mariamermaid · 7 years
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I’m planning on doing a lot more imagines like I used to do on instagram
Credits to the owner of the gif
Words: 958
Warnings: Spoilers from the death cure
A/N: English isn´t my native language
Something felt wrong. Quickly I looked back to see Newt already rushing towards us. Behind him I could see masked men following him and by the look of his face, he had noticed them as well. “Thomas!” I called out, but he didn´t hear me. Newt approached and with quick words he explained the situation. In the meantime, I kept an eye on our followers. I tried to count them, but more appeared out of nowhere and it was hard to watch them all at once. Suddenly the gunfire started and we started to run. I was next to Jorge looking back to Newt and Thomas, when Brenda was pulled away by a masked man. Jorge immediately screamed, but he was grabbed by another man and pulled into a dark van. I stopped, not knowing what to do. The gunfire echoed behind me and I turned in circles trying to see one of my friends. Then a masked man appeared in front of me. He was tall and stronger by what I could tell. But I wasn´t going to give up without a fight. I pulled out my gun and fired two shots at him, one of them hitting him in the arm. He tried to suppress a scream and huffed. I knew I could win, but then a man attacked me. He was ill and on the way of becoming a crank. He threw me to the ground, where I hit my head hard. Everything was getting blurred. I tried to fight back, when I felt that someone picked me up, but it was hopeless. He put me in the van to Jorge and I heard him screaming at the men angrily, but when he realized it didn´t help, he kneeled next to me. I could see his worried face above. “Come on Y/N, stay with me!” I groaned in pain and tried to do as he said. “Where´s Brenda and Thomas?” “I don´t know, but we´ll find out.” The ride felt like eternity to me, but I was told later that it took only 10 minutes for us to arrive at our destination. In that time, I gained back some of my senses and Jorge gave me a sign to get ready and I pulled out a small knife out of my boots. I was surprised that they didn´t handcuff us, but I would soon find out why. The van stopped and Jorge jumped out and immediately punched the man that had opened the door. I jumped out after him, attacking the nearest of the men. I jumped at him and took him by surprise down. I grabbed his gun and turned around. I finally saw Thomas, Newt and Brenda and while they stopped Jorge from punching, I aimed at the man who seemed to be the leader. He was tall, but he still had the mask on. The other men around him aimed the guns at me. “Y/N?” His voice echoed behind the mask. I furrowed my brows. The voice seemed familiar, but I didn´t recognized it. He stopped the other man with a wave with his hand and they lowered their guns. “Calm down. We´re all on the same side.” Thomas stepped for. “Oh yeah?!” The leader finally took off his mask. “Hey Greenie.” I couldn´t believe my eyes, it was Gally. After I was attacked by a griever back in the maze, I had nearly died. I had sent away Thomas and the others to find a way out and stayed behind dying. Gally hadn´t left me until he saw that my breathing had stopped. I didn´t remember it, but wicked had fixed me and after a few weeks of recovering, Thomas and the right arm came and got me. He told me everything about Gally. How he had killed Chuck and how he died. And now he was standing right in front of me. “Gally?” I lowered my gun. Gally looked at me, I couldn´t figure out what his expression meant. I saw that he wanted to say something, but Thomas walked up to him and punched him. Gally fell on the ground and Newt held Thomas back from more punching. I didn´t move. “I guess that’s what I deserved.” Gally chuckled lowly and stood up again. “Maybe you wanna shoot at me too?” He looked at me, but his eyes said something different from his words. They had questions. I could see them. I didn´t answer and Thomas and the others started talking again and Gally explained the new plan. I didn´t really listen, I just watch him in disbelief. I followed the others when Gally brought us to Lawrence and even though Lawrence looked terrible and scary, I couldn´t take of my eyes from Gally. While Thomas talked to Lawrence, Gallys eyes laid on me. When Thomas shook hands with Lawrence, Gallys eyes flickered back. Gally then showed us our sleeping place. While the others tried to get comfortable, discuss the plan or just rest, I quietly followed Gally into an empty room where he looked out a window. When he heard my steps, he turned around. “How are you alive?” I smiled, but my eyes showed sadness. Recovering wasn´t that pleasant and Wicked had tortured me for a long time. “I could ask you the same.” He wanted to respond, but I stopped him. I closed the gap between us and wrapped my arms around his neck. He immediately pulled me closer. “I missed you.” I admitted and I could feel him smile against my neck. “I missed you too.” He slowly pulled away, still having his hands lay on my waist. “Promise me something.” I looked up to him. “Don´t leave me ever again.” I smiled. “I won´t”
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