#tldr; vecna is a bitch and max and will are fucked
theoriginalsapphic · 1 year
Let me steal this moment from you now: Max, Will, Vecna and memories
This is a theory loosely based on BirthdayGate and me rewatching The Hunger Games due to its ongoing reinassance on tiktok and not being able to sleep at three in the morning.
BirthdayGate is the theory that Vecna has been manipulating Will’s memories to basically isolate him from others and making him an easier target (this is an oversimplification of the theory and I may have gotten some things wrong, so keep that in mind).
In the third and final book of the trilogy, Mockingjay, Peeta is held captive by President Snow and used against Katniss. During his captivity, he was tortured, beaten, and hijacked using tracker jacker venom to distort his memories of Katniss until he believed she was a mutt trying to kill him. Essentially, they turned him into a weapon.
Both BirthdayGate and Peeta’s plot in Mockingjay have one thing in common: mind control through brainwashing and psychological torture, which, also happens to be one of the main objectives of MKUltra, a non-fictional illegal human-experimentation program that was developed and overtaken by the CIA between 1953 and 1973, and that in the show is represented through Dr. Brenner and the Hawkins laboratory.
Stay with me; I swear I’m going somewhere.
Vecna messing with someone’s memories wouldn’t be a new thing. In fact, this concept has already been introduced in the fourth season, heavily foreshadowed by this particular song.
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Right before the battle against Vecna, Max has the theory that, because she managed to escape through remembering the people that she loves, the best place to hide from Vecna would be to hide in her happiest memory.
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Solid theory, all things considered. That is something that the characters got right; Vecna feeds of the darkness inside people (their fears, their traumas, and their guilt), so it would be logical to hide somewhere that represents the complete opposite of his source of power: their light, their strength, etc.
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However, the characters underestimated how powerful Vecna truly is, and how capable he is of entering and messing with people’s minds. Max believed that hiding in a happy memory would save her because it did the first time, but he still managed to find her the second time around.
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So, how does what happened to Max in season 4 relates to Will and Vecna?
Well, for starters, I just demonstrated why Vecna ruining someone’s happiest memories wouldn’t be a new concept at all.
Something that has been mentioned a couple of times it’s how little Will mentions what happened to him during that week he spent in the Upside Down. As a matter of fact, we know very little of what happened to him during that week, and if anything, what little have we learned about has just provoked more questions (way too many to write them in this post).
However, something that I don’t see mentioned as frequently it’s that we don’t really know much about what Will went through with Lonnie, except through third-party recounts, like Joyce telling Hopper Lonnie used to call Will slurs, or Jonathan remembering the first time he showed him The Clash after Lonnie failed to pick him up for a baseball game.
This is even more peculiar when considering that all the other characters that have experienced abuse in the show have been seen interacting with their abuser and, more or less, react to their actions (Joyce and Lonnie, Jonathan and Lonnie, Billy and Neil, Max and Billy, El and Brenner).
But the point is, we have never seen Will interact with Lonnie or even mention Lonnie. The only time Will mentions his dad is in a flashback that is remembered by Jonathan (who, unlike Will, has named Lonnie several times).
Just like with his trauma with the Upside Down, we don’t know much about his trauma with his dad.
In a regular world, with non-supernatural interference, this could be a completely expected response to trauma:
"Dissociative amnesia occurs when a person blocks out certain events, often associated with stress or trauma, leaving the person unable to remember important personal information." "According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), dissociative amnesia often occurs due to traumatic or stressful events, such as childhood trauma, abuse, and neglect. Dissociative amnesia can also stem from issues relating to personal identity and past experiences." "This forgetting may be limited to certain specific areas (thematic) or may include much of your life history and/or identity (general)."
So, what if Vecna’s intention is to manipulate Will’s happy memories so those memories can’t save them the way they saved him back in season 2? Just like Vecna did the second time he faced Max.
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In fact, what happens if these memories have been manipulated so they are no longer happy and instead bring him pain and anguish? What if the only memories that remain untouched inside his mind are the ones he wishes he could forget, the ones that were once repressed, so his own mind can be used against him? Just like Peeta Mellark in Mockingjay.
