use. Greyman accidentally sets off one of the orbs and loses all of his powers. The new mission is find and apprehend the perpetrator. Laser prioritizes covering up his lair and experiments; he's more concerned about his image and standing than the well-being of his teammate.
When he goes with Silver and El Bow to scope out the sandwich shop, he insists on going first and alone. He puts on a show about how brave he is and promises Silver he'll be back. Then Laser enters the sandwich shop/lair and "disappears" into a blackhole. Silver is heartbroken and devastated. She blames El Bow for keeping her from potentially making it in time for that small possible window of opportunity to save Laser. This causes a rift in their friendship for years after. POINT unceremoniously drops El Bow and plants him as solely responsible for Laser's "death." After that, El Bow slowly finds new meaning and actualization as Mr. Gar; it's so painful for him to think about his past, he prefers to consider El Bow as dead as Laserblast is. Even after Carol has made peace with losing Laser, Mr. Gar is wracked with guilt and grief. He still blames himself and puts up a wall between himself and Carol despite her attempts to reach out or reconnect for a long time. In a nutshell, Carol becomes more emotionally mature, patient, and empathetic with time and introspection. She understands the importance of open, honest communication and that's what repairs, even strengthens, her relationship with Mr. Gar once he actually talks to her.
Laser made it out of the sandwich shop in time to avoid the blackhole and hides in a nearby storm drain. The evidence that he's responsible for the spheres is gone, but he hears Silver say "he wasn't powerful enough to get out." That comment is enough to seriously wound Laser's ego. He retreats, ashamed and feeling small and vulnerable. He's lost his powers. In his mind, he's nothing without his powers. He's too insecure to face Silver Spark or anybody else. The idea of her being more powerful; that she'd potentially push him out of the way or underestimate his abilities is something he can't bear. So, he starts desperately experimenting on himself and trying to regain his powers. He's connected so much of his self worth to how powerful he was that he doesn't know who he is without special powers. Until he can "regain his former glory," he refuses to return to POINT or his former life. And he doesn't trust Silver or anyone else enough to be vulnerable or weak in any way around them.
In a way, Laser's reaction to Silver can be roughly approximated to how toxic masculinity can affect how a man views himself. Men are supposed to be strong providers. They can't show any weakness. They're the the master; the cornerstone of the financial health and overall lifeblood of the household. When a man ties his all of his value to a specific personal trait, like how much money he makes or how strong he is, it's a threat when his partner makes more money than him or she's more proficient than him at "his thing." This single trait is such an important piece of his personhood that it pretty much is him. It's difficult to extricate that piece and figure out a healthier approach to who he is outside of that one trait. And he's not going to talk to his partner when she seems more like a rival than a friend.
For all intents and purposes, Laserblast- at least the idea of who Laserblast might have been-died. He becomes Professor Venomous; a respected, renowned villain that's a threat because of his scientific prowess and powerful because of what status and money he gains as a result. He's more satisfied and satiated as a villain than he ever was as a hero. The ideas that POINT balked at are celebrated and encouraged by his fellow villains. It's liberating. While Laserblast was a mask, Professor Venomous is the closest he's been to full self-actualization. It's not full self-actualization, but he's happier as a villain than he ever was as a hero.
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Enter Fink. She's arguably the most important character and interpersonal relationship Venomous has. There's ample hints that Venomous rescued her from a rough life surviving by herself out in the streets. They call each other "Boss" and "minion" respectively, but it's just a title. Fink is his adopted daughter. When Fink talks about him, it's with strong respect, admiration, and affection. He's a patient, gentle parent at his best. He brings Fink to every event he's allowed to. He makes sure that Fink has what appropriate weapons or toys she needs at an outing. Out of everyone Venomous interacts with, Fink has seen and intimately knows the kinder, softer side of him. It's why she stands by him despite everything.
Despite their strong relationship though, Venomous still avoids bigger confrontations. He ran away from Carol and avoids the reality of K.O. as his son when he's Professor Venomous. So when Fink starts complaining, he throws expensive toys, video games, and gadgets at her to appease her. Usually, Venomous offsets these materialistic solutions with talking to her at her level or active parenting. Though, at the height of the later Shadowy Figure debacle, Venomous has completely given up when he uses gifts as the only means of interacting with Fink period.
This is speculation, but it's interesting that Venomous never actively talks about himself as "Dad" until it's a direct confrontation between Shadowy Venomous and K.O. Perhaps, Venomous uses a set of mental gymnastics to place some degree of separation between his father-daughter relationship with Fink and his nonexistent relationship with K.O. Fink is his minion. She's an important piece of his daily operations as a villain. As long as K.O. doesn't know or realize his true identity, Venomous didn't have to think about the fact that he abandoned his son. There's a lot of complicated baggage attached to a potential relationship with K.O. If Venomous wanted to successfully navigate how they could foster a father-son relationship or at least a friendly dynamic, it means he'd have to be more honest and introspective with himself than he's willing to.
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Throughout the show, viewers are introduced to K.O.'s dark alter-ego T.K.O. T.K.O. is initially treated as a separate entity. He's angry, he's frustrated, he's angsty. He wants to watch the world burn as a means of catharsis and for his own entertainment. The truth is that T.K.O. is the manifestation of K.O.'s unresolved feelings about his absentee dad, always following the rules without intensely questioning why things work a certain way, questioning authority figures in general. It boils down to: T.K.O. is a personification of the existential angst that comes attached with K.O. growing up and becoming better acquainted with the workings of the world around him.
Shadowy Figure is introduced as Professor Venomous' equivalent to T.K.O. Venomous thought he was content with "power" accumulated through money and villainous feats. That was enough for a long time, but then Venomous reached the pinnacle of villainry. He had inventions like a giant death ray; an easy button for threatening the squeamish Congresswoman for obscene amounts of ill-gotten wealth. When Venomous started seeing there was more to Lord Boxman and his Snidely Whiplash-esque rivalry with Lakewood Plaza, he realized he'd been in the throes of ennui. Throwing his resources and talents behind Boxman re-ignited his love of villainry. Boxman knew how to take risks and have fun. Unlike other villains, evil wasn't a careful, calculated set of moves or a set of ideas that needed to be run through bureaucratic red tape. Boxman's attacks leveled up in a deeply gratifying way for both of them.
Yes, Venomous had a partner and lifestyle that were a fantastic fit for him. But he still hadn't confronted the trauma of losing his powers years ago. Consciously, he thought he had moved on, but really, he'd bottled up these feelings and resentment for so long they took on a life of their own. That's where the more active split between Venomous and Shadowy starts. Venomous' "former glory" isn't enough anymore. Now, it's a ravenous ghost that demands bigger, better, more terrifying; power that can match, if not more deeply fulfill, how long these feelings and dissatisfaction have sat untouched. When Shadowy looks at K.O., he sees a direct outlet for achieving his deepest desires.
"Power" is represented as a DBZ-esque energy source that can destroy planets or even the universe at large. It's simultaneously an in-show love letter to shounen battle nonsense while acting as an abstract stand-in for a parent living vicariously through their child. Shadowy Figure is the beginning phases of an overzealous parent pressuring their kid to become the sports star, the Harvard Law doctor, or any number of other concepts. The parent wasn't able to achieve this goal for whatever reason, but then they look at their child as a malleable lump of clay. The child is an extension of themselves; the last chance to achieve this dream the parent holds as their penultimate achievement. This dream is more important to the parent than everything; to the degree it supersedes the fact their child is an autonomous, independent being with their own wants, dreams, and needs for their life. The child has become a tool.
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While there is still a degree of separation between Venomous and Shadowy, it's brief hope that he can catch himself and pump the brakes on how he's overstepping with K.O. When he outright calls himself Shadowy Venomous, he's completely surrendered to his need for power. Shadowy Venomous is the realization of who and what he thought he wanted to be. Its the means to a horribly self-destructive bender. He can do whatever he wants. Nothing is a challenge or threat to his self-esteem now because no one is more powerful. And if they are, he has a means to make himself greater.
K.O. has a solid support system between Carol and his adoptive family Mr. Gar, Enid, and Rad. Though, even with a solid support system, K.O. wanted some kind of relationship with his bio-dad Venomous. Parent-child relationships can be really complicated and messy. Even if a child has a fantastic mom and stepdad, the right combination of feeling unheard, misplaced, or having certain emotional needs unaddressed can make the originally absent parent appealing. Even if this other parent hasn't contributed as much, there's a want for their attention and validation. They're here now. They're trying now. They have something other loved ones can't offer. More importantly, it's a means to fill an existential hole in their life.
When K.O. takes a moment to acknowledge T.K.O. as part of himself that he's been grossly neglecting, he starts learning the importance of self love and that acknowledging and accepting his trauma is part of growing as a person. He's been able to empathize and show compassion for everybody else around him, but he refused to give himself the same kindness and patience. Shadowy Venomous exploited this. T.K.O. hoped that Shadowy would listen to and commiserate with him in a way nobody else was because Shadowy seemingly had a similar chip in his shoulder. They're mirrors of each other, right? That's what the wanton destruction and chaos were all about. When K.O. finally gives himself the consideration he needed, he realized that looking to Shadowy was never about him. It was only about being the convenient part that Shadowy needed. Shadowy was never interested in really reaching out and developing a meaningful connection with him.
Because of his self-reflection, K.O.'s relationships with his chosen family will be fuller and richer because he's including his inner voice as part of those intimate, heavy, vulnerable conversations with loved ones.
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Despite Professor Venomous royally fucking up, the ending montage in the last episode shows he's not completely irredeemable. K.O. deliberately asks about him, too. At the very least, K.O. still cares about the Professor.
