#tmnt torment fighters
werewolfrevenge · 4 months
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Obscure/lesser known tmnt characters my forever beloved
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calliecat93 · 2 years
TMNT 2012 Rewatch Episodes 11-15
Mousers Attack: This episode was by far my least favorite in Season 1 and my least favorite overall until Pizza Face took that title. How do I feel now after all these years? Well… I don’t outright hate it anymore and it has it’s fun moments, but I still don’t care for it. I get what they were trying to do, but I just think the whole A/B Team thing was poorly done with Donnie and especially Mikey coming off as borderline useless with a poor resolution to the team unifying. I liked seeing Leo and Raph actually getting along, but both come off as such big jerks that it’s hard to enjoy that aspect. I like the concept of the two pairs having a confict because of Leo and Raph being better fighters and Donnie and Mikey trying to prove them wrong but while Donnie’s intellect does get spotlighted, it’s just otherwise… not that good and more justifies Leo and Raph’s cockiness than dissuades it with them having to save the other two and overall handle the Mouser situation all on their own. I’ll go more in-depth into the issues of the episode when I do the reviews, but long story short: you only need to watch this so you know why Stockman’s with the Foot later. 2/5.
It Came From the Depths: Leatherhead intro, yay! God I missed the Mikey that wwe got in S1. I still need to rewatch S2-5 all the way through, but it really feels like the more the show went on, the more depth that Mikey lost overtime. Here we saw a more empathetic side to him in how he befriended Leatherhead despite the others being against it and some inner wisdom that shows how emotionally intelligent he is. After New Friend, Old Enemy especially it’s perfect development for him. Leatherhead is also such a sympathetic character. He has a good heart bit because of the torment he endured he’s prone to violent outbursts and it’s just… sad. The episode really demonstrates how monsturous the Kraang really are and how scary they truly can be. And of course we get to see Splinter in a fight, and it is glorious. It’s overall a really good episode that furthers the Kraang plot, demonstrates why Mikey is a good character, and I just love Leatherhead so much~! 4.5/5
New Girl in Town: We have reached the conclusion of the Leo and Raph rivalry arc and the intro of Karai. This episode took everything between the two Turtles from the past few episode and brought it to such an excellent conclusion. Leo expressing his frustrations over the burden of leadership was well-times and helps make the frankly VERY rushed development and decision to trust Karai more understandable. Raph finally got a taste of what Leo endured every day and finally realizes how much of an insensetive jerk who only made it worst for his brother. Even Donnie and April got some good moments woth Donnie taking charge during Raph’s breakdown and April calling Leo put, but still listening to him when he explains why he’s attracted to Karai. I admit Splinter dcolding Leo for his frustrations comes off as harsh, but tbf I think be was more mad that Leo adandoned the post like he did and he DID bring it up to Raph. And Karai got some good character establishment with her mischevious bad girl personality that promised a whole new dynamkc. Overall, aside from some tweaking, the episode did everything it needed to do and did it well. 4.5/5.
I, Monster: I love this episode. This was the episode the show needed at this point. The Rat King is still utterly terrifying despite his ability being to control rats, which may not sound scary but… yeah. It did very well delving more into Splinter, his struggle with maintaining his humanity, his fears about his sons one day no longer needing him, and just emphasizing bow much of a tragic character he is which REALLY makes what happens to him in later seasons hurt more. I admit 2012 Splinter is harsher than I remembered, but it’s still very clear that he loves his sons and that they loved theor father, and this episode just demonstrates that so well. Add in some more Splinter badassery and you have a winner of an episode~! 5/5.
The Alien Agenda: I feel… mixed. To me, the whole Leo and Karai development happened incredibly last. Leo comes off as maybe too naive, trusting the enemyw ho he hasn’t known for bery long and considering what we find out later, his crush is… awkward looking back. Raph being far more level-headed and calling Leo out on not only acting that way, but not telling Donnie, Mikey, and Splinter for no clear reason was good though and helped show more of Raph’s development. Karai being the first Foot character to give a damn about the Kraang’s involvement and overall proving to be the smartest villain thus far really helped make her a more likeable but formidable foe. I din’t mean to harp on Leo too much and tbf he DID threaten Karai to leave his family alone, it’s mainly just rushed execution but that just can’t be helped. The Kraang plot was meh, really inly foreshadowing the big reveal in two episodes, but April getting to show some progress with her training was nice. It’s not the best episode with it’s rushed execution, the Kraang plot jsut kind of being there, and Leo maybe being more naive than he should have been and keeping Karai a secret just comes off as kind of pointless. But it does help show more of Leo’s character flaws, had some good interactions with him and Raph, furthered Karai’s role, and has the Foot gaining a more active interest in the Kraang. It helped progress things in a still mostly fun way and that’s all I ask for. 4/5.
Okay, so next time we have The Pulverizer, cockroaches, April and Splinter bonding, and of course the episode that changes everything between the Turtles and Karai… well, the first one anyways. Should be fun!
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