"Occasionally, a person may be able to suddenly recall these traumatic or abusive events, also known as recovered memories. Alternatively, a person may have false memories of a situation, or inaccurate memories that can be influenced by others or created to fill in gaps. Unfortunately, because a person may genuinely believe that these memories are accurate, it can be challenging to differentiate them from reality."
If what saved Max the first time she faced Vecna were happy memories…
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Coincidentally, Will is the only party member that doesn't appear in Max's memories while the lyrics 'Let me steal this moment from you now' are being sung.
...triggered by a song she loves...
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…then what happens when that person has no happy memories left to grasp on? What happens when those memories that formed the individual are gone, and the person loses what made their identity? If you lose everything that makes you, you, then who are you anymore? What happens when there is no light to escape to anymore?
This started as a theory about Will but now I’m concerned what will happen with Max when she wakes up.
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(for the st ask game)
favourite character and favourite outfit of theirs?
which would you want to be a part of? scoops troop or hellfire club?
favourite villain?
opinion on jason carver?
eeeee hello
favourite character and favourite outfit oh hmnnn. well obviously mr queerler but he is not exactly known for being fashionable (sorry dude)
i will have to say hellfire mike because. becoj. cbe c a u se.
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(@/ronanlysnch for the gif)
the black and white, the jeans, the converse, he is the silliest wet cat man ever, bonus it's something i would wear. he's such a pathetic nerd <3
i have to say scoops troop. this is kind of part of my eddie hatred, like he just seems too controlling to be a fun dm, sorry y'all. speaking my #truth. also ROBIN. hahhahaa we should totally work at scoops ahoy together, get kidnapped by evil russians together, then date together 😳 /hj.
ohgh favourite villain. if we're going with the supernatural villains and not the. yk. human villains (COUGH COUGH LONNIE COUGH COUGH BILLY COUGH COUGH TROY) you can't beat the mind flayer. like, i could take a demogorgon i feel, like if you gave me a kitchen knife or some shit i would be okay, i cant really find vecna scary because of the. thirst tweeting. of it all.
but the mind flayer?? that bitch is like 10 metres tall, i see that i am running so fast in the opposite direction. actually scary. 10/10.
hrmmmm jason. i kind of hated jason, but i dont think he's as much a VILLAIN as everyone makes of him. i hated him in the way that he's so. fucking. ANNOYING. HE WAS SO WHINY. oHHhhhHhh crIIisYyy i Lo vE yOuu baBbBebb LITERALLY DIE SHUT UP YOU LITTLE MAN CHILD (and then he did die soo-)
he was always there at the wrong fucking times, getting in the way, trying to be a hErO, there when max was fucking dying (HE WAS WHY MAX DIED. FUCK YOU. HE BROKE THE CASSETTE PLAYER. LEAVE JASON.) LIKE, DUDE, WE DONT HAVE TIME TO EXPLAIN THIS SHIT TO YOU JUST MIND YOUR BUSINESSSSS-- and that creepy ass scene with nancy?? leav e.
but, to defend the man child a little, i dont think he was as racist as everyone thinks. the overtones were definitely there, but he did have a reason to think lucas was doing some whacked shit. max was literally levitating. he watched patrick get murdered by (what he thought was) lucas's 'close' friend. i understand his reasoning, and i dont think he was targeting lucas just because he was racist. he would have treated like, mike or will the same i think.
so tldr i fucking hated jason but i think he was redeemable. he was just such a chore to have to watch on screen. and that was kind of the point of his character tbh. (chrissy run far far away from that man).
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yikesharringrove · 2 years
Notes while watching episode 2:
Tldr, this season is still pretty fun. Of course they’re introducing more of the mysteries, so the tone (and my screen) has gone darker. I’m really sick of the plot centering around Nancy and Jonathan just not being able to talk to each other. We’ve had it since the beginning I’m DONE. Stop introducing side characters when you don’t have any idea what to do with your main ones. I’m hoping we get more of Lucas this season, he barely had like two minutes of screen time (which is a trend from last season) and also no one cared about billy. But of course, we knew that.
Anyway here is the long version of my notes:
The way I GASPED when Powell and Callahan stepped out of the police cruisers and Powell is the chief now I screamed bitch. My favorite minor characters are HERE.