The President of the Universe gives Venomous a personal planet to destroy. In a way, that's Venomous finally confronting how much losing his powers years ago affected him. He has a healthier means to process his feelings around that sensitive subject and it's highly effective. He repairs his relationship with Fink; he's a more active parent than he was previously and encourages her interests more. There's a scene where he tells Fink he doesn't like video games and suggests she practices her piano scales while he's gone instead of further gameplay. Years later, he's enthusiastically cheering her on from the audience after she, presumably, became a professional gamer and won a gaming tournament.
Venomous also apologizes to Lord Boxman after their messy break-up during his spiraling as Shadowy Venomous. One sequence features a wedding ring. The bulk of these scenes are very fill-in-the-blank or connect the dots, but they're powerful. Seeing Professor Venomous with a wedding ring means that he learned how to have a vulnerable conversation with Boxman and that they trust each other enough to make that serious of a commitment. Previous scenes are very much coded as them having a gay romance and building a blended family as "business partners," but this cements it and cinches those last few parts of Professor Venomous' character arc. Its honestly beautiful how Venomous comes around to his equivalent of the healthy, satisfying life and family that Carol has between Mr. Gar and K.O.
A redemption arc isn't realistic for every person that fits a Professor Venomous mold, but its meaningful to see a character like this work on himself. As an older fan, its appreciated how much attention and care are given to found family for all of these characters in a variety of situations and circumstances.
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k4pp4-8 · 1 year
hey what are your thoughts on tko? personally i absolutely love the boy and think his story couldve been handled INFINITELY better. he deserves a hug so bad
Honestly the first time I watched the show I didn't like tko. Not only I didn't find him interesting, I also thought he was kinda unlikeable so I would often skip his scenes.
But after rewatching okko I realised I never actually paid attention to his character. I actually really related to him!! Tko being so emotional and misunderstood by his surrounding makes him such an interesting character to me. I love okko but I really wish the show had more serious moments so we could focus more on his feelings and development.
Flawed characters with anger-issues are so compelling to me, and i feel like Tko is such an important part of the show (bc of his connection to the main character) that it’s a shame he didn't have more focus.
He's not a real villain or even a bad person, he's just a kid with a lot of emotions who's kinda cocky and he deserved better than to be caged up :(((
Also HE DESERVES A DAMN HUG!!!((and his design’s awesome))
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I cant get over the fact that ko just casually put a carl jung book in his headspace for tko to read
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Can you imagine him picking up this book for the first time and going like
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mazegays · 2 years
@its-tea-time-darling i am trying to answer your ask but tumblr is being dumb about it so i copy-pasted it here instead and am hoping it works yes hello i am on my computer now and so i feel like i can actually write this out better bc it is. an essay (and no doubt going to get longer when i start writing it v me just thinking about it) i'm sure others may have said similar before, but until very recently i've been avoiding most teresa content lol In this fandom (less so in more recent years than in the past), Teresa is the betrayer and the dead girl. First, she gains Thomas's trust. Then she makes out like she wants him dead--very convincingly. Then she reveal that that was because WICKED made her. And, finally, she dies for Thomas. That leaves Thomas (and us) with a very complicated set of feelings and thoughts surrounding Teresa. Let's try and unpack some of mine. 
(if you haven't read fever code and the kill order, you might want to skip or skim this part)
In Kill Order, we first meet baby!teresa--a traumatized little girl, hardly out of toddlerhood, who is found by Mark, Alec, Trina, and Lena in a deserted village. She's got marks showing she was injected with the virus (which is not from the solar flares as WICKED posits, but instead a human bioweapon), but she's fine, marking her as immune. She was witness to the attacks on her settlement and everyone turning into Cranks and subsequently dying. Due to her immunity, Mark turns her over the the Post-Flare Coalition, aka WICKED, at the end of the book, saving her life. She has witnessed more death and had others infected with the virus assume that she's a demon because she's immune. In the second epilogue (and the prologue, where Thomas is swiped and sent into the maze) we see an older Teresa, who is sympathetic to the infected and believes they deserve a chance to be saved because of what Mark, Alec, Trina, and Lena did for her. Throughout Fever Code, we see Teresa through Thomas's eyes. We know from the two years later epilogue of Kill Order that he's five at the time he's brought into WICKED, making Teresa seven and two years older than him; he wouldn't remember the immediate-post infection world the way she does (this particular detail is also something I stew over quite a bit, but that's for another post). They have plenty of differences, and argue over methods even when they're young, but it's not nearly as high-stakes as it is later, and after a while, they're pretty much each other's only friends. At the end of Fever Code, before Thomas is sent into the maze, Teresa admits that she still believes in the possibility of a cure. This is a few years after they have to kill the original Creators. (As this is not her POV, I can guess that she might not know--or might be denying the fact--that it's WICKED who released the Flare in the first place. Thomas doesn't know at all, having been taught along with everyone else that the disease was named after the solar event it was named for--the Solar Flares.) In the epilogue--a memo from Paige to the Council--Teresa and Aris are named as the final candidates. Given the use of the same term in Death Cure (by Janson, to refer to Thomas), plans changed. It also thanks them for their loyalty. Teresa's memo is the more interesting one, here. It confirms that Teresa and Aris kept their memories, and were going to coordinate with WICKED throughout the trials. She truly believes in what WICKED is doing, and that hasn't wavered in her ten years, likely closer to eleven, there. As we know, she write the infamous 'WICKED is good' on her arm, in order to 'plant the seed' in the Gladers' minds.
(if you were skipping, you can stop now!)
In Maze Runner, she tells Thomas she triggered the end, and pretends to know as little as they do--she leads the decoding of the maps, even, when it's entirely possible she already knew the code. She programmed the maze's day and night cycle and the griever hole, after all. We don't know what she sent to WICKED, or when. (Not that there's a lot they didn't already know, with the beetle blades.) She's a key factor in their escape, despite pretty much everyone other than Thomas doubting her and her intentions at first. In Scorch Trials, she must know about the switch before it happens. Thomas can communicate with Aris telepathically, so she and Aris are probably coordinating not only the switch (Group B can't have left for the Scorch before Group A for this to work, despite canonically getting out of their maze earlier.) but also meeting up with the Gladers to kidnap Thomas. She's also the screaming girl in the first half of the book, during their first day in the Scorch. She waits until they're taking a break to stop screaming and leave the building--Thomas hasn't gotten anything from or to her mentally, so Aris must have told her. When Thomas gets close to her, he notes three specific details: She's clean, not dusty and dirty from a day in the desert, she's crying, and her behavior reminds him of Gally right before he killed Chuck. She warns him to get away from her. Obviously when he is kidnapped by Group B, her behavior has switched. She's now angry with Thomas outwardly, for reasons she's not explaining to him, while whispering to him entirely different things. She lets it slip that they were told to kill him by WICKED. Harriet tells Thomas that Teresa has 'hated' him the entire time, that she's acting like killing him is her idea. Trying to convince WICKED, maybe? That she'll do whatever they tell her to, even when it hurts her? After the chamber, she's changed again, and Thomas no longer knows what to feel about her (and neither did I, as the reader, for my first through read-throughs.) It's confirmed at this point that she's been talking to Aris the whole time, including in the maze. Thomas already knew this was a set-up, but this is the first time we see how much of a set-up it is. Free will is almost non-existent for these kids. Of course, when they meet up again, Minho and the Gladers consider Teresa and Aris traitors and don't trust them. Given how much we--and Thomas--now know that they have manipulated behind the scenes (as ordered by WICKED) that is completely fair and expected, especially when they don't know the whole story as Thomas does--but even Thomas giving them details later doesn’t matter. We all know how Death Cure goes--her biggest role in this book is dying for Thomas. She is in Denver, for a time, but Thomas is more with Minho, Newt, Gally, or Brenda, so we don't see a lot of her. With her chip removed, it's now impossible for WICKED to control her--assuming that WICKED removed the chips as they said they would, and assuming that Teresa doesn't still have hers. She's shown to believe in WICKED's mission until the end of the her life. Now, with that summary that was longer than I expected it to be out of the way, let's talk more directly about Teresa's relationship with WICKED. All Teresa knows outside of WICKED is terror and fear. She likely starved for a time, she was attacked and hurt, and undoubtedly would have died on her own or been killed by Cranks. Growing up within WICKED facilities literally saved her life, and she knows that from a young age. Unlike Thomas, she's not angry or upset about being given a new name. She's happy to accept it, because she wants to forget everything that happened outside of WICKED's walls. She wants to forget, and she wants to prove that providing for her was worth it. So she does what they tell her: Kills the Creators, lies to Thomas about his entrance to the Maze (he thinks they're both going in memories intact) and communicates with Aris and WICKED throughout TMR and TST to coordinate meetings. She acts in a such a way that Thomas goes from liking her to hating her to being so conflicted about her that he feels nothing when she kisses him again. Meanwhile, Teresa is doing this to save him, or so WICKED says. They know she likes him, watched them grow up together, and they'll use it against her, against them both. She, like Thomas, is nothing but a pawn in WICKED's game. Every time she thinks she's gaining ground, they reveal another card to put her back in her place. Her firm belief in wanting a cure for the Flare combined with a childhood of being taught only what WICKED wanted her to know, seeking their approval at many turns, leaves her very open to manipulation. This results in Teresa being someone Thomas and the others aren't sure they can trust, because of her past, and Teresa herself just being a teenage girl trying to ensure that the boy she loves, the boy she grew up with, grew up loving, survives at all costs to her. She's the betrayer, sure. But would she do betray Thomas if she thought she had no other choice? I don't think she would. Teresa, even as a secondary protagonist, is far more complex than just being 'the betrayer' and 'the dead girl'. She's a terrified little girl who doesn't want anyone to go through the suffering she saw as a child, and has been given an option to try and end that suffering by working toward a cure. She's a well-fed, well-protected child who knows of the horrors of the world outside but never goes back out to it; the same child is taught whatever WICKED wants her to know. She's a teenage girl who has killed, who may be falling in love with boy-next-door (literally), who still desperately wants to fix the world. Her avenue for saving Thomas and fixing the world isn't a branching path: They're both lined with flashing WICKED signs. If she listens to them, Thomas will be safe. If she works with them, they can find a cure. She can have both. So she writes 'WICKED is good'. She's spreading the seed, trying to convince the Gladers. Maybe that message wasn't for them, though. Not entirely. No. Maybe she was really trying to convince herself.
