#tldr: karaii will sail on any and all ships as long as the crew is kind and welcoming enough
ahkaraii · 7 years
What are your OTPs, BroTPs, and NoTPs? I’m getting a feeling that GaixKakashi is one of your favs ;)
OHOU! What an interesting question! It’s no secret I’m a multishipper, so I can happily and quite placidly ship multiple conflicting pairings at the same time – usually by making up different possible timelines in my head. While I have some pairings I actively seek out more than others, know that I can be convinced to ship (and therefore read, write, and draw) practically anything.
And I do mean anything ahahaha sorry world~
For example, I ship Kakashi with just about everyone under the sun. You can throw him against anyone and how he reacts (and how they react to him) is immensely interesting to me. Can be sexual, can be platonic, can be consensual or not, I embrace any and all fictional content if he’s in it!!
Primarily, though, the ships I adore the most are as follows:
- Kakashi and Gai (endgoal relationship 4sure; as husbands or as queerplatonic bros, I don’t mind, I just want them to live until they die close by each other)
- Kakashi and Tenzo/Yamato/Kinoe
- Kakashi and Obito and Rin
I’m also absolutely open to playing around with what ifs involving Kakashi and Minato and/or Kushina, or Kakashi and Team 7 (Sakura, Naruto, and/or Sasuke in any possible combination), or Kakashi and his other peers (aka, Iruka or Asuma or Kurenai or Genma or hell, even Ibiki. S’all cool with this bean :D). My not-so-guilty ship is Kakashi/Jiraiya because I think they could have some pretty wild kinky sex with no strings attached and not lose any respect for each other.
For characters that aren’t Kakashi, I primarily ship:
- Hashirama and Tobirama (pretty much onesided on Tobirama’s part, but I will take any and all content – I am all for Tobirama’s diehard loyalty to Hashirama who could never quite allow himself to let it be mutual)
- Zabuza and Haku (similar to above, onesided for Haku for maximum angst, though of course I love it when they come as a set from the start too)
- Itachi and Kisame (though I’m all for onesided Kisame because Itachi throughout the story is emotionally dead and physically dying and not really there at all)
- Sakura and Ino, because god damn it they totally should have had a thing together at some point in canon why is this not a thing
- Yamato and Sai, because they are ex-ROOT and outsiders and could help each other understand the world (especially one where ninjas are no longer wanted or needed)
- Hiruzen and his backstabby but bizarrely enduring and very codependent ot4 with Danzo, Homura, and Koharu (and how this affects his family because man, Asuma hated his dad so very much, what was going on there, what happened here to evolve into such a fierce and adamant rejection for so damn long, I need to know more)
- Jiraiya and Tsunade and Orochimaru, because they were totally an ot3 as kids and my god they messed each other up big time, enough so all three ditched konoha on a semi-permanent basis, tell me more damnit i live for the mess
I also tend to love threesomes and moresomes, or dynamics between multiple people that transcend the usual platonic bond, so throwing an extra person into any of the aforementioned pairings is always up my alley.
For the darker ships, because you bet your bottom dollar I love the messed up, no-good mindfuck pairings as much as the saccharine and genuinely sweet ones, I ship –
(cw: child abuse, incest stuff)
- Madara and Obito (someday I intend to draw an extremely dark and mindfucky stockholm syndrome type comic about the year Obito spent trapped underground, set before Rin’s death, tentatively called “Lateralus (Spiral out, keep going)”)
- The Uchiha clan in general really (Madara/Izuna, Itachi/Sasuke, Itachi/Shisui, what is up with these incestual multigenerational uchihas, i want to know more about just how fucked up this isolated and insulated clan was and why it combusted)
- Danzo and ROOT (Danzo/Yamato is horrible and I am absolutely curious about it; Yamato and ROOT agents in general, too, there must have been jealousy there because Yamato came from nowhere and stole Danzo’s attention for years and years, and then Yamato stole their anonymity by going publically topside with Kakashi…….)
- Orochimaru and his test subjects (Orochimaru and Yamato’s dynamic post-canon fascinates me, what’s going on there; Orochimaru and Team Taka too, wtf is up with this dynamic; Orochimaru and anyone he’s ever been in contact with basically)
- Madara and Yamato, especially considering Yamato was captured for like, a ton of time in the fourth war??? And since Madara is 1000% obsessed with Hashirama and Yamato is a knock-off Hashirama clone…….
BASICALLY I HAVE THIS REALLY INTENSE YAMATO ORIGINS COMIC IN MY HEAD that I’d love to draw if time permitted but likely won’t ever happen (especially since it’d be so extremely dark and mindfucky and not mainstream appeal at all, ugh, why am I like this). In my headcanon his first “healthy” relationship was Kakashi, and even then it was weirdy because Kakashi was not in the best place to be in a relationship during his ANBU years…basically Yamato had an extremely messed up and confusing time growing up and even as an adult he was always kind of lost and being used by others. There is a happy ending tho, I promise!!! I like to think Yamato finds a place being Sai and Ino’s third, but anyway that’s a story for another day lmao~~
I don’t think I have a NoTP? There are characters I simply don’t care for, but I don’t particularly loathe any character enough to refuse to read well-written content of them. I can dislike a character because they’ve been poorly fleshed out or handled, sure, but honestly speaking I can convince myself to find anyone interesting under the right circumstances XD;;;
=bows shyly and ducks out=
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