I have Jonathan’s haircut right now rip
Everytime I am forced to watch children kiss each other I feel my soul slip away. (Although the flower thing was lowkey cute)
Mike not hugging Will is pure homophobia I’m gonna throw up.
“I heard a lot about your sister” unfortunately, we all have.
Glad to see that Murray is still dialed to 1000 forever.
They are really trying to make Jonathan look like an extra in Almost Famous and it’s just. Not working.
They really are out here shoving Steve into youth xs size polos and bitch I’m HERE for it.
“Alone we totally suck” Steve and robin platonic soulmates 4ever
Bennys burgers is now the teenage rage place obsessed with that.
“The devil lives here in Hawkins” yeah and the devil’s name is Nancy’s wardrobe
Claudia Henderson my beloved.
The way Dustin is defending Eddie and saying he knows that he’s too good a person to hurt Chrissy, and Max saying how scared Eddie looked and putting together the Upside Down pieces just breaks my fucking heart. No one cared about billy no one cared about billy.
People need to start fucking believing Joyce. She’s been right about everything for four seasons now stop staying no to her.
I am very similar to Joyce in that I am in love with Jim Hopper.
I am DEEPLY claustrophobic that torture scene was A Lot.
Wills deep man voice is freaking me out he’s a grown human now I’m gonna barf he was such a squishy baby in season 1.
Obsessed that Will is lowkey good at roller skating. He’s such a fruit.
Someone called Mike a twig and I thought he said TWINK.
Jason the WASP can eat my shorts PLEASE don’t tell me he becomes part of the main group I hate his dumb face. I only have room in my heart for one stupid prep and that spot is FILLED by STEVEN HARRINGTON
Nancy and Jonathan actually talk to each other and communicate challenge. “Slow motion breakup with Nancy?” VIBES
I don’t understand why Angela keeps calling El a snitch? When the teacher asked if something was going on El said there wasn’t, but the teacher saw through it. Like, she tried to cover for you, sorry that your bullying isn’t subtle.
When I heard that psycho killer baseline I genuinely had to pause the show to calm myself down that song is SO FUCKING GOOD
Jason the prep is just Hawkins’s version of Archie Andrews I’m gonna cry with this vigilante shit.
“See ya later. Alligator.” Steve Harrington my BELOVED. When he said that he looked so dead inside <3
I think Lucas has said about eight words this season and I’m Tired. He was barely in season 3 and only existed as a punch line for the joke of being constantly broken up with by Max. They’ve added a hundred new characters and have totally cast him aside which is ALSO on trend. Doesn’t mean I fucking like it though.
Reefer Rick is just Steve.
Okay when Steve was talking about attending to all the customers equally……. Not just babes…….. bisexuality……..
(Also some random punk walked in behind him and punk kid is my new kilt guy)
For some lovely lovely angst I am now headcanoning a scene where vecna gets in Steve’s head and uses Barb’s death and funeral against him like the reporter kid. I think that seeing Steve go through that guilt would be delicious.
Mike calling out Will for being a douche when really he’s just gay and Over It. “Why am I the bad guy” Mike you’ve been a dick for four seasons. Maybe look internally.
El just claw this bitch’s eyes out already. YES SKATE TO THE FACE GO GIRL.
Dustin is so annoying fr he’s the best. “Is that foot?” “No that’s just a shoe.” Steve and Dustin #DreamTeam
Movies and tv stop being too dark for me to see what’s happening challenge.
The little trumpet noises Robin makes SHES SO CUTE.
“Yeah yeah, on Dustin’s mother” this is some fucking Claudia slander and I will not stand for it.
All steve knows is eat hot chip, moan when other boys press up against him, and lie.
Eddie (rightfully) being treated like he’s been traumatized. No one cared about billy no one cared about billy.
They filled Eddie in on all the upside down shit right away. No one cared about billy no one cared about billy.
Vecna doesn’t feel like an Upside Down thing to me. I mean, he’s clearly in the Upside Down, and is a part of it? But the way he’s like up in these people’s heads is weird. I don’t think he’s any part of the mind Flayer because we had that bitch for two seasons, they’d be finished with that.
Also not the demogorgons being able to fly. These bitches have seriously evolved like the fucking graboids in Tremors 1-3.
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