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amm-loover · 6 years
(longest one yet guys! hope you enjoy!)
First post
Second post
And now....the moment you’ve all been waiting for....
PART 3!!!
In this installment of KO/TKO character analysis, we will taking be a look at the episode: You’re In Control.
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So, in this episode, we waste almost no time getting into the KO/TKO business! Which is freaking great in my opinion! (for obvious reasons)
We start off with seeing Dendy and KO experimenting with unleashing TKO.
The whole scene by itself was very interesting. But something even more interesting happened. Maybe most of you didn’t quite catch it, it was really quick and super easy to glance over, but take a closer look at it with me.
Notice that when TKO was about to come out, KO made this face:
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But also take a look at the face KO makes when he’s apologizing to Rad and Enid after he and Dendy get caught:
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Like even down to the slightly flowy hair the body has when its in the mid-way point of TKO coming out.
Now you may be wondering where the purple aura went? Well when TKO was about to come out then, he was getting straight up insulted by Dendy, He was mad. And we know that that purple aura only really comes out when he is angry or when he is using his levitation ability. Here, he wasn’t really angry, just feeling regretful and sorry for the actions Rad and Enid bring up. They weren't insulting KO, they were calling him out. Which is completely different.
Guys, TKO was probably also trying to say sorry to his friends. After all, he still considers them to be his friends, as i proved in the first post.
Enid and Rad are scolding KO about TKO for the damage he’s done and the people he hurt.
Take a closer look at KO as they are doing that.
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If you look really closely (and try your best to ignore Rad’s hilarious face) KO has grown a tooth. A sharp tooth. Like a fang.
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Now who do we know who has sharp teeth/fangs?
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Notice, KO was showing signs of frustration and and regret, both are negative emotions. TKO is the manifestation of the body’s negative emotions, so it would make sense that he would almost come out when feeling two negative emotions, But remember, KO has to feel completely powerless in order for TKO to fully emerge. So if your wondering why he didn’t quite come out, he just wasn’t feeling enough negativity.
Now on to the next TKO moment.
After Boxman Jr. has pretty much beaten up everyone, KO suggests that he let TKO out. His mother tries to laugh it off and convince everyone that friendship and teamwork are the best way to fight.
But look at KO’s face change the moment she says “friendship”
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He makes like a worried face. This is like the first time we see KO pretty much doubt his mother’s words. 
That’s almost out of character for the KO we have come to know.
When KO begins to have his thought process about what is the best thing to do in order to stop Boxman Jr., Everything is blue, just like most of KO’s powers have been shown to be. (such as his power fists)
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We hear what he’s thinking:  “ Nobody gets it. I know they don’t trust me, but… Even Mom got beat up Boxman Jr. They can’t stop him. It has to be me.”
Notice how when he says “it has to be me”, the background changes to purple: aka TKO’s aura and his face changes to that mid-way KO/TKO  face.
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Now we continue hearing thoughts in KO’s voice but I’m pretty sure its TKO’s thoughts we are hearing based on the fact that the body begins to resemble TKO more and more as the thought process continues. Not to mention the background remains purple.
Now listen to TKO’s thoughts:  “ I’m different. Teamwork may be strong, but I have the power to be stronger. I’ll save the entire Plaza all by myself.”
TKO sounds kinda smart here. Now im not saying that teamwork and friendship can’t solve a problem, but sometimes using brute force and strength is the way. 
And notice he says “I’ll save the entire plaza all by myself.” and he says all of this while carrying his mother out of  harm’s way.
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Once again proof that ultimately, TKO is a good guy with serious anger problems that can be solved once he has a healthy outlet and is no longer in that cage.
TKO almost hit his mom in his debut, why would he bother saving her now if he didn’t care?
So by now KO is feeling all the right emotions that lead up to the level of powerlessness that he needs to feel in order for TKO to fully come out.
And then Enid and Rad are back at it again with their talent of being TKO’s last straw. When they say he isn’t strong enough and that he’s just a kid and that he isn’t even level one yet.
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You’ve done it now...
Anyway, so then we cut to TKO and KO in the mind of the body.
And TKO is just shown to be suffereing in that cage. He’s been there his whole life, he got out once only to be thrown back in. The second time he got out he went back almost willingly. (which he is probably regretting right now.) And now that everyone knows he’s in there they want to control him. But like I said, no one person can control another one person.
Dendy and KO’s experiments have been toying with poor TKO’s sensitive emotions for Cob knows how long! I mean look at that thing!
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That cage has claw marks on it now! CLAW MARKS!
Dude has been going ham on that cage! How much pent up anger do you have to have to put claw marks on a virtually  indestructible cage? (Like the cage can really only be broken when TKO feels powerless enough and KO feels positive enough.)
gosh it must’ve been like torture!
So moving on, TKO pounces on KO as soon as he realises he is there in the mind with him and asks him what do you want? 
Now you may be wondering, why doesn’t TKO know KO is there to let him out?
Well like I said in the second post, KO can’t hear TKO’s thoughts so that means TKO can’t hear KO’s thoughts. TKO didn’t know that KO just so happened to be thinking the same thing, that he is the only one who can stop Boxman Jr. And KO didn’t come in there to let TKO out because he heard his thoughts, he came in there by his own choice. I mean look at how excited TKO is when he is let out!
He honestly wasn’t expecting any type of freedom today. In fact he goes right into attacking KO since he’s mad at him for all the experimenting.
But notice that when KO says he needs him, his reaction is very surprised before he goes into this cocky attitude.
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Look at that surprised face. Seriously, if they can read each other's thoughts, why is he so surprised? Why is he attacking KO if he should already know Boxman Jr is his target.
And honestly, can we just witness this purple nugget?
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how is he evil? He’s literally just a cocky edgy boy.
But honestly I think he’s so happy to here KO say that. For so many years he’s been trapped in that awful cage, deemed as unwanted emotion by KO. But now, he’s more than wanted, KO said he needs him. 
So moving on, TKO locks KO up in the cage as he takes over the body.  Remember when he came out and he gave his mom a little shock?
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Now people think that’s because he was being mean again or he just had so much static energy on him that it shocked her on accident.
I personally believe that TKO did shock her on purpose. BUt not because he was being mean, I think it was more of a “love tap”
If you don’t know what i mean let me explain, Have you, as little kid, ever gotten a little too close to something that you didn’t know was dangerous, and then your mom or dad would notice and tap you on the hand kind of hard and say “No! Don’t touch that!”
Its okay if you don’t know what I mean, Not every parent does that. But my mom did, especially when I got too close to the stove/oven while she was making dinner. She’d smack my hand and tell me “No! It’s hot!” 
It was never hard enough to make me cry or anything, but it kept me away from the stove until i was old enough to understand that it was very hot and I shouldn’t touch it without oven mitts or something. It was a love tap.
So I think TKO remembered how he almost hurt his mom, and he remembered how he can get when he starts letting out all his anger. He knows he’s dangerous to be around. So he gave his mom a little zap so she wouldn’t get hurt by him again. I mean notice how he turns away from her after he does it.He knows that woman isn’t his target. And you know he did it on purpose! he looks dead at her when he does it. 
He just wants her out of the way. Scare her a bit. But he still kind of stands in front of her in a semi-protective manner.
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Now moving on to the fight scene.
TKO sends Boxman Jr flying back into the Boxmore factory. Now, with most fights, that would be where they end. A robot gets tossed back to to Boxmore and the fight is over. But Boxman Jr isn’t just any robot, he’s a very powerful robot. (mainly because he has that chip in his brain that Professor Venomous gave to Boxman in the episode “Villans Night Out”
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((Like serously, Ive seen a lot of people wondering why Boxman Jr was so powerful and I’m like, ITS BECAUSE OF PROFESSOR V’S BIOCHIP!!! like for real, how are yall forgetting episodes within the same season? Did you guys really just miss that whole episode?))
TKO knows Boxman Jr is strong. KO said he needed him. He may have acted cocky, but im sure he isn’t stupid. Im sure he knows that if KO willingly let’s him out like that, he must be fighting a very powerful foe. 
TKO knows that it’s gonna take more that a good toss across the street to handle this Boxmore Bot. He’s going all out on this twerp.
Ive also seen alot of people get super confusded as to why TKO/KO were allowed to “beat up a baby”...
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Boxman created him just like all his “kids” (aka every other robot in the show)
Everybody knows that kids shows can always have brutal murderous fight scenes as long as its a robot that’s taking most of the damage.
And that funeral scene they have at the end of the episode? Boxman Jr. was still a robot, but he was the only one of his kind. There are thousands of Darrells, Shannons, Raymonds, Ernestos and Jethros. But there was only one Boxman Jr. So yeah, a funeral seemed a appropriate. But nobody killed a baby, they destroyed a robot. 
But anyway, back to TKO/KO (that’s what your all here for after all)
Alright so remember how KO was crying for TKO to stop because Rad and Enid had fell? Well people are saying he is a monster for not caring enough to save his friends? Just so you know....
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I don’t even think TKO saw Rad and Enid fall, he is obviously too focused on his fight. And your probably wondering “but he has to have seen them! KO saw them and he’s looking through TKO’s eyes!” 
Okay but TKO zipped by them really super fast and like I said, he’s focused on his fight. And just because KO can see through TKO’s eyes, doesn’t mean TKO can see something that was in the corner of his eye. Especially if he’s zipping around as fast as he is in this episode. KO just happened to see a glimpse of his friends.
(and honestly why didn’t Rad just levitate? I know he was probably too shocked/and scared but...still..)
Also, people are saying that when TKO did this:
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He’s being evil or that he is evil and honestly...
Just let the kid express himself. TKO knew he’d be going all out on this foe, a little self expression is what he needs to let out all that pent up energy and rage. Its harmless.
And then we get to that oh so touching part where Dendy hugs TKO. But notice what TKO does. 
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You’d think his first line of action would be violence, like throwing her off. But he doesn’t he just simply tells her to get off of him.
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He looks back at his target, Boxman Jr. Before Enid comes in and joins in on the hugging, he says “I have to-”
I’m willing to bet he was about to say “I have to beat Boxman Jr!”
TKO doesen’t even want to pay Dendy any mind. He came out here to destroy Boxman Jr. He didn’t forget his target, he is honestly keeping his eyes on the prize. Good boy, TKO! 
Now moving on to when They all hug TKO, causing him to get sucked back into the body’s mind.
Notice that, the moment he gets sucked in, the cage breaks around KO:
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And notice how when it breaks, it is blue, which is KO’s aura color. 
I think this is the extact moment KO had the idea to make peace with TKO at all. I mean, look at how calm he is when he says “I can beat him”
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He says it and explains it like he’s already thought the whole thing through. Because he did. That’s why the cage breaks before he explains himself and not after.
And I love TKO here, “the only thing i want, is to keep fighting...”
Just give the angry plum something to punch, and he’ll be a good boy! He’s a manifestation of negative emotion after all. He as to let it out some how!
And look how happy he is when he gets his new toy!
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That’s all he needed. 
And then they make that iconic deal.
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“no take-backs..”
These chains are a sign that these boys are now linked. 
And I believe it also means KO can never bring the cage back. Even if he wants to. (although if he does manage to bring the cage back for whatever reason, i wonder how it would all play out)
So after this deal, KO goes into the physical world to fight Boxamn Jr with the help of TKO’s power. 
That fight was cool but lets take a look at some of the smaller stuff that happens.
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I saw someone suggest that this scene seemed out of character. KO just plopping his friends on the ground. Maybe it does seem out of character for the KO we knew several minutes ago, But this is the version of KO that is now linked to TKO! 
So some stuff might seem a little a out of character. Like that scene where they almost touched his hair but he swatted their hands away.
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That’s a purple background! Even though he only swatted it to reveal an adorable hair cut, that’s still a purple background. Its still the TKO in him.
I mean if TKO’s powers are allowed to come out and help KO in a fight, why can’t some of TKO’s personality come out to? Makes sense to me.
HOLY SWEET POTATOES!!! THIS ONE WAS A LOT TO WRITE OUT aND HARD TO FIND SCREEN SHOTS FOR. (I had to make some of those gifs myself! The love tap gif and the gif where he drops his friends, and the ruin to all who appose me gif)
Hope you enjoyed your read! Part 4 is coming soon! We’ll be taking a look at....
You guessed it!
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TKO’s House!!! 
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seasa1ttrio · 5 years
You wanna know what’s kinda fucked up?
I’m pretty sure Shadowy Venomous and TKO hold some level of familial affection for each other.
So, TKO punts KO in the subconscious and goes to fight Venomous. He gets there and Shadowy Venomous/Figure introduces himself. TKO says he didn’t think he could get any worse- he’s probably thinking he’s going to get attacked again.
But he isn’t.
SV tells him he’s like him, that they understand each other.
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We know from this that TKO literally can’t stop his desire for destruction or his rage or anything like that. Because, as KO’s bottled up emotions consisting of mostly anger and rage, that’s all he is.
But no one else has ever understood that. He’s always been told that he’s bad, that everything he does is bad. He has to be locked away. He’s not wanted. He’s not a person.
Has anyone ever really told him that they care about him just as much as they do KO? Everyone is saying how they miss KO- they only refer to TKO as an enemy. Dendy tells KO that he’s loved and appreciated- not TKO. Whenever TKO shows up, he’s only treated as a problem.
No one’s ever really told him “it’s okay to be angry” or “it’s okay to feel weak”. No one’s ever really tried to relate to him (except for Rad maybe in the episode TKO, but really he was just going for the aesthetic).
Nobody’s ever given him a chance.
Except: Shadowy.
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“All my efforts to bring you out of KO have led to this. A new world awaits us, a world where we’re in charge.”
I’m not here for KO, I’m here for you.
Now, I do think there’s some level of manipulation here, yes. But I think at the same time, Shadowy’s being genuine here. He’s already taken over PV and has complete control, he’s more powerful than ever, he pretty much owns Boxmore- Why let TKO in? Sure, he knows TKO’s powerful and he might want that on his side. But-
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“We got a lot of father-son time to catch up on.”
The look on his face here. It’s exact same expression TKO has up there. It’s worry, concern, insecurity, unsure. What if TKO doesn’t accept this deal? What if he rejects it? Rejects him?
Because TKO and Shadowy are the same. They’re both Turbo forms- the Jungian concept of a Shadow Self. Feelings you push deep, deep down. Parts of yourself that you reject completely. That are wrong. That you don’t want to acknowledge.
PV pushed those feelings down so hard that he didn’t even know he had a Turbo form like this. He knew on some level that Turbo was a thing- we know this from the glorb collar Fink has, we know glorbs have something to do with Turbo- because he never could’ve imagined he had one. That he still had power he so craved. He had money now, right? He didn’t need physical power anymore, he has no reason to feel insecure!
Except, whoops. You still do, dude. And we know TKO is the same way. Both TKO and Shadowy activate when KO and PV feel a powerful, sudden rush of emotional pain caused by their insecurity, their feelings of helplessness.
Because that’s what a Shadow IS. It’s your brain trying to protect you (and itself) from the emotional pain. You’re not willing to protect yourself because the only way that you can do that, according to your base instincts, you won’t do because of those “morals” things. So it’s going to take over now.
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“Don’t worry, buddy. I’ll cover for ya.”
This way of things will make you much more successful, you won’t have to get hurt any more.
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Of course, this is exaggerated in OK KO, because what we’ve got here is a metaphorical representation of the Jungian concept of a shadow.
ANYWAYS, to get off that whole tangent, Shadowy wants TKO to accept him. Shadowy, too, has only been met with rejection. So, of course he worries that he’s going to be rejected.
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But he’s not. TKO accepted him pretty much immediately. So, look at his face here. It’s a sort of happy, disbelief, elation. Its not like an evil, yes my plan is going perfectly smile. It’s a I just got this thing that I’ve wanted for so long smile. He finally found someone that accepts him. He doesn’t have to hide anymore.
And again, TKO pretty much accepts him from the get go. Because TKO has found someone that accepts him. He’s not gonna get locked up any more.
And from this point on, they’re family. Sure they don’t say ‘love ya’ or 'good job out there’ or anything. Because they can’t. That’s not what they’re made of. So they say it in their own way.
They call each other father and son.
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“Are you seeing this shit? Look how pathetic that is, we’re so much better than that!”
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“We’re back” “SV and TKO rule” They want people to know that they’re a family- if you don’t like him, then I don’t like you.
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Honestly, would TKO ever let anyone even put a finger on him, much less a fatherly arm-around-the-shoulder/head-pat? probably only a guy he liked.
And when Boxbot Big Mecha Friend kicks TKO back to Boxmore?
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(he more growls here, i have no idea why the CC went with groan)
Look at that face. He can’t react with extreme worry or anything, because again that is not something he’s made of. But, he does start flying back to Boxmore. Except, then he takes one second to give everyone a look that says “oh you fucked up this time”, and then continues to fly back.
And is any of this healthy?? OF COURSE NOT. It is NOT okay or a healthy response at ALL to destroy your place of work or kick your husband out of the house because they rejected you and hurt you. It is not okay to take your anger out on other people. None of this is good for KO, TKO, Venomous, or Shadowy, and it certainly isn’t good for anyone else.
But it’s all they know. They can’t stop. This is what their family is, and in their minds if you reject that then they say fuck you.
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mothnoir · 4 years
Because sleep is a meaningless construct devised by brains trying to trick us into not using our 1am productivity bursts:
I’m actually gonna do it
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envymachine · 5 years
Wait what’s a turbo ko? Explain robot.
“It’s apparently what K.O.– my pipsqueak nemesis from Lakewood Plaza Turbo– calls himself when he suddenly gets one hundred times stronger and two hundred times edgier for no reason. I’m not really sure about the details.”
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“You know... you two might get along. Or go at each other like a dog seeing its reflection for the first time.”
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theangrycomet · 3 years
Comparing KO’s (OK KO) Character Arc to Cassandra’s (TTS)
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Ok THIS^ actually bothers me and I really hope it’s a shit-post. Sorry, @astratic, but you have inadvertently signed up for some Character Analysis.
Let’s establish one critical difference between Cassandra and KO before we really dig into this shall we?
Cassandra is a fully developed, fully functional adult roughly in her early to mid twenties.
KO is a CHILD, who’s age is literally 6-11, though fans typically agree that he acts in the 8-9 range. Additionally, he is commonly head cannoned to be on the Autistic Scale and/or ADHD.
Because of this, their decisions and actions need to be seen through different lenses.
Point 1: work tirelessly to become a hero like [parent] who you idolize
This statement perfectly depicts KO’s goals. KO strives to be a hero in order to help people to the best of his abilities. He hates being useless and powerless to help his friends, so he trains to be a better hero and works through his struggles with their help. He lives to be like his mommy and his father-figure. I mean, look at him when Gar praises KO and tells him how proud he is of him.
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Cassandra’s goals are different. She wants to be a guard at the end of the day for glory. She wants people to see and acknowledge her abilities and strength and admire her for it.
Yes, making her dad proud is a benefit of that, but that is NOT her driving motivation.
Point 2: Become discourage by lack of progress and hindrance by social status
Social status was NEVER KO’s problem. His stalling in progress, as I mentioned in another post, was a mental block. He couldn’t tap into his power He came from lower middle, working class family with a single mom.
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Social Status was her problem, but only up until the 1st season finale where she was placed as Captain of the Guard.
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She had regular progress in getting more time and respect as a royal guard. The fact that She CHOSE to leave that behind in order to follow her crush on some half-baked, unplanned road trip is only the fault of her own. She threw out the chance she had been waiting for for her entire life to follow Rapunzel.
And than was given numerous opportunities through out the trip to leave and pursue other goals. 
Point 3. Be Mentally Ill
Okay, first OP, you could phrased that WAY better. 
Secondly, the mental struggles our characters face are completely different and largely incomparable so to group the two is insulting to both characters.
Disassociative Identity Disorder (or multiple personality disorder) 
Possible Undiagnosed Autism and or ADHD
KO develops Disassociative Identity Disorder, due to his frustration at lack of progress, the manipulation of Shadowy figure, and his bottling up of negative emotions. KO is mostly unaware of what happens when TKO is in charge and vice-versa. It took the two a long time to figure out how to work together and eventually merge back into one personality. 
He also demonstrates some traits typically associated with Autism and ADHD, though some of those could be on account of his age. It is a common head cannon amongst fans that his either and sometimes both. 
Cassandra doesn’t have to deal with any mental illness until the season 3 finale where it can be gleamed that she’s working through depression if you squint at it. 
Yes, there is the Blueberry Ghost, but she was never a result of Cass’ mental state so much as her being host to the Moon Stone. 
Her struggles lie in reigning in her anger and her pride so that she can see problems from unbiased perspectives and apologize for her actions. And that is left still unresolved by the time the finale comes around. 
Point 4. find out long lost parent is actually horrifically villainous and have a whole crisis about it.
Perhaps, we need a little reminder here before I dig into this one:
KO is a child figuring himself out and Cassandra is an adult figuring out what she wants in life.
KO had been struggling with his darker side for quite some time before he asked his Mom about who exactly his dad was. 
This was something the show had demonstrated time after time that bothered KO, not knowing who his dad was.
So he finds out his dad was this big time hero, and gets reassurance from that fact that he comes from great heroes, so he too can be a hero. Only for that to be immediately tossed out the window when it’s revealed that the only person he hates in the entire world, the person he dubs as the truly evil villain, is actually his father. 
His whole world is not only shook to its core, but his self-confidence as well. Laserblast was a great hero who turned villain; what does that mean for a hero-in-training whose already struggling with that darker side. 
Praise Carol for not killing PV on the spot. 
Additionally, PV didn’t actually know KO even existed until a few months before this incident, and wasn’t even sure if KO was his kid (KO does coincidentally share a lot of Physical attributes to Gar) until KO came busting in, wearing Laserblast’s helmet and bragging about how his dad was a great hero.
So when they attempted to have that father-son relationship, it was as awkward and strained as it should have been. (I’ll get to the OK KO Finale in just a minute)
Cass could have cared less as to whom her real parents were. She had her dad. She had her goals. She had her job. Who her parents were and why they dumped her on the Captain was irrelevant to her life. 
She didn’t care until Season 3, and that whole season was OOC for everybody, 
Even then, it wasn’t so much as a crisis so much as an excuse to use to fight Rapunzel. It didn’t matter that Gothel was her mother, it mattered that Gothel picked the Sundrop over her. Which in all honesty was the best thing that could have happened to Cass.
Her “crisis” revolved around a dead woman’s shattered legacy more than her mother. 
Point 5: Fall under the influence of said Villainous parental figure
KO TKO: (again, a CHILD)
TKO was used and manipulated into letting his darker side show by Professor Venomous/ Shadowy Figure, (this is my opinion), in order to actually have something they could relate to eachother on. 
Yes, Shadowy Venomous saw TKO as more of his tool for power, but you can’t deny that he wasn’t motivated to have his son by his side. 
Additionally, KO had at this point literally locked away a part of himself because he didn’t have the tools to deal TKO with this mentally or emotionally. So he responded the best way he could and pushed the problem down so he and others wouldn’t have to keep cleaning up TKO’s messes.  
KO was in desperate need for someone to understand how he was and how to help him.
And guess who was there.
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Cassandra: (again, an ADULT)
Cass was never led on by Gothel, she was led on by Zhan Tiri.
Cass was delusioned that the moonstone was hers by Zhan Tiri just as much as Rapunzel was delusioned into thinking stopping the moonstone was her destiny by Demanitus. 
However, Zhan Tiri really didn’t make Cass do anything, she never pushed her past the breaking point, she never forced her to do anything. 
Baked Ziti only prompted Cass, reminding her what she was angry at. 
Cass was perfectly capable of ignoring her and doing her own thing. 
Point 6: suddenly and dramatically betray everyone you love even as they plead with you to stop. Become convinced they all hate you except for [villainous parental figure] who is actually just manipulating you to gain power.
This point is actually a very good description of what happened to both, given different contexts. Again, remember that KO is a child who is significantly more easily influenced than Cass should have been.
(Note: again, Zhan Tiri’s not her Parental figure and neither was Gothel)
Point 7: ruin everything and destroy your home
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His destructive rampage was motivated by the betrayal of the one person he believed to understand and support him entirely. He was literally grabbed by the shirt, lifted in the air, told he was nothing more than a tool at best, and that the plan to conquest together had been a lie. 
Wonder where I’ve seen THAT BEFORE?
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(Sorry about the low photo Quality, I quickly search and screen shotted so)
(yes it’s this scene that made me think Mad Ben and TKO would get along)
Which betrayal are we talking about? Because both involve trained guards rightfully attacking Cass for injuring the crown royalty and wrecking the castle.
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Point 8/9: snap out of it at the last second and be horrified at what you've wrought/ the world is fixed by an incredible magic. Reconcile with your loved ones. Flourish
This is accurate. 
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But KO didn’t have to lose his power to see how bad he messed up. He was actually at the top of his game. He probably could have taken out the President of the Universe if he really wanted to. Instead he begged for everything to get fixed, and wished that EVERYONE (even Professor Venomous) could live their best lives. 
She was only repentent AFTER she lost her power. Even then, she does not apologize for her actions but rather the circumstances and ONLY to Rapunzel herself. She does not care that she caused a world catastrophe, and still wouldn’t have had she won. 
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With how it was executed, Cass did NOT deserve such an easy redemption. She should have had to work at it. She should have at least attempted to apologize to the people whose lives she ruined. To the people she’s hurt. Not just Rapunzel. Rapunzel has no right to forgive her in place of everyone else. 
Eugene should not have to forgive her.
Varian should not have to forgive her.
The Brotherhood honestly deserves to fight her in combat. 
She should not have been able to ride off into the sunset and avoid the consequences of her actions. 
BUT I digress. 
KO and Cass, while they share some similarities, do NOT have the same Character Arc. At all.
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sxrrandomfanfics · 3 years
Your Villains are Shiny
All of my friends and their OCs, along with their villains, fit the song “Shiny.” Let me explain.
So, the three OCs are: Brittney Spark (made by Boxman_Bots_Are_Number_1), Dante DeMarco (EFIL4NAMXOV), and Masquerade Noir (“”). Not only that, but each have their own villain they are dealing with. Spinny, Devon Graham, and Reaper Blanc.
Their stories can be found here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21998158/chapters/52494796 (Spinny) https://archiveofourown.org/works/27395665/chapters/66955516 (Brittney) https://archiveofourown.org/works/22931827/chapters/54814405 (Dante) https://archiveofourown.org/works/26749915/chapters/65258953 (Masquerade Noir)
So I recommend that you read those stories beforehand before I continue this analysis.
So, if you’ve continued and you don’t know anything about the characters, here’s a quick run down. Spinny and Brittney are enemies and Spinny managed to make Brittney flee her dimension and her home. When Brittney was at a low point, she found Jessie and the two became close with an older sister/younger sister relationship. Meanwhile, Spinny is a megalomaniac who wants everything in all dimensions to belong to her.
Dante and Devon Graham are the most contained story, only taking place in Dante’s old childhood city, Gooserock. Devon Graham rules the place with an iron fist and wants to do everything to break Dante, both physically and emotionally.
And Reaper Blanc and Masquerade Noir were once childhood best friends. But Reaper had the weight of the world on his shoulders and all that pressure caused him to snap and begin to destroy things. Masquerade Noir saw this and fled, traveling across the multiverse and Reaper Blanc makes his way towards his ex-best friend.
Now then, onto “Shiny.”
As long as you focus on these characters being in the place of Maui and their villains in the place of Tamatoa, it makes perfect sense.
Focusing on the first pair of Spinny and Brittney, the two are gems, with Spinny being versatile in stretching her body however she needs like the other Spinel in Steven Universe. Naturally, as she is a gem she can literally shine, just like Tamatoa. When the focus goes onto the battle between Maui and Tamatoa, it is clear that Spinny has an intimidation factor that could make Brittney lock up, similar to panic or anxiety. We don’t know the full extent of the Spark’s backstory, but Brittney and Spinny do have the same energy of Tamatoa giving an absolute smack-down. But as we know that Brittney fled her home and met up with Grande fan before settling down for a few years in the HAAU, the theme of “Far from the ones who abandoned you/ Chasing the love of these humans/ Who made you feel wanted.” Most of the characters are human-esque in the HAAU, and this goes for the askers themselves. Brittney felt like she was wanted with the other askers and cemented herself into the story since day #1.
Moving on to Dante and Devon, we can see that Devon may have some influences of mafias that ran cities if it went too far. Devon, blinded by greed and being narcissistic made everyone want to worship him through controlling everything that happened in Gooserock. If he had captured Dante and Regina like he planned in the first place, we could have said goodbye to these two. Even though Devon is a huge coward, that mostly comes from the fact he knows he’s losing control over Gooserock. That being said, the way he and Dante are described could lead to a huge physical fight between bully and victim. And again, going back to:  “Far from the ones who abandoned you/ Chasing the love of these humans/ Who made you feel wanted.” Dante also found his way to the HAAU and lived away from Gooserock before he was forced to be called back. He also refused to make many connections due to the fact he had a form similar to TKO called Danos, who had similar goals to Spinny of ruling the multiverse.
Lastly, Reaper Blanc and Masquerade Noir. These two are more of a tragic pair as Reaper fell down into insane despair from the stress of the world. When Noir saw the destruction, he fled. He ran away from his friend, not wanting to be killed. He’s also enigmatic as while he stays in the HAAU, he does not feel that accepted. Usually things that he does he messes up and then things blow up in his face. And he stays because he feels wanted. He chases this love that usually Reaper once got and is finally making a turn around thanks to other askers and Bastet.
And that’s why I couldn’t make an animatic for “Shiny” for any of them because “Shiny” fits all of them.
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suikka · 5 years
the OK KO finale and how it handled Venomous’s character
i don’t usually post fandom meta on tumblr like, ever, but i just have SO many thoughts about the OK KO finale i’d love to share, especially regarding professor venomous’s character arc, so i’m here to bring out some of my personal analysis about it! 
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all along i was prepared that we necessarily wont get an explanation to everything because of the time constraints the team had (thanks a lot CN) and i know a lot of people aren’t happy with how venomous’s character was handled in the finale and i, too, hoped that after all that build-up we would’ve gotten at least a little bit more satisfying conclusion to his character arc. he is my favourite character in the show so of course you could also argue that my expectations were a bit higher
that said i really did like the finale for what it was and after analyzing certain parts in more detail i think there’s more to venomous’s development here than meets the eye. i have a lot to discuss so buckle up folks this is gonna be some serious stream of consciousness
before i get into the actual analysis let me start by making clear how i interpret venomous’s character as a whole. i feel like many of his fans see that venomous, without shadowy’s influence, is a pure uwu bean who doesn’t actually want to do anything bad ever and i think that’s…. well, i don’t wanna use the word “wrong” because people are free to interpret him however they want but it doesn’t feel right to me. venomous is a villain. he’s evil. he’s selfish and power-hungry. he ENJOYS being a bitch and doing bad things even without shadowy’s influence. even ian jq himself confirmed he indeed is evil and not just bitter. he is good to the people he does actually care about (fink and boxman) but we’ve seen him be terrible to pretty much everyone who isn’t a villain and even as laserblast his morals were already questionable enough.
something we never got a clear confirmation for was whether or not venomous was exactly.. happy with how merging with shadowy turned out, if that was the kind of power he really wanted. ian told that he willingly accepted shadowy offering him power but i feel like he didn’t completely understand the consequences of doing so. he’s VERY weak-willed and insecure when it comes to the subject of power. he didn’t think through that it would mean shadowy completely overtaking him and hurting the only people that are truly important to him
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when TKO punches shadowy out of existence and venomous turns back into his normal self, all that anger and hatred shadowy had is completely gone. since he’s back in control i think he realizes that he made awful choices, he fucked up bad and now the only people he cared about will probably never forgive him. it’s subtle but i think the pained expression tells me enough that he regrets that and he’s ready to face the consequences. he doesn’t talk back, no evil monologue, nothing. instead he’s like fuck me up TKO, i deserve it for ruining the lives of my daughter minion and the love of my life
he only gets devastated when fink runs up to sacrifice herself, because even if he probably believes that he doesn’t deserve her forgiveness, he still deeply cares about her and doesn’t want to see her hurt. even though venomous is evil, this still shows the core difference between him and shadowy as shadowy didn’t really give a shit about fink’s well-being
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so let’s fast forward to the part where everyone gets to live their best lives and venomous is given his own planet to destroy because even after all this, he still wants to be the most powerful. you could say he learned nothing after all this, right? well, i don’t think that’s completely true. we can see him wear the laserblast helmet again and that is now the only power he has, which imo tells that he learned to embrace the fact that he already had plenty enough power all along, that his own power, albeit artificial, was always enough. this time he’s the one in control and he can do what he loves the most with fink by his side: being evil and wrecking shit up. this was a time-out he needed to spend time alone with fink again and fix their bonds and also finally live out his power fantasy; this time on his own terms, not under shadowy’s influence. as weird as the whole planet ordeal was to me on the first watch, it makes more sense to me now
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so what about that part where venomous and fink come back to destroy plaza? i mostly think that was just meant to be a fun cameo and nothing too deep, but if i were to delve more into it, i like to think this could possibly be a turning point when venomous starts to realize how much he misses the times when he was attacking the plaza with boxman. when he says “we're back to finish what we started”, i don’t think he refers to the complete destruction of the world shadowy was after but the times he was simply attacking the plaza for the fun of it. the key being the fact that he says “we” as in him and fink, since as we know fink was never really up for shadowy’s antics
anyways, once venomous is over his tantrum, he realizes that simply being powerful didn’t fill the void in his heart. he’s had a lot of time to himself to reflect on everything and when he’s finally come in terms with himself, he’s ready to return to the person who filled the void in his heart to begin with: boxman
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excuse me for delving into the voxman aspect of this all for a moment but i think it was actually better that they took time with them making up instead of, for example, it happening during the final battle. it feels more realistic to me and it gave both of them have some time to themselves and fix their personal issues before getting back into a relationship. and i think it’s absolutely sweet how it happened this way around instead of boxman trying to pursue venomous despite the fact that boxman has usually been the more clingy one. venomous truly regrets unintentionally hurting him and wants him back and even if he doesn’t really know how to express it, he is really trying (i think it tells something that he seemingly made the cake himself despite not being able to cook)
as for his relationship with KO, i do wish we would’ve seen a conclusion to that, but judging by what we see in the finale they no longer try to connect and you know, that’s probably for the best. i do believe venomous was at least trying to somewhat genuinely get along with him in let’s get shadowy and i’m happy we at least momentarily got that, but KO was clearly uncomfortable with him most of the time and venomous couldn’t connect with him because their interests and morals are like night and day, so in the end he couldn’t bring himself to truly care about him. he was a pretty garbage father to him and it only shows that sometimes it’s okay to not get along with someone just because you’re blood related. KO was still genuinely happy that venomous got to live his best life that doesn’t involve him in the slightest
in conclusion, yes i wish they had fleshed him out more at the end or at least have him face the consequences (P.O.I.N.T. deserves to beat the shit out of him tbh LOL) especially since he played a pretty big role in the show’s main plot, but i’m happy he at least got his happy ending and i’m not blaming the crew for cutting things short. they had lots of characters to give spotlight to in the finale and in the end, the show is about KO so it’s obvious that if they had to give someone more focus in the short time they had, it’s him. but at the end of the day, thank you for watching the show leaves us a lot of gaps to fill in ourselves so i’m just going to assume venomous goes through more development off-screen and hey, that’s what fanworks are for. i personally am plenty satisfied with just the fact that he gets along with boxman and fink again but i know not everyone will agree with my thoughts and that’s okay
i just truly love this show and i will miss it so much
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waezi2okko · 5 years
The difference between Boxman and Venomous AKA an analysis of a dastardly duo.
Sure, the difference between them is rather obvious. Venomous is a power-hungry jerk while Boxy is more or less just an angry child. But I would like to dig a little deeper.
The two of them makes a great villain duo as well as a couple for the simple reason that they enjoy fighting heroes and are not as interested in the profit and respect of peers that follows. But their reasons for fighting heroes are different and it is essentially why they ended their partnership close to the shows finale.
Boxman doesn’t like heroes. At all. He downright despise them for their selfless nature. But he also have major anger issues. So he takes his frustrations out on the people around him. Not just the heroes he attacks, but also other villains who doesn’t respect him as well as his own children. It is quite possible that he has confidence problems as well since he builds robot kids who loves him unconditionally and he is rather clingy when it comes to Venomous. He is an angry little man who essentially wants to be loved. And as the series progress, he becomes nicer to his family after realizing that he might be the reasons to his own problems. He eventually gives up his company to his kids and let them do their own thing. This is a big deal since Boxmore is what creates the robots he needs to let out his frustrations. That means that he doesn’t NEED to do that anymore.
Venomous is a bit different, yet somewhat similar. Even back when was a hero, he felt entitled. He was not satisfied with the powers he already had and worked on ways to somehow get more powerful. That essentially became his undoing since he lost his powers to the very same research. Then he wasted years trying to get his powers back when he could have done so much good with his intellect and finally came to the conclusion that he wanted to be a villain because of the power and influence he could get by being evil. And since he already was all about proving that he was better than everyone else, fighting heroes was essentially a power fantasy come true. But he was never satisfied, which is why he allowed his greed to turn him into the monster Shadowy Venomous by making a compromise with his darker alter ego, becoming an even more twisted creature who attacked heroes and villains alike and laid waste to everything around him while Boxman was more of a classic bad guy who just build robots to attack one target.
What I think is interesting about Shadowy Venomous is that even though he destroyed everything around him with TKO, he never harmed Boxman or Fink. Sure, he destroyed the factory, but that was because he did not see it as important anymore since he did not need robots or science to wreck havoc. But what surprised him was that Boxman told him that he did not want to be part of it. That he didn’t think it was fun. That SV had crossed a line. Notice that SV is stunned for about a second when Boxman tells him to leave... and then he flexed his muscles by reminding Boxy that HE actually owns Boxmore and then kicked him out with his robot brats.
Venomous most likely lost control over the situation when he turned turbo permanently, but it was his choice to do so to begin with unlike KO. Venomous wanted it so badly that he didn’t care about the consequences. And sure, he didn’t do anything to Boxman and Fink directly, but he alienated them completely for the sake of getting power.
To put it shortly: Boxman is a villain, not a monster. But Venomous is a complete self-serving anarchist.
Boxman might have been a bit more like PV at the start of the series, but he actually got nicer to his own family and even learned to respect his son Darrell after admitting to himself that he is a VERY imperfect person. Venomous didn’t. Some complained about the President of the Universe sending him to a planet where PV could be the strongest being(by being the ONLY being) since they felt it butchered his character. I disagree, I think the President did so because PV needed a timeout of a sort before he could live his best life. Remember, KO wished for everyone to live their best lives. But for Venomous, he could not do so before working out his issues just like Boxman did. So he was sent to a place where he could be the strongest being, have his fun... and then probably realize that it was kinda pointless and not what he wanted. So he returns to Earth, fight KO and the Plaza heroes... and most likely realizes that it is not the same without Boxman, leading us to the apology-cake moment.
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amm-loover · 6 years
Hey guys so can we talk about KO/TKO for a bit?
So remember when TKO first showed up in the appropriately titled episode TKO.
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So  in this episode, TKO is revealed to have always been a part of KO. He was just little blob of negative energy and even then he was in a cage.
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Weather KO realizes it or not, he has been forcing his negative emotions deep down inside him for what we can assume is his whole life. 
The fact the when KO was finally pushed to his breaking point by Shadowy Figure to the point where it manifested his negativity into an entirely separate being able to take control of the body speaks volumes to me.
But if we take a closer look at things, That means KO has been angry all this time and hasn’t had a healthy outlet for his frustration, all this time. Meaning, TKO hasn’t had a healthy outlet all this time, not to mention he was trapped in a cage like an animal on top of it all.
When TKO challenges Rad and Enid to a power battle, he states “I told you, it’s T.K.O.. And I’m a whole different animal now.“
Honestly, i think that line says more than what it sounds like. TKO has been trapped in that cage, like an animal, for so long, that he considers himself to be an animal, even when he is free, he still identifies as an animal, just an animal that is no longer caged. 
Now before we talk about all the violent things TKO has done, let’s talk about the non violent things he has done. 
In his debut episode, TKO finally came to be and is told to go show his friends his new power. 
When he gets to the scene Enid and Rad are obviously in deep trouble. 
TKO swoops in and saves the day, absolutely obliterating the huge Darrell. 
Even if it was for the selfish purpose of showing off, I don’t think that’s all it was. 
One of the things that caused TKO to even come out of KO’s mind was Rad, Enid, and Mr.Gar’s words. 
“Power isn’t everything, at least you’re cute”
“Good hustle kid” 
“You’ll catch up to us someday...or not”
Now with as angry as TKO gets later in the episode from simply being called cute by Enid again, why wasn’t he angry enough to attack them right there?
No seriouly. TKO was very mad and was told to go show his friends how powerful he’s always been. Not show them your power by saving them from Darrell. 
Honestly if TKO is really so hostile and careless as he is shown to be later within the same episode, why didn’t he just attack Rad and Enid right there?
After he defeats Darrell and ushers his new name, TKO goes home. With his mom. Yet another person who triggered him to even manifest in the first place. 
In KO/TKO’s words “Mom said hard work will make me strong, but it hasn’t!” 
Meaning he is also mad at her for “wasting his time” Just as he is mad at Shadowy Figure for sort of doing the same thing, saying “You said getting mad at my friends would work, but it hasn’t!” 
Like, KO/TKO was willing to believe in his mother’s advice, after all he went along with it for a while, but he became so impatient with his mother’s way of training that he was willing to get mad at his friends, which he clearly didn’t want to do in the freaking first place.
Now back to Carol, If TKO was ready to beat up his own mother at the plaza in the episode’s nearing climax, what the frick was keeping him so chill? 
TKO, an actual manifestation of negativity and anger decided against fighting his friends and mother so he could go home with his mom, presumably eat dinner with her, record a video on KO’s video channel (as shown in the episode KO’s Video Channel) go to sleep, and wake up the next morning and then the meanest thing he does then is take her eyeliner without asking. (and then he yelled at her when she was in the background of his video so i guess that’s pretty mean too)
And when Carol asks about it, TKO just calmly says “I don’t feel like talking right now” and casually turns up his metal music. And the Carol turns it down. Now you’d think TKO would get mad at that little action. Like “Ugh! MOM! I want to listen to my music louder!” But no, he just lets her turn it down and continues to look out the window while she drives him to work. 
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Like based on the personality we have been shown so far, why wouldn’t TKO wanna stay at home and be his edgy self, maybe re-record his video diary in privacy or do his nails and make-up and dress in black and listen to his music loud and break a few things. Why is he going to work? 
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And why is he like, for real doing the work? Albeit, haphazardly but doing it nonetheless. 
And honestly, it super clear that TKO not only doesn’t want to be bothered but also doesn't really wanna bother others anyway. He ultimately just wants some space. Like any edgy child/teen.
I mean, he’s not even really mean to Enid and Rad. Maybe a little rude, but not really mean. He manages to hold a conversation with Enid, correcting her on his name, answering her question, and yeah he insults her by calling her a “wage slave” but he probably felt insulted since she called his answer to a question she asked “dramatic”. TKO was probably thinking: “You insult my world view, fine, I insult who you are.”
And yeah he ignores Rad, who is obviously trying to impress him, but TKO wasn’t impressed. If you think about it, TKO could have made fun of him or something but he didn’t he chose to ignore.
And like I said, TKO clearly had no intentions of doing anything particularly bad that day. It looks like he just wants to get through the day. That’s probably why he came to work, he just wants an excuse to fight another robot. Might as well occupy himself while he waits i guess.
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I mean look at him. He is 100% chill and clearly wants to be left alone.
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And then Rad and Enid come in and ruin his whole little mojo.
Now I know Enid and Rad are just trying to be good friends, they think KO is in some sort of Funk™ and they wanna cheer him up. And they do a sort of good job at trying, but during this, TKO is clearly struggling to get out of Rad’s arms. (honestly in my opinion, they should've took that as a hint and really leave him alone)
But that’s yet another thing! TKO, you know how strong you are. You DESTROYED the giant bomb Darrell bot in a single slash! And he was made of metal! Surely you know you are perfectly capable of getting out of Rad’s fleshy grip.
He does know. He is 1000% aware that he can get out of that grip. But he also knows that if he does, it will probably hurt Rad.
Remember, when he was talking about his metaphorical pizza worldview thing? He said “so called friends”
Guys, TKO identifies Rad and Enid as his friends, even if they laugh at him.
KO really doesn’t wanna do anything, the upcoming outburst that he is about to have wasn’t his intention.
Eventually he even stops struggling when Enid begins to shove nachos in his face. Almost as if he’s just gonna let them be annoying. But then Enid had to go and call him....
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“Cute stuff...”
Alright, so we all know what happens from this point. Enid’s final “cute” is the final straw for TKO’s temper. He finally breaks free from Rad’s grip (without a single frame of struggle.) and challenges his friends to a power battle.
As the power battle continues, TKO becomes more and more aggressive and almost like he’s a predator after his prey. And notice how Enid is his target. Both times when Rad steps in to help Enid fight, TKO gets rid of him really quickly and begins focusing on Enid again. 
When Enid tells on him to Carol, notice he doesn’t attack right away, he just scoffs/growls like an angsty child/teen.
He doesn’t even really target Carol of anyone, he just starts being destructive on things.
Then Gar show’s up and says “I love your mom”, which manages to catch TKO off guard. 
He is genuinely confused and he almost seemed ready to hear Mr.Gar out on the sudden topic but when Gar goes and changes the subject and starts spouting compliments at him. 
Now while his compliments arent really lies? You can hear in Gar’s voice that he doesn’t fully mean what he is saying and he is clearly only saying to try an calm him down. 
And we all know when people are really angry, that last thing you want to tell them is to calm down.
So then TKO just snaps, he’s had absolutely enough!
There’s a blind rush going through him right now, he’s never had the chance to let out all this pent up rage. It feels great! All his life he’s been caged and now he’s out. Who care’s if someone gets hurt! letting out these years of rage, proving once and for all that I am strong, stronger than everyone! It feels great! 
Who’s next!
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“any last words”
Then the episode ends with TKO getting put back in the cage after KO save his mom. Not the best idea..
Now, im not trying to say TKO is justified for trying to punch his his own mother, he obviously never wanted to. I’m just saying he had a lot of pent up rage and frustration and he was just a ticking time bomb of destructive emotion that was waiting to explode, waiting for someone to push that last button. 
AKA: Enid’s “cute stuff” comment and Mr. Gar’s somewhat “empty praise”
This whole thing, in my opinion, was just the result of KO holing in his anger and frustration for all those years. If you do that, you are bound to become a toxic version of yourself sooner or later. And sooner or later that means you will hurt those you hold dear to you. 
This also lets us know a little something about TKO. 
He’s a person. Yes, he is a manifestation of rage, but he has interests outside of that. He enjoys his music and dark make up and he likes making video diaries just as much as the original KO. TKO is a person and deserves to be treated like one, after all he’s been through. Yeesh...
Now let’s move on to TKO’s second major appearance: 
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COMING SOON IN  A PART 2 POST (honestly i can’t put all my thoughts in one post)
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amm-loover · 6 years
Like i said in the previous post, here is part 2! we will be moving on to the second episode that had TKO has a major roll in: Mystery Science Fair 201X.
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In this episode Dendy suggest that KO and herself team up for the upcoming science fair. Dendy decides on doing a project on KO’s other half, TKO.
Upon which, KO responds with the following statement: "But it’s scary bein’ T.K.O.! I lose all control! What if I hurt someone again?! What if I hurt you?!"
Listen to what he said, "I lose all control."
KO might think he is losing control over TKO, but he never had control over TKO.
That's cage did. That cage that we see TKO in all the time is what controls. It restricts him and holds him back.
Once TKO manifested into a real person that has the ability to take over the body, just like KO can and like he has been doing this whole time before TKO, KO lost control.....OF THE BODY!!
TKO and KO are both people. No one person can control another one person.
But in the case of KO and TKO, they have the power to control one body.
Just take a look at the episode TKO again! 
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When he is about to punch his mom, TKO is 10,000% confused as to why his fist has stopped. 
I wants to punch his mom with every fiber in his being why can’t he do it?
Because KO took control of that part of the body. 
KO couldn’t control TKO or his actions, but he can regain control of the body they share.
If KO can control TKO, why wouldn’t he just do that? No, instead he has to fight his way out of a cage and then fight TKO and put him back in the cage. 
This is further proof that they do not control one another, they simply manage to over power one another until one of them is in the cage and the other has control of the body.
They can only get out of the cage when they feel very powerful emotions. Such as how KO’s urge to save his mom, was rivaled by TKO’s urge to hurt his mom.
I think its clear that KO is the postive and TKO is the negative.
So that brings us to the cage. 
your probably thinking, “But tmntloover, how can you say KO can’t control TKO when KO is the one who made the cage that TKO is trapped in.”
That’s a good point, so let try and explain myself.
Yes, I’m pretty sure that KO was the one who created the cage to keep TKO, aka his negative emotions at bay. 
But we all know that TKO doesn’t want to be in the cage.
KO may fave created the cage but he still cannot control TKO’s will to stay in the cage, especially when he gets mad enough.
Need some more evidence to back that statement up?
take a look!
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KO (or more accurately: the body’s sub-cautious under the influence of KO) Designed this cage with intent of holding in emotion.
So it can hold TKO back and hold KO back. No exceptions.
So yeah case closed there.
Now, lets get back to the Mystery Science Fair episode.
So KO and Dendy begin the experimenting to try and coax out TKO.
These Experiments include 
Running on Legos: Resulting in Pain
Swimming with a giant robotic shark: resulting in fear
And many more experiments resulting in very negative emotions.
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It is later revealed that when all these emotions are combined they equal one big emotion: Powerlessness. Which is the main emotion that draws TKO out.
When KO was upset in the episode TKO, he shouts: “IM GONNA BE A POWERLESS LITTLE KID FOREVER!!!” 
But why didn’t TKO come out during the other experiments. Well that because of two reasons. 
1) KO trusted Dendy. No matter what she did KO probably would have been relatively ok with it. If KO is okay with something happening, TKO most likely will not come out.
2) Each experiment resulted in a different emotion. One emotion at a time. Being confused isn’t the same as feeling like you can’t do anything. Confusion is not understanding. Powerlessness is understanding yet you can’t do anything to alter a situation.
Which brings us to the olives on his pizza scene.
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KO friggen hates olives. 
He tries to pick them off but you can still see that they were there.
He wants to destroy all olives.
KO understands that olives exists, he also most likely understands that their are billions of olives all over the planet. He wants to destroy all olives but he can’t.
There’s some powerlessness.
Then Dendy introduces the gaming simulation. 
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The situation is explained to him very clearly by Dendy:
All his friends are trapped inside a flaming plaza! He only has 30 seconds to save them but he can only save one and he cannot put out the fire.
Once again, he fully understands the situation but cannot do much to alter it’s outcome.
So he’s feeling pretty powerless, why doesn’t he come out just yet?
Like I said, KO trusts Dendy. He may not be fully okay with what is going now, but he still trusted her enough to allow her to run the test.
And before TKO comes out, KO begins crying. Begging Dendy to stop the simulation Asking Dendy why she would do this to him??
I don’t think Dendy meant for her answer to be as cold sounding as it was, but man was it a kick in the teeth. 
“I know you’d never do this to me… because you are the test subject, and I’m the one running the experiment.”
And KO is honestly so hurt by that response. The trust is betrayed and he failed to anything in the simulation.
That’s when TKO decides to make his move and come out.
Now I personally believe that yes, TKO was about to come out, but I also believe that, that trust in Dendy is what was keeping him in. As long KO trusted Dendy, the TKO-Meter was never going to reach TKO’s side.
But once that trust is betrayed by Dendy’s statement AND he loses the game, it’s over. 
He should have came out the moment Dendy introduced the simulation, but no, KO had the time to beg, and cry about it. Seek comfort in the friend he trusted.
So while yes, KO felt powerless, he also felt betrayed. And that betrayal was key thing that drove TKO out.
He came out to defend KO.
“That’s all K.O. is to you, huh—A LAB RAT?!”
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  Notice he refers to KO. 
We know TKO considers himself to be a different person from KO. He changed his name after all. And you know he’s serious about it, he reminded Enid back in his debut episode and it is the first thing he says when he appears in this episode.
So he really came out on KO’s behave. like how dare this little frog betray KO after all he’s done?
So then TKO goes about smashing up Dendy’s lab. Notice he never hurts Dendy physically at all.
Just breaking all her things and making her upset. Just like she made KO upset. Then he proceeds to go after her first invention, the most precious thing in her lab and the most precious thing to her.
And then then TKO says something that catches my ear: 
“Oh! But the real K.O. just can’t wait to find out what Dendy will do once her greatest treasure is destroyed.”
And then Dendy says that isn’t true...But for some reason, it think it is.
I think the main reason TKO came out was not only due to KO’s trust being betrayed, it was also due to KO secretly wanting Dendy to know how it felt being treated the way she has been treating him. 
And then Dendy realizes her mistakes, which almost lets KO return.
But it isn’t until she apologizes that KO fully returns. 
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Look at him as he glitches. Sure he’s a little concerned that he’s going back to the cage, but he’s genuinely listening to Dendy’s apology. He continues to let her speak up to the point where she asks for forgiveness.Then KO comes back fully and forgives her.
Remember in the debut episode, TKO and KO had to fight each other for power over the body.
But here, TKO just phases back into the body. Now I’m not saying he wanted to go back, but he came out for a purpose: to get Dendy to say sorry and realize she was wrong for treating KO like a lab rat (or a guinea pig)
Im just saying he got the revenge he was looking for, so he just isn’t making a big deal about it. But I’m sure would have loved to stay out a little longer, being in that cage sucks.
But when KO came back, he also said,  “ I feel like I had a tiny bit more control over T.K.O. this time. You were right. Maybe we should keep studying this.”
I don’t believe that. I think all of TKO’s actions were his own. Remember, in his debut episode, It was KO that took control of the arm and punched TKO. If KO had any part in TKO’s actions, then wouldn’t there have been a slight show of struggle and confusion from TKO? TKO never even aimed for Dendy, He just kept messing with her and destroying her things.
But I think the reason KO may have thought he had control was due to him probably hoping and praying that he wouldn't hurt Dendy and TKO just happened not to hurt Dendy since it wasn’t a part of his plan anyway. A plan in which I don’t think KO knew what TKO was really doing.
Furthering my theory that TKO isn’t just a part of KO, he is his own person with his own interests, thoughts, and apparently, his own plans too.
TKO and KO are two halves of one person, They are sort of like brothers who happen to share a body from time to time. They control the body, not each other.
This also reveals something about TKO’s character again!
TKO is kinda smart. He knows how to fight and he also knows the appropriate amount of strength in a given situation.
Both times TKO has fully come out, He wasn’t aiming for his friends or other people, he was aiming for bad guys (huge Darrell bot) and objects (Dendy’s lab equipment) 
Clearly it isn’t until TKO is pushed to his limit that he goes into a psychotic blind rage and starts beating up innocent people. Its seems that as long as you don’t push TKO, he’s just a regular edgy boy. 
Nobody deserves to be pushed to their limits.
And even if you say “Okay tmntloover, but don’t you think he overreacts? Just because he is getting pushed to his limit doesn’t mean he should be as over the top violent as he is.
First of all, do you know what getting pushed to your limit means? It implies that everyone has a limit. A certain amout of negative emotion they can feel before they have had enough and they decide to really hurt someone verbally or physically.
And let’s not forget that TKO is a manifestation of pent up negative emotion, for him, he has the shortest temper ever and his blind rage that he goes into is super powerful and dangerous. But at the same time, its no different than a student getting bullied for a really long time and eventually getting so sick of it that they eventually find a way to get back at who ever’s been bullying them.
Like think about it: What if Dendy had never realized what a bad friend she was being, and instead continued to say mean things to TKO/KO? I’m sure TKO would have gotten fed up eventually, angry even, and start fighting Dendy sooner or later. Try and beat an apology out of her.  To which I’m sure KO would have tried to take control of the body again, leading to another mental battle for control of the body and maybe even TKO would explain his actions to KO.
Alright, next TKO major roll episode: 
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 (honesty these are becoming really fun to make, I’ve been keeping these analyses to myself but its way more fun to share them with you guys!